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The objective of this paper is to understand the modern trends in fire detection and extinguishing system, and to discuss its possible application in Telecom installations. A telecom installation with high concentrations of cables and electronics switching equipment within relatively small areas constitutes a HIGH RISK installation. The paper is broadly divided into following sections: BACKGROUND & EXISTING SYSTEMS. MODERN TRENDS IN FIRE DETECTION SYSTEMS. MODERN TRENDS IN FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS. CONCLUSION.



Modern telecommunications network plays a key role in todays world and is required to be continuously operated even in the most adverse conditions. The Engineering Services in the buildings housing modern telecommunications network must perform to an exceptional degree of reliability so as to ensure that there are no breakdowns in the telecommunications system. The safety and well being of the buildings, human inhabitants and its material contents including Telecom equipment depend on the smooth and reliable operation of various services. Fire has been acknowledged as the most powerful substance of the nature and the fountainhead of human civilization. But an unforeseen circumstance may result into uncontrollable flames of fire that may raze to the earth the very edifice of progress and shatters the hopes, leaving behind only a bitter taste of misery, agony and despair. Thus arises the most important question of preventing and controlling the fire when it takes its worst form. For prevention of fire, it is necessary that the same is detected by an early warning system so that fire fighting measures can be taken before fire takes an uncontrollable form. The properties of the fire that it is accompanied either by smoke or heat are used in a fire alarm and detection system. The smoke or heat is used in a fire alarm and detection system. The smoke and the heat detectors uses one of these properties of the fire and acts as the sensors for generating the required alarm signals through a control panel. For



extinguishing the fire, the oxygen at the point of fire is reduced from normal 22 % concentration to below 16 % by covering the fire by suitable chemical, Blanket, gas etc. or water is sprinkled / poured over the fire so as to reduce the temperature below the combustion temperature. 2.4 EXISTING SYSTEM:

As per the existing instructions in the department, all exchanges of 1K and above are provided with fire detection system. As per the departmental Fire protection Manual, issued
in November, 1997, these exchanges are provided with an automatic fire detection system consisting of combination of heat, photo and ionization type, smoke detectors, manual call boxes, response indicators, local control panels, main control panels, public address system, along with talk back system to provide for communication between main control panel and local control panel and viceversa. The fire fighting appliances, as per the Fire manual of the department consist of wetriser system for high-rise buildings, automatic sprinklers for buildings exceeding 45 mts. and for basements, Portable fire extinguishers 4.5Kg Carbon-di-oxide type and trolley type carbon-di-oxide fire extinguishers. 2.5 The fire detection installations are to be provided in such a manner that they are efficiently maintained and gives a high degree of reliability so as to generate reliable alarm and fire signals. It is seen over the years that a conventional fire detection system detects 95% of false alarms as fire alarms, thus, causing a lot of inconvenience and disruption in the production process. The carbon -di-oxide type extinguishers are also having limitations such as suffocation and reduced visibility. In case of CO2, there could be chance of thermal shocks and generation of static electricity, which may damage telecom equipment. Because of limitations of the existing system and in view of the development of modern fire detection and fire protection system, it is necessary to examine the possibility of using some of the modern fire detection and protection system for protecting our Telecom. Installations.



The modern trend is to provide one of the following automatic fire detection systems for protecting the Telecom. Installations. HIGH SENSITIVITY SMOKE DETECTION SYSTEM [HSSD] LINEAR HEAT DETECTION CABLES [LHD] ANALOGUE ADDRESSABLE INTELLIGENT SYSTEM.

3.1 3 4

HSSD SYSTEM DESCRIPTION: High sensitivity smoke detector is a relatively new form of smoke detector. It is an aspirating detection system which comprises of: Pipe work to collect samples of Air from the protected area. High sensitivity Detector capable of detecting smoke concentrations as low as 0.01% per meter. A fan to draw air through the pipe network. A display and control card to show increased smoke levels in increments from 1-10 and provide the necessary alarm outputs.

