CH 27 The New Imperialism 1869 1914

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Ch 27 The New imperialism 1869-1914 I. The New Imperialism: motives and methods a.

Political motives
The great (and lesser) powers of the late nineteenth century were competitive and sensitive about their status. Colonial governors practiced their own form of diplomacy; invaded neighboring states and Home Government would support to protect face. The Great powers of Europe acquired much of West Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific islands in this manner.

b. Cultural motive
The late 19 century saw a Christian revival in Europe and North America, as both Catholics and Protestants founded new missionary societies. Not only Religious-Sought to export their own norms of civilized behavior (end slavery, better medicine/ hygiene, to all worlds people) Women were Attracted to job as missionary teachers/nurses (better position of authority) Europeans and Americans believed that technological innovations=success/progress Western tech. proved that western ideas/culture was best Believed that non-western people can achieve like the west through education Racist ideas placed Europeans as Superior. **Divided humankind into several races by appearance (whites on top)

c. Economic motives
The industrialization of North America and Europe stimulated the demand for minerals, industrial crops, and stimulants. An Economic depression lasting from the Mid-1870s to mid-1890s caused the European merchants, manufacturers, and shippers to seek protection against foreign competition. ***needed secure sources of raw materials and protected markets for industries Entrepreneurs/investors with support (army) from government searched for profits in Asia, Africa and Latin America Technological Advancements explain both motives and outcome of new imperialism

d. The tools of imperialists

The industrial Revolution allowed empire builders the means to achieve their objectives at reasonable cost Europeans used naval power (steam ships and gunboats) for greater mobility, and submarine telegraph for communications Were often halted by natural forces (malaria in Africa) until a British doctor in 1854 discovered the drug quinine to prevent the disease. Became big land power when innovations to guns were used. Such as Breechloader 1870s, smokeless powder 1880s, machine guns 1890s.

In the course of the century Asians and Africans also acquired better firearms, mostly old weapons that European armies had discarded. So as European firearms improved, the firearm gap increased, making colonial conquest easier(1880-1890). EX: Battle of Omdurman

e. Colonial agents and administration

Colonialism: the system of administering and exploiting colonies for the benefit of the home country Tax trade, investments or reorganize indigenous societies Whether colonies eventually should be assimilated with ruling country, associated in a federation, or allowed to rule themselves? Protectorates: retained traditional governments but had European resident or consul-general advise them

Other colonies were directly administered by a European governor The impact of colonial rule depended much more on the economic and social conditions than on the narrow legal distinctions. One important factor was the presence or absence of European settlers Majority (Canada, Australia, new Zealand) ruled themselves Minority (Algeria and S Africa) European governors ruled autocratically Colonial administration consisted of a governor and his staff, a few troops to keep order, and a small # of tax collectors and magistrates. Worked in collaboration with group of indigenous elites (ruled through them and could not afford alone as a colony the European officials)*** Colonialism relied on two rival indigenous groups Colonial governments educated a few local youths of modern jobs. Women did not participate much during colonial expansion of 1880s Conquest = peaceful colonialism, and Steamship/railroads = easy travel*** this allowed women to go along from the home country to the colony to marry colonial officials.---- This led to more racial segregation as more white women came British Womens Emigration Association Women did charitable work, but were still subordinate to men


The scramble for Africa

Before::::1870-african history largely shaped by internal forces and local initiatives; Europeans never in the interior and owned only coastal enclaves; 1879- African ruled more than 90% of continent

b. Egypt: The wealthiest and most populated part of continent

European involvement in Egypt resulted from Egypts attempt to free itself from ottoman Turkish rule Throughout mid 19 century the Khedives of Egypt had tried to modernize their armed forces, public works and reorient agriculture toward export crops (cotton) SUEZ CANAL!!!////and Ishmail tried to make equpt center of an empire from sudan to Ethiopia Reforms cost $$$$, borrowed money from Europe at high interest. 1876= foreign debt to high and results in selling shares from suez canal to great britan. French (public work) and British (finance) advisors come in to Egypt in 1878 to secure the loans. High taxes cause popular discontent, French and British persuade Ottoman sultan to dispose ishmail, Colonel arabi pasha conducts an military uprising against foreign intervention (threatens suez canal). Fearing for investments the british sent in an army into Egypt in 1882. Keeps it under their control for 70 years, indirectly. ***kept Egypt because the suez canal allowed the BRITS to get to india faster Britain develops Egypt= agriculture (cotton), builds dam in 1902 Econ development helps small elites landowners and merchants (foreigners), but not Egyptian peasants due to high taxes Western ways conflicted with islamic teachings-alcohol and freedom of women Most Egyptians wanted ottoman rule back

