Edexcel Revision Questions For Physics Unit 5

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Module 5 Revision Questions



For most of its life (11 billion years) the Sun will burn hydrogen in its core.
A chemistry student might use the word burn to describe a chemical reaction involving
Explain fully the meaning of the word burn when used in astrophysics to describe what
happens in the core of a star. You may be awarded a mark for the clarity of your answer.


When the Sun nears the end of its life it will burn helium in its core for a further 100
million years and become a red giant star. When it has depleted the helium in its core it is
estimated that its surface temperature will fall from its present value of 5780 K to 3160 K
and its radius will increase from 6.96 108 m to 1.26 1011 m.
Show that the luminosity of the Sun will increase by a factor of about 3000 due to these

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A Hertzsprung-Russell diagram is shown below.

L /L






40 000

20 000

10 000


T /K

Mark with an X the position of the Sun today.

Use the information given in (ii) to mark with a Y the position of the Sun when it has
depleted its helium core.
(Total 12 marks)



Near the end of its life the Sun will decrease in size and become a white dwarf.
State two other ways in which this type of star differs from the Sun as it is today.
1 ..................................................................................................................................
2 ..................................................................................................................................


Describe what will eventually become of a white dwarf star.

(Total 4 marks)

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Sirius A is the brightest star in the night sky. It is 8.6 light years from Earth.
Show that this distance is approximately 8 1016 m.


Hence determine the intensity of Sirius A as seen from Earth.

The luminosity of Sirius A is 1.0 1028 W.


Calculate the mass being converted into energy in the core of Sirius A every second.


Sirius A has a surface temperature of 9900 K.

Calculate the peak wavelength of the radiation spectrum emitted by Sirius A.
(Total 10 marks)

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Wiens law can be written as

max T = 2.90 103 m K


Explain clearly what is meant by each symbol in Wiens law.

max ....................................................................................................................
T ........................................................................................................................

The graph shows the wavelength distribution for radiation detected by the COBE

R e la tiv e in te n s ity


/m m

To what part of the electromagnetic spectrum does this radiation belong?



Use the graph to determine the temperature of the source of these emissions.
Temperature = .............................................


A star that is considerably more massive than the Sun may end its life as a supernova.
During a supernova explosion approximately 1 1046 J of energy can be released.

State the minimum mass of a star that can become a supernova.


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Use the data below to estimate how much energy is given off by the Sun during its
approximate lifetime.
Luminosity = 3.9 1026 W
Approximate lifetime = 1 1010 y
Energy = ..................................


Estimate the ratio of the energy that is released when a supernova explodes to the
total energy given off by the Sun during its lifetime.
Ratio = ....................................


When a supernova explodes, the mass of its core remnant determines its future.
State the two possible outcomes and how each depends on the mass of the remnant.

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If the Earth (mass = 6.0 1024 kg) had the same density as a neutron star it would
be approximately 150 m in radius. Show that the average density of such an object
would be approximately 4 1017 kg m3.


Explain how the neutrons in a neutron star were formed, both during and after the
main sequence. You may be awarded a mark for the clarity of your answer.



Use the data below to calculate the intensity of the Sun as measured from Mars and
from Earth.
Luminosity of the Sun

= 3.90 1026 W

Sun Mars distance

= 2.28 108 km

Sun Earth distance

= 1.50 108 km

Intensity from Mars = ......................... Intensity from Earth = ........................

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Hence show that the brightness of the Sun as seen from Mars is approximately
40% of its brightness from Earth.

(Total 26 marks)



Explain the difference between the luminosity and the intensity of a star.



The Sun has a surface temperature of 5800 K. Calculate the wavelength at which
the intensity of its spectrum is a maximum.


The radius of the Sun is 6.96 108 m. Show that its surface area is approximately
equal to 6 1018 m2.


Hence calculate the luminosity of the Sun.

(Total 10 marks)

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Radioactivity/Nuclear Energy

A satellite uses a radium-226 source as a back-up power supply. Radium-226 is an alpha particle

The satellite requires a back-up power of 55W. Each alpha particle is emitted with an
energy of 7.65 1013 J. Show that the activity of the source must be about 7 1013 Bq.