HSSD system provides smoke detection sensitivities upto 500 times greater than conventional point detectors. Fig. (1) illustrates the incipient stages of fire and contrast the relative response of detectors. 3.1.1 HSSD PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION: HSSD is a digital particle counter utilising advance optics and electronics. A fan through a ducting / pipe system continuously draws air from the high value components. A laser is focussed by a lens assembly to provide a high intensity spot of light within the centre of the air stream. This spot is 100 micron in diameter, which provide good light intensity to be scattered by a particle entering at this point. Focussed at this point is the light receive optics which transfers the photons of lights scattered by each particle to the receive electronics. The throughput of particles is effectively counted through integration circuitry, which then convert the digital system to an analogue where smoke density is displayed on 1 to 10 segments Bar Graph. The electronic of the system ignores pulses generated from particles over 10 microns, thus, effectively, discriminating against false alarms due to dust or environmental conditions. The system has been used in some Telecom. Applications in West [M/S KIDDE UK]. System has FM approval. 3.1.2 HSSD CAPABILITIES: HSSD is capable of detecting smoke as low as 0.01% obscuration per mt. - which contrasts with conventional point detector operating in the 3% to 5% obscuration per mt. range. HSSD is particularly suited for protection of High value [high risk] areas and can supplement the conventional point smoke detection system. It provides the earliest indication of any smoulder long before visible smoke confirms the presence of fire. Thus, it can sense just an overheating cable or component of Telecom. Equipment well before the outbreak of fire. Early detection means that the user has time to automatically respond and shut down of local power and air handling systems and HSSD thus, can pre-emptive the real fire. This system provides 3 levels of indication from the Control panel:

. ALERT . ACTION . ALARM There are volt free contacts and can be set against any bar graph display of the control panel, which gives visual indication of increase in smoke level in 10% increments. The system is normally used in conjunction with conventional automatic fire detection system. However, in case it is used as stand alone type, then two levels of alarms shall be permissible, designated as pre-alarm and fire. 3.2 3.2.1 LINEAR HEAT DETECTION CABLES: LHD SYSTEM DESCRIPTION: Linear heat detection [LHD] cable based system provides economical temperature monitoring thereby fire detection capabilities at the precise point of risk. They are reliable, flexible and have ability to detect abnormal temperature variations of fire before the break out. LHD system is a continuous heat detection cable capable of measuring and reporting adverse changes in temperature at a spot location. Linear Heat detection is 3.2.2 Continuous heat detector in the form of cable. Analogue [Alarm line] averaging heat detector or rate of rise. Digital [KIDDE BICC] Point of risk heat detector Fixed temperature.

LHD PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION: ANALOGUE [ALARM LINE]: Alarm Line high resistance sensor cable is a 4core cable. Two cores for monitoring and two cores for sensing temperature changes. An increase in temperature reduces the resistance value of the cable. This value is measured by associated electronic interfaced unit, which provides the alarm indication once the pre-determined alarm level has been reached. The cable senses the rate of rise of temperature and not the fixed temperature. DIGITAL [KIDDE BICC]: Digital heat sensor cable is a twin conductor cable with temperature sensitive insulation. The cable operates by melting [thereby short-circuiting] once the temperature of sensor cable is exceeded. Unlike analogue [alarm line] the operating temperature is fixed within the temperature rating of the temperature sensitive insulation. The temperature alarm setting depending upon the outer sheet of the cable used and the requirement can be seen as under: ALARM 70 C 90 C COATING Polythene Polythene

113 C 180 C 238 C

PVC PVC Fluoro Polymer

The digital cables can be directly connected into a fire panel as a zone. These cables can be effectively installed to protect the cable runways or the telecom racks. M/S KIDDE UK LHD has FM approval. 3.2.3 LHD PROPERTIES: The properties of the two type of cables are as under: ANALOGUE ALARM LINE 1. Rate of rise Average Heat detector. 2.Recoverable up to 150 C Temp. 3.Open & short circuit fault indicator. 4.Minimum Alarm Temp. 35 C 5.Maximum alarm Temp. 105 C 6.Maximum length 1000 mt. 7.Event Location {Due to 2 core of Monitoring] 3.3 3.3.1 DIGITAL KIDDE-BICC Fixed temperature. Point detection. Not recoverable as it melts/ short circuit. Only open circuit fault indicator. Minimum alarm temp. 61 C Maximum Alarm temp. 238 C Maximum length 10,000 mt. No event location.

