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4 Steps to a

Life of Passion
The ONE thing that transformed the lives of over 130 ultra successful people How I recovered from a broken self-esteem to become a bestselling author Why you should NOT believe in the saying Where there is a will, there is a way The 4-step blueprint for nding, living and monetizing your passion

By Mohamed Tohami

4 steps to a life of... Passion Purpose Meaning Joy Freedom Fulllment Success Happiness

Set your heart and soul free from the prison of the paycheck

This is a free report written by Mohamed Tohami. Please share it with anyone you please under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Copyright 2012 Mohamed Tohami

Table of Contents
Part 1 How I discovered the ultimate life transformation secret Part 2 How I used that secret to recover from a broken self-esteem and become a bestselling author Part 3 The 4-step blueprint for nding, living and monetizing your passion

Part 1

How I discovered the ultimate life transformation secret

The pain The secret The cure

The Pain
If you want to measure the quality of your life, you must look at your wake-up experience. Its sad to see the worst moment of your day is when the alarm rings in the morning for you to wake up and go waste your precious life at a meaningless work. In addition, you may always feel lost or something is missing. And you know, deep in your heart, that you can give more and live better. But unfortunately, you feel obliged to stay at a job you hate, in order to make a living and support your family. In this report, Im going to share with you a blueprint to help you reclaim your freedom and live a life of passion, meaning, joy and fulllment. Its time to set your heart and soul free from the prison of the paycheck and start following your passion and creating a life you can be proud of.

The Secret
One of the most important success lessons that Ive learned so far is that The easiest way to become successful is to nd someone who is already successful in what you want to do and follow his footsteps. This encouraged me back in 2007 to start interviewing successful people about their secrets of transformation and success. So, I scheduled phone interviews with the worlds top success and business gurus names like Jim Cathcart, Tony Alessandra, Michael Gerber, Mark Sanborn, Joe Sugarman and many many more - and asked them questions like:

How did you start your success quest? What are the top 3 challenges that you faced and how did you overcome these challenges? What are the top 3 success lessons that you learned throughout your journey?

And one of the common questions that I was always keen to ask is

What is the transformational point in your life?

Because I was curious to know what transforms an ordinary person into an extraordinary person. One day he or she was just an average person like most people, but a mysterious force caused an impressive transformation in that persons life. So, I couldnt resist my desire to discover that mysterious force. And here comes the BIG SURPRISE

I soon discovered that I was receiving the exact same answer every time I asked that question. The context of the answer always came in this form My life has been transformed the moment I started to listen to my heart and live with passion doing what I love and loving what I do. The interesting thing is that when I reected back on my own life, I would give the exact same answerMy life has been transformed the moment I started to live with passion Therefore, after over 130 interviews with ultra successful people and receiving almost the same answer every time, I came to the conclusion that the ultimate life transformation secret of all time is

And Only When You Breathe It In, Can The Transformation Begin PASSION Thats the secret of life transformation. Now, I want to ask you Do you follow your heart? Do you live with passion? Did you nd joy in your life? Did your life bring joy to others?

If not, then you need to STOP and re-evaluate your lifestyle. And if you think you are too busy to think about your passion, then what are you busy doing? The great philosopher Henry David Thoreau once said, Its not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is, what are we busy about?

The Cure
What is the point of living if you dont have the freedom to enjoy doing what matters most to you. If youre not satised with your current job or lifestyle, and feel that youve been wasting your life doing things you were obliged to do, then the cure and all what you need to focus on is FINDING YOUR PASSION and LIVING it. And thats the main purpose of this report. Im going to show you the complete blueprint for nding and living your passion, so that you can have a life you can be proud of. Being free doesnt mean that this report has little or no value. I assure you that if you followed the steps in this report, youll be able to quickly transform your life into a masterpiece of JOY and CONTRIBUTION. Ignore the steps at your own peril. But remember that...

When your passion is lost, your soul has no host

So, its time to listen to the magnicent symphony that is playing inside your heart. Your call is calling since you were born. When are you going to pick up the phone and answer, YES!?