Radium-226 has a half-life of 1620 years. Show that its decay constant is about
1.4 1011 s1.
1 year = 3.15 107 s


Hence determine the number of radium-226 nuclei that would produce the required
Number of nuclei = ...................................................


Calculate the mass of radium-226 that would produce a power of 55W.

226 g of radium-226 contains 6.02 1023 nuclei.
Mass = ...................................................

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In practice this mass of radium-226 produces more than 55W of power. Suggest a reason
(Total 9 marks)


Recently, some old human skulls have been found in Mexico. Their age has been established
using radiocarbon, 14C, dating.

When a 14C nucleus decays, it emits a -particle. State how the

composition of the nucleus changes as a result of the decay.


When examining a small sample of one of these old skulls, scientists found that
2.3 1011 % of the carbon was 14C, whereas in recent skulls this proportion is
1.0 1010 %.

Calculate the age of this old skull.

Half-life of 14C = 5730 years
Age = ......................................


Give one reason why the value you calculated above may be inaccurate.

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Recent bones are dated using the decay of 210Pb, which has a half-life of 21 years.
Explain why 210Pb is more suitable than 14C for dating recent bones.
(Total 6 marks)



Radioactivity involves the spontaneous emission of radiation from unstable nuclei.

Explain the meaning of the words in italics as they apply to the process of radioactivity.
Spontaneous ................................................................................................................
Radiation .....................................................................................................................
Unstable .......................................................................................................................


The graph shows how the activity of a sample of the radioisotope technetium, which is

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used extensively in medicine, varies with time.

A c tiv ity
/1 0 7 B q







T im e /h o u rs


Use the graph to determine the half-life of technetium.

Half-life = .............................................


Hence calculate the decay constant for technetium.

Decay constant = .............................................


Determine the number of technetium atoms remaining in the sample after 24 hours.
Number of atoms = ..............................................
(Total 8 marks)

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Radioactivity is a random process. Explain what is meant by a random process in this



The graph shows what happens to the numbers of neutrons and protons when americium
(Am) decays into neptunium (Np).
N um ber 147
n e u tro n s 1 4 6

A m


N p






N um ber of
p ro to n s

Give the nuclear equation for this decay.



Describe an experiment, involving absorption, to demonstrate that a given radioisotope

emits beta radiation and no other. Include a diagram of the experimental arrangement you
would use.

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(Total 9 marks)


Potassium-40 (19K) is unstable.


Calculate the binding energy per nucleon for potassium-40.

Nuclear mass of potassium-40 = 39.953548 u
Mass of one neutron = 1.008 665 u
Mass of one proton = 1.007 276 u

Binding energy per nucleon = ..................................


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Explain what is meant by the random nature of nuclear decay.



Scientists have worked out the age of the Moon by dating rocks brought back by the
Apollo missions. They use the decay of potassium-40 to argon-40. The half-life of
potassium-40 is 1.3 109 years.

Show that the decay constant of potassium-40 is about 5 1010 y1.



In one rock sample the scientists found 0.84 g of argon-40 and 0.10
g of potassium-40.
Calculate the age of the rock sample in years.

Age of rock = ..........................................

(Total 12 marks)


The Joint European Torus (JET) was a nuclear fusion experiment near Oxford in England. JET
was the first experiment to produce a controlled nuclear fusion reaction.

Describe the process of nuclear fusion.

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Explain why it is difficult to maintain the conditions for nuclear fusion in a reactor.


The nuclei which fused were two isotopes of hydrogen. Why should the fusing of
hydrogen nuclei release energy?
(Total 6 marks)


When stars undergo nuclear fusion, hydrogen is fused to form helium. As part of this process
two 2 He nuclei react to form 2 He .
2 He


+ 2 He 2 He + 1 H + 1 H

Calculate the change in mass in one such fusion reaction.


Mass / 1027 kg

2 He

2 He

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Change in mass = .....................................


Hence calculate the energy released by this fusion reaction.

Energy = ..................................
(Total 4 marks)


What is meant by the term binding energy? You may be awarded a mark for the clarity of your

On the axes below sketch a graph of binding energy per nucleon against nucleon number.

