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This questionnaire is part of a study on The knowledge and attitudes of young adults 16- 18years to HIV/ AIDS in Barbados.

It is a requirement for the CAPE Caribbean Studies Syllabus and I ensure you that the results from, this questionnaire will be confidential. Thank you for your co-operation.

1. What is your sex?



2. Do you know what HIV stands for? If yes, please state?

3. Do you know what AIDS stand for? If yes, please state?




4. Which age group do you think is the most infected group in the Caribbean? 5-14 15-24 25-34

5. Which region is the most affected with AIDS outside of Sub-Saharan Africa? Europe North America South America The Caribbean 6. Does your knowledge of HIV/AIDS make you feel inclined to: YES Abstain Be faithful Condomise NO

7. Please tick all the ways in which you believe a person can get infected with HIV/AIDS. Sexual Intercourse Sharing Needles (Drug Use) Unclean Medical Equipment Blood Transfusions During Pregnancy and Childbirth Through Breast Milk

Contact with Blood of Infected Person Contact with Infected Persons Toothbrush/ Shaving Material

Casual Contact with Infected Person (i.e. sharing food, cup, glass, handshake, hugging, clothes) j) Buying food from someone who is HIV infected k) Donating Blood l) Other (Specify ___________________________)

8. Please tick all the ways by which people can reduce their risk of getting infected with HIV. Abstain from Sex Always use Condoms Limit Number of Sex Partners Have Sex with only one faithful, uninfected partner Avoid Sex Workers (Prostitutes) Have Sex with a Virgin Require Partner to Take Blood Test

9. Please tick all the groups that you think are mostly infected with HIV/AIDS. Homosexuals Sex workers Heterosexual couples A married couple who are faithful to each other Drug addicts

10. Do you think AIDS is a problem only for homosexuals and drug addicts?


Probably Yes

Probably Not


Dont Know

11. Anyone who is sexually active can contract HIV/AIDS.

Strongly agree



Strongly Disagree

12. A healthy looking person can be infected with HIV.

Strongly agree



Strongly Disagree

13. Do you think you can get AIDS?


Probably yes

Probably not


14. How worried are you that you might get AIDS?

Not at all worried

Somewhat worried

Very worried

15. In your view, is a persons chance of getting AIDS influenced by the number of sexual partners he or she has?


Probably Yes

Probably No


Dont Know

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