Pioneer Review, May 2, 2013

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Includes Tax
A Publication of Ravellette Publications, Inc., Philip, South Dakota 57567. The Official Newspaper of Haakon County, South Dakota. Copyright 1981.
Number 36
Volume 107
May 2, 2013
Market Report
12 Pro Winter Wheat ...................$7.33
14 Pro Spring Wheat ...................$7.62
Milo ..............................................$6.35
SFS Birdseed.............................$20.75
New Crop 12 Pro WW..................$7.36
New Crop 14 Pro SW...................$7.55
Legals in this weeks issue:
Special Proceedings - City of Philip
Notice of FAA Approval - City of Philip
Special Proceedings - Haakon County
10 & 11
by Del Bartels
The Philip High School students
participating in the Teens as
Teachers program held an interim
visit with program coordinator
Suzanne Geppert, Wednesday,
April 24.
Its a lot of work. You do have to
have the cream of the crop, said
Geppert, a 4-H youth partnerships
field specialist at the South Dakota
State University Extension Pierre
Regional Center.
The program is based on the
principal that the best way to learn
is to teach. Six Philip High School
students, working in two-person
teams, applied for the program as
a leadership opportunity to be
teachers and mentors to younger
Teens as Teachers program wraps up
From left, Shelby Schofield, Tara Cantrell, Peyton DeJong, Ashton Reedy, Tate De-
Jong, Samantha Huston and advisor Carrie Weller. Photo by Del Bartels
After waiting, with equipment ready, for the weather to begin drying out, the crews
began Wednesday, April 24, tearing up the surface of Wood Avenue. Residents
are asked by the city to be patient during construction. Some neighboring resi-
dents have offered temporary parking areas for others who will not have access
to their own driveways. The areas weekly garbage collection, for those residents
directly affected by the street project, will be done by city employees, from the
curb to the contracted garbage company. Matt Reckling, Philips public works di-
rector, said that he is torn; as far as this project is concerned he hopes the
weather stays dry, but as the chief of the Philip Volunteer Fire Department he
hopes it rains. Shown above is the street project just getting underway with the
surface being broken up and trucked out. Below is the construction crew putting
in the first length of sewer piping at the edge of Pine Street. Photos by D. Bartels
Wood Ave. project begins
The 131st South Dakota News-
paper Association convention was
April 25-27 in Rapid City. This
year's convention was a first: a
joint meeting with members of the
North Dakota Newspaper Associa-
Steve Baker, publisher of the
Capital Journal in Pierre, was
elected president of South Dakota
Newspaper Association during the
associations annual newspaper
convention, this year in Rapid City
April 25-27.
Baker grew up in Minot, N.D. He
began his career in his hometown
newspaper working there from
1979 until 1991. Baker has been a
publisher for Ogden Newspapers in
Minot, N.D., Lee Enterprises in
Burley, Idaho, and Media News in
Red Bluff, Calif. Baker returned to
the Dakotas in 2008 when he was
named the publisher of the Capital
Journal in Pierre. The Capital
Journal is owned by Wick Commu-
nication, a family-owned media
company with holdings in several
Baker said one the focuses of his
term as president will be to con-
tinue the work on open government
issues including the publishing of
public notices. This is not just a
media issue; our readers need to be
aware of the consequences of gov-
ernment policing itself, Baker
said. Freeman Courier Publisher
Tim Waltner said it best when he
said there are three key aspects of
public notices: permanence, verifi-
ability and independence.
Baker has also been an advocate
for the newspaper industry in the
South Dakota Legislature. During
this year's legislative session,
Baker testified on Senate Bill 119,
which prohibits public schools from
entering into exclusive contracts
for news media coverage of inter-
scholastic events such as football
and basketball games. The bill was
approved by legislators and signed
into law by Governor Dennis Dau-
Ravellette Publications, Inc. part of South
Dakota Newspaper Association convention
The annual Kadoka Nursing
Home prime rib supper was held
Saturday, April 20, at the Kadoka
City Auditorium.
The event was centered around
21 tables, hosted and decorated by
different sponsors. Each table had
a theme, ranging from the schools
mascot, to patriotic to simple ele-
gance. The event was sold out, with
168 guests. The 180 pounds of
prime rib was prepared by Gene,
Dale and Logan Christensen. Vol-
unteer servers and helpers in-
cluded members of the gymnastics
Kadoka Care Centers
annual fundraiser dinner
Shorty Ireland (center) was at the table hosted by Lyndy Ireland (center) and was
joined by family and friends. Photos by Robyn Jones
From left are Vern Uhlir (L), Al Badure, Bev McDaniel, and Diane and Bill Mc-
Daniel. This table was hosted and decorated by Diane McDaniel.
For several years, Dorothy and Bud Stickler, back row, have donated their time
and labor to clear away drink cans from the Philip Roping Arena after the annual
matched bronc ride. Now, with the aid of three youthful helpers from left Wyatt,
Casey and Ashley they have donated the can tabs to a donation drive held by
the school. As seen on the sign, the count of the total number of the Stickler tabs
comes to approximately 78,190. On behalf of Family, Career and Community
Leaders of America, members Afton Burns and Katlin Knutson ran a tab collec-
tion challenge. Kindergarten through 12th grade students and teachers com-
peted to see which class collected the most. All tabs will be donated to Ronald
McDonald House. Photo by Del Bartels
Giving a double donation
Sponsorships for tickets to the May 3, 4 and 5 Shrine Circus at the Rushmore
Plaza Civic Center in Rapid City were being sold by local Shriners. The Naja Shrine
is a fraternal organization of men committed to family, fun, fellowship and the
Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. Chartered in Deadwood in
1893, the Shrine in western South Dakota consists of four Shrine Clubs that meet
locally to foster fun, fellowship and philanthropy in the community. Members enjoy
a brotherhood, dedicated to having fun and caring for children and families in
need. Naja Shriners are known for their involvement in parades, circuses and so-
cial events. They support the greatest philanthropy in the world, Shriners Hospi-
tals for Children, a nationwide network of hospitals. Shown, from left, are Ty Nor-
man, Mitch Norman and Kevin Neuhauser, all from the Four Rivers Shrine Club
that consists of members from the White, Bad, Cheyenne and Missouri River
areas. Photo by Del Bartels
Shriners selling circus ticket
benevolent sponsorships
team, rodeo club, and others.
The evenings entertainment
was violin and cello music played
by Central High School Chamber
Orchestra members Mikayla
Rogers and Jessica Bachman.
The evening ended with the tra-
ditional auction of donated items,
which brought in approximately
$3,900. The evening raised, after
expenses, close to $10,000. This
will go toward renovating the
kitchen, and toward fencing in the
yard so residents may be outside
without continual supervision.
students. They are Tate DeJong,
Shelby Schofield, Tara Cantrell,
Samantha Huston, Peyton DeJong
and Ashton Reedy. This program is
in partnership with Family, Ca-
reer, and Community Leaders of
America where teen teachers work
within their community to carry
out the 4-H curriculum and the
South Dakota Discovery Centers
Harvest of the Month curriculum.
With guidance from school teach-
ers, FCCLA advisors and 4-H advi-
sors, the students designed and
presented lessons that were in line
with South Dakota Health Educa-
tion Standards. The teens also
wrote newsletters, did community
health challenges, did various eval-
uations, and finished the program
with a five minute reflection video.
Upon completion of the program,
each teen will have earned a $500
scholarship to be deposited in an
educational account at the South
Dakota 4-H Foundation. The schol-
arship can be used for post-sec-
ondary education at a school of the
teen's choice. The six were recog-
nized and presented certificates of
their scholarships at the State
FCCLA Convention.
With an intense, one day train-
ing under their belts, the students
prepared plans for at least eight
lessons, each concerning nutrition
and exercise. The teens, working in
teams of two, had an average of 16
elementary students per lesson. It
was a lot more intense than I ex-
pected, said Philip High Schools
family and consumer sciences in-
structor Brigitte Brucklacher.
Each lesson incorporated physi-
cal activity, from running in circles
to high-five everyone, to stretching
like animals. The elementary stu-
dents tried healthy, and surpriz-
ingly tasty, foods. They learned
about germs, dancing, healthy pro-
portions and harvest foods of the
You need to know what you can
do with that certain amount of time
with those kids, said sophomore
Peyton DeJong. Senior Sam Hus-
ton added, seriously, They listen
to us more that adults because
were cool. One of them added me
on Facebook, said senior Tara
Cantrell. Sophomore Ashton Reedy
summed up the team efforts, We
used each other. When they got
done, they told us what worked and
what was fun.
Don Ravellette, owner of the
Ravellette Publications Inc., which
operates seven weekly newspapers,
was the SDNA president during
The Pioneer Review was repre-
sented in the 2013 SDNA Better
Newspapers Contest. For weekly
newspapers with subscriptions be-
tween 1,151 to 2,000, the home
town newspaper won third place in
the category of best local humorous
Among the convention guest
speakers was Max Heath, the fore-
most expert on postal issues as
they relate to community newspa-
pers. Another speaker was Kevin
Slimp, who has been at the fore-
front of a national dialogue on the
future of journalism. Statistics
show that the printed media is not
dying off because of the economy
and electronic media; it is holding
its own and in many instances
The SDNA, founded in 1882 and
based in Brookings, represents 130
weekly and daily newspapers with
a total readership of more than
Ravellette Publications is happy to receive letters concerning comments on any news
story or personal feeling on any subject. We do reserve the right to edit any offensive ma-
terial and also to edit to fill the allotted space. We also reserve the right to reject any or all
Our deadline for insertion in the Thursday issue is the preceding Monday at 5:00 p.m.
Letters intended for more than one Ravellette Publications newspaper should be mailed
or hand delivered to each individual newspaper office. All letters must bear the original
signature, address and telephone number of the author.
POLITICAL LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: No political letters are to run the two weeks
prior to an election.
The Letters column is intended to offer readers the opportunity to express their opin-
ions. It is not meant to replace advertising as a means of reaching people.
This publications goal is to protect the first amendment guarantee of free speech. Your
comments are welcomed and encouraged.
The Pioneer Review P.O. Box 788 Philip, SD 57567-0788
(605) 859-2516 FAX: (605) 859-2410
Ravellette Publications, Inc.
Letters Policy
Opinion / Community
Thursday, May 2, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 2
Pioneer Review
Philip, SD U.S.P.S. 433-780
Subscription Rates: For Haakon, Jackson,
and Jones counties, Creighton, Wall, Quinn,
Marcus, Howes, Plainview, and Hayes ad-
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South Dakota residents are required to pay
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Established in 1906.
The Pioneer Review, the official newspaper of
Haakon County, the towns of Philip and Mid-
land, and Haakon School District 27-1 is pub-
lished weekly by Ravellette Publications, Inc.
Pioneer Review office is located at 221 E. Oak
Street in Philip, South Dakota.
Phone: (605) 859-2516;
FAX: (605) 859-2410;
Copyrighted 1981: Ravellette Publications,
Inc. All rights reserved. Nothing may be
reprinted, photocopied, or in any way repro-
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DEADLINES: Display & Classified
Advertising: Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. (MT)
Legals: Fridays at 5:00 p.m. (MT)
Publisher: Don Ravellette
Gen. Mgr. of Operations/
Ad Design: Kelly Penticoff
Editor/News Reporter: Del Bartels
Reporter/Ad Design: Nancy Haigh
Ad Sales: Beau Ravellette
Thursday: Clear. High of 55F.
Winds from the NW at 5 to
15 mph. Thursday Night:
Clear. Low of 32F. Winds
from the ENE at 10 to 15 mph
shifting to the SSE after midnight.
Friday: Clear. High of
54F. Winds from the
SE at 10 to 15 mph.
Friday Night: Partly
cloudy. Low of 34F. Winds
from the ESE at 5 to 15 mph.
Sunday: Partly cloudy. High
of 75F. Winds from the
NNE at 5 to 10 mph.
Sunday Night: Clear.
Low of 37F. Winds from the
SSE at 5 to 10 mph.
Saturday: Mostly
cloudy. High of 66F.
Winds from the
ENE at 5 to 15
mph. Saturday
Night: Clear. Low of 39F. Winds
from the NE at 5 to 15 mph.
Get your
complete &
local forecast:
Lookin Around by Syd Iwan
Is it any wonder that Rome fell?
If they couldnt come up with a bet-
ter numerical system than Roman
numerals, what hope was there for
the empire? To me, anyway, this is
the most cumbersome and hopeless
system imaginable. The current
year, for example, is MMXIII.
(M=1,000, X=10, I=1. Just add
them all up.) Son Chance was born
in MCMLXXXVI. By the way,
C=100, L=50 and V=5. You also
have to know that a smaller value
before a larger requires subtrac-
tion so CM=900.
I see no reason to use Roman nu-
merals since they are mostly used
to make you think the user is
learned, I guess. What other rea-
son could there be? If you look in
the front of many books to see
when it was published, that date
will often be given with a string of
letters maybe starting with MCM
or MM. Even the construction date
of many buildings is inscribed in
stone over doorways using Roman
numerals. Oof!
This all came to mind the other
day when I encountered part of a
computer game where a clock used
Roman numerals. You were sup-
posed to arrange the numbers on
the clock face correctly which is
confusing when you have to rotate
the clock to do it. IV and VI are
hard to keep straight upside down
as are XI and IX. Fortunately, if I
dont feel like dealing with that, I
can wait about a minute until a lit-
tle sign comes up asking me if I
would like to skip that part of the
game. The skipping option fre-
quently gets my vote.
It also occurred to me lately that
doing math with Roman numerals
must be fairly tricky. I looked it up
on the Internet to see if it was even
possible, and it is, but you probably
dont want to know about it. It gets
complicated early on. The Romans
used an abacus for knotty compu-
tations, but that was no piece of
cake either. Its even worse than
algebra by quite a bit.
I recently read a little quip that
went, And then Satan said, Put
the alphabet in math. This would
apply to algebra with its proverbial
x and y and whatnot. Come to
think of it, I havent used any alge-
bra recently or in fact for many
years going back. Knowing algebra
is about as useful to me as knowing
what year they signed the Magna
Carta. Algebra, however, is a piece
of cake compared to other forms of
math such as differential equa-
tions. I saw some textbook prob-
lems on those last year and
couldnt make heads or tails of
them. They not only used English
letters, but also a few Greek ones
plus symbols for square root, pi,
and who knows what else. It
looked totally incomprehensible at
first glance and would probably
stay that way even after many
glances for many of us. Luckily, I
can still balance my checkbooks
without using any form of ad-
vanced math.
Some of this boils down to the
particular talents and abilities we
happen to have. I obviously am not
gifted when it comes to math.
Friend Loren, on the other hand,
was the guy whose textbook on dif-
ferential equations I happened to
look at last year. He appears to be
comfortable with math and will
graduate with an engineering de-
gree this week. Spelling, grammar,
and English composition, though,
are not his things. He gets by with
those, but they dont come natu-
rally to him.
I, conversely, enjoy words and
putting them together. Sometimes
I even get accused of using too
many big words. I read a quote re-
cently where a fellow said, I love
using big words to sound smart. I
mean utilizing gargantuan idioms
to fabricate intelligence. Well, I
dont use vocabulary to sound
smart, but I happen to know cer-
tain words that seem to convey ex-
actly what Im trying to say and
sometimes theyre big. As teachers
might say, If you dont know what
a word means, you can always look
it up.
There used to be a commentator
on TV, William F. Buckley Jr., who
used so many huge words so often
that it could be difficult to figure
out what on earth the man was
talking about. You couldnt look up
the words fast enough to make
sense of what he was saying. Ill try
to avoid going that far, but an oc-
casional difficult word may creep
By the way, if you were trying to
figure what year son Chance was
born by the Roman numerals given
above, it was 1986. See there. Isnt
1986 a lot cleaner and nicer than
MCMLXXXVI? I hope to shout it
is, or at least it is to me.
PARENTS INVOLVED MEETING Parents of children in
grades K-8 are invited to a Parents Involved meeting on Wednes-
day, May 8, at 3:45 p.m. in the Philip Elementary Title room.
LADIES PRAYER BREAKFAST Monday, May 6, at 7 a.m. in
the Senechal Apts. lobby. Donations will be sharing. All ladies are
9, at 7:30 p.m. at the senior citizens center in Philip. Gold Star
Mother program to follow meeting.
lic Library will be hosting Elke Baxter on Tuesday, May 7, at 7:00
pm in the community room of the courthouse for a talk on best
plants for prairie gardens. All are welcome. Call the library at 859-
2442 for more information.
To have your NON-PROFIT meeting listed here, please sub-
mit them by calling: 859-2516, or e-mailing to: ads@pioneer-
review. com. We will run your event notice the two issues
prior to your event at no charge. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND,
if you charge for an event, we must charge you for an ad!
Monday: Clear. High
of 70F. Winds less
than 5 mph. Mon-
day Night: Clear.
Low of 46F. Winds
from the SE at 5 to 10 mph.
Tuesday: Clear. High of
75F. Winds from the
South at 5 to 10
mph. Tuesday Night:
Clear. Low of 45F. Winds
from the East at 5 to 15 mph.
In good shape ? ... by Del Bartels
An old axiom states that it is far easier to stay in shape than to get
back into shape. Ranchers and others who work hard for a living seem
to always be in good shape. I, on the other hand, am striving to simply
not go so soft as to not be able to stand against a light breeze. I have
been admonished that couch potato is not an olympic sport.
One week of getting ready for spring has convinced me that going
soft may not be all that bad. I dusted off an old treadmill and plugged
it in. Let it be a lesson, dont let your thumb touch the metal of the
plug-in as it enters the socket. After the tingling quit, I got on the con-
traption, feeling like a hamster in a wheel. It hummed and I had to
take a step, followed by another and yet another. I inched up the knob
to go a touch quicker. After a few minutes of gradually getting up to a
hard walk, I tapped it up to a beginning jog. The charley horse in my
calf came out of nowhere. Next thing I knew I was on the floor crum-
pled up against the far wall. My forearms had road rash from the tread,
and my wrist was losing circulation from the safety kill-cord looped
around it. Do all marathon runners start out this way?
Next day I tried a few stretches. It took me 10 attempted toe-touches
to reach the tops of my socks. I next tried a gentle split, gradually inch-
ing my feet farther and farther apart. Ive never had a charley horse
there before. I unplanted my face from the carpet and worked for an
hour in standing upright again. Next, I tried some jumping jacks. I was
just getting up to braggable speed when I instantly discovered that my
left hand was way too close to the bedroom doorknob. The bruise on
the back of that hand is now turning green and purple.
Next, trying sit-ups, I got in the center of the living room away from
everything that might hurt. I braced my feet under the front of the
couch for leverage, put my hands behind my head, and began. Boy, that
was working wonders and I soon began to feel the burn. Wisely, I de-
cided to not over do it. Besides, one is a good start. Next, I worked on
my biceps, which arent bad, by doing some curls. I whipped out a few,
but my left arm started complaining. No wonder; I had forgotten to
take my wrist watch off before the workout. Eventually I will add some
hand weights, starting out with rolls of bathroom paper.
I have to admit that the chin up bar was a real killer. I had forgotten
that it was initially set in the bedroom doorway at a height of five feet.
Rushing to answer the phone, I clotheslined myself. Needless to say,
the phone went unanswered. The back of my head still throbs from it
hitting the floor as I limboed like Jerry chasing Tom.
With good exercise should come eating healthy. I like to load up on
carbs, such as potato and tortilla chips. Eggs and milk are heavy in
protein, especially when baked into cakes and brownies. Scientists say
that red wine and dark chocolate actually have good health qualities,
such as antioxidants. Im stocked up for the next five years.
Fifth grade
instructor Lee
Vaughn holds
their rocket while
Tayanna Arthur
and Gabriella
Walker drop in
an Alka-Seltzer
for fuel. One film
cartridge plastic
container, some
paper flight fins
attached, fizzy
fuel and water,
and quickly push
on the lid; then
class stand back.
At about the
count of 10, the
rockets popped
and often hit the
gym ceiling.
The annual Elementary Science Day was held Thursday, April
25. Above is Kim Kanable illustrating a cut-paper whirlybird.
The kids then built their own, or built a mini-parachute for
an action figure. Photos by Bartels
Philip Elementary Science Day
These students made bird feeders out of gourds, but first
they decorated them. This science station was directed by
Sheila Trask, who works for the Haakon County Conservation
District. Show, from left, are students Brice Hanson, Carson
Hamill and Cappie West.
Game, Fish and Parks Conservation Officer Zach Thomsen
had students attention when he displayed pelts, horns and
antlers as part of his science station. Meanwhile, science in-
structor Karmen Marbry was holding her own science station
session in her classroom. Krista Testin from the Journey Museum prepares students
to go in to the geo-dome behind her. There they laid on the
floor and watched as their space ship hurtled out into space,
eventually returning to crash land in Philip. The planetarium
ride was so convincing that Testin had to warn some stu-
dents that they might feel some motion sickness.
On Friday, April 26, a Drive One For Your School test driving fundraiser was held
at the Philip High School. Philip Motor Inc., in conjuction with Ford Motor Com-
pany, attempted to raise $6,000 for Philip High School. With each test drive of a
new Ford vehicle by a licensed driver, $20 was donated to Phillip High School.
Shown, from left, are student promoters Afton Burns, Katlin Knutson, Holly Iwan
and Paul Guptill. Courtesy photo
Drive One 4UR School
Haakon School District sent five
top spellers from each class, first
grade through eighth, to the an-
nual Region Spelling Bee held this
year in Kadoka, April 29. The local
winners included students from
Philip Elementary, Milesville
School and Deep Creek School.
The three school districts com-
peting were Haakon, Kadoka Area
and Jones County. Kadoka Area in-
cluded Midland School, Long Val-
ley School and Interior School.
Each grade ended with its top five
regional spellers. In the first grade,
and in order from first to fifth, were
Tristen Host, Jones County, Kait-
lyn Schofield, Midland, Wakely
Burns, Philip, Jess Jones, Philip,
and Kade Larson, Jones County.
The top second graders, again in
order, were Gracie Fitzgerald,
Philip, McKenna McIlravy, Philip,
Alisse Janis, Long Valley, Jadyn
Jensen, Jones County, and Levi
Williams, Philip.
Third graders were Kayin Con-
vey, Jones County, McCoy Peter-
son, Philip, Katie Butler, Philip,
Bridger Hight, Jones County, and
Allison Williams, Philip.
Fourth graders were Wyatt
Olson, Jones County, Sophia
Kuster, Jones County, Jackson
Grimes, Kadoka, Sarah Parsons,
Milesville, and Jasmine Hiatt,
Fifth graders were Rosalie Roa-
les, Interior, Riley Rankin, Jones
County, Autumn Parsons,
Milesville, Dylan Iwan, Jones
County, and Mason Grimes, Inte-
Sixth graders were Morgan
Cantrell, Philip, Aitanna Nadala,
Philip, Lily High Horse, Kadoka,
Jasmine Ferguson, Philip, and
Haakon School spelling bee results
Morgan Feddersen, Jones County.
Seventh graders were Tristen
Schofield, Philip, Esperanza Hart-
man, Kadoka, Bobbi Antonsen,
Philip, Kobie Davis, Philip, and
Katy Manke, Jones County.
Eighth graders were Jacob Ros-
ales, Interior, McKenzie Stilwell,
Kadoka, Ciara Stoddard, Kadoka,
Jake Lolley, Jones County, and
Peyton Kuchenbecker, Philip.
Dakota Wesleyan University stu-
dents were honored on April 28 at
the 2013 Honors Sunday convoca-
tion held on campus in Mitchell.
Students were recognized for
honors in scholarship and for active
participation in a variety of campus
clubs or events.
DWU is a private, liberal arts
university associated with the
Dakotas Conference of the United
Methodist Church. More than 800
students are enrolled in various ac-
ademic majors.
Kayla OConnell, a senior stu-
dent from Philip, was honored by
AmeriCorps, a program that con-
nects students with communities
through meaningful academic serv-
ice, civic engagement and commu-
nity service experiences.
OConnell was also honored by Pi
Gamma Mu, a national social sci-
ence fraternity intended to stimu-
late achievements by students in
the social sciences. Membership is
restricted to 10 percent of the jun-
ior and senior classes. Members
are elected by the Pi Gamma Mu
membership from students with a
minimum of a 3.0 grade point aver-
age in social science courses and in
the top one-third of their class.
College Brief
Thursday, May 2, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 3
Rural Livin
There Will Be Winter Wheat,
But How Much?
Finally, after what we hope is
the last snowstorm of the season,
temperatures have warmed and
allowed the winter wheat to break
dormancy, or in some cases, germi-
nate. In a quick windshield survey
on April 26, with a few stops to
look closer, and visiting with a few
producers, it seems that some of
the winter wheat planted into low
residue situations is up and can be
rowed in south-central South
Dakota, while others are more in
As temperatures warm over the
next few days, wheat that is alive
will grow rapidly and allow pro-
ducers to assess its condition and
their stands and make decisions.