B in d in g e n e rg y
p e r n u c le o n


N u c le o n n u m b e r



The binding energy of 8 O is 123.45 MeV and the binding energy of 170 is
126.43 MeV.
Which of these two isotopes of oxygen would you expect to be more stable? Explain your
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...................................................................................................................(3) (Total 8 marks)
Gravitational Fields

On a line between the Earth and the Sun is a point P where the gravitational field strength of the
Sun is equal and opposite to that of the Earth. Point P is a distance R from the centre of the Sun
and a distance r from the centre of the Earth.


E a rth
N o t to
s c a le

The mass of the Sun is MS. The mass of the Earth is ME. The gravitational constant is G.


Using the symbols given, write down an expression for


the gravitational field strength of the Sun at point P



the gravitational field strength of the Earth at point P.



The mass of the Sun is 2.0 1030 kg. The mass of the Earth is 6.0 1024 kg.

Show that the ratio of R to r is about 600:1.


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Hence find the value of r, given that the distance from the centre of the Earth to the
centre of the Sun is 1.5 108 km.
r = .......................................


SOHO, a satellite that monitors the Sun, is positioned at a point on the line between the
Earth and the Sun. The gravitational forces acting on it keep it in the same relative
position, orbiting the Sun at the same rate as the Earth.
On the diagram opposite, mark with a letter L a possible position for SOHO.
With reference to the circular motion of SOHO, explain how you decided on the position
of L. You are not expected to perform any calculations.
(Total 8 marks)


Communication satellites are often placed in geostationary orbit. The speed v of a geostationary
satellite is given by the expression
v = r
where r is the radius of the orbit.

A student calculates that has the numerical value of 7.27 105. Show how he arrives
at this figure.
State the unit of .

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Hence, or otherwise, calculate the height of such satellites above the Earths surface,
given that the Earth has a mass of 5.98 1024 kg and a radius of 6.38 106 m.
Height above Earths surface = ................................................
(Total 7 marks)


Meteosat is a weather satellite which is in a geostationary orbit around the Earth, i.e. it stays
above the same point on the Earths surface all the time.

Write down an expression for the gravitational force on this satellite, mass m, in an orbit
of radius r around the Earth, mass M.


Hence derive an expression for the gravitational field strength at a distance r from the
centre of the Earth.


Use this, together with an expression for the centripetal acceleration, to show that the
radius r of the geostationary orbit is given by

r3 =

4 2

where T is the time for one orbit of the satellite.

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Calculate this radius.

Mass M of the Earth = 6.0 1024 kg.
Radius = ......................................................


The mass and speed of the satellite do not appear in the above equation. Explain whether
a satellite could remain in geostationary orbit with

a greater mass.


a greater speed.


Explain why a satellite has to be over the equator to remain in a geostationary orbit.
You may use the diagram to help your explanation.

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(Total 11 marks)


In July 2003 astronomers announced the discovery of a planet orbiting a star 90 light years from
Earth. The astronomers used the Doppler effect to detect the planet.
You may have heard the Doppler effect when an ambulance using its siren passes you. Describe
what would be heard as the ambulance approaches and then passes.

The method used by the astronomers is called the Doppler Wobble effect. When a planet orbits a
star it pulls on the star, making it move slightly or wobble. The larger the planet, the more the
star wobbles.
Explain the use of the Doppler technique to discover the new planet. Include diagrams of the
planet and star when the Doppler effect is most useful. Label your diagrams and show the
direction of the Earth.


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The astronomers discovered that the time for the planet to make one orbit around its star was six
years. How did they determine this from their observations?

Use a gravitational force equation to explain why the method that astronomers used to discover
this planet will not reveal any planets the size of Earth.
(Total 11 marks)


In a radio programme about space tourism, the presenter says that the Earths atmosphere stops
100 km above the surface. A student decides to put this claim to the test, initially applying the
following equation to gas molecules at this height:

m c 2 = kT
where k is the Boltzmann constant.



State the meanings of the other symbols used in the equation.

m .......................................................................................................................
c2 ....................................................................................................................
T .......................................................................................................................


What physical quantity does each side of the equation represent?


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Calculate a value for the velocity of an oxygen molecule at this height, where the
temperature is 50 C.
Mass of oxygen molecule = 5.4 1026 kg
Velocity = .........................................


The student decides that if there really is no atmosphere above the height of 100 km this
velocity must be equal to the escape velocity. The escape velocity is the minimum
velocity needed for any particle to escape from the Earths gravitational attraction.
He obtains an expression for the escape velocity, starting with the total energy of a
molecule at this height, i.e. its kinetic energy + its potential energy.

