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1. Appearance

The appearance immediately shows the presence of floating, frothing or colouring materials in the water. The presence of floating materials means insufficient water treatment, pollution or corrosion of the steam/water cycle. Foam means presence of substances able to decrease the waters surface tension and may cause dragging. 2. pH

The pH number shows water acidity or basicity referred at 20C. pH scale goes from 0 up to 14. Value 0 means maximum acidity Value 7 means neutrality Value 14 means maximum basicity A pH lower or higher than the one suggested in the enclosed table, means that the feed water treatment and/or the boilers blow down has not been properly executed and that there is danger of acid or caustic corrosion, as well as sediments. 3. Electric conductivity

The electric conductivity of a water solution is the reciprocal of resistivity which is the specific electrical resistance given from the solution when crossed by electricity. It is a characteristic for every electrolyte, as a direct function of the ionic concentration and gives an indirect measure of the concentration concerning dissociated substances present in the water. Being influenced by the temperature, its measure must be referred to 25C. It is used to valuate/check the waters purity and constancy and it is measured in microsimens at centimetre (S/cm). A conductivity value higher than the one suggested in the enclosed table, means insufficient boiler blow down, insufficient feed water treatment, or polluted water. 4. Total dissolved solids (TDS)

TDS is the sum of all the solid substances dissolved in the water. A TDS value higher than the one indicated in the enclosed table means insufficient boiler blow down, insufficient water treatment, or polluted water. Its value is measured in mg/l


Total hardness

The waters total hardness is measured by the content of calcium and magnesium in the water. The total hardness value is measured in mg/lt of CaC03. Presence of hardness in the water means bad water treatment or polluted condensate. 6. Total alkalinity

Total alkalinity is the ensemble of dissociated oxides OH- and those released due to the titration with acid (hydrate, carbonate, phosphate, and so on). It is measured in mg/lt of CaCO3. An alkalinity value higher than the one indicated in the enclosed table means: Bad water treatment Bad water conditioning Polluted condensate Incorrect blow down 7. Cloride (Cl), sulphate (SO4), nitrate (NO3)

They are measured in mg/l. High value of Cl, SO4, or NoO3 means bad water treatment, polluted condensate or insufficient blow down. 8. Silicon dioxide (SiO2)

This is the value that must be more controlled due to its risky ness.

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