The general consensus is that win-
ter wheat yields will be down, even
with adequate stands, and plant-
ing date studies would support
that. Late/dormant planted winter
wheat, which would be similar to
much of the crop this year, has
typically yielded 20 to 30 percent
less than wheat planted at the rec-
ommended time in good condi-
tions. The extent of the yield re-
duction will depend heavily on
moisture and temperatures during
May and June.
Some producers have reported
that spring wheat planted before
the recent snow storms have al-
ready sprouted and may be farther
along than some of the winter
wheat. That is also consistent with
research comparisons as dormant
planted or early planted spring
wheat is often ahead of dormant/
late-planted winter wheat.
The wheat crop, and other crops
for that matter, is also in a tenu-
ous situation regarding soil mois-
ture. Upon probing several fields
on April 26, moisture was found
down to about 12, below that it
was dry. Timely rains will be
needed for whatever crop is
planted to succeed.
To add insult to injury, stripe
rust is reported to continue its de-
velopment in southern states.
Stripe rust was first reported in
Oklahoma on April 17, and on
April 26 was said to be more com-
mon. Leaf rust was also first re-
ported in Oklahoma on April 11,
but hasnt developed to the extent
of stripe rust.
With the early development of
leaf and stripe rust in southern
states and the South Dakota
wheat crop significantly behind in
progress, rusts will have a much
longer time period to infect the
crop than normal. Producers may
be faced with the decision as to ap-
plying fungicides or not. One of the
important factors in making foliar
fungicide application decisions is
yield potential. Economic return to
foliar fungicides is often measured
in bushels, but if a yield increase
occurs, it is typically a percentage
of yield over an untreated check.
The return on a field with 30
Bu/acre yield potential would be
expected to be much less than a
field with 60 or more Bu/acre po-
Every field may not have blank
spots in them, but a quick survey
of fields on April 26 showed a num-
ber with less than uniform stands.
If that proves to be the case, weed
control may be an important issue.
Can you still plant spring
wheat? The latest recommended
seeding date is about May 10 to
May 15, moving from south to
north. These dates can also be ap-
plied to oats. The final planting
date for spring wheat and oat crop
insurance is May 5 for the south
half and May 15 for the north half
of South Dakota.
5/2: PAT Certification Meeting,
1:00 p.m. CT, Phoenix Center,
Main St., Onida
5/14-15: Spring Extension Con-
ference, Brookings
Extension News
by Bob Fanning
Field Specialist, Winner
Regional Extension Center
~aa/e 5c../e ? \e.
cc// c,ea ? cte.ea
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S1op bg ]or o11
gour oo1v1ng needs:
Ear Tags
Calf Pullcrs
Mill Fclaccr
MucI, nucI norc!
National Bank
859-2525 Philip, SD
Since 1906 Member FDIC
Are BAR CODES going to replace
BRANDS??? Were not SURE, but we
ARE SURE about the SAFETY of
BANKING on the INTERNET with us. If
you have questions, come in and visit.
Alan Rislov Philip, SD
Give me a call today!
Corn, proso millet, forage crops
& many other seeds available.
Greetings from a campground in
Madison. We overlook Lake Her-
man with squirrels frolicking in the
trees, ducks dipping in and out of
the water, and land and robins en-
joying the green grass. Bill is
thinking it would be a good time to
test out his fishing pole, but a bit
breezy at the moment. We are the
only occupant so are waiting to be
joined by great-grandson Jaxon
May for some quality time in this
quiet environment.
Monday found Tony Harty out
and about getting mail, having cof-
fee out and visiting at our house to
give me his news.
George Gittings picked up great-
grandson Daniel Monday afternoon
in Philip to spend the night with
George and Sandee.
Tuesday, Tony Harty went to
Philip for supplies and went to the
sale barn to visit and hear how his
brother and familys cattle sold.
That evening, he visited his niece,
Kathy Brown.
Bill and I were on the road early
Tuesday to the dentist in Rapid to
get that darned root canel done and
over with instead of waiting until
May 2, cancellations are good. We
got done in time so Bill could report
in at the card room.
Don and Vi Moody spent the first
part of the week at the ranch bug-
ging around and about on their 4x4
and enjoyed seeing some water
from snowmelt in some of the
dams. It all depended on how large
the snow drifts were, but so nice to
see the start of some run off and
hope for the rains to come also.
Green grass is starting to grow, so
things are looking pretty nice
around the countryside. They
shopped in Philip and Kadoka
Tuesday and Wednesday and while
they were at a store in Kadoka, had
a nice visit with Vi's cousin, Chad
Kaltenbach, from the Martin area.
The Kaltenbach's have a daughter
graduating from Bennett High
School this year and a son getting
married at the Nemo, also in May,
so a busy time for that little family.
Cathy Fiedler said they had
about 10 inches of snow in the
Sturgis area from Monday until
Thursday, then by Saturday the
high temperature reached 72.
Wednesday, L.D. and Shirley
Hair were back in Kadoka to bury
their little dog that had to be put to
sleep. Tony Harty visited them
while they were in town.
Wednesday, I went to Rapid and
took a drive in the Black Hills to
check on campgrounds for a family
reunion in 2014 that niece Dawn
Fairchild-Newsome is working at
getting set up. A favorite spot has
some issues to be ironed out, but
looks like a good spot for tourists to
spend a lot of time seeing all kinds
of things. Good luck Dawn! I then
ended up in Sturgis for my flight
physical. Not many doctors give
these and since Dr. Mangulis quit,
it has been a challenge to get one
done, and quite expensive. The
good news is I passed. The bad
news, I forgot to take along paper
work to get a physical taken care of
for pending eye surgery, so Thurs-
day while I was in Philip with the
HCPT van, I got that physical
done. Phyllis Word visited at our
place in the afternoon.
Tony Harty did his usual Thurs-
day, got mail and had coffee out,
then stopped by our place for a visit
and to let me beat him at farkel. He
went to the track to watch the
events going on in the afternoon.
George Gittings attended funeral
services for June Wanczyk in Wall
Thursday morning. Sympathy to
Junes family, she was such a car-
ing person.
Thursday morning, Ralph and
Cathy Fiedler headed to Philip in
time to have lunch with her sister,
Diana Stewart, at the caf. When
arriving there, they were surprised
to see their nephew, Jeb Stewart,
who was home for a few days to see
his parents, Richard and Diana,
and to do some turkey hunting. He
did get a turkey. After lunch, Ralph
and Cathy went to the nursing
home for a very nice visit with her
mom, Katy Drageset. Late in the
afternoon, they said goodbye to
Katy, stopped by the Stewart home
to see them for a few minutes, and
headed for Sturgis.
Don and Vi Moody went to Rapid
City Friday early to spend some
time at their Rapid Valley home
and keep an appointment then cel-
ebrate Dons birthday by having
supper out in Deadwood. They en-
joyed visiting with folks from Rapid
Valley as well as Philip. There is a
neat car that Vi almost won at one
of the hotel/casino complexes, but
she said it was still there when
they left Deadwood, so will have to
put her ticket in the drawing again.
They checked out the shows for the
month of May. Vi said there may be
a possibility, if all works out well,
for reservations for a getaway.
Sandee Gittings went to Rapid
City with Marlis Petersen and
Tena Slovek Friday afternoon.
They met Brittney Drury in Rapid
and bowled in the state tourna-
ment. Sandee and Tena rode back
to Philip with Brittney Saturday.
Saturday started the day as
usual for Tony Harty, but he re-
ceived the sad news that his sister,
Theresa Hockenbary, Valentine,
Neb., passed away that evening
after a long battle with cancer. He
attended church in Philip in the
evening. Our sympathy to the fam-
ily and may many memories make
times easier,
A call Saturday from Jean and
Joe Montoya, Bills niece, from Rio
Rancho, N.M., saying they would
be pulling into Kadoka for fuel and
could we meet them? We had an
enjoyable visit while the pump was
running and then they were on the
road to Washington. Joe hauls over
the road, but they dont often get to
South Dakota. After our visit, Bill
was busy crawling around under
and over his tryke trying to get the
left hand brake to work, new brake
shoes didnt do the trick but were
needed. While searching for an an-
swer, he discovered the brake line
was pinched off by the gas tank, off
came the tank then the search is on
for a new line that was a little
longer. I went to Rapid to attend a
baby shower for Cori Barber that
her mom, Jo Ann Barber, had put
together. I so wanted to be able to
put the Stroll-O-Chair that Ive
saved for 52 years to good use, but
the buggy has become brittle with
age so it sets in the shop ready for
me to see what can be done with it.
The story behind this wonderful set
up was Shelley spent the first cou-
ple of months of her life in a box in
the passenger seat beside me (in
this day and age, I may have been
released from prison by the time
she was in school for child endan-
germent). One day a salesman saw
this and sold us on the idea of this
wonderful contraption that used
four main pieces, a set of wheels
that folded down and fit in the
trunk so the baby buggy went from
a car bed to a buggy in an instant.
Then there was the chair that had
a couple of metal pieces that
clipped over the back seat and you
had a car seat and stroller in an in-
stant. That same chair fit onto a
table and made a high chair when
you didnt need it in the car. Then
when older it was a table and chair
and a rocking chair. We set up pay-
ments and in less time than it
takes to buy a car now, we owned
this wonderful set up. Now, what to
do with it! I dont dare gift it to any
great-grandkids because now I
would be stuck in jail for child en-
dangerment and not get to have
fun with the little ones. What to
do? Anyway, I visited at the Zack
Seager home after the shower and
got to see all the things going on
with them before heading home.
Jessica Gittings and Daniel had
supper at the George Gittings
home Saturday evening to cele-
brate Daniel's fourth birthday.
Hard to believe that little guy is al-
most ready for school.
Don and Vi Moody spent Sunday
afternoon checking the stores at
the Rushmore Crossing area and
getting their car washed and all
those little details.
Sunday afternoon, Don Klumb,
Tessa, Hannah and Ayden arrived
in Sturgis at Ralph and Cathy
Fiedlers so Don could go through
Cathys computer. They stayed for
Tony Harty was out and about
early Sunday morning, visiting the
Hairs, who were in town briefly be-
fore returning to Oelrichs for L.D.s
work, swung by our place to wish
us good traveling, then went to the
Herber ranch because it was
branding day there. He helped his
sister-in-law, Barbara, in the
kitchen getting things lined up for
feeding the big crew he estimated
around 80 there for the feed. Sort
of like counting cattle, he didnt get
a good count, should have counted
their legs and divided by two. The
White River was low enough that
the cowboys and cowgirls could ride
across, with water only about to the
stirrups. For those who didnt want
to ride the horse, there was a boat
and they could lead the horse over
for the branding that took place on
the south side of the river from the
main headquarters. It is good to re-
port there were no mishaps, no-
body was injured by horse or cow,
guess nobody vaccinated them-
selves or got branded, so it was a
very good day.
Richard and Beulah Neville
called to tell me of the loss of Beu-
lahs brother, Lockett Hespe, Sat-
urday night. Lockett and Pearlene
and their son spent many years
custom combining in the Milesville
area and also visited with the
many former neighbors while in
the area. Cards can be sent to Pear-
lene Hespe at P.O. Box 524, Weath-
erford, OK, 73096. Sympathy to the
Hespe family. Services are Friday
in Oklahoma.
Sunday, Bill and I headed out in
the motorhome with the cat along
for some time with grandchildren
and great-grandchildren. The gale
force winds we drove in were not
for the faint of heart to handle the
big rig in. Bill did a wonderful job,
and when we stopped for lunch in
Kimball we saw Michelle (Hansen)
and husband, Jeff, and family. Our
prearranged camping in Madison
was not so prearranged, someone
forgot to leave the gate open, but
we got situated in another place
not too far out of town and then
drove to the home of Carley and
Chase May where Amanda (May)
Claflin, Harrisburg, was too. So we
got to spend a little time greeting
all them and getting little great-
grandson Jaxon acquainted with us
since the commotion had him a lit-
tle frightened. He did warm up to
us as time went along.
No matter how much we con-
sume, we never get closer to happi-
ness; we only speed up the tread-
mill. James A Roberts
Betwixt Places News
by Marsha Sumpter 837-2048
Philip Motor, Inc.
Philip, SD
(800) 859-5557
2013 Ford F-150
Crew Cab, Short Box, Lariat EcoBoost
Many others to choose from!!
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Stop in & see Ryan today!!
Hit & Miss
Thursday, May 2, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 4
by Vivian Hansen
Elderly Meals
Thursday, May 2: Pork Roast,
Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans,
Sauerkraut, Roll, Fruit.
Friday, May 3: BBQ Meatballs,
Red Mashed Potatoes, Garden Veg-
gies, Roll, Gelatin Jewels.
Monday, May 6: Cinco de
Mayo Chicken Enchilada, South-
west Rice, Tortilla Chips, Pico de
Gallo, Churros.
Tuesday, May 7: BBQ Meat-
loaf, Cheesy Potatoes, Fried Corn,
Roll, Fruit Salad.
Wednesday, May 8: Cookout
Day Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Wa-
termelon, Potato Salad, Ice Cream.
Saturday, April 20, at Somerset
Court, we had an appreciation
brunch for Somerset Court volun-
teers. This would Amy Voles, per-
sonal care attendant, our ministers
and their wives and Women Who
Care, a singing group from North
Maple Methodist Church. The ex-
ercise room was set up with white
covered tables for the party. Since
I was germy, I didnt hang around
to see who came. But I trust it was
up to Somerset Courts high stan-
dards of quality, and that there
was good attendance. I hope there
was a spokesperson to express the
thanks of the residents for the kind
work of our volunteers. They make
our lives more interesting.
Saturday afternoon, the usual
group got together for quilting.
Sorry I was too germy to go. I miss
that sewing session, and it doesnt
happen very often. Besides the cut-
ters and ironers and Annette at the
sewing machine, there was a group
for rummi-cube and a group for
On Saturday afternoon, I re-
ceived a birthday package from my
nephew, Leonard Meyer, and his
wife, Jean, Greenfield, Ind. Thank
you, Leonard and Jean. I was sur-
prised to receive an early birthday
gift, as my birthday is not until
June 21. But when I tell you what
the present is, you will see that it
is a good idea. We might be able to
learn to play the game of five-
crowns by June 21. It looks a little
complex, but so did quiddler, and
we soon took up quiddler with a
good following.
Our tiny seedlings are growing
wonderfully. Residents stop by
every day to see how many more
have sprouted and how tall they
are. In my apartment, I have six
posts of airplane plants to give
away at the Special Olympics
fundraiser May 5. These also have
a rosemary seed in each pot. The
rosemary seeds havent sprouted
yet. I will let you know when they
come up.
I was sorry to phone M.R.
Hansen and tell him not to come
for scrabble. Pretty soon, I should
the antibiotic should have me in
better shape. I barely crept around
three laps today.
Several visitors were noted:
Irene Cox had her three great-
grands, Hailey, Macey, and Bray-
den. John Kraft and his brother
and wife were visiting Marcella
Kraft. M.R. Hansen came for sup-
per. Thanks for your visits.
I have a book of ideas for feeling
better. Some suggestions are to
sing. Singing brings more oxygen
into the body. Hence more energy.
Walk. Walking is a great exercise
for building strength and stamina.
Check your posture. Sit up
straight. Smile. It set your body
into a good mood, and helps those
you meet.
Quote from Helen Keller: Many
persons have a wrong idea of real
happiness. It is not obtained
through self-gratification, but
through fidelity to a worthy pur-
Here is a little verse: Let me
work on lifes patchwork quilt,
through rainy days and the sun.
Trusting that when I have finished
my block, the master will say, Well
done! Elizabeth Ryan De
Ruthie and Marty Smith, Tabor,
(Fred Smiths son and daughter-in-
law) were here Monday for the fu-
neral of Don Smith, Freds brother.
My sympathy to the family and
friends. Some of you may remem-
ber Don. He lived at Somerset
Court for a while.
The April 22, 2013, Rapid City
Journal had a photo of a big lime-
stone slab with footprints of the di-
nosaur therapod. It is on display at
the Journey Museum. It reminded
me that one time in our family we
had a single dinosaur footprint on
a slab of stone. I hope some family
member will tell me who has the
stone now and where it was from.
The April 22, 2013, Rapid City
Journal had the obituary of June
(Weller) Wanczyk, Wall, formerly
of Philip. My sympathy to family
and friends. June and her husband,
Joe, ran the Senechal Hotel in
Philip and June had a beauty shop
in the Senechal.
Thank you to my niece, Wanda,
and her husband, Ed Artz, Hum-
boldt who sent the dearest minia-
ture red felt cowboy hat. Come and
see it at my apartment at Somerset
Court. Wanda mentioned their re-
cent trip to De Smet, when their
niece, Karen Meyer, was visiting
from Tacoma, Wash. They visited
our tree, a red maple, that we
planted in the year 2000, exactly
100 years from the time my par-
ents were married in the Kings-
bury Co. Courthouse. The people in
the courthouse let them go and
view the same courtroom where my
parents were married in 1900.
Wayne Hansen came over to see
how I was feeling and brought a
box of chocolates, which he says is
good medicine. Thank you, Wayne.
Wayne said that Gwynn is due to
fly in Tuesday evening, but many
flights were delayed because of lim-
ited airport personnel. They are
being sequestered. Something like
a bank holiday of old times, I think.
Nurse Becky is setting up a fol-
low-up appointment for me with
Dr. Eaton for Wednesday, April 24.
Eileen Tenold told me that Terry
Pulse didnt come for church on
April 21. I will try to meet someone
who knows who was there.
Irene Cox had company for lunch
April 23, her son, Don Cox, and his
wife, Pam, from rural New Under-
Happy birthday, Ray Kraemer.
His birthday was April 23. He
turned 94. Staff members sang the
happy birthday song and presented
him with an individual birthday
cake and a Somerset Court birth-
day card and Somerset Court
My daughter, Carol, is on my
case to get my hair fixed. And she
hasnt even seen me. Carol pays to
have my hair fixed.
M.R. Hansen dropped in to bring
a report by Tony Kulesa, student
leader, about the 2013, American
Society of Civil Engineers Rocky
Mountain Regional conference,
hosted April 4-6, 2013, by Utah
State University in Logan, Utah.
The report tells about the places
earned by SDSM&T in the seven
divisions of competition. SDSM&T
was entered in the steel bridge,
concrete canoe, pre-design team,
mystery design team, two paper
competitions (one not-technical and
one a technical paper). Another
contest is the can-struction. It is a
detailed paper which I found to be
highly interesting. There are pho-
tos of the students who went to
Logan and one of the tippy hippy
concrete canoe with its crew and
one of the steel bridge crew. I will
place a copy of Tonys report on the
Somerset Court front lobby coffee
Thank you, Carol and Al Vogan,
for the May 2013 Smithsonian
magazine. It has a fascinating arti-
cle about the microbes that live in
the human body.
Happy birthday, Floy Olson.
Floys daughter, Marla Kendig,
Northfield, Minn., came to see Floy
April 25.
April 25, 2013, Gwynn Hansen
came over to see me. Thank you for
your visit, Gwynn. She had just
flown back from their winter in the
Los Angeles area. She was not loaf-
ing all winter, because they were
remodeling a house in Rancho
Palos Verdes to make it like they
wanted. Since she has been back in
Rapid City, she has met with sev-
eral of her quilter friends and they
have a Project Warmth project in
the works. Their continuing project
is to make lap robes for charities.
Also, they are already revving up
for the big South Dakota quilters
guild quilt show in June. Gwynn
had volunteered to help with quilt
appraisals at the quilt show. Her
grandchildren are four years old
now. Owen is a crime fighter and
Ella likes the book Dora, the Ex-
My great-granddaughter, Sarah
Butcher, writes that she would be
started a new job. She expects to
like it really well. Gary is starting
a new job, too, and Kelsie is seek-
ing an internship to work on dur-
ing the summer vacation from col-
lege. It is spring there in Virginia
and Gwen and Sarah are thinking
of going to the tulip festival and
buying some bulbs for their door-
yard. Sarah likes to include memo-
ries from childhood when they
lived in Philip, and they would
come over to my house. To avoid
sunburn, we would put a wet towel
around the backs of our necks. She
likes to remember when we would
make stone soup and read the book
that went with it. You go out in the
yard and find a stone that looks
just right, (big as an egg for a reg-
ular soup or bigger is you are mak-
ing a lot). Wash the stone thor-
oughly, and put it in a couple of
quarts of water and set it on the
stove. Add a little salt. Then look
around and see what you can find
that is good in a soup. I hope you
could find a potato and maybe an
onion. A carrot would be nice. Some
left-over meat could be chopped up
and added. Even rice could be used
in a pinch.
continued on page 14
Gem Theare
SS9-2000 - PbIIIp
May 3-4-5-6:
Olympus Has Fallen (R)
Fri: 8:00 p.m. Sat: 8:00 p.m.
Sun: 1:30 p.m. Mon: 7:00 p.m.
May 10-11-12-13:
Snitch (PG-13)
May 17-18-19-20:
Oblivion (PG-13)
May 24-25-26-27:
Closed Memorial Day Weekend
May 31, June 1-2-3:
Iron Man 3 (PG-13)
City of Philip Residents FREE DUMP WEEKEND
May 10 & 11, 2013
City of Philip residents are welcome to bring rubble site acceptable items free of charge
to the City Rubble Site on Friday, May 10, & Saturday, May 11, between the hours of 9:00
a.m. and 4:00 p.m. (Rain Date: Friday, May 17, & Saturday, May 18, 2013.)
The Rubble Site accepts the following items: scrap metal, furniture, mattresses, grass
clippings, leaves, tree branches, appliances (refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners must be
certified that they are freon free!)
Items that can be deposited in your household garbage include, but are not limited to:
Plastic, Clothing, Televisions, Computers and regular Household Waste.
The City Rubble Site does not accept tires, vehicles or construction materials during
these days.
Newspapers & cardboard can be deposited in the Recycling Dumpsters located at the
intersection of E. Oak St. and S. Auto Ave.
Any questions can be directed to the Philip City Finance Office
at 859-2175 during regular business hours.
The City of Philip will be offering pick-up and disposal of
Rubble Site acceptable items to the City Rubble Site for
Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons on
Monday, May 13, 2013.
If you are a senior citizen
or disabled person and would
like assistance through this
clean-up program, please
contact the
Philip City Finance Office
at 859-2175 no later than
Friday, May 10, 2013. The city crew will pick up
your items on Monday, May 13, 2013.
City of Philip Senior Citizen / Disabled Residents
Spring Clean-Up Efforts
Dean and Janice Fitzgerald,
Philip, along with Jodi Tangren
and Bob Thorson, are pleased to
announce the engagement of their
children, Abby Fitzgerald and Scott
Abby works as a para profes-
sional in Hill City. Scott is em-
ployed with Muth Elecgtric.
The couple resides in Rapid City
and will be wed in Philip on August
10, 2013.
(Last Weeks News)
Aven Fitch, son of Trevor and
Christa Fitch, was dedicated to the
Lord Sunday morning at the Hard-
ingrove Church. It was nice having
several Fitch, Ramsey and Eide
family members at the services.
Milesville Community Club will
meet at Marcia Eymer's home on
May 1 at 7:00 p.m. Bring a May
basket, very small paint brush and
tacky glue.
The elementary spelling contest
was held in Philip Thursday. Local
kids who placed were Sarah Par-
sons in fourth grade who placed
second. Fifth graders placing were
Autumn Parsons, first; Riggin An-
ders, third; and Colby Fitch, fifth.
Kelton Quinn, Misti Berry and
Grace Pekron placed as alternates.
Congratulations, kids!
The Milesville Rangers 4-H
Club met at the Milesville Hall Fri-
day night.
April 8, Bill and Karyl Sandal
drove in rain/sleet to Todd and Jen-
nifer Sandal's and son John in
Eden. They left a couple of days
early to get ahead of the predicted
snow storm. Karyl and Jennifer
baked and decorated cakes for the
wedding reception of Jennifer's sis-
ter the following weekend in Or-
tonville, Minn. Bill and Karyl
started for home Sunday, stopping
for the night in Hazel at the home
of Karyl's sister, Ruth and Don
Roe. They got back to Philip Mon-
day, the 15th.
Amy (Piroutek) and Joe Hogue
live in Muskegon, near Grand
Rapids, Mich., where the rivers are
flooding, and they are experiencing
a "100 year flood." Amy and Joe
have several inches of water in
their finished basement. The tor-
rential rains had stopped, and the
rivers were to peak Sunday
evening. It is now snowing, with
the chance of more rain over the
next few days. (Sent to me by
Gayla on Sunday.) It is too bad
they can't share some of their rain.