He finds that the potential energy of a mass m at distance r from the centre of the
Earth is given by GMm/r, where M is the mass of the Earth. Hence show that the
escape velocity is given by:

vesc =



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Show that the escape velocity for an oxygen molecule from this height is more than
10 km s1.
Mass of Earth = 5.98 1024 kg
Radius of Earth = 6.37 106 m


The graph below shows the distribution of velocities for molecules in a sample of
gas at 50 C.
Use the graph below to explain whether oxygen molecules are likely to escape.
(Total 12 marks)

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Heat Energy/Gases

A student about to fill a paddling pool for her younger brother noticed that the water left in the
hose-pipe had already been warmed by the sun. She carried out an experiment to find the
efficiency of this method of solar heating.
She cut a short length of hose-pipe and filled it with water from the cold tap. After taking the
initial temperature she plugged both ends and placed the hose-pipe in the sunlight. She
measured the temperature of the water at regular intervals for 1 hour during which time the
amount of sunlight was constant. The graph shows her results.

T e m p e ra tu re / C








T im e / s




Explain the shape of the graph.


Use the graph to show that the initial rate of temperature increase was about 0.01 C s 1.

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Hence calculate the maximum amount of thermal energy gained by the water in one second.
Mass of water in hose-pipe = 0.130 kg
Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg1 C1
Energy gained per second = .........................................

The area of hose-pipe exposed to the solar radiation was 0.015 m 2. At the time of the
experiment the power delivered by the solar radiation to an area of 1.0 m 2 was 500 W.
Calculate the initial efficiency of this process of heating water by solar energy.
Efficiency = ............................................

The student noticed that she spilled a small amount of water each time she removed the stopper
to measure the temperature of the water. State and explain the effect this would have on the
calculated value of efficiency.
(Total 12 marks)

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A student uses the following apparatus to measure the volume occupied by a fixed mass of gas
at different pressures. The temperature of the gas remains at 22 C throughout the experiment.

S c a le

C o lu m n
of gas
P ressu re

O il


to p u m p

The volume of the gas is 20 cm3 when the gas pressure is 200 103 Pa. Calculate the
pressure exerted by the gas when its volume decreases by 5.0 cm 3.
Pressure = .................................................


The column of oil in the tube has a cross-sectional area of 7.9 10 5 m2. Calculate the
force exerted on the surface of the oil when the gas pressure is 200 10 3 Pa.
Force = .....................................................

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The student draws a sketch graph of her results and obtains the graph shown below.


She then correctly uses the pressure law to calculate the pressure exerted by 20 cm 3
of the gas at 35 C. What value does she obtain?
Pressure = .................................................


Use the axes to sketch a graph the student would have obtained had the gas been at
this higher temperature.
(Total 10 marks)

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A scientist was investigating the effects of extreme pressure, as might be experienced deep in
the ocean. He used a polystyrene cup in his investigation and a total pressure of 3.5 10 7 Pa
was applied to it, squashing the cup.
The volume of the air in the cups polystyrene bubbles was originally 7 10 5 m3.
Calculate the new volume in the bubbles in the squashed cup.
Assume that the temperature remains constant.
Atmospheric pressure = 1.0 105 Pa.
Volume = .......................................................

State one other assumption made in the calculation above.


In reality, the temperature drops when going down into the ocean from 25C at the surface to
10C at the depth modelled in the experiment. Calculate the percentage change in the average
kinetic energy of the air molecules as a result of this temperature change.
(Total 7 marks)

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This question is about a bubble of air which is breathed out by a deep sea diver.
Write down the equation of state for an ideal gas.

By making a suitable estimate, calculate the number of molecules of air contained in the bubble
which has a volume of 20 cm3 at the surface of the sea. Assume the pressure inside the bubble is
1 105 Pa.

State what would happen to the volume of this bubble if the water were colder.
(Total 5 marks)


On the axes below, sketch a graph to show how the pressure of a fixed mass of air at room
temperature depends on its volume.

P re ssu re

V o lu m e

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In terms of the behaviour of molecules, explain qualitatively the shape of your graph.

The diagram shows apparatus which could be used to check the shape of your graph.

