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8 Pages Rs: 1.00 Jammu Edition

THURSDAY, MAY 02, 2013

JKENG/2012/41612 Vol. 2 No: 108

Centre reneging on its promise on Dandi yatra route: Modi




Iran-Turkey ties key to regional security: Iranian spokesman


Strong quake hits north India, 2 killed, 79 injured

JAMMU/NEW DELHI: The entire north India was shaken by a 5.8 intensity on Richter scale in which two persons were killed, and 69, including 32 students. Scores of buildings damaged in Jammu and Kashmir and the twin districts of Kishtwar and Doda in Jammu region were the hardest hit where nearly 400 structures, including shools, hospitals and houses, developed cracks. Two persons were killed and some 69, including 32 students, were injured in the two districts, officials quoting initial reports said in Jammu. The quake, measuring 5.8 on the Richter scale, struck Jammu and Kashmir and other parts of North India including the Contd. on page 2

All possible help to quake victims: Sagar

Srinagar: The Jammu and Kashmir government today assured all possible help to victims of the earthquake in Doda and Kishtwar districts. "The government will extend all support to the quake victims of Doda and Kishtwar districts," Rural Development Minister Ali Mohammad Sagar said. Necessary instructions had been issued to concerned district Contd. on page 2

Avalanche alert in Bhaderwah after quake

BHADERWAH : Soon after a strong earthquake rocked the hilly region of Doda and Bhaderwah on Wednesday afternoon an avalanche alert has been issued for people living in the Bhaderwah-Chamba border belt. "We have alerted people living in the foothills of the Ashapati glacier and Chatergala hills in the BhaderwahChamba border belt after three tremors shook the valley," police said. Over 10,000 inhabitants occupy the Contd. on page 2

People coming out their houses in the quake hit areas of Kishtwar & Bhaderwah

Varun Gandhi sees Vajpayee in Rajnath

LUCKNOW: Junior Gandhi scion Varun Gandhi said on Wednesday that he sees a reflection of Vajpayee in President Bharatiya Janata Party, Raj Nath Singh while addressing a Swabhiman rally in Bareilly. Raj Nath Singh was also present on the occassion. Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) national general secretary and member of parliament (MP) from Pilibhit Varun Gandhi on Wednesday said that he sees reflection of former Prime Contd. on page 2

Chinese Intrusion: Army Chief briefs cabinet

NEW DELHI: Army Chief Gen Bikram Singh on Wednesday briefed the cabinet on the incursion issue in Ladakh, where Chinese troops have put up tents 19km inside Indian territory, and steps taken by the force to resolve the crisis. Sources said the meeting also explored various options before the country to address the issue. Three flag meetings between the two sides have failed to break the deadlock as the Chinese have been demanding dismantling of infrastructure created by the Indian side in Eastern Ladakh including the Daulat Beg Oldi area. The last meeting was held yesterday at Chushul between Brigadier-level officers from the two sides, the

Patrolling intensified Chinese civilians too in Arunachal, Sikkim enter India routinely

sources said. In the meeting, India also made its stand clear that there should be an unconditional withdrawal of Chinese troops from the Indian

Territory as per the agreements signed between the two sides on earlier occasions. The two earlier meetings on the issue Contd. on page 2

Spurious Drug Scam: IGP directed to investigate matter

SRINAGAR, MAY 1: Taking serious cognizance of the severity of the infamous spurious drug scam the Division Bench of J&K High Court on Wednesday comprised of Justice Mansoor Ahmed Mir and Justice Ali Mohammad Magray directed the Inspector General of Police Crime Branch to monitor the investigation taking place in spurious drug scam under the supervision of Chief Secretary, Mohammad Iqbal Khandey. The DB after hearing the arguments made by the Counsel for Doctors Body on PIL seeking independent probe into the spurious drug scam pulled the respondents for not taking action against the Central Purchasing Committee (CPC) members. The Court directed the Counsel senior additional Advocate General, Javid Ahmed Kawoosa appearing for the government to provide the names of members of CPC after the Counsel made a statement in the Court that some arrests have already been made in this case. Counsel appearing on behalf of Doctors Body, Advocate Bhat Fayaz Ahmed informed the Court about the menace of spurious drugs and said that there are 85 kinds of drugs which are spurious and already been supplied to hospitals. The Court ordered the Counsel to submit a list of those spurious drugs. "I have prepared the list and we are soon going to submit that list before the Honourable High Court," Advocate Bhat Fayaz told CNS. The next hearing for the PIL has been fixed on May 9, which falls on Thursday. Pertinently, DAK president Dr Nisar-ul-Hassan had filed the PIL through his counsel Advocate Bhat Fayaz Ahmed seeking a thorough and independent probe into the drug scandal filed the PIL. The PIL had been submitted against the State of Jammu and Kashmir mentioning the names of former Health Minister, Secretary Health, Director Health Services, Controller Drug and Food Organization, CPC officials and others related to the matter.

KOLKATA: Vigil has been intensified along the line of actual control (LAC) in Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim in the wake of incursions by troops of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) in Ladakh, sources in the Eastern Command confirmed. Officers in charge of the forward bases have, however, been Contd. on page 2

NEW DELHI: Forget the incursion of Chinese military into India; the Chinese civilians too have been entering India regularly. While the recent case of border intrusion by Chinese army raised questions of the Indian government's preparedness to protect its border, it appears, that even Chinese locals have periodically transgressed into the Indian side in the recent past. According to border Contd. on page 2

1984 anti- Sikh riots: strong protests in Capital

NEW DELHI: Angered at the Court decision acquitting the Congress leader allegedly involved in engineering killings of Sikhs after the assassination of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi by Sikh body guards, number of people on Wednesday, staged protest in the capital blocking traffic. Shouting slogans and carrying placards like 'Hang 1984 Culprits' and 'Give us Justice', the protesters marched to Tilak Nagar Police Station in west Delhi and blocked traffic in the area. Scores of Contd. on page 2

Sarab jit Sing h pa sses aw ay at Pakistan 's Jinn ah hospital

NEW DELHI: Sarabjit Singh, the Indian death row convict who was undergoing treatment in Lahore's Jinnah hospital, passed away late on Wednesday night. The head of medical board supervising Sarabjit's treatment confirmed his death. Sarabjit Singh's death occurred at 1 am (Pakistani time), the head of the medical board said. Sarabjit Singh, 49, suffered critical head injuries in an unprovoked and sudden assault by four to five prisoners on April 26 in Pakistan's Kot Lakhpat Jail. He had been on ventilator life support since then. Late on Wednesday night his condition Contd. on page 2

Army responsible for disorder in Kashmir, Cong untrustworthy: Kamal

SRINAGAR: Known for his controversial statements senior National Conference leader Shiekh Mustafa Kamal said on Wednesday that Indian army wasd directly responsible for disorder in Kashmir. He said that the army was not interested in the return of peace and wanted to keep the pot boiling in the State. " Go and tell them (Army) where they got IED. Once there is peace there will be no role of Army in Kashmir and these people don't want that peace should prevail in Kashmir," Kamal told

16 Indians among world's most powerful: Foreign Policy Magazine

WASHINGTON: Although China and Pakistan do not fear India yet Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Congress president Sonia Gandhi are among 16 Indians who have found a place in the prestigious Foreign Policy magazine's list of the 500 most powerful people on the planet. Apart from them, finance minister P Chidambaram, defence minister A K Antony and external affairs minister Salman Khurshid are also in the list. Spiritual Contd. on page 2

Sarabjeet episode: Dalbir Kour has struck a chord

ROHIT SINGH RANA When Sarabjeet's sister and his family members went to Lahore, everybody followed them with eager eyes. The family had gone with a hope that something would happen and they could hopefully see their loved one getting some relief. But the Pakistanis had already prepared the script for their arrival. The poor and hard pressed family went to Pakistan with high hope but returned with none. Sarabjeet is more critical than ever. He is in a state of nonreversible coma where from he may not come out. Under this bleak background, Dalbir kour struck a chord that every Indian wishes to echo. While in Lahore, she audaciously criticized Pakistani authorities for their tacit complicity in the murderous attack on Sarabjeet. She did not mince words but was as clear as any Indian sister would have been under such circumstances. On her return at the Wagah border she gave full vent to her outpourings. She was forthright in her scathing criticism of the Indian authorities and the leadership. Her pain and anguish on the indecision of the Indian Prime Minister and other leaders in not forcing Pakistan to do something concrete was understandable. At least where the Indian government failed, this lion hearted from Punjab succeeded. It needs moral conviction and pure courage to speak truth more so if you are in a hostile land compared to the feeble, muted and guarded response of the country on any issue of national importance including this. Dalbir was right when she termed the Indian leadership as toys of clay; actually she used the phrase Mitti Ke khilone for them. Was she of the mark or discourteous? Ask any well meaning Indian he/she will have the same opinion on her outburst. Mitti ke khilone is what our masters of destiny are. Poor Sarabjeet is lying brain dead and with him is buried for ever what happened to him and who attacked him. Having said so, the Pakistani authorities have not yet now taken any action on the jail authorities nor has any case been registered on the attackers. As a late rearguard measure, the government of India has only now asked Pakistan to shift him to a third country for specialized treatment. The external affairs ministry spokes person Syed Akbarudin presented this demand hours after Dalbir Kour rend government of India into smithereens for its inertia in this regard. How tragic and heartless, back in Pakistan the doctors did not explain once to the family what was the nature of injuries to him and what type of medical treatment was planned for him. Their behavior is not only against medical ethics and normal human behavior but against the basic element of decency. It is not at all surprising to think that instead of treating Sarabjeet in some other country they must be busy with framing the list of the persons to be rewarded for attacking him. One thing surely they will miss in Pakistan. They will not be able to behead him as they have done to Indian soldiers and keep it as a trophy. Having said so, Dalbir has stirred our hearts but will she be able to inspire the lazy government to collect some courage and act remains to be seen.

Srinagar based news agency on phone and added that besides Army there are scores of agencies which keep the pot of militancy boiling in Kashmir. Describing the Army and other Agencies as "avowed"enemies of Kashmir, Contd. on page 2

Yasin Malik's fast: Killer turns Gandhi!

Jammu Kashmir liberation front chairman Yasin Malik is planning to fast at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi on 3rd May to press the union government to hand over the mortal remains of hanged separatist leaders Maqbool Bhat and Afzal Guru to their families in Kashmir. Yasin Malik, after killing four innocent air force personnel who were waiting to board a bus in Srinagar has turned into a Gandhi. He has not expressed any remorse for killing innocent persons which he has publicly accepted a number of times. Little did the new Gandhian know that he would have to resort to fasting otherwise he would have not owned the murder in public. Those were the competitive days of terrorism and more the number of killings in your kitty the more venerable the terrorist turned, so owning a multiple murder made Yasin, a militant hero overnight. But the stain will not go away with him till he is alive. Yasin cannot be a Gandhi. He does not know the sacred theme of fasting. Anna fasted and so did Vinobha Bhave. Yasin is pleading the cases of anti -India terrorists hence his fast has no meaning. He should first go to jail for the multiple murder which should be his destination and then he can come to fast. Ranasahib



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officials, over 13 Chinese citizens have been caught in the Indian side during 2010-12. While these Chinese citizens claim to have entered the Indian side in search of local herbs, the startling increase in the number of Chinese citizens straying into the Indian side has caught the border officials off guard. In 2010, border officials caught Chinese men, who later claimed to have been associated with the PLA. The official who was identified as Cheng Heng Yang also claimed to have entered the India in search of local herbs. He was later handed over to PLA officials during the flag meeting. During the same year, three Chinese men were caught by a joint team of Indian army and ITBP guards from Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh. These instances of increasing border intrusions by Chinese civilians have put the Indian armed forces into a tizzy. Indian officials claim that 9 of the 13 Chinese people caught in the Indian side were comman men - a majority of whom (7) were from Tibet. The caught Tibetans claimed that they wanted to meet their spiritual leader, Dalai Lama, as the reason for intrusion. A majority of these intrusions have been reported from Bulma and Gloria (Alang). Border officials claimed that patrolling has been improved in these areas. plex and one of them had even thrown a shoe at the judge after the pronouncement of the verdict. Sikh groups in Jammu also held protests over the acquittal of Kumar and blocked the JammuKashmir Highway. Activists of several Sikh organisations led by Harjeet Singh sat on a dharna and took out demonstrations at Digiana on the outskirts of the city. Raising anti-government slogans, the protesters termed the acquittal of the Congress leader as an "injustice" to the Sikh community in the country. "Injustice has been done with us. The judgement has shown that Sikhs are second class citizens of the country", Singh told reporters here. "3000 Sikhs were killed on the roads of Delhi-they were brutally murdered-their houses were burnt down," he said, adding the judgement has shocked the entire Sikh community, who were hoping for justice. "We will fight back. We want justice. We don't have any faith in the Congress government", he said. In Talab Tiloo area of Jammu, a group of Sikh youth held demonstrations against the acquittal of Kumar. "Hearts of all Sikhs are weeping over the judgement," Charanjeet Singh, a protester, said.

leadership BJP will perform well in the elections. In response, Rajnath said that he believes that the youth have to be given the reins of the party. "I wanted him (Varun) to get more responsibility earlier, but he was very young," he addedd. Varun also spoke about how youth can be helped to be self employed. He criticised both the Samajwadi Party government in the state and the Congress led UPA government at the Centre. He said that people in UP can die but cannot compromise with their self respect. Rajnath, on the other hand, said that if BJP is able to win 40-50 seats in UP, nobody could stop it from coming to power at the Centre after elections. He also said that great leaders like Vajpayee and LK Advandi do not take birth twice. Rajnath had recently appointed Varun as party's general secretary despite opposition from some old party leaders in Uttar Pradesh (UP). He has also been given charge of leading BJP's campaign in UP. In fact, he will be in Lucknow on May 4 to lead party's demonstration against UPA government. The event is part of BJP's nationwide agitation, which is also being seen as launch of campaign for Lok Sabha elections. Varun is also said to be considering to contest next Lok Sabha polls from Sultanpur, a Congress bastion. Varun's father late Sanjay Gandhi had won from Sultanpur in 1980 before he was killed in air crash. Varun was recently acquitted from charges of delivering hate speeches during his campaign in 2004 Lok Sabha elections when he won the parliamentary seat of Pilibhit, once represented by his mother, Maneka Gandhi. If he moves to Sultanpur, he will be next door to Amethi and Rae Bareli, represented by his older cousin Rahul and his aunt, Congress chief Sonia Gandhi. BJP's central leadership wants to use Varun to counter Rahul and Sonia. Also, Varun's campaign in 2012 UP assembly elections was successful. While the performance of the BJP was poor in the state, all 14 candidates for whom Varun campaigned were elected. Party believes that BJP needs a young leader like Varun for success in UP. that doesn't seem normal. "Our troops along the LAC are always on alert. However, it is true that the incidents in Ladakh have led to heightened surveillance of movement along the LAC. The Eastern Command is quite prepared to handle any situation but we don't wish to give the impression that we have adopted an aggressive stance. Probably, this is what the Chinese want us to do. We simply wish them to understand that if they try anything funny in a sector where surveillance is a bit low, we can exert pressure somewhere else. Once this understanding is reached, there is little possibility of hostilities," an officer said. Officers believe that the latest incidents in Ladakh will provide more impetus to the plans to raise four new divisions for the IndoChina frontier. Two of these divisions will be under the Eastern Command. Over the last few years, China has increased military presence along the LAC, particularly across Arunachal Pradesh. While CSS-3 intermediate range ballistic missiles have been replaced by advanced CSS-5 medium range ones very close to the LAC in the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR), airfields have been constructed at Kong Ka, Hoping and Pangta in addition to the ones in TAR. A large number of Border Defence Regiments of the PLA have also been deployed along the LAC. Elite units of the Rapid Reaction Force (RRF) have been deployed in Chengdu, which is close to TAR. These units can be moved to the LAC within 48 hours, thanks to better infrastructure on the Chinese side. "There has been force build-up on our side as well. Special exercises have also been held to mobilize troops even in regions where infrastructure is a problem. However, the government needs to understand that infrastructure development is very important if India wants to establish any real control over the situation. Unlike our troops who have to man or patrol the LAC, even during difficult times of the year, on a regular basis, the Chinese can take it easy. They know that they can mobilize troops in any sector within hours as infrastructure is good. On the Indian side, we don't have this luxury and troops have to be posted close to the border. Moreover, they have to be prepared for any situation as time is an enemy," another officer said. While the Army has deployed
VEHICLE TRANSFER I Jagdeep Singh S/O Karnail Singh R/O Kirpind R S Pura ,Jammu have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02BB-0513 in favour of Lakhwinder Singh S/O Rounak Singh R/O R S Pura jammu .Objection if any one may be Conveyed to RTO Jammu With in 7 Days. VEHICLE TRANSFER I Sanjeev Singh S/O Mohinder Singh R/O Jammu have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02AB-8597 in favour of Joginder Singh S/O Bhaw Singh R/O Akhnoor,Jammu .Objection if any one may be Conveyed to RTO Jammu With in 7 Days. LOSS OF RC I Rajinder Singh S/O Rangil Singh R/O Chatha Jammu `have lost Registration Certificate of Vehicle No JK02AJ-7193 .Now I am applying for the same Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days. VEHICLE TRANSFER I Shamsher Singh S/O Lt Kala Ram R/O Govindpura Satwari Jammu`have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02AL-2999 in favour of Pankaj Byas S/O Bodh Raj R/O Kathua .Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days. VEHICLE TRANSFER VEHICLE TRANSFER I Sulakhan Singh S/O Sardool Singh R/O Nanak Nagar Jammu `have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02AH-1217 in favour of Surinder Kumar S/O Lal Chand R/O Vijaypur Samba.Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days. VEHICLE TRANSFER I Aman Kapoor S/O Kuldeep Singh R/O Shastri Nagar Jammu `have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02N8545 in favour of Pawan Arun Govind S/O Pawar Govind Rambhall R/O 56 APO.Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days. VEHICLE TRANSFER I Mohd Ayaz Mirza S/O Mirza Mohd R/O Rajouri `have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02AD-5536 in favour of Vishal Sharma S/O Kewal Krishan R/O Dhangri Rajouri .Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days. VEHICLE TRANSFER I Nihat Jahan S/O Mohd Ashraf R/O Darhal Rajouri `have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02AG-8785 in favour of Mohd Ayaz Mirza S/O Mohd Razaq R/O Thanna Mandi Rajouri .Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days. I Subash Nanda S/O I J Nanda R/O Roop nagar Muthi Jammu`have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02AN-7407 in favour of Parveen Bali S/O Lt Raj Kumar R/O Subash nagar ,Jammu .Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days. I Chandan Dutta S/O B L Dutta R/O Rehari Coloney Jammu`have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02V907 in favour of Ajay Gupta S/O Sardari Lal R/O Shakti Nagar ,Jammu .Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days. VEHICLE TRANSFER VEHICLE TRANSFER I Janak Raj S/O Munshi Ram R/O Chowadhi Saink Coloney Jammu `have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02AJ-4620 in favour of Rattan Singh S/O Abbey Singh R/O Chowadhi Jammu .Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days. I Kuldeep Singh S/O Santokh Singh R/O Golegujral Jammu`have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02AA-9000 in favour of Sanjeev S/O Satpaul R/O Talab Tillo .Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days. VEHICLE TRANSFER I M/S Durga Traders Partner Ashish Gupta R/O Kunjwani Byepass Jammu`have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02AW-3230 in favour of Anuj Mishra S/O Rama Kousal R/O Sainik Coloney,Jammu .Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days. VEHICLE TRANSFER

