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Ashley Baustert Megan Keaton Eng 112-12 2 April 2013 Creativity in Schools Scherer, Marge. "Who's Creative?."Educational Leadership 70.5 (2013): 7.Academic Search Complete. Web. 21 Mar. 2013. In this article, Scherer tells the reader that there are different ways of learning the words for a spelling test. Scherer says that My colleague Reece still sings that to herself when she writes that word the word she is talking about it beautiful. When Reece was in second grade her teacher split her class up into groups. Each group had to learn all the spelling words for that week. The groups also had all different types of readers some that were great at it and some not so much. Reece was skeptical such long words plus she had to work with kids who couldnt even read said Scherer. After being in the groups and seeing that the kids that could not read so well were doing so great on the spelling test everyone wanted to know how they were doing so great. Scherer also talks about different examples of creativity. Mini-c creativity, defined in this issue by Ronald A. Beghetto and James C. Kaufman (p10.) as interpretive creativity, or having a new insight into how to solve a small problem. Scherer goes and learns different ways that teachers are using to teach creativity in schools. In the last few paragraphs as the article winds down Scherer talks about there being another message in the articles about creative learning: schools cannot afford to leave creativity on the back burner In the first part of the article Scherer tells the reader that her colleague stills signs words that she learned to spell every time she uses the word. There are many of different creativity thoughts in the article. Scherer had a lot

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of thoughts and the reader could have lost track on what was going on. Scherer could have talked more about just one idea. This article she talks about how there are different ways to learn and they can even be fun. Scherer lets us see four different ways that creativity works in school. This could help by knowing that there is more than just one way to be creative in schools. The strengths in this article were that there is more than just one way Scherer is telling the reader. It lets the reader know that it is okay to have different ways to learn if it helps them. This article is credible because Scherer talks about interviews that she did for the candidates for AS CDs OYEA which is Outstanding Young Educator. Scherer did a great job of not leaving anything out and telling the reader what happened so that they could follow along. I can use this in my paper because she lets me know that there is more than one way you can learn and use your creative mind to do so. Scherer lets me see more sides and I could use this as a way of showing that there is not just one way. The latter method, Reece remembers, was suggested by one of the kids in the lowest reading group. "There were aha moments going on in that classroom all the time," Reese remembers. "Teachers who understand that creativity combines both originality and task appropriateness," Beghetto Kaufman write, "are in a better position to integrate student creativity into the everyday curriculum in ways that complement, rather than compete with, academic learning." Keeter, Meredith. "Let Your Students Do The Talking." Knowledge Quest 41.3 (2013): 3435. Academic Search Complete. Web. 18 Mar. 2013.

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In this article Keeter argues that people who like text only books judge the ones who like graphic novels. This article lets the reader know that being in the library can be fun not just for studying and doing work. Keeter did a comic book for the whole school to make up a story. Keeter got a friend that is a graphic novel illustrator to make up the pictures than the school was to come up with the words. The comic book was outside the library and every day the students would put their thoughts of what the comic would say. At the end of the day Keeter would look at them all and pick winner. The winner would get a piece of chocolate delivered to their class the next morning. Everyone liked the idea and all the kids at the school joined in on the fun. While the children at Keeters school had to make up a story line to a comic book the library was writing. The first part of the article the reader sees how a librarian feels about the library and the children at that school. The article gets close to the end and Keeter talks about how a boy that did not really like the library but wanted to win the candy. The little boy would try and try to win but never did. He got upset and stops trying, Keeter saw this happening and tried to help. This is a great article because it lets the reader see that there is ways of getting the students in their school involved in the library by having fun. The strengths of this article is that Keeter lets her students come up with the story line of the comic book. This is great because it gets the students thinking but it gives them a break from learning also. Keeter could have told the reader if she went on to try this in other schools and if that school kept it up after she left. I can use this article for my research because of how Keeter uses the comic book as an example of creativity in her school. This is another way why creativity is a good thing to have in schools. It lets the students think and have a good time doing it. The article shows how the students really liked the comic books and got them into the library. I think that this could really help my argument about creativity in schools.

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"You know this story and these characters. You have been following along every day. What do you think Joe would say next?"

"These people are simply not aware of the diversity and depth of graphic novels." Alex called the pages "a doodle," but I was blown away by his artistic ability, and the students recognized that the pages could have been straight from a comic book.

