India Inquiry

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Lex Von Klark 4/22/13 History 2

India Inquiry -- History 30% Project History Department Essential Learning: Make connections and use the
knowledge of the past to address current issues

Explore current Buddhism around the world. Use your prior knowledge of ancient India and Buddhism to center your claims.
Explain the cultural diffusion of Buddhism from ancient India to around the world today.

1.) Inquiry

(3-5+ sentences Stretch your thinking; Be specific; Draw connections from past history and current events)
I think that Buddhism was spread around the world In ancient times via trade and exploration, and its spread around the world today via media and travel. Since the world is so connected these days with the internet and air travel, I do not think trading is as important to the spread of a religion. But, back in ancient times due to the fact that they did not have the internet, trade and exploration were the only ways for Buddhism to become known.

2.) Prediction What do you think you will find?

A. Video -- Ancient India The Impact of Buddhism as a World Religion I did this one for you. See below. B. BBC Article - 1.shtml Use to properly cite the reference materials that you use for your investigation within the selected news site. Select APA format. Alphabetize.

3.) Citations of References

Lex Von Klark 4/22/13 History 2 A.) Ancient India: The Impact of Buddhism as a World Religion. National Geographic 2005 Retrieved April 18, 2013, from Learn360: B.) BBC News. (2013, April 25). Retrieved from

4.) Investigation (2+ pieces of evidence per Citation = 4+ Pieces of Evidence)

(Expected and unexpected answers, insights, and questions related to the inquiry focus. Use Language Toolkit 2 for help with citations using APA style)
1.)In the video, they talk about how Chinese immigrants brought Buddhism to western America. 2.)They also talked about how Buddhism spread throughout Asia from India via Buddhist missionaries. 3.)On they website, they state that Allan Bennett went on a mission to Sri Lanka and returned as the first English Buddhist monk. 4.)The website also mentions that Buddhism first came to England from translated scrolls from the east.

5.) Analysis (5-8 sentences Follow PEEER Overview model) Write a PEEER paragraph that answers the Inquiry Question For your Evidence statement use one of your Direct Quotes
Explain the cultural diffusion of Buddhism from ancient India to around the world today.

Lex Von Klark 4/22/13 History 2

Color-code your paragraph -Buddhism spread around the world via exploration and trade. When these explorers and traders returned from eastern Asia, they could bring Buddhist ideals with them. In the video, they said that Chinese immigrants brought Buddhism to western America. They also stated that Buddhism spread throughout eastern Asia by Buddhist missionaries or adventures. These facts clearly show that Buddhism spread via trade and exploration.


A Properly uses the 5 Ws of Website Evaluation and without exception Ideas and elaboration include thorough and insightful historical connections. Includes variety in sentence structure and high-level word choice throughout. Is free of most errors in conventions.

B Properly uses the 5 Ws of Website Evaluation and with few exceptions. Ideas and elaboration include insightful historical connections. Includes variety in sentence structure and high-level word choice occasionally. Is generally free of most errors in conventions. Follows instructions with one or two omissions, and

C Somewhat uses the 5 Ws of Website Evaluation and properly. Ideas or elaboration includes insightful historical connections. Includes a lack of variety in sentence structure and highlevel word choice. Has some errors in conventions.

D Does not use the 5 Ws of Website Evaluation and properly. Ideas nor elaboration include historical connections. Includes a lack of variety in sentence structure and high-level word choice throughout. Contains errors in conventions, so serious that meaning is somewhat obscured. Follows instructions with multiple omissions, and does not

Historical Connections

Written Expression

Quality of Work

Follows instructions completely and includes Del Mar

Follows instructions with several omissions, may not

header, 12 point Cambria or Times New Roman font.

includes Del Mar header, 12 point Cambria or Times New Roman font.

include Del Mar header, or 12 point Cambria or Times New Roman font.

Lex Von Klark 4/22/13 History 2 include Del Mar header, or 12 point Cambria or Times New Roman font.

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