Brahmos cruise missiles in the east, the Indian Air Force has stationed Su-30 MKIs in Tezpur. Officers maintain that a major cause for concern is the Chumbi Valley - a tri-junction between Sikkim, Bhutan and TAR. This is extremely close to the 'chicken neck' region that connects the Northeast to the rest of the country. Should the Chinese plan some mischief at this location, it could lead to major chaos.

Strong quake ...

national capital and its satellite towns at around 12:27pm. The tremors were felt in Punjab and Haryana but there were no immediate reports of any casualty or damage from the two states. In Himachal Pradesh, the quake lasted nearly 30 seconds and was felt from tribal Lahaul and Spiti valley to foothills of Una. A few houses were damaged in Chamba as frightened people scampered out of their houses on to the streets in the hill state. The quake rocked Kangra, Palampur, Solan, Hamirpur and other places in the state but no one was injured.

16 Indians ...
leaders Baba Ramdev and Sri Sri Ravishankar are also in the list along with BJP leader Sushma Swaraj. The list of '500 most powerful people on the planet' also lists India's top most intelligence official Alok Joshi of Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) and National Security Advisor Shivshankar Menon. Two Indian industrialists Mukesh Ambani of the Reliance Group and Lakshmi Mittal of ArcelorMittal also figure in the list along with the Delhi chief minister Sheila Dikshit; Unni Karunakara, who is president of Medecins Sans Frontieres; the Mumbai Mayor, Sunil Prabhu, and Salil Shetty, general secretary of Amnesty International. From Pakistan, Army Chief Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, the ISI chief Zaheer ul-Islam; the Pakistani Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud, and the Karachi Administrator, Syed Hashim Raza Zaidi, figure in the list. China has more than 30 people included in the list, which of course is dominated by those from the US and European countries. The Dalai Lama, the Tibetan spiritual leader, is also in the list. "Is it possible to identify the 500 most powerful individuals on the planet -- one in 14 million? That's what we tried to do with the inaugural FP Power Map, our inventory of the people who control the commanding heights of the industries that run the world, from politics to high finance, media to energy, warfare to religion," the Foreign Policy magazine said.

All possible ..
administrations to assess the loss caused to various structures for providing necessary relief at the earliest, he said. Two persons were killed and 69, including 32 students, were injured and scores of buildings damaged when an earthquake of moderate intensity shook parts of North India today.

between the two sides had failed to yield any outcome and the Chinese soldiers have even started to increase their presence in the area by erecting new tents and continue to get supplies by trucks from their unit 25km from the face-off point.

Chinese Intrusion: ..

Thanhala belt in the foothills of the Ashapati glacier and the Chater-gala hills. The tremors, measuring 5.8 on the Richter scale, lasted between 12:27 pm and 12:34 pm with officials saying that the quake had its epicentre in the district's New Thathri area. The tremors prompted people to rush outside buildings and shops for safety. Initial reports said that some six buildings, including two schools, have developed cracks as a result of the quake. However, there were no immediate reports of any casualties, police said. A quake measuring 4.3 on the Richter scale had been felt in the afternoon yesterday in the valley and adjoining areas of Doda district.

Avalanche alert ..

1984 anti- ...

protesters stormed a Metro station in west Delhi and blocked services for sometime a day after Delhi District Court acquitted the Congress leader Sajjan Kumar in one of the anti-Sikh riots cases. The protesters entered Subhash Nagar Metro Station at around 12:45 pm and sat on tracks. They blocked the services for sometimes. They were removed from the spot by the police. Following the incident, Delhi Metro closed the stations at Tilak Nagar and Subhash Nagar, where there is considerable population of Sikhs, for the public. "After 30 years we are yet to get justice. Government should feel ashamed. We will never forget and forgive who allowed culprits get scot free. We want justice," one of the protesters said. Kumar, a former Congress MP, was acquitted by a court here yesterday in one of the cases of 1984 anti-Sikh riots. Yesterday, a large number of people had gathered at the court comVEHICLE TRANSFER I Anil Basal S/O Lt. Faiza Ram R/O Miran sahib R S Pura JAMMU HAVE APPLIED FOR THE TRANSFER OF VEHICLE NO.JK02W-9906 IN FAVOUR OF Suresh Kumar S/O Piara Lal R/O Chaman Kamla JAMMU.OBJECTION IF ANY MAY BE CONVEYED TO RTO JAMMU WITHIN 7 DAYS.

Chinese civilians ...

VEHICLE TRANSFER I Madan Sharma S/O Sai Dass R/O Ahkhnoor JAMMU HAVE APPLIED FOR THE TRANSFER OF VEHICLE NO.JK02AA-7375 IN FAVOUR OF Arun Kumar S/O Tilak Raj R/O Purkhoo Domana Jammu .Objection If Any May Be Conveyed To Rto Jammu Within 7 Days. VEHICLE TRANSFER I Jagdesh Khorana S/O U N Khorana R/O Transport Nagar Jammu `have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02AB-1600 in favour of Tilak Raj Sharma S/O Ram Nand Sharma R/O Samba .Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days. VEHICLE TRANSFER I Sanjeev Mawa S/O J L Mawa R/O Kachhi Chawni Jammu `have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02F-5334 in favour of Om Parkash R/O Nanak Nagar Jammu.Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days. VEHICLE TRANSFER I Kulbir Singh S/O Gurdyal Singh R/O R S Pura Jammu `have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02D8379 in favour of Lakhwinder Singh S/O Ghara Singh R/O R S Pura Jammu.Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days. VEHICLE TRANSFER I Sunil Kumar S/O Prem Chand R/O Jallochak Jammu `have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02AH332 in favour of Bhupinder Singh S/O Prabhat Singh R/O Bantalab Jammu.Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I Vikas Transport Company R/O Plot No 79 Yard Transport Nagar Jammu `have applied for the duplicate Challan No 1959 Of Vehicle No JK02G-7907 ,Product Wheat Bags 156 Weight 77-95 .Objection if any one may be conveyed to Concerned Authority within 7 Days. VEHICLE TRANSFER I Ashok Sharma S/O Rattan Lal R/O Talab Tillo Jammu `have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02P-1069 in favour of Jarnail Singh S/O Lal Singh R/O Digiana Jammu .Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days. VEHICLE TRANSFER I Sham Lal Sharma S/O Bishan Dass Sharma R/O Patta Paloura Jammu `have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02AJ- 5101 in favour of Kashal Kumar S/O J L Ajrawat R/O Gorkha Nagar Jammu.Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days.

Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee in BJP national president Rajnath Singh. He was addressing party's swabhiman rally in Bareilly. Singh was also present on the occasion. Varun statement has come at a time when a section of BJP has openly demanded to make Gujrat chief minister Narendra Modi party's prime ministerial candidate in 2014 Lok Sabha elections. However, BJP's key ally Janta Dal United (JDU) has opposed Modi. JDU leader and Bihar chief minister had recently said that his party joined NDA because of Vajpayee who remained committed to coalition dharma and had secular ethics. Many feel that by comparing Rajnathi Singh with Vajpayee, Varun has dropped hint that Rajnath is also a prime ministerial candidate - the stand which may find support among BJP's allies as well. Addressing thousands of BJP workers, Varun showered praises on Rajnath and said that under his
TRANSFER NOTICE I Rashpal Majotra S/O Tilakraj R/O Bajlata ,Jammu have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02AW-9509 in favour of Latif Ahmed S/O Bashir Ahmed R/O Sidhra, Jammu .Objection if any one may be Conveyed to RTO Jammu With in 7 Days. VEHICLE TRANSFER I Kirti Parshad S/O Ram Krishan R/O Chatha Jammu `have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02BB-4077 in favour of Amarjeet Singh S/O Tirlok Singh R/O Simbal Morh Jammu.Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days.

Varun Gandhi ...

Patrolling ..
instructed not to make any aggressive gesture or get provoked by any action from across the LAC. They are to report any movement

Kamaal said these agencies never wish to see Kashmir peaceful. "Disturbances give them chance to trample Kashmiri people. Their agenda is to suppress Kashmiri's and they don't want peace in Kashmir," he said. He said that the intentions of the Army are not pure. "From last two years Kashmir is witnessing peace and these people (Army) don't want peace to continuously prevail in Kashmir," he said and added that when from last two years no IED was found in Srinagar then why on a special day Army claimed that it detected an IED. "Go and ask Army where they detected the IED. These people don't want that Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) should get revoked from Kashmir and they can go to any extent," he told CNS. Kamal further said that Army is responsible for all the mess in Kashmir."Army and other agencies try to give world a message that Kashmir is still a militancyprone area and situation is not conducive here," he said. Hitting hart at Congress party, Kamal said that it is not worth to trust. "We had compelsions during 2008 but we are free now and will contest 2014 Assembly Elections by our own," he said and added National Conference suffered a lot by forming coalition government with Congress. He said NC does not need Congress anymore, as this party is not trustworthy.
VEHICLE TRANSFER I Ashok Kumar S/O Bua Ditta R/O R S Pura,Jammu have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02AV-2770 in favour of Bharat Bhushan S/O Sansar Chand R/O Bishnah ,Jammu .Objection if any one may be Conveyed to RTO Jammu With in 7 Days. LOSS OF RC I Manohar Lal S/O Babu Ram R/O Chowadhi Jammu `have lost Registration Certificate of Vehicle No JK02S-4943 .Now I am applying for the same Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days. VEHICLE TRANSFER I Sunita Vaid W/O Lt K Vaid R/O Gandhi Nagar Jammu `have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02J0953 in favour of Harjeet Singh S/O Amar Singh R/O Nanak Nagar Jammu.Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days. VEHICLE TRANSFER

Army responsible ...

was described as "serious and critical" by the external affairs ministry. Sarabjit was languishing in Pakistan jail since 1990.

Sarab jit .. Singh

VEHICLE TRANSFER I Kamal Kumar S/O Parmanand R/O Hiranagar, Kathua have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02AC8665 in favour of Mangal Singh S/O Ujagar Singh R/O R S Pura jammu .Objection if any one may be Conveyed to RTO Jammu With in 7 Days. VEHICLE TRANSFER I Mohd Sadiq Khan S/O Ali Jahn R/O Sidhra JAMMU HAVE APPLIED FOR THE TRANSFER OF VEHICLE NO.JK02W-5186 IN FAVOUR OF Mumtaz Bibi W/O Bashir Ahmed R/O BYE PASS Sidhra JAMMU.OBJECTION IF ANY MAY BE CONVEYED TO RTO JAMMU WITHIN 7 DAYS.

I Harjit Singh S/O Man Singh R/O Chattha Farm Jammu `have lost Registration Certificate and Route Permit of Vehicle No JK02AD-1811 .Now I am applying for the same Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days. VEHICLE TRANSFER I Jagdeep Singh S/O Karnail Singh R/O Kirpind RS Pura JAMMU HAVE APPLIED FOR THE TRANSFER OF VEHICLE NO.JK02BB0513 IN FAVOUR OF Lakwinder Singh S/O Ranwak Singh R/O RS Pura JAMMU.OBJECTION IF ANY MAY BE CONVEYED TO RTO JAMMU WITHIN 7 DAYS.

VEHICLE TRANSFER I Parveen kumar Bali S/O T C Bali R/O Rehari Colony Jammu`have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02P-1030 in favour of Sanam Gulsaw S/O Lt Kawchak Rabzang R/O Leh .Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days. VEHICLE TRANSFER I Bindu Gupta D/ORaj Kumar R/O Shastri Nagar Jammu`have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02P9467 in favour of Baldev Singh S/O Makhan Singh R/O 112/C,Sanjay Nagar Jammu.Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days. LOSS OF RC I Amit Chowdhary S/O Krishan Chowdhary R/O Gangyal Jammu `have lost Registration Certificate of Vehicle No JK02B7269 .Now I am applying for the same Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days.


I Ashok Kumar Bakshi S/O Inder Raj Bakshi R/O Last Morh Gandhi Nagar Jammu `have lost Driving License No. JK0220070009134/COMP .Now I am applying for the same Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days.
VEHICLE TRANSFER I Smt Kaneez Fatima W/O Mohd Iqbal R/O Rice Mill Jammu `have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02AV-7969 in favour of Mohd Ali S/O Mohd Kazim R/O Kargil .Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days.

I Subash Chander Raina S/O Lt S N Raina R/O Channi Rama Jammu intend to issue the No Objection Certificate of V ehicle No JK02A V-4712 to Lucknow . Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days.

LOSS OF ROUTE PERMIT I Gurdeep Singh S/O Kehar Singh R/O Kathua `have lost Route Permit bearing No 15081/JP/RTAJ of Vehicle No JK02W-4065 .Now I am applying for the same Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days.
LOSS OF ROOT PERMIT I Harjit Singh S/O Man Singh R/O Chattha,Jammu have lost Route Permit and Registration Certificate of Vehicle No JK02AD-1811.Now I am applying duplicate for the same Objection if any one may be Conveyed to RTO Jammu With in 7 Days

I PURAN CHANDB S/O BEHARI LAL R/O NARWAL JAMMU HAVE LOST THE RC OF VEHICLE NO.D/LNO 407/MVD/J. NOW I AM APPLYING FOR DUPLICATE OF THE SAME. OBJECTION IF ANY MAY BE CONVEYED TO RTO JAMMU WITHIN 7 DAYS. VEHICLE TRANSFER I Sandeep S/O Sita Ram R/O Hakkal Jammu `have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02AM-4283 in favour of Tej Pal Singh S/O Bachchu Singh R/O Bari Brahanna SIDCO Jammu .Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days. VEHICLE TRANSFER I Nariender Sharma S/O CHUNNI LAL R/O Samba `have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02G-8402 in favour of Ramesh Kumar Bhat S/O G N Bhat R/O Subash NagarJammu .Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days. VEHICLE TRANSFER I Janak Raj S/O Munshi Ram R/O Chowadhi Saink Coloney Jammu `have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02AJ-4620 in favour of Rattan Singh S/O Abbey Singh R/O Chowadhi Jammu .Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days.

