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ee-9300499 REOD.NO.D.L300099 The Gazette of Gudia EXTRAORDINARY, aT ars 3 PART I-Section3 unten & ventas PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY = a] TE RET, wivar, aime 50, 20087mR 8, 1930 Noll NEW DELHI, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 2008/BHADRA 8, 1930 Tar ATE eet 7 fees, 20 sre, 2008 H1(@),—"aa Fe 4 6 Hager 2006 } tyey teen 5/2/2006-Hll @) % qed wd Qa ten sre or tet foot at RR 7 Rese 2008 & Hee FET 5/2/2006-$-lIl (Q) atte 8 simes, 2007 3 Sarat 5/2/2008-4.1Il (q) sea aifhs eT TAT a. | ee fend 4 re al aera ager Sasi b oe Sh Reed a ders, At ae ta @ fice S aes arat ot afta fear aes | wee A aeres Gast & am & de F so aac B Vaart oraty at feoiRet oe aah we a fra fens sty ae fiche fern & fer eer cif! Bt ga Arey @ date ude acl ux andy A Racatel et TA fey ariel afta ve fea & we F aig dhe he geet fey fear Her we fret aT: 01 oped 2005 4 fer meres ter Sei ote de tem ote 01 fia 2003.8 anil Geng ated & Rare) ai Seite cd ve HRS pe Se oT oa BB teste ey oral SF Reems & age 1.74 ay 1.85 be oe & rare we ert fet 9 free; (i) we 2008-00 i xara wR #1 40% ate 2000-10 He 60% Fee A gra; (iv) ates tam gfe 2.5% BF 9% ee a ah 3a aire care a arent ome w Sat Gate (80.000/-euy frre) oT aaqam fier orn of dat ariedt & wa F ude @ ara at 2 feng ae Garaie 2 ay or we a ae 8 oe arte ae fe a a 270 a12008 a No. 16) THE GAZETTEOR: [Pants MINISTRY OF DEFENCE RESOLUTION New Delhi, the 30th August, 2008 ie Sixth Central Pay Commission (CPC) was set up by the Government of India by Resolution No. 5/2/2006-E III (A) dated s October, 2006 as amended by Resclution ‘No. 5/2/2006-E III (A) dated 7” December, 2006 and 5/2/2006-E IIL (A) dated 8" August, 2007. The Commission submitted its report on 24" March, 2008. The: report covered among other things, matters relating to structure of emoluments, allowances and conditions of service of Armed Forces personnel, Government have given careful consideration to the recommendations of the Commission relating to these matters in respect of Officers of the Armed Forces and have decided that the recommendations of the Commission on the mutters aforementioned in respect of these categories of Defence personnel shall be accepted without any material change as a package with the modifications mentioned below = dy), w wi) Implementation of the revised pay structure of pay bands and grade pay, as well as pension, with effect from 01.01.2006 and revised rates of allowances (exeept Dearness Allowancelrelie!) with effect from 01.09.2008 ‘iment in pay bands would be based on the multiplication factor of 1.86 instead of 1.74 recommended by Sixth Central Pay Commission, Payment of 40% of arrears in cash in the year 2008-09 and the remaining 60% in the year 2009-10; Increase in the rate of annual increment from 2.5% to 3%; Grant of scale of Army Commanders (Rs 80,000-fixed) on non-functional basis to those Lt. Generals who are fit for promotion as Army Commanders, but overlooked due to lack of residual service of 2 years, In case of existing Major Gencral/Lt, General, Military Service Pay (MSP) to be taken into account notionally for fixation of pay on 1,1.2006 with actual benefits being edmissibie prospectively; (wmi-w553] ae TST + SATE 2a (Wii) Grede pay of Major GencraVequivalent will be Rs. 10,000 and Lt. General/equivalent Rs, 12,000. (viii) Placement of ColoneVequivalent end Brigedies/equivalent in the revised Pay Band-4 of Rs. 37400 - 67000; (ix) Enhenoed grade pey of middle level officers (from Capt/equivalent to Brig/equivalent) as suggested by Defence Services. (Removal of Cempus restriction for grant of Transport Allowance: (xi) Grade pay to determine seniority of posts only within cadre's hierarchy and not between various cadres; (sii) The retes of Special Forces Allowance for Army and Air Force to be equated with Navy's Marine Commando Allowance 2, The recommendation of the Sixth CPC relating to lateral shift of Defence Personnel to Central Para Military Forces would be examined separately. 3. Govemment have not accepted the recommendations of Sixth CPC regarding following issues:- (@) Liberal “severance package’ for employees who want to leave service without pension with more than 15 years bat less than 20 years service (6) There shoutd only be three closed holidays for Government employees. (©) Flexichours for women employees and Mlexi-weeks for employees with disebilites, 4, General principles of fixation of initial pay in the revised pay structure as on 1,1.2006, fixation of pay of employees recruited on or after 1.1.2006, rate of increment in the revised pay structure and date of increment will be as in the Govemmeit of India Notification No. GSR 622(E) dated 2" August, 2008. 5. The decisions taken by the Government accordingly on various recommendations Gf the Commission in respect of officers of Armed Forees are indicated in the statement at Annexure-I to this resolution, ‘The existing pay scales of Officers of the Armed Forces sre indicated in the Statementiat Annexure~II [No, 1(30)/2008/0 (Pey/Services)] AJAY. TIRKEY, Jt. Seoy.

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