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etvagig. at. ow.-sgeer/ee 22> rr Ra w= The Gazette of . REGWTERED NO, DL39001/99 Usa of India. poserent 3 ee we a5] N qa are & fir qos a (Separate pagizg is giver to a8 feewl, wPrare, qarae 6, 1999 (aifay £5, 1921) NEW DELHI, SATURDAY. NOVEMBE! ait fore a ag aT ARTA is Partie erdec tat it aay be fledasa separate compilation) STATE a aR avy [~-aty 4 [PART I-SECTION 4} CMT aaa ae are ay ae THe ar feat, ciatett a azat ate & : wratrag theatre Notifications regarding Apaointmsats, Promotions, Leave ete. of Oilers issued by Ministry of Defence ter ey (em man) at feet, Farts 6 wart jag H. 693, Fete 29 fete jgo9—vetr oT singe at diaia aafetys de dal sh ofaties de ‘a tact aguret mivar wT 15-9-90 # 31-10-99, (Cote) ae cet arene oe Past abs Prager te aie et ay feet: wenger (eat) ain ret 994, frets 1 maaRt 1999—metfe frePater atrard at vat Profer aed 2 siete aT rates FART Ser amet TM ET ap. S wer eigen) 1199, cer Eos seat sg) am hie me Pr 131199 yee yey eter? a outer #. 695, Parte 28 ieemt 1999—eerety rate aera dat eRe faery Gar Peratemr ees aber OF dt @ fran aa a dm tetas en & fram 10 (2) state ats feiateir en atgarch GesoT ahE stood) Bote Ft citrbes sete 8 bog Pete 47 sre 1990 8 awed arte art ge ate PRT wot eo ge ater tender Prater elie emmmee at afar i996 Bum ue ht. 28022204: (aT Ae sie seq cane a dae ate am eat Sete eet career. (ares 8) cet arr cree a ae a nat & sifem fanhe ah ard at, Pacer me do Pater at sPoatett of fea A Perr ce sae cat wags agit wgiey gery et ders fobat” dete foretefere eremer Patefeas sem afuartadi ant wat a fafea det Premed i968 % Pram io (2) & ahr PataPacy ere atwaret Bee Fy ane go af ath: (1479) ~He0 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, NOVEMBR. 6. 1999 (KARTIRA 15, 1921) [Parr B—Suc! 9" COAST GUARD HEADQUARTERS No. 6877 dated 30 September, 1999—The President'is pleased to'appoinf fillowinix ab Assistant Comman- dant (GD/Tech}in Coast Guard. witiveffect (vom the date. indicated.~ against each :--- ’ Appoinment GENERAL DUTY §Shri (@) Londhe Sanjay Banda ‘Appointed as Asstt. Comat in 0S- Jul 98 O58 Coast Guard on probation for 02 years in the pay seale of Rs. 800-275-1350, (@) Syed Mohammed Mubtedar Do. Do. OSSL-C (© D. John Manoj P/N) Do. Do. 0552-D {) Sanjeev Kumet Do. Do. 0553-E (© Abhay Bhadotia (P/N) Do. Do. 0554-7 Aran Singh Do. Do. O55S-E- (8) Deepak Yadav Do. Do, + 0556-8 (hy Manit Mishra De. Do. 0587-F GB. Vijay PIN) Do. Do 0558-Q (kK) Miss Priyanka Saxcna Do. De. 0559-8 @: Dhits} Goswami De. Do. 0560-¥ (on) Ashish Khoshi Do. De.” as6LEX (0) Dushyant Kumae Do. De. 0562-C {o) Pineu Bag Do. De. 0563-D (9) Rajneesh De. De. 0564-5 ‘TECHNICAL @) Suresh Kumar de. 0565-L AIR HEADQUARTERS No. 698, dated 28th September 1999.—The President is pleased to’ appoing Shri Devendra Kumar, ACSO of AFHQ CR Seige go Civilian Stoft Oftcor under Hole 10° (2) of AFHQ Civil Serer Rules, 1968 with elfect, irom 26-0559 AEG oe YE99 or tir eh ime the individual retres Orit lr conte Sein aie weer cle. P. N, REDDY, Dy, Chit Adminsieative Otter ARMY BRANCH MILITARY NURSING SERVICE. (PERMANENT COMMISSION) No. 9, dated 2rd September £900, Tho President ig pleased to\ giapl Bermanem comuminsien fo undermentioned tretng omicee(s) ua Miliary Nisin Seoice (Reaulars erde: Tor praviiton of One, of Bh, Ain of Bef jever No, 2497, DGAPNS MNS /25867T (Med) datod 17 Tun aR as timented K. J. JAYAPRABASH, Under Secy. fom tne to ime read with Al 2/98 with eet from 21 Aug Lt v9 Probation) Miss Chanchal ator, NR-2U?76R. Miss Becna Panoli, NR-20777X. ‘Miss Nighi Singh, N@&207784. Miss A Prisoillel Devakirubai, NR-20779H, ‘Miss Avi, Nait By, Niz-20780%. Mis 8 Vijaya, NR-OTETA, Miss Poon Singh, MR-20787H, Miss G Grace Sharmila, NR-20783L, Miss Preeti Boussl, XR-2O7S4P. Miss Rajni Maithani, NR-207RSW. Misy Geeta Rawal, NR-20786A. Miss Maya Pradeep, NR-20787P. Mins Soscts Dwrinsi, NIE 20789, Pakt [—See. 4] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, NOVEMBER 6, 1999 (KARTIKA 15, 1921) 1503 “Wise Sibitn, NS-20678, Miss TF Ambika, NS-20959Y. Miss Maciu G Nath, NS-20980N. Misy Rupa Kumari, NS-20081W. Misa Sarithe B Nair, N8-2082V. ‘Miss Rejimol Devasia, NS-20983F. Miss Seeeksla ‘fT D, NS-208K Mize Praveen Kurauct Sharma, NS.20935M, Miss Chandrani Roy, NS-20s¢6r. ‘Mixg Vina Sinha, NS-20987X, Miss Rann Dhar, NS-20088, Miss Sani Priya ml, NS2UIUaEE, ‘Migs Ambili T 8, NS-2U990X. Miss Anju Kumasi, NS-2089;A, Migg Meera. Kumari 8, NS2000285, ‘Misy Usha K, NS20993L, Miss Seema Devi Rathore, NS-20982N. ‘Mise Serta Ioin, NS-20995W, i Masha, NS-209967. Songhamitta Mabepaira, NS-209977, Sandhaan Villy °&, -NS-209986. Scot Kumued, NS-20999M , Ose Suma Sbama, NS2100OW. Miss Ducca Devi, NS-2100) 8. Mise Kavita Kumasi, KS-210029. Mise Kus 8 PAPMINLAMIE Maj Ge Addl DG MNS (EINANGE DIVISION) ‘New Delhi, ths 27th September 1399 No. 70Q—The Presiden: iy pleased (0 ‘extend the enare of Shri Ramemitins (ASAS | 63) Ad. Flees Sal Adviver & Additional Seerstary in the Department of Defence Research and Development with effect tom 1999 to 301199 or enti fartker cides ifehever is earti. ‘The Peesident is_nlessid to unlend the tenure, of Shi V. K, Mish," (DAS': 63) Addi. Financal Adviser Toint Semelary fo the Ministry of Usiowce

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