ANALOGUE ADDRESS INTELLIGENT FIRE SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM: SYSTEM DESCRIPTION: Analogue The feedback from the sensors is in the form of Analogue Counts. The value of these counts changes depending upon fire, fault, dust conditions and can be analysed by the micro processor. Addressable The detectors have a fixed address which can be read by the control panel and the sensor can be addressed by the control panel. Intelligent The micro processor in the control panel provides the intelligence and the decision making is through this micro processor. The system hardware (fig. 2.0) depends upon the actual requirement and usually has combination of the following: [a] [b] [c] [d] Control panel Sensors Bells/ Sounders System Wiring and Fittings.

[e] [f]

Power Supply Unit. Optional Items:- Repeater Control Unit, External status Interface, Personal Computer/ Networking.

CONTROL PANEL: The Control panel {figure 3.0] is having micro processor on a PCB that automatically controls the system. The control panel holds a combination of electronic circuit cards as per the site requirements for pulse bells and sensors. They also provide interface to external facilities through peripherals printed circuit boards. The key pad on the control panel enables certain supervisory function to be undertaken. It also provides for authorised only coded access to enable certain system functions to be interrogated for maintenance. Access to the control panels itself is by key. A built in printer is a standard item on the control panel. SENSORS: As per the site requirement combination of following sensors also termed as field units/input devices is provided: Analogue Addressable ionisation smoke detectors with dual ionisation chamber. Analogue Addressable optical smoke detectors, photo electric type using internal infrared light source. Analogue Addressable fixed temperature, heat detector and rate of rise hear detectors. Analogue addressable manual call Point / Breakglass Unit:- With frangible glass, splinter protected for activation by manually breaking the glass.

BELLS / SOUNDERS: The externally wired bells and electronic sounders/ PA system provide audible warning to emergencies. The Bells/Sounders can create disturbances on the system and thus, have to be properly chosen. SYSTEM WIRING AND FITTINGS: Two wire cable is used for linking the sensors and the control panel and for the PA system / interface unit etc. etc. The wiring is looped [fig. 4.0] and in some cases, a standby [loop] is also provided so as to make the system fool proof. Fittings such as short circuit isolators are fixed at strategic position to isolate sensors section in case of break or fault. Generally one isolator is provided for every 20 devices. POWER SUPPLY UNIT: Two 12 volts sealed lead acid batteries provide the 24volt DC supply to operate the system. The batteries are on constant charge from an integral charging unit fed through AC MAINS. OPTIONAL ITEMS: Repeator control unit for monitoring of system at strategic or remote locations can be provided. Status interface can be provided for linking the system with personal computer., in networking or external building management system.


PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION: The Analogue addressable intelligent fire surveillance system uses state ofthe-art microprocessor control with built in Software programmes to maintain automatic two ways communication with a large number of remote sensors which detects fire and smoke. The system provides for an activation signal to be transmittted by any sensor to the control unit and also enables the operational readiness of each sensor to be routinely monitored. The detectors used in the system are addressable analogue detectors. Unlike the conventional detectors, the analogue detector does not operate on the threshold basis. The analogue voltage signal produced by the activation of the detector is converted into a analogue count by the electronic circuitory and transmitted to the control panel on interrogation. The unique address [1 to 126] of the sensor provided by means of XPERT CARD/ DIL [DUAL INPUT LINE] switch [fig.5] is read by the microprocessor whenever the sensor is addressed by the control panel. Built in programmes address and interrogate in turn each sensor in the system. The interval between addressing any sensor is 2 to 3 seconds depending upon the number per loop. Each sensor responds with a signal indicating that it is in operational readiness. Though the principle of operation may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, a commonly employed method is on the pulse position modulation principle. Each and every detector is scanned by the pulses generated [fig. 6.0] from the control panels and feedback is processed by the control panel to generate the required signals. Intelligent pulses of 5 to 9 volts are super-imposed on the DC supplies 17-26 volts on the two wires. Since there is a constant communications between the Control Panel and the various detectors, the exact condition of the detector is conveyed to the Panel in the form of an Analogue count [1 to 126]. It gives the information that the detector is non-functional / fault/ dead [count of 1 to 12], normal/ healthy[15 to 40]. A count of 40 to 55 is a pre-alarm stage which is generally due to nonmaintenance of the detectors or the poor environmental conditions. This information is extremely important because timely action by the supervisor can prevent the false-alarm. A condition beyond 55 is generally an alarm condition. It is this feature of the intelligent system which is the most important , useful and powerful in comparison to the conventional system. The programmes routinely execute supervisory commands within the control unit to validate the operational readiness of the electronic curcuits. On . switching on, the control unit automatically calibrates each sensor against its ambient temperature or particular level as appropriate, ensuring constant sensitivity of sensors throughout the systems. The calibration, together with lamp testing is performed routinely every day at a fixed time.[say 1200 hours]. Through system software.

The system is able to discriminate between a false alarm and the real fire conditions by analysing various fire characteristics and environmental conditions. [ref. Fig. 7.0] EXAMPLE A: Is it a fire or not [Cigarettes , toast smoke or transient] Smoke enters the detector for a short time [time scale : seconds] , the concentration rises and drops quickly, whereas a simple detector system could regrettably register this as a fire alarm. Addressable panel recognise the characteristic behaviour pattern and inhibit an alarm. EXAMPLE B: Reaction to a genuine fire: When a genuine fire develops, the smoke [or heat] concentration grows rapidly for a longer period [time scale: Seconds/minutes] . The response from addressable analogue, detector with its stored behaviour pattern decides that the alarm must be raised without delay. EXAMPLE C: Reaction to smoldering fire [Burning of plastic cables/ wires etc. etc.:]. The gradual build up of smoke in the detector is recognised as the precursor to a fire and alarm limit is lowered, so as to speed up response and ensure the earliest possible help [Time Scale: Minutes, Hours]. EXAMPLE D: The slow build up of dirt in detectors is recognised and the control panel raises the alarm limit so as to extend service intervals, without compromising reliability of detection. Pre Warning of a detectors dirty condition is given well before a false alarm occurs [Time Scale : Months/Years]. 3.3.3 ANALOGUE ADDRESSABLE INTELLIGENT SYSTEM CAPABILITIES: The system is stand alone type, but can be interfaced with virtually any fire detection installations if required to provide a coordinated fire survillance system. The system has following capabilities. [a] [b] [c] [d] [e] [f] [g] Activation of first and second stage alarm. Sequential display of alarm and system function with 2 X 40 character [even higher] [simultaneous display of 2 alarm in some cases] Operation of public address and other systems. Operation of automatic shutdown of air conditioning plants, hazardous / vulnerable process, fire doors etc. etc. Delayed action of specified function [for example release of halon gas] for protection of evacuating personnel. Operation of halon gas and other fire protection system including activation of wet riser system. Debarring of security exit.

[h] [i] [j]

Print out of the alarm with time and date. The micro processor memory automatically stores 200 or more latest system events and these are available for interrogation through Keypad. Optional interface when connected with the systems can provide for the following additional capabilities. Outward communications by modem via public telephone system / private network to any remote point to provide status information and or to initiate an action. Outward communication to external information management system through a Personal Computer Control which can include graphics , displays and annunciation devices , including public address. Remote control of the systems. Record of Electrical parameters like Voltage Fluctuation, Frequency fluctuation , Tripping off of ACB etc. etc., with the help of Auxilary Contacts.


