Schem SPI Administration Module

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SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration

User's Guide

Version 2009 SP4 (9.0.4) October 2009/June 2012 DSPI2-PE-200002A-Updated

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Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth below. For civilian agencies: This was developed at private expense and is "restricted computer software" submitted with restricted rights in accordance with subparagraphs (a) through (d) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights clause at 52.227-19 of the Federal Acquisition Regulations ("FAR") and its successors, and is unpublished and all rights are reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. For units of the Department of Defense ("DoD"): This is "commercial computer software" as defined at DFARS 252.227-7014 and the rights of the Government are as specified at DFARS 227.7202-3. Unpublished - rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. Intergraph Corporation P.O. Box 240000 Huntsville, AL 35813

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Use of this software product is subject to the End User License Agreement ("EULA") delivered with this software product unless the licensee has a valid signed license for this software product with Intergraph Corporation. If the licensee has a valid signed license for this software product with Intergraph Corporation, the valid signed license shall take precedence and govern the use of this software product. Subject to the terms contained within the applicable license agreement, Intergraph Corporation gives licensee permission to print a reasonable number of copies of the documentation as defined in the applicable license agreement and delivered with the software product for licensee's internal, non-commercial use. The documentation may not be printed for resale or redistribution.

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Working with the Administration Module ............................................................................................... 13 SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Setup for Oracle ....................................................................... 15 Oracle Database Server Tablespaces for SmartPlant Instrumentation ................................................ 16 Setting Up a Database for Oracle Common Tasks............................................................................... 17 Set Up a SmartPlant Instrumentation Database for Oracle .................................................................. 18 Clean Up the Oracle Database ............................................................................................................. 23 SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Setup for SQL Server............................................................... 25 SQL Server Database Server Filegroups for SmartPlant Instrumentation ........................................... 26 Setting Up a Database for SQL Server Common Tasks ...................................................................... 27 Set Up a SmartPlant Instrumentation Database for SQL Server .......................................................... 28 Clean Up the SQL Server Database ..................................................................................................... 30 Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion ........................................................................................... 31 Domain Backup Common Tasks .......................................................................................................... 32 Back Up a Domain.......................................................................................................................... 32 Back Up a Domain from the Command Line .................................................................................. 33 Back Up a Domain in Thin Client Mode ......................................................................................... 34 Workaround for a Backup Problem in Windows Vista and Windows 7 .......................................... 36 Backing Up Files Containing Audit Trail Data ....................................................................................... 36 Backing Up Audit Trail Data on Oracle ........................................................................................... 37 Backing Up Audit Trail Data on SQL Server .................................................................................. 38 Backing Up Audit Trail Data on Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere ............................................. 39 Domain Initialization .............................................................................................................................. 40 Prerequisites for Domain Initialization ............................................................................................ 41 Domain Initialization Common Tasks ............................................................................................. 43 Domain Deletion Common Tasks ......................................................................................................... 59 Delete a Domain ............................................................................................................................. 60 Delete an Invalid Domain on Oracle ............................................................................................... 61 Delete an Invalid Domain on SQL Server ...................................................................................... 61 Troubleshooting Domain Initialization Common Tasks......................................................................... 62 Handle an Initialization Failure ....................................................................................................... 63 Workaround for an Initialization Problem in Windows Vista and Windows 7 ................................. 63 Workaround for a Backup Problem in Windows Vista and Windows 7 .......................................... 64 Numeric Character Settings for Oracle .......................................................................................... 65 Workaround for the Grant to View Creation Error .......................................................................... 66 Accessing the Administration Module .................................................................................................... 67 Log on as System Administrator ........................................................................................................... 67 Log on as Domain Administrator........................................................................................................... 68 Switch from System Administration to Domain Administration ............................................................. 68 Switch from Domain Administration to System Administration ............................................................. 68 Users, Departments, and Groups ............................................................................................................ 69 Create and Manage Departments......................................................................................................... 69

