Spa Question Bank

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Chapter 1 & 2
What is an Algorithm? State the properties of an algorithm. State the different ways of stating Algorithm. Draw and explain various flowchart symbols. List the importance of flowchart. List the limitations of flowcharts. What is a Pseudo code? List the benefits of Pseudo code. Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart of following: Largest of given three numbers. Swapping of two numbers using three variables. Whether the entered number is odd or even. Convert Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius. Whether the entered number is Prime or not. Print first n Fibonacci numbers.

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi.

Chapter 3
List the characteristics of C programming language. What is a C token? List and explain the types of tokens in detail. What is a Constant? List the type of Constants. List the various type of backslash character constants with the character represented by them. What is a Variable? List the rules for declaring a variable. What is an Operator? List the types of operators. Explain arithmetic operators in detail with example. Explain relational operators in detail with example. Explain logical operators in detail with example. What is a Unary operator? List the types of Unary operator. Explain any 3 Unary operators. Explain conditional operator/ Ternary operator with example. What is a bitwise operator? List the types of bitwise operator.
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Prof. Alok Jha

List the commonly used input/output functions in C. What is the main use of printf() and scanf() functions? Explain it with syntax. What is the use of format specifier? List the various format specifier in C.

Chapter 4
Explain the various data types supported by C. What is meant by the storage class of a variable? List the types of storage class supported by C. What is meant by the scope of a variable within a program? State the difference between static and dynamic variable. What is meant by implicit and explicit type conversion? What is the purpose of automatic variable? What is its scope and default value?

Chapter 5 & 6
What is the purpose of control statement in C? List the types of control statements in C. What is branching in C? What is the purpose of if-else statement? Give its syntax. Draw the flowchart showing the operations of nested if-else statement. What is the use of switch-case statement in C? What is the use of break? Draw the flowchart showing the operations of switch-case statement. Define looping in C. List the types of loop in C. Explain for, while, do-while loop with its syntax. Draw the flowchart showing the operations of do-while loop. Draw the flowchart showing the operations of while loop.

Prof. Alok Jha

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Chapter 7
What is a function? List the advantage of function. Define: i. Function declaration ii. Function definition iii. Function call What is a parameter? What is actual parameter and formal parameter? Explain called function and calling function with example and its syntax. Explain call by value and call by references in detail. Write a short note on scope of function. What is a recursion? List the advantage of using recursive function. Explain the process of passing an entire array to a function with example.

Prof. Alok Jha

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