THE ADVANTAGES OF ANALOGUE ADDRESSABLE SYSTEM OVER CONVENTIONAL SYSTEM CAN BE SUMMARISED AS BELOW: Large number of detectors in one loop and flexibility: In the conventional system , in a zone we can connect maximum 20 detectors and alarm indication is on area wise basis. Whereas in intelligent system, we can connect large number of detectors [1 to 126] (even upto200) in one loop and each detector point is represented independently on the panel. Additional sensors can be added without major design or wiring changes. STATUS DISPLAY: In the conventional system , the indication is through LED, whereas in the microprocessor system, the indication is through 2 X 40 (or 2X80) characters Fluroscent Matrix display by which exact location can be read. PROGRAMMING FOR EXACT LOCATION OF FIRE: In the conventional system, no programming can be done to feed data to facilitate the security people to know from the Control panel itself, the exact location of fire. Whereas in intelligent micro processor system, the complete programming is possible to know at the panel, the exact location of the fire / alarm like Floor number, Room number, Detector number etc. etc. HEALTHINESS OF THE DEVICES AND ADJUSTMENT OF DETECTOR SENSITIVITY:


In the conventional system , it is not known whether a particular smoke detector is in a working condition or not, therefore, it needs periodical check of each detector for its functionability which is impossible in a big complex. Whereas in a intelligent system, the status of each and every detector is checked up and if any detector goes bad the indication comes on the panel. In addition to above, the sensitivity of detectors can be changed. DIRTY PRE-WARNING FOR DETECTORS: In the conventional system, it is not possible to check the sensitivity of the detector because of which after sometime, the system starts giving false alarm because of dust accumulation. Whereas in a addressable system, the sensitivity of each detector is checked. Pre Warning Alarms are generated if a Detector becomes hyper sensitive and needs cleaning , thereby reducing false alarms and maintenance problems. CONNECTION WITH WET RISE FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEM: You can connect in the same loop of detectors, the pressure switches , level switches etc. of Hydrant and Sprinkler System through Interface unit which is not possible in the conventional systems. SIMPLE CABLING: The Repeater panel / Zonal panel is connected through wires for the signal to be transmitted to the Main panel. In a conventional system multicore cables are required and there is a limitation of number of detectors connected in a zone, whereas in the Addressable system 2 core cable is sufficient for large number of detectors. ORIGIN / FLOW OF FIRE: In conventional system, the origin of fire cannot be ascertained, whereas in computerised system even the area of fire and its origin can be identified alongwith the flow of fire. DISCRIMINATION BETWEEN GENUINE FIRE AND OTHER CONDITIONS: For every genuine fire conventional system gives about 24 unwanted or false alarms. False alarms are eliminated as explained in examples [fig. 7.0]. ISOLATION OF FAULTY DETECTORS / OUTPUT DEVICES/ AREAS UNDER MTCE. : Faulty detectors/devices or areas under mtc can be isolated by providing isolators.


LOGGING OF PAST EVENTS: 200 past events are stored and automatically updated when new events are reported. Whereas no such facilities are available in the conventional system. EASE OF MAINTENANCE: Pre-Warning , automatic monitoring of devices and less cabling reduces the maintenance efforts. 3.3.5 COST COMPARISON WITH THE CONVENTIONAL FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM: An attempt is made to compare the cost of analogue addressable intelligent fire survellience system with a conventional fire detection system for a MAIN Telephone Exchange Building which normally consisting of three stories with half basement. It is assumed that only one new technology exchange is to be installed in the building. The rates for comparison purpose has been taken from the market on oral enquiry and may slightly vary.
Sl.No . 1. 2. 3. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. 11. Item Quantity Analog addressable System Unit rate Total [in Rs.] [in Rs.] 2550 2250 2100 2500 2200 2250 250000 1000MT. 2x15 @Rs.55/2X1 Conventional Fire Detection System. Unit rate Total [in Rs.] [in Rs.] 1200 1150 1100 475 500 100 50000 20000 2500 Mt. 2X1.5 @Rs.55/-