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Define a SmartPlant Instrumentation User ........................................................................................... 70 Assign a Domain Administrator ............................................................................................................. 71 User Groups .......................................................................................................................................... 71 Users and Groups Common Tasks....................................................................................................... 72 Create a New Group ....................................................................................................................... 73 Modify the Profile of a Group .......................................................................................................... 73 Delete a Group ............................................................................................................................... 73 Assign Users to Groups.................................................................................................................. 73 Remove Users from Groups ........................................................................................................... 74 Windows Authentication Logon Method ......................................................................................... 74 Create a Group for Windows Authentication Logon Method .......................................................... 75 Remove Deleted Windows Users from SmartPlant Instrumentation User Groups ........................ 75 Switching to a Different Logon Method .......................................................................................... 76 System Administration ............................................................................................................................. 77 System Administration Common Tasks ................................................................................................ 77 Domain Management Common Tasks ................................................................................................. 78 Create an Owner Operator Domain ............................................................................................... 79 Make Domain Definitions................................................................................................................ 80 Enable Cable Type Dependency .................................................................................................... 81 Enable Workflow............................................................................................................................. 82 Activate the Audit Trail Functionality .............................................................................................. 82 Enable Item Registry ...................................................................................................................... 83 Specify a Global Path ..................................................................................................................... 83 Activity Tracking Management Common Tasks ................................................................................... 84 Set the Activity Tracking Mode ....................................................................................................... 84 Clear Activity Tracking Data ........................................................................................................... 85 Generate a Grid-Style Activity Tracking Report ............................................................................. 85 Generate a Graph-Style Activity Tracking Report .......................................................................... 86 Managing Database Security ................................................................................................................ 87 SmartPlant Instrumentation Encryption Mechanism ...................................................................... 87 Set Security Options ....................................................................................................................... 92 Database Locking Mode (for Multi-User Versions) ........................................................................ 92 Set Database Locking Mode .......................................................................................................... 93 Maintaining the SmartPlant Instrumentation Database ........................................................................ 93 General Database Maintenance Common Tasks .......................................................................... 93 Database Maintenance on SQL Server Common Tasks ............................................................... 99 Database Maintenance on Oracle Common Tasks ..................................................................... 101 Using KKS Naming Conventions in SmartPlant Instrumentation ....................................................... 105 Working in KKS Mode in SmartPlant Instrumentation ........................................................................ 107 Flow of Activities for Working in KKS Mode ................................................................................. 109 System Administrator Activities .................................................................................................... 109 Domain Administrator Activities .................................................................................................... 110 Import Utility Activities .................................................................................................................. 110 Define KKS Naming Convention Using KKS Segments .............................................................. 110 Example of a KKS Naming Convention for Loops ....................................................................... 111 Loop Number Representation in the Domain Explorer of SmartPlant Instrumentation ............................................................................................................................. 111 Accounting, Contractors, and Clients Common Tasks ....................................................................... 112 Add and Manage Accounting Information .................................................................................... 112 Add and Manage Contractors ...................................................................................................... 113 Add and Manage Clients .............................................................................................................. 114 Associate Accounting, Client, and Contractor Information with a Domain ................................... 114