K now n
m ass
P is to n
C la m p
S y r in g e

V o lu m e
s c a le

A ir
C lo s e d
ta p

How would you calculate the pressure of the air in the syringe?

Suggest one possible source of error in this experiment, other than errors in scale readings.
(Total 7 marks)

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The Hubble constant is thought to be about 70 000 m s1 Mpc1.


Give one reason why the value of this constant is uncertain.



State how an estimate of the age of the Universe can be calculated from the Hubble


Explain how the ultimate fate of the Universe is associated with the Hubble constant.
(Total 5 marks)


An accurate value of the Hubble constant has not been easy to calculate, owing to the difficulty
of measuring the distances to distant galaxies. One method of determining astronomical
distances is to observe supernovae, since we can predict the luminosity of these exploding stars.

Name the type of reaction that produces energy in a star and allows it to radiate.

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How can we determine:


the distance of such a star using a measurement of the intensity of its light arriving
at the Earth;


the velocity of a distant star using the frequency of the detected light?


Edwin Hubble discovered a relationship between velocity and distance of stars and
galaxies. Some experimental results are shown below.

V e lo c ity / K m s

12 000







D is ta n c e / M p c

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Complete the graph with a line of best fit and state what this graph shows about the
velocity of galaxies in the Universe.


The Hubble time, 1/H0, gives an approximate age of the Universe. Use the gradient
of the graph to determine this time.
1 pc = 3.09 1016 m
Hubble time = ................................. s
(Total 8 marks)


A line in the hydrogen spectrum from a laboratory source has a wavelength of 656 nm.

In the spectrum of light received from a distant galaxy X, this line appears at a
wavelength of 684 nm. Calculate the speed of recession of galaxy X.
Speed = .............................................................

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A second galaxy Y is twice as far from the Earth as galaxy X. At what wavelength would
you expect the same line to appear in the spectrum of light received from Y?
Explain your reasoning.
Wavelength = ....................................................
(Total 6 marks)



Edwin Hubble examined the relationship between the recessional speed of galaxies, v,
and their distance, d, from Earth. The graph shows the best-fit line for his results.
R e c e s s io n a l
v / 1 0 3 k m s 1



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2 .0
4 .0
D is ta n c e d / 1 0 9 ly

6 .0



Use the graph to determine a value for the Hubble constant, H, in sl. Show your
Hubble constant = ..........................................s 1


What is the main source of uncertainty in the value of H?



Explain how the Hubble constant provides us with an estimate for the age of the
Universe, t.

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Ionised calcium has a line spectrum which includes a spectral line of wavelength 393 nm.
The observed wavelength of this calcium line in the radiation from a distant galaxy is
469 nm. Calculate the galaxys recessional speed.
Recessional speed = ..........................................


Briefly explain how the value of the average mass-energy density of the Universe will
determine whether the Universe is open or closed.
(Total 12 marks)



What is meant by the Doppler effect (electromagnetic Doppler effect) when applied to

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Edwin Hubble reached a number of conclusions as a result of observations and

measurements of red-shift. State two of these conclusions.


The diagram gives values of wavelength for part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Wavelength/ 109 m




V is ib le




A very hot distant galaxy emits violet light just at the edge of the visible spectrum.
Estimate the maximum velocity the galaxy could have so that visible light could still be
detected as it moves away from the Earth.


The fate of the Universe is dependent on the average mass-energy density of the
Universe. What is meant by the critical density of the Universe?
(Total 10 marks)

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A motion sensor, connected through a data logger to a computer, is used to study the simple
harmonic motion of a mass on a spring.
C la m p

S p rin g

M o tio n

M ass

T o d a ta lo g g e r
a n d c o m p u te r

Holy Cross College

M o tio n


The data logger records how the height h of the mass above the sensor varies with the time t.
The computer calculates the velocity v and acceleration a and displays graphs of h, v and a
against t. Idealised graphs of h and a for two cycles are shown below.
1 .1

h / m

0 .9

0 .7

a / m s

0 .4

0 .8

1 .2

1 .6

2 .0

2 .4
t / s

0 .4

0 .8

1 .2

1 .6

2 .0

2 .4
t / s

0 .4

0 .8

1 .2

1 .6

2 .0

2 .4
t / s

5 .0

5 .0
v / m s



Determine the amplitude and frequency of the motion.