150 50 50 10 10 100 20 1 4

382500 112500 105000 25000 22000 45000 250000 55000 5000 1002000

180000 57500 55000 4750 5000 10000 50000 80000 137500 5000 584750

Difference 4,17,250/3.3.6 The analogue addressable system can further be linked to a computer and can also have a networking facilities at extra cost. It is seen that in the Indian conditions, the cost of the analogue addressable system is roughly 1.71 times that of a


conventional system. However addressable system control panel can accommodate upto 120 detectors in each loop and upto 8 loops ie., total of 120 X 8 = 960 Detectors, whereas conventional panel taken in the above table can accommodate total of 15 detectors in each zone and with 4 zonal panel total become 4 X10X15=600 Detectors. Thus, with a system having about 900 detectors, the cost of the system may be equal.

4.1 4.1.1


FIRE TRACE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM. HALON ALTERNATIVE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM (A) TOTAL FLOODING AGENTS (B) PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS WET RISER & SPRINKLERS. FIRE TRACE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM SYSTEM DESCRIPTION: The system consists of following: A specialized flexible Fire detection and Fire extinguishing Delivery tube. The tube is wrapped around or installed within the Protected equipment Exchange Racks, cabinets etc. etc. [Avoiding surface above 80 C] Fire extinguishing media cylinder connected at one end of the tube, thus, the tube is charged with extinguishing media.


PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION: When an area is overheated or should a small fire take place the tube adjacent or above the fire will soften and burst at hottest point allowing swift and accurate delivery of the extinguisher directly to the source of the fire.


FIRE TRACE ADVANTAGES: The system does not require Electricity / or battery supply for operating the detection system. It has no wiring, detectors or control panel. It can be connected to any extinguishing agent depending upon application and has been approved by LOSS PREVENTION CONTROL BOARD



4.2 4.2.1

HALON ALTERNATIVE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM: Halon is a very effective fire extinguishing agent. However, because of the high ozone depletion potential, its use has to be phased out as per the provisions in Montreal protocol without comprising with Fire safety. As per Government of India Ministry of Home affairs & DGCD [Fire Cell] letter dated 6.12.99, the following HALON alternatives have been identified. [A] (I) (II) (III) [B] [i] [ii] [iii] [iv] [v] ALTERNATIVE FOR HALON 1211 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ARE: ABC Powder extinguisher. Co2 squeeze grip type extinguisher. HCPC based compounds like NAF P IV, Halotron , FE-36 etc. ALTERNATIVE FOR HALON 1301 FIXED FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS ARE: CO2 fire extinguishing in-cabinet and subfloor systems, including low Pressure CO2 systems. Inert gas extinguishing systems [nitrogen based] Water mist fire extinguishing system. Fast response sprinklers. Halocarbons such as HFC 227 ea(FM-200), PE-13, HCFC blends,

The HALON alternatives as above can be classified und[NAFS 111]er following categories. [i] TRADITIONAL FIRE PROTECTION AGENTS: The use of traditional non-halon fire protection materials such as dry chemical, CO2, water sprinkler and foams to protect special hazards has been promoted as a mean of replacing halon use. The degree to which these traditional, not-in-kind alternatives can successfully replace halon will depend on the details of hazard being protected. [ii] HALOCARBON AGENTS: These are chemicals agents that contain chlorine, fluorine, or iodine either individually or in chlorofluorocarbons. Classes of agents include hydroperfluorocarbons [HCFCs], hydrofluorocarbons [HFCs] , perfluorocarbons [PFCs] and fluroiodocarbons [FLCs]. These agents share several common characteristics, with the details varying between chemicals. These common characteristics include the following:



All are electrically non-conductive. All are clean agents [vaporize readily and leave no residue] All are liquefied gases or compressible liquids.

