Ece341 SP12 Midterm Exam Practice Questions

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ECE341: Introduction to Communication Systems Practice Questions for Midterm Exam - 2012 Spring

Q1. An AM system operates with a modulation index a = 0.7. The (un-normalized) message signal is m(t) = 12 cos(8t). (i). What is the average power m2 n (t) of the normalized message signal mn (t)? (ii). Compute the efciency of this AM modulator?

Q2. Consider a sinusoidal message signal m(t) = 2 cos(8t). (a). Let xDSB (t) be the output signal when above message signal m(t) is modulated on to a carrier c(t) = cos(300t) using DSB modulation. Derive and plot the spectrum XDSB (f ) of xDSB (t). You only need to draw the amplitude spectrum. (Hint: Use a trigonometric identity to express the output as a sum of cosines.) (b). What is the Hilbert transform m(t) of m(t)? (c). If the above message signal m(t) is the input to a lower-sideband SSB modulator that uses a carrier c(t) = cos(300t), derive an expression for the output signal yLSB (t). Then, derive and plot the spectrum YLSB (f ) of yLSB (t). You only need to draw the amplitude spectrum. (Hint: Use a trigonometric identity to express the output as a single cosine.)

Q3. Recall that if x(t) = properties to nd Z (f ).

t T

, then Fourier transform X (f ) of x(t) is given by X (f ) = T sinc(f T ).

Dene z (t) = x(t 2) cos(20t). If Z (f ) is the Fourier transform of z (t), use Fourier transform

Q4. The allowed peak frequency deviation for commercial FM broadcasting in North America is 75 kHz. For FM transmissions, usually the bandwidth of an audio signal is taken to be 15 kHz. Use Carsons rule to estimate the approximate transmission bandwidth required for commercial FM radio.

Q5. An analog speech waveform is quantized and transmitted using a PCM system. Suppose that each data sample at the receiving end of the system must be known to within 0.25% of the peak-to-peak full-scale value. (a). How many binary symbols must each transmitted digital word contain? (b). If the speech waveform has a bandwidth of 4 kHz, what should be the minimum bandwidth of nal PCM output?


Fourier transform of a signal x(t) is F{x(t)} = X (f ) = If F{x(t)} = X (f ), then F{x(t t0 )} = X (f )ej 2f t0 . If F{x(t)} = X (f ), then F{x(t)ej 2f0 t } = X (f f0 ). F {A} = A (f ). Eulers formula: ej = cos + j sin . ) = sin . cos( 2 cos(A + B ) = cos A cos B sin A sin B . cos(A B ) = cos A cos B + sin A sin B . sin(A + B ) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B . sin(A B ) = sin A cos B cos A sin B .

x(t)ej 2f t dt.

Transfer function of the Hilbert transformer is H (f ) = jsgn(f ).

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