Tylissa (Fitch) and Brock Geffre
welcomed their first child, a daugh-
ter, Sunday, April 21, in Rapid
City. Brekyn Lyn was born at 9:15
p.m. weighing eight pounds, meas-
uring 19 inches. Grandparents are
Burjes and Cheryl Fitch, Philip.
Linda Stangle and her sister,
Barb Howe, picked up their niece,
April, in Rapid City and then on to
Deadwood. They had a lot of fun
celebrating Barb's birthday.
Milton Cotton surprised Leo
and Joan Patton with a nice visit
last Friday afternoon.
Tim and Judy Elshere spent the
weekend in Sioux Falls with their
son, Scott, Tia and family. On their
way home Sunday, they stopped to
visit Judy's sister, Marilyn and
Fred Bailey in Mitchell. The
weather was good in Sioux Falls
and they were glad to get home be-
fore our snow started Sunday
Donnie and Marcia Eymer were
in Rapid City over the weekend at-
tending the Little Britches Rodeo.
Their grandaughter, Brittany
Eymer, did well in her events. Sat-
urday night, they drove to
Spearfish for the prom grand
march to see grandson, Brendon
Casey Reder competed in the
Little Britches Rodeo where he won
the bareback event Saturday and
the bull riding Sunday.
Curt Arthur enjoyed supper on
Tuesday night with his sister, Lana
and Jim Elshere. Jim had dinner
with his parents, Paul and Joy, Fri-
Milesville News
by Janice Parsons 544-3315
Everyone is invited to a Baby Shower
to meet Preston Allen Hanrahan
(son of Chad & Kathy Hanrahan)
who was born April 6, 2013
on Friday, May 10th 7:00 p.m.
at the Milesville Hall
(no invitations will be sent)
Hosted by Aunt Kalie & Aunt Tracie
Church & Community Thursday, May 2, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 5
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
859-2336 Philip
1st Sunday: Coffee & Rolls after worship
First Lutheran Ladies Bible study.
There are two Bible study groups: each meeting
monthly. One meets on the second Tuesday at
12:00 p.m. at First Lutheran Church and the
other meets on the second Wednesday at 1:00
p.m. at the Senechal Apts. lobby.
* * * * * * *
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
Midland 843-2538
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10:30 a.m.
Ruth Circle: 3rd Tues. at 2 p.m.
Nowlin Circle: Last Wed. at 9 a.m.
Rebecca Circle: Last Wed. at 7 p.m. (Nov. thru
Feb.); 6:30 p.m. (Mar. - Oct.)
* * * * * *
Moenville 843-2538
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
1:30 p.m. (CT)
ALCW: 3rd Thursday, 1:30 p.m.
* * * * * *
Long Valley
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
* * * * * *
Every Sunday in July
Services at 10:00 a.m.
followed by potluck dinner
Pastor Art Weitschat
Kadoka 837-2390
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10:00 a.m.
* * * * * *
(605) 669-2406 Murdo
Pastor Ray Greenseth
Sunday Worship Services: 1:00 p.m.
* * * * * *
Pastor Andy Blye
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.
Worship Service: 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study: Wed. at 7:30 p.m.
Womens Ministries: 2nd Thurs., 1:30
10 miles SE of Midland
Pastor Glenn Denke 462-6169
Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m. (CT)
Sunday School: 11:00 a.m. CT
* * * * * *
Pastor Kathy Chesney 859-2310
Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m.
Pastor Gary Wahl Philip 859-2841
Sunday School 9:15 a.m.
Sunday Services 10:30 a.m.
Last Sunday of the month
potluck dinner following church services
Last Monday of the month
Evang. Ladies Service/Bible Study - 7:00 p.m.
Wed. Night Prayer & Bible Study: 7 p.m.
Everyone Welcome!!
* * * * * *
Pastor Gary Wahl Philip
Worship Service: 9:00 a.m.
Children's Church: 8:30 a.m.
Ladies Aid - 2nd Thurs. at 7:00 p.m.
Bible Study & Prayer, Mondays at 7 p.m.
Pastor Kathy Chesney 859-2310
Home: 859-2192 E-mail:
Sunday Worship: 9:00 a.m.
1st Wednesday Every Month:
Contemporary Worship, 7:00 p.m.
UCW meets 2nd Friday at 9:30 a.m.
* * * * * * *
Philip 859-2664
Fr. Kevin Achbach
Saturdays: Confession from 3 to 4 p.m.
Saturday Mass: 5:00 p.m.
Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. (August)
Tues-Wed-Fri. Mass: 8:30 a.m.
Thurs. Mass: 10:30 a.m. at Philip Nursing Home
* * * * * *
Midland 859-2664 or 843-2544
Fr. Kevin Achbach
Saturday Mass: 7:00 p.m. (Feb., April, June,
Aug., Oct., Dec.)
Sun day Mass: 11:00 a.m. (Jan., Mar., May, July,
Sept., Nov.)
Confession: Before Mass
* * * * * *
Milesville 859-2664
Fr. Kevin Achbach
Sunday Mass: 11:00 a.m.
Sunday Mass: 7:30 a.m. (August)
Saturday Mass: 7:30 p.m.
Confession: Before Mass
Monday Release Time: 2:15 p.m.
Rush Funeral Home
Chapels in Philip, Wall & Kadoka
Jack, Gayle & D.J. Rush
859-2542 Philip, SD
Ronald G. Mann, DDS
Philip, SD
And, behold, one came
and said unto him, Good
Master, what good thing
shall I do, that I may
have eternal life? And he
said unto him, Why
callest thou me good?
there is none good but
one, that is, God. but if
thou wilt enter into life,
keep the commandments.
Matthew 19.16-17 (KJJ)
You abide by the
rules. You give back
to the community.
You live a liIe oI
goodness, right?
Perhaps. But you are
not perIect by any
means. The only one
who is perIect is
God. It doesn`t matter
how much good you
do, the only way to
receive eternal liIe is
to believe in God and
live Ior Him.
Nl800M l0f
M000f lll0
Send obituaries, engagements & wedding
write-ups to:
There is no charge.
Marion F. Olesen, 70, Philip,
S.D., died Friday, April 26, 2013, at
Rapid City Regional Hospital.
Survivors include two sons,
Richard (Margi) Olesen, Lead, and
Jerry (Susan) Olesen, Kingston,
N.C.; five daughters, Brenda
(Terry) Cooper, Box Elder, Lisa
Olesen, Platsburg, N.Y., Vickie
Romer, Alamosa, Colo., Liza
Duran, Alamosa, and Alta (Matt)
Polich, Spearfish; five grandchil-
dren; a brother, Eugene (Gena
Loose) Welborn, Huntley, Mont.;
and two sisters, Bernice (Tom)
Hash, Billings, Mont., and Nordine
(Bill) Rogers, Montana.
She was preceded in death by
her parents; two sisters, Wanda
Welborn and Myrna Schraudner;
and a nephew, Danny Schraudner.
Memorial services were held
Wednesday, May 1, at Black Hills
Funeral Home, Sturgis, with Rev.
Herbert B. Cleveland officiating.
Inurnment will take place at a
later date.
Memorial contributions can be
made in Marions name to an or-
ganization of the donors choice.
Black Hills Funeral Home has
been entrusted with arrangements.
An online guest register is avail-
able at www.blackhillsfuneral-
Marion F. Olesen________________
Sarah Allison, age 35, Sturgis,
S.D., died Saturday, April 27, 2013,
at the Sturgis Regional Hospital.
Sarah Ann Allison was born Oc-
tober 24, 1977, at Brookings, the
daughter of Gary and Terri (Pierce)
Allison. She lived a short time with
her parents at Brookings before
moving to Clear Lake. In 1984, she
moved with her family to the Wall
area. In December 1985, Sarah
moved to Deadwood where she was
enrolled in Black Hills Special
Services Cooperative. She lived in
various places in and around the
Black Hills. In 1999, she moved to
Sturgis, still with BHSS, and
resided there until her death on
April 27, 2013.
Survivors include her parents,
Gary and Terri Allison, Creighton;
her brother, Clint Allison (Wendy
Eisenbraun), Quinn; her maternal
grandmother, Jean Pierce, Volga;
paternal grandparents, Lynn and
Arlene Allison, Brookings; several
aunts, uncles, and cousins; and her
peers, staff and support team at
Sarah was preceded in death by
her maternal grandfather, Vernon
Pierce, Jr., and an uncle, Greg
Visitation will be held two hours
preceding the services on Friday.
Funeral services will be held at
2:00 p.m. Friday, May 3, at the
Wall Community Center, with Pas-
tor Ron Burtz officiating.
Graveside services will be held
2:30 CDT Saturday, May 4, at the
Hillcrest Cemetery in Estelline.
Arrangements are with the
Rush Funeral Chapel of Wall.
Her online guestbook is avail-
able at
Sarah Allison___________________
Locket Dale
Rock Hespe,
age 74, of
Okla., died
April 27, 2013,
in Weather-
Me mo r i a l
service will be
held Friday,
May 3, at 2:00
PM in The Chapel of Lockstone
Funeral Home with Bro. David
Lawrence officiating.
Locket was born to William G.
and Beulah (Dunham) Hespe on
August 5, 1938 in Philip, S.D. He
lived in Milesville until age 14
when he came to Oklahoma with
Roy Horton Custom Harvest crew
and stayed.
On March 5, 1961, he married
Pearlene Sellers. He had one son,
Dale Wayne Hespe.
Locket spent two years in the
U.S. Army. He drove a propane
truck for a while, then he went
back into the custom harvest busi-
ness until 1983. Locket worked
with Bobs Electric until he went to
work for Tinsley Construction and
Roofing until he became disabled.
Locket could do anything he set his
mind to do. There was nothing he
wouldnt do for someone in need.
Locket is survived by his wife,
Pearlene, of the home; one son,
Dale Wayne Hespe, Weatherford,
Okla.; two brothers, Kenneth
Hespe, Harrah, and Wayne and
Karen Hespe, Yankton; one sister,
Beulah Neville and her husband,
Richard, Philip; a sister-in-law,
Georgia Sanders, El Reno, Okla.;
two brothers-in-law, Dick and Judy
Sellers of Shawnee, Okla., and
Leon and Peggy Sellers of Colony,
Okla.; and numerous nieces,
nephews, cousins, and friends.
He was preceded in death by his
parents, William and Beulah
Hespe; one sister, Irene Fairbanks
and her husband, Dennis; one
brother, Robert Hespe; parents-in-
law, Ted and Elvis Sellers; and one
nephew, Kendall Sellers.
His online guestbook is available
Locket Dale Rock Hespe__________
Harriet Noteboom, age 96, of
Okaton, S.D., died Friday, April 26,
2013, at the Kadoka Nursing
Harriet Roghair was born No-
vember 10, 1916, in Alton, Iowa,
the daughter of Henry and Cor-
nelia Roghair. Growing up, Harriet
helped her mother with the
younger children and the house
work. The family moved to Okaton
in 1925. After graduating from
high school, Harriet took nurses
training in Chamberlain. She spent
several years working in hospitals,
doctors offices, and home health
On November 23, 1953, Harriet
married Dick Noteboom in Tokyo,
Japan. They lived in Tokyo after
their marriage, then moved to
Lawton, Okla., and later to Sun
City, Ariz. Harriet and Dick trav-
eled to California, Florida, Alaska,
and many national parks, visiting
family and friends along the way.
November 1979 found them mov-
ing back to Okaton, the place they
both grew up.
Harriet moved to Kadoka in
2007 after the death of her hus-
band Dick on November 11, 2007,
where she has since resided.
Harriet is survived by a sister,
Gertrude Vander Schaaf and her
husband, John, Orange City, Iowa;
two brothers, Theodore Roghair,
Louisville, Ky., and Robert Roghair
and his wife, Bessie, Okaton; many
nieces and nephews, and great-
nieces and nephews; and a special
friend, Shorty Ireland, Kadoka.
In addition to her husband,
Dick, Harriet was preceded in
death by her parents; four broth-
ers, Edward, Jacob, William and
Albert; and four sisters, Janett,
Hilda, Alice and Joanna.
Visitation will be held one hour
preceding the services at the
Funeral services will be held at
10:00 a.m. Thursday, May 2, at the
Presbyterian Church in Kadoka,
with Pastor Gary McCubbin offici-
Music will be provided by Lois
Pettyjohn, pianist, Hilda Locke and
John Daum, vocalists.
Register book attendants are
Wanda Larson and Evelyn Daum.
Ushers are Jerry and Henry
Roghair. Pallbearers are Paul,
Richard, Marty, James and Ray-
mond Roghair and Nathan Vander
Graveside services will be held
at 2:30 p.m. Thursday, May 2, at
the Black Hills National Cemetery
near Sturgis.
A memorial is established to the
Kadoka Nursing Home.
Arrangements are with the
Rush Funeral Chapel of Kadoka.
Her online guestbook is avail-
able at
Harriet Noteboom_________________
Stephanie Williams, age 37, of
Wall, S.D., died Tuesday, April 23,
2013, at the Sanford USD Medical
Center in Sioux Falls.
Stephanie Marie Andersen was
born June 27, 1975, in Sioux Falls,
the daughter of Greg and Vicki
(Widman) Andersen. Her family
lived in Brandon until she was two
years old and then moved to Ar-
lington. She graduated from Ar-
lington High School in 1993 where
she excelled in basketball, volley-
ball, and academics. She furthered
her education at South Dakota
State University where she re-
ceived a bachelors degree in educa-
tion. She competed on the SDSU
rodeo team throughout college.
This is where she met the love of
her life, Marty Williams.
Marty and Stephanie were
united in marriage on May 30,
1997. The couple settled on a ranch
southwest of Wall. Stephanie
worked at West River Electric for
three years before beginning her
teaching career at Wall High
School. She taught English and
history for 11 years, and coached
for 13 years.
Stephanie had a great love for
horses. She enjoyed the sport of
rodeo and competed at all levels
from 4-H, high school, college, and
South Dakota Rodeo Association.
Her favorite pastime was spending
time with her family riding in the
canyon near their home.
Stephanies dream was realized in
2011 when she began working full
time with her husband Marty on
their ranch.
Stephanie attended the Evan-
gelical Free Church in Wall. She
was responsible for starting the
Fellowship of Christian Athletes at
Wall High School. Stephanies fa-
vorite role in life was being a
mother to her two children, Jaicee
and Stran. She enjoyed supporting
them in all their activities: basket-
ball, wrestling, music and espe-
cially rodeo.
She is loved and survived by her
husband, Marty Williams, Wall;
one daughter, Jaicee; one son,
Stran; her parents, Greg and Vicki
(Widman) Andersen, Arlington;
two sisters, Sheila Schmidt and her
husband, Terry, De Smet, and
Shari Knutsen and her husband,
Jesse, Omaha, Neb.; her mother-
and father-in-law, Mary and
Myron Williams, Wall; her brother-
in-law, Monty Williams and his
wife, Bobbi Jo, Box Elder; her sis-
ter-in-law, Misty Mattox and her
husband, Jeff, Kearney, Neb.; her
grandmother, Gladys (Huebner)
Andersen, Arlington; nine nieces
and nephews; and a host of other
relatives and friends.
Stephanie is preceded in death
by her grandparents, Don and
Verda (Jeffers) Widman, and
Norville Andersen; and her niece,
Makayla Mattox.
Services were held Saturday,
April 27, at the Wall High School
gym, with Pastor Dave Kaufman,
and Pastor Ron Burtz officiating.
Music was provided by Carla
Brucklacher, pianist, and Paige
Cordes, vocalist.
Ushers were Sam Eisenbraun
and Mark Ullerich. Pallbearers
were Jayme Murray, Lee Ness,
Ross and Scott Pirlet, Madison
McLaughlin and Katrina Kjerstad.
Interment was at the Wall
A memorial has been estab-
Arrangements were with the
Rush Funeral Chapel of Wall.
Her online guestbook is avail-
able at
Stephanie Williams________________
Pauline Schofield, age 82, Mid-
land, S.D., died Saturday, April 27,
2013, at the Philip Nursing Home.
Eva Pauline Fosheim was born
on September 21, 1930, in Midland,
the daughter of Peter and Viola
(Hand) Fosheim. She grew up in
the Deep Creek area and was bap-
tized and confirmed in the Deep
Creek Church. This church would
always hold fond memories for her
and a special place in her heart.
She completed grades one through
eight at Little Eagle School and at-
tended Midland High School.
On September 12, 1947, Pauline
was united in marriage to Harry H.
Hank Schofield at the Lutheran
parsonage in Midland and to this
union nine children were born.
They lived and worked in the Mid-
land area until 1959 when they
moved onto the Schofield family
homestead southwest of Midland
on Brave Bull Creek. This is where
they spent the remainder of their
56 years of married life with
Pauline faithfully working beside
her husband keeping books for the
ranch and tending to their home
and family.
After losing her beloved hus-
band to his brave fight with cancer
in November of 2003, Pauline
moved from her home and lived
with her daughter and family for
four years until she entered the
Kadoka Nursing Home. She later
moved to the Philip Nursing Home
in order to be closer to her family
and this is where she resided until
the time of her death.
Paulines life revolved around
her home, family, and God. She
had an unfaltering faith which she
passed down to her children and
this is what carried her through
the many trials and hardships she
endured during her lifetime. She
will be remembered as a loving
wife, mother and grandmother.
She had that special talent of
turning a house into a home with
all the little things she did,
whether it be having fresh baked
cookies waiting for the kids when
they got home from school, staying
up all night to sew doll clothes for
her daughters at Christmas, or
making play dough for her grand-
children. Her love of children was
evident and the door to Hank and
Paulines home was always open to
anyone who needed a place to stay.
Throughout the years they wel-
comed many children into their
home loving and treating them as
their own.
God blessed Pauline with many
talents. She loved music, had a
beautiful singing voice and taught
herself to play several instruments
including the piano, which was her
favorite. She was also a gifted
seamstress, artist, writer, quilter,
cook and baker, to name a few. She
was an avid reader and encouraged
the children in her life to do the
Throughout her life she was an
active member of the Deep Creek
and Trinity Lutheran churches
teaching Sunday school, release
time and Bible school. She was a
member of the Rebecca Circle,
served as PTA president, 4-H
leader and was involved in a num-
ber of other various clubs and or-
Pauline is survived by four sons,
Monte Schofield and Lucas (Brigit)
Schofield, both of Midland, Kirby
(Nancy) Schofield, Belvidere, and
Wesley (Marina) Schofield of Tru-
man, Minn.; three daughters, Jill
(Wayne) Splitt, Wichita, Kan.,
June (Leroy) Fedderson and Julie
(Larry) McLaughlin, both of Mid-
land; 31 grandchildren; 34 great-
grandchildren; three brothers,
Peter (Sylvia) Fosheim, Pierre, Joe
Fosheim, Ft. Pierre, and Vic
(Carol) Fosheim, Midland; four sis-
ters, Edith Schofield, Casper, Wyo.,
Judy (George) Gerig, Sturgis, Tina
(Orlyn) Haug, Aurora, Colo., Ruth
(Lou) Gassner, Berthoud, Colo.;
two sisters-in-law, Jackie Fosheim,
Murdo, and Judy Fosheim, Mid-
land; several nieces and nephews;
and a host of other relatives and
Pauline was preceded in death
by her husband, Harry H. Hank
Schofield; her parents, Peter and
Viola (Hand) Fosheim; one sister,
Thelma Jean Schofield; four broth-
ers, Richard, Roger, Johnny and
George Fosheim; two sons, William
Ray and Travis Todd Schofield; one
grandson, Casey Leroy Fedderson;
and one great-grandson, Reid
Christian Palecek.
Services were held Wednesday,
May 1, at the Midland School Gym,
with Pastor Tel Saucerman offici-
Music was provided by Mike
Seager and Tristen Schofield.
Ushers were Bob, Dan and
Richard Schofield and Clint
Saucerman. Pallbearers were
Paulines grandsons and honorary
pallbearers were her granddaugh-
Interment was at the Midland
In lieu of flowers, a memorial
has been established.
Arrangements were with the
Rush Funeral Home of Philip.
Her online guestbook is avail-
able at
Pauline Schofield_______________________________________________
Thursday, May 2, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 6
Contact Sonia Nemec 843-2564
Midland News
continued on page 14
It is an absolutely beautiful day
this Monday morning. Too nice to
be sitting at the computer! But, it
is Monday and you know what that
means, time to gather the Midland
News for another week, so better
get with it. In calling different folks
I did not find them home, so left a
message. Just between you and
me, Im thinking they are out en-
joying this beautiful day. Or, some
could be working cattle its that
time of year. Whatever the case,
hopefully they will give me a call
back when they can. Speaking of
cattle, the baby calves are enjoying
the warmer temperatures as much
as people are. And the birds, they
are just plum happy about these
warmer temperatures. I love
spring, when you can open the win-
dows and get some of that fresh air.
And with the windows open and
the train blowing its whistle while
rolling through town, in my mind,
I picture that train rolling across
the South Dakota prairie. Spring
brings new life with the birth of
those baby calves, tulips pushing
up through the ground, buds form-
ing on the trees soon turning to
leaves and those buds on the lilac
bushes blooming into sweet
smelling flowers. Have you noticed
how people seem to perk up with
spring in the air? Its just a wonder-
ful time of the year! And though we
are thankful for the moisture we
have gotten, the fact remains, more
is needed to keep that moisture
alive. The pastures are slowly
greening up, as are lawns. A soak-
ing rain would be just the ticket!
Tuesday, Jerry and I made a
trip to Philip. We stopped in for a
visit with Dolly Blucher at the
Senechal Apartments. They really
are nice apartments. Dolly says the
food is good, the people who work
there are nice, its within walking
distance of the post office, the gro-
cery store, and variety store, mak-
ing it a nice place to live. Dolly does
a lot of crocheting, does beautiful
work, and shared some with me.
Which I much appreciated! As
many folks know, the Senechal had
been a hotel at one time, later
made into apartments. Well, from
that visit with Dolly, then reading
the obituary of June (Weller)
Wanczyk in the Pioneer Review
last week, and learning her dad,
L.G. Weller, once owned the
Senechal Hotel and later she and
her husband, and then quite by ac-
cident learning of a fellow named
Captain Senechal in the history
book, Prairie Progress in West
Central South Dakota, I got ex-
cited. I never cease to be amazed at
how one story leads to another and
to another, and from there the jour-
ney begins. And because of that, I
have a tendency to jump in with
both feet. I need to do more re-
search before moving forward with
this story. Makes me thankful once
again for those history books of
local history; without those books
that history would be lost. Its time
to get at the local news for this
Reminder: The Midland Auxil-
iary will be having a meeting
Thursday, May 2, at 7:00 p.m.
Trinity Lutheran is making
plans for their 100th anniversary
celebration on June 1, so be watch-
ing for updates.
Mariah (Evans) Heaton headed
home to Oak Creek, Wis., Friday,
April 19, after spending time visit-
ing family and helping out her
grandmother, Marlin Evans, fol-
lowing her knee replacement sur-
gery. Mariah, Marlin, Dennis and
Sandy Heaton had supper with
Clint and Prerry Saucerman on the
18th before Mariah left for Wiscon-
sin. Marlin will be staying with her
daughter, Prerry and Clint while
she continues to recover from her
knee surgery. Prerry will be taking
her mom to physical therapy ses-
sions at Philip.
The weekend of April 19, Jim
and Barb Petoske went to Sioux
Falls for the fourth birthday of
granddaughter Reese. A swimming
party with an Ariel theme was cel-
ebrated. Jim and Barb stayed with
their daughter, Amy and Jordan
Friday night and with their son,
Kory and April Saturday night.
They returned home Sunday.
Happy birthday wishes to Reese.
Family got word that Pauline
(Fosheim) Schofield passed away
on April 27, 2013. Her funeral serv-
ice were May 1 at 2:00 at the Mid-
land School gym. Jerry used to
have some good visits with
Paulines late husband, Hank
Schofield. Pauline always had
some goodies to eat when he went
out there. Pauline was this quiet,
petite lady who enjoyed music,
singing, playing the piano and
whistling a happy tune. As some of
you already know, Pauline and her
two sisters, Thelma Jean and
Edith, married three Schofield
brothers. Of those six, Edith is the
only one left. Death is never easy,
but for Pauline it is a release from
what her life had become. She is
now at peace! To read her obituary
you can go to the website
www.rush Our
prayers are with Paulines family!
Family in this area learned of
the death of Sherri (Dykstra) Cof-
fey, Omaha, Neb., who passed
away Tuesday, April 23, at a hospi-
tal in Omaha. She died of cancer at
69 years of age. Sherri grew up in
Pierre and her parents were John
and Fern Dykstra. Sherri and Dick
Coffey were married in Pierre in
July of 1964, their daughter, Amy,
(a registered nurse) and their
granddaughter, McKenzie, also live
in Omaha. For several years, Dick
stayed with his uncle and aunt,
Charles and Geraldine Fenwick.
