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Post-No.: conflight-l/1997-10-01/27 (digest-marker) From: Milton Block <> Subject: BREATHARIANISM For those interested...

In Australia amongst Lightworker circles, JASMUHEEN, is considered right up there and one of the few genuine breatharians. She has a great web site and some snippets of her article on this subject are below. Recommend a visit to her site. "Article 2. Pranic Nourishment to Breatharianism with Jasmuheen published in the Silver Cord April 1997 As many of our readers are aware, there is now a much-talked about process unfolding in the South Pacific region where individuals, who choose to, no longer need to take their nourishment from food. Personally I have never been comfortable with the term breatharianism. Technically speaking, a breatharian never eats food nor drinks fluid. Their nourishment comes purely from prana, the universal life force. They are pranically fed. The process of pranic feeding allows an individual great personal freedom and they may operate this process on many levels. They may eat now and then for the sheer pleasure of taste and social interaction, perhaps a meal or two a week. They may rarely eat and may nibble sporadically to satisfy the taste buds. They may never eat but take liquids for taste pleasure and social interaction. And the most rare is the true breatharian who chooses neither to eat nor drink at all. Regardless of which level they may operate on all know that they do not need food to survive and are literally and obviously being pranically nourished. In my own personal experience of enjoying the process of pranic feeding over the last four years I would like to introduce a more gentle process and alternative understanding as well as a more appropriate term of reference for this research and alternative nutritional source. Firstly the 21 day process outlined in my book "Prana & Immortality" is simply a 'fast track' program. While it offers great gifts as a sacred initiation under the Ascended Master paradigm for those whose intuition guides them to do it, there are other ways to be pranically fed that are more 'gentle' yet slower but still powerful. ................. If we choose, we can be the master of this vehicle and dictate or program into

it what we desire rather than it dictate its 'needs' to us. The more aware we are of our mind/body connection the more empowered we can become. When we realize that our physical body is a bio-computer and our thoughts are a software program and our lives are the print-out of the two, we can really begin to do some specific de-programming and re-programming that will demonstrate our true potential. Limitless thinking, limitless being! This is the basis of pranic feeding. Re-programming the body elemental. The program is as follows: "I command the full attention and presence of my body consciousness NOW (visualise this elemental stepping forward like a foot soldier ready to take a specific command from the general/master - you). I command that from this NOW moment you absorb all the vitamins, nutrients and nourishment - required to maintain peak physical health and vitality and self-regenerating vehicle - from the pranic forces". The fact that I may choose to continue to eat is purely for emotional body reasons and none of your business. So be it. So be it. So be it." .... This means that if you listen to the body you will eventually witness that your energy levels remain high, your weight remains stable, your sleep requirements halve or become non-existent. ................... This is freedom! Freedom from the need to eat. Freedom to choose. To eat or not to eat, it does not matter. What matters is to lay down a new pattern into cellular memory by living without food and releasing the fear that if we do not eat we will die. Empowered being's who control their vehicle rather than the vehicle control them. .......Limitless living is not a by-product of whether we eat solid food or not. It comes from being a master of reality creation, a game that brings far more greater joys and gifts than simply the ability to be pranically nourished." Thank you Jasmuheen, Love and Prana in abundance, Namaste, Milton

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