Orthodox Christian Emmaus Curriculum

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The Road to Emmaus

Each day in your classroom, we ask you to follow the structure below. This is the
format that the Teacher’s Manuel and Student Workbooks have been written in
to establish consistency throughout the week of Youth Camp.

1. Read Daily Lesson from Scripture

2. Introduce Daily Icon

3. Answer: Who, What, Where, When, & Why?

4. Daily Activities

5. Daily Memory Verse

The learning continues…

After class, all children will participate in a
Teaching Divine Liturgy. Please encourage students
to prepare to receive the Holy Eucharist,
especially since it coordinates with
the daily lesson.


The Road to Emmaus

READ: Daily Lesson from Scripture Luke 24:13-35

Pages 259 -263 (Pre-K – 6th)

Pages 201 (7th- Teens)


The Road to Emmaus
WHO: Christ, Cleopas & and Apostle Luke Cleopas, was the brother of Joseph,
Mary’s husband, and Jesus’ uncle.
(Identify people in icon) Luke is the Evangelist.

WHAT Two disciples were traveling on the first day of the week, the day of the Resurrection, to a
village called Emmaus, which was 7 miles from Jerusalem. While they were talking of the
things that just took place, the judgment and crucifixion of Christ, Jesus Himself drew near
to them and went with them. Cleopas and Luke did not recognize Jesus. When Jesus asked
about the things the two were discussing, Cleopas and Luke seems shocked that someone was
unaware of all that had happened. But Jesus was giving them a chance to explain, and then
He taught them how the prophecies were fulfilled through His Passion and Resurrection.
They invited Christ to stay the night as it got late, and when Jesus sat at the table with them,
He took bread, blessed, broke it, and gave it to them. Cleopas and Luke recognized Jesus,
and He vanished from their sight. Their eyes were opened! Cleopas and Luke rose up
immediately and proclaimed to the other Apostles that the Lord is Risen!

WHERE: Road to Emmaus, 7 miles from Jerusalem Luke 24:13-35

WHEN: On the first day of the week, after Christ’s Crucifixion, 33 A.D.

WHY Jesus shows us that He Resurrected and conquers death

God is with us forever

We recognize Christ and are united

with Him through the Eucharist,
which is His Body & Blood

Just as the disciples, our hearts are

left with a burning love for Christ


The Road to Emmaus

ACTIVITY: Workbooks Word Scramble (2nd Grade – Teens)
Coloring Sheet (Pre-K – 4th Grade)
Pantomime (Pre-K – 4th Grade)

Blindfolded Hike (Teens)

Question & Answers:

1. Whose eyes were spiritually closed? How are our eyes closed towards God?
The disciples, Luke & Cleopas When we forget to look for God in life

2. Who opened their eyes? Who can open our eyes?

Christ, by being with them Christ, by being in our lives

3. How did Jesus do that?

He taught them, and moved their hearts with patience and love until they understood

4. When did they recognize Jesus? Where do we recognize Christ?

When He broke bread at the table At the Altar Table during Communion

5. What did Jesus offer them to eat? What does Christ offer us?
His body and blood for the forgiveness of sins and for life everlasting


The Road to Emmaus

SING: “I am the Resurrection & the Life” (Pre-K – Teens)

I am the Resurrection (clap)

and the Life (clap-clap-clap-clap)
He who believes in me will never die

I am the Resurrection (clap)

and the Life (clap-clap-clap-clap)
He who believes in me will live a new life

HYMN: Christ is Risen from the Dead (Pre-K-Teens)
Trampling down death by death
and to those in the tombs
He has bestowed life

HYMN: Praise the Lord from the Heaven ,

praise Him, in the heights (Psalm 148:1) Alleluia.

Αινειτε τον Κυριον εκ των ουρανων,

αινειτε Αυτον εν τοις υψιστοις. Αλληλουια.


The Road to Emmaus



O Lord, I know that I am unworthy to receive thy Holy Body and Precious Blood; (6th- Teens)
I know that I am guilty, and that I eat and drink condemnation to myself, not discerning
the Body and Blood of Christ my God. But trusting in thy loving-kindness I come unto
thee who hast said: He that eateth my Body and drinketh my Blood shall dwell in me
and I in him. Therefore, O Lord, have compassion on me and make not an example of me,
thy sinful servant. But do unto me according thy great mercy, and grant that these Holy Gifts
may be for me unto the healing, purification, enlightenment, protection, salvation and
sanctification of my soul and body, and to the expulsion of every evil imagination, sinful
deed or work of the Devil. May they move me to reliance on thee and to love thee always,
to amend and keep firm my life; and be ever in me to the increase of virtue, to the keeping
of the Holy Spirit, and as a good defence before thy dread Judgement Seat, and for Life Eternal.

I believe, O Lord, and I confess that You are truly the Christ, (3rd -6th Grade)
the Son of the living God, who came into the world to save sinners,
of whom I am chief. And I believe that this is truly Your own Body,
and that this is truly Your own precious Blood.
Wherefore I pray to You, have mercy upon me and forgive my sins.

O Lord, help us, save us, have mercy on us, (Pre-K – 2nd Grade)
and keep us O God by Your grace.

Remember me, O Lord, in thy Kingdom. (All Grades)

(Explain, this is what the thief said

who was crucified next to Christ)


The Road to Emmaus


“Ought not the Christ

to have suffered these things
and to enter into His glory?”

Luke 24:26


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