Part 2

How I used that secret to recover from a broken self-esteem and become a bestselling author

The story The lesson The transformation

The Story
I would like to share with you a very important lesson that transformed my lifethats the biggest lesson Ive ever learned about nding joy and leaving a legacy. Heres the beginning I remember the day I returned home from school with my rst chemistry lesson. That day I had learned that there are three types of substances: solid, liquid, and gas. Our teacher told us to look carefully at everything we see and to categorize it into the right type. I was very excited about the lesson and assignment, and started my examination of things around me while I ate lunch. I looked at the plates and categorized them under the solid category, the water under the liquid category, and the smell of the food under the gas category. Then I took a piece of bread and cut it and I was shocked! What type of substances is this? I could easily cut it, so it couldnt be a solid, and of course it couldnt be a liquid or a gas. So what could the bread be?! At rst I was confused, but then I got really excited! I thought I had made a huge discovery, and started dreaming of seeing and hearing my name in all the national and international newspapers, magazines, and TV shows all amazed by the genius kid who had made the greatest discovery of the century.

I nished lunch quickly and rushed to my room. I grabbed my science book and a sheet of paper and started writing a scientic paper. After listing all the characteristics of solids, liquids, and gases, I wrote, And since bread shares none of these characteristics, it must fall under a fourth category elastic substance. Thrilled about my discovery, I took my paper and rushed to my fathers room. My father is very logical, conservative, and critical. He doesnt pay much attention to the pros of things or situations but he sees the cons clearly and vividly! I call him Mr. Worry because he worries about everything. I opened the door. Whats up, son? he asked with apprehension. Hey, Dad, please take a look at this! What is it? ... Just read this, please. Please! I handed him my paper proudly, then stood there with the unshakable condence of a genius. My father read the paperand began to laugh! ... Whats wrong? I asked, devastated. And he said, Do you really think that all the greatest scientists in the world havent already thought of this? Umm, I dont know, I said weakly ... Son, bread is considered a solid. And dont tell anyone about this, or they will laugh at you. TOTAL DISAPPOINTMENT! BROKEN SELF-ESTEEM My fathers logic won over mine. His logic spoke to mine, and it made perfect sense. I thought to myself, He must be right. Havent scientists throughout history eaten bread? If this is something worth discovering, they would have discovered it long ago.

Defeated and disappointed, I threw my scientic paper away. After that experience, I lost trust in my own thoughts and ideas. I became very hesitant about every step I made and every new endeavor I began. Whenever someone said That will be difcult or Thats wrong or That doesnt make sense, I just listened and quit whatever I was doing. The years passed like that. Finally, in my last year at college, I fell in love with the eld of success and motivation. I had the gut instinct that this would be my eld, the eld where I could leave a great legacy a eld I could live and die for. I decided to immediately print business cards so I could start building my identity and my practice as a success coach. When I stepped into the printing company, I saw the owner, a man in his late thirties, sitting behind his wooden desk, calm and relaxed. There were some boxes on his desk that I assumed contained samples of all the cards he had printed for his clients. He was like a card collector a smart business networking man! With all those cards, he must have contacts in every eld imaginable! I said, Hello, Id like to have some business cards printed, please. Of course, our pleasure, he said. But we have to agree on something rst. We usually take the rst business card from each client. See this box of cards? Oh sure, it will be an honor, I replied. Its a deal, then. What name do you want to put on the card? Mohamed Tohami. And what is the title?

UmmSuccess and Life Mastery Coach. Sorry? Can you say that again?! Success and Life Mastery Coach, I said again, getting a little nervous. What kind of profession is that? Oh, its kind of a counselor that helps people achieve their goals and succeed, I explained. Im not sure I understand. Anyway, are you sure you want to write that? Yes, please. A few days later, I went back to pick up my cards. Thanks, I said. The printing looks great! I paid and started to leave before I remembered: Oh, sorry. I almost forgot about the card you asked for. And the business owner replied, Oh, no no. Never mind. You can keep it. No way, I said rmly. Here take TWO! Then I rushed home, opened the door to my fathers room, and handed him a card, saying, Hey, dad, please keep this with you you might need it! He smiled and said, Oh, a business card? Then he looked at it and started to laugh.