INERT GASES: Inert gas systems are designed to reduce the ambient oxygen concentration in a protected space to between 10 14%, a level that is breathable but will not support flaming combustion. These systems use inert gases such as argon and nitrogen, either as mixtures or alone. Inert gases are electrically non-conductive clean agents.


WATER MISTS: Water mist systems using small amount of water released as tiny droplets under low medium or high pressure. These systems use specifically designed nozzles to produce much smaller droplets than are produced by traditional water-spray systems or conventional sprinklers. The smaller droplets are more effective in extinguishing fires; therefore, less water is needed.


POWDERED AEROSOLS: A category of new technologies being developed and introduced are those conventional solid particulate and aerosols. The difference between powdered aerosol systems include pyrotechnically generated aerosols and dry chemical / halocarbon agent mixtures. Another unique category of fine particulate technology is gelled halocarbon / dry chemical suspensions. Dynameco , NAF SIII as flooding agent, NAFP IV as streaming agent.


THE ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Montreal protocol deals with ozone depletion potential [ODP] of halon. However now it is recognised that halon replacements can have significant effect on Global climate due to their Global warming potential [GWP] and Atmospheric life time [ALT] as they can remain active in the stratosphere for many years. The table below compares Environmental Critical parameters for some of extinguishing agent




TOTAL FLOODING AGENTS NAF SIII [Aerosol] 0.036 1444 FM-2000 0 3300 Halon 1301 16-20 5600

CRITICAL PARAMETERS Ozone Depleting Potential [ODP] CFCII= 1 Global Warming Potential [GWP] Co2= 100 Years. Atmospheric Life Time [ALT] [B]

12 years

42 years

65 years.

TOTAL STREAMING AGENTS NAF PIV 0.01 340 1.7 HALON 1211 5.1 Not avail 25 PFC 0 6800 3200


WET RISER & SPRINKLERS: These are continued to be provided for high-rise buildings and basements as per local Fire byelaws and Fire Protection manual of the department.


HSSD and LHD fire detectors systems are very advanced and recent system. Though they have been used in some Telecom installations in western countries, but they have not been adopted for use in developing countries so far. It will be better to study these systems in detail before they are considered for use in our telecom installations. It is noticed that it has become increasingly difficult for the maintenance staff to effectively maintain a conventional fire detection system and as can be seen from the advantages of the fully addressable analogue system, the analogue intelligent system is a self-correcting system and can provide for highly reliable fire, alert or fault alarms. The system also provides advance indications for carrying out the cleaning of the detectors/ sensors. The system has networking facilities and the system conditions can be monitored from a centralised location. However, it is



seen that the system is to be provided in an environment wherein the temperatures are within -10 to 45 C with up to 95% relative humidity. Thus, it is mandatory that the main control panel of a intelligent system is provided in a controlled environment as against the existing practice of providing conventional fire alarm panels at the entrance in the buildings. The systems are now available in India and have been provided in some departmental installation. They are now cost effective for high-rise buildings / large areas and for these areas they can be encouraged. 5.3 FIRE TRACE CABLES: These cables are to be connected with total flooding agents. In the departmental telecom. Installations, total flooding has not been adopted so far. However, as these cables are to be provided only for a limited area i.e., equipment rack and does not require any electricity or power back up, it is recommended that on trial basis we may provide this system in one or two Exchanges. 5.4 HALON ALTERNATIVE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM: As per the Fire Manual of the Department, so far we have been using only CO2 type of extinguishers. However, some of the extinguishing medium like FM200, NAF S III, NAF PIV, Nitrogen based inert gases system can be provided on experimental basis for some of the Key Telephone Exchanges. 5.5 REMOTE MONITORING OF FIRE DETECTION SYSTEMS: For rural telephone exchanges remote monitoring of fire detection systems to be introduced.













Figure 6.0



Figure 7.0


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