c. Western and equatorial Africa

French wanted to extend a railroad across Senegal, to open interior to French merchants=French military to conquest western sudan 3 individuals brought on the occupation of the congo basin Henry morton Stanley: American journalist who explored the area in 1879 King Leopold II: (Belguim) persuaded by Stanley to invest in opening up equatorial africa Savorgnan de Brazza: Italian officer serving french army got a treaty allowing area of Africa under French protection This caused the German chancellor Bismark to call the Berlin conference of 1884-1885 Major powers agreed to take occupation of Africa to replace current trade relations with Africa Leopold II was rewarded for starting the scramble=a personal domain congo free state effective occupation took years ***muslim rulers resisted the French invasion for 30y

New rulers took advantage of old trade networks (tax merch/farmer; invest; pay euro stock holders) Interior French w Africa lagged behind ***difficulties of transportation limited development til 1914 Equatorial Africa had little inhabitants and little trade, so authorities farmed out huge pieves of land to private concession companies. ***Freed outside of supervision companies were violent EX: Congo; rubber boom

d. Southern Africa
Southern Africa= good pastures, farmland, deposits of diamonds gold copper iron ore Gold rush 1886, gold found in Afrikaner republic of Transvaal; this was tough due to already tense relations of british and them (british soon out numbered them due to gold rush) Cecil Rhodes led brit invasion to s Africa, made fortune with diamonds in Kimberly, encouraged concession company to push north into central Africa and named 2 colonies after himself. British attempts to annex th e2 afrikaner republics, tranversaal and orang free state, and the inflow of English speaking whites into the gold and diamond minig areas led to the south African war 1899-1902 British government expected European settlers in Africa to manage their own affairs, as they were doing in Canada, Australia, and new Zealand. Thus, in 1910 the European settlers created the union of south Africa, in which Afrikaners eventually emerged as the ruling element. (British won the war, but Afrikaners still have victory) Unlike C/A/NZ, Africa had majority of indigenous pop, yet Europeans were able to demand self rule and powerful enough to deny right to vote to maj. 1913 parliament passed Natives land act. Assigning Africans to reservations only. ***created S Africa into a place of segregation

e. Political and social consequences

Some people welcomed invaders as allies against local enemies = First to receive benefits Those who resisted usually were defeated, Ex: Zulu, Ndebele, and in Sahel Islam leaders led Jihad but failed Those with warlike background; commercial states with long histories of contact with Europe resisted ETHIOPIA SUCCESS!!! Menelik became emperor of Ethiopia in 1889 and began to buy more guns by the treaty of wichelle and Italy would supply. Menelik decides to do this because his country was threatened by Sudanese Muslims (W), France and Italy Italians attack in 1896 and were defeated at Adowa by a larger and better-trained Ethiopian army Most Africans tried to live as before, but colonial rule disrupted every traditional society Changes in landholding were especially disruptive for most Africans were farmers or herders In high pop, peasants continued farming crops and taxed; vacant land given to concession companies; In Kenya, N Rhodesia, and S Africa climate was good so Europeans stayed longer and forced Africans to become squatters, sharecroppers or ranch hands. In S Africa many were forced off land into reserves Did not want to pay high wages that people would voluntarily work, so they placed large taxes so then they would accept whatever job offered. Many came to cities and mining camps seeking better life, but left family Results in prostitution and spread of STD, due to long time away from spouse Some African Women welcomed colonial rule, for it brought and end to fighting and slave raiding , but others were led into captivity***women did not benefit as much as men, even womens work was for men


Cultural responses
More Africans came into contact with missionaries than with any other type of Europeans Missionaries opened up schools to teach reading writing and arithmetic to village children Boys taught crafts; girls taught domestic skills Educated in Western ideas of justice and progress After 1 generation, many teachers of mission school were African S and C Africa adapted Christianity and African values to get Ethiopian churches Christianity did not make conversions among Muslim Population Islam spread southward as Muslim teachers set up Quranic schools.