I Sunil Kumar S/O Heera Lal R/O Jogi Gate Jammu`have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02AC-9361 in favour of Shabir Hussain Shah S/O Hadayad Shah R/O Rajouri .Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days.

I Arun Kumar Gupta S/O Brij Lal Gupta R/O Fruit Market Narwal Jammu`have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02AN-0063 in favour of Vishal Kumar S/O Ashok Kumar Abrol R/O Janipur Coloney,Jammu .Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days.

I Vikas Transport Company R/O Plot No 79 Yard Transport Nagar Jammu `have applied for the duplicate Challan No 1563 Of Vehicle No JK02G-5415 ,Product Atta Bags 154 Weight 77-20 .Objection if any one may be conveyed to Concerned Authority within 7 Days. LOSS OF RC

I Prof C S Sudan S/O Hakam Singh R/O University New campus Jammu`have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02AP-5477 in favour of Sunil Chopra S/O Surinder Chopra R/O Rehari Coloney,Jammu .Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days.
VEHICLE TRANSFER I Chandan Dutta S/O B L Dutta R/O Rehari Coloney Jammu`have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02V907 in favour of Ajay Gupta S/O Sardari Lal R/O Shakti Nagar ,Jammu .Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days. TRANSFER NOTICE I Noor Alam Chowdary S/O Mohd Din R/O Akhnoor Jammu`have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02AA-5859 in favour of Balbir Singh S/O Jodh Singh R/O Samba ,Jammu .Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days.

I Manohar Lal S/O Babu Ram R/O Chowadhi ,Jammu have lost thr Registration certificate of Vehicle No JK02AS-4943 i.Now I am applying for the same .Objection if any one may be Conveyed to RTO Jammu with in 7 Days
DUPLICATE OF RC I K R Kohli S/O M R Kohli R/O Channi Himmat Jammu `have applied for the transfer of Vehicle No JK02N0620 in favour of Sunil Kumar S/O Gopal Dass R/O Samba .Objection if any one may be conveyed to RTO Jammu within 7 Days.

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Vikar lays foundation of Rs. 4 Cr Project of Receiving Station at Banihal
Says measures afoot to make J&K a Model State
SRINAGAR, MAY 01: Minister of State for Technical Education, Power and Social Welfare Vikar Rasool Wednesday said that Government is committed to extend basic facilities to people living in far flung and remote areas of the State, adding that several measures have already been initiated by the government to provide basic amenities to people. The Minister was addressing a public meeting after laying foundation stone of receiving station at Akhadhal Banihal, being constructed at a cost of Rs 4 crore to ensure uninterrupted power supply to the people of the area. He said as many as 30,000 population of Pogal Paristan will be benefitted by the project and government has formulated massive developmental projects for improving the socioeconomic conditions of people. Efforts are being put in to make J&K a model State, the Minister added. Directing the officers of PDD to work with sincerity and dedication, the Minister said that the steps taken by government for improving power scenario need support of people and enthusiastic attitude of government functionaries

SRINAGAR MAY 01: Minister of State for PHE, Irrigation and Flood Control Mr. Nazir Ahmad Gurezi today said that Government has launched several welfare and developmental projects for the overall development of all three regions to make J&K a model State. He said that focussed attention has been given to upgrade the basic amenities like health care, road connectivity, education, power, drinking water and civic amenities in the rural and remote areas of the State. The Minister was addressing a well attended public gathering at Purni Tulail in Gurez Constituency. Highlighting several landmark initiatives taken by the Government, Mr. Gurezi said that it is because of the efforts of Chief Minister Omar Abdullah that a good number of universities, colleges and hospitals established in the State which speaks itself the success story of the Government. He appealed the people to strengthen the hands of Omar Abdullah in making the Jammu and Kashmir a developed, pro-

Gurezi for the development Mian Altaf inspects educational of remote areas institutions at Ganderbal, Kangan
gressive and prosperous State. He asked to people to come forward and avail the benefits of several welfare schemes launched by the Government. Referring to the developmental works under execution in Gurez Tehsil, the Minister said that the construction work on several micro and macro projects under different sectors is in full swing. He said that various welfare projects has been sanctioned for the area and work on these projects will also be started soon adding that on completion of these projects, it will minimize the problems of the people. Responding to the demands put forth by the locals, Mr. Gurezi assured them that their all genuine demands will be taken up with the concerned authorities for appropriate disposal. He announced construction of play ground in Tulail area. He further said that Helipad will be constructed in Purni Tulail to mitigate the problems of the people which they faced during winter season.

Inaugurates Computer Lab, takes stock of educational infrastructure

KANGAN MAY 01: Minister for Forests, Ecology and Environment, Mian Altaf Ahmad today inspected several educational institutions at Kangan and Ganderbal besides taking stock of under construction educational infrastructural and the facilities being provided to the students. The Minister inspected Government High School, Nunner, Kangan, Wussan, Higher Secondary School Manigam, Cheerwan, Hari Ganiwan and Girls Higher Secondary School Kangan. The Minister also inaugurated computer lab at High School Nunner. Director School Education, Mir Tariq Ali, Chief Education Officer, Ganderbal, Mir Sonaullah, Zonal Education Officers of Ganderbal and Kangan besides senior engineers of R&B department accompanied the Minister. The Minister asked the teachers to take their duties serious and work with full zeal besides ensuring providing quality education to the students. He instructed teachers to redouble their efforts for increasing the pass percentage of the students in Board examinations. Asking students to take the benefits of the facilities being provided in the schools, the Minister said that Government has taken several initiatives for creating educational infrastructure besides upgrading educational standards in the State. The Minister asked officers to speed up work on under execution projects and ensure that projects taken up under education sector in the district are completed in time. He instructed Director to provide requisite furniture to the government run schools as per their requirement. Director, Mir Tariq asked the teachers to conduct survey of their respective areas and hold parents' meet so that roll of students in the Government run schools is increased. Asking teachers to ensure punctuality in the schools, the Director said that every effort is being made to improve the facilities in the educational institutions. The Minister was informed that over Rs. 12 crore are being spent on creation of additional accommodation in the Ganderbal district while new building for Boys Higher Secondary School, Hari Ganiwan, coming at a cost of Rs. 94.45 lakh is expected to be completed by next month. He announced release of funds for fencing of the school premises out of his Constitutional Development Fund. The Minister directed the engineer of R&B to upgrade the approach roads of the educational institutions so that students do not face any problem to attend their routine class work.

Kichloo presides over 'Sham-i-Ulfat' at Kishtwar Calls for preserving, showcasing rich culture, art & heritage of the State
KISHTWAR MAY 01: The Minister of State for Industries & Commerce, Home, R&B, Mechanical Engineering, Housing and Urban Development, Tourism and Culture, Mr. Sajjad Ahmed Kichloo has called for preserving and show casing the district and unique culture, art and heritage of all the three regions of the State. The Minister was speaking at an impressive literacy function, ''Sham-i-Ulfat'' held last night in Kishtwar. A galaxy of prominent writers, intellectuals and singers attended the function. The prominent poets recited their latest Ghazals and enthralled the audience. The Minister on this occasion released a latest book of Ulfat Kashmir. The function was organized by the J&K Academy of Art, Culture and Languages. A variety cultural programme including singing of Ghazals public durbar at his residence wherein officers representing various departments explained their schemes to the people. Managing Director, JK Minerals apprised about the progress in Saphire exploration, Lead and Gypsum Mining. The officials from Handloom Development Corporation told about their schemes to uplift the marketing of Kishtwari blankets, Pattu and Loi. They also informed about opening of a showroom of handlooms in Kishtwar. General Manager, SICOP and officials from Industries department apprised about local employment, industrial estate and the incentives, subsidy etc. for opening new industrial units. Officials from Employment Department, Horticulture, SIDCO etc also spoke of their respective employment generation schemes.

Govt to provide necessary assistance to earthquake victims: Sagar

SRINAGAR MAY 01: said that the Day being celebrated globally is aimed at solving the problem confronting labourers and strengthening them to live on honourable and dignified life by extending all possible facilities at par with other sections of the society. The function was also addressing by Director Tourism and Managing Director, JKTDC. The officers highlighted the historical importance of the Day and assured that their departments will leave no stone unturned in improving the lot of labour class of the State. Minister for Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Mr. Ali Mohammad Sagar has said that the Government will extend all the support to the earthquake victims of the Doda and Kishtwar districts. The Minister further said that the necessary instructions have been conveyed to the concerned District Administration to assess the loss caused to various structures, so that necessary relief can be provided to them at an earliest. Mr. Sagar also sympathized with the affected people who have been injured as a result of the earthquake and assured them that all possible help would be extended to them.

Labour Day held at TRC

Govt committed for welfare of labour class: GA Mir

SRINAGAR MAY 01: As a part of International Labour Day, an impressive function was held at TRC here today. Minister for Tourism, Mr. G.A. Mir presided over the function while as Director Tourism, Mr. Talat Paraiz and Managing Director JKTDC, Mr. Shamim Ahmad and large number of labourers attended the function. Highlighting the importance of the Day, the Minister said that the Labour class is the basic component of the society who put in their blood and sweat in raising the infrastructure of various vital institution. Lauding the contribution of JKTDC employees in extending all possible facilities to visiting tourists to the State and also in providing hospitality, the Minister said that the Corporation has earned name and fame in length and breadth of the State as well as at national level for their contribution in boosting tourism sector for improving socio-economic condition of people. Referring to the celebration of May-Day for the upliftment and betterment of labour class, the Minister

was also held on the occasion. Mr. Kichloo today chaired a function organised by Tariq Memorial Trust at Islamia Faridiya Higher Secondary School. Welcoming the Minister and the guests, Mr. Aijaz Sheikh and Mr. Ghulam Sheikh gave a brief account of various activities undertaken by the trust. They apprised the gath-

ering that the trust regularly donates the money for books, study material and other activities for needy and poor students. The trust handed over a cheque of Rs. 41,170 to the school for the same purpose. Later, the Minister distributed uniform, books and scholarships among the students. After this, the Minister held a

CS reviews dev works, emphasis expeditious execution of WSSs

Savita Bakshi's book 'Sangeet Savita' hit stalls

JAMMU, MAY 1: Savita Bakshi's book 'Sangeet Savita' -a detailed description on Music, hit the stalls as the book was released by the Minister for Housing, Horticulture and Culture here yesterday. The Book is outcome of the writer's personal experience in the field of Music spanning nearly four decades. The Book is highly useful for Music Lovers, teachers and students pursuing graduation and post graduation courses in the field , as it dwells on different aspects of Music, scientific study , technical terms , Ragas its relation with seasons , time emotions etc. Divided in seven parts, the book has attempted to put the literature on Music, normally available in Sanskrit, in simple and understandable Hindi Language.

Asks officers to focus on agriculture, horticulture for rural transformation

With image CS SAMBA, MAY 01- Chief Secretary, Iqbal Khandey, on Wednesday exhorted upon district dispensation of Samba to expedite works on Water Supply Schemes being executed in the district as the people of this kandi belt have to face a lot in this regard, especially in summer months. The CS was chairing a meeting held to review the pace of progress on developmental projects being executed under various state and centrally sponsored schemes. Divisional Commissioner, Jammu, Pradeep Gupta along with Director, School Education, Jammu, Director Health Services, Jammu and Chief Engineers PWD (R&B), EM&RE, PHE and PMGSY besides other district officers were present on the occasion. The CS had a threadbare discussion on all major developmental works and other issues related to health, education, agriculture, horticulture, social welfare, drinking water supply and road connectivity. He asked the officers to explore possibilities and formulate project proposals on sectors having potential to accelerate economic development and employment in the district. The CS directed the Chief Engineer PDD to address the issue regarding buffer stock of transformers besides instructing Chief Engineers of PHE and PWD for expediting works on water supply and road connectivity programmes. While reviewing performance of Agriculture and Horticulture departments, the Chief

Govt keen to tap Horticulture potential in Jammu region: Bhalla

Tours Akhnoor, Marh blocks to assess position of fruit Veg production

Secretary laid emphasis on paying focused attention on these sectors as these play a pivotal role in socio-economic emancipation of rural masses. He asked the concerned officers to ensure that the field functionaries conduct regular visits to their respective areas for effective implementation of various schemes under Agriculture, Horticulture, Fisheries, Rural Development etc. District Development Commissioner, Samba, R.K Verma, presented a resume of physical and financial achievements of the schemes and projects being implemented in the district through Power Point Presentation. He said that almost all the departments have registered 100% achievement against available amount. It was informed that Rs. 21.09 crore and Rs. 18.32 crore have been expended under capital component and revenue component respectively, which make the expenditure to the tune of 99%.

JKVDA felicitates new Director AH

JAMMU, MAY 1: The J&K Veterinary Doctors Association (JKVDA), led by President Dr Zafar Iqbal today welcomed Dr. R P Chauhan, who took over the charge as new Director, Animal Husbandry here today at a simple but impressive function. The Director was presented a banquet by the Association members including Dr. Rahul Dev, Secretary, Dr. Jaswant Singh, Publicity Secretary, Dr. Vinay Vishal Sharma, Treasurer, Dr. Majid Iqbal, District Executive and given a warm reception. Dr. R P Chauhan is a graduate from College of Veterinary Sciences, Punjab Agricultural University and started his carrier in the Department as Veterinary Assistant Surgeon in the year 1977. He worked on all the key positions of the department in various capacities in both the Divisions of J&K. He is an expert of cattle and buffalo development and also possesses a vast experience in the field of poultry and in addition he is a very efficient Administrator.

Mir dedicates Mobile Plant Health Clinic Van to Udhampur farmers

UDHAMPUR MAY 01: The Mobile Plant Health Clinic act as an early warning system for detection of diseases & pests to avoid yield loss and also help in collecting location specific useful information of diagnosis and surveillance at the door step of the farmers. This was disclosed by the Minister for Agriculture Mr. Ghulam Hassan Mir, after dedicating a Mobile Plant Health Clinic Van to District Udhampur and inaugurating one day block level Kissan Mela organized by Department of Agriculture Udhampur under ATMA at Village Neeli Nallah (Jib). MLA Udhampur, Mr. Balwant Singh Mankotia, was also present at the Kisan Mela attended by about 500 men and women farmers of the area. Highlighting the features of the Mobile Plant health Clinic, Mr Mir said that it help in extending comprehensive free diagnostic and Advisory Service right at the farmers' field besides providing on spot quicker diagnosis of crop disorder and remedial measures. He further added that such melas are the need of the hour to apprise the farming community regarding the ongoing schemes and level of subsidy available with the departments. He further said that a subsidy to the tune of Rs. 28.35 lacs has been distributed among the beneficiaries of the district for agriculture machinery under different CSSSchemes to make hill agriculture easier. He added that 15.55qtls of Ajay Khajuria, Director of Agriculture, Jammu said that the convergence of all stakeholders under one umbrella will act as a platform to work out the future course of action for increasing the production and productivity level of farming community and raise their Socio-economic status. He advised the farmers to take full benefit of such camps and grow crops having high demand in the market. The main attraction of the Kissan mela were stalls installed by different departments including Horticulture, Sericulture, Sheep Husbandry, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Floriculture, Apiculture, and private players. Sarpanchs, Panchs and farmers of the area appreciated the move of the department and evinced keen interest in the activities. They desired that such types of events should be organized on regular intervals so that better farming practices can be inculcated to farming community. Mr. K.S. Sambyal, Chief Agriculture Officer, Udhampur presented the vote of thanks. Besides Additional Deputy Commissioner Udhampur, Surat Singh, Mr. Ashwani Sharma, Dy Director Sericulture, Mr. Ashok Gupta District Sheep Husbandry Officer, Mr. A.S Bali, Chief Horticulture Officer, Chief Animal Husbandry Officer and Agriculture staff of the district were also present at the mela.

Elephant Garlic (Ganthia) seed and 4.20 qtls of local Rajmash seed had been distributed among the farmers of the district to conserve the local germplasm and to boost production. The organic farming is also being promoted in the district by the department for better returns and sustainability, he added. He further said that such type of melas shall explore new vistas in the field of Agriculture and allied sector and help in increasing the farmers' income, easing drudgery and rural indebitness. He also declared Neeli-nallah as Model Village for Agriculture activi-

ties which will serve as role model for all the surrounding villages of the district. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Balwant Singh Mankotia said that since rural economy of the district was primarily agriculture based, the farmers should take the advantage of such melas and adopt the technical know-how provided to them in their fields to uplift their economic status. He also commended the efforts of the department towards popularizing use of Agriculture Machinery and implements in rural areas of the district. While addressing the farmers Mr.