"Student Voices." Technology & Learning 33.8 (2013): 34-36. Academic Search Complete. Web. 21 Mar. 2013. This article is different than most articles. It talks about how different schools use digital skills to learn. The first part of the article is about having AV equipment to video tape their schools athletics department. This was good for the students to learn how to use the equipment and it allowed them to be more creative with taking the video. The students at Marianapolis Prep School were happy to have the chance to be a part of this. The next part of the article was about photo editing. New Milford High School in New Jersey art class learns how to use the pictures they took at the museum to help with their project back at school. One student used the pictures he took to make a collage New York. The student, Tariq Khan, uses photo montaging, color theory, composition, and digital mastery to help make his collage perfect. The last part of the article is about how students in a kindergarten class from Istanbul Turkey used digital games to help them learn and teach materials with their skills. The students first colored the two main characters for their game. The boys name was bubble and the girls name was pebble. After they got the characters done then they spoke in English to help me with pronunciation as they recorded themselves. This helps the students with their creativity.

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This article goes from one thing to the next. There is never just one main point to the argument. All the parts of the article talks about creativity helping the students and how digital equipment can help the students learn. While the author is talking about how digital things help the students with creativity the reader loses what the main point of the article really is. I think I could use this article as something that might hurt or help the students. This has a lot of different parts and I could use most of them. The article talks about how different schools tried different things with digital equipment and how most of them worked. I think this would be great because it gives the reader more than one way to look at things. As I write my other papers I will only use the information I need for the argument. I like how it talks about using digital equipment to help with their creative side. I have not seen another article like this one so it will be a big help to my research. "But taking on that level of responsibility is what has created this incredible sense of empowerment among the TechCrew." The children developed their own learning and teaching materials by combining their English, IT, and animation skills, and they shared their results with children from all over the world. This was an inspiring and motivational project for the children and the teachers.

Untz, Kayla Creativity in Schools. Personal interview. 28 Mar. 2013 In this interview with Ms. Untz a student teacher going through school. This interview talks about her experience at a small school in the mountains of North Carolina. This interview was about how creativity has effected how schools as of today. Untz said that when going through my student teaching I said that creativity and related arts were not as big in this school as

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I have seen before. Untz is wondering if taking out creativity in schools is a good thing. Creativity is not what the students are going to school for they are going to learn said Untz. The interview went on to talk about how core classes are more what the younger students need not really creativity. Untz talked about a lot of good things in the interview. What was really good was the argument about if creativity in schools should stay. Untz has really gone through and studied her students and other schools she has been to. After her full time student teaching was done Untz got the chance to go to different schools around there she lived and watch how the teachers worked there. Untz has seen schools with and without a lot of related arts. Untz said she feels related arts are pulling the students away from the core classes they need to build upon their future. I can use this interview in my research because Untz really talked about the side for taking creativity in schools out and focus on the core classes. I think this could help me with having this side of the argument as well as the side of having creativity in schools. Creativity is not what the students are going to school for they are going to learn when going through my student teaching I said that creativity and related arts were not as big in this school as I have seen before. Creativity is a part of schools but maybe too big of a part and taking away from what the students are there to learn. Wright, Susan. "Chapter 1." The Arts, Young Children, and Learning. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2003. 8-9. Print. In this book it talks about the having creativity within yourself. There is a lot of information in this book but only somethings went along with the argument. Intelligence and Knowledge

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and Thinking Styles are two good arguments. Thinking styles talks about it not being an abilities but how individuals use their abilities and skills to learn and solve problems. Intelligence and Knowledge talk about personality is a significant thing in creativity. The students use knowledge in school so this can help them use their creativity. Sternberg talks about having three different roles in intelligence and having creativity. Sternberg goes on to talk about the three roles but could have gone into more detail and tell the reader what all happens within the roles. Sternberg should have gone into more detail than he could have had a better argument for the three roles. If Sternberg would have gone into more detail the reader would have a better understanding of the three roles. I can use this book and the information in the book for my research by using Sternbergs three roles in intelligence. I feel like there is a lot of information that could help argue my point well and help me understand the point better. I think if I use this information than I will have good points for the argument that is being made and will have some good quotes to help me. If I use this information in my paper then I will have views from both sides of creativity in schools. Thinking styles are not abilities, but how individuals use their abilities and skills to learn and solve problems. Pg. 9 Creative vision involves not only knowledge but also a willingness to see past it. Pg9 While personality is a significant influencing factor in creative individuals, it also links closely to the areas of intelligence and knowledge.

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