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A Touch of Evil Village Encounters

Tidewater Break in the Clouds

Beams of sunlight break through the heavy clouds. A good omen to be sure. "It has been long since we have seen any light on the horizon."
(1) TC

Tidewater Night on the Town (a)

You have a grand night out on the town, rekindling your weary spirits.
(1) TC

Village Encounter Recovery

Village Encounter Recovery

You may Heal 1 Wound and draw an Event card.

You may fully Heal. OR Gain D6 Investigation.

(1) TC

Samson, on the Scent

Village Encounter Minion Man "You're not cursed, are you boy?"
(1) TC

If not defeated in the first Fight Round, Brigands throw you out of town and disappear, ending the Fight. Move to the nearest Road space (or the Icy Waters if currently on the Docks). If defeated, gain 3 Investigation. 423 i Investigation 4I 2i 423 3 Investigation 423 Investigation

Village Encounter Ally Animal

Deadman's Fog
The twisting streets of Tidewater fill with the briny fog of the deep the Deadman's Fog. "It is not safe to be about on a night such as this."
(1) TC

Counts as a Coastal Town Item. Any time you roll a 1, 2, or 3 for Movement, also gain that amount of Investigation. Next time you are KO'd, you MUST discard Samson, on the Scent instead of losing any other Items, Allies, or Investigation.

Troubled Past (a)

The secrets of Tidewater's past are kept close by the people of the village, for none can escape the burden of their deeds.
(1) TC

Village Encounter

Village Encounter

You may not interact with the space any further this turn.

Founder's Journal
(1) TC

Make an Honor 6+ test and gain 2 Investigation for every 6+ rolled. For every 1 rolled, draw a Mystery card.

Village Encounter Item Book

Two If By Sea
(1) TC

Counts as a Coastal Town Item. Discard to cancel and re-draw ANY card just drawn. +1+1+1 +1 +1 +1 +1+1+1 +1+1+1

Village Encounter

Founder's Rock
A massive stone embedded in the sandy beach, the Founder's Rock marks the first landing at Tidewater and the founding of the town in 1626.
(1) TC

Roll once on the Villain's Minion Chart (re-rolling Event results), and place that Minion at the Icy Waters. That Minion then moves ashore (roll randomly to determine which space it moves to).

Whispered Word (the)

Tidewater gets few visitors these days, making the locals suspicious of any outsider walking amongst them. "We didn't ask for you help, nor do we need it!"
(1) TC

Village Encounter

Roll a D6: 1-2 Move the Shadow Track 1 step closer to Darkness 3-4 Draw an Event card 5-6 Move the Shadow Track 1 step away from Darkness

Village Encounter

Make an Honor 5+ test and draw an Event card for every 5+ rolled. If failed, lose D6 Investigation.

Judgment Stone
A small stone on the ground catches your eye and you pick it up. Turning it over in your hand, you are horrified to see your own name scrawled across the bottom. You have been chosen. At night, the streets of Tidewater hold more than just the shadows of the past.
(1) TC

Village Encounter Fight

Immediately draw a Haunting to Fight.

Lost Ship (the)

As you gaze out into the harbor, you see the tall shape of a ship, adrift in the distance.
(1) TC

Village Encounter Lost Ship

Make an Honor 4+ test and gain 1 Investigation for each 4+ rolled. If the Lost Ship is not on the board, place it at the Icy Waters space. If it is already on the board remove it.


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