JAMMU MAY 01: Minister for Housing, Horticulture and Culture, Raman Bhalla today conducted an extensive tour of Marh and Akhnoor blocks to assess the position of fruit and vegetable production in private and government orchards. Accompanied by Director Agriculture, Dr. Anil Kumar Sharma, Chief Horticulture Officer, Mr. J.L. Raina, District Horticulture Officer, Mr K.S. Raina and other senior officers of concerned departments, the Minister visited Ghari and Nai Basti in Akhnoor and Sangrampur in Marh. During his visit, the Minister interacted with farmers and asked them to avail benefits of schemes launched by centre and state government. He asked the farmers to plant high density plants for more productivity and harvesting adding that the centre government is providing liberal funding for Horticulture sector as it could go a long

way in raising the socioeconomic condition of people especially farming community. Mr. Bhalla also inspected Polygreen House Structures, Vermi Compost Units which can produce quality manure for high productivity adding that preventive measures such as active use of pesticides would save the produce from diseases. He asked the department to prepare nurseries for demonstration to bring awareness among farmers so that more people would come forward to adopt horticulture. The Minister underscored the need for proper implementation of state and centrally sponsored schemes. The Minister asked the officers concerned to chalk out strategies and explore possibilities to revive the degraded orchards. He said better production of quality fruits and vegetables would help to meet the huge demand in the local markets and benefit both the farmers and consumers.

Mr. Bhalla said that under National Mission of Micro Irrigation, sprinkle and drift technology have been introduced in various districts for irrigation purpose. He said the technology facilitates judicious use of water in water stressed areas and the government was providing seventy five percent subsidy to the farmers, including 50 percent by centre and 25 percent by state government, on the equipments used. The director told the minister that 25 hectare land have been covered in kandi areas of Tehsil Akhnoor under Horticulture Mission which has shown viable results. He said kandi areas have huge Horticulture potential and many people are coming forward to develop orchids in their lands At Government Garhi Orchard Nursery and Nai Basti Akhnoor, the farmers demanded community centre and fiber shed for which the Minister said that their demands would be fulfilled on priority.

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CBSE Set May 2 Deadlines for Raising Objection on JEE Answer
NEW DELHI: Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), has fixed May 2, 2013 as the deadline for students to raise their objection on the answer key released recently against the questions asked in the examination. As per sources, the answer sheets of new pattern of JEE examination held on April 7 was released by CBSE. In addition, the candidates can highlight the discrepancy in the answer sheet displayed on the board website. Thereafter, they can send it to board office. According to an official circular issued by the board, all those candidates who have appeared for the JEE examination have the permission to challenge the recorded responses. In case, if there is any discrepancy from the one they had marked on the OMR sheet. Furthermore, this year, the Ministry of Human Resource & Development (MHRD)

Special Class Railway Apprentice Examination

Introduction Direct Recruitment to the Special Class Railway Apprentices' is made through the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) on the basis of the Annual Competitive Examinations. Recruitment to the Indian Railway Traffic Service (IRTS) and the Indian Railway Accounts Service (IRAS) is done on the basis of the result of the Civil Services Examination (The Indian Administrative service examination) and that to the Indian Railway services of Engineers (IRSE), Indian Railway Service of Electrical Engineers (IRSEE) and Indian Railway Services Stores (IRSS) is made on the basis of the Combined Engineering Service Examination. Recruitment of Clerks, Assistant Station masters, Ticket Collectors, train Collectors and other vacancies is also done through direct recruitment by the Railway Recruitment Boards in year examination under the three-year degree course in the first or second division with Mathematics and either Physics or Chemistry as subjects of the Examination may also apply; provided the first/second year examination is conducted by a University g Must have passed in the first or second division the Pre-Engineering Examination of a University, approved by the Government of India g Must have passed in the first or second division the Pre-Professional/ Pre- Technological Examination of any Indian University or a recognized Board, with Mathematics and at least, one of the subjects Physics and Chemistry as subjects of the examination conducted one year after the Higher Secondary or Pre-University stage; g Must have passed the first year examination under the five year Engineering Degree Course of They will be asked questions on matters of general interest. Special attention will be paid to assessing their potential qualities of leadership, initiative and intellectual curiosity, tact and other social qualities , mental and physical energy, power of practical application and integrity of character. Exam centers Agartala, Gangtok, Panaji (goa), Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Patna, Aizwal, Imphal, Port blair, Allahabad, Itanagar, Raipur, Bangalore, Jaipur, Ranchi, Bareilly, Jammu, Sambalpur, Bhopal, Jorhat, Shillong, Chandigarh, Kochi, Shimla, Chennai, Kohima , Srinagar, Cuttack, Kolkata, Thiruvanathapuram, Dehradun, Lucknow, Tirupati, Delhi, Madurai, Udaipur, Dharwar, Mumbai, Vishakhapatnam, Dispur, Nagpur Terms and Conditions of apprenticeship for special Class Apprentices selected through the

replaced all engineering entrance examination by a single JEE. Besides, a change in has been adopted in the selection procedure for IITs, NITs and other centrally funded institutes also come into action, this year.

How to Improve Math Skills at Home

One of the most difficult things to master in any educational level is math. The unrelenting logic behind every process and equation is just very hard to ingrain in your head. Add to that the fact that there are so many variations for a single equation yet you can only choose one or two of them to prove or solve an equation the right way. Looking back at the mistakes I made before, I could see logic in both my equations and the correct equations. It made me realize that this is just the kind of thing that gets really confusing really quickly. It is on this point that I would like to stress that you should thus sharpen your mind at home. Remedial math is one of the most hassling endeavors and you would not want to have to deal with that. You need to find a way to improve your skills efficiently. One possibility that you probably never considered would be the fact that you need a math tutorial to help you cope with your math woes. Another would be simply to take the time and disseminate everything on your own and take responsibility for your commitment to education. These are two of the more simple considerations for you, but you can rest totally assured that they are the more important things to keep in mind. Taking care of problems that you may have can be a rather confusing process, so we should keep things as simple as possible. Getting an online math tutor is one of the best ideas you could have when you just aren't able to handle your math subject in an effective manner. Sometimes, all of the various exercises and self studying we do is not enough. Sometimes we have to find someone to help us every step of the way. You need to go find a math tutorial class that you can find. The problem, you see, is that you have to get into remedial math if you fail your math class, and everybody knows how much of a hassle that can be. The problem with getting a tutor is actually simple; efficiency. Tutors can be expensive and inflexible. It is hard to create a schedule that will be easy for the both of you and their costs are so high. What you need is something more flexible, cheap and effective. A really good idea is to go get online math tutorials. Though this is the lesser taken path, another consideration would be for you to grow up and get with it. You are already well aware of your shortcomings as a student, and that being your responsibility you should be in integrity with your education. This would therefore mean that you have to take the time to disseminate all the problems that you have been encountering with math. Take the time to flesh out all the facts, equations, or theories that keep you flummoxed. Look for the root of the confusion, and recreate a new foundation where you have a clearer understanding of the process in itself. This will be long and tedious, but you can rest assured that by the time you are done, you will be able to have a heightened grasp of the subject matter, as well as a better understanding of yourself as a learning creature. An online math tutorial is cheap, and you can find really good teachers. Websites that offer these services would even go as far as to find the teachers and subjects that you need to have. Apart from that, you could take the less popular route and deal with it on your own and be responsible for your shortcomings. Either would require a person to be humble and committed to remedying their mistake. The former though, sounds much more practical. This is because it will allow you to get consultations from professionals on the subject. They will be able to dumb down theories and equations in order to help you gain a better grasp of the subject matter. Take the time and find the help. You could go and do things on your own, but you can never be sure if you do it alone.

different states. Depending upon the vacancies that arise, these boards call out for exams for different posts. These Boards are located at 19 centres in Allahabad (, Ahmedabad, Ajmer (, Chandigarh, Jammu, Gorakhpur, Patna ( , Guwahati, Calcutta, Bhubaneswar(, Chennai (, Trivandrum, Bangalore, Secunderabad (, Mumbai, Bhopal , Malda, Ranchi etc. The Boards advertise the vacancies through newspapers and the Employment News and conduct both written examinations and interviews. Recruitment is made in the lowest grades to these categories and prescribed qualification is generally matriculation. For some posts like Commercial Apprentice, Traffic Apprentice, Asstt. Station Master, Clerk Grade I, guards etc., prescribed qualification is a degree from a recognized University. For Recruitment to the Indian Railway Service Mechanical Department, there is a dual method, one is by Combined Engineering Service Examination and the other is UPSC Special Class Railway Apprentices' Examination. Approximately, 50 percent are recruited as the Special Class Railway Apprentices through the U.P.S.C. Exam. This examination is held once a year, generally in the month of July. Eligibility: A candidate must be either a citizen of India, or a subject of Nepal, or a subject of Bhutan, or a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 1st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India. or a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia or from Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India. Educational qualification: o For admission to the examination a candidate must have passed in the first or second division, the Intermediate or an equivalent Examination of a University or Board approved by the Government of India with Mathematics and at least one of the subjects Physics and Chemistry as subjects of the examination. Graduates with Mathematics and at least one of the subjects Physics and Chemistry as their degree subjects may also apply, g Must have passed in the first or second division, the Higher Secondary (12 years) Examination under 10 plus 2 pattern of School Education with Mathematics and at least one of the subjects Physics and Chemistry as subjects of the examination, g Must have passed the first year Examination under the three year degree course of a university or the first examination of the three year diploma course in Rural Service of the National Council for Rural Higher Education g Candidates who have passed the first/second

a University: Provided that before joining the Degree Course, he passed the Higher Secondary Examination or pre-University or equivalent examination in the first or second division. g Candidates who have passed the first year Examination of the five-year Engineering Degree Course in the first or second division may also apply provided the first year Examination is conducted by a University g Must have passed in the first or second division the Pre-Degree Examination of the Universities of Kerala and Calicut with Mathematics and at least one of the subjects Physics and Chemistry as subjects of the examination. Age: Minimum 17 years and maximum age should be less than 21 years as on August 1 of the year of examination. Age is relaxable for SC/ST and certain other categories. Scheme of Examination: The examination is conducted according to the following plan Part I - Written Examination carrying a maximum of 600 marks in the subject as shown below. Part II - Personality Test carrying a maximum of 200 marks in respect of only those candidates who are declared qualified on the results of written examination. 1. The Subject of the Written Examination the time allowed and the maximum marks allotted to each subject are as follows: Paper I - General Ability Test (English, General knowledge and Psychological Test) 2 hours and 200 marks. Paper II - Physical science (Physics and Chemistry) 2 hours and 200 marks. Paper III -Mathematics 2 hours and 200 marks 2. The papers in all the Subjects will consist of objective type questions only. The question papers (Test Booklets) are set in English only. 3. In the question papers, wherever necessary, questions involving the Metric System of Weights and Measures only will be set. 4. Question Papers is approximately of the Intermediate standard. 5. Candidates must write the paper s in their own hand .In no circumstances are they allowed the help of a scribe to write the answers for them 6. The commission has discretion to fix qualifying marks in any or all the subjects as the examination. 7. The candidates are not permitted to use calculators or mathematical or Logarithmic tables for answering objective type papers (test Booklets). They should not, therefore .bring the same inside examination hall. Personality Test - Personality Test carrying a maximum of 200 marks in respect of only those candidates who are declared qualified on the results of written examination. Each candidate will be interviewed by a Board who will have before them a record of his career both academic and extramural.

Examination The terms and conditions of Apprenticeship are as set out in the form of agreement prescribed in the Indian railway Establishment manual, brief particulars of which are given below: o A candidate offered appointment as a Special Class Railway Apprentice has to execute an agreement in the prescribed form binding himself and one surety jointly and severally, to refund ,in the event of his failing to complete training as Special class Railway Apprentice or to accept the service as an officer on probation in the Indian Railway service of Mechanical Engineers. o The practical and theoretical training referred to above will be given in a railway workshop for four years of their Apprenticeship. Special Class apprentices must pass within this period either parts 1 and 2 of the council of Engineering Institutions Examination (London) or section 'A' and 'B' of the associate membership of Institution of Engineers India) Examinations. The apprentices are be granted a stipend of Rs.1300 per mensem during the 1st and 2nd years and Rs. 1400 per mensem during the 3rd and 4th years. During the apprenticeship, the candidates will be required to undergo both theoretical and practical training. There will be in all six Semester examinations passing each of which is compulsory. Note: Except as provided for in paragraph 4 below or in cases of discharge or dismissal due to insubordination, intemperance or other misconduct or breach of agreement a week's notice of discharge from apprenticeship will be given. o Before the completion of 4th year of training referred to in paragraph 2 above ,the apprentices will be listed in order of merit on the results of the examination held and the reports on the apprentices received during the period of apprenticeship. Successful apprentices are appointed on probation for 3 years in the Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineers. o Unsuccessful apprentices are discharged from their apprenticeship, one month's notice of discharge being given along with the intimation that the apprentice has been unsuccessful. o After Successful completion of 4 years apprenticeship, the apprentices are appointed as probationers in the Indian Railway Service of mechanical Engineers, as per specified rules. Application Procedure: The UPSC have developed an application form common for all their examinations which will be processed on computerized machines. This application form along with an Information Brochure containing general instructions for filling up the form, an acknowledgement card and an envelope for sending the application is obtainable from the designated Head Post Offices/Post Offices throughout the country.

College on Wheels for Delhi students

NEW DELHI: The Delhi government will give assistance to University of Delhi for starting "College on Wheels", a study tour for students across the country, Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit said on Wednesday. "The Delhi government would definitely help the University of Delhi in commissioning a project called 'College on Wheels' inside a train moving to various cities in different parts of the country. It would be an educational excursion," Dikshit said. She was speaking at the 91st Foundation Day celebrations of the University of Delhi. The varsity is in talks with Indian Railway

Catering and Tourism Corporation (ICRTC) to work out the modalities of the project.

Delhi University plans to buy train to take learning beyond classroom

British exam board outsources marking to India

LONDON: A major exam board has become the first in Britain to outsource marking to India as part of a cost-cutting project aimed at speeding up the assessment process. City & Guilds has been sending off thousands of papers to be marked by an education firm based in Bangalore as part of a pilot scheme. It had started outsourcing marking to MeritTrac as part of the scheme launched 18 months ago. "We have been undertaking a comprehensive pilot to meet market demand for a 20-day turnaround for marking ondemand exams. We have made a substantial investment in a more flexible way of marking, which we are piloting for tests with clearly defined marking schemes for right and wrong answers. This pilot accounts for 2.8 per cent of exams marked in the past year," the board said in a statement. "Highlyexperienced, subject-matter experts continuously monitor and uphold our standards. All of our markers, no matter where they are based, undergo the same rigorous, extensive selection and training processes - in fact they are trained face-to-face by our chief examiners, alongside our senior exam team," it added. The deal involves functional skills exams, which can be taken at any time of the year requiring access to a large team of established markers who could quickly turn papers around en masse. Functional skills exams are taken in schools, colleges and work-based training centers and were developed in response to employers' concerns over the practical application of basic skills. Other exam boards in the UK have previously outsourced data entry to firms based overseas but experts believe this may be the first deal of its kind to involve marking. However, not all academics are convinced about the merits of outsourcing the marking process. "The idea of putting call centres in India was that you had a very highlyeducated workforce who can get the job done more efficiently and cheaper than in this country. But you try ringing BT (British Telecom) and it is incredibly hard to get any kind of technical advice out of them," Prof Alan Smithers, director of the Centre for Education and Employment Research at Buckingham University said."I have no doubt about the qualifications of the Indian people involved, but what experience do they have of the courses that are being delivered in this country," he said.

Delhi University is exploring the possibility of "buying" a train from Indian Railways to take learning beyond the confines of a classroom. The University used to rent a train from Indian Railways for its 'Gyanodya Express - An Educational Train Journey'. The special cross-country train journey is an allexpense-paid trip where students are nominated by the respective colleges. "We are exploring the possibility of buying a train. We used to take on rent a train for this initiative," Delhi University Vice-Chancellor Dinesh Singh said on the sidelines of the 91st Foundation Day of the varsity. He said they were looking for funds from the Centre and State as well as from the University coffers. DU Registrar Alka Sharma said the proposal is in a "very

initial stage". "It is under consideration and requires a lot of things to be worked out. Finance needs to be worked out. Conceptually we are there but the logistics needs to be worked out," she said. Singh said Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit has assured the University full support with regard to funding. "We will give full support to the initiatives taken by the varsity. The institute comes under the purview of the Central Government but before that the students are a part of Delhi itself," she said at the function.Singh said he had discussed with Dikshit the University's new plans and her response was encouraging."I also discussed the University's new project Gyanodaya Express, an educational train which I

want the university to own. Whatever I have discussed with her so far, she has said she is with us and will fully support us," he said.Recalling her days in Delhi University, Dikshit said "to compete with the leading universities of the world, we need to focus on such initiatives to ensure skill development of our students apart from academics."What Delhi University does today, rest of the Indian universities will do tomorrow," said Dikshit.The Chief Minister said she along with her husband went to Cambridge to pursue a course after her post-graduation, but she felt that it was just like an extension of Delhi University.ViceChancellor Dinesh Singh said the process is on to buy the train.