Success and Life Mastery Coach? Hmm. Do you really think you can teach people how to succeed? You just graduated! Go get a job rst. Excel at it and succeed in it, and then you can start thinking about helping other people. But not before at least 5 to 7 years. Once again, I was disappointed. And once again, his logic made perfect sense. How on earth could I teach people how to succeed without having had any kind of experience or success myself? But this time, there was a small difference. His logic was not speaking to my logic. Instead, it was speaking to my heart. Years later, when I reected back on that moment, I realized that when your heart enters the challenge, your success is 100% guaranteed. Something happened to me as I stood there in my fathers room. Up until that point, I had always quit projects or given up on my ideas as soon as I found them too difcult or other people told me that Id never succeed. But this time, I didnt stop or quit. Instead, I became deaf and blind to every single negative inuence. For the rst time in my entire life, I wasnt hesitant. I didnt give up easily, and I didnt quit. I stood solid as a pyramid against the laughter, criticism, and disbelief of others. And I followed the guidance of my heart.

The Lesson
For me, my newfound strength against all odds was a perfect sign that I had found my true purpose in life. I nally felt that I had all the motivation Id ever need to keep moving forward in the direction of my dreams. I wont claim that I had a vivid idea in my mind of what I would achieve or how Id go about it. All I knew back then was that I loved success and helping people succeed more than anything on earth. And for me, that was enough. You will be surprised to know that I no longer believe in the famous saying Where theres a will, theres a way. Its not 100% correct, at least for me. Willpower didnt help me that much in my journey through life. Will was not my secret weapon in fact, it let me down many times. My secret weapon was my heart. So now I say,

Where theres a HEART, theres a way.

I started working very hard and learned like a sponge. I read every book I could get my hands on. I worked on developing myself, my knowledge, my experience, and my credibility. I totally immersed myself in my chosen eld. Of course I got a 9-to-5 job, but I followed my passion in every spare second I had and stuck with it, no matter what.

I even left a stressful job and found a less stressful and less time-consuming one, just so Id have more time to dedicate to my passion. I started to nd opportunities to speak and train other people. Then I built my website and started to learn and use Internet marketing tactics to reach out to thousands of people worldwide with my articles, Teleseminars, coaching and online products. Eventually, I learned that the easiest way to become successful is to nd someone who is already successful at what you want to do and follow in his footsteps. So I started to interview over 130 top success and business experts. I asked them about their secrets of success and transformation and how they built their success empires from scratch. I learned from them hundreds of hands-on success strategies and transformational wisdom. And I recorded these interviews in a project called The Success Avalanche, and published it on the web so other people could listen and benet from it thats 80+ hours of motivation, inspiration and success insights. Then, after six years of research and study, I wrote my rst book, The Pharaohs Code. And what did I do after it was published and I received my rst copy? I took it to my father yes, AGAIN! Hey, dad. Please take a look at this book.

Oh, it looks great. Hmm, The Pharaohs Code interesting title. He started ipping through the pages. He liked the chapter titles a lot and was amazed by the powerful testimonials and endorsements written by top success experts. Then he asked, Who is the author? Oh, is that you? When did you do that? How did you know all these people who wrote these endorsements for your book? I smiled and said, Ive been working. Yes, thats all Id done. Id been working for six years, but I was driven by a heart full of re and desire! I cant claim that I had a vision to write a book all I know is that I had a heart that deeply loved success wisdom. Along the way, I was struck by one idea after the other. From the interviews, to the research into the literature and wisdom of the pharaohs, and nally to nding a way to bring those two things together in a book.

And on May 19, 2009, The Pharaohs Code became the #1 bestselling motivational book on Amazon!
When I reect back on that accomplishment and ask myself how I did it, I realize that much of that success came because I learned how to tango with my heart. The logic of my mind had nothing to do with it initially; instead, it all started with my intense LOVE of something, and in putting my full trust in my heart to lead the way. Thats what you need to do to transform your life and manifest the success you dream of.