He attended high school in Mid-
land and graduated with the class
of 1960. He later joined the Army
and was stationed in Germany dur-
ing that time. Charles passed away
in 1964, I believe it was. Our
daughter, April, was born May 6,
1964, and it was during that time
Jerry went to work for Geraldine
helping with the farming and etc.,
as Geraldine wasnt sure whether
to sell the farm or not. Later, she
decided to sell and move to Ogal-
lala, Neb. Jerry thoroughly enjoyed
his time of working for Geraldine.
She sold the farm to Gene Arm-
strong and it became known as the
Diamond Ring Farm. Our sympa-
thies to Sherris family!
With May 16 being the last day
of school for Midland students,
they are busy with all kinds of end
of the school year activities. Today,
they had a regional spelling bee at
Kadoka. Thursday, May 2, all
grades will be on a field trip to the
Black Hills with a stop at a tourist
attraction and Mt. Rushmore.
Karel Reiman, librarian at the
Midland Community Library, has
been busy with students coming to
check out books. Karel does enjoy
seeing those students visit the li-
brary! Students are involved in the
Accelerated Reading program at
school. They are judged by how
many books they read and how
well they do on the tests they have
to take concerning those books.
Winners are Morgan and Logan
Sammons, Carson Daly, Kash
Block and Cass Finn. Winners of
the contest are going on a field trip
to the Badlands Tuesday, April 30.
Congratulations kids. Good job.
Keep on reading those books.
Wednesday, April 24, was the
last day for release time at the local
churches. St. William Catholic
Church release time teachers,
Jenna Finn and Julie Daly, along
with Aimee Block, took the 10 kids
to the bowling alley in Philip for
bowling and pizza for a fun way to
close out the year of religious edu-
cation. Father Kevin, who lives at
Philip, met them there and got in
on the fun, bowling with the kids.
Trinity Lutheran closed out
their release time with a party at
the church. They had planned on
having the party at the park, but
the weather changed those plans.
Pastor Frezil, Joy Jones and Jamie
Dolezal were the teachers this
year. Carol Hunt reports Sunday
school has also come to a close for
the summer. Sunday at church,
Carol gave out certificates and had
snacks for everyone to enjoy.
The Midland community play is
done for another year! It takes a lot
of time and work to be a part of any
play performance. Those folks can
now go back to life as usual. The
play was based on small towns and
all the ins and outs that go on in
small towns. The Legion Auxiliary
ladies reported they did well on the
snacks for folks to enjoy during
break time between acts.
Jerry and I attended the play
Friday night as we were going to be
gone for the weekend. The cast
brought a bit of humor into the
telling of small towns, in which
anyone who lives in a small town
could relate to.
Maxine Jones went to the den-
tist at Pierre last week and also
spent some time visiting niece
Laura Lee Nemec.
Jordyn Jones, one-year-old
daughter of Matthew and Brianna
Jones, had company for several
days last week when her three year
old cousin, Jett Shaefer, Huron,
visited while his mother was busy
with her job. Maxine reports they
had a great time playing and see-
ing the cattle and some of the
springtime action on the ranch.
Shorty and Maxine Jones at-
tended the funeral for Stephanie
Williams at Wall, last week. She
was a wonderful person, daughter,
student, athlete, wife, mother,
teacher, coach and advisor who left
this earth way too early, at only 37
years, 9 months, and 27 days as
stated in the program. She obvi-
ously was a great mentor and in-
spiration to many students, and
young athletes, having begun a
chapter of Christian Athletes,
among other giving things she did
for and with others.
Shorty and Maxine Jones joined
Matthew, Brianna, and Jordyn,
and Nick and Sandy Feller for
lunch at the home of Scott and
Jana Jones before attending the
play. Besides needing to get people
fed so they could attend the play,
the lunch was in honor of little Jor-
dyn's May 4 first birthday, when
her great-grandma Sandy will be
visiting her sisters out of state. It
was a good practice session opening
gifts ahead of the party next week-
Maxine attended all perform-
ances of the play, and the rest of
the family got in on one or more of
inches from their car. They hurried
and shut the door as things were
flying out of the garage. Reports
were Rapid City had 70 mile per
hour wind that night. Jim figured
it had to have been blowing close to
that at Belle Fourche. No one
wants, or needs, winds like that!
Jerry and I headed for Mitchell
Saturday, as our granddaughter,
Laura, turned one year old on April
24. Stephanie was having a birth-
day party for Laura Saturday. It
made it nice that her mom, Bar-
bara, could also be there. Friends
of Christopher and Stephanies
were also there. Their daughter
babysits Laura every now and
then. Funny how those little ones
enjoy the wrapping paper and
boxes more then the presents. Sun-
day everyone attended church and
then went out for breakfast before
we headed home. The weather was
Out of the mouths of babes from
Jerrys Amish magazine: A woman
wondered if her grandson had
learned his colors yet, so she de-
cided to test him. She would point
out something and ask what color
it was. He would tell her, and al-
ways he was correct. But it was
fun, so they continued. At last he
headed for the door, saying sagely,
Grandma, I think you should try
to figure out some of these your-
self! Have a good day and a good
week and continue to pray for that
much needed moisture.
them. She reports it was fun to
have the variations in each of the
performances! And there was fam-
ily unity that Sunday afternoon
was the best of the three.
Joe and Evie Nemec stopped
and spent the night at the home of
Gene and Audrey Jones Thursday,
April 25, while on their way to
Spearfish to their daughter's. One
of their grandsons was confirmed
over the weekend. They attended
the play practice session, since they
wouldn't be for the dates of the
Audrey had three siblings at-
tend the play Sunday, Frances
Terkildsen and Rocky, Kadoka,
Polly and Bill Bruce, Hayes, and
Ben and Kathy Nemec, Highmore.
Frances brought Grace McKillip
from Murdo with her. Audrey re-
ports it was nice to visit with them
later for a few minutes.
It is Tuesday morning and time
to finish out my column. Did you
hear that wind around 9:30 p.m., or
so? My goodness it blew, didnt last
long, but it had a punch to it. Our
son, Jim, called from Belle Fourche
wondering if we had, had that
wind. He said it hit there around
8:00 p.m. Carmen was working out
back of their house clearing up
some flower beds when it hit. They
heard this loud bang and in check-
ing it out, found the wind had
blown a door off of a cupboard they
have hanging on one of the walls in
their garage. It landed about six
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I would like to go back to the
John Cowen story, as Helen
Sorensen called and gave me some
more information about him. She
and Morris were his neighbors for
many years. She said there was a
two story house on a basement on
the place and it burnt down and
John went somewhere and got
some car doors. He put beams
across the basement and then put
the car doors over it for a roof. Then
he put sod over the top of them and
from then on he lived in that base-
ment. She also stated that he had
accumulated a lot of goats and they
were loaded and were sent to
She said John would leave to go
visit his sister and he would bring
his revolver down for Morris to
keep for him and would come and
pick it up when he returned. She
stated that it was a nice looking
gun with what looked like a pearl
handle. Helen said that it was
probably the only valuable posses-
sion he had. When he did come
over they would ask him to eat
with them and he really enjoyed
having a meal with them.
Helen said she would be the one
designated to take him to town if
he would need a ride there for
things he needed.
John always had a lean-to built
onto his house where he kept his
animals and it was believed that he
did this to get the heat from the an-
imals that they gave off to keep
him warm.
Marvin was down one day and he
said he remembered going over to
Johns with Nels Carstensen and
on the way over Nels told Marvin
that if John asked him to eat with
him just say we cant stay that long
as we have to get back home. On
the way home, Nels said you never
want to eat there as you never
know what you might be eating.
Donna Newman and Mike and
Debbie Clements left Wednesday to
attend Caleb Clements gradua-
tion. They planned to get ready for
his reception and to also take in
Kenny and Erica Clements daugh-
ter, Elliots, preschool program
After his graduation, Caleb will
be moving to Chamberlain where
he has a job in the bank there. It is
great that he has a job, as many
graduates are not fortunate enough
to find work.
I stated earlier that Doris
(Carstensen) Kraft and husband
George lived at Somerset, but they
live at Primrose Assisted Living in-
stead. Sorry for my mistake.
When I talked to Marianne
Frein, she said that Jim Moriarty
was doing fine, although he had a
spill out of his wheelchair and
bruised his face a little. But other-
wise he is doing great and really
enjoys company and his mail from
this area. So keep those visits and
letters going. Marianne also said
that they were very busy with calv-
ing and that during that storm
they were out a lot getting the
calves in just as everyone else was
doing. Not much sleep, but are
down to the tail end of calving with
just a few left to calve.
Bob Thorsons news this week is
that Jodi is taking her mom and
dad back to Utah. They are leaving
May 7 and will not come back till
June, so sounds like Bob will be
batching, but as the golf season is
here I suppose he will keep enter-
tained and be also be busy with his
job delivering the mail.
Danny Oldenberg visited with
Marvin for a while this week. They
seem to enjoy seeing each other, as
they have been lifelong friends for
over 50 years.
Marvin, Vicki and Mary Eide
and Rita Ramsey were all at the
Trevor Fitch home for Colbys 12th
birthday supper Sunday, April 28.
Burjes and Cheryl Fitch were also
present. He received a set of golf
clubs from the group as he wants to
take up golfing this year. We had
an abundance of food. Christa had
prepared a feast and Trevor grilled
and everyone else brought food
along with them. So as usual, we
all ate too much.
Herb and Hazel Sieler said it
was the same old thing at their
place, just looking after things.
Dennis, Kay and Mike Sieler were
over and they moved the cattle up
onto the Grover place. It is where
the late Mable Duck lived years
ago. Sunday, they went to church
and then took a little road trip to
the Jeff Marty ranch near Bear
Butte where they pasture their cat-
tle. Upon arriving at the Marty
ranch they found out that Jeff had
a four wheeler accident, breaking
some bones and a hard hit on his
head and he was in the Sturgis hos-
pital, so they went over to Sturgis
to see him before returning home.
Chancie (Smith) Baenen was at
her folks, the Kieth Smiths, to
spend the 20th to the 21st. Her
husband was unable to come as he
was away pretaining to his job.
Debbie Smith has been busy
going to play practice. I understand
the dates for the play are May 16-
A party was held at the Tucker
Smith home for Logans birthday
Wednesday. Then on Sunday, Myer
was baptised in Wall and all of
Tucker and Jesss family were
home for the event. Ella Chambell,
Lincolns fiance, was also here
over the weekend.
Loren Kiel reports that in spite
of storms, Roses radiation treat-
ments are going well. Last week
she completed 10 of the 16 treat-
ments. They were caught having to
stay another two nights in a motel
the second week, April 16 and 17,
but the cancer treatment center re-
mained open so Rose did not miss
any days treatment. As they ven-
tured home Thursday, they en-
countered snow blowing across the
road above the Kelly Hill with four
inches of slush. There was a vehicle
track which they followed. As they
got past the Big Foot Road, the
gravel was terrible with muddy
spots and water standing in the
Grindstone News
by Mary Eide 859-2188
Thursday, May 2, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 7
Deadline: Tuesdays at 11 a.m.
To my daughter,
Brittany Bartels
I hope you had a great birthday
on April 27th. Its harde to imagine
that next year my little girl will no
longer be a teenager.
I love you,
Swimming season
is almost here!
Apply for free
lessons and a
summer pass to
the Philip Swimming Pool now!
Applications due by May 15.
For more information
call 859-2013 or email:
The Philip Swim For Life Program is administered through
Philip Charities, a nonprofit organization.
To contribute to his important life-saving effort, contact
Philip Charities/Swim4Life through
the First National Bank in Philip.
Double J Horse Sales
All Breeds
Consignment Sale
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Stockmens Livestock
Dickinson, ND
Ranch Horse Competition
7 am MDT
Sale 12 noon MDT
For a catalog or more info call
or log on:
Joe (701) 230-3044
John (701) 720-6674
We Are Here
Emily Wickstrom, Rural Advocate
for Missouri Shores Domestic Vi-
olence Center, will be at the
Haakon Co. Courthouse on
May 7th
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
For more information, call
Domestic Violence, Sexual As-
sault, Dating Violence
Emily is also available for
presentations to any group
Philip High School Class of 1963
Saturday, June 15th at 5:00 p.m.
Lake Waggoner Golf Clubhouse Philip
Contact: Vi Moody, Nancy Ekstrum, Vonnie ODea
Mothers Day &Memorial Day
Flower Pots & Boxes
Come in & pick out your plants and well hold until youre
ready! Small inventory, so stop by soon!
859-2057 or 515-0675 Philip
Garys Open Door
Greenhouse in Philip
by Bill Kunkle
Contributing writer/
photographer to the
Pioneer Review
Bill Stam, a 78-year-old Lakota
Sioux, just loves western South
Dakota, his wife Gwin said. He also
has a German and Danish back-
ground, but gets his Sioux blood
from his father.
Bill goes back to South Dakota
and the Pine Ridge Indian Reser-
vation every year. He just finished
delivering 250 boxes of much-
needed clothing and blankets to
members of this Sioux Nation
there; his trip back he spotted a life
size statue of an American Indian
riding a horse while attempting to
take down a buffalo with his spear.
When he returned home, he
showed his wife a picture of this
and she said, We should make a
memorial for all Native American
veterans. Three weeks later, they
returned and purchased a 3,000
pound, 15 foot long, 14 foot high
statue for an undisclosed price.
They had it loaded on a flatbed
trailer and drove it to their home
near Jefferson, Ore. Sort of bring-
ing a piece of Plains Indian history
along the Oregon Trail.
Bill Stam served in Vietnam and
Korea, in both the Navy and Air
Force. He spent 39 years in the mil-
itary. After that, I went back to
cowboying, he said. He and wife
Gwin live on a ranchette with lush
grass pastures and horses.
But mostly he provides Native
Americans not as fortunate as him-
self, all the way to the Pine Ridge
Reservation in South Dakota
where upwards of 30,000 Oglala
Lakota live, with things they need.
The Stams have now erected the
All Nations Native American Me-
morial to honor the service Indians
and this very rare, interesting
state is the centerpiece. Also in-
cluded are plaques with the names,
tribal affiliation and branch of
service. There are already many
names of S.D. Indian veterans on
this. Veterans may contact Stam at
(451) 327-2949 to learn more infor-
mation. The formal dedication cer-
emony took place April 20, 2013,
and includced representatives from
Pine Ridge, governor of Shawnee
Nation of Oklahoma and many oth-
ers from near and far.
Native American Memorial honors all
Bill Stam, 78. Photos by Joe Kunkle
Beginning of the names on plaques. Photo by Joe Kunkle
Thursday, May 2, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 8
School & Community
859-2430 Philip
with Fries
* * * *
Closed Sundays
| lat | 1aas kaat|
SAV004 TraveIer 4412
Two-year-o|d Angus bu||s for sa|e!
8ons & grandsons of:
8 A V 004 Trave|er 4412 & N ar Pr|me T|me 080
- 3erer Tesled & 3crola| Veasured
- Ca|v|rg Ease & Valerra||y 8red
- 3e|||rg Pr|vale Trealy
ob Fortune: (05} 488-1003
6huck Fortune: (05} 891-8197
Philip League Bowling
Lucky Strike
859-2430 Philip
Wednesday Nite Early
Dakota Bar................................49-11
Morrisons Haying ....................34-26
Chiefies Chicks ..................29.5-30.5
Wall Food Center......................27-33
First National Bank .................26-34
Hildebrand Concrete ................26-34
Just Tammys......................25.5-34.5
Dorothys Catering ...................23-37
Laniece Sawvell ...........................412
Amy Morrison .......................201/500
Carrie Buchholz ...........................176
Val Schulz .............................178/504
Linda Stangle...............................193
Brenda Grenz ........2-7 split; 192/496
Marlis Petersen.....................182/481
Dani Herring................................174
Emily Kroetch .........5-6-10 split; 170
Sandee Gittings....................4-5 split
Kathy Gittings......................2-7 split
Rose Bennett ...................5-6-10 split
Cindy VanderMay ................5-7 split
Bubbas Revenge: The Honky Tonk Angels Final Chapter:Part 3.
Written by Ted Swindley, author of Always Patsy Cline
Philip Drama Group
Presented at the Philip School Fine Arts Building
Thursday, Friday & Saturday, May 16, 17 & 18:
7:00 p.m.
Sunday, May 19 2:00 p.m.
Tickets: $10.00
Tickets will also be available at the door!
Tickets go on sale
May 1st at Cabin Fever Floral
in Philip during regular
business hours
(Monday thru Friday)
The Philip Scotties girls and
boys golf team hosted their annual
Philip Golf Tournament, Thursday,
April 25, at the Lake Waggoner
Golf Course.
The tournament included several
teams and independent golfers
from participating schools. Play in-
cluded 18 holes.
The scores are improving, after
three long weeks without the
weather improving. Weve just got
to get some consistancy, getting all
the scores up at the same time,
said Philip head coach Doug Hauk.
Regions are going to be a tough go;
tough golfers.
The four members of the Philip
boys black team shot a total of 274
to earn second place. Individually ,
Tristen Rush shot a 40 in the front
nine holes and then a 42 in the
back nine, for a days total of 82.
This put him in fourth place over-
all. Chaney Burns shot 47+48=95
to tie with four other golfers for
ninth place. Tate DeJong finished
with 49+48=97 for 17th place.
Avery Johnson shot 48+55=103 for
the 24th spot.
The members of the Philip boys
orange team shot a total of 340 to
end the day in eighth place. Indi-
vidually, Gavin Snook shot
51+51=102 for 23rd place. Trew
DeJongs 59+59=118 put him in
34th place. Logan Hand ended two
spots from that with 64+56=120.
Carl Poss ended with 62+63=125.
The Philip boys on their white
team were lead by Josh Quinns
54+57=111, then Dustin Hand
67+56=123 and Jacob Kreft
Walls blue team took the top
spot with a team total of 250. They
also took the top two individual
spots, with Lane Hustead
41+35=76 and Les Williams
38+42=80. Lemmon took the team
third place with a total of 285.
The Philip girls black team fin-
ished in fifth place with a team
total of 368. Individually, the Scot-
ties were lead by Madison Hand,
who shot 51+48=99 for fifth place.
Teammate Peyton DeJong shot
67+61=128 for the 17th spot. Ash-
ton Reedys 71+70=141 put her in
the 24th position. Jane Poss was
immediately behind with a score of
73+71=144. As the only member on
Philips orange team, Rachel Par-
sons shot 83+71=154 to take the
overall 29th spot.
Wall took the top girls honors
with a total of 312, Lemmon in sec-
ond place with 328, and Hill City
third with 351.
Scotties host Philip golf tourney
The Philip golfers competing in or assisting with the Philip Golf Tournament on April 25 were, back row, from left: Hunter
Peterson, Nathan Kreft, Jacob Kreft, Josh Quinn, Carl Poss, Avery Johnson, Chaney Burns, Gavin Snook and Kheelan Martin.
Middle row: Keegan Fitch, Brice Hanson, Trew DeJong, Rachel Parsons, Dustin Hand, Tate DeJong, Kelsie Hand and Carson
Hamill. Front: Peyton DeJong, Jane Poss, Logan Hand, Ashton Reedy, Tristen Rush and Madison Hand. Photo by Deb Smith
The Western Great Plains Con-
ference Golf Tournament was held
Saturday, April 27, on Lake Wag-
goner Golf Course.
Philips Madison Hand claimed
the medalist position for the girls
competition. She shot a 47 on the
front nine holes and a 44 on the
back nine for a days total of 91.
White Rivers Cassandra Arti-
choker earned second place with a
93 and Courtney Anderson from
Lyman took third place with 95.
Philips Peyton DeJong shot
62+56=118 to earn 11th place.
Rachel Parsons pulled in a
66+66=132 for 18th place, and Ash-
ton Reedy did 86+70=156 for 21st
For the boys team, Tate DeJong
lead the charge with 42+39=81 to
bring home an individual third
place. Tristen Rush claimed fifth
place with 40+42=82. Chaney
Burns shot 43+49=92 for 11th
place. Gavin Snook completed the
varsity team with 54+65=119 for
23rd place.
Three Scotties hit the course as
junior varsity golfers for this tour-
nament. Avery Johnson shot a
49+46=95 that put him in 13th
place. Josh Quinn claimed the
22nd spot with a 57+61=118.
Nathan Kreft finished his day with
69+60+129 for 24th place.
Philip hosts WGP conference golf
The Philip golfers at the conference tournament. Back row, from left, Josh Quinn,
Tate DeJong, Tristen Rush and Avery Johnson. Front: Keegan Fitch, Peyton De-
Jong, Madison Hand and Chaney Burns. Not shown: Gavin Snook, Ashton Reedy
and Rachel Parsons. Hand earned the girls Western Great Plains conference
championship. Courtesy photo
Philip Junior High School
April 2013 Students of the Month
Katie Haigh sophomore
Works diligently on assignments.
Polite and friendly within the class-
room. Earns excellent grades and
manages her time well.
Philip High School
April 2013
of the Month
Jade Berry senior
Participates and is attentive in class.
Provides valuable insight during
group discussions. His writing shows
mature thought and insight.
Dylan Schofield 7th
Takes his time and asks for help.
Always polite and working very
hard in class. Is diligent about
completing homework.
Cheyenne Pinney 8th
Works well in class and gives
her best effort. She is very
helpful. Always comes into class
with a smile.
The United States Department
of Agriculture is seeking applica-
tions to provide assistance to agri-
cultural producers and rural small
businesses for energy efficiency
and renewable energy projects.
Funding is available from
USDA's Rural Energy for America
Program (REAP).
REAP, authorized by the Food,
Conservation, and Energy Act of
2008, (Farm Bill) is designed to
help agricultural producers and
rural small businesses reduce en-
ergy costs and consumption and
help meet the Nation's energy
needs. USDA is accepting the fol-
lowing applications:
Renewable energy system and
energy efficiency improvement
grant applications and combination
grant and guaranteed loan applica-
tions until April 30, 2013,
Renewable energy system and
energy efficiency improvement
guaranteed loan only applications
until July 15, 2013.
Renewable energy system feasi-
bility study grant applications
through April 30, 2013.
More information is available in
the March 29 Federal Register,
pages 19183-19190.
Apply for energy projects
by Representative
Kristi Noem
The month of April can be an ex-
citing time for many South
Dakotans. Spring sports are in full
swing and the weather typically
warms, although we all know that
South Dakota hasnt been too lucky
this year. April also means that in-
dividuals, families and businesses
across the state are filing taxes.
April 15, the tax deadline, has
come and gone. It takes the aver-
age taxpayer approximately 13
hours to prepare to pay taxes and
nine of out of every 10 taxpayers
are forced to hire a professional or
buy software just to prepare their
According to the Tax Founda-
tion, 100 percent of the money
American workers earn from Jan-
uary 1 to April 18, a total of 108
days, will go to pay federal, state
and local taxes in 2013. Tax Free-
dom Day, the day on which Amer-
icans will start working for any-
thing besides taxes, falls on April
18. In contrast, Tax Freedom Day
in 1900 was January 22 nearly
three months earlier.
This is a troubling trend for too
many Americans. Taxpayers are
working longer to pay their taxes
and finding it increasingly difficult
to comply with the tax code. It is
time to take meaningful action to
simplify our current tax system
and create a process that is fairer
to American taxpayers. This is why
I was proud to recently cosponsor
legislation that is a step in the
right direction.
The Seniors Tax Simplification
Act of 2013 would replace current
tax filing procedures that create
unnecessary paperwork for senior
citizens with one simple form. This
bill would create a new 1040SR
form, much like the 1040EZ, to
allow for easier filing when includ-
ing income from Social Security
benefits, investments, retirement
plans, annuities and capital gains
and interest.
I think of people like my
grandma, Arlys, and other seniors
who have worked for decades and
shouldnt have to spend hours in
front of a computer or money on a
tax service for a process that can
feasibly be boiled down to a single
form. More often than not, the fed-
eral government has a tendency to
make life more complicated for
families, but this is one way we can
offer just a little bit of reprieve to
seniors during tax season.
Our tax system is broken and too
complicated. It represents a contin-
uation of the tax-and-spend policies
from Washington that are not the
answer. A simpler tax system will
put our country back on a path to
create jobs and put more cash back
into the pockets of hardworking
South Dakotans.
I also want South Dakotans to
know of a recent announcement
from the Internal Revenue Service.
Due to widespread power outages
from the recent winter storms, the
IRS will be providing penalty relief
to anyone who was unable to file
their taxes on time due to these
storms. If you receive a penalty no-
tice in the mail, please contact the
IRS or my office and we would be
glad to assist.
Tax season tax freedom day
Thursday, May 2, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 9

Pizza Etc.
175 S. Center Ave. Philip
Great Family Business
1 Year In Newly Remodeled Building
Lots of Possibilities for Expansion
Kim or
There will be a
Buffet Dinner with Salad Bar
at the Lake Waggoner Club House
North ofPhilip
Sunday, May 5th 11am to 1:30pm
Everyone welcome!!