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boosting India's overall exports and also speak directly to the Obama Administration's 'Asian rebalance', without being implicated of putting India in the 'US camp'? There is. The US could support India to become a member of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. The 21 APEC countries account for about 44 per cent of global trade, and have a per capita income of around $31,000. APEC membership for India would thus permit easier access to a large and rich potential market, including Latin America. Indian businesses would be able to directly interact with 30 major APEC working groups, in order to boost India's economic participation in the Asia-Pacific. APEC membership is also a pre-requisite for membership to the huge Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement. While an FTA with the US remains a remote prospect, India could eventually be a part of a free trade multilateral that includes the US, creating a theatre where India's 'Look East' meets the US 'Asian rebalance'. If India is interested in joining APEC - and it has reportedly signalled that it is ready - then it must realise that not only is US support essential, it is also a major roadblock for India's membership. This process, which will be largely run by the office of the US Trade Representative, will by default work on different imperatives than the overarching strategic themes. In the transactional paradigm that underwrites trade discussions, for the US, support for APEC membership is a huge carrot to offer India. It will probably not be had without some measurable reciprocity. For India, the age of relying on US largesse with major policy initiatives is over. At the transactional level, there isn't a lot of sentiment to do India any favours. If India wants US support to get into APEC, it has to go get it by putting something on the table acceptable to its own constituencies - that the USTR will be interested in as a policy-win. The process of the US enabling India's membership in APEC is thus a two-way street. The US has to decide if it wants its India-trade relationship to be defined by the ability to sell pet food. India must decide if it wants its US trade relationship to be defined by the ability to resist American milk products. If Purina versus Amul is the title fight, then the trade relationship's contribution to the overall strategic relationship would be akin to that of American showman and scam artist PT Barnum to reality. On the other hand, a US move to support India's membership of APEC, a process in which India could help itself, would show ambition in the broader strategic relationship. and help it move from a modus vivendi to a modus operandi.


A Government with a modicum of self-esteem would have hanged its head in shame and quit after the singeing observations which the Supreme Court made on the coal block allocation scam on Tuesday. But the Manmohan Singh-led UPA regime has long abandoned its quest for dignified existence and appears content to merely remain alive, in whatever battered and disreputed condition. Crisis managers of the Government and the Congress, whose members in the regime have spun a web of deceit to find their way out of the scam, have swung into action with their usual brazenness to contain the damage. But, now that the credibility has hit rock-bottom, the regime led by Mr Singh has nowhere to hide. In questioning the Central Bureau of Investigation for sharing its status report on the scam with senior officials of the Government, the apex court has in reality hauled up the regime. It must be remembered that the CBI did not voluntarily request the Government to vet the report; as Union Minister for Law and Justice, Mr Ashwani Kumar had summoned a meeting which was attended by officials of the probe agency, senior law officers of the Government, officials of the Prime Minister's Office and the Union Ministry of Coal. It was in this meeting that the report, which was strictly meant for the eyes of the court only, was shared. Mr Ashwani Kumar subsequently made changes to the report which the CBI eventually submitted to the court. And, to compound this audacious development, the Government's law officers proceeded to tell the court the lie that the CBI hadn't shared the report with the UPA regime. Since a shocked Supreme Court has now observed that the development has caused "total erosion" in the faith that it had placed in the agency's integrity, the Government is to be squarely blamed for so seriously compromising the CBI's position. There is of course no doubt that the probe agency could have refused to follow the Law Minister's directive and that, by not doing so, it has also confirmed the belief that it is a pawn in the hands of its political masters. While the CBI will have much explaining to do before the court over the manner it crawled before the regime, the central issue of the Manmohan Singh Government's complicity in trying to doctor a crucial document just cannot be brushed aside. The regime's complicity is so deep that it can be addressed only through a major surgery; application of tincture of iodine like the CBI's replacement of Additional Solicitor General Haren Raval, will not work. The clash that has broken out between Mr Raval (who represented the CBI and said that the status report had not been shared with the Government) and Attorney General GE Vahanvati (who claimed that he had not even seen the report, though he was present in the infamous meeting) is only a symptom of the rot that has set into governance. From the Prime Minister down to the Law Minister and further down - all are equally culpable and accountable for the fiasco. Rather than make scapegoats out of officials down the line, Prime Minister Singh and Mr Ashwani Kumar must own up their respective blunders. Else, their transgressions will catch up with them sooner than later.


Due to a dodgy rudder, commercial ties between the two continue to snake their way erratically across the geo-political seas. The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum could help bring them back on track. Almost four months into the second Obama Administration, what can be said about the prognosis for the US-India strategic relationship for the next few years? As policy makers in both countries search for its guiding motifs beyond the high-level rationales of common values and shared interests, it has become the settled view that the search for the next USIndia cause clbre, or the next big thing, is unnecessary. 'Routinisation' is the word of currency, rather than ambition. What is perceived as the sheer difficulty of major initiatives on India has created an environment where, for the American bureaucracy, small steps are preferred to large ones. Also, communication between mid-levels of the bureaucracies in Washington and New Delhi remains sketchy - and sometimes contentious. Instead of a modus operandi, the US-India strategic relationship has settled at a modus vivendi. Without consistent mid-level communication, this is a relationship with a destination but a dodgy rudder that continues to snake its way erratically across the geopolitical seas. For instance, while the US and India grow closer on the 'strategic' front, there is an ironic divergence in how they view each other on the trade front. What should be two sides of the same coin are essentially functioning in parallel, not tandem. Disagreements about bilateral trade issues, such as the sale of pet food and milk products to India and frequent head-butting at the WTO have bred a legion of US trade officials who view India not as an ally, but a pseudo-adversary. While some disagreements about trade are to be expected between even the closest partners, the points of contention between India and the US come from gut-level differences that are harder to resolve. Yet, any slump in India's economic performance, as currently is the case, has clear ramifications in the US. Despite the differences, the US is India's top trading partner in both goods and services. In its Global Trends 2030 study of 2012, the National Intelligence Council suggested that India will be the world's largest driver of middle class growth by 2030. Conversely, if things don't go right, India could be the biggest contributor to a global middle class slump by 2030. So, what if there was a US-India initiative which satisfied all these compulsions at once - one that could contribute to raising India's GDP growth, boosting US exports to India,

From superstition to threat perception

BY GOPALKRISHNA GANDHI Two Gujaratis stood tall in the last century - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and Vallabhbhai Jhaverbhai Patel. Tall ? They stood taller than known measurements of charismatic height. Their impact ran across the country. From Gujarat's latitudinal counterpoint of Bengal, Tagore gave Gandhi the prefix he would always be known by, "Mahatma". And Subhas Bose called him - the first to do so, "Father of the Nation". And Patel, after he had led the agrarian agitation in Bardoli, Gujarat, with stellar force, came to be called by all of India, "Sardar", meaning 'leader'. The description was reinforced by the Sardar's resoluteness in the matter of welding princely India into the evolving republic. This century too has seen India's imagination being dominated by two Gujaratis Narendra Damodardas Modi and Mukesh Dhirubhai Ambani. But there the parallel ends, like an epic footage on the screen cut by a grimy outage. No one from Gujarat's eastern counterpart - Bengal - has given either the chief minister of Gujarat or the chairman of Reliance Industries Limited any epithet of respect. Nor for that matter has spontaneous and affectionate admiration come to either from any other part of the country. True, a local forum has awarded Narendra Modi the title of 'Gujarat Ratna' and Ambani has been ranked fifth best performing CEO in the world by Harvard Business Review but that is just about it. Cut. Letting the Gandhi precedent aside and thinking of the doughty Sardar alone, Modi cannot accuse himself of welding India, nor Ambani claim a passion for agrarian or any equity barring, of course, the corporate kind. Power is power, prestige is prestige. I do not intend commenting on the chief minister whose administration was unequivocally indicted by J.S. Verma, the erstwhile chairman of the national human rights commission in "real time", that is, while the February 2002 'Gujarat riots' were blazing. This article is about the other, younger Gujarati. The gentleman and his family live in their 27-storey home in Mumbai said to be named after a mythical island in the Atlantic, Antilla. I was once shown the building from the car I was in by the man driving it. "Antilla," he said in Mumbai Hindi, "Ambanisaheb hai na? Unhij ka ghar." Craning my neck to the limit of its spondilous extreme, I glimpsed the monstrous height long enough to exclaim "Baap re 'ghar' ?" I could not see the driver's expression from my backseat but the way his cheeks puffed up in silhouette I knew he knew what I meant. Valued at one billion dollars, this structure is so bereft of taste and so wholly null of values as to be more than visually revolting. It is aesthetically gross. It is, in fact, more. As the most expensive home in the world and, in fact, the costliest to have ever been raised anywhere in history, it has to be seen as an installation of the darkest Daliesque art. Not just by its exorbitant ugliness but also by the vacuity of its human imagination and the howling vacuity of context, it is meant to and does repel. Everyone's home is more comfortable, better proportioned than somebody else's who is poorer, less fortunate. But this cornucopia of excess, of utter and sheer over-thetopness in money squandering merely because the money is there, reflects a blinkered callousness of some rarity. Google 'demand', something which is a slat above one's moral entitlement. The Ambanis, being globally contemporary, may not be burdened with that superstition. But another form of unease has obviously taken over, a real fear, a worry about one's very safety. I do not know and have no means of knowing the details of the 'threat perception' to Mukesh Ambani that has made him want the high and mighty's equivalent of the painted 'demon pumpkin' - Z level security. But it is clear that it is not Antilla, the Xanadu-like pleasure dome, but the large industrial house that Antilla represents that is resented, hated, targeted. A monopoly that amounts to a hegemony, a grasp over natural resources, investible capital, manufacture and retail, RIL is an inch short of the description B.R. Ambedkar had reserved for the republic of India itself - "a single Imperium". In its 'jakad', RIL resembles the 'pakad' of ancient satrapies and modern imperial adventures. As a contrawholly finance the security bill for all our VVIPs put together. If the State does not ask him to do so, it is because the State has something called izzat, reflecting that of the people of India. The poor cannot have Antilla, but they have izzat. For an Ambani to ask for and to be given Z category cover on the specious argument that he is going to pay for it is to try to befool the unfoolable, namely, the common-sense genius of simple Indians. It is to reverse the gravity of logic, to turn the alphabet of plain intelligence on its head and, quite literally, to bring Z to A. It is not the money, Mr Ambani. It is the idea. If you think you are a national asset that needs to be protected by denting the public exchequer, and from out of the revenues of India's minerals, its farms, forests and factories, and the taxpayer's mite, then, not just humility but truth requires you to say, no, I am no asset, only a user, and perhaps over-user, even misuser of India's assets and so, even if I cannot be a trustee of those assets, let me not become that liability. More, Mr Ambani, if you think that security manpower, ammo and intelligencetime should be re-deployed from where they now protect those and that which can only be protected by the State, then, please pause and reconsider the examples of those two other Gujaratis, one of who had not a single policeman protecting him and the other who died with a broken heart over not having done enough to protect his Master. Think of those two. India has its hurts. It also has its graces. Somewhere in its oceanic heart it will make space even for your Antilla. But reciprocate, please India's grace with that of your own. Take upon yourself, as the copyrighted author of your own hazards, the cost and the self-respect of buying your own security. If G.D. Birla, J.R.D. Tata, Kasturbhai Lalbhai and Lala Shri Ram could, so can you. They were Z category in what they did, not in what they feared. Between the As and Zs of the matter, this issue is about the abacus of our daily life, about its alphabet from the Bs to the Ys. It is about where we as a nation are headed. Are we, on voting day alone, an electorate but on all other days a protectorate that swings from being a pre-medieval khanate, a medieval nizamate, a modern-day sultanate? And, in another dimension of our life, headed to becoming a Hindutva plus technutva revivalate? This is where Bengal's namakarana of 'the other Gujarati' tells me, no, that is not what we are meant to be.


Many activists exploit cases that offer publicity

The death of a five-year old girl, who was brutally raped in Seoni district of Madhya Pradesh, has caused barely a ripple among social activists and commentators that have been in the forefront of various agitations in the national Capital to protest the rising sex crimes against women. Neither has anybody come out on the streets nor have there been candle-light marches. The Seoni rape victim too was as much of a 'Gudiya' as the child who was brutalised in Delhi recently - and over which incident huge protests were organised across the Capital. The agitators had then demanded death for the rapist and the scalp of senior police officers, including the Delhi Police Commissioner. But, now we don't see a similar outrage over the Seoni case. Is it because the incident was too far off from the base of our activists and social commentators to relate to? Is it because the activists did not find any 'news value' in the incident that happened in a distant land? Or, is it that the activists only get energised when tragedy strikes in Delhi, which, being the country's epicentre, offers the best occasion for media coverage? Of course, it would be unfair to say that all activists work only for the sake of publicity. There are many non-Government organisations which are doing tremendously good work in various parts of the country in the area of child and women welfare and fighting for the dignity of these citizens. But it is also equally true that many activists take up causes that are designed to give them optimum publicity, because good media coverage opens the doors to greater funding for these activists and their organisations. It is not a coincidence that such activists vigorously align with causes which get wide space in the media. Seoni's 'Gudiya' did not attract that media attention - at least not to the extent that the Delhi five-year old, who is thankfully recovering, did. Of course, not all Delhibased events catch the attention. A case in point is that of a six-year old girl who was found in a public toilet with severe wounds all over her body following a sexual assault. Yet another six-year old was raped by a rickshaw-puller in another part of Delhi. It does appear that rape incidents which have the potential to implicate police personnel or politicians are rather swiftly seized upon by activists and commentators to generate a public outcry, while the others are left aside. Given the pathetic and often criminal functioning of the police and the political system that has significantly contributed to the rising sex crimes against women and girl children, it becomes easy to generate public outrage against the politician-police system. While such sentiments may be justified and must be aroused to bring about changes and fix accountability, we must remember that every single victim deserves justice and every single incident demands the attention of influence-peddlers. In the end, the issue is one of a social challenge as well.

Power is power, prestige is prestige. I do not intend commenting on the chief minister whose administration was unequivocally indicted by J.S. Verma, the erstwhile chairman of the national human rights commission in "real time", that is, while the February 2002 'Gujarat riots' were blazing. This article is about the other, younger Gujarati.
tells us that 600 human beings are employed in running that house, perhaps the only good that has come of it. One hopes they are well paid, those 'home'-carers, their dependents helped in terms of old age security, health and education needs. They perhaps are. Gujaratis are not uncaring as human beings. Even the meanest of dwellings in India, when they are built, have 'evil-eye-warding' stuff like pumpkins painted to look like demons, placed at the entrance or above the roof. There is a sense that the owning of a homestead and building on it will draw someone's resentment and therefore attract misfortune. Superstition that this is, it also reflects a kind of guilt, a restiveness about owning something that is coveted , something of which the 'supply' is less than its diction for a democratic republic, a dangerous anachronism in a poor country and a provocation to vengeful resentment in our highly strung times, RIL's show of strength and its octopus-like penetrations into the crowns and the crannies of power are a discordance of epic scale. Even more notable than the magnitude of this discordance is the blas imperviousness of its makers to the fact that it jars. And if that imperviousness was not incredible enough, the author and perpetuator of this discordance wants more - concordance with the State apparatus's instruments of public security. This stretches selfishness to brazen egotism. As any reckoner calculating the budget of the ministry of home affairs and the cash flows of RIL will tell us, Mukesh Ambani has wealth enough to

Matter of concern
Dear Sir The incursion by Chinese troops in Ladakh is indeed a matter of serious concern. It also shows how 'alert' India is on its international borders. China, for certain, does nothing without planning. This issue may become a hot potato for the government as the Opposition has already started making noise over the attempt by China to push into Indian territory. While it may not be the time to act aggressively, India must do some strategic planning. The Chinese troops may move back once they understand or get a clue about our strategic planning. Pro-active diplomacy should be explored. Yours Etc. Shah Nawaz Kargil

Sanitation operations
Dear Sir Severe man-power shortage coupled with strife in Kashmir valley and in some parts of Jammu region has adversely affected the working of the municipal committees in carrying out their day-to-day cleanliness and sanitation operations in most parts of Jammu and Kashmir during the past more than a year. This shortage pertains not only to the man-power required in the form sanitation workers but also technically skilled personnel who are needed to drive the vehicles and machines engaged in these operations. No recruitment has been done during the past more than a decade despite the fact that the proposals were put up before the highest authority in the government. Jammu Municipal Corporation alone suffers from shortage of technical staff in hundreds if not in thousands and similarly, at least a thousand sanitation workers are required even to

carry out routine jobs in the city limits. The areas on the outskirts of the city and adjoining rural belt has been left to fend for themselves on the plea that they are to be taken care of by the local civic bodies which are hardly in existence after the terms of the elected bodies expired more than three years back. Same is the case with most elected bodies in Kashmir valley where strife during the past more than five years has been having a telling effect on the sanitary conditions of the urban and rural areas alike. The efforts of the residents in their own localities have contributed only in creating new dumping grounds instead of removing the garbage already piled up for so many weeks and months. The man-power shortage has hit the sanitation operations even for maintenance of basic hygiene in the cities. The human disaster is likely to happen if sanitation operations are ignored for long in the valley and many areas of Jammu region. Yours Etc. Neeraj Kotwal Bhaderwah

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ment establishment has now started viewing the Chinese intrusion in Ladakh with increased seriousness, the senior functionary said. The view of the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS), which met today under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, was that while patrols from both sides cross each other's perceived LAC regularly, the fact that Chinese have put up tents and are not returning is now ringing alarm bells. The top rung of the establishment is now waiting for a full analysis of the third flag meeting held yesterday before the government firms up its position on the entire issue and takes further action.

