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Date: February, 23, 2013 To: Dr. Swanson From: Alexa Duby Re: Lawsuit against Piney Woods Lumber Co. Employee, Matt Martinez, has filed a publication of private facts lawsuit against the Piney Woods Lumber Co., Personal Director, Jim Haskins and, Public Relations Specialist, Bob Burruss. Martinez believes the news article about his past is highly offensive and not of legitimate public concern. After the corporation discovered production figures were slipping at the Mount Reavis location, both Haskins and Burruss were sent to the production plant to survey the problems. Extensive interviews were conducted with the employees and the management on site to determine the problem. Results concluded disciplinary problems specifically with alcoholism. The company decided to take quick action to increase worker morale by improving the facilities, and changing the work schedules. Right away the change in environment increased worker morale. However, it was evident that alcohol was still an issue. An alcohol treatment program was set up to try and eliminate the problem. The response was unsuccessful. Instead, Burruss decided to write an article about the ravages of alcoholism that would be placed within the company newspaper in hope to drive interest to the rehabilitation program. Haskins interview with Martinez was the inspiration. It included Martinezs past life failures resulting from alcoholism, and how he overcame those obstacles. Permission was granted from Martinezs supervisor, as well as written consent from Martinez himself. The article in the company newspaper was a success. Nearly 50 percent of the problem drinkers at Mount Reavis joined the rehabilitation program. Martinez was not fond of the article because he felt it portrayed him in a negative light, and was an invasion of his privacy. However, he does not have just cause to sue since he gave written consent for the article to be published. Had Martinez not given consent, then he might have had a legal chance. For the future, Haskins and Burruss should provide a written consent form when interviewing workers and management. The form will be signed by the interviewee, giving the interviewer permission to use any of the information talked of during the time of the interview. The document should explain there can be no legal action taken from the result of the interview. This way Haskins and Burruss cannot be liable, unless false information is leaked. Whatever is spoken of is up to the interviewee. Regards, Alexa Duby

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