Tango with your heart

The Transformation
How many times have you buried your dreams and ignored the love and light in your heart because of circumstances, other people, or your own self-limiting beliefs and fears? Because someone, somewhere, somehow told you son, youre not qualied, that you dont have enough knowledge or experience, that youre too young or too old and they called this ADVICE! And how many times have you listened to this negative input? How many times have you quit? How many times have you given up your dreams? How was your life after that? Lifeless? Enough is enough. It is time to tango with your heart. You dont always have to follow logic, stumble upon a magical idea, or do what makes sense.

Sometimes you just have to do what FEELS right, because thats what makes all the difference!
Listen to your heart. Listen to its magnicent symphony. In your heart lies your greatness, your uniqueness, your brilliance, your legacy, and your happiness. There in your heart lies your satisfaction, your fulllment, your vitality, and your dreams. There in your heart lies the true you.

There is no shame in not being qualied for something. There is no shame in failing.

The only shame is giving up your dreams

Brian Tracy once said, Most people die at the age of 25 and have their bodies buried at the age of 65! They die at the age of 25 because they give up their dreams and live a lifeless life. You dont want to belong to this category. Now is your time to tango with your heart. Activate your passion, liberate your uniqueness, get noticed, and add enormous value to your life and the lives of others. Now is your time to overcome the hits and strikes of life, persevere with your dreams, follow your passion and feel the pride. Now is your time to look the naysayers in the eye those who laughed at you, those who didnt believe in you and to let your best response be a remarkable success. No more fears and no more hesitation. No more tears and no more limitations.

This is your day

This is the beginning of your new life, the life that you truly deserve. Now is your time to shine and show the world the promise and brilliance of your legacy. Now is the time to tango with your heart.

Part 3

The 4-step blueprint for nding, living and monetizing your passion

Purpose Practice Position Prot

By the end of this part, youll know exactly how to nd your passion and connect it to a protable path. Youll be able to set the right strategy and action plan to safely quit a job you hate and starting following your passion FULL-TIME - thats your dream of total freedom and fulllment my friend. So, lets start with the rst step:

In your opinion, what activity could be more critical than nding your true purpose in life? Scottish Theologian, William Barclay, said, There are two great days in a persons life the day we are born and the day we discover why. The answer to this important question what is my purpose in life leads to nding the path in which you can nd joy in your life and bring joy to others at the same time. But how can you nd THE answer?

If youve been to Cairo, you know that it is a huge and very busy city with increasing trafc. In Cairo, it is not an easy task to park your car. Finding a parking slot is a BIG blessing. When you nd a free parking slot somewhere, you feel very proud of yourself and think youre truly smart. However, what ignites my curiosity is, Why is it that when youre driving and looking for a free parking slot or an address, you turn down the volume on the radio?. Have you ever thought about this before? And by the way, this applies to all other cities in the world, not just Cairo. Heres why Critical activities (like parking in Cairo!) require a calm mind. Let me repeat this again

Critical activities require a CALM MIND

If youve watched the animation movie Kung Fu Panda, you might remember the scene where Master Oogway taught Master Shifo a very important lesson when he said, Your mind is like the water. When it is agitated it becomes difcult to see, but when you let it settle, the answer becomes clear.

This is exactly how you should begin the journey to nding your purpose in life.

Let your mind settle

I highly recommend that you take a short relaxing vacation and travel to one of your favorite placesALONE! No friends are allowed, and denitely no wives nor husbands! No methods of communication are allowed too. Switch off your mobile and leave behind your laptop, iPad, iPod, etc. It is just YOU and NATURE. Let your mind settle. When it is calm and clear, youll be able to nd the answer to your lifes most important question What Is My Purpose In Life? There are many clues that can help you know more about yourself and be clear about your purpose in life. Click here to download a free PDF workbook that will help you uncover the top 9 clues to nd your true purpose in life. Download it now, and after nishing this report go through it and try to nd your calling your BIGGEST WHY! But remember, this workbook will not be effective and will take you nowhere, if your mind is agitated. Without calming your mind, it becomes very difcult to nd your purpose in life. You must slow down and let it settle, so that the answer becomes clear. Now, lets move to the second step...