Govt not to hand over ITBP control to Army Why Sushma Swaraj and Nitish BJP to hold nation-wide Kumar feeling pain: Lalu on Coalgate protests against scams in UPA
NEW DELHI: After cornering the government in Parliament on corruption during the Budget session, BJP will now take to the streets on May 4 and 5 by holding country-wide programmes and demonstrations to "expose" the scams and graft in the UPA dispensation. These protests will be organised to unmask "misuse of constitutional institutions to cover-up scams, corruption and sins of the Congress", BJP Vice President Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi told reporters here. Though several senior partymen will lead the march on May 4 and 5, names of L K Advani, party chief Rajnath Singh, Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj, her Rajya Sabha counterpart Arun Jaitley and BJP Chief Ministers are conspicuous from the list of leaders. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, whose resignation BJP has been demanding in Parliament for his alleged role in the coal scam, will be the prime target of the party, he said. "The Prime Minister has become the guardian of sins and Congress a caucus of corruption. Every corruption, scam and loot of public money is being done under the guardianship of the Prime Minister by the Congress with impunity," Naqvi said. He alleged that all loots and scams have the consent of Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh. But these corrupt acts of the government have now been exposed, the BJP leader claimed. "The country is under a heavy debt burden of Rs 20.6 lakh crore. The economist Prime Minister has proved to be a debt specialist," he said.
NEW DELHI: Government will not hand over the command of ITBP to Army notwithstanding its demand for operational control of the paramilitary force which guards the Sino-Indian border. In the wake of renewed tension along the border, the Army has pushed for taking over control of ITBP for "cohesion, coordination and synergy" to counter Chinese Army's "offensives" acts. "There is no plan to hand over the operational control of ITBP to Army," a senior government functionary told PTI. Citing the incursion by Chinese troops in Ladakh, he said the ITBP informed the Army authorities apart from all concerned in New Delhi about it and the armed forces personnel reached the spot within four hours. "The ITBP is working in close coordination with the Army on the ground. There is no problem of so-called cohesion, coordination and synergy on the question of country's territorial integrity," he said. The Army is reportedly of the view that handing over of command of ITBP to Army will prove operationally productive as well as ensure optimal utilisation of resources especially in eastern Ladakh where ITBP is responsible for border guarding of 826 km of the Line of Actual Control (LAC). The ITBP functions under the control of Home Ministry. Meanwhile, the top govern-

PATNA: Coming to the defence of Congress, RJD president Lalu Prasad today said BJP leader Sushma Swaraj and BiharChief Minister Nitish Kumar need not give certificate as to who is honest and who is corrupt in the UPA government. "Who is Sushma Swaraj to comment on Soniaji and the UPA government...she need not give certificate to the central government," Prasad told reporters. RJD is supporting Manmohan Singh government from outside. He also assailed Chief Minister Nitish Kumar for making strong remarks on the UPA government in the wake of Supreme Court's strong comments on Coalgate issue. "The Central government will reply to the Supreme

Court...why Sushma and Nitish are feeling pain?" Prasad, Lok Sabha member from Chhapra, wondered. The RJD supremo flaggedoff a Rath Yatra of his party to mobilise people for a party rally at Gandhi Maidan on May 15. The rally is seen as Prasad's show of strength before the 2014 elections and also an effort to oust the NDA government in the state headed by Nitish Kumar, from power.

Govt should apologise to SC: CPI on coal scam report issue

NEW DELHI: CPI today asked the government to "apologise" to the Supreme Court after its indictment over CBI's status report on the coal scam and demanded immediate removal of Law Minister Ashwani Kumar. It also sought urgent steps to free CBI from being a "political tool in the hands of a corrupt ruling party". In a statement, party General Secretary S Sudhakar Reddy said the government "should apologise to the Supreme Court along with resignation or sacking of the Law Minister and take immediate steps to make CBI an independent autonomous body, without political or bureaucratic control." In the recent period, "CBI has become a political tool in the hands of corrupt ruling party to manipulate political parties, to harass and cow-down the opponents, and now of late misusing political power to distort reports etc," it said. Maintaining that Kumar had "behaved in total arrogance" by attempting to "make changes in the CBI report" on the coal scam, Reddy said he should resign after the indictment of CBI by the Supreme Court. "There is no other go." "The comments of Supreme Court judges on CBI should be an eye-opener to the Union government. CBI's action of sharing the investigation report on coal scam to the Supreme Court with the Law Minister and other officials has certainly shaken the credibility of CBI and undermined its own status," the CPI leader said. Asking the government to appoint the CBI director in the same manner as the gigilance commissioner, he said all this should be done urgently as otherwise the apex court "will have to take decision on the independent status of CBI".

Centre reneging on its promise Mamata Banerjee to hit streets tomorrow on chitfund scam on Dandi yatra route: Modi
NAVSARI: Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi today accused the Congressled UPA government of reneging on its promise made in 2005 of developing the historical SabarmatiDandi stretch, taken by Mahatma Gandhi for the salt march as "heritage route". "In 2005, to gain political capital on the 75th anniversary of the Dandi march, the UPA government organised an event. Senior Congressleaders came to Gujarat for photo opportunities. Keeping aside political differences, our government welcomed all because it was an occasion, which gave inspiration to the nation," Modi said, in his address on the occasion of Gujarat's 53rd Foundation Day here. "On that occasion, the PM declared that the SabarmatiDandi route which Gandhiji travelled on would be declared 'heritage marg'," Modi said. "The Prime Minister had declared Gandhiji's exact route would be built as heritage marg (route), but now the government write us to name the existing government road as heritage road and not the original route taken up by Mahatma Gandhi," he said adding that "Today is Gujarat's foundation day, and our government has given it a special place. After the formation of Gujarat, many governments came into being, but they did not keep an open mind about celebrating the day. They did not remember the martyrs who laid down their lives for Gujarat and they did not remember the contributions of Indu Chacha (Indulal Yagnik)," Modi said, taking a dig at previous Congressled governments in the state. He reiterated state government's activities in highlighting history. "There was an effort by some to erase this history but we have made efforts to prevent them from doing so." Modi also affirmed that this year's celebrations of Gujarat Foundation day would give a boost to the development works in Navasari district. Sharing an example of spiritual leader of Dawoodi Bohra community Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin, he said, "He sacrificed a lot for the nation, and his work brought glory to Dandi, but certain people did not want to remember that." Modi paid tributes to the martyrs of the Mahagujarat movement and urged everyone to remember Gandhiji.

Govt clears Rs 11,000 cr modernisation plan for central forces

NEW DELHI: Government today approved a Rs 11,000crore project for modernisation of central paramilitary forces, including ITBP which guards the now tense Sino-Indian border. The high-powered Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS), headed by Prime MinisterManmohan Singh, cleared the much awaited projected which will be implemented in five years beginning this fiscal. CRPF, BSF, ITBP, CISF, SSB, NSG and Assam Rifles will benefit under the plan which was awaiting approval from CCS. Sources said the standoff along the Sino-Indian border in Ladakh, which is being guarded by the Indo-Tibetan Border Police, is believed to have prompted the CCS to clear the project which is already delayed by a year. Chinese troops had pitched tents 19 km inside Indian territory in Daulat Beg Oldie area in Ladakh last month, leading to tension on the frontier. The modernisation will ensure that the forces have better arms, ammunition, night vision devices, patrolling equipment, vehicles and other infrastructural upgradation. The CRPF is primarily deployed for internal security, law and order maintenance and anti-Naxal operations. The BSF guards the Indo-Pakistan and Indo-Bangladesh borders besides helping in internal security duties. The ITBP guards the Sino-Indian border while SSB protects the Indo-Nepal and Indo-Bhutan frontiers. The CISF primarily guards country's civil airports and major installations, including in nuclear and aero space domain. The NSG is a specialist counter-terror force while Assam Rifles guards the Indo-Myanmar border and is deployed in counter-insurgency operations in the Northeast. The combined strengthen of all central paramilitary forces is around eight lakh personnel.

the letter says that original route will cost too much to government exchequer. Modi accused the Congress of not following Gandhiji's path and trying to change Gandhiji's path as well. "Congress leaders claim to walk on Gandhiji's path but that has never happened. Now they are forcing Gandhiji to change his path," Modi said. Modi asked the Union government to fulfill the promise, which the Prime Minister had made to the nation. "You had made a promise to the nation... No individual who has read India's history, no Gujarati will tolerate government's efforts to change Gandhiji's path," Modi said. Modi requested the Central

government to not view history through the prism of money. He said "I hope that the PM and the Central Government not view this in terms of money for history cannot be viewed in terms of money, it is an inspiration..., a bridge to the future." Stressing on the importance of the Dandi March in Indian history, Modi said, "The way salt is important in a person's life, similarly the role of the Dandi movement is very important in our freedom struggle. Let us not reduce the importance of this event." During his address, Modi recalled that for political reasons, previous governments had not given enough importance to the Gujarat Foundation day.

KOLKATA: Seeking to prevent the opposition from cashing in on the Saradha chitfund scam, West Bengal Chief MinisterMamata Banerjee will hit the streets tomorrow to shift the blame to her predecessors and project the action taken by her government against the 'legacy' of '70s and '80s. "The chitfunds are a legacy of Bengal from the 70's and 80's. For all these years, CPI(M) and Congress turned the other way .... Now, they cannot pretend to be angels," Trinamool Congress MP Derek O'Brien told PTI here. "The swift action taken by the government since Sudipta Sen's arrest is proof enough how serious it is to rid Bengal of the menace," the TMC Rajya Sabha member said. "Mamata Banerjee, as her style, will lead from the front to communicate this message across Bengal and stand by those who have been swindled," he said. Banerjee will address a rally at Shyambazar in north Kolkata tomorrow followed by another one at Panihati in North 24 Parganas district on May four. Party sources said Banerjee will also highlight the importance of the new anti-chit fund bill passed in the assembly yesterday to the people. She will also address a party meeting here on May three and might spell out the strategy following the alleged involvement of some TMC leaders in the Saradha Group scam. Banerjee has already said action will be taken by the government and the party if any partyman was found involved in the scam. Banerjee has also blamed the Centre saying chit funds were controlled by it and the state has no role.

Govt approves amendments to manual scavenging eradication bill

NEW DELHI: The government today approved amendments to a bill that seeks to eradicate manual scavenging. The Union Cabinet, at a meeting chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, approved official amendments to The Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Bill, 2012. The amendments include provisions like mandatory inclusion of women in vigilance committees at district, state and national level and a survey to identify manual scavengers. "The words insanitary latrines and manual scavengers define taking into account real situation on the ground," Finance Minister P Chidambaram told reporters here. The bill was introduced on September 3, 2012 and it was referred to the Standing Committee on Social Justice and Empowerment. The Standing Committee reported to the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha in March 2013 and this bill now be introduced in the Parliament. Chidambaram said the Bill was introduced in the Parliament last year and now officials amendments will be included in it. The bill also has the provision for setting up committees at various levels. "The provision for constitution of vigilance committee in each district and sub-divisions and a state level monitoring committee and a central-level monitoring committee, it is mandatory to have representation of women in these committees," he said.

Bhupinder Hooda writes to PM, seeks bonus on wheat's MSP

ROHTAK: Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda today urged Prime MinisterManmohan Singh to provide a bonus on minimum support price of wheat to the farmers. Hooda in a letter to the Prime Minister made the request for bonus on MSP of wheat as he believed it was in the interest of the farmers in Haryana. In an interaction with media persons here, he expressed the optimism that PM would act upon the suggestions made in the letter. He hailed the decision of the UPA Government to scrap wealth tax on farmland as a major decision in favour of the farmers and said that he had expressed his gratitude to the UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi, the Prime Minister and Union Finance Minister P Chidambaram. Describing it as a "historic decision", he said it had become amply clear that the interests of the farmers were completely safe in the hands of the Congress Government. Hooda said after this issue was raised, a large delegation of Congress leaders from various states met the Chidambaram and apprised "After commencement of the Horticulture Mission, we urged the Union Government to start livestock mission which has since been implemented, giving the farmers the benefit of the crop insurance scheme", Hooda added. Extending his best wishes to the labours on the occasion of Labour day today, he said that Haryana have scripted and implemented a labour policy. He said that Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi would meet all MPs, MLAs, legislators, former legislators and party officials of the state on May 8 at Panchkula.

Karnataka poll results will be a good indication for LS polls: AP CM

BANGALORE: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy today said the outcome of Karnataka Assembly elections would be a good indication for the Lok Sabha polls, due next year. "I think the outcome of this assembly election will be a good indication for 2014 Lok Sabha polls. Karnataka is very crucial," Reddy told reporters here. Reddy said there were strong indications of Congress pulling off one of its biggest victories in Karnataka. The people were "fed up" with two previous governments, in terms of development and corruption, and they want a change for the better, Reddy said. Karnataka like Andhra Pradesh had always been a stronghold of Congress and these two states had come to the rescue of the party whenever it faced difficulties, he said. "It all began in 1976-77 when Andhara Pradesh and Karnataka gave their mandate to late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi which helped the Congress to regain power at the Centre," he said. On Telangana issue, he said the Centre was in a process of taking a decision in this regard. "Since Telangana is a delicate and sentimental issue, the Centre has to take a decision after consulting all stakeholders," he said.

him its adverse impact on the farming community. The Chief Minister said that he had recommended reduction in the interest on shortterm loans for fertilisers and seeds from 11 per cent to four per cent.

BJP has "mortgaged" Karnataka's future to mafia: Rahul Gandhi BJP confident of winning all 5 Lok
MANDYA (KARNATAKA): Stepping up his offensive against the BJP Government in Karnataka, Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi today accused it of having "mortgaged" people's future to "mafia" and "sold" the state to mining barons Reddy brothers. Going ballistic against the BJP in the third lap of his campaign for the May 5 Assembly elections, Gandhi charged it with having "built" the Reddy brothers-G Janardhana and G Karunakara -- to come to power in the state. "The BJP people talk about corruption. Yesterday in Parliament, they spoke about corruption. But they will not talk about Karnataka. They will not mention the corruption in Karnataka. They will not say a Chief Minister went to jail. They will not say Reddy brotherswho they sold the entire state to....they talk about corruption," Gandhi said. The BJP leaders "who have built" the Reddy brothers, "who have taken their money" and "who are responsible for corruption" in Karnataka go to the rest of the country and talk about corruption, he said. Gandhi said there was a time Minister had gone to jail, said Gandhi, apparently referring to B S Yeddyurappa, who is facing corruption charges and had to quit as Chief Minister on graft charge after his indictment by Lok Ayukta in its report on illegal mining. ".. and your future has been mortgaged to mafia," Gandhi said. He said Karnataka had a lot of natural resources, among them huge iron ore reserve. "This wealth does not belong to one individual. It belongs to everybody in Karnataka. It belongs to the youth and old people of Karnataka.' The resources were supposed to be used to build a future for the youth of the state but "what had happened in the last nine years is this wealth has been given to a single family," he said in an obvious reference to Reddy brothers. Janardhana Reddy, a former state minister, has been lodged in a jail in Andhra Pradeshsince his arrest in an illegal mining case by CBI in 2011. "In order to come to power, BJP had got the support of Reddy brothers. They have given legislative future to the two brothers," Gandhi said.

