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Elpanneteknik Sweden AB Mr.

Leif Kring

2010-03-15 Elpanneteknik Sweden AB 1

Company Info
o Leif Kring (CEO) and Lars Kring started Elpanneteknik in 1993 after having worked with design, production and maintenance of electric boilers since 1982. o After a reconstruction of the company in January 2010, S-Man AB became a co-owner of Elpanneteknik Sweden AB, together with Leif Kring and Lars Kring. o Our collective experience and knowledge of (large) electric boilers are unique. Leif and Lars have together over 54 years in the business. o Elpanneteknik has its office in Nykping, a small town situated 100km south of Stockholm, by the Baltic Sea.
2010-03-15 Elpanneteknik Sweden AB 2

Elpanneteknik Sweden AB Mr. Leif Kring

Elpanneteknik Sweden AB Mr. Leif Kring

o Our goal is to, within five to ten years, become the world's leading supplier of high voltage electrical boilers for steam and hot water. o As a complement to high voltage boilers, we will also be a leading supplier of low voltage boilers. o Our customers are companies within the sectors energy, process industry, property and marine.
Examples of our customers


Elpanneteknik Sweden AB

o We see a growing demand for high voltage boilers from the energy and process industries in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Germany, France, Canada, South Africa and China. o In the process and the nuclear industries its the steam boilers that are in demand. o Within the energy sector, its hot water boilers that are most interesting, to exploit temporary electricity surplus. o As the number of installed wind power plants grows, the need for electric boilers will increase. They are used for heat accumulation when there is a surplus of produced electricity. o The marine sector is showing an increased demand for large low voltage boilers.
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Elpanneteknik Sweden AB Mr. Leif Kring

o Nuclear power plants require auxiliary steam plants. High voltage electrode steam boilers are the preferred choice. o Chinese nuclear power plants will install about 70 auxiliary steam boilers, each with power of 15-30MW, until the year 2020. o Hundreds of electric hot water boilers, with outputs around 10MW each, will be installed in the Chinese district heating plants. o The process industry will want to invest in environmentally friendly electric steam boilers, as substitutes for fossil fuel-fired boilers. o Electric boilers are environmentally friendly, do not pollute, do not require fuel handling and do not produce exhaust gases or waste products and requires less space than fired boilers.
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Elpanneteknik Sweden AB Mr. Leif Kring

Our Boilers
The boilers, for production of steam or hot water, are either made for low voltage or high voltage.
Elpanneteknik Sweden AB Mr. Leif Kring

High voltage boilers are always electrode boilers. Low voltage boilers are mainly element boilers, although an electrode boiler is sometimes preferred. Element boilers range from 18 to 6000kW with supply voltages between 400 and 690V. Electrode boilers range from 1 to 70MW with supply voltages between 6 and 14kV.
2010-03-15 Elpanneteknik Sweden AB 6

Low voltage steam boilers, ETSL

Elpanneteknik Sweden AB Mr. Leif Kring

Horizontal and vertical steam boilers. Power: < 6000kW Voltage: 400-690V
2010-03-15 Elpanneteknik Sweden AB 7

High voltage steam boilers, ETSH

Elpanneteknik Sweden AB Mr. Leif Kring

Horizontal steam boilers, with insulated neutral or directly earthed. Power: < 70MW Voltage: 6-14kV
2010-03-15 Elpanneteknik Sweden AB 8

High voltage steam boilers, ETSH details overview

Elpanneteknik Sweden AB Mr. Leif Kring


Elpanneteknik Sweden AB

High voltage steam boilers, ETSH boiler plant layout

Elpanneteknik Sweden AB Mr. Leif Kring


Elpanneteknik Sweden AB


Low voltage hot water boilers, ETHL

Elpanneteknik Sweden AB Mr. Leif Kring

Vertical boilers with built-in control equipment. Power: 150-3000kW (standard series) Voltage: 400-690V
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High voltage hot water boilers,ETHH details overview

Elpanneteknik Sweden AB Mr. Leif Kring


Vertical boilers, with insulated neutral or directly earthed. The sketch shows a hot water boiler with an insulated neutral point. Power: < 40MW Voltage: 6-14kV
Elpanneteknik Sweden AB


Elpanneteknik Sweden AB Mr. Leif Kring

Elpanneteknik Sweden AB has finished the procedure for ISO 9001:2008 certification. TV Nord Cert Gmbh has approved all parts in our quality system and the ISO 9001 certificate will be issued in March 2010.

Production of boilers
Garioni Naval SpA is the manufacturer of Elpannetekniks boilers. With a production of more than 1000 boilers per year and a holder of all types of quality certificates, Garioni Naval guarantees top quality products.
2010-03-15 Elpanneteknik Sweden AB 13

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