Amplitude = ........................................ Frequency = ........................................

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Show that the maximum velocity of the mass is approximately 0.9 m s1.


Complete the above set of graphs by sketching the velocity-time graph for the same



Define simple harmonic motion.



Describe how you would use data from the graphs of h and a against t to check that
the motion of the mass was simple harmonic. (Note that you are not required to
actually carry out the check.)
(Total 12 marks)

Holy Cross College



When a person walks across a suspended footbridge, the bridge can oscillate with increasing

Name the effect which causes this and state the condition needed for the amplitude to
increase in this situation.


In November 1940, the wind caused some alarming movement and twisting of the road
bridge over Tacoma Narrows in the United States. The amplitude of the oscillations
became so large that cars were abandoned on the bridge.

Why can these oscillations be described as forced?



The vertical oscillations of the bridge can be modelled using the equations of
simple harmonic motion. Calculate the maximum acceleration of the bridge when it
was oscillating 38 times per minute and the amplitude of its oscillations was
0.90 m.
Maximum acceleration = .........................................

(iii) Use this value to explain why any car abandoned on the bridge would lose contact
with the roads surface at a certain point in the oscillation. Identify this point.
(Total 7 marks)

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A mass hangs on a spring suspended from a fixed point. When displaced and released, the
mass oscillates in a vertical direction. Describe how you could determine accurately the
frequency f0 of these oscillations. You may be awarded a mark for the clarity of your


The mass and spring are now attached to a vibration generator.

V ib ra tio n
g e n e ra to r
V a ria b le
freq u e n c y
s u p p ly

S p rin g
M ass

A short time after the vibration generator is turned on, the mass settles down and
performs simple harmonic motion at the frequency of the generator.

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Label the axes below and sketch a graph showing how the amplitude of this
oscillation changes as the frequency is varied up to and well beyond f0. Mark the
approximate position of f0 on the frequency axis.



State the name of the phenomenon illustrated by your graph.



This phenomenon can cause problems in the design of footbridges. Explain why.
(Total 10 marks)

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The diagram shows successive crests of sea waves approaching a harbour entrance.

In c id e n t
w aves

H arb o u r
w a ll


Complete the diagram to show the pattern of waves you would expect to see inside the

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The waves are being studied by means of a buoy anchored in the harbour. As the waves
pass the buoy they make it perform simple harmonic motion in the vertical direction. A
sensor inside the buoy measures its acceleration.
The graph below shows how this acceleration varies with time.
A c c e l e r a t i o n / m s -2


T im e /s



State values for the period and maximum acceleration of the buoy.
Period = ............................................................................. s
Maximum acceleration = .......................................... m s 2


Calculate the amplitude of oscillation of the buoy.

Amplitude = .......................................................................

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On the grid below, sketch a graph of the displacement of the buoy against time,
over the same interval of time as the acceleration graph.

T im e /s

(Total 10 marks)



Define simple harmonic motion.




A 120 g mass performs simple harmonic motion when suspended from a spring
that has a spring constant of 3.9 N m1. Calculate the period T.
T = ...........................................................

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The simple harmonic motion is started by displacing the mass 15 cm from its
equilibrium position and then releasing it. Calculate the maximum speed of the
Maximum speed = ....................................................


Calculate the maximum acceleration of the mass.

Maximum acceleration = .........................................


The 120 g mass is replaced by a wooden block. When the block performs simple
harmonic motion the period is 1.4 s. Calculate the mass of the block.
Mass of block = ........................................................
(Total 10 marks)

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Water molecules oscillate when stimulated by high-frequency electromagnetic waves. A

microwave oven heats food that contains water by forcing the water molecules to oscillate at
their resonant frequency f0.

Explain what is meant by resonance and suggest why the microwave frequency is chosen
to be about f0.


A microwave oven is used to heat 1.2 kg of meat. The temperature of the meat increases
by 75 K in the first 10 minutes.
The power of the microwave source is 800 W.
Calculate the efficiency of the heating process during this time. Take the specific heat
capacity of the meat to be 3200 J kg1 K1.
Efficiency = ..........................................
Why does the temperature of the meat not continue to rise at this rate for the next
10 minutes?
(Total 7 marks)

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