Sabha seats in Uttarakhand

when Karnataka used to shine and be talked about as a progressive and leading state but "the sad part is that in the last nine years, (when Congress was out of power), Karnataka's shine has disappeared." For the first time in history, a Chief

DEHRADUN: Buoyed by its victory in four out of six municipal corporations in Uttarakhand,BJP on Wednesday claimed the civic body poll verdict is an indication that they will sweep all five Lok Sabha seats in the state next year. Thanking people for the mandate given to BJP, a jubilant pradesh party chief Tirath Singh Rawat said, "it shows we are set to bag all five parliamentary seats in the state in 2014." "This is a bad omen for Congress. The total rejection of the party in power by people ahead of the Lok Sabha polls next year does not portend well for it. It is a strong pointer to the fact that we are headed for a sweeping victory in 2014 Lok Sabha polls," Rawat told reporters here. Traditionally, the party in power has an edge over its opponents in civic body polls but surprisingly Congress lost in all municipal corporations, he said adding this shows people's disillusionment with the "wrong anti-people policies" of the party. Out of the six municipal corporations which went to polls on April 28, BJP won four including Dehradun, Haridwar, Haldwani and Rudrapur whereas the remaining two Roorkee and Kashipur went to Independents. Congress lost all of them finishing second or third. The poll was being viewed by political observers here as a dry run for 2014 general elections.

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7 Iran-Turkey ties key to Two killed, 28 injured Breaking: Three more suspects in Boston Marathon bombings regional security: in Syria blasts case taken into custody Iranian spokesman
DAMASCUS, MAY 1: Two people were killed and 28 others wounded Wednesday in twin blasts in the Syrian capital, a local media report said. A man and a 10-year-old boy were killed and 28 others were wounded, some of them seriously, when two explosive devices ripped through the Khaled Bin al-Walid Street and Bab Musalla Square here, the state-run SANA news agency said, according to Xinhua news agency. The Khaled Bin al-Walid's blast occurred when "terrorists" detonated a motorcycle rigged with explosives in front of a commercial shop, said SANA, adding that both explosions caused material damage. Meanwhile, the pro-government radio station said that multiple mortar shells landed in the vicinity of the Abbasyen bus station in Damascus, leaving many injured. On the opposition side, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the Syrian Air Force bombarded several areas in the focal point suburb of Ghouta near here. It said that no reports on losses have emerged yet. The troops also bombarded the orchards of the Muadamieh suburb of Damascus, the Observatory said, adding that the town of Hezza was also bombarded by government troops' gunship, resulting in the death of six people as well as damage to several houses. Washington: Authorities have arrested three additional suspects in connection to the Boston Marathon bombings, the Boston Police Department confirmed to Yahoo News Tuesday. A spokeswoman at the department directed all questions related to the suspects to the FBI, which has yet to disclose their identities. Local news station WBZ reports that they will be brought to a federal courthouse in Boston this afternoon to face charges of aiding the suspect after the fact. A spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney in Boston declined to comment. NBC's Pete Williams reported that the suspects are friends of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's from the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth. The three have been under FBI surveillance for 10 days, and are suspected of aiding Tsarnaev after he allegedly committed his crimes. Two have been in custody on immigration charges related to their student visas, while a third, a U.S. citizen, was arrested today. The Associated Press identified two of the men: Azamat Tazhayakov and Dias Kadyrbayev, both Kazach nationals who came to the U.S. on student visas. They were detained on civil immigration violations on Apr. 20 and have been in federal custody since then. The two appeared in immigration court Wednesday morning. Boston attorney Linda Cristello, who represented the two, did not respond to a request for comment from Yahoo News, but she confirmed to the AP that her clients now face additional federal charges and will appear in court later this afternoon. Tsarnaev, a 19-year-old college student, is charged with killing three and injuring more than 200 in the two bombs last month. His older brother and suspected cobomber, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was killed while fleeing arrest. In a statement, the police department said there was no threat to public safety at this time.

TEHRAN, MAY 1: Iranian foreign ministry spokesman said that Iran-Turkey relations are strategic and maintenance of mutual ties contributes to the regional security, Press TV reported Wednesday. Ramin Mehmanparast made the remarks during a meeting with his visiting Turkish counterpart Levent Gumrukcu in Tehran. They discussed regional and international developments, bilateral issues and the means to expand media cooperation between Tehran and Ankara. For his part, the Turkish official stressed the need for the expansion of Iran-Turkey media ties in order to enlighten public opinion and

remove ambiguities between the two countries regarding regional developments. On Tuesday, Gumrukcu held a press conference at the Turkish embassy in Tehran during which he stressed that despite differences of opinion between Turkey and Iran

over a number of issues, there is no mistrust between the two countries, according to Press TV. He further added that finding a political solution to the crisis in Syria is Ankara's priority.

US may give lethal weapons to Syrian rebels: Report 10 killed, 37 injured in a wave of violence in Iraq Six killed in
WASHINGTON, MAY 1:The US is considering providing lethal weapons to Syrian opposition forces and a decision is expected within weeks, a media report said Wednesday. "President Barack Obama is preparing to send lethal weaponry to the Syrian opposition and has taken steps to assert more aggressive US leadership among allies and partners seeking the ouster of President Bashar al-Assad," the Washington Post reported, citing senior US officials. "The officials said they are moving toward the shipment of arms but emphasized that they are still pursuing political negotiation," according to a Xinhua report. The revelation of policy change at the White House came after the US joined Britain, France and Israel last week in asserting that chemical weapons have been used in the internal conflict in Syria, which has allegedly dragged on for three years and killed more than 70,000 people. But Washington said it has no idea about "how they were used, when they were used, who used them." US President Barack Obama warned Tuesday against rushing to judgement on the use of chemical weapons in Syria, saying he needs "hard, effective evidence" before taking action. US Secretary of State John Kerry is scheduled to visit Russia next week, and Obama himself will meet Russian President Vladmir Putin first in June when the Group of Eight leaders meet in Northern Ireland and again in September in Russia, and discuss the Syrian issue. The two presidents talked by phone on Monday about the situation in Syria, and Obama underscored his concern over Syrian chemical weapons. Obama "is likely to make a final decision on the supply of arms to the opposition within weeks, before a scheduled meeting with Putin in June," the administration officials were quoted as saying. Obama said Tuesday that confirmation of the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government, which he had called a "red line" and "game changer," would mean that "there are some options that we might not otherwise exercise that we would strongly consider." The Syrian rebels have been asking for anti-tank weapons and surface-to-air missiles in particular from Western countries, but Washington has until now limited its aid to non-lethal items as it fears that weapons provided might fall into the hands of militants among the rebels. Asked about the possibility of establishing a no-fly zone over opposition-held areas in Syria, one official said the administration was "reviewing all options". BAGHDAD, MAY 1: Ten people were killed and 37 others wounded in separate incidents of bombings and shootings in central and eastern Iraq Wednesday, police said. Three members of a government-backed paramilitary group, known as Awakening Council, were killed and 13 wounded in a car bomb explosion in the town of Garma near the city of Fallujah, some 50 km west of Baghdad, a police source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity. One of those killed was the leader of a group whose members were gathering at a military base in the town when the blast occurred, the source said. The Awakening Council group, also known as Sons of Iraq, consists of armed groups, including some powerful anti-US Sunni insurgent groups who turned their rifles against the al-Qaida network after the latter resorted to indiscriminate killings against both Shiite and Sunni Muslim communities. Also in the town, gunmen attacked police and exchanged fire with them, killing a policeman and wounding another, the source added. Meanwhile, a civilian was killed and two others were wounded by sniper shots in Nu'imiyah area, south of Fallujah, he said. Elsewhere, gunmen attacked a police patrol in the town of Baiji, some 220 km north of Baghdad, killing a police officer and a policeman, a police source told Xinhua. In Baghdad, five people were wounded when a car bomb ripped through alHusseiniyah district in the northeastern part of the capital, an interior ministry source told Xinhua. In northern Iraq, a roadside bomb struck a police patrol in the city of Kirkuk, some 250 km north of Baghdad, destroying a police vehicle and wounding three policemen aboard, police said. In Iraq's eastern province of Diyala, gunmen using silenced weapons shot dead a cleric of a Sunni mosque in the provincial capital city of Baquba, some 65 km northeast of Baghdad, a provincial police source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity. In a separate incident, a civilian was killed and 11 wounded in a roadside bomb explosion late Tuesday night at a coffee shop at a village located some 40 km northeast of Baquba, the source said. Also in the province, a civilian was shot dead in the morning by gunmen in western Baquba, while a policeman and a civilian were wounded in a roadside bomb explosion in the town of Kan'an, some 20 km northeast of Baquba, the source added. Violence is still common in the Iraqi cities despite the dramatic decrease since its peak in 2006 and 2007 when the country was engulfed in sectarian killings.

Turkey bus accident

ISTANBUL, MAY 1: Six people were killed Wednesday when a tour bus carrying around 30 passengers fell off a dam in central Turkey, Xinhua reported. The bus were transporting a group of teachers to Kapuzbasi waterfall, a popular tourist site, when it fell off the Camlica 3 dam in the Yahyali district in Kayseri city, about 770 km southeast of Istanbul. The Kayseri governor confirmed that there were casualties.

Core sector rises marginally to 2.9% in March

NEW DELHI: The combined output of eight core sector industries rose marginally in March after a contraction in the previous month, suggesting improvement in industrial output growth. The Index of Eight Core Industries rose 2.9% in March, data released by commerce and industry ministry on Tuesday showed, reversing the 2.4% contraction in February. The eight core sector industries -- coal, natural gas, crude, fertilizers and electricity --- have a combined weight of 37.9% in the Index of Industrial Production (IIP), making the core index a lead indicator of industrial production. The IIP for March will be released on May 10, and will provide evidence of recovery after growth stagnated at 0.6% in February. In the entire fiscal 2012-13, the eight core sectors grew by 2.6%, the slowest in the 2004-05 series, reflecting the slowdown in the Indian economy which expanded 5% in the year, the slowest in a decade. The detailed data provides more things to cheer. Except natural gas, all other seven sectors reported a positive growth in March, the first time since June 2010.Natural Gas output fell by 17.7% in March because of the decline in output of gas from the D6 natural gas block in the KG basin. Steel and cement showed 6.6% rise in output each, suggesting some revival in construction activity, but experts are not yet reading too much into the data. "IIP will not see a decisive upturn anytime soon. The weak phase of industry is expected to continue for a while it seems," said DK Joshi, chief economist, CrisilBSE -0.17 %. "The investment rate is also not expected to pick up, as the rate cut by RBI have not brought the lending rates down." The RBI is likely to cut policy rates on May 3 by 25 basis points.

Govt to cut subsidies on phosphate and potash-based fertilisers by 15 pc

NEW DELHI: Government has said it expects to cut the subsidies on phosphate and potash-based fertilisers by about 15 per cent in the fiscal year that began in April in an effort to rein in the fiscal deficit. In the last fiscal year, the government earmarked Rs 305.76 billion to subsidise phosphate and potash-based fertilisers. Fertilisers are the thirdbiggest item in the government's total subsidy bill, amounting to over two per cent of the gross domestic product (GDP), after oil and food. The final subsidy cuts will depend on total consumption in the current fiscal year, the statement said. India imports both potash and phosphate.Potash Corp , Mosaic Co, Agrium Inc, Uralkali , Arab Potash Co, and ICL Israel Chemicals are among its major suppliers. Finance Minister P Chidambaram has estimated the total fertiliser subsidy at Rs 659.72 billion for 2013/14, broadly unchanged from a revised estimate of Rs 659.74 billion in the previous year. Brakes on public spending helped cut the country's fiscal deficit to around 5 per cent of GDPthis year. India aims to lower that to 4.8 per cent this year.

India Inc expects RBI to cut interest rate

NEW DELHI: Faced with declining growth, the Reserve Bank is likely to cut repo rate and Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) by about 0.25 per cent each to spur demand and boost industrial output. The possibility of rate cut at the annual credit policy to be unveiled by RBI Governor D Subbarao on May 3 has gone up with the inflation falling to 5.96 per cent level, the lowest in three years. India Inc has been demanding a rate cut to promote growth which fell to decade's low of 5 per cent in 2012-13. The economic growth was 6.2 per cent in 2011-12. "We expect the central bank to cut rates by 0.50 per cent by mid-2013," research firmBarclays said, adding that the RBI is likely to ease the policy rate by 0.25 per cent in its May 3 meeting. The central bank has already reduced key interest rate by 1 per cent during 2012-13 and pressure is mounting on it to further cut rates in the annual policy for the current fiscal. "...the recent deceleration in WPI inflation and fall in global commodity prices should allow the RBI to front load its rate action. We continue to expect 1 per cent rate reduction in FY' 14, including 0.5 per cent in May policy," CII Director General Chandrajit Banerjee said. Industry body Ficci said it expected cut of 0.50 per cent in short-term lending, or repo rate over the next quarter. This is due to fall in prices of crude oil and gold recently which, it said, has helped narrow down the current account deficit (CAD) and hence provides room for a greater rate cut. "This should provide the RBI greater room for further rate cuts. We do hope to see another 0.5 per cent cut over the next quarter as indicated by respondents of several Ficci surveys conducted in recent past," President Naina Lal Kidwai said. Ficci also expects the RBI to provide liquidity support by reducing CRR -- the portion of deposits banks need to park with RBI. Assocham President Rajkumar N Dhoot said: "The central bank must cut interest rates aggressively, or else the industry will witness more non-performing assets hitting the overall economic sentiment. Banks will also take a huge collateral damage (otherwise)".

Probes should not hurt legitimate investments: FM tells ED

NEW DELHI: Finance Minister P Chidambaram today cautioned theEnforcement Directorate not to hurt legitimate investments while probing money laundering cases, and to focus on the ones that are important. "We must remember that economic activity must not be hindered by mindless investigation and prosecutions... All legitimate trading and investment activity must be fully respected and protected even while we investigate crimes involving money and laundering of money," he said while addressing officials of Enforcement Directorate (ED). He further said caution was necessary in deciding which cases to prosecute under the money laundering law. "Otherwise, we will be overwhelmed with cases that we would be required to prosecute," he said. The ED, which probes cases involvingforeign exchange violation and laundering of money, is investigating alleged violation of FEMA regulation by cash and carry chain Bharti-Walmart, money laundering bySaradha vacancies and work harder and quicker to ensure that these vacancies are filled," Chidambaram said. The biggest limitation is number of people attached to the department, he said, adding that against the sanctioned strength of 2,064, it has in place only 660 people, leaving 1,404 vacancies. Elaborating on the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), the Minister said: "The PMLA rests on the principle of a predicate crime and when there is an offence which has anything that has to do with proceeds of crime. "Even if you are acquitted in the trial of a predicate crime, it is possible that you could be convicted of an offence under money laundering," he said. The Minister further said that theft, breach of trust, misappropriation and cheating could throw up cases of money laundering, but the ED must carefully select the cases for prosecution.

RBI may propose norms to regulate incentives given to banking staff

NEW DELHI: The central bank will be ringing in new measures for FY14. Here is a look at a few possible roll-outs from RBI. Regulating Incentives for Bank Staff The Reserve Bank of India in its monetary policy statement for the year 201314 could propose framing of norms to regulate incentives given to banking staff, particularly the sales executives. The central bank is forced to contemplate new measures following a sting operation by, an online media company, which allegedly showed staff at Axis BankBSE 1.28 %, HDFC BankBSE -1.71 % and ICICI BankBSE 0.94 % as keen to help customers avoid tax and circumvent rules to convert black money into white. The regulator could set up a committee or ask bank boards to formulate rules to review the incentive structure of sales staff. Prudential Norms For Banks The regulator is expected to release a timetable on higher provisions for banks. Early Feb,RBI had issued a draft norm, which suggested that banks raise provisioning on restructured loans by 100 bps. RBI may also clarify if higher provisions are for the entire loan book or if they would be applicable only for the new stock. Breather for Gold Finance Cos The RBI may relax norms for gold finance, giving a boost to the business of lending against gold which has been hit due to the fall in gold prices. A committee headed by KUB Rao suggested measures to strengthen the business model by raising the loan-value ratio to 75% from 60%. Timeframe for Inflation-indexed Bonds The RBI may give out a timeframe for the introduction of inflation-indexed bonds as promised in the budget in order to draw in household savings from other sources of investment like gold. The central bank could also look at bringing down the hold-to-maturity, the part of the banks' investment portfolio where bonds are held till maturity and not for trade. It could be brought down to 23% from 25% currently. Mutual funds and insurance companies could now directly trade in bonds on becoming members of exchanges, once the regulators notify.

