Westward Expansion Project Rubrics

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Westward Expansion In this project, you will select a western state and you will research how it became

part of the United States.

When you are done, you will present your information to the class. Start with AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL site (http://cooklib.org). This site will have 80% of your information. The presentation will have two parts: * Note no handwriting everything must be TYPED see examples in classroom. 1. A Poster Map of your state. You must draw your own map. Internet maps will not be accepted (details below). 2. A Power Point or Keynote presentation of 20 Slides. Youll need your flash drive! The Poster Map: You will need a large poster board to do this. State Name Large and Centered on Top: 10-foot rule applies. Your name on front. Hand-drawn. No internet maps. Latitude/Longitude lines Compass Rose Key to symbols: 10 symbols used on your map Scale: inches to miles Key to icons where Indian tribes were Cities for the time period ONLY 5 Landmarks (up to the 1900) Landmarks need to be located on the map with string, ribbon or line drawn to location. Items must also be matted. 5 Famous People from the state (from the time period) People should be located on the map with string, ribbon or line drawn to location. These images must be matted. Trail Routes or Railroads (if any) Accuracy of locations, information, spelling Artistry/appeal. Stenciled lettering? Use of color, all items except for the map should be matted (labeling of cities, names of Native American tribes etc. dont have to be matted). When in doubt ask questions or see classroom examples! The landmarks and the famous people should be placed as a border on your poster. Presentations (20 Slides: no more, no less) 100% Accurate Points Available 10 10 10 10 Points Earned

10 10 10 10 30 20 10 10 25 25 10 50 20 240

Keynote/ Power Point CRITERION

1. Title: State. Date Admitted to Union. Nickname. Motto 2. State Flag. Describe the symbols 3. State Song. Words and music (MIDI file) 4. The song and flag tell us how a state wants to be viewed by others. In your own words, what do think this means to you? 5. Native American Heritage:

What Native America tribes had lived on this land originally? 5a. Describe these Native Americans; provide specific information on at least two. 5b. Include pictures, quotations, artifacts that show their lifestyle. (Include both tribes) 5c. Illustrations. Extra Credit: Draw your own and scan them into your show. 6. What happened to the Indian tribes? Where did they go? Why? 7. What other nations also had owned this land? How did they gain ownership? 8. How did the United States gain this territory? 9. Describe the types of geography in your state. Be specific; use geographical terms, maps or pictures as examples. 10. How did American settlers reach this area? (Trails, routes, railroads, ships) (Use a map to show these!) Check the Historical Atlas Pages 55 -56 11. When did it become a state? (Year) Slave state? Free state? What Congressional Act (if any) determined if this state would be free or slave? * Use the Historical Atlas pages 60-61 List all 4 Acts 12. Timeline. Ten key events. 13. Please give any historical quotations, historical documents, video, photography that relate to your timeline. 14. Interesting historical story. Person, place event. 15.5 Recommended Resources.
This is not the same as a Works Cited page! If you wanted to teach people about your state, what five resources would you send them to? After each recommendation, provide a brief description of what you liked about it. Books, web sites, CD-ROMs, DVDs, videos

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