India Geography

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India Geography

Nathaniel Kuffner 3/26/13 7 India geography

Use the map on page 121 of the textbook and other available resources. Each prompt has multiple parts question(s) to answer in complete, detailed, and conventionally correct sentences on this document AND labeling step(s) to complete on the physical map. 1.) A.) Completely Answer Which bodies of water surround India? The bodies of water that surround India are the Bay of Bengal, the Arabian Sea, and the Indian Ocean. B.) Label the bodies of water on the map. 2.) A.) Completely Answer What continent is India connected to? India is connected to the continent of Asia. Why do you think India is called a subcontinent? I think the India is called a subcontinent because India is on its own tectonic plate. B.) Label the continent on the map. 3.) A.) Completely Answer The arrows on the map show the spread of Buddhism. To what areas had it spread by 600 C.E.? Buddhism spread to China, India, Java, Afghanistan, Sumatra, Persia, Burma, Siam, Korea, and Japan. B.) Label those areas on the map. C.) Choose a new color, and shade the areas that were mostly Buddhist. Use another to shade those that eventually became Buddhist. Enter the two colors in a key for your map. 4.) A.) Completely Answer What is the dominant religion in India? The dominant religion of India is Hinduism. B.) Label India. C. Choose a new color and shade the area that represents the dominant religion. Enter the color in a key for your map. 5.) A.) Completely Answer What countries are to the west of India? The two countries to the west of India are Afghanistan, and Persia. B.) Draw and label a compass rose on your map. C.) Label any country west of India

Nathaniel Kuffner 3/26/13 7 India geography 6.) A.) Completely Answer Over what distance did Buddhism spread from east to west? Buddhism spread from east to west about 4,500 miles B.) Draw and label a scale of miles on your map. 7.) A.) Completely Answer In what country was the Buddha born? The Buddha was born in Kapilavastu. B.) Label his birthplace on your map. 8.) A.) Completely Answer What main concept does this map convey? The main concepts that this map conveys is different types of religion were in southern Asia in 600 C.E. Why is it important? This map is important because it shows the development of the religions, and which religion dominated in the area. Each religion has different culture, so it shows you what they do in that region. (Hint: Use the words in the map key to help you explain and consider the driving question for this trimester)

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