Group and other high profile cases. "What drives the economy is trade and investments, especially foreign trade. Investments can flow both ways... We must facilitate foreign trade. We must facilitate investments," Chidambaram said. Stating that money laundering was behind crimes like human and drug trafficking and terror financing, the Minister called for greater international cooperation to deal with the menace. "It is important that agencies across the world cooperate,

share technology, share information and chase the offenders," Chidambaram said. Extending support to the measures taken by ED to come down heavily on violators of foreign exchange laws, the Minister said that there was a need to strengthen the directorate and fill up the positions lying vacant for long. "I would like to appeal to the CVC, UPSC and Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) to please understand the gravity of situation arising out of these

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wicket fence. Dhawan came back to finish the over with a bang as he whipped a delivery drifting onto his pads to the square-leg fence. Smith went for 15 in his first, and the floodgates were open. Dhawan ensured he did not shift down gears as he went for his shots and provided a late surge towards the end of the innings, almost as if he was in a hurry to get back to the hotel. Dhawan's footwork was remarkable as he repeatedly gave the MI bowlers the charge, while Vihari did his job of anchor well at the other end. Dhawan soon brought up his second half-century of IPL 6 by stepping down the track, giving himself width and thwacking Malinga through the covers. In the end, the Sunrisers cruised home with 12 balls to spare and gave themselves two vital points after a couple of successive defeats.

HYDERABAD: Shikhar Dhawan hit a match-winning half-century as Sunrisers Hyderabad bagged the big fish - beating the Mumbai Indians by seven wickets - in their Indian Premier League (IPL) match, after being set a modest total to chase. Dhawan remained unbeaten on 73 that came off 55 balls as the Sunrisers chased down 130 with seven wickets to spare. The win puts the Sunrisers Hyderabad on par with the Mumbai Indians on points but both teams retain their respective spots on the points table. Opening batsman Akshath Reddy (7) fell early, before Dhawan and Kumar Sangakkara calmly took SRH forward at a run a ball. Dhawan was the more aggressive of the two, going for his typical quirky shots while Sangakkara played the steady and strong anchor. An in-form Harbhajan Singh was brought into the attack in the eighth over and the

Sunrisers thrash Mumbai Indians by seven wickets Non-gazetted JU employees observe 'May Day'

Non-gazetted employees raise slogans on 'May Day' at JU Campus on Wednesday.

JAMMU: Non-Gazetted Employees (Class-IV) Union of University of Jammu in a function held in collaboration with Progressive Students Union (PSA), observed 'May Day' on the campus. To exhibit their unity, these employees gathered at the campus lawns and highlighted their plights. Addressing the employees, union president, Krishan Lal expressed his concern over JU's delay tactics in observing those daily wagers, who have completed their seven years of services to the institution. In turn, employees reaffirmed their commitment to collectively fight for achieving the common goals. Speaking to the employees those PSA representatives assured support from the student community in resolving the long pending issues of the union. Later, PSA organized a play and colorful cultural programme for the employees to make the day memorable.

Dhawan shines with the bat after Sunrisers' bowlers restrict MI to a modest total.
experienced off-spinner struck straight away. Off the last ball of the over, Sangakkara (21) gave a simple return catch to the bowler to revive MI's hopes. It was a soft dismissal - very unlike the usually solid Sangakkara. As Hanuma Vihari walked in at 53 for two, MI were still in the game. But Dhawan ensured that the visitors paid for their restricted strokeplay during the first innings as he paced his innings to the tee and took SRH home. Up until the 11th over, Hyderabad's run-rate was a shade under six an over, which was still enough to take them through in the end. Dwayne Smith was brought into the attack by Rohit Sharma, and Dhawan greeted him with a cut for four to deep point. Young Vihari then made efficient use of a shortpitched delivery and dispatched it to the deep mid-

Earthquake: JU rushes team to Bhaderwah

JAMMU: Taking cognizance of the damage caused to the rented boys hostel building due to earthquake that jolted the erstwhile Doda district, University of Jammu today rushed a high-level team to its Bhaderwah Campus. Led by Dean Students Welfare and senior Professor, N K Tripathi, the team comprising Director Poonch Campus, Prof J S Tara, Assistant Executive Engineering of JU, Rajive Gupta shall be looking into the damaged caused to the structure and inquire about the well being of the students. It has been reliably learnt that the team has been advised by the Vice Chancellor, Prof MPS Ishar, in a high level meeting held this morning, to make alternate arrangements for the comfortable stay of the students. Meanwhile, ViceChancellor also spoke to Reactor Bhaderwah Campus, Prof MA Malik on telephone to take stock of the situation arising out of the natural calamity. The Rector, Bhaderwah Campus informed the Vice-Chancellor that all the students putting up at the ill fated structure were hale and hearty.

Haryana wins Hockey India Junior Poonia to take part in Doha leg of Diamond League Women National Championship
RANCHI: Haryana registered a 2-1 win over Madhya Pradesh Hockey Academy in the final to clinch title of the 3rd Hockey India Junior Women National Championship at the Astroturf Hockey Stadium on Wednesday. Madhya Pradesh scored their opening goal through a penalty corner converted by Shyama Tickadam in the fourth minute. In the 35th minute Haryana leveled the score through a penalty corner converted by Navneet Kaur. In the fifth minute of extra time, Jyoti Gupta scored a field goal which helped Haryana win the final. Earlier, Jharkhand thrashed Punjab 6-0 to claim bronze medal. Punjab conceded an own goal in the 19th min before Jharkhand's Punam Madhuri Tete (22nd), Rajni Soreng (31st), Etwari Mundu (40th and 49th) and Alka Dung Dung (66th) found the target. NEW DELHI: Ace Indian discus thrower Krishna Poonia will be participating in the opening leg of the prestigious Diamond League Meetings series in Doha on May 10, which will give her a launch pad for her preparations for the Asian and World Championships later this year. Poonia is expected to compete in a star-studded field, which will also include reigning Olympic champion Sandra Perkovic of Croatia. The Indian had finished seventh in London Olympics with a throw of 63.62m while Perkovic had won gold in 69.11 m. Poonia, though, is expected to move a place up to sixth after London silver medalist Darya Pishchalnikova was banned for 10 years yesterday by Russian Athletics Federation as she returned positive for anabolic steroid after her sample taken in May last year was re-tested. "I am taking part in the Doha leg of the Diamond League as my entry has been accepted. I will first take part in the first and second leg of Asian Grand Prix in Bangkok (May 4) and Chonburi (May 8) respectively before the Doha Diamond League," Poonia told PTI from Patiala where she is training. "I am very happy that I am taking part in Diamond League as I will be competing against the best in the world. It will also give a perfect platform for my preparations for the Asian Championships and World Championships," she said. The Asian Championships will be held in India from July 3-7 though the host city is yet to be decided, while the World Championships will be held in Moscow in August. Poonia is yet to qualify for the World Championships.

31 footballers qualify coaches' course

SRINAGAR: All 31 veteran footballers have been awarded the qualification certificates in coaching by the Jammu and Kashmir Football Association (JKFA) in a function held on Wednesday. The valedictory function of the AIFF 'D' Licence Coaches Course was presided over by Executive President (Chairman, Sports Board) J&K Bank, Abdul Hamid Banday. Among those who were present included former president of the Association, NA Khan, president JKFA, ZA Thakur and Secretary Sports Board of J&K Bank, Showkat Khanyari. The chief guest appreciated the efforts

Sindhu, Gurusaidutt advance in Malaysian GP

NEW DELHI: Top seed P V Sindhu advanced to the second round of the Malaysia Grand Prix Gold badminton tournament after recording a win over Singapore's Chena Jiayuan on a day that saw three Indians qualifying for the pre-quarterfinals of the men's singles event in Kuala Lumpur. Sindhu beat Jiayuan 2113 19-21 21-13 in a match that lasted 47 minutes. Sindhu will meet Hong Kong's Cheung Ngan Yi in the quarterfinals on Thursday. Making the pre-quarters of the men's event were R M V Gurusaidutt, Sameer Verma and K Srikanth. Verma defeated Malaysia's Wei Feng Chong 21-15 16-21 21-19 in 55 minutes while Gurusaidutt beat Giap Chin Goh, also from the host country, 21-8 21-9 in just 26 minutes. K Srikanth got the better of Suppanyu Avihingsanon of Thailand 21-9 21-19 in 36 minutes.P C Thulasi tasted defeat in the first round of the women's section, losing to China's Yao Xue 21-18 21-5. Also losing was Arundhati Pantawane, who was shown the door by Indonesia's Maria Febe Kusumastuti 13-21 21-10 21-14. Tanvi Lal too lost, to Japan's Ito Kana 21-8 21-14. H S Prannoy, who got a walkover in the first round, lost his second round match to Malaysia's Zainuddin Iskandar Zulkarnain 15-21 21-14 2115.In mixed doubles, Sanjeeth S and Jagadish Yadav lost to Indonesian duo of Hardi Hardianto and Agripinna Prima Rahmanto Putra 21-16 21-17.

A maximum of only 12 athletes compete in an event in a Diamond League Meeting, which is a top-flight 14-leg invitational prize-money competition in the IAAF calendar. The organizers pick athletes from among the entries submitted to them and each Diamond League Meeting attracts top athletes as each event offers total prize money of USD 30,000. The top-finisher in each event of a Diamond League Meeting collects USD 10,000, while second and third-finishers get USD 6,000 and USD 4,000. The fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth finishers get USD 3,000, 2,500, 2,000, 1,500 and 1,000 respectively.

Veteran footballers, who qualified the AIFF 'D' Licence Coaches Course, poses for a group photograph at Srinagar of the JKFA in imparting professional training to veteran footballers under the guidance of AFC Instructor, Hilal Rasool. The participants were drawn from districts of Kupwara, Pulwama, Annatnag, Sopore, Baramulla, Budgam, Jammu and Srinagar.

Ferrer beats BCCI moves Competition Appellate Tribunal against CCI Zorawar Club enters Hockey final DELHI: Cricket body league and award of sponJAMMU: Zorawar Club today entered into the final of the BCCI has moved the sorship rights. Noting that Roger-Vasselin in NEW ongoing 2nd Maharaja Ranjit Singh gold Cup Hockey Competition Appellate BCCI's economic power is Tournament, organised by Young Star at Simbal Camp. In the Tribunal challenging impoenormous "as a regulator Portugal Open sition of Rs 52.24 crore on it that enables it to pick win- semifinals, played today, Zorawar Club outplayed formidable
LISBON: Top-seeded David Ferrer outlasted France's Edouard Roger-Vasselin for a 6-4, 4-6, 6-3 win in the second round of the Portugal Open on Wednesday. The fourthranked Ferrer, who had been given a bye in the first round, edged his unseeded opponent by four breaks to three to finish the match in 1 hour, 49 minutes. Ferrer will next play Victor Hanescu after the Romanian defeated sixthseeded Benoit Paire 7-6 (2), 6-4. In the second round of the women's event, fourthseeded Carla Suarez defeated Yanina Wickmeyer 6-4, 6-3, while Elena Vesnina beat Monica Niculescu 6-4, 6-4. Kaia Kanepi, Svetlana Kuznetsova, and Romina Oprandi also won their matches. by fair trade regulator CCI for allegedly adopting anticompetitive practices. A petition by Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) is scheduled to come up for hearing on May 5 before a three-member bench of the Competition Appellate Tribunal (COMPAT). The Competition Commission of India (CCI) on February 8 this year penalized BCCI after finding it guilty of abuse of its dominant position and passed a "cease and desist" order asking it to refrain itself from such practices in future. The fair trade regulator held that the Indian cricket board indulged in anti-competitive practices by denying market access to potential competitors, including inclusion of similar clauses in any future agreement. CCI had imposed a penalty of Rs 52.24 crore on BCCI. CCI had acted on the basis of a complaint filed by a city-based individual Surinder Singh Barmi against BCCI in November 2010. His allegations were based on issues related to IPL and a professional cricket league tournament conducted by BCCI. Among others, the complainant had alleged irregularities in the grant of franchise rights for team ownership, media rights for coverage of the ners", the regulator said the cricket board has gained tremendously in financial terms from the Indian Premier League (IPL) cricket format. "Virtually, there is no other competitor in the market nor was anyone allowed to emerge due to BCCI's strategy of monopolizing the entire market," CCI had said in its order. The policy of BCCI to keep out other competitors and to use their position as a defactor regulatory body has prevented many players who could have opted for the competitive league, it added.

Campbells' sister act wins world team berths

ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA: Australian sisters Cate and Bronte Campbell finished first and second in the women's 100metres freestyle final in Adelaide on Wednesday to qualify for this year's world swimming championships. Cate, an Olympic gold medallist in the women's 4x100m relay, swam the quickest time ever in Australia in Tuesday's semi-final and produced a start-to-finish victory in the final, touching in 52.92secs. Bronte Campbell (53.85) held off challenges for the second individual berth in the event at the world championships in July. London Olympian Matson Lawson won his first national title in the 200m backstroke to overhaul defending champion Mitch Larkin and the dual national title winner in the event, Ashley Delaney. Lawson touched in 1:56.59 to make his first world championships team and will be joined by London teammate Larkin (1:56.79). Dual Olympian Sally Foster won her second national title of the week with a dominant performance in the women's 200m breaststroke in 2:23.94, from teenagers Jenna Strauch (2:26.47) and Taylor McKeown 2:28.24.

side of Nanak Nagar Club by three goals to two. Though first two goals were scored by Nanak Nagar, yet Zorawar Club recovered and made it a 3-2 win. From winners Zorawar Club, Gurab Singh netted the ball in 8th and 12th minute converting penalty corners while Sanjay Singh scored in 27th minute. Earlier, Ravinder Singh (2nd) and Ravneet Singh (5th) scored for Nanak Nagar Club. Now, in the second semifinal, scheduled for tomorrow, Young Star Simbal Camp shall take on Sittu Club at 4 pm at the same venue.

Summer Break in JU from May 13

JAMMU: The teaching departments of the University of Jammu shall observe a 45-day Summer Break from May 13 to June 28 with the results there will be no class work on the campus. As per a notification issued in this regard by office of the Dean Academic Affairs (DAA), the teaching departments shall re-open on July one.

Sprawling Buds students visit Science Express

of biodiversity of each biogeographic region of the country. Special photo exhibition of Gharana Wetland and migratory birds has also been exhibited at the platform of Bajalta Station for the awareness of visiting students. This unique knowledge train has been conceptualized by the Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of Environment and Forests Government of India. Students were overwhelmed to see the highly informative and interesting biodiversity exhibition covering almost all forms of life on the planet. General Secretary of Tawi Trekkers, Ram Khajuria, Director of the School, Arti Sharma, Sujata Pandita and Indu accompanied the students.

Muralitharan to play in Caribbean Premier League

place in six countries in July and August. The 41-year-old, currently playing for Royal Challengers Bangalore in IPL, slots in along with other international stars Ricky Ponting and Adam Gilchrist from Australia, New Zealand's Ross Taylor, Pakistan's Mohammad Hafeez and South African Herschelle Gibbs as confirmed big-name signings. Also confirmed are six West Indies franchise players -Dwayne Bravo, Chris Gayle, Sunil Narine, Kieron Pollard, Darren Sammy and Marlon Samuels. The players' draft, which is set to take place on May 24, will determine who will be playing where, with six franchises to be based in Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, St Lucia and Trinidad and Tobago to be announced. A total of 90 players will be contracted for the CPL. Each of the six Franchise teams will have 15 players. All the teams are required to have a minimum number of local players.

Hormone replacement adds muscle to women: Study

BERN: Swiss scientists have proved that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can improve muscle strength and fibre function in women, says a study. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) significantly improves muscle function -- down to the muscle fibre level -- in post-menopausal women, said a new study in The Journal of Physiology. Some studies published over the last decade have led to negative publicity around HRT, a treatment used to relieve symptoms of menopause, resulting in many women being reluctant to use it. This new study, however, offers a positive outcome from the treatment, reports Science Daily. Doctor Lars Larsson, from Uppsala University Hospital in Sweden, who led the study, said: "We found that even though individual muscle fibre did not change in size, the muscles of HRT users showed greater strength by generating a higher maximum force compared to non-HRT users." "It is thought that using HRT, at least in part, reduces modifications of muscle contractile proteins that are linked to ageing," said Larsson.

KINGSTON: Sri Lanka spin wizard Muttiah Muralitharan has been confirmed as the sixth and final international franchise player for this year's Caribbean Premier League (CPL). Muralitharan, who has taken more international wickets than any other player in history, with 1347 scalps across Test, ODI and Twenty20 International formats, will line up in the inaugural franchise-based tournament that will take

JAMMU: Students of Sprawling Buds School were taken on an educational outing to Science Express- biodiversity special train at nearby Bajalta station under the banner of Tawi Trekkers J&K, today. The motto behind this outing was to make students and teachers

aware of the biodiversity of environment. Students had a close contact with different species of animals, types of fruits, plants, insects and forests. They were made aware about the preventive measures, to save nature. There were 16 coaches in the special train giving glimpses

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