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Print Database Connection Information .............................................................................................. 115 Report Generation (System Administration) ....................................................................................... 115 Domain and Project Administration ...................................................................................................... 117 Domain Administration Common Tasks ............................................................................................. 117 Plant Design and Structure ................................................................................................................. 119 Create a Plant Hierarchy .............................................................................................................. 120 Owner ........................................................................................................................................... 120 Create a Plant Hierarchy Item on the Highest Level .................................................................... 121 Create a Plant Hierarchy Item on an Intermediate Level ............................................................. 121 Create a Plant Hierarchy Item on the Lowest Level ..................................................................... 122 Delete a Plant Hierarchy Item ...................................................................................................... 123 Owner Operator Domain (As-Built and Projects) ................................................................................ 123 Flow of Activities for Defining a Project Administrator .................................................................. 124 Owner Operator Domain (As-Built and Projects) Common Tasks ............................................... 125 Project Deletion Common Tasks .................................................................................................. 134 Explorer Windows ............................................................................................................................... 135 Working with Explorer Windows Common Tasks ........................................................................ 136 Search for Items ........................................................................................................................... 137 Find a Specific Item in the Tree View ........................................................................................... 138 Filter the Display of Items in an Explorer Window ........................................................................ 138 Filter Cables ................................................................................................................................. 139 Filter Loops According to Blocks .................................................................................................. 141 Add Items to My List in the Items Pane ........................................................................................ 142 Scoping Data for Projects ................................................................................................................... 142 Settings and Conditions for Claiming Items ................................................................................. 143 Scoping Data for Projects Common Tasks .................................................................................. 147 Merging Project and As-Built Data ...................................................................................................... 157 Open the Project Explorer and Merge Buffer ............................................................................... 158 Item and Sub-Item Selection Options for Merging with As-Built .................................................. 158 Generating Reports for Merging Data Common Tasks ................................................................ 159 Copy Items to the Merge Buffer Common Tasks ......................................................................... 162 Merging Project and As-Built Data Common Tasks ..................................................................... 164 Naming Conventions ........................................................................................................................... 172 Compatibility with Instrumentation Standards .............................................................................. 172 Naming Conventions Common Tasks .......................................................................................... 173 Notes for Creating Naming Conventions for Wiring Items ........................................................... 174 Define Naming Conventions ......................................................................................................... 174 Copy Naming Conventions to Other <Units> ............................................................................... 176 Copy Naming Conventions from Another <Unit> ......................................................................... 177 Document Number Naming Convention Examples ...................................................................... 177 Generate Naming Convention Reports ........................................................................................ 179 Wire End Naming Conventions .................................................................................................... 179 Access Rights ..................................................................................................................................... 182 Access Rights Common Tasks .................................................................................................... 183 Access Rights Descriptions .......................................................................................................... 184 Grant Access Rights for Selected Items or Activities ................................................................... 192 Grant the Same Access Rights for All Items ................................................................................ 193 Workflow Access Rights ............................................................................................................... 194 Copy Access Rights ..................................................................................................................... 195 View the Items in the Current Domain.......................................................................................... 195 Generate Access Rights Report ................................................................................................... 195 Preferences Management ................................................................................................................... 196

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Managing Preferences Common Tasks ....................................................................................... 196 Set Domain Preferences .............................................................................................................. 197 Set Project Preferences................................................................................................................ 197 Copy Project Preferences ............................................................................................................ 198 Export Preferences ....................................................................................................................... 198 Import Preferences ....................................................................................................................... 199 Report Management ........................................................................................................................... 199 Report Management Common Tasks .......................................................................................... 199 Associate a New Title Block with a Report ................................................................................... 200 Title Block Descriptions ................................................................................................................ 200 Set Archiving Options for Report Comparison ............................................................................. 202 Define Report Revision Management Settings ............................................................................ 203 Add-Ins ................................................................................................................................................ 204 Import Hook-Up Libraries ............................................................................................................. 204 Import System Interfaces.............................................................................................................. 205 Import Browser Views................................................................................................................... 206 Import DCS Hardware I/O Library Data ........................................................................................ 206 Import DDP Library Data .............................................................................................................. 207 Export Macros .............................................................................................................................. 207 Import Macros ............................................................................................................................... 208 Import Spec Forms ....................................................................................................................... 208 Miscellaneous Domain Administration Tasks ..................................................................................... 209 Define Panel Location Levels ....................................................................................................... 210 Assign Icons to Telecom Device Types ....................................................................................... 211 Define Custom Fields ................................................................................................................... 212 Sequence Numbers and Process Data Custom Fields ................................................................ 213 Copy Custom Fields ..................................................................................................................... 213 Browsers That Can Contain Custom Fields ................................................................................. 214 Define Custom Tables .................................................................................................................. 216 Generate Domain Administration Reports.................................................................................... 216 Select a Logo ................................................................................................................................ 217 Define Field Personnel Profiles .................................................................................................... 218 Modify Domain Notes ................................................................................................................... 218 Modify Printer Settings ................................................................................................................. 218 Managing Audit Trail Data .................................................................................................................. 219 Managing Audit Trail Data Common Tasks ................................................................................. 219 Load Audit Trail Data .................................................................................................................... 220 Trim Audit Trail Data..................................................................................................................... 221 External Files with Trimmed Audit Trail Data ............................................................................... 221 Define Paths When Using Oracle ................................................................................................. 222 Define Paths When Using SQL Server ........................................................................................ 222 Define Paths When Using Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere ................................................... 223 Clearing Locking ................................................................................................................................. 223 Clearing Locking Common Tasks ................................................................................................ 224 Clear Locking per User ................................................................................................................. 225 Clear Blocked Sessions on Oracle ............................................................................................... 225 Clear Locking in All Sessions ....................................................................................................... 225 Clear SmartPlant Instrumentation Session Records .................................................................... 225 Copying Data ...................................................................................................................................... 226 Flow of Activities for Copying Data ............................................................................................... 227 Copying Data Common Tasks ..................................................................................................... 228 Select the Source Plant Hierarchy Item for Copying Data ........................................................... 228 Copy Specific Data ....................................................................................................................... 229

