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Kup Grade White Belt Advancing to Yellow Belt Requirements

WHEN PERFORMING THE POOMSAE THE STUDENT WILL BE GRADED ON: 1. Posture: Student must have their body weight correctly distributed during each different stance and during footwork. Each technique must be correctly aligned. Stance, direction, etc. The Head must not face down, the eyes must remain open! 2. Realism: Taekwondo patterns are the learning ground for real combat. As such, every technique must display the requisite speed, power and firmness to be realistically used as an attack or defense move. 3. Spirit: A competitors presence on the mat must be as credible as his technique. Self-belief, confidence in abilities, and intention to perform to a personal best are tangible virtues considered indispensable in Taekwondo practitioners. Learn what each Poomsae represents and act accordingly! 4. Decorum: Proper manners must be displayed when interacting with the Masters, Sabum Nim or Judges directly before and after the Poomsae (Bowing!). Respect must also be extended to rival competitors, schools and other officials (more Bowing!). This is highly prized at SCREAMING EAGLES MARTIAL ARTS. 5. Form: General qualities that we look for in any Taekwondo Student include proper breathing technique and body control. The diaphragm must be engaged in deep breathing; shallow deep breathing concentrated in the upper abdomen results in raised shoulders and stressed muscles. The muscles of the body should be lightly relaxed in order to perform the pattern with fluidity, speed and grace. Muscles should only be tensed at the moment of imaginary impact in order to commute maximum power to any individual Taekwondo technique.

TAEGEUK IL JANG: (1st Poomsae) The general meaning of this form and associated trigram is Yang, which represents Heaven and Light. The first Taeguek form is the beginning of all Poomsaes, the Birth of the Martial Artist into Taekwondo. (This Poomsae should be Performed with the Greatness of Heaven.


*All Verbal Commands are in Apprentices (Verbal Command) (Jwoon Bi!) Start in the Ready or Jwoon Bi stance (Low Block) Turn left 90 degrees into a walking stance with left foot forward, left low block (Step Punch) Step forward into walking stance with right foot forward, right hand middle punch (Low Block) Turn right 180 degrees into a walking stance with right foot forward, right low block (Step Punch) Step forward into walking stance with left foot forward, left hand middle punch (Low Block) Turn left 90 degrees into a walking stance with left foot forward, left low block (Step Punch) Step forward into walking stance with right foot forward, right middle punch (Step Punch) Step forward into walking stance with left foot forward, left middle punch (Step Punch Yell Kihap!) Step forward into walking stance with right foot forward, right punch, yell Kihap! (Low Block) Turn right 270 degrees into a walking stance with left foot forward, left low block (Step Punch) Step forward into walking stance with right foot forward, right hand middle punch (Low Block) Turn right 180 degrees into a walking stance with right foot forward, right low block (Step Punch) Step forward into walking stance with left foot forward, left hand middle punch (Low Block) Turn left 90 degrees into a walking stance with left foot forward, left low block (Step Punch) Step forward into walking stance with right foot forward, right middle punch (Step Punch) Step forward into walking stance with left foot forward, left middle punch (Step Punch Yell Kihap!) Step forward into walking stance with right foot forward, right middle punch, yell Kihap! (Low Block) Turn right 270 degrees into a walking stance with left foot forward, left low block (Step Punch) Step forward into walking stance with right foot forward, right middle punch (Low Block) Turn left 180 degrees into walking stance, right foot forward, right low block (Step Punch) Step forward into walking stance with left foot forward, left middle punch (Bah Ro or Jwoon Bi!) When the Master says Bah Ro or Jwoon Bi , turn and face the Master in Jwoon Bi Stance.

Additional Physical Requirements 1. Stance Technique:

Horse Riding Stance: (1) Single Punch-Right & Left (2) Double Punch (3) Triple Punch (4) Low BlockRight & Left (5) Inside Middle Block-Right & Left (6) Outside Middle Block-Right & Left (7) High BlockRight & Left (8) X-Block-High & Low

2. Kicking Techniques:
Front Straight Kick: Right & Left Front Snap Kick: Right & Left

3. Punching Techniques:
Front Punch-Right & Left-Middle Jab Punch: Right & Left-Middle Uppercut Punch: Right & Left-Middle & High

4. Breaking Technique (Must break 1ea. board):

Front Punch: Right & Left-Middle Front Snap Kick: Right & Left-Middle

5. Hapkido Techniques: Must be able to show proper hand placement for Techniques #1 and #2 and
also how to break-away from these techniques if applied to them.

Key-Commands in Korean Language (White to Yellow Belt)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Charyot (cherry-et).. Attention Kyung-nay (koon-ye).. Bow Jwoon Bi (joom-be) Ready Stand Sabum (sa-bum).. Instructor Sabum Nim (sa-bum-nim).. Master Instructor Jeja (je-ja) Student Dhee (tee) Belt Dobok (doh-bok). Training Suit (uniform) Dojang (doh-jang) Training Hall (gym) Hana (ha-na). One Dul (dhool) Two Set (set). Three Net (net) Four Dasot (dah-sut)...... Five Yasot (yah-sut)................................................................Six

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Ilgup (Il-gup)..................................................................Seven Yodel (yo-dell)................................................................Eight Ahop (a-hop)...................................................................Nine Yol (yoll).........................................................................Ten Tae (tie).. Foot, for kicking Kwon (kwon). Fist, for punching Do (doe). Way of Life Ahnjoe (ahn-joe) Sit Elosoh (el-o-sut) Stand Seijak (see-ja) Start (Fight!)

Students Must Be Able To Recite Tae Kwon Do Oath By Memory

I Shall Observe the Tenets of Taekwondo!! I Shall Respect the Sabum Nim, Sabum and Senior Student!! I Shall Never Misuse Taekwondo or any Other Martial Art!! I Shall be a Champion of Freedom and Justice!! I Shall Build a More Peaceful World!!

Students Must Be Able To Recite Tae Kwon Do Tenets By Memory And Their Meaning 1. Courtesy: Enduring respect for and consideration of self and others. Being friendly and polite. Saying
Thank You, Please, Yes/No Sir/Maam Bowing to Master, to Class, to the Flag. Humility.

2. Integrity: Steadfast adherence to a strict moral and ethical code. Honesty, loyalty and trustworthy.
Doing the right thing, even when no one is watching you. Telling the truth. Trusting others.

3. Perseverance: To persist in an endeavor or undertaking in spite of opposition or discouragement. Try,

try again. To have confidence and get back up when knocked down. To keep trying.

4. Self Control: The ability of a person to exert their will over the inhibitions, impulses, emotions or
desires of their body or self. Having and displaying patience and discipline.

5. Indomitable Spirit: Having the right attitude and maintaining inner strength regardless of winning or
losing. Not allowing ones principles to be broken, defeated, or conquered. Bravery, courage, will power.

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