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All Around us and within us, the Omega Truth has been waiting to be discovered. The Hydrogen Cipher is about the new dawn which is ready to break over the horizon. We are truly in the midst of a new creation and "The Hydrogen Cipher" celebrates and exposes what that new creation is and how it can come forward from the clues of the past. The discovery of our new earthly habitat, which has cosmic meaning for the people of earth, will start moving forward into the consciousness of the people as we work through the nine amazing keys. This new creation can and will wrap itself around each one of us and blaze forward into the future with the word MIRACLE rolling off everyone's lips. The miraculous formula, which is to be included in this book, breaks the code to water and exposes the matrix which will power our world into the future. The omega truth has been waiting to come forward for millenia and within the pages of this book, it will start to live on the planet and within each one of you reading this book. You will learn that mankind, while living on the land, is not of the land, but rather is more at home within the ethers which are our true home and essence. This book and its truth, along with the fact that this energy has now been proven in the laboratory, places the world on the fast track to a new spiritual harmony and a power source which is safe and limitless.

Judy's background is medicine, with over 40 years in the medical field, and an impressive background as an author of research books for the allied medical market. She presented and coordinated classes for doctors in postgraduate medicine at USC School of Medicine. These classes

were presented in a hospital setting and were the first of their kind in the nation. Judy also had a publishing contract with one of the largest medical publishers in the world, Williams and Wilkins. Judy has had a major presence on the web since 1995, with two websites, and thousands of visitors.

DETAILED OUTLINE Chapter One: Keys To The Cipher

This is the sample chapter, which includes the nine keys; please see that chapter section.

Chapter Two: Anatomical Clues

Keys Activated: Symbols Numbers Heart Duality Water Bible Man

A lifetime of medicine did not prepare me for all that I found about our sacred temple ~ the human body. We are more than muscle, bone, and organs, yet those ingredients are the soup whose key unlocks pure spirit, our personal holy and sacred temple. The mystery awaiting each of us in the heart and how you connect with the GOD BROADCAST. Why hydrogen is important to the human body.

Life, in its essence, has divine expression concealed within its human borders. The senses of mankind limit this life expression. Life is not sensed; it is pulsed, harmonized, connected, loved, and explored.

Chapter Three: Greek Alphabet Clues

Keys Activated: Symbols Numbers Heart Duality Water Bible Nikola Tesla

In this chapter you will discover the hidden knowledge that resides in the Greek alphabet and why it was coded into The Bible. In Revelations God tells John The Divine that he is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending. The Greek Alphabet can be divided into six spiritual tiers and having four letters to each tier. What you will see in this alphabet will amaze you. As an example of this miraculous information, you will find the second tier includes ~ Eta. The symbol for eta is H, as in the symbol for Hydrogen, and the meaning is "with water."

Chapter Four: Emerald Tablet Clues

Keys Activated: Symbols Numbers Heart Duality Water Bible Duality

In this chapter, you will see the truth in the Emerald Tablets. I will relate to you some of the experiences of mine, which completely overlapped and encompassed those within the Emerald Tablets. This caught my attention and I dug in deeper wondering what I would uncover. Many keys were found in this document, but when I found what I call the trigger key, it turned me into a mad woman to read through this entire document. "Some I found who had conquered the ether. Free of space were they while, yet, they were men. Using the force that is the foundation of all things." The force which is the foundation of all things is Hydrogen. No electron moves in a living system without the presence of Hydrogen. This led to the vision about the matrix in water which allows Hydrogen and Oxygen to be mixed and become the bridge, or what is described in the Apocryphon of John as the pleroma. This is the joining of the epinoia (the womb) with the pronoia (matrix of all), thus finally bringing them together to create the pleroma which will liberate mankind from the struggle. Thus, this then becomes the beginning of spirit man and the thousand years of peace. A new day breaks over the horizon, we are in the midst of a new creation, a new habitat with cosmic meaning for the people of earth. Soon, we will be able to look at and communicate with our new creation, for it will have evolved and peace will reign.

Chapter Five: Early Egyptian Clues

Keys Activated: Symbols Numbers Heart Water Man Duality

We can find many major truths within the early Egyptian culture which fit into the keys, as listed in Chapter One. This chapter will also share with you the meaning of a hieroglyphic which has been mysteriously felt to be an electric light, even by Erich Von Dniken. I will show you how this apparatus was probably the earliest GEM Energy equivalent and tell you why I know that. We are universal infants cradled and nurtured by the graceful beauty of cosmic space, our natural habitat and essence.