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Copy All Module Data ................................................................................................................... 230 Set Wiring Naming Options for Target Plant Hierarchy Item ........................................................ 232 Set Revisions for Target Plant Hierarchy Item ............................................................................. 232 Working with SmartPlant Integration .................................................................................................... 235 Configuring SmartPlant Instrumentation for Integration...................................................................... 236 Integration Common Tasks ................................................................................................................. 236 SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration Checklist for Integration ............................................ 237 Configure SmartPlant Instrumentation for Integration .................................................................. 237 Item Registry Activities ........................................................................................................................ 239 Register Items .............................................................................................................................. 240 Clean Up Item Registry ................................................................................................................ 240 Define an IDEAL User ......................................................................................................................... 240 Registering Plants ............................................................................................................................... 241 Register a Plant ............................................................................................................................ 241 Retrieve a Plant Hierarchy .................................................................................................................. 242 Define Preferences Settings for an Integrated Environment .............................................................. 243 Tool Requirements for Integrating SmartPlant Instrumentation ......................................................... 243 General Integration Requirements ............................................................................................... 243 Naming Convention Requirements for Integration ....................................................................... 244 Working with SmartPlant P&ID ..................................................................................................... 247 Working with SmartPlant Electrical .............................................................................................. 248 Using Projects in an Integrated Environment ............................................................................... 249 Naming Convention Mapping ....................................................................................................... 250 Configure SmartPlant Instrumentation to Use Minor Revisions ......................................................... 251 SmartPlant Instrumentation Interface Languages ............................................................................... 253 Interface Languages Common Tasks ................................................................................................. 254 Import a New Interface Language....................................................................................................... 254 Replace the Interface Language with a Language from the Database .............................................. 255 Replace the Interface Language with a Language from an External File ........................................... 255 Translate Interface Text Phrases ........................................................................................................ 256 Complementary Resource Files ................................................................................................... 257 Prefixes and Suffixes in the Interface Text ......................................................................................... 257 Windows and Dialog Boxes.................................................................................................................... 259 A .......................................................................................................................................................... 259 Access Rights Window Toolbar .................................................................................................... 260 Access Rights Window ................................................................................................................. 260 Accounting Dialog Box ................................................................................................................. 261 Active Database Connections Dialog Box .................................................................................... 261 Activity Tracking Report Settings (Graph) Dialog Box ................................................................. 262 Activity Tracking Report Settings (Grid) Dialog Box ..................................................................... 263 Add Accounting Dialog Box .......................................................................................................... 263 Add Client Dialog Box................................................................................................................... 263 Add Contractor Dialog Box ........................................................................................................... 264 Add Database Views Dialog Box .................................................................................................. 264 Add Datafiles (SQL Server) Dialog Box ....................................................................................... 264 Add Datafiles (Oracle) Dialog Box ................................................................................................ 265 Administration Window ................................................................................................................. 265 Advanced Domain Preferences Dialog Box ................................................................................. 265

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Advanced Filter Definition (Cables) Dialog Box ........................................................................... 266 Advanced Filter Definition (Loops) Dialog Box ............................................................................. 267 Advanced Project Preferences Dialog Box .................................................................................. 268 Area Properties Dialog Box .......................................................................................................... 269 Assign Groups to Project Dialog Box ........................................................................................... 270 Assign Users to Groups Dialog Box ............................................................................................. 270 B .......................................................................................................................................................... 270 Back Up Domain Dialog Box ........................................................................................................ 271 Backup Repository Dialog Box ..................................................................................................... 272 C .......................................................................................................................................................... 273 Change Admin Schema Password Dialog Box ............................................................................ 273 Change Domain Schema Password Dialog Box .......................................................................... 274 Change Security Schema Password Dialog Box ......................................................................... 274 Change Password Dialog Box ...................................................................................................... 274 Clear Activity Tracking Data Dialog Box....................................................................................... 275 Clear Locking in Selected Sessions Dialog Box .......................................................................... 