The Philip Scotties boys and
girls track teams competed in the
Kadoka track meet, Thursday,
April 25.
It was great to finally get in a
meet again, said Philip head coach
Tom Parquet. Times and dis-
tances were down, probably due to
a lack of competiton. We had a lot
o personal best. It was great to get
everyone in a meet again.
Shot Put
Seth Haigh 3rd, 3711
Quade Slovek 5th, 379.5
Slovek 3rd, 1146
Long Jump
Austin Pinney 2nd, 16.5
Eric Terca 5th, 158
High Jump
Nelson Holman 6th, 5
Garrett Snook 7th, 5
300 Meter Hurdles
Pinney 3rd, 48.7
4x100 Meter Relay
Slovek, Haigh, Lane Kroetch and Riley
Heltzel 5th, 55.2
4x200 Meter Relay
Paul Guptill, Holman, Pinney and Slovek
5th, 1:43.9
4x400 Meter Relay
Guptill, Holman, Pinney and Tristen Rush
1st, 3:49.8
Medley Relay
Kroetch, Heltzel, Cooper West and Garrett
Snook 6th, 4:42.2
200 Meter Dash
Snook 6th, 27.4
Shot Put
Tyana Gottsleben 2nd, 28.5
Gottsleben 1st, 9211
Katie Haigh 2nd, 858
Triple Jump
Shay Hand 2nd, 264
300 Meter Hurdles
Tia Guptill 2nd, 54.3
4x100 Meter Relay
Jaisa Snyder, Paige Slovek, Anna Belle McIl-
ravy and Payton Schoenhals 6th, 1:04
4x200 Meter Relay
Snyder, Schoenhals, Slovek and McIlravy
5th, 2:15.8
Elise Wheeler, Samantha Schofield, Allison
Pekron and Molly Coyle 6th 2:17.5
4x400 Meter Relay
Guptill, Ellie Coyle, Kianna Knutson and
Holly Iwan 3rd, 4:41.4
Medley Relay
Guptill, Snyder, Iwan and Coyle 2nd, 4:50.7
400 Meter Dash
Katlin Knutson 5th, 1:10
1600 Meter Run
Coyle 1st, 5:54.1
Scotties at track and field in Kadoka
Holly Iwan takes the baton from Jaisa Snyder during a relay
in Kadoka last Thursday. The snow and cold temperatures
have caused many track meets to be canceled. Kadoka Area
hosted this unscheduled meet to give the students a chance
to perform. Photos by Nancy Haigh
Lane Kroetch takes his turn in the discus throw at last Thurs-
days meet in Kadoka. With the warm weather, Kadoka Area
quickly scheduled a meet for area teams.
Members of the Philip Scotties
boys and girls track teams com-
peted in the Black Hills Classic
track and field meet in Sturgis,
Saturday, April 27.
The meet included B, A and AA
high schools from South Dakota,
Wyoming and North Dakota.
Very nice day, and the competi-
tion was good, said Philip head
coach Tom Parquet. Austin Pin-
ney was a state qualifier in the pole
vault, which was great as it was his
first time to vault in competition.
The girls 4x400 ran very well and
just missed getting a medal. They-
had the best time of any class B
school in the race.
Shot Put
Seth Haigh no recorded distance
Quade Slovek no recorded distance
Slovek no recorded distance
Haigh no recorded distance
Pole Vault
Austin Pinney 13th, 11 (state qualifying
4x200 Meter Relay
Paul Guptill, Garrett Snook, Austin Pinney
and Quade Slovek 15th, 2:03.8
200 Meter Dash
Nelson Holman 33rd, 25.7
Garrett Snook 43rd, 26.5
Shot Put
Tyana Gottsleben no recorded distance
Katie Haigh no recorded distance
Haigh 26th, 824
Gottsleben no recorded distance
Triple Jump
Shay Hand 20th, 2810.75
3200 Meter Run
Ellie Coyle 13th, 12:58.0
4x200 Meter Relay
Holly Iwan, Cheyenne Pinney, Shay Hand
and Tia Guptill 15th, 2:03.8
4x400 Meter Relay
Guptill, Knutson, Iwan and Coyle 7th,
Medley Relay
Guptill, Knutson, Iwan and Coyle 8th,
Philip track team at Black Hills Classic
Scotties Ellie Coyle in the inside. Photo by Tim Huether, Bennett County Booster
The Philip Scotties competed in
a track and field meet held in
Kadoka, Monday, April 29.
We had another nice day for a
track meet, said Philip head coach
Tom Parquet. You could tell that
the effect of three meets in five
days was taking a toll on the times.
We just havent had enough quality
training runs and it showed. Over-
all, we had a good day and hope to
continue to improve and take care
of our injuries.
Shot Put
Quade Slovek 4th, 375
Seth Haigh 5th, 3510
Slovek 3rd, 1180
Pole Vault
Austin Pinney 3rd, 110
100 Meter Dash
Paul Guptill 4th, 12.0
400 Meter Run
Guptill 3rd, 53.78
Tyana Gottsleben 2nd, 873
Katie Haigh 5th, 835
Pole Vault
Cheyenne Pinney 5th, 73
Triple Jump
Shay Hand 5th, 269
400 Meter Run
Holly Iwan 4th, 66.31
Scotties leave pawprints on Kadoka field
Farm Rescue, a nonprofit organ-
ization that provides planting and
harvesting assistance free of
charge to farm families who have
experienced a major illness, injury
or natural disaster, will receive two
year funding of $150,000 from the
Otto Bremer Foundation and
$50,000 from Bremer Bank. The
$200,000 will be used for equip-
ment, training and general opera-
Farm Rescue was founded in
2006 and has helped more than 200
families since its inception. The or-
ganizations mission is to help
farmers who have experienced a
major illness, injury, or natural
disaster by providing the necessary
equipment and manpower to plant
or harvest their crop. Farm Rescue
helps farm families in North
Dakota, South Dakota, Montana,
Minnesota and Iowa. Applications
are being accepted for the 2013
planting season, which can be ob-
tained at 701-252-2017 or www.
Farm Rescue receives
$200,000 in grants
An induction ceremony for National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society was held April 23 in Philip. A total of
21 students read their oaths to join the societies during the program. Advisor Deb Snook, top photo left, urged the students
to continue on the path that allowed them to be part of the organization. The honor society is for students in grades 10 - 12
with the junior honor society for freshmen and junior high students. Photo by Nancy Haigh
Philip school honor society induction
Legal Notlces0eadllne: Frldays at Noon
1hursday, May 2, 2013 1he Pioneer Review Page 10
oontinued on page 11
project done at the end of the courthouse
lot. The commission felt that it should be
connected to our lines and they could
pay for the pipe. Then just have the drip
line on its own timer.
Highway Superintendent Kenny Neville
reported to the commission that for a
road to be closed, landowners need to
petition the commissioners to close any
road. t is ultimately the commissioner's
decision. Neville reported that new signs
were going to be posted on all minimum
maintenance roads. These signs need to
say, "Minimum maintenance Travel at
own risk. New signs are being ordered.
There will be a list kept of the land de-
scriptions where these signs are located.
Neville wants the commission to approve
each sign location. State's Attorney Gay
Tollefson was asked about the liability on
some of these closed roads or "minimum
maintenance roads. Tollefson will re-
search this with Superintendent Neville
and get back to the commission.
At this time, Golden West Telephone are
redoing their fiber optic lines and are re-
questing permission for right of way. A
motion was made by Commissioner
Konst and seconded by Vice Chairman
Radway with all in agreement to approve
their request.
The next topic of conversation was the
surplusing of the single mower. Neville
would like to buy a mower to replace it.
He will check out what it is worth as a
trade in. The plan was to put it in the Sale
Barn Auction. Some years it does not get
enough items to auction and does not
have the yearly sale. He will report back
to the commission.
Director of Equalization Toni Rhodes had
her yearly interview with the commission.
Auditor Freeman had received a letter
from the Department of Revenue stating
that Toni Rhodes has met all the require-
ments necessary to the professional des-
ignation of "Certified Appraiser
Assessor, effective April 1, 2013. At this
time, the commissioners conducted her
yearly evaluation.
Next on the agenda was the Assessment
Freeze for Elderly and Disabled. The fol-
lowing applications were approved:
#9311, #532, #9748, #9001, #9013,
#9284, #9285, #8962, #9812 and #9127.
A motion was made by Vice Chairman
Radway to approve the assessment
freezes and seconded by Commissioner
Briggs with all in agreement.
Director of Equalization Rhodes pre-
sented the tax exempt properties for
Haakon County. Abated from the tax ex-
empt property list was #10047 WR/LJ
which had a tax exempt for a piece of
property they purchased and the second
was the #10017 SD Department of
Transportation. Abated also was #9901
Janet Craven (mobile home sold at sher-
iff's sale), #7512 Tim Elshere (land in
river), #5284 and #5285 Mary Pekron
(parcel split not done correctly), #10053
Lawrence Stroppel (mobile home sold)
and #1712 Darrel and Deeta Terkildsen
(structure moved in 2009). Commis-
sioner Briggs made a motion to approve
the changes and Commissioner Snook
seconded. Motion carried. There were
two refunds to be made. The first is
#1477 Patrick Fosheim (taxes abated in
2013 but were paid before abatement
approved). The second is #5284 and
#5465 Mary Pekron (due because a par-
cel split was not done correctly). After re-
viewing the listing, Commissioner Konst
made a motion to approve the final list.
Vice Chairman Radway seconded the
motion with all in agreement.
April 29-30, 2013, is scheduled training
in mapping at Oacoma, SD. DOE
Rhodes requested permission to attend.
This will qualify as credits towards her
certification each year. Commissioner
Snook made a motion to approve the
travel and Commissioner Konst sec-
onded the motion with all in agreement.
Also, the assessor's annual conference
is May 28-31, 2013, in Pierre, SD. This
also counts towards recertification. Com-
missioner Konst motioned to approve
and Vice Chairman Radway seconded
the motion. Motion carried.
The County Rangeland Fire Protection
Agreement was tabled for review at the
May 7, 2013, Regular Meeting.
n reference to the warrant that was in
question at the last meeting which in-
volved the paying of court appointed at-
torney's fees, State's Attorney Tollefson
stated that it was a requirement that this
type of bill to be paid by the county. The
$494.65 paid to KSL Corp is a valid war-
The purpose of this meeting was to cre-
ate our County Poor Relief Handbook.
Auditor Freeman had four other exam-
ples that she received from other coun-
ties. SDCL 28-13 "County Poor Relief is
where the guidelines are found. There
was no documentation found in the Au-
ditor's Office of any previous handbook
being approved. Due to the late day it
was decided that we would start on the
first four sections for the next meeting.
They are Section 1 Statement of Pur-
pose, Section 2 Definitions, Section 3
General Policy & Administration, Sec-
tion 4 Eligibility.
The Haakon County Policy Handbook
had a question on a policy. The hand-
book states that a commissioner will be
present for interviews by department
heads and elected officials. The commis-
sion requested a meeting with all depart-
ment heads at the May 7, 2013, regular
meeting so that this could be discussed.
The next regular meeting is scheduled
for Tuesday, May 7, 2013, in the commis-
sioner's room at 1:00 PM. The meeting
adjourned at 5:13 PM.
Stephen Clements, Chairman
Patricia G. Freeman, Auditor
[Published May 2, 2013, at the total ap-
proximate cost of $66.93]
Notice of FFA
Finding of No Significant Impact
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
has announced an approved - Finding of
No Significant mpact - (FONS) for pro-
posed improvements at the Philip Munic-
ipal Airport (PHP), Philip, South Dakota.
The City of Philip (City) owns and oper-
ates PHP.
The FONS indicates the project is con-
sistent with existing environmental poli-
cies and objectives as set forth in the
National Environmental Policy Act of
1969 and will not significantly affect the
quality of the environment.
The City prepared an Environmental As-
sessment (EA) to address the potential
impacts of implementing land acquisition
actions at PHP consistent with FAA or-
ders and design standards.
The EA also provides environmental
clearance for the release of land no
longer needed for airport purposes asso-
ciation with the PHP airport.
Based on the evaluation in the EA, no
significant impacts associated with the
land acquisition indentified in accordance
with FAA Order 1050.1E, Environmental
mpacts: Policies and Procedures.
Therefore, no environmental impact
statement will be prepared and a FONS
is being issued.
The proposed action provides the City
with aeronautical and compatible land
use control of the Runway Protection
Zones (RPZ's) for Runway 12/30 and
Runway 5/23 and provides for release of
land no longer needed for aeronautical
The proposed action includes fee acqui-
sition of approximately 50 acres of land
in fee (approximately 48.2 acres for Run-
way 12, Runway 30, Runway 5 and Run-
way 23 RPZ's and approximately 1.8
acres for access road right of way), ac-
quisition of approximately 0.7 acres of
land which may be determined to be un-
economic remnant, and approximately
8.3 acres of restrictive easement (High-
way 14 and railroad). Environmental ap-
proval for release of approximately 45.5
acres of land no longer needed for airport
purposes. Release of land will follow the
FAA land release process.
Disposition of airport land to be released
at PHP will be through the FAA land re-
lease process at fair market value or
made available to the Secretary at an
amount equal to the United State's pro-
portionate share of the fair market value
of the land. The portion of the proceeds
of such disposition which is proportionate
to the United State's share of the cost of
acquisition of such land will (upon the ap-
plication to the Secretary):
a. Be reinvested in another eligible air-
port improvement project or projects ap-
proved by Secretary at that airport or
within the national airport system; or
b. Be paid to the Secretary for deposit
in the Trust Fund if no eligible fund ex-
The review of the land to be released in-
cluded review that the land will be con-
veyed with the standard conditions of
release relative to the right of flight, in-
cluding the right to make noise from such
activity and the prohibition against erec-
tion of obstructions or other actions that
would interfere with the flight of aircraft
over the land released, including non-
compatible land use. Non-compatible
land uses include uses or activities (in-
cluding certain crops) that create a po-
tential for attracting birds and other
wildlife that may pose a hazard to aircraft
in accordance with current FAA Advisory
Circulars 150/5200-33, Wildlife Hazard
Attractants On or Near Airports.
Acquisition of property shall follow the
Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real
Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970,
as amended (42 U.S.C. 4601 et. seq.).
FAA finds "no effect" to endangered
species for land acquisition and for re-
lease of land no longer needed for aero-
nautical purposes.
Consultation with the South Dakota State
Historical Preservation Officer (SHPO)
was conducted and a FAA finding of "no
historic properties affected" was deter-
mined for land acquisition and for release
of land no longer needed for aeronautical
The FAA proposed action includes envi-
ronmental approval to establish eligibility
of the airport to compete for Federal
funding of the development listed above.
The City shall implement the mitigation
measures detailed in the EA and FONS
as a condition of environmental approval
of the proposed action items listed in the
FONS to support existing and proposed
aeronautical activities at PHP.
n accordance with current Council on
Environmental Quality regulations,
copies of the EA and FONS will be avail-
able for public information review at the
following locations during regular busi-
ness hours through June 03, 2013 - this
being thirty (30) days from the publication
date of this notice.
FAA, Bismarck Airports District Office,
2301 University Drive, Building 23B, Bis-
marck, North Dakota 58504 or the City of
Philip Finance Office, 140 S. Howard Av-
enue - 4th Floor, Philip, South Dakota
For further information, contact: Ms. Pa-
tricia Dressler, Federal Aviation Adminis-
tration, Airports District Office, 2301
University Drive Building 23B, Bismarck,
ND 58504.
Monna Van Lint, Finance Officer
[Published May 2, 2013, at the total ap-
proximate cost of $60.29]
Proceedings of the
City of PhiIip
ApriI 22, 2013
A special meeting of the Philip City Coun-
cil was held on Monday, April 22, 2013,
at 4:00 p.m. in the Community Room of
the Haakon Co. Courthouse. Present
were Mayor Michael Vetter, Finance Of-
ficer Monna Van Lint, Council Members
Trisha Larson, Jason Harry, Marty Gart-
ner, Jennifer Henrie, and Greg Arthur.
Also present were Deputy Finance Offi-
cer Brittany Smith, Public Works Director
Matt Reckling, Jay Baxter with CHS, nc.
DBA Midwest Cooperatives; and later,
Del Bartels of the Pioneer Review.
Absent: Council Member Marion Matt
Motion was made by Harry, seconded by
Gartner to approve the agenda as pre-
sented. Motion carried.
Mayor Vetter introduced and welcomed
Jay Baxter, local manager of CHS, nc.
DBA Midwest Cooperatives, to review a
copy of their proposed plat and improve-
ment plans, which include vacating and
relocating a portion of E. Cherry St. The
purpose of the re-plat and relocation of
E. Cherry St. will be to make the area
more conducive to the construction of
Midwest's proposed fertilizer plant facil-
Mr. Baxter reviewed CHS's plans includ-
ing that of a site layout plan, a plat of the
improvement area, and a map of those
areas that they have petitioned to be va-
cated. These improvements will take
place in Outlot R, City of Philip, Haakon
County, South Dakota. t was noted that
the plat and vacate petition will be pre-
sented for approval during the Council's
May 6th meeting and a copy of this infor-
mation is on file in the Finance Office.
Mr. Baxter noted that the fertilizer plant
will be located on Lot 14 with the load out
being on what is currently the existing E.
Cherry St. He noted that due to the loca-
tion of their load out area, they have pe-
titioned the City to vacate a portion of E.
Cherry St. n turn, CHS has agreed to
incur all expenses in relocating E. Cherry
St. to the south. They have also secured
purchase agreements with all of the
property owners for those properties in-
cluded in their proposed improvement
and street relocation. He has also visited
with the majority of neighbors in the area
regarding their plans and no concerns
have been voiced.
Mayor Vetter noted that the Street Com-
mittee had met recently and expressed
concern about the location of the new
street. The concern was that their pro-
posed right-of-way for the street was not
in compliance with City Ordinance that
requires a ten foot boulevard area on
both sides of the street, from the edge of
the street where there are no curbs to a
property line. Midwest had had proposed
a fifty foot right-of-way with a forty-two
foot street width which was only allowing
for a five foot boulevard on the south and
three foot boulevard on the north. Vetter
then asked if this has been addressed.
t was noted that CHS has agreed to the
Street Committee's recommendation to
widen the street right-of-way to fifty-two
feet. They will also be moving the street
five-feet north in order to comply with the
boulevard requirements on the south-
side, which abuts the north property line
of Lot 9 - owned by Mike Moses. There
have also agreed to allow an exception
to the boulevard requirement on the
north-side of the street which will abut
CHS's property line. n turn, CHS has
agreed to maintain a ten-foot boulevard
area for utility services on their property.
The plat that will be presented for the
Council's approval on May 6th has been
updated to reflect these changes.
Mr. Baxter also noted that they have also
agreed to enter into a maintenance
agreement with the City for the relocated
portion of E. Cherry St. This will include
treating the street with magnesium chlo-
ride for dust control two to three times a
year as well as supplying additional
gravel when needed. The City's obliga-
tions will include blading and maintaining
the street when needed as they would
normally do with any routine street main-
tenance. The length and official terms of
this agreement will be determined in the
near future and presented for the Coun-
cil's approval.
Mayor Vetter then inquired about the
City's water, sewer and storm sewer in-
frastructure located in this area.
PWD Reckling noted that CHS will be
moving a portion of the water line that
crosses Outlot S, but otherwise the water
main on S. Auto Ave. will not be affected.
As for the sewer main that crosses Lot
15, they will be connecting to this line
and abandoning that portion that is not
Mr. Baxter also noted that the storm
sewer on the existing E. Cherry St. will
be preserved and more than likely im-
proved. He stated that with the new
street, they will open both ends of the
storm drain as well as grade the area so
that the water will flow towards the storm
drain. Currently, the water is draining
down S. Auto Ave. which they hope to al-
leviate with this improvement.
Council Member Arthur questioned how
they plan to keep dirt from running down
the storm drain. Mr. Baxter noted that
CHS's engineers are currently working
on determining how this will be accom-
plished. A silt fence or screen to cover
and protect the area was suggested.
Mr. Baxter then reviewed concerns that
arose last week following the explosion
of a fertilizer plant in Texas with the
Council. He stressed that he wants to as-
sure the public that their proposed fertil-
izer plant will be safe and not pose any
risk to the community. t was noted that
their plant will contain dry fertilizer not
that of liquid anhydrous ammonia like
that in Texas. He also provided copies of
the material safety data sheets (MSDS)
for each of the fertilizers that they cur-
rently stock as well as an additional two
that may be added once the new plant is
in operation. t was noted that all of the
MSDS's confirm that the fertilizers are of
a non-flammable and non-explosive ma-
Council Member Arthur questioned if
CHS would be willing to provide copies
of their MSDS for the materials when
they receive new products. Mr. Baxter
noted that he does not foresee any prob-
lem with the request as they are currently
provided to the Haakon County Emer-
gency Manager.
Mr. Baxter then went on to stress that
even though the state and federal gov-
ernments have safety laws that CHS has
to comply with, safety is and has been
CHS's first priority. They perform safety
checks as well as training to the employ-
ees and fire department on a regular
With nothing further for Mr. Baxter, he in-
vited anyone to visit their operations to
see their safety regulations and opera-
tions first hand at CHS.
Mayor, Council and those in attendance
thanked Mr. Baxter as he left the meeting
at this time.
Philip Trails Project:
Council Member Larson reviewed the
Recreational Trails Program (RTP) and
Transportation Alternative Program
(TAP) grant opportunities for Phase
and/or of the Philip Trails Project with
the Council.
She noted that the RTP grant is specifi-
cally for trails greater than four feet in
width which would be beneficial for
Phase of the project, which is located
around the ball fields, swimming pool
and the triangular area that runs adjacent
to these properties and Hwy. 14 & what
is commonly known as W. Pine Street.
This grant is an 80/20 matching grant.
The 20% matching portion can be in the
form of donations or "in-kind services
such as labor, equipment use, and ease-
ments. t was noted that the RTP appli-
cation deadline is May 3, 2013.
Mayor Vetter asked Larson to clarify
what portion of the project the City would
be obligated to fund if the grant is
awarded. t was noted that according to
the RTP grant application, grants range
from $40,000 to $60,000. f $60,000 is
awarded, the local share would be
$12,000. Vetter stated that more than
likely this could be achieved with "in-kind
services. n addition, the Chamber of
Commerce has submitted a letter of in-
tent to contribute $20,000 to the trails
Council Member Henrie asked if the City
was to donate man hours and equipment
use would this labor and equipment be
consider as part of the "in-kind services?
Larson stated that since the City is spon-
soring the project, she will have to look
into this option further.
Larson also noted that the City of Murdo
is a recipient of the RTP for their trails
project and was awarded well above the
$60,000 maximum amount noted in the
RTP application.
Council Member Arthur questioned what
the City's total expense would be for the
trails project. He stated that the City is
working with a restricted budget to the
point that part of the current street project
was scaled back. He also noted that the
majority of the trail in Phase will be lo-
cated in the County, not the City. The City
has sidewalks for people to use and in
his opinion, infrastructure is more impor-
tant than a trail.
Larson stressed that, in her opinion,
even though the trail may not be located
within the City limits, it is still a vital area
to our community. She then stated that
the City's share is dependent on the final
bid amounts as well as monetary dona-
tions and "in-kind services. She then
stated that two engineering cost esti-
mates for Phase have been received -
one from SPN & Assoc. and one from
KLJ. These are rough estimates with the
one from SPN & Assoc. being higher
than that of KLJ. She then mentioned
that the City has the option to send out a
request for proposal (RFP) to engineer-
ing firms throughout the state. This would
provide more opportunities to review and
determine the best option for the trail.
Council Member Gartner then ques-
tioned who would be responsible for the
maintenance of the trail(s). Larson stated
that the City would have to commit to the
maintenance since they are sponsoring
the project. She noted that cost esti-
mates for both an asphalt and concrete
trail have been obtained. The initial costs
for a concrete trail are considerably
higher, but it would require less mainte-
nance over the years. An asphalt trail is
the opposite it will have the potential to
require more maintenance more fre-
quently such as such as crack sealing
and pothole patching repairs within a few
years of being constructed.
Mayor Vetter stated that with the grant
providing 80% of the funding, it would be
beneficial to pursue the concrete option
when considering the maintenance.
PWD Reckling also noted that with part
of the trail in Phase being located in the
rodeo grounds area, he would recom-
mend a concrete trail to withstand the
traffic of pickup and horse trailers.
Larson then went on to explain that the
TAP grant is more generalized for all
types of alternative transportation routes.
This would include trails, sidewalks and
the school steps that are planned for
Phase of the project as well as a part
of Phase . The maximum grant award
according to the TAP application is
$400,000 with an 18.05% matching re-
quirement. Deadlines for the TAP grant
are: May 01 - with a letter of intent to the
Dept. of Transportation, which will be fol-
lowed by a mandatory on site develop-
ment meeting with DOT and then a full
application which must be submitted by
June 15, 2013.
