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Sarah Jordan Reflective Essay #2 26 March 2013 Effects of Carbon Dioxide Emission

Throughout the semester our class has become exceedingly knowledgeable regarding the negative detriments due to our primary conventional energy system. The combustion of these fossil fuels generates known environmental and economic problems, therefore explaining the positive relationship between the increase of CO2 emissions and global warming. Through analyzing my previous argument regarding the present need for sustainability through an alternative system, my current focus targets solely the environmental impacts due to our current energy system through the effects of global warming. Climate change refers to an enduring change in the statistical characteristics of weather or simplistically an increase in global temperatures. A hot year cannot be noted as a climate change because minor highs and lows from year to year are due to natural variability. Instead a trend of global warming over a long-term range of decades/centuries is a more effective definition. Based on weather data from previous centuries, scientists have come to the conclusion that we are currently living in a period where the weather patterns that previously characterized the past millennia are now dramatically changing. (Matthew) Since earths formation 4.5 billion years ago dramatic climate changes have been a reoccurring issue but for the first time since 1850 the average temperature of the world has increased by one degree. The variables that once drove climate change in the pass; the intensification of solar energy and volcanic activity, the shifting of tectonic plates into new latitudes, and the change in distribution of solar energy on the earths surface as a result of changes in earths orbit, can no longer explain current climate change. (Matthew) It is evident that the new climate-changing agent has been the result of

Sarah Jordan Reflective Essay #2 26 March 2013 industrialization by human activity in the last two centuries. Industrialization is referring to the current fossil fuel emissions. According to the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) their 2009 climate report indicates ten measurable planet-wide features that form a positive relationship with the global warming changes experienced a decade prior. Seven out of the ten indicators are increasing factors such as: the air temperature over land, sea-surface temperature, the air temperature over oceans, seal level, ocean heat, humidity and tropospheric temperature in the layer of the atmosphere closet to earths surface. The remaining declining three indicators; Arctic sea ice, glaciers and snow cover in the Northern hemisphere reaffirms the new set of climatic changes taking shape. However, despite the negative effects regarding the greenhouse effect on the global climate many of these gases are life enabling, and in their absence would cause heat to escape back into space causing a decline in the earths average temperature. Carbon dioxide, although not the most potent, is the most significant in conducting this range of impacts. Carbon dioxide positively affects some parts of the world through longer growing seasons and milder winters. But unfortunately it is more likely to bring negative effects to a higher percentage of the worlds population. (NAS) Intense weather conditions of hurricanes, higher wind speeds, drought, regional spells of dry heat, or intense rain are more likely to cause suffering in the worlds poorest populations that are more respondent to the impacts of climate change as a result of the containment of the suns energy. For example, if sea levels rises about one meter, Bangladesh one of the worlds most impoverished nations is expected to lose 17% of its land, along with

Sarah Jordan Reflective Essay #2 26 March 2013 several islands in South Pacific and Indian ocean. These landmasses could disappear completely displacing millions of people. (NAS) If the Arctic begins to severely melt countries such as Britain would become colder as a result of the Gulf Stream being cut off, but on the other hand Himalayan glaciers could retreat causing water scarcity in the long run affecting other nations. Ecosystems are also severely impacted as climate change limits their ability to adapt naturally with the corresponding incline of plant and animal extinction inland and the disruption of sea life due to the increase of ocean acidic.(Shah)

Regarding the social sector, these environmental impacts impose challenges to public health, increasing population movement and diminishing state capacity. Therefore, demonstrating the need for legislation that monitor and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Pending energy legislation suggests the adoption of a cap and trade system or a carbon tax. (NAS) Through a cap and trade system a limit is placed on the total amount of carbon dioxide allowed to be released by industries making emission trading possible through the purchase and selling of credits in a market. A carbon tax control instead is a tax on goods and services that create carbon dioxide. That along with the Clean Development Mechanism, where developing countries are aimed to be part of a sustainable development program, will impose an effective solution to the ongoing climate change dilemma.(Shah)

Sarah Jordan Reflective Essay #2 26 March 2013 Ultimately, human activity has caused an imbalance in the natural cycle of the greenhouse effect. As a society we have recognized this detriment but the problem now resides in idealistically yielding a proper current solution that will effectively benefit all of mankind.


Sarah Jordan Reflective Essay #2 26 March 2013 Matthew, Richard A. "Asias Rising Power and Americas Continued Purpose." N.p., Sept. 2010. Web. 26 Mar. 2013.

"Environmental Impact." What You Need to Know about Energy. The National Academy of Sciences, n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2013.

Shah, Anup. "Climate Change and Global Warming Introduction." N.p., 05 Mar. 2012. Web. 26 Mar. 2013.

"Past Decade Warmest on Record According to Scientists in 48 Countries." National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, 28 July 2010. Web. 26 Mar. 2013.

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