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1. Portable 2. Useful for emergencies 3. Some have a music player, camera, Bluetooth etc on it. Disadvantages:

1: Some places don't have mobile signal. 2: It may break. 3: Some phones like smart phones tend to have a short battery life. So you have to charge it all the time. Advantages:

1. Portable 2. Useful for emergencies 3. Some have a music player, camera, bluetooth etc on it. Disadvantages:

1: Some places don't have mobile signal. 2: It may break. 3: Some phones like smartphones tend to have a short battery life. So you have to charge it all the time.

Advantage : able to communicate easier. Can help to seek for help during emergency. Get rid of boredom as there are games in the cellphone. Save time by just calling. Save money by using short message service Disadvantages: radiation, reduce the boding with family ,expensive, easily break, is a distraction to driver, people get addicted Emails Advantages 1.It's fast - Messages can be sent anywhere around the world in an instant 2. It's cheap - Transmission usually costs nothing, or at the most, very little 3. It's simple - Easy to use, after initial setup 4. It's efficient - Sending to a group can be done in one step

5. It's versatile - Pictures, power-points or other files can be sent too The disadvantages are; 1. Email can become time consuming for answering complicated questions and misunderstandings can arise because cultural differences in the interpretation of certain words. The telephone, is much better for providing detailed answers or if you feel that the question is not absolutely clear. 2. Email can compromise the security of an organization because sensitive information can be easily distributed accidently or deliberately. Email should be entrusted to well trained and trusted staff members. 3. Email can become impersonal or misunderstood.

1. Acceptance: as letter is a very popular means of written communication its acceptance is better than any other form of written communication. 2. Documentary evidence: Letter has a legal status and it serves as documentary evidence. 3. Value creation: Through sales and appeal letters an image or value of the firm can be created. 4. Access: Letter is widely accepted tools for communication. It has easy access to any form of business. 5. Narrative: Usually information or message explained in detail in the letter form of communication. Sometimes short report also can be prepared in letter format. 6. Transfer of ideas: Thoughts and ideas also can be transferred through letters. One can easily convey his or her idea by a letter. 7. Announcement: A letter can act as an announcer. Qualities of a product, introduction of a new product, any offer for the customer can be announced by a letter. 8. Guide: Another advantage of letter is it can guide the action of the reader. Sometimes company authorities try to guide the activities of the workers through open letter. 9. Expansion of business: Business letter are indispensible part of modern business. It is not just a tool for exchanging messages, rather it plays vital role for the expansion of a business. 10. Strengthen mutual relation: Letters act as ambassador and help to strengthen mutual relationship among business men. In spite of its many advantages letter has some disadvantages too. Disadvantagesare as follows: 1. Costly: In comparison to other form of communication letter is costly.

2. No immediate response: In case of letter there is no immediate feedback. 3. Time consuming: In this modern era of communication letter is considered as slow moving tool of communication. It takes more time than any other form of communication. 4. Formality: Letters are written by following specific format and tone. Thus there is lot of formalities required in case of a letter. These are the major disadvantages of a Business letter.

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