Larson stated that she has visited with
Mr. Keven Morehart, Haakon School Dis-
trict 27-1 Superintendent, regarding the
school steps. He informed Larson that
the steps are, in his opinion, in satisfac-
tory condition, but the school may be in-
terested in replacing them if the expense
is within their budget.
The engineering costs estimates for the
project were then reviewed and are as
follows. t was stressed that these esti-
mates are not identical in quantities or
SPN & Assoc. (asphalt
trail) ................................
*Estimated Annual Maintenance
Costs ................................
SPN & Assoc. (concrete
trail) ................................
*Estimated Annual Maintenance
Costs ..................................
KLJ (asphalt trail) ...............
KLJ (concrete trail) .............
SPN & Assoc. (asphalt
trail) ................................
$462,800.00*Estimated Annual Mainte-
Costs ..................................
SPN & Assoc. (concrete
trail) ................................
*Estimated Annual Maintenance
Costs ..................................
The cost estimates above were provided
at no charge to City and in turn, no action
was taken on authorizing SPN & Assoc.
to provide cost estimates.
t was then questioned what the City is
committing to by approving Resolution
#2013-05 and 2013-06. What happens if
the grant is awarded, but the City does
not have the means to contribute the
matching portion with either grant.
Larson noted that if the grant is awarded,
there is a three year period to complete
the project.
FO Van Lint also noted that approving
the resolutions is only committing the
City to apply for the grants. Should the
City not be able to secure the matching
funds, the Council does have the option
to decline the grant award.
By general consensus, the Council
agreed to submit the grant applications
utilizing the costs estimates presented by
SPN & Assoc. for a concrete surface trail.
Their cost estimates include more detail
as well as cross sections for the trail. n
addition, the annual maintenance costs
for concrete are considerably less than
that of an asphalt surface.
(For the record, the final estimated local
share for Phase or was not available
at this time as the grant applications
have not been completed. An initial esti-
mate utilizing SPN & Assoc. cost esti-
mates for a concrete surface trail range
from $107,790 for Phase at a 20%
match and $102,551.08 for Phase at a
18.05% match. These estimates are
based on receiving grant funds for the
entire project costs estimates noted
above and do not take into consideration
any "in-kind services.)
Following a lengthy discussion, motion
was made by Henrie, seconded by Harry
to approve Resolution #2013-05, Author-
izing SD Recreational Trails Program
(RTP) grant application. Motion carried
with all members voting aye.
WHEREAS, the City of Philip
anticipates constructing a
recreational trail in the com-
munity. The City proposes to
apply to the SD GF&P spon-
sored SD Recreational Trails
Grant Program to assist with
the costs of the project.
WHEREAS, the City will pro-
vide 20% of the project costs
via cash, and equipment
and/or labor to the project, and
WHEREAS, the City of Philip
will be responsible for all future
operations and maintenance
costs of the project
RESOLVED, that the City
Council authorizes Michael
Vetter to sign and submit this
This resolution is effective im-
mediately upon passage.
Dated this 22nd day of April,
/s/ Michael Vetter,
City of Philip Mayor
/s/ Monna Van Lint,
City Finance Officer
Motion was then made by Harry, sec-
onded by Gartner to approve Resolution
#2013-06, Authorizing SD DOT Trans-
portation Alternative Program (TAP)
funding application. Motion carried with
all members voting aye.
WHEREAS, the City of Philip
has identified the desire to cre-
ate and expand a local trail
system to improve the quality
of life for all residents of the
City; and
WHEREAS, the City of Philip
anticipates constructing a
recreational trail in the com-
munity. The City proposes to
apply to the SD Department of
Western South Dakota Community Ac-
tion, nc. is seeking Civic groups inter-
ested in having a representative serve on
the Board of Directors for Haakon
f your organization is interested in rep-
resenting your county on our Board,
please send us a letter and appropriate
organizational minutes by Monday, May
13, 2013 at 4:30 PM.
This letter should state the name of the
person your organization wants to repre-
sent you on the CAP board. The by-laws
of your organization are also needed.
Our Board will select one organization
from those that formally expressed their
We sincerely thank you for your concern
and time that have been expended in an
effort to make the CAP mission appropri-
ately work for the low-income people in
Western South Dakota.
Western SD Community Action, nc. has
the following programs implemented in
our fourteen (14) county service area:
weatherization, garden program, sum-
mer youth program, necessity pantry pro-
gram, employment assistance,
educational supply program, emergency
food and commodity projects, homeless
programs, community food pantries and
clothing centers.
f you have any questions regarding this
matter please contact Linda Edel or
Rose Swan at 1844 Lombardy Drive,
Rapid City, SD 57703. Phone: (605) 348-
1460 or out of Rapid City call (800) 327-
Western SD Community Action, nc.
1844 Lombardy
Rapid City, SD
Phone: (605) 348-1460/(800) 327-
[Published May 2 & 9, 2013, at the total
approximate cost of $34.64]
Notice of Hearing
For AduIt Name
CIV: 27 CIV 13-000005
In the Matter of the Petition of
Austin James MichaeI Davidson
For a Change of Name to
Austin MichaeI MiIIer
Petition for Adult Name Change has
been filed by Austin James Michael
Davidson the object and prayer of which
is to change Petitioner's name from
Austin James Michael Davidson to Austin
Michael Miller. On the 12th day of June,
2013, at the hour of 1:30 p.m. said veri-
fied petition will be heard by this Court
before the Honorable DeVaney Presid-
ing, at the Court Room in the Haakon
County Courthouse, City of Philip,
Haakon County, South Dakota, or as
soon thereafter as is convenient for the
court. Anyone may come and appear at
that time and place and show reasons, if
any, why said name should not be
changed as requested.
Dated this 22nd day of April, 2013, at
Philip, South Dakota.
/s/Carol Schofield, Deputy
Clerk of Courts
[Published May 2, 9, 16 & 23, 2013, at
the total approximate cost of $67.50]
Proceedings of
Haakon County
APRIL 16, 2013
The special meeting of the Haakon
County Commissioners was held on
Tuesday, April 16, 2013, at 1:43 PM. A
quorum was established at the meeting
with Chairman Stephen Clements, Vice
Chairman Tom Radway, Members
Nicholas Konst, Gary Snook and Edward
Briggs in attendance. States Attorney
Gay Tollefson, Auditor Pat Freeman,
Deputy Auditor Carla Smith, Highway Su-
perintendent Kenneth Neville, Haakon
County Sheriff Fred Koester, and Pioneer
Review Representative Nancy Haigh
were also present. The Wildlife Conser-
vation Officer Zach Thomsen stopped in
to introduce himself to the commission.
At the April 2, 2013, Regular Meeting the
commission had agreed to allow ease-
ments for the Phase part of the City of
Philip's application to build a trail on the
north side of town. Before the application
can be submitted, the easements must
be approved. The Commissioners ap-
proved the easements contingent to get-
ting the grant. The City of Philip had
written a letter to confirm what was ap-
proved at the April 2, 2013, meeting. The
request was only for signing the letter
they had drafted indicating our intentions.
The letter was signed by Chairman
Stephen Clements.
Custodian Nancy Neville had sent some
questions for the commissioners about
the sprinkler system and the drip line that
the Horizons would like to have for their
Legal Notlces0eadllne: Frldays at Noon
1hursday, May 2, 2013 1he Pioneer Review Page 11
Pleneer Bevlew 859-251 Phlllp
Proceedlngs of
clty of Phlllp
oontinued from page 10
contractor, O'Connell Construction, have
staked the proposed road location
through the drainage area.
Mayor Vetter advised the Council that a
meeting with Mr. Morrison, the Street
Committee, and the City's Engineer was
held following the April 1st meeting and
the submission of his new permit. The
concern is how the proposed fill in the
drainage area will affect the City's storm
drainage. A hydrologic study was recom-
mended by the City's Engineer. n addi-
tion, FO Van Lint was asked to research
the drainage area for any historical data
such as easements.
FO Van Lint elaborated on her research
of the area, noting that she has located
easements dating back to the 1930's,
where the State of South was granted
easement in order to maintain flood con-
trol in this area. This included the
drainage area and dam construction in
which the easements state that the State
of SD controls the drainage rights to this
area unless the project has been aban-
doned. She has researched all deeds
from the date of the easements up
through the current time and has been
unsuccessful in locating any information
that notes that the State's project has
been abandoned. She has shared this in-
formation with Dean VanDeWiele with
the SD Dept. of Transportation who has
agreed to have the information obtained
researched further. She stated that in her
opinion, the City will not be able to grant
Mr. Morrison's access road permit across
the drainage area until the State's deter-
mination and opinion is received.
Van Lint also noted that her research
thus far has focused on Tract A and B
(Morrison's property) as well as Lot 01,
Block 01 of Kurka Addition (Philip Plaza
Apartment property) where the dam is lo-
cated. There are several other properties
involved that are east of the retention
pond and possibly some easements for
areas north of SD Highway 14, but she
has not been able to research these fur-
ther. She plans to finish this research in
the near future.
Following discussion, motion was made
by Gartner, seconded by Harry to ap-
prove the withdrawal of Dale Morrison,
D&T Auto Parts permit for a 40' by 368'
access road across the drainage ditch
that was tabled during the Council's April
1, 2013, meeting. Motion carried.
Motion was then made by Arthur, sec-
onded by Gartner to table Dale Morrison,
D&T Auto Parts permit for a 24' by 300'
access road across the drainage ditch
until further clarification from the State of
SD is received relative to the easements
filed against these properties. Motion
Motion was then made by Arthur, sec-
onded by Gartner to approve the remain-
ing permits as presented above by Boyd,
Ravellette, Slovek, Smith, Tatum, and
Thorson. Motion carried.
Council reviewed the following special
events applications: Chamber of Com-
merce Philip Festival Day Activities on
June 14-16, 2013; and, Philip Volunteer
Fire Dept. Demolition Derby on June
15, 2013.
t was noted that the plans outlined in the
above applications are the same as
those held in past year's festival days.
They have also both submitted insurance
as well as the Chamber has secured per-
mission from Barry Knutson to utilize his
property for the street dance scheduled
for the evening of June 14, 2013.
Following review, motion was made by
Arthur, seconded by Gartner to approve
the Chamber of Commerce's and Philip
Volunteer Fire Department's special
event applications as presented. Motion
Council reviewed a request from Golden
West for utility easements for the instal-
lation of fiber optic cable in the City. t
was noted that they have existing serv-
ices that will be utilized for this installa-
tion where the majority of the City streets
are concerned. n those areas where
new installation crosses a road, the cable
will be bored with the exception of an
area on S. Center Ave. that is gravel sur-
Following review, motion was made by
Harry, seconded by Gartner to approve
Golden West's request for utility ease-
ments as noted in the plans that are on
file in the Finance Office. This is ap-
proved with the stipulation that any dam-
ages, including that of heaving, to the
City's streets must be repaired and re-
stored back to their original condition.
Motion carried.
Motion was made by Arthur, seconded by
Gartner to approve the Plat of Lot 17-A,
a subdivision of previously platted Lots
17 & 18 of Outlot R, City of Philip,
Haakon County, SD, as presented by
John "Jack Hansen and authorize the
City's representative signatures thereon.
Motion carried.
Council reviewed a request from Heart-
land Waste Management to lower the fi-
nancial assurance requirement for
Commercial Garbage Haulers estab-
lished by the City of Philip in 2001 which
is currently established at $25,000.
DFO Smith noted that the City licenses
commercial garbage haulers, but they
contract directly with the businesses. The
financial assurance was originally estab-
lished at $100,000, but later reduced to
$25,000. The main reasoning behind re-
quiring the financial assurance was to
guarantee that the local businesses are
contracting their garbage collection with
a reputable company. She stated that
after receiving Heartland's request, she
contacted other cities throughout the
State with one not requiring any financial
assurance, while another city requires a
$1,000 bond. She also noted that the
City's residential contract only requires a
performance bond in the amount of
The Council was then questioned if they
would consider lowering the financial as-
surance amount or the possibility of es-
tablishing a policy for those contractors
that have established credibility within
the City. For example, a reduced amount
for those that have been a licensed com-
mercial hauler in the City for at least
three years.
t was stressed that the City wants to as-
sure that only reputable companies are
providing services to the local busi-
nesses and recommended that the
amount be lowered to reflect that of the
City's requirements for the residential
garbage contractor.
Following review, motion was made by
Gartner, seconded by Harry to amend
the Commercial Garbage hauler's finan-
cial assurance requirement from $25,000
to $10,000. This shall be provided in the
form of a bond, letter of credit, certificate
of deposit or other assurance acceptable
to the City of Philip. Motion carried with
all members voting aye.
Motion was made by Arthur, seconded by
Gartner to approve Resolution #2013-04,
Re-Establishing Joint Governing Board,
Memorial Field Park. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, on or about Sep-
tember 9, 1985, the City of
Philip and the Haakon School
District #27-01 did enter into a
mutual agreement to establish
a joint governing board to es-
tablish joint-powers to govern,
control and maintain the Me-
morial Football Field, Softball
and Baseball Fields; and,
WHEREAS, the resolution of
agreement establishing this
board has expired; and,
WHEREAS, the Haakon
School District #27-01 uses
said field for football and track
athletic programs; and,
WHEREAS, the City of Philip,
its residents, and the residents
of Haakon County use said
field for baseball, softball, and
other recreational activities;
WHEREAS, neither the City of
Philip nor the Haakon School
District, independently, have
sufficient funds to adequately
maintain and improve said
fields; and,
WHEREAS, it is in the best in-
terests of the School, the City
of Philip, and their respective
constituents to combine efforts
and resources to maintain the
Memorial Field, softball and
baseball fields; and,
RESOLVED, that the Haakon
School District #27-01 and the
City of Philip jointly exercise
governmental powers, all pur-
suant to chapter 1-24 of South
Dakota Codified Laws, and
that the School District and the
City of Philip enter into the fol-
lowing agreement pursuant to
the aforesaid statutory author-
(01) The duration of this
agreement shall be five (05)
years from the date of the
signing of this agreement by
the individuals so designated
by their respective governing
bodies, and such extensions
as may be mutually agreed
(02) There is hereby estab-
lished a joint governing board
comprised of five (05) mem-
bers and consisting of two (02)
officers or other members of
the Haakon School Board, the
Superintendent of the School
District, the Mayor of the City
of Philip and one (01) member
of the City Council to be des-
ignated by the City Council.
The governing board shall be
known as the Memorial Field
Board. The Memorial Field
Board is hereby delegated the
authority to operate, maintain,
improve, and manage the Me-
morial Field. t is authorized to
enter into leases or other con-
tracts in order to carry out the
purposes of this agreement;
provided, however, said Board
shall not have the power to
commit tax revenues of the
School District or the City of
Philip unless specifically au-
thorized herein or unless
specifically authorized on a
case-by-case basis from each
of the member governmental
entities. The decision of the
Memorial Field Board shall be
final and no person or other
entity shall have any right of
appeal to either the Haakon
School District or the City of
(03) Consistent with the provi-
sions of this agreement, the
Memorial Field Board shall
have the power to allow or dis-
allow the use of the field, de-
termine if, in its discretion, it so
desires, admission prices, or
the imposition of a seat tax to
provide funds for operation,
maintenance, or improve-
ments, and is otherwise em-
powered to do all things
necessary to carry out the pur-
poses of this agreement. For
the purposes of this agree-
ment, the Memorial Field shall
be deemed as part of the city
of Philip park system and also
a part of the Haakon School
District #27-01 athletic facili-
(04) The purpose of this
agreement is to obtain a lease
of the Memorial Field from the
Haakon County Commission
and to thereafter maintain, im-
prove, and manage the field,
to prioritize the coordination of
efforts for future development
of the fields and to provide
funding thereof.
(05) The City of Philip con-
tracts and agrees to provide
up to 400,000 gallons of water
per year, free of charge, for
use at the football field and/or
the school practice field, more
commonly known as "the dust
bowl", and in addition, agrees
to provide access to, and use
of City equipment for the pur-
poses of assisting in maintain-
ing the field.
(06) The Haakon School Dis-
trict #27-01 agrees that it will
maintain the premises, includ-
ing, but not limited to, the foot-
ball field, the track & field
areas, bleachers, crow's nest,
and equipment storage shed,
for the duration of this agree-
(07) t shall be the responsibil-
ity of the School District to
budget funds for maintaining
the football and track field and
for making capital improve-
ments as deemed necessary
and appropriate. t shall be the
responsibility of the City of
Philip to budget funds for up to
400,000 gallons of free water
per year for use at the Memo-
rial Football/Track Field and
the school practice field com-
monly referred to as "the dust
bowl", and the use of City
equipment and man-power as
deemed necessary and appro-
priate. Maintenance and capi-
tal expenditures need not be
made directly through the Me-
morial Field Board, but may be
made by the respective gov-
ernmental entities.
(08) This agreement will be in
effect for five (05) years from
the date of signing. The agree-
ment may be terminated by ei-
ther party upon sixty (60) days
written notice. Upon termina-
tion, capital improvements
may be left on the premises
and dedicated to the public
use, or may be removed by
the entity purchasing such
capital improvement and dis-
posed of according to applica-
ble state law.
(09) The Haakon School Dis-
trict and the City of Philip shall
be responsible for maintaining
their own respective liability in-
surance policies.
(10) All uses of the field shall
be scheduled through the Me-
morial Field Board or its de-
signee. All scheduling conflicts
shall be resolved by said
(11) The School District shall
have priority for the use of the
football/track field during the
school year. The Memorial
Field Board shall endeavor to
make the field available, par-
ticularly in the summer
months, for baseball, softball,
and any other public recre-
ational activities. Private use
of the field may be allowed at
the discretion of the Memorial
Field Board and upon such
terms and conditions as it may
(12) t is hereby understood by
the City of Philip and the
Haakon School District that
one of the terms and condi-
tions of the lease of the field
from Haakon County will be a
hold harmless agreement in-
demnifying the County from
any liability for damages or in-
juries arising out of any use of
the field during the term of said
(13) The Chairman of the
Haakon School Board and the
Mayor of the City of Philip are
hereby authorized by virtue of
this resolution, to execute any
and all documents necessary
to carry out the intent of this
The foregoing resolution was
adopted by majority vote of the
governing board of the
Haakon School District #27-01
on this the ________ day of
____________, 2013.
DSTRCT 27-01
Chairman, School Board
ritni Ross,
Business Manager
The foregoing resolution was
adopted by majority vote of the
governing board of the City of
Philip City Council on this the
22nd day of April, 2013.
/s/ Michael Vetter, Mayor
/s/ Monna Van Lint, Finance
Mayor Vetter went on to present a sec-
ond request from Jim Lutter with Valley
Spraying Service to the Council. Mr. Lut-
ter is asking the Council to once again
consider providing water to commercial
sprayers at the City's Airport. Lutter was
planning on being at today's meeting, but
due to the weather he has asked that he
be contacted via telephone. Vetter at-
tempted calling Mr. Lutter, but he did not
Mayor Vetter stated that according to Mr.
Lutter, the majority of airports across the
State provide water access and gave the
example of Wessington Springs, SD,
which charges an annual commercial
aerial fee of $1,000.00 including an un-
limited amount of water. Mr. Lutter stated
that he uses approximately 100,000 gal-
lons of water each year which would cost
approximately $500.00 at the city's cur-
rent rate of $5.00 per 1,000 gallons. t
was also noted that the City's current an-
nual fee for commercial aerial sprayers
is $550.00.
PWD Reckling advised the Council that
there is currently one existing hydrant at
the airport and it is located by the airport
lounge. n order for sprayers to access
this hydrant, they would have to cross
the taxi way and park on the asphalt. n
his opinion, it would be more ideal if a hy-
drant was available closer to the orange
hangar, but this would require extending
the water line as well as boring under or
cutting the asphalt. n other words, it
would be a costly improvement for the
City. On the other hand, if the City would
pursue upgrading the water access at
the airport, it may also entice single en-
gine air tankers (SEAT planes) to utilize
our airport. These are firefighting aircraft.
Concerns were voiced about allowing
and providing water to the commercial
sprayers. Would they be filling chemical
or water tanks. Would a backflow pre-
venter need to be installed on the hy-
drant. Would the asphalt around the
airport lounge, where the existing hy-
drant is located be able to withstand the
weight and turning of the water hauling
equipment. s the hydrant's water line
and pressure sufficient to fill the tanks.
These were the same concerns voiced
last year when Mr. Lutter first presented
this request. His reasoning was mainly
that of the liability of having one of his
employees driving a truck into town to
access water from the bulk water station
at the fire hall.
Council Member Arthur commented that
driving to town and filling from the bulk
water station would more than likely be
more time conserving in comparison to
filling from a hydrant. He then questioned
the size of tanks that would be filled.
PWD Reckling noted that the majority of
sprayers have their tanks secured on
semi-truck flat beds that they fill and
these hold approximately 1,600 gallons
each. He also commented on what would
happen if more than one sprayer needed
water access at the same time.
Mayor Vetter stated that the airport cur-
rently has a one-inch water line that
could be upgraded to a two-inch line that
would provide more water pressure.
There would be additional installation
costs for this upgrade. n addition, the
monthly water minimum would increase
from $40.00 to $71.00 per month.
Further noted is that when the initial re-
quest was reviewed last year, installing a
bulk water station in the orange hangar
was also discussed. At that time, it was
estimated to cost between $6,000 and
$7,000. So whether the City installs a
bulk water station or upgrades the airport
water line including that of installing an-
other hydrant, it would be an expensive
investment for the City.
PWD Reckling then mentioned the pos-
sibility of implementing an initial one-time
fee to commercial sprayers to help offset
the costs of the water line upgrades. For
instance, charge $2,500 for the first year
and then $1,000 for each subsequent
year. He stressed that this improvement
would benefit the sprayers more than the
By general consensus of the Council, ad-
ditional research into upgrading the air-
port's water line including that of how to
make it available for SEAT operations will
be done in the near future.
No action was taken on Mr. Lutter's re-
quest at this time.
Motion was made by Gartner, seconded
by Henrie to approve hiring Brandon
Boyd, additional police officer, for Friday,
June 14th during Festival Days weekend
at $15.00 per hour plus mileage at the
City's adopted mileage reimbursement
rate of $0.37 per mile. Motion carried.
Council was advised that the Street
Committee authorized hiring two addi-
tional contractors to assist with snow re-
moval on Apr. 11, 2013 - O'Connell
Construction & Radley Kennedy.
Council Member Gartner requested that
in future, the contractor's that the City
hires for snow removal have the proper
commercial licensing on their equipment.
The SDML District 8 Meeting has been
rescheduled to Tuesday, April 30, in
With nothing further, Mayor Vetter de-
clared the public meeting adjourned at
5:20 p.m.
/s/ Michael Vetter, Mayor
/s/ Brittany Smith
Deputy Finance Officer
[Published May 2, 2013, at the total ap-
proximate cost of $531.54]
Transportation for Transporta-
tion Alternatives Program
(TAP) program funding to as-
sist with the costs of the proj-
ect; and
WHEREAS, the City will pro-
vide 18.05% of the project
costs via cash, and equipment
and/or labor to the project, and
WHEREAS, the City of Philip
will be responsible for all future
operations and maintenance
costs of the project
RESOLVED that the City
Council authorizes Michael
Vetter to sign and submit this
letter of intent and application
to the SD Department of
Transportation for TAP funds
requesting up to $400,000.
This resolutions is effective im-
mediately upon passage
Dated this 22nd day of April,
/s/ Michael Vetter,
City of Philip Mayor
/s/ Monna Van Lint,
City Finance Officer
Motion was made by Gartner, seconded
by Harry to approve and authorize the
Mayor's signature on the Letter of ntent
to Enter into an Easement agreement for
use of the City's property located in
Phase of the project per the RTP grant
application requirements. Motion carried.
(A copy of the trails project plans and en-
gineering cost estimates are on file in the
Finance Office.)
Wood/Walden Ave. mprovement
Council reviewed a temporary construc-
tion access easement with Michael and
Tina Noteboom. This was recommended
by the City's Engineer and Contractor in
order to provide access for the Walden
Ave. residents from Hone St. during the
course of the project. Rosebud Concrete
will construct the temporary road and
then restore the area back to its original
condition once the project is complete. n
addition, the Noteboom's have gra-
ciously agreed to allow this temporary
road access across their property.
Motion was made by Arthur, seconded by
Gartner to approve and authorize the
Mayor's signature on the Temporary
Construction Access Easement with
Michael and Tina Noteboom. Motion car-
ried with all members voting aye. (A copy
of the easement is on file in the Finance
Council discussed garbage collection op-
tions for those residents on N. Wood
Ave. and Walden Ave. during the project.
The main concern is for those that do not
have alley garbage collection and/or ac-
PWD Reckling briefed the Council on the
discussion with the contractor as there
will more than likely be times that the
garbage trucks will not be able to pick up
garbage from the resident's homes in the
construction area. Suggestions were
made to possibly place Dumpsters in dif-
ferent areas that would be accessible to
the garbage trucks, but concerns were
voiced regarding the residents when
crossing the construction areas to ac-
cess the Dumpsters.
Reckling suggested garbage collection
be left as is and, if needed, the City crew
will collect the garbage that the trucks
are not able to access. The garbage will
be hauled with City equipment to either
a garbage truck or a city dumpster.
t was noted that the City's residential
garbage hauler will change on June 1st.
The City will be in contact with both the
current contractor and the new contractor
in order to make arrangements for the
City collecting garbage in those areas
that the trucks are not able to access.
E. Pine St./Wray Ave. Overlay Project:
Motion was made by Gartner, seconded
by Arthur to approve and authorize the
Mayor's signature on the notice to pro-
ceed with J&J Asphalt. Motion carried.
PWD Reckling updated the Council on
J&J's proposed construction schedule
noting that they were planning to wait
until June to start, but will confirm with
the City's engineers with a more official
start date.
Council reviewed the following building &
flood plain development permits: Dale
Morrison, D&T Auto Parts - withdraw
40'x368' access road across drainage
ditch permit tabled at the Apr. 1st meet-
ing; D&T Auto Parts, Dale Morrison -
24'x300' access road across drainage
ditch; Mitzi Boyd emergency sewer line
repair; Beau Ravellette - sewer line re-
pair/replacement; Tena Slovek -demolish
structure at 102 N. Stewart Ave.; James
and Betty Smith block steps; Josh
Tatum fence; and, Rick and Selma
Thorson sidewalk replacement.
Dale Morrison's permits for D&T Auto
Parts were reviewed in detail. He has re-
quested withdrawing his permit for a 40'
by 368' previously tabled during the April
1st Council meeting. n turn, he has sub-
mitted a new permit for at 24' by 300' ac-
cess road across the drainage area on
his property. The new permit also indi-
cates that the depth of the fill will be re-
duced, starting with 8 to 10' on the west
and progressing down to 3 to 5' to the
east. He has also confirmed that this will
assist in the event of flood, as the water
will be able to flow over the road before
exiting the drainage area. (A copy of his
permit is on file in the Finance Office.)
t was noted that Mr. Morrison and his
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on quo|ltq prcomncd ochlc|cs
ot LB$ uto $o|cs!
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Pioneer Review Philip 859-2516
Classifieds 859-2516
Thursday, May 2, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 12
MAGE SALE: May 10, 5-7; May
11, 7:30-Noon at K-gees, Philip.
Sewing machine, Strider bike,
baby girl clothes, baby & toddler
boy clothes, bouncy chair, baby
hammock, much more.
monts residence, 8 a.m. to 3
p.m., Saturday, May 4. P21-1tp
gees Bldg., Main Street, Philip.
May 3: 4 to 7 p.m.; May 4: 9 to
11 a.m. Mens, womens, girls
and boys clothing, toys, house-
hold and lots of misc. More
items being added daily. All pro-
ceeds go to the Crohns/Colities
Foundation. P21-1tp
REqUESTING BIDS for weekly
lawn care services at 708 Main
Street, Wall. Service provider
must supply their own equip-
ment. Estimate needed by May
9. Service needed from May 20
through September 30. Please
contact Nadia for information,
279-2125. PW21-2tc
HELP WANTED for all positions
for Fatboys and the Cactus,
Wall. Contact Jim at 685-3990.
dlery, Bottle & Vet is looking for
full time help. Knowledge of live-
stock would be helpful, but not
necessary. Apply in person at
the store, 140 Center Ave.,
Philip. P21-2tc
experience preferred but will
train. Salary plus commission.
Housing is supplied in Wall. You
will make great wages, meet peo-
ple from all over the world and
have fun. Must work some week-
ends. Position available now.
Apply at GoldDiggers on Mt.
Rushmore Road in Rapid City or
call Jackie at the factory at 348-
8108 or fax resum to 348-
1524. PW13-tfn
HELP WANTED: Full time posi-
tion available. Lurz Plumbing,
685-3801 or 859-2204, Philip.
SUBWAY IN WALL is accepting
applications for full and part-
time positions, seasonal and
year-round. Opportunities for
advancement to management
positions for the right applicant.
Pick up application at Subway.
HELP WANTED: Service Advisor
position open at Philip Motor.
Please call Craig at 685-3435 for
details. PR28-tfn
ITEMS FOR SALE: (2) excellent
shape full or queen size bed
frames; (2) queen size, excellent
shape, box springs, $15 each.
Call Stacy 605-431-4151.
FOR SALE: Outdoor electric grill
on stand, used one time only,
has cover. $60 cash. Call 859-
3095, days. P21-2tc
FOR SALE: Zastava SKS, 10
round fixed magazine, excellent
condition, matching numbers
plus 100 rounds ammo. $450
OBO. Kris, 430-5367.
FOR SALE: 6500 watt Titan In-
dustrial generator, electric start
with pull start, 8 hp. diesel en-
gine, (2) 110v plug-ins, 1-RV
plug, 1-220 plug, new Interstate
battery, cover. 280-0351.
FOR SALE: Rope horse halters
with 10 lead rope, $15 each.
Call 685-3317 or 837-2917.
ing a rummage sale in Philips
Citywide Rummage Sale on
June 8th must please contact
Brittney or Selma (brittney@pio- or selma@pio- by May 10th.
SALE IN WALL: 317 6th Ave.,
Wall,. 2100 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms,
(1) full bath, (1) 3/4 bath, and
(1) half bath, newer metal roof,
windows, siding and 30x30
garage. $99,000 or offer. 307-
660-6595. WP36-2tc
FOR SALE: 1 bedroom house in
Philip, 30x30. Will work good
for house, shop or storage. 859-
2057 or 515-0675. PR36-2tc
bedrooms, 1 bath. Call for de-
tails, 386-2259. WP35-4tp
sale in the Wall area. Contact
Jim at 685-3990. PW21-2tc
FOR SALE: 2007 Friendship
16x80 mobile home, 3 bed-
rooms, 2 baths, laundry room,
central air, propane heat, no
smoke, no pets, in Wall.
$45,000. Call 515-4138.
SALE: 16x80, 3 bedrooms, 2
baths, lots of upgrades, must
see to appreciated. Located in
Kimball. Call 685-3748 or 685-
3755. PW19-4tc
2009 HONDA BIG RED side by
side ATV, excellent shape, can-
vas cover. 279-2643 or 685-
5223, Wall. WP36-2tc
FOR SALE: 2004 Honda Fore-
man Rubicon 4WD 4-wheeler,
new tires, new plastic, with
windshield. 280-0351. P20-tfn
FOR RENT: 24x60 Mobile
Home, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, in
Hustead Trailer Court in Wall,
appliances included. Call 279-
2242. PW21-2tc
APARTMENTS: Spacious one
bedroom units, all utilities in-
cluded. Young or old. Need
rental assistance or not, we can
house you. Just call 1-800-481-
6904 or stop in the lobby and
pick up an application. Gateway
Apartments, Kadoka. WP32-tfn
PLEASE READ your classified
ad the first week it runs. If you
see an error, we will gladly re-
run your ad correctly. We accept
responsibility for the first in-
correct insertion only. Ravel-
lette Publications, Inc. requests
all classifieds and cards of
thanks be paid for when or-
dered. A $2.00 billing charge will
be added if ad is not paid at the
time the order is placed. All
phone numbers are with an
area code of 605, unless other-
wise indicated.
It is hard to figure out where to
begin. We have all been so
blessed this past four years with
the time we have spent with dad
and the love, prayers, and all the
help we have received from fam-
ily and friends. This battle with
cancer, that seems to invade the
lives of almost every family at
some point, is sure a tough one.
It leads so many of us to wonder
what is the point of it all. Where
is the good in it? Why would God
do this to us?
The truth is, God does not do
bad things. God takes the bad
things that happen to us and
uses them for good. Where is the
good you ask? To see the good,
we have to get beyond ourselves,
and be willing to look for it. The
good is in the conversations
weve had over the past four
years with dad that we may not
have had. The good is in the time
we spent together and the laughs
weve had. The good is in the in-
credible faith that took hold of
dad over the past four years and
the strength he found in Jesus.
The good is in the lessons we
have learned; to laugh each day,
love, forgive, hold on tight and
learn to let go when the time is
Thank you, God, for the jour-
ney weve had. Thank You for
being there every step of the
way. If you have to battle cancer,
choose not to battle it alone.
Make Jesus your right hand man
and you will be able to find the
joy in the worst of days. Only He
can take your pain away.
A list of THANK YOUs!
Thank you to all family and
friends who helped us along the
way. We have been so blessed.
Special thanks go out to Charlene
Ceniceros, Wes and Nicki Nelson,
Aunt Julie, Uncle Monte, Brady,
the Trinity Lutheran Church of
Midland and the First Lutheran
Church of Philip.
Thank you to our immediate
families, spouses and kids for
picking up the slack when we
had to spend extra time away
from home. Thank you for your
patience and understanding,
love, hugs and prayers.
We will be eternally grateful for
the life-saving surgery dad re-
ceived at Rapid City Regional
Hospital on April 16th, 2010 and
a thank you to Regional Cancer
Care for helping us get started on
our journey.
Avera Cancer Care of Sioux
Falls: Dr. Elson, Linda, Brian and
the crew in chemotherapy, the
front desk gals, and anyone else
who worked hard to brighten our
day, you will all hold a special
place in our hearts forever. What
an amazing facility and even
more amazing group of people.
Philip Health Services: Special
thank you to all the doctors,
nurses, aides, and office staff
(hospital and clinic) who have
helped us over the past four
years and during dads last
week with us. The hospital is a
true blessing to our community in
so many ways. Thank you to the
nurses who were kind and gentle
with dad, the hugs you gave us
and the help you offered.
To Rush Funeral Home: Jack,
DJ, Gayle & Margaret. Here is
another business and family we
are so blessed to have in Philip.
The combination of friendship
and professionalism you have
shown us will never be forgotten.
Big thank you to Pastor Tel
Saucerman for leading the fu-
neral service. It wouldnt have
been the same without you. What
an awesome day it was and a
great tribute to dad!
Special thanks to Mike Seager
for the music you provided for the
funeral service and the irreplace-
able recordings of dad singing.
What an awesome gift.
A big thank you to anyone and
everyone we have missed for all
of the help we have received this
past four years. We have been
surrounded by love and prayers,
hugs, words of encouragement,
financial aid, food, we have been
loaned vehicles and stayed
overnight. The offers of help have
been endless, and for that we are
eternally grateful and truly
Oh, and miscellaneous donor
to the funeral fund it might
take us an eternity to figure out
who you are but it wont stop us
from shouting out a big THANK
YOU now.
If there were tears in heaven,
Dad would still be crying over the
generosity and love that we have
experienced since his death and
I have no doubt that he would be
just as thankful and humbled as
we are.
God bless you all!
The Family of Will Schofield &
Justin, Jared, Roger,
Hallie & Forrest
I wish to thank everyone who
attended my 90th birthday
party, for gifts and for the many
beautiful cards.
Thanks to my family for plan-
ning my open house.
Thank you,
Lucille Emerson
FOR SALE: 2000 Ford F-150,
4WD, 100,000 miles, good
shape, call 605-837-2458.
FOR SALE: 2004 Ford F-250
Ext. Cab, short box, Super Duty,
4x4, XLT, loaded, nearly new 10-
ply tires, towing pkg., 98K miles,
excellent shape, under book.
$11,900. 209-8639. PR32-tfn
FOR SALE: 2004 Pontiac Grand
Prix GT, gray with gray interior,
107,300 miles, looks and runs
great. $7,000 is the asking price,
but I will consider reasonable of-
fers. Call Keith at 454-3426 or
859-2039 for information or any
questions. PR22-tfn
FOR SALE: 1998 Ford Expedi-
tion XLT 4x4, cloth seats, power
windows, locks & seats, good
tires. Call 685-8155. PR10-tfn
INC., PHILIP: Rock, Sand,
Gravel (screened or crushed). We
can deliver. Dams, dugouts,
building sites. Our 37th year.
Glenn or Trace, 859-2020.
CRETE: ALL types of concrete
work. Rich, Colleen and Haven
Hildebrand. Toll-free: 1-877-
867-4185; Office: 837-2621;
Rich, cell: 431-2226; Haven,
cell: 490-2926; Jerry, cell: 488-
0291. K36-tfn
For all your rural water hook-
ups, waterline and tank installa-
tion and any kind of backhoe
work, call Jon Jones, 843-2888,
Midland. PR20-52tp
will do all types of trenching,
ditching and directional boring
work. See Craig, Diana, Sauntee
or Heidi Coller, Kadoka, SD, or
call 837-2690. Craig cell: 390-
8087, Sauntee cell: 390-8604; K50-tfn
FOR SALE: Alfalfa seed, grass
seed and high test alfalfa hay.
Delivery available and volume
discount available. Call 798-
5413. WP35-8tc
FOR SALE: (6) fresh roping
Longhorn yearlings; (5) heifers;
(1) steer. 8 horns. $565 apiece.
985-5932. PR35-2tp
WANTED: Summer grass for 65
cow/calf pairs. Call Brock
Smith, 859-2436 or 441-2535.
WANTED: Pasture for 40-80
pairs, or to rent land. Call 837-
2589 or 488-0086. K20-3tc
Treaty. Bloodlines include In
Focus, Bando, Black Coat,
Frontline, Fast Money. Some
suitable for heifers. Not overfed.
Call Mike Harris, morning, at
685-1053. P19-tfn
WANTED: Summer pasture for
40-500 cow-calf pairs. Phone
859-2889. P17-7tc
Looking to rent pasture or com-
plete ranch, short term or long
term. Also looking for hay
ground. Cash, lease or shares.
Call 798-2116 or 798-2002.
for 40 to 200 pairs within 80
miles of Philip or can lease whole
ranch. 685-9313 (cell) or 859-
2059 (home). P7-tfn
12-ply, 235/85/16R. $160,
mounted. Les Body Shop, 859-
2744, Philip. P40-tfn
The Pioneer Review
Business & Professional Directory
Family Dentistry
Monday - Tuesday - Thurs. - Friday
8:00 to 12:00 & 1:00 to 5:00
859-2491 Philip, SD
104 Philip Ave. South of Philip Chiropractic
Rent This Space
3 month min.
Rent This Space
3 month min.
urday, May 11, 10 am, Hoven,
SD. Syd Baus Estate. Collectible
cars and tractors. M&R Auc-
tions, Gary: 605-769-1181, 605-
948-2333, Lewis: 605-281-
HUGHES COUNTY, full time.
Contact your local Dept of Labor
or Carla Lantz, 605-773-7461,
Hughes County Courthouse.
Closes May 13. EOE.
2013-2014: Early childhood
special education teacher: Start-
ing salary $35,000 with great
benefits: Contact Director Cris
Owens 605-466-2206, Chris-
has an exciting full time Occu-
pational Therapist opportunity,
working with a supportive team
of professional therapists in the
beautiful southern Black Hills of
SD. We are located just a short
distance from Mount Rushmore,
Wind Cave National Park,
Custer State Park, Jewel Cave
National Park and many other
outdoor attractions. Competitive
salary and benefits available in-
cluding sign on bonus. Please
contact Jim Simons, Rehab
Services Director, at 605-673-
2229 ext. 301or jsimons@re- for more infor-
mation or go to www.regional- to apply. EOE.
HAS 24 residential lots for sale.
Thirty miles to Aberdeen and
one hour to Missouri River. Ex-
cellent schools, clinics, retail
stores & job opportunities. Call
Beth @ Vaughn Beck Realty
representing Golden Eagle Log
Homes, building in eastern, cen-
tral, northwestern South &
North Dakota. Scott Connell,
605-530-2672, Craig Connell,
605-264-5650, www.goldenea-
MENT Listings, sorted by rent,
location and other options.
www. sdhousi ngsearch. com
South Dakota Housing Develop-
ment Authority.
statewide for only $150.00. Put
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Each additional word $5.) Call
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or 800-658-3697 for details.
Pheasant, quality Mule Deer
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class+ and Merrium Turkey. Call
Complete Auto Body Repairing
Glass Installation Painting Sandblasting
Toll-Free: 1-800-900-2339
Pee Wee & Toby Hook
859-2337 Philip, SD
imum for first 20 words; 10 per
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Tributes, Etc. $6.00 minimum
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NOTE: $2.00 added charge for
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DISPLAY AD RATE: $8.00 per
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PUBLISHERS NOTICE: All real estate ad-
vertised in this newspaper is subject to the
Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which
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This newspaper will not knowingly accept
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olation of the law. Our readers are informed
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per are available on an equal opportunity
2 Bedrooms Available
2 Bedrooms Available
(washer/dryer hook-ups) Apartments
carpeted throughout, appliances
furnished, laundry facilities available.
1 Bdr. This is Elderly 62+,
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Home: (605) 837-2945
Cell: (605) 381-5568
Excavation work of
For all your
Philip, SD
S. HWY ?3 - SS9-2100 - PHILIP
Eden Pure Heaters
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free estimate!! Shop our large selection of power tools!
1998 Ford Expedition XLT 4x4
Cloth Seats, Good Tires
Power Windows & Locks
Call 685-8155
Thursday, May 2, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 13
(1) two-year-old, plus several yearling
Horned & Dehorned.
Buster Peterson 837-2531
The City Of Philip Wood/Walden Avenue
Construction Zone Safety
Rosebud Concrete has begun construction on Wood Avenue.
This project is estimated to take upwards of seven months
to complete. During this time we strongly encourage resi-
dents to please be aware of the safety hazards in and
around the work zones.
Heavy equipment attracts curious little ones and with
the warmer weather and summer just around the corner,
we would also like to ask parents to strongly
caution their children of the dangers of
playing in or near these work zones.
We appreciate your extra care and
diligence during this construction season.
Have a safe summer!
City of Philip
Greetings from sunny, breezy,
cooler, dry northeast Haakon
County. The moisture we received
earlier from the snow seems to
have migrated way down into the
soil, and we need rain! Some folks
in the Philip area received a nice
shower late last week, and I know
it was very appreciated. According
to Marge Briggs, we have received
2.43 inches of moisture this month
so far as I write this news, we
still have a chance to receive a little
more, but it looks like the showers
predicted for the area will track
south of us. However, the moisture
we have received has helped the
grass green up that is progress!
News from the garden the as-
paragus is up! Even the new little
plants I transplanted last year!
The bigger spears will be ready to
cut in a couple of days, provided I
can keep it from freezing. The win-
ter onions (a favorite of Randy's)
will be ready to dig soon. The
rhubarb is growing daily, and the
perennial flowers are looking bet-
ter all the time, although I need to
water them. I have some yellow
tulips blooming on the south side of
the house they are so cheery! I
have been doing some tilling, and I
plan to plant some of the early veg-
etables later today. I love this time
of year! The flower buds on the
plum bushes are swelling hope
they don't bloom until we are done
with freezing temperatures.
I had a tough time finding people
in the house this week when I was
gathering news, and I don't blame
them! The warmer temperatures
have had me outside also! How-
ever, the result is that there is less
news to report today maybe I can
get things caught up next week.
Nels and Dorothy Paulson were
in Philip Wednesday to take care of
taxes tis the season! Thursday,
they were in Pierre taking care of
business. Dorothy also got some
medicine to help with a cough she
has had for several weeks, and it
sounds like the meds are doing the
trick. Saturday, Nels and Dorothy
attended a Marshall family re-
union in Draper. Their niece from
Bismarck was there, along with
lots of other relatives, so they en-
joyed visiting with everyone. Sun-
day, Dorothy served lunch after
services at Deep Creek Church.
Dorothy said they have turned
their cattle out on grass, but they
still need to supplement the feed
until the grass gets a little taller.
Gene Hudson and her daughter,
Connie Johnson, traveled to Brook-
ings Friday. Gene's daughter, Deb
Burma, was leading a women's re-
treat at a church in Volga, which
Gene and Connie attended. The
ladies spent Friday night with
Gene's friend, Marlys VanderWal,
and they returned home following
the retreat Saturday. They hauled
home some things from Wyatt
Johnson's dorm room, since Wyatt
will be finished with classes this
weekend. Sunday evening, Dick
and Gene were supper guests of
Clark and Carmen Alleman.
Lola Roseth spent Friday paint-
ing at the home of her sister, Gay
Tollefson. Lola also recently helped
with painting at her sister Linda's
house makes me think I should
adopt Lola as my sister! Saturday,
Duane and Lola traveled to Ideal
(near Winner) to look at some bulls.
They took some back roads on the
way home, seeing some beautiful
Last Wednesday, Frank and
Shirley Halligan were in Faith to
attend the Academic Olympics as
well as the end of the year Sunday
School program their grandchil-
dren were taking part in the activ-
ities. Friday, Shirley joined her
daughter-in-law, Lynn, and chil-
dren, and they traveled to Brandon
for a summer league basketball
tournament. Shirley's grandson,
J.J., is a member of the team. They
did a little shopping before return-
ing home Sunday afternoon.
Bill and Polly Bruce were in
Pierre Tuesday to keep a doctor's
appointment and take care of some
business. They had lunch in town,
which means Polly didn't have to
cook! Saturday, Bill and Polly
hauled some cows to the sale for
their son, Vince, because Vince and
Katie were in Rapid City on busi-
ness. Bill and Polly attended
church in Midland Sunday. They
had lunch at a local restaurant,
and then they attended the com-
munity play. Polly's sister, Audrey
Jones, was a member of the cast.
Several of Polly's relatives also at-
tended the production, so they en-
joyed a good visit. Vince and Katie
Bruce helped Tom Zander work
cattle Sunday, and Monday they
helped work cattle at Wacey Kirk-
Clark Alleman's cataract surgery
went very well last week. The pro-
cedure had been postponed a cou-
ple of times due to bad weather, so
I'm sure Clark was glad to get it
done. Clark and Carmen attended
the play in Midland Friday, and
they hosted Dick and Gene Hudson
for supper Sunday following
Joyce Jones said her week con-
sisted of normal stuff dentist, hair
cut, etc. nothing exciting. How-
ever, Joyce did give me a helpful
household tip involving diesel fuel
on clothing. She said if you add
some ammonia (1/2 cup) to the load
in the washing machine, it will take
care of the diesel smell. If there is a
lot of diesel, you may want to soak
the clothing in ammonia water
prior to washing. It seems strange
that such a smelly product as am-
monia can remedy the smell of
diesel, but I'm sure willing to give
it a try!
Kevin Neuhauser joined a group
of Shriners last Wednesday as they
traveled to Midland and Philip sell-
ing tickets for the upcoming Shrine
Circus in Rapid City. The circus
will be held this coming weekend.
Saturday, Kevin was in Pierre for a
Masonic meeting, and Mary was at
the ranch for the weekend. Kevin
said he was finally able to start
farming this week.
Randy was also able to start
farming this week here on Robb's
Flat. He is planting some oats, hop-
ing to raise some cattle feed. I was
in Pierre Wednesday to keep a cou-
ple of appointments, and then I
traveled to Salem to spend a couple
of days with our daughter, Jen-
nifer, and her husband, Ross. Jen
and I went to Sioux Falls Thursday
to check out the Kingswood rum-
mage sales they sure are a popu-
lar event! We saw some of the tree
damage caused by the recent ice
storm in that area. There is so
much devastation! While in Sioux
Falls, we also visited Eunice Axtell.
She and her husband, Lloyd, were
very good friends of my late
mother-in-law, Velva Neuhauser. I
returned home Friday afternoon.
Our son in law, Mike Hoy, arrived
Friday evening to spend the week-
end. Saturday was spent moving
cattle and working cattle, along
with farming. We also had turkey
hunters from Pierre and Sioux
Falls from Friday through Monday.
I guess the busy season has begun!
That is the extent of this week's
news. I hope all of you have a won-
derful week, and I also hope you
have time to pause and enjoy the
sights, sounds, and fragrance of
spring. This season truly is magi-
cal! Also, please continue to pray
for rain!
Moenville News
by Leanne Neuhauser 567-3325
The Natural Resources Conser-
vation Service (NRCS) has an-
nounced $150,000 for state-level
Conservation Innovations Grants.
Under CIG, Environmental
Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)
funds are used to award competi-
tive grants to state and local units
of government, and non-govern-
mental organizations and individ-
uals. Application period runs from
April 26 to May 17.
South Dakota NRCS is seeking
pre-proposals for the state level
CIG program that demonstrate the
use of innovative technologies and/
or approaches in nutrient manage-
ment, soil health or water quality.
The allocation of $150,000 has been
set aside for this state-level pro-
gram, with a maximum grant
award of $75,000 per project. Pre-
proposals are due in the South
Dakota NRCS State Office by 4
p.m. Central Daylight Time on
May 17, 2013.
The state CIG announcement for
program funding is available on
the website http://www. and on the South
Dakota NRCS website http://www.
.html. The CIG pre-proposals will
be evaluated by a NRCS technical
team and successful applicants will
be asked to submit a full project
This grant competition is an ex-
cellent opportunity to find innova-
tive approaches to solve critical re-
source issues in South Dakota. Ul-
timately these new approaches can
assist our farmers and ranchers
with long-term financial and natu-
ral resource sustainability said
Jeff Zimprich, South Dakota NRCS
state conservationist.
CIG is a voluntary program in-
tended to stimulate the develop-
ment and adoption of innovative
conservation approaches and tech-
nologies, while leveraging federal
investment in environmental en-
hancement and protection, in con-
junction with agricultural produc-
tion. CIG projects facilitate NRCS
work with other public and private
entities to accelerate technology
transfer and adoption of promising
technologies and approaches to ad-
dress some of the nation's most
pressing natural resource concerns.
CIG projects will benefit agricul-
tural producers by providing more
options for environmental enhance-
ment and compliance with federal,
state, and local regulations.
Applications sent via express
mail, overnight courier service, or
United States Postal Service must
be sent to USDA-NRCS, CIG Pro-
gram, 200 Fourth Street SW, Room
203, Huron, SD 57350. Applica-
tions sent electronically must be
sent through or to
For more information, contact
the assistant state conservationist
for operations at 605-352-1243.
Conservation innovation
grants deadline May 17
South Dakotas Office of Emer-
gency Management this month
completed the paperwork and
closed the books on three presiden-
tially declared natural disasters
from 2008.
The trio of disasters caused a
combined total of nearly $25 mil-
lion in damages, said Jack Dokken,
public assistance officer for OEM.
The events that resulted in the dis-
aster declarations affected dozens
of counties and thousands of South
Dakota citizens.
While the immediate response
to most disasters is over rather
quickly, the process of recovery can
take several years, Dokken said.
Our staff is committed to working
closely with FEMA (Federal Emer-
gency Management Agency) and
local officials to make sure Public
Assistance Program funds are
made available to rebuild or repair
roads, bridges, power lines and
other public infrastructure dam-
aged during the disasters.
The recently closed-out disasters
A winter storm with record and
near-record snowfall on May 1-2,
2008. The disaster was declared on
May 23, 2008. The event caused
$10.5 million in damages, includ-
ing the cost of snow removal and
emergency protective measures
and the cost of repairing or replac-
ing damaged public facilities. The
storm impacted six counties.
A severe summer storm with
widespread flooding during the pe-
riod June 2-12, 2008. The disaster
was declared on July 9, 2008. The
event caused $6.4 million in dam-
ages, including the cost of emer-
gency work and the cost of repair-
ing or replacing damaged public fa-
cilities. The storm impacted 27
A winter storm with record and
near-record snowfall on November
5-7, 2008. The disaster was de-
clared on December 12, 2008. The
event caused $8 million in dam-
ages, including the cost of repairing
or replacing damaged public facili-
ties and infrastructure as well as
the cost of snow removal and emer-
gency protective measures. The
storm impacted 13 counties.
While those disasters have been
closed out, the Office of Emergency
Management continues to manage
nine presidentially declared disas-
ters dating back to 2009.
Emergency management closes
books on three 2008 disasters
A floral and plant open house was
held Tuesday, April 23, at three loca-
tions in Philip; Gary's Open Door
Greenhouse, Cabin Fever Floral and
Prairie Designs Floral Studio. Food
and fun were free, with business spe-
cials on fresh and artificial flowers,
plants, containers, gifts and more.
Shown above is Gary Phillips offering
alternative planting possibities to two
customers. Shown at right is customer
Thomas Doolittle picking up a special
order from Kerry Hostutler. Elke Baxter
of Prairie Designs Floral Studios said
that business was as usual, with spe-
cialty orders being her mainstay.
Photos by Del Bartels
Three floral/plant open houses event
Farm families who have endured
100 or 125 years of life on the farm
or ranch may be recognized during
the South Dakota State Fair on
Thursday, August 29.
Century Farms have been recog-
nized at the State Fair since 1984
by the South Dakota Department
of Agriculture and the South
Dakota Farm Bureau. Two years
ago, in recognition of the State
Fairs 125th anniversary, farms
and ranches that have been family-
owned for 125 years or more were
recognized in a quasquicentennial
event, and that tradition will con-
tinue in 2013. Recognition of the
quasquicentennial farms will im-
mediately follow the Century
Farms program.
Without the hard-working fam-
ilies here in South Dakota, agricul-
ture would not be our number one
industry, said South Dakota Sec-
retary of Agriculture Lucas
Lentsch. We need to recognize
their accomplishments and the
longevity of their operations.
A farm or ranch is eligible for
century farm recognition if at least
80 acres of original land have been
continuously owned by the same
family for 100 years or longer. A
quasquicentennial farm must meet
the same acreage requirements
and be owned by the same family
for 125 years or longer.
Agriculture is the foundation of
our state's economy, said SDFB
President Scott VanderWal. Fam-
ilies who have persevered, held
their land together, and survived
droughts, floods, storms and bad
economic times for 100 or 125 years
deserve to be recognized.
Application forms can be gotten
online for both the century farm
and the quasquicentennial farm
recognition at or
tury-Farms or by calling 605-353-
8052. All forms must be completed
and notarized before being re-
turned by Tuesday, August 13, to
the South Dakota Farm Bureau,
P.O. Box 1426, Huron, SD, 57350.
Quasquicentennial farm/ ranch award applications
Pioneer Review
at 11 a.m.
(605} 685.5826
Midland (605} 567.3385
JEFF LONG, FIeIdmanJAuctIoneer
Fcd Owl (605} 985.5486
Ccll. (605} 515.0186
Fcva (605} 866.4670
Milcsvillc (605} 544.3316
Yard Foreman
(605} 441.1984
Siurgis (605} 347.0151
Wasia (605} 685.4862
(60S) SS9:2S??
lkllll ll\lI|K 1||IlK
lkllll, |Ik 01KI1
Upoom1ng Co111e So1es:
VIEW SALES LIVE ON THE INTERNET! Go to: UpcomIng saIes & consIgnments can be
vIewed on tbe Internet at, or on tbe DTN: CIIck on SALE BARNS NORTH CENTRAL
PLA |s now qua||f|ed to hand|e th|rd party
ver|f|ed NhT6 catt|e
(Non-hormona| Treated 6att|e}.
Reep suppor11ng R-CALF USA! R-CALF USA 1s our vo1oe 1n
governmen1 1o represen1 U.S. oo111e produoers 1n 1rode
morKe11ng 1ssues. ]o1n 1odog & e1p moKe o d1]]erenoe!
PhiIip Livestock Auction, in conjunction with
Superior Livestock Auction, wiII be offering video
saIe as an additionaI service to our consignors,
with questions about the video pIease caII
Jerry Roseth at 605:685:5820.
PhiIip, SD
Upoom1ng Horse So1es
We od o b1g run o] po1rs ond o 11g1er run
o] ]eeder oo111e ]or our speo1o1 so1e. Lo1s o]
reneued 1n1eres1 1n 1e po1rs. Our quo111g
uos ou1s1ond1ng. Huge run o] ue1g-up oo1-
11e. Verg good demond o1 1ouer pr1oes. Ne1
We1g-ups S AM. Bu11 So1e o1 JJ AM.
39 .........................DLK HFF PAIFS 1165=.......$2,000.00
11.........................DWF HFF PAIFS 1234=.......$2,000.00
21 .........................DLK HFF PAIFS 1075=.......$2,000.00
4 ...........................DLK HFF PAIFS 1176=.......$1,810.00
4 .............DLK 3 TO 6 YF OLD PAIFS 1280=.......$1,675.00
3 ...DLK & DWF SOLID MOUTH PAIFS 1355=.......$1,525.00
18.........................FED HFF PAIFS 960=.........$1,700.00
15 .........................DLK HFF PAIFS 974=.........$1,675.00
5...DLK & DWF 3 TO 6 YF OLD PAIFS 1345=.......$1,700.00
8 .............DLK 3 TO 6 YF OLD PAIFS 1342=.......$1,610.00
9 ...DLK & DWF SOLID MOUTH PAIFS 1343=.......$1,475.00
6 .............DLK 3 TO 6 YF OLD PAIFS 1248=.......$1,475.00
13 .........DLK DFOKEN MOUTH PAIFS 1352=.......$1,375.00
11.................................DLK STFS 717=............$143.50
75.................................DLK STFS 783=............$138.00
82 ......................DLK & DWF STFS 746=............$141.50
62 ................................DLK HFFS 681=............$136.75
80......................DLK & DWF HFFS 736=............$135.00
67......................DLK & DWF HFFS 730=............$134.50
18 .....................FWF & DWF HFFS 745=............$131.00
11 ......................DLK & DWF STFS 652=............$148.00
18......................DLK & DWF HFFS 576=............$140.00
10......................FED & DLK HFFS 542=............$141.50
7........................DLK & DWF HFFS 576=............$140.00
5...................................DLK STFS 655=............$145.50
15......................DLK & DWF HFFS 592=............$135.50
6 ........................FED & DLK STFS 683=............$139.50
7 ................................HEFF HFFS 506=............$137.00
4...................................DLK STFS 795=............$132.00
50......................DLK & FED HFFS 687=............$129.00
36.................................DLK STFS 836=............$130.00
14 ................................DLK HFFS 727=............$125.50
6........................FED & DLK HFFS 607=............$137.75
1...................................FED COW 1345=............$83.00
1.............................DLK COWETTE 1355=............$94.00
2.................DLK & DWF COWETTES 1268=............$94.00
1...................................DLK COW 1330=............$82.00
1...................................FED COW 1555=............$81.50
1...................................DLK DULL 1950=..........$103.00
3......................DLK COWS (YOUNC} 1308=............$86.00
1...................................DLK COW 1300=............$81.50
1...................................DLK DULL 1905=..........$102.50
1...................................DLK DULL 1565=..........$101.50
1...................................DLK COW 1490=............$81.00
3 .................................DLK COWS 1297=............$79.00
3.................................DLK HFFTS 960=............$100.00
1...................................DLK DULL 1760=............$99.50
1...................................DLK DULL 2245=..........$102.50
14...............................DLK HFFTS 832=............$117.00
15...............................DLK HFFTS 867=............$114.00
9......................DLK & DWF HFFTS 826=............$114.00
2................................FWF HFFTS 895=..............$99.00
2.................................DLK HFFTS 843=............$113.00
1 ..................................DLK HFFT 915=............$110.00
1 ..................................DLK HFFT 955=............$101.00
3.................................DLK HFFTS 750=............$109.50
2 ...........................DLK COWETTES 1040=............$84.50
3 ........................FED & DLK HFTS 850=............$109.00
2.................................DLK HFFTS 905=............$104.50
1...................................DLK COW 1115=............$83.00
1 ..................................DWF COW 1130=............$82.50
1...................................DLK COW 1340=............$79.00
1...................................DLK COW 1505=............$81.00
18................................DLK COWS 1144=............$78.75
5 .................................DLK COWS 1400=............$77.75
1 ..................................DLK HFFT 860=..............$94.00
9......................DLK & DWF HFFTS 695=............$126.50
1...................................FED COW 1200=............$81.00
1...................................DLK COW 1500=............$80.50
1.............................DLK COWETTE 1080=............$82.50
1 ..................................DLK HFFT 835=............$104.00
1..................................DWF HFFT 705=............$122.00
1...................................DLK COW 1125=............$80.00
1...................................DLK COW 1150=............$79.50
1...................................FED COW 1350=............$79.50
1 ..................................DWF COW 1365=............$78.50
2.................................FED COWS 1293=............$78.25
1...................................FED COW 1665=............$78.00
2.................................DWF COWS 1348=............$79.00
1...................................DLK COW 1365=............$78.00
4.......................DLK & DWF COWS 1260=............$78.75
3 .................................DLK COWS 1332=............$78.50
1...................................DLK COW 1320=............$78.50
1 ..................................DLK HFFT 920=..............$97.00
1...................................DLK COW 1230=............$78.50
2 ..................................FWF COW 1273=............$78.00
5 .................................DLK COWS 1178=............$78.00
1...................................DLK COW 1475=............$77.00
2 .................................DLK COWS 1315=............$75.50
1 ..................................DLK HFFT 905=............$104.00
4 .................................DLK COWS 1376=............$77.75
1 ..................................DWF COW 1535=............$77.50
5 .................................DLK COWS 1317=............$77.25
1...................................DLK COW 1605=............$77.00
1...................................DLK DULL 1865=............$94.50
1...................................DLK COW 1420=............$77.00
1...................................DLK COW 1650=............$76.50
2.......................DLK & DWF COWS 1248=............$76.50
10.....................DLK & DWF COWS 1289=............$76.25
4.......................DLK & DWF COWS 1571=............$76.00
16 .........................DLK COWETTES 978=..............$94.25
1...................................FED COW 1650=............$76.00
1.............................DLK COWETTE 1015=............$92.50
1...................................DLK COW 1715=............$76.00
1..................................DWF HFFT 790=............$112.00
4......................DLK & DWF HFFTS 804=............$108.00
1...................................DLK COW 1475=............$78.00
1 ..................................DLK HFFT 970=............$106.00
10 ................................DLK HFFT 931=............$105.00
6 .......................FED & DLK COWS 1177=............$79.00
1 ..................................DLK HFFT 895=............$105.00
3.................................DLK HFFTS 828=............$103.00
1 ..................................DLK HFFT 955=............$102.00
2......................DLK & DWF HFFTS 855=............$101.00
14...............................DLK HFFTS 998=............$100.50
1 ..................................DLK HFFT 975=..............$99.00
3 .................................DLK COWS 1257=............$77.00
4.................................DLK HFFTS 994=..............$98.00
10...............................DLK HFFTS 965=..............$98.00
1 ..................................DLK HFFT 965=..............$98.00
2.................................DLK HFFTS 933=..............$96.50
1 ..................................DLK HFFT 930=..............$96.00
5 ...........................DLK COWETTES 957=..............$95.50
7.................................DLK HFFTS 974=..............$95.00
9 ...........................DLK COWETTES 1023=............$84.00
5......................DLK & DWF HFFTS 1004=............$93.00
1.............................DLK COWETTE 1040=............$92.50
1.............................DLK COWETTE 1190=............$90.00
7.................DLK & DWF COWETTES 1039=............$90.50
4 ...........................DLK COWETTES 1009=............$89.75
1 ............................FED COWETTE 1090=............$84.50
1...................................DLK DULL 1865=..........$101.00
1 ................................CHAF DULL 2020=..........$100.50
1...................................DLK DULL 1895=..........$100.00
1 ................................CHAF DULL 2290=............$97.50
1 ................................CHAF DULL 2100=............$92.50
1...................................DLK DULL 2040=............$95.50
Upoom1ng Bu11 So1es
Thursday, May 2, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 14
Lunch Specials:
11:00 to 1:30
Call for
Regular Menu
Available Nightly!
* * *
Friday Buffet
5:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Downtown Philip
~ Saturday, May 4 ~
Petite Filet Special
~ Monday, May 6 ~
1/2 lb.
Cheeseburger Basket
The Steakhouse & Lounge
Open Daily ~ Monday thru Saturday
~ Tuesday, April 30 ~
Ribeye Special
~ Wednesday, May 1 ~
Indian Taco or
Taco Salad
~ Thursday, May 2 ~
~ Friday Buffet, May 3 ~
Chicken Fried Steak
Chicken Shrimp
Sunday guests at Donnie and
Bobette Schofield's were Bruce,
Sidney and Sean Dunker, Wall,
and Jeff and Crystal Schofield and
Pat Hanrahan attended the sev-
enth birthday party for her great-
niece, Kadince, in Pierre Sunday at
the home of her sister, Dianne
Spending the weekend at Chad
and Kathy Hanrahan's were
Kathy's parents, Don and Carol Pe-
tersen, her brother, Donnie, and
sister, Melissa Petersen, all of Gre-
gory. I'm sure they all enjoyed baby
Connor and Mackenzie Hovland
stayed in Philip with their grand-
parents, Joe and Debbie Prouty,
from Friday night until Sunday af-
Kaidyn Bastian spent the week-
end with her grandparents, Boyd
and Kara Parsons. Wade and
Marcy Parsons and family re-
turned her to her home in Pierre
Sunday. Her parents, Eric and
Kayla Bastian, were in Minneapo-
lis for a wedding.
Dustin Rische and friend, Ron
Wren, and son, Barrett, all of Red-
field spent from Wednesday until
Friday hunting turkeys at Boyd
and Kara Parsons'.
Some of Phil and Karen Carley's
grandchildren were out for the
weekend including Joey Carley,
Millie Clark, and Quade and Jaryn
Shields. Quade and Jaryn are still
with Phil and Karen while their
parents, Dave and Angelia Shields,
are in Rochester for medical ap-
pointments for Dave. Please pray
for Dave, Angelia and family.
Our daughter, Nancy Ho-
hwieler, Aurora, Neb., spent from
Thursday until Sunday with us.
She, along with daughter Sharon
and daughter-in-law Jodi, made
quick work on a painting project for
me. Those young ladies can work
circles around me!
Last year at this time it was
very dry. According to my journal,
I was watering my lawn and tilling
flower beds and garden. We are all
very grateful for our moisture.
(This Weeks News)
Colby Fitch celebrated his 12th
birthday Saturday the 27th. He
and his family, Trevor, Christa and
boys, all went golfing on a beautiful
day. Supper guests Sunday were
Burjes and Cheryl Fitch, Marvin
and Vicki Eide, Rita Ramsey and
Mary Eide.
Cancer claimed another life last
Saturday night when Theresa Her-
ber Hockenbery, Valentine, Neb.,
lost her three-year battle with the
disease. Theresa was the daughter
of the late Margaret Harty, and
half-sister to Tony Harty. Her fu-
neral was in Valentine Wednesday,
May 1. Our community extends
sympathy to this family.
Brennen, Joni and EmmyLee
Parsons, Piedmont, and Kelly and
Luke Lambert, Rapid City, were
weekend guests at Byron and
Peggy Parsons. Glenn and Rita O'-
Connell, Burjes and Sheryl Fitch
and Jim Sandstrom were out on
Saturday afternoon for fishing and
Miles and Erin Hovland, Connor
and Mackenzie, spent Sunday at
the home of Kelly and Deanna
Fees. They visited briefly with Joe
and Debbie Prouty on their way
Sam, Ben and Mark Stangle
participated in the 4-H Phone-a-
Thon fundraiser Sunday. Sonny
Stangle's daughter, Juanita,
stopped to visit her dad Thursday.
Sonny is living with Jim and
Pat Hanrahan and her niece,
Miranda Wilson, Pierre, attended
the play "The Fox On The Fairway"
Friday night in Pierre at the Grand
Opera House. Pat reports that the
play was very good.
Carla Smith, Lori Quinn and
Karyl Sandal were among those
who attended the monthly EMT
meeting Wednesday evening at the
ambulance building in Philip. Sat-
urday the three of them helped
with a general cleaning of the
building and the trucks.
Dan and Gayla Piroutek helped
friends with a farm auction last
Friday near Richardton, N.D.
Tuesday, Donna Staben was in
Philip for Gary Phillips' open
house. It sounds like Gary has lots
of nice plants at his greenhouse.
Paul, Donna and Tina Staben
drove over to Jeff and Terri
Stabens' Thursday evening to wish
Jeff a happy birthday. Saturday
night, Paul, Donna and Tina at-
tended the Midland play.
Donnie and Marcia Eymer were
in Spearfish over the weekend
where they took in grandaughter
Brittany's dance recital.
Weekend guests at Boyd and
Kara Parsons' were Dustin and
Andi Rische, Brooklyn and Hud-
son, Redfield, and Joanne Parsons,
Rapid City. Nathan Drury and
daughters, Reghan and River, were
out on Saturday. Joining the group
Sunday were Shirley Parsons,
Wade and Marcy Parsons and fam-
ily, and Kara's sisters, Joanne and
Dewayne Borszich, Rapid City, and
Rae Crowser.
The Carley family has had a
busy week. Tuesday, Karen met
daughter Angelia Shields at Hayes
and Quade and Jaryn went home
to Pierre with their mother. Dave
Shields had spent some time in
Rochester and plans to return at a
later date. Karen drove to
Spearfish Wednesday to care for
grandson Wace, as he could not go
to daycare because he was sick.
Phil and Karen were in New Un-
derwood Thursday to visit Karen's
parents, Frank and Mildred O'-
Grady. Friday, Phil and Karen
drove to Pierre where they enjoyed
a celebration supper for Dalton
Shields and his new bride, Shelby,
who were recently married. Ed and
Karen Snyder, Dave's parents,
were also there, as were Dave, An-
gelia and family. They also ob-
served Dalton and Emmett's 21st
birthday. Karen drove to Union
Center Saturday to meet daughter
Abby and her friend, Tara, for
lunch. Wace came home with
grandma Karen and spent the
night. Wace is staying with his
other grandparents, the Kammer-
ers, for a few days during this week
of finals for Abby.
Tim and Judy Elshere visited
with Chad and Kathy Hanrahan
and Preston Sunday afternoon.
Later, they all were supper guests
at Mark and Pat Hanrahan's.
Friday, Jim and Lana Elshere,
accompanied by Paul and Joy
Elshere, went to the Elm Springs
school for Rylan Elshere's kinder-
garten graduation program. Rylan
is the son of Ryan and Chrissy.
Jim and Lana Elshere were in
Faith Sunday to see J.J., Talon,
Thayne, Trik and Tel Elshere at
the rodeo grounds. J.J. was helping
out at a bronc school for high school
kids. Pastor Gary Wahl called at
Jim and Lana's Monday evening.
Sharon Olivier, Jodi Parsons
and I drove to Rapid City Thursday
where we met Nancy Hohwieler,
who had been in Spearfish for a few
days. Mike and Melody Parsons
met us for lunch. This was the first
time Melody had been out since her
surgery on March 25. She is slowly
improving her doctor said it
would be a lengthy recovery.
Thank you for your prayers.
Milesville News
(continued from page 4)
road along by the Rick Johnson
place. Loren remarked that usually
the Pennington County gravel
roads are better than the Haakon
County roads, but not this time.
Monday, April 22, Loren thought
he could keep an appointment at a
Philip shop for his car that needed
some attention. So he struck out
and found the road heavy with
slush and snow and visibility not
all that great with some blowing
snow. He decided it was a bad idea
and turned around at Poss road
postponing the shop job for a week.
Loren was reminded that even
though the weather doesnt look all
that bad at their house in the shel-
ter of the creek, it can be all to-
gether different out in the open.
Loren was amazed at how soon
the snow melted and the Haakon
County roads became mostly dry.
They felt lucky that the storm hit
Sunday night and Monday fore-
noon, and roads were clear for
them to drive to Rapid City all four
days from their home. Tuesday and
again on Wednesday, they chose to
go to Highway 14 on the Grind-
stone Road past Smiths. It added
about seven miles to get to Rapid
City. Wednesday morning, they
came up behind Arlie Smith tooling
along slowly on a four-wheeler with
a dog sitting behind him as he was
gazing at the pasture checking for
new calves just north of Kieth and
Debbies road. They were alongside
him when Loren gave the horn a
light tap. Arlie gave a startled
jump. They rolled down the win-
dow and talked to him a little be-
fore driving on. He told them he
had been with his dad since the be-
ginning of calving season except for
a break to file income tax returns.
Loren said that by Wednesday
afternoon, they came home getting
off I-90 at the Cedar Butte Road
exit. Pennington County road-
graders had gotten the gravel
roads back in shape.
Friday, April 26, Loren and Rose
decided to go through Wall and
stopped to visit Frances Poste on
their way to Rapid City. They had
a CD to drop off for Frances to
watch. The CD is of Gaylord Paul-
sons wood carvings and other art
crafts he has done. A friend of his
had taken pictures of them and
those pictures were being pub-
lished into a book. (Gaylord is the
son of Kris and Evelyn Paulson and
is Roses cousin.) Gaylord wanted
the Kiels to share that CD with
Frances. Frances had been Gay-
lords school teacher at the North
Schoening School back in the 1948-
1949 school year.
Loren says that this is much dif-
ferent than what he used to do
when storms hit. He only has nos-
talgic memories of those good old
days including going out in the
middle of the night and packing a
new born calf out of the snow into
a shed! Loren says he is still just a
country boy!
Winter is cold hearted, spring is
yea and nay, autumn is weather-
cock, blown in every way. Summer
days for me, when every leaf is on
the tree. Christina Rossetti
Prayer does not change God, but
it changes him who prays. Soren
Grindstone News
(continued from page 6)

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