Isl Minggu 8: Target Games

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ISL MINGGU 8: TARGET GAMES For target games I have formulated the principles of "AIM TO TARGET", "PLACEMENT" and

and "SPIN and/or TURN" based on my own play and teaching. For example, in golf a player has to be able to putt the ball into or near to the whole target that is close (aim to target). Then, a player can play on a golf course where the route to the hole has to be planned based on distance and obstacles (placement). With these principles appreciated and the skills refined to achieve the principles, a player can then control the ball by turning it in the air to avoid obstacles by using the wind and the action of the club face on the ball. Also a player can start to appreciate the need to spin the ball to control its landing and roll by using the club face to put differing degrees of underspin on the ball. I have found these principles of play particularly useful in shaping the progressive development of modified games within each category. Based on principles of play, games teaching tactics can be taught through movement concepts based on simple ideas of space, time and force. For beginners, the principles of play offer a progressive way to develop the type of tactical depth only experienced by the skillful performers. By playing these games, players will learn key skills and tactics for target games such as croquet, golf, archery, curling and bowling. Examples of game: (1) Games Name : 21

Tactical Focus: Aim and Accuracy Place a floor mat (e.g., place mat, base) inside a hula hoop at one end of a rectangle Place a plyon at 5, 10, and 15 paces away from the floor mat Each person receives a beanbag Alternating turns, players attempt to throw the beanbag either into the hoop or onto the floor mat from one of the 3 distances. If the beanbag lands inside the hoop but not on the floor mat, multiple the score by 1. For example, if threw from the middle pylon, score would be 1 x 2.

If the beanbag lands and stays on the floor mat, multiple score by 2. For example, if threw from the furthest pylon, score 3 x 2 (6 pts). First person to 21 points wins the game NOTE: Must score 21 exactly. If score over 21 on a throw, then that player goes back to 11.

(2) Games Name: Apple of my Eyes! Tactical Focus: Protect the Object This game will be played in partners and the two will play against each other. The object of this game is for the participants to throw a ball and knock down the labelled letters from A-B-C and then knock down the numbers 1-2-3 in proper sequence. Players can ONLY stand on one foot when they throw the ball. This is their "tree trunk" Once successful the participants will then hit the larger pylon in the middle which will be labelled the Apple. Once the participant hits the Apple (middle pylon) they will become Apple of My Eye. Make the distance from the objects equal and only use underhand throws

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