Visual Analysis Final Draft

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Chantelle Beeslaar ENG 112_12 4 March 2013 Meagan Keaton Visual Analysis To begin my topic is about standardized testing and who is responsible for students failing them. My question is who should be accountable for students failing standardize tests? The two views of the opposing sides include the teacher and the state being the reason for students failing standardized tests. The walls of the room are blank and empty. The illustrator had the walls cleared intentionally to express how serious a standardized test is for the state and the students. Theres a board of standardized tests located in the middle of the room representing this one huge test students are required o take. The board seems stable and not shaky so that the illustrator can display the importance and strength of one test. As well as how big of an impact it has on a students education. There are different races and genders of students attempting to take the standardized test. Similar to what we see everywhere in the school system. There are big and small shapes, shown for the diverse formats of tests students are given based on their education level. The diamonds, circles and rectangles are the only shapes put on the board, because students will have the same answers but the questions are organized in many different ways. The reason for this could be that students cant cheat off of one another having designed different test formats. The students in the photo seem to be wearing closed shoes and white shirts. They could

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possibly be from a public or private school that requires uniforms to be worn. The students seem nervous and confused, most likely because they already have the thought of failure in mind. Theres one adult in this photo that doesnt look like a teacher so they could be the state or government. The state or higher authority is pointing up to the sky, maybe trying to make a point or statement about failing students and the education system as a whole. Hes wearing a suit and tie under a dark robe proving hes in charge of what is being taken place. The state quotes you dont fit the standard meaning if you cant pass this standardized test then public education is a failure. Therefore in this case the state and government is responsible for students failing the challenging standardized test. The photo seems very similar to a game show of kids trying to get through a figure shaped hole but is unable to get through to the other side. The illustrator of this first image discusses the ethos persuasive appeal, where he displays that most students will believe people of higher authority and the opinions they are given. In the image the students are following the directions and rules of what the authority figure is demonstrating or telling them to do. The details of the photograph and the meanings behind them will back up the states side of being accountable for failing students because it shows and displays the states views and requirements from students by only giving them a few options on standardized tests. Therefore the students education is effected because the state only allows the average student into a higher level of education. Nothing is posted on the walls, because the test is in progress. The students are in a small classroom sitting close to one another with barely empty spaces. Each student has two sheets of paper, most likely either the answer sheet or blank sheet to drop down notes or anything needed. Theres only one window expressing other school activities like P.E and science classes or the subjects that the government finds unimportant. The one window can signify the break between

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reading and math to other curriculum classes. The classroom inside is dark while the window has a more positive outlook on life. Probably because standardized tests dont necessary have other subjects like P.E, etc. The window doesnt have a glass cover because the illustrator wants to express the desire of students who want to go play outside or get involved in other subjects than that of whats required. The students have machines on their heads and with each tube math, reading and writing is given. The machines can symbolize the subjects that the state requires students to do well in. The letters WASL is shown on each helmet of the students. Not exactly sure what that may mean or stand for. The students taking the test have their eyes blocked to avoid having to cheat. Each student was given a pencil with an eraser so that they can erase or make a mistake on the test. A girl is starring outside the window where everything seems to be much funnier. This reveals the minds of children reading, writing, and doing math problems. The girl seems worried and stressed, probably from taking that test. The teacher is smiling while trying to get the girl away from the window, specifying the effort from teachers to limit students to subjects only provided by the government or state. The teacher tells the little girl to get away from the window or they will be left behind. The little girl agrees on being left behind and doesnt seem like it bothers her. The statements made can specify the No Child Left behind Act. A lot of students can relate to what pressure teachers put on them by taking these standardized tests. The image shows the logos persuasive appeal because the illustrator makes an argument about the No Child Left behind Act, clearly making his point by stating you dont want to be a child that is left behind do you? Overall, both of these images are very useful in describing my topic as they both relate to either the state or teachers point of view for letting their students fail standardized tests and having the students deal with the failure that each side has provided them with.

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