In 1991 Anders Ericsson, a psychologist at Florida State University and two of his colleagues conducted an extensive investigation into the causes of excellent performance. Their subjects were divided into three groups of violinists at the Music Academy of West Berlin in Germany:

Group #1: comprised of outstanding, super-talented students. Group #2: were very good, but not top performers. Group #3: comprised of average students.

After extensive study and conducting a set of interviews, Ericsson found that:

The biographical histories of the 3 groups are very similar. The 3 groups began practicing around the same age (8 years old) The 3 groups began their formal lessons at the same time. They were taught by the same number of music teachers. They studied the same number of musical instruments.

But Ericsson discovered ONE UNEXPECTED DIFFERENCE between the groups, which is:

The Number of Practice Hours!

Ericsson and his colleagues found that by the age of 20:

The top performer practiced an average of 10,000 hours. The good performer practiced an average of 8,000 hours. The average performer practiced an average of 4,000 hours.

The stunning thing is that Ericsson didnt nd an exception to this pattern. This is when Ericsson and his colleagues came to this conclusion: Continuous performance improvement through long hours of serious practice is the ONLY factor that develops talents and creates champions! It is all about long hours of serious practice, NOT as we used to believe that extraordinary performance is a result of innate talents or inherited genes! Ericsson and his colleagues wrote, We argue that the differences between expert performers and normal adults reect a life-long persistence of deliberate effort to improve performance. Now, for how long have you been practicing your passion and how much effort are you willing to devote to improve your performance?

Youve got to be PATIENT. Or what I call Actively patient, which means that you must work vigorously to practice and improve your performance and trust that the GOLDEN opportunity will knock your doors when youre perfectly ready to seize it thats active patience. I believe by now you can realize why successful people are very rare, and how you can join this elite group of top performers. Since most people are impatient, they fail to persevere, follow through and devote REALLY long hours of serious practice, until they achieve the mastery level in their elds. Now, if you wish, you can become an extraordinary performer by following this scientically proven 2-step formula through which champions and winners are made:

Find your passion and purpose in life and then devote at least 10,000 hours for continuous performance improvement through serious consistent practice.
This might seem like a very long journey (10 years of 3-hour daily practice). But, so what? Years will pass anyway. So, live your life the right way and enjoy every minute of it. This is the surere way to extraordinary success, happiness and fulllment. This is the only way to leave your mark in this world. As the saying goes, Practice makes perfect * For more interesting facts and scientic researches about this revolutionary concept, I recommend you read the following two books:

Outliers: The Story of Success, by Malcolm Gladwell Bounce: The Myth of Talent and The Power of Practice, by Matthew Syed

The ultimate purpose of the practice phase is to master the basics of your eld of passion. Its mastery through IMMERSION. Get yourself immersed in everything related to your passion. Master the skills, gain the knowledge, connect with passionate & successful people and understand the industry all around. Then, you move to the third step...

This stage comes late after you have practiced your passion long enough, examined most of the offerings and solutions in the market, got connected with key players and inuencers, and had a complete understanding of your eld and mastery of your craft. Only then, youll be looking for the unique value that you can add in your eld of passion to solve a problem or provide a service that is better, cheaper, or faster than all other solutions and services in the market. Thats when you will gure out your unique positioning and will be able to answer these three questions:

Who will pay me? Pay me for what? Why me?

Now let me reveal to you a secret that will help you position yourself for ultimate success and turn your passion into a worldwide sensation.