Chapter Six: Scientific Formula of Spirit ~ The Gift

Keys Activated: Symbols Numbers Heart Water Man Duality

In this chapter you will learn how a mysterious formula was seen floating around in my office. As I started working with this formula, its truth started bubbling up, and it fits into all the major keys for finding this new GEM Energy source. In fact, it was the cornerstone which allowed the final piece of the puzzle to slip into place down the road. Without this key, there would be no GEM Energy to help save our planet, people, and future. I could recall that during my out-of-body experience I maneuvered in this substance of Hydrogen and it was a pulsatile mass and an expectant substance. A simple thought produced results which were immediate. Ask a question and the answer was immediate. Think of another location and I was there in an instant. The water code was meant to be discovered that would unlock the mystery of how we use this substance to become SPIRIT MAN.

What is it that allows the expressive pulse of connection, that something which is within all life? Hydrogen is the vaporous essence which lives and pulses with God's own rhythm; the creative center of all life. It flows within every stream. It flows around you every time you bathe or shower. It flows within your internal city of light with every drink you take.

Chapter Seven: Atlantis And The Water Matrix - Plato's Gift

Keys Activated: Symbols Numbers Heart Bible Water Man Duality

In Plato's dialogues of Critias, he describes Atlantis as:

"A hill upon which lived Cleito and which was encircled by alternative rings of land and water, two of land and three of water."

This is the three circles of man which is one of the major keys to
finding this energy. When I was writing the meaning for the symbol of MAN, a strong and powerful voice kept echoing in my head, "Judy go look in the mirror." Our eyes reveal the symbol for MAN. The eyes are filled with water, or vitreous, and have a pH (parts of Hydrogen) of 7.2 to 7.4. You will learn how important this symbol is for MAN and the Atlantis symbol as verbally described by Plato? You will learn how Stonehenge has the symbol for MAN at the heart of its truth, including the omega truth of the whirling energy.

The water matrix is what starts GEM Energy and this chapter defines all of this in detail.

Chapter Eight: The Bible As You Have Never Seen It Before

Keys Activated: Water Bible Heart Duality

As one of the major keys in this book, The Bible was always one of my proving grounds when discovering new information. The Bible and other religious texts have allowed me to penetrate even deeper into the truth as it has been revealed to me. The information that is being presented in this book has always been there, surrounding us like a warm cloak on a dark, cold, and rainy night. GEM Energy and its planet changing potential are only possible because each one of us carries this same truth within us. Within each one of us is the heartbeat of a vibrant, electric, volatile, and creative universe and cosmos. Look with your spirit eyes at the beautiful blue jewel we call home, our planet which resides in a sea of blackness, while surrounded with dazzling stars and glorious colors.

Chapter Nine: Einstein and The Unified Field

Keys Activated: Bible Water Heart Duality

Einstein's speed of light at 186,000 miles per second made a huge impact on science and our world.

First energy to arrive in Genesis was the hydrogen-rich primordial waters. Light was the second energy to arrive in Genesis. Light, then, is a secondary energy. No electron moves in a living system unless it is accompanied by Hydrogen. Physics is about physical structure, but is man only physical?

This chapter will help you feel the yearning that all life feels to once again be united with the single source. You will never again be able to stand in oblivion to all that is about you. Look closely and see the splendor of radiant pulsing light and the vibrations of life and energy.

Chapter Ten: Formula For A New Tomorrow

Keys Activated: Symbols Numbers Heart Alpha-Omega Bible Water Man Duality Nikola Tesla

From this point of a world in crisis, we can overcome and establish a new energy on the planet, one which will not be harmful. This new energy can come from a source that has been bubbling up around us every single day of our lives. Jules Verne from the Mysterious Island: "I believe that water will one day be employed as fuel, that hydrogen and oxygen which constitute it, used singly or together, will furnish an inexhaustible source of heat and light, of an intensity which coal is not capable." Jules Verne's visions have proven to be more than prophetic; they have been practical and transforming to our world.

The visionaries of Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein were the beginnings and the inspiration to this formula which has now been proven in the laboratory.

This is the chapter in which the formula will appear and how it is mixed.
Einstein gave us the speed of light; GEM Energy will give us the speed of Hydrogen.

Stretch your minds beyond the finite and stare into the beauty of the infinite creative essence. The fabric of space and its etheric substance are carrying the pulse beat which is throbbing and holding all of those spaces together, including the stars of an entire universe, and beyond to the galaxy and cosmos.

