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TDS1191, Tutorial 1

Subject: Session:

Discrete Structures 2 2006/2007

Tutorial 1
Part A: Propositional Logic

1. Let p, q, r be the propositions p : You have fever. q : You miss the final examination. r : You pass the course. Express each of the following propositions as an English sentence. a) p q b) q r c) q r d) p q r e) (p r) (q r) f) (p q) (q r) 2. Let p, q and r be the propositions p : You get an A on the final exam. q : You do every exercise in this book. r : You get an A in this class. Write the following propositions using p, q, r and logical connectives. a) You get an A in this class, but you do not do every exercise in this book. b) You get an A on the final, you do every exercise in this book, and you get an A in this class. c) To get an A in this class, it is necessary for you to get an A on the final. d) You get an A on the final, but you dont do every exercise in this book; nevertheless, you get an A in this class. e) Getting an A on the final and doing every exercise in this book is sufficient for getting an A in this class. f) You will get an A in this class if and only if you either do every exercise in this book or you get an A on the final. 3. By using truth tables, show that each of the following is a logical equivalence. a) (p q) r (p r) (q r) b) (p q) p q c) p (p q) p d) (p r) (q r) (p q) r e) p q (p q) (p q) f) p q (p q) 4. Verify the following equivalences by using equivalence laws (not using truth tables): a) (p q) (p q) q b) p q r (p q) (p r) c) (p q) [r (r q)] (p q r)


TDS1191, Tutorial 1

5. Show that the following compound propositions are contingencies: a) (p q) ((r q) r) b) (p q) (r p) (r q) 6. Verify that the following compound propositions are tautologies without using truth tables. a) p (q (p q)) b) (p q) ((p q) p) 7. Find a CNF and a DNF for the compound proposition (p r) q p.

Part B:
1. 2.

Formal Reasoning

Show that the following sets of logical operators are functionally complete. a) { , } b) { } c) { , } Write down a compound proposition logically equivalent to a) p q b) p q using only, p, q and . Show that the following arguments are valid. a) [(a b) (a c) (b d)] c d b) (b a) ((b a) b) c) p q r s q t pt p r s q d) p r s ts u p w uw t



Construct an argument using rules of inference to show that the hypotheses a) If it does not rain or if it is not foggy, then the sailing race will be held and the lifesaving demonstration will go on. b) If the sailing race is held, then the trophy will be awarded. c) The trophy was not awarded. imply the conclusion It rained. Construct an argument using rules of inference to show that the hypotheses a) If there is gas in the car or I have no cash, then I will go to the bank and the store. b) Either I go to the bank or I do not go to the store. c) If I go to the bank, I will pay my credit card bill and withdraw RM 300. d) If I go to the store, I will get a soda.



TDS1191, Tutorial 1 e) If I get a soda, I must have gone to the store or a vending machine. f) I got a soda, but I did not pay my credit card bill. imply the conclusion I have cash and I have gone to a vending machine. 6. Suppose that on an island there are three types of people, knights, knaves, and normals. Knights always tell the truth, knaves always lie, and normals sometimes lie and sometimes tell the truth. Detectives questioned three inhabitants of the island Amy, Bob and Cindy as part of the investigation of a crime. The detective knew that one of the three committed the crime, but didnt know which one. The also knew that the criminal was a knight, and that the other two were not. Additionally, the detectives recorded these statements: Amy : I am innocent. Bob : What Amy says is true. Cindy : Bob is not a normal. Help the detectives to identify the criminal and verify your argument.

Part C:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Proof Techniques I

Show that the sum of two odd integers is even. Show that the sum of a rational number and an irrational number is irrational. Show that if n is an integer such that 3n + 7 is odd, then n is even. Show that if n is an integer such that 3n2 + 4n + 5 is even, then n is odd. Show that
5 is an irrational number.

If I miss the bus or I wake up late, I will not go to the Discrete Structures class. If I do not go the Discrete Structures class, I will borrow notes from Martin. I can borrow notes from Martin only if I buy him a soda and I go to his house. If I go to Martins house or I meet Martins sister, my mother will know that I do not attend the Discrete Structures class and she will scold me. Show by using formal reasoning that, if I dont want to be scolded by my mother, I have better not wake up late and not borrow notes from Martin.


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