Europeans helped the spread of Islam by building cities and increasing trade colonial rule permitted Muslims to settle in new areas (doubled in 1869-1914 in sub-Saharan Africa due to no taint from colonization) Existence of theis asian colonial possessions had inspired the building of the suez canal


Asia and western dominance

b. Central Asia
185-1876 Russian forces advanced into central Asia. (had the advantage of guns) The Kazaks fertile land attracted Russian settlers. Governments of tsar Alexander II and III claimed not to interfere with indigenous customs, they declared communally owned grazing lands vacant and gave them to Russian Farmers. ***Russia like European imperialist state that you cant deal with semi barbarous people Caravan area between china and mid east was not protected (weak Qing Empire and no Mongols), and Russia conquered the indigenous peoples. Used the lands to field cotton (had muslim pop) Few benefits to people, abolished slavery, built railroads, cotton;;;;; but UNLIKE brit in india, did not attempt to change customs, languages or religion on people

c. Southeast asia and Indonesia

Had always been in contact with outsiders and Until mid 19 century had been independent kingdoms Reasons for wealth: All had fertile soil, constant warmth, and heavy rains; and people had long tradition of intensive agriculture Europeans found it easy to export landless laborers from china and India seeking better opportunities overseas Transfer of commercially valuable plants from other parts of the world By 1914 most of worlds supply of theses valuable products came from southeast Asia and Indonesia Most wealth was exported to Europe and N America In exchange region received peace and food supply=population increase Social changes Agricultural and commercial people moved into montatin/forest areas displacing hunter/gatherers Immigrants from china and india changed ethnic composition and culture LIKE IN AFRICA European missionaries attempted to spread Christianity but Islam was more successful (was already there and was not forced on people) Education and European ideas had an impact on the political perceptions of the peoples

d. Hawaii and the Philippines, 1878-1902

1890s America was highly industrialized and began to look outward for markets President grover Cleveland did not like annexation, so Hawaii had a procterate until President William McKinely (imperialistic) annexed Hawaii as a stepping stone to asia. Hawaiis strategic location (brought in us military), and it fertile land (caused planters to import laborers from japan , china and philipines)***immigrants soon outnumbered the natives Philippines were under Spanish rule, and movement for independence began under young Filipinos studying in Europe. Then the center of resistance shifted to Philippines where Emilia Aguinaldo rose in revold and proclaimed a republic in 1898. US went to war with Spain about cuba, and won. But US feared the with Spain being weak that another imperialistic power would take phlipines, so US bought it. Aguinaldo rose againt US in 1899; ended badly with many deaths 1902; US soften rule with public works and economic development projects. 1907 filipinos allowed to elect representative. 1916 the Philippines were the first US colony to be promised independence (30 y later)


Imperialism of latin America a. Railroads and Imperialism of Free trade

Latin America had large economic potential because of agricultural and mineral products needed by industrial countries, but needed transportation to get it from interior British and America came in to help set up railroads, and latin American elites paid concessions to foreign companies. 1970s almost every country in Latin America had railroads (most with official language as English)

b. American expansionism and the Spanish-American war, 1898

After 1965 Europeans used financial power to penetrate Latin America but avoided territorial acquisitions because: 1) overextended in Africa and Asia 2)non need, because L America governments provided the political backing for economic arrangements 3)the L American had shown capable of resisting invasions 4) US claimed to defend western hemisphere against all outside interference Monroe Doctrine United States wanted Cuba (closest and richest Caribbean island), and invested money into Cubas sugar and tobacco industries; 1895 Nationalists in Cuba were revolting against Spanish rule; Politicians said that US should help Cuba. US battleship accidently blew up near Havana harbor, and US blamed it on Spain, and issued an ultimatum that Spain evacuates Cuba. Spain agreed, but America wanted a war so they got one. Spanish American war ended quickly. US bought Philippines, and took Puerto Rico and Guam as war Booty. Cuba became independent republic.

c. American Intervention in the Caribbean and central America 1901-1914 V. The world economy and the global environment a. Expansion of the World economy b. Transformation of the Global Environment


Key Terms a. Suez Canal b. New Imperialism c. Battle of Omdurman d. Colonialism e. Scramble for Africa f. Henry Morton Stanley g. King Leopold II h. Savorgnan de Brazza i. Berlin Conference j. Afrikaners k. Cecil Rhodes l. Asante m. Menelik n. Emilio Aguinaldo o. Free-trade Imperialism p. Panama Canal

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