Chapter Eleven: Expectant Spirit And The World Of Tomorrow

Keys Activated: Water Man Nikola Tesla

The harmony of the universe and cosmos is so beautifully alive and filled with a truth that touches something inside your soul, something that weeps for a reunion with the source of that light and truth. The graceful curves, living colors, and musical and tonal grace which make up our universe and cosmos are filled with love, movement, and the expansion and contraction of a beat so primal and fulfilling that it is like a pure soul language spoken just for us. As we breathe in this new vibration, our beings will experience the greater you who lives and experiences within the Hydrogen Network and its mists and vapors.

We are a celestial tapestry vibrating with energy strands of connection. The luminous golden threads of the universe will weave themselves through each cell of our body, connecting each thread of the wondrous and mystical tapestry that we each are. The visions of the future which were given to me are to be included in this chapter.

A timed evolutionary cycle in spirit is about tuning into the universal pulse, placing yourself in harmony with the very essence which gave you life, and the atoms of your body which are singing spirit's song.

Chapter Twelve: Implications For Health and Longevity

Keys Activated: Water Alpha-Omega Heart Bible Man Duality

Because of how this energy came in through Nikola Tesla, I knew that healing was involved within this knowledge. I knew through my research that each being is what The Bible refers to as "Living Water." The biblical passage that brought this out for me was:
John 5:3 and 4 "In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water. For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool and troubled the water; whosoever then first, after the troubling of the water, stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had."

The troubling of the water is elevating the water to the appropriate amounts of hydrogen and oxygen according to the formula, and bringing harmony back to this substance from God. There is tangible evidence that there is something within water that is receptive to thought, memory, and verbal communication. This only enhances the truth that we are missing something in our world. Hydrogen is so much more than we have ever known before. Hydrogen is the piece of the puzzle that has been missing from the human template, the missing link to another species of man on this planet, the activated GOD MAN. The implications for medicine are immeasurable. In a GEM Energy balanced environment, we could grow new spare parts for our bodies. If you thirst for knowledge, if you thirst for truth, if you hunger for the love given by the creative essence of ALL, you will find that within yourself, and in the primordial waters of Hydrogen. Whole universes and star systems reside within the confines of your sacred temple, your body.

Chapter Thirteen: The Water Matrix Opened On Planet Earth

Keys Activated: All The Keys

We are spiritual beings thrust into a world of matter, groggy from the newly dense energy, unable to see into the heart or truth of what is around us, weakened by the electromagnetic forces which are pulling us off center, and swimming with emotions which are out of harmony. An atom constitutes the matter which is all around us, a triune principle of protons, neutrons, and electrons. There is only one atom, which in its purest

form does not have a neutron, and that atom is Hydrogen. Why would the creative essence of God need neutrality? It is only that which is created outside of God that needs a neutron. Hydrogen is the one atom that has no neutron veil. The electrons within an atom cannot move without the presence of Hydrogen. The universe is holding its breath in anticipation for the day when this energy is actualized on our planet. We will then send out a harmonized signal of holy music to the cosmos. It is then that we will be part of the cosmic informational highway that can inform, nurture, and encourage us to reach our divine potential for the first time.

What kind of a book proposal and marketing plan can take a published book from viral to pandemic? The need is great for the entire planet to know this information. The formula for this new energy will be included in this book and, thus, the entire world will be anticipating and reveling in the potential which this book will give to the world. 1. The advance for the book will produce the prototype (approximately 30-120 days max for production of a simple prototype for demonstration purposes). 2. While the book is being readied for market (hopefully fast tracked), the patent will be finalized, publicity people hired, demonstrations set up, and legal teams readied for licensing of this technology. Then, let the pandemic begin to own a copy of "The Hydrogen Cipher." As of today, "The Hydrogen Cipher" has had 24,213 page views on Issusu and 687 reads over the last 30 days. It is also selling well on Lulu. The world is ready and hungry for this information.


Dan Brown's books have triggered a memory within the people, the search for something that we have been missing. We have that, up to now, unknown substance, formula, and a new planet changing energy within "The Hydrogen Cipher."

James Redfield's books have awakened something which had been slumbering in the people and which helped them recognize this in their own personal world. In his Secret of Shambhala, he gives us the manifestation box. We have that in real life, with GEM Energy, and within "The Hydrogen Cipher."

Neale Donald Walsch's Conversations With God again triggered something in the people. They wanted to have their own conversation with God. In "The Hydrogen Cipher," we tell the people what it is that let's them have that conversation themselves. It is nothing they have to buy, they own it within their own bodies, and it flows around them daily.

What "The Hydrogen Cipher" has is what the people need and what has intrigued them with some of the best selling authors of our time. It is not about the words I write as being in the same caliber of these authors, but rather the truth which I reveal and which resonates within the pages of the book, as well as the planet changing potential which hums and vibrates within them as they read the book.

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