That secret simply is:

In order to turn your passion into a worldwide sensation, you need to take your world by SURPRISE!
Surprise is dened as striking with wonder because of unexpectedness. And I believe it is the historys #2 factor to achieving remarkable success. (Guess what the #1 factor is Yes, It is Passion). To simplify and summarize the concept, I would like to share with you this formula: PASSION + SURPRISE = REMARKABLE SUCCESS (OR Worldwide Sensation) Passion is all about having an intense love of something and putting your full trust in your heart to lead the way. While Surprise is the ultimate catalyst that will connect your passion to an extremely protable path. Surprise is the factor that will spread your inuence all over the world and make your passion a worldwide sensation. Surprise is the solid bridge between your passion and remarkable success. After youve embraced and practiced your passion to the level of mastery, you need to answer ONE important question in order to take your passion to the next level: How Can I Take Them By Surprise?

Them is the target segment that youre eager to add tremendous value to. It could be as small as your family, and as big as the whole world. This idea is so powerful, thats why I want you to let it sink in. If you want to see a living example of a surprise that led to a worldwide sensation, think of Suzan Boyle. Her video was the most viewed video in the history of Youtube. When you discover how to use the surprise factor in your favor, your life will never be the same. Now to the forth and last step ...

In this stage youre going to build a solid protable business around your passion. Any successful business should follow this 3-step formula: 1. Establish your platform: this is where people can experience and taste your value, so that they know, like and trust you. Attract your community: by providing unique value to a target market youll begin to attract fans and build a community around your passion. Monetize your value: Its been said, where people go, money follows. So, once you have attracted a community, you can start offering your solution or value in different ways according to your eld of passion. And since youve gured out your unique positioning in the previous step, your offer will stand out and people will perceive you as a trusted authority in your eld. 2.


Now, I would like to share with you what I consider the best tool or vehicle for turning any passion into prots. This vehicle will help you easily follow the previous three step formula for building a solid protable business.

But before I share it with you, I would like to answer this important question: why is turning passion into prots important? Brendon Burchard, bestselling author of The Millionaire Messenger, says,

If you dont have the money, you cant sustain the message
Your passion cannot survive for long without turning it into prots thats the reality! This doesnt contradict with your good intentions to serve and add value to your community. In fact, you MUST turn your passion into a hugely protable venture, in order to sustain your message and expand your reach. Lets be realistic, if you cant make a living from your passion, youll always be tied to your paycheck. By turning your passion into prots, youll not worry about nancial security and your primary focus will be on adding consistent value to other people. The conception of Money is the root of all evil is no longer valid. And everyone should know that money IS GOOD and IS IMPORTANT, because it provides you with the freedom to do what you love, and in the same time, serve others in the best way possible. Now, back to the best vehicle for turning passion into prots... I always encourage my life purpose coaching clients to tap into the power of...


Starting a blog is the ideal tool and the perfect platform for turning -literally- any passion into prots. I dont know if youve realized it or not, but the future of marketing now is all going towards educational marketing. This means you need to publish content that educates people and help them solve their problems. Thats why its been said that from now on every business should be a publishing business regardless of what youre selling. Instead of direct selling or advertising, offer free value that educates your market about their problem and your solution. A blog is the perfect multimedia publishing tool that you can leverage to share your passion with the world. You can use text, audio and video and easily add social media sharing buttons that give your message the potential to go viral, if people really like what youre sharing. And when you build a community and attract enough fans, you can start offering them something of value that they can buy. Blogging transformed my life and I urge you to explore and learn more about it, because it can transform your life too. * There are hundreds of millions of blogs online today. And anyone can start a blog in 5 minutes, but very few people will start blogs that matter. Thats why I highly recommend the course How To Start a Blog That Matters by Corbett Barr. Ive been through the course myself, and I am condent that youll be 110% satised by the value youre going to get from the course. Click here to check it out (this is my afliate link)

I hope by now you have a complete overview of what it takes to live a life of passion. The journey might not be easy, but its enjoyable and its worth it. It is a notable quest to nd joy in your life and bring joy to others. It is how you will make your life a story thats worth telling. If you nd this report useful, please share it with someone you care about. I believe when more people are empowered to live a life of passion, the world will be a much better & peaceful place. Finally, I would love to connect with you. You can connect with me at: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn

To Your Passionate Life, Mohamed Tohami

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