ZIP BOOK 1 Gothbunnies

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The Garden of Repine * Retreat * Trouble at the River

30 - Fighting smarter 32 - Bwaha! 34 - Not now, Dittany! 36 - A scuffle

31 - What do plants fear? 33 - I think it's angry 35 - My... book!


Chapter 1: Moving In 0 - The Garden of Repine 1 - Our three protagonists 2 - Breakfast in the hole 3 - An odd occurrence 4 - Alarm bells! 5 - Sorrel has no excuses... 6 - Dittany gloats 7 - Shock! 8 - What the fuss is all about Chapter 2: Battle in the Garden 9 - The chainsaw method 10 - Running away! 11 - A peculiar discovery 12 - Big brother is watching 13 - Crash! Snap! Thud! 14 - The plants are armed! 15 - There can only be one 16 - Meanwhile... Chapter 3: Stranger in the Woods 17 - Noises in the woods 18 - Eeeeeee! 19 - A terrible mistake 20 - Sproingy consequences 22 - The Book of Magic 21 - Hanging around Rituals 23 - Odd noises 24 - A new plan 25 - A daring escape 26 - Help is on the way! 27 - Dittany's discovery 28 - A small revenge 29 - We have a weapon

Chapter 5: A Tactical Meeting 38 - All roommates 37 - Locked out? together 39 - Examining the spellbook 40 - Everyone likes tea 41 - The search 42 - The last weird thing 43 - Something Larch doesn't 44 - Sorrel's theory like 45 - Dittany helps out 46 - A sealing circle 48 - Bringing back 47 - Dittany's story memories 49 - Pineapples? 50 - Goth tea 51 - Progress at last? 52 - The rational approach / 53 - Honey bunny 55 - Grocery run volunteer 57 - Is she faking? 59 - The chase 54 - SLAM! 56 - Dittany takes over 58 - Guess not...


Chapter 6: The Escape 60 - Is it theft? 61 - The kidnapping 62 - Getting out together 63 - Dump the bunny 64 - Personal space 65 - Moving on 66 - In the woods 67 - A fungus among us 68 - The river Chapter 7: Riverside Confusion

Chapter 4: The Retreat

69 - Interference 71 - Dit springs into action 73 - Sorrel's Task 75 - Out of the river 77 - Paleseed Cemetery 79 - Rhetorical question 81 - Black smoke 83 - Feeling Good 85 - Help Vetiver? 87 - Lying Ponk 89 - Must get home 91 - Honesty's plans 93 - Going home

70 - Shock and concern 72 - Sinking 74 - Standoff 76 - The road more travelled 78 - Confusing the issue 80 - Castus 82 - Sucker 84 - Interruption 86 - Frostbite 88 - Yessir 90 - Angel 92 - A terrible liar

121 - Apprenticeship 123 - Pleasant distractions 125 - Mysterious voices 127 - A confrontation 129 - Patch things up 131 - A demonstration 133 - Amazing! 135 - Back to the present 137 - Talking strategy 139 - Convincing Honesty

122 - Chatting 124 - Riverbend 126 - Under the bridge 128 - Accusations 130 - Significant plant 132 - A journey 134 - The betrayal 136 - Reasoning 138 - The Master Plan

Chapter 8: River Spirits 94 - Last of the Woads 95 - Burdock 96 - River spirits 97 - Generous gift 98 - Tribute 99 - Rabbit food 100 - Fairy stories 101 - No joke 102 - Charms 103 - The Chief Inspector 104- False move 105 - Up the creek 106 - The trade 107 - The last gift 108 - The question 109 - More questions 110 - Where is Sorrel? 111 - Awfully friendly 112 - A rest 113 - A bad question 114 - Dittany negotiates 115 - Dismissed 116 - Looking forward to lunch Chapter 9: Castus and Honesty 117 - Hovel sweet hovel 118 - Castus's tale 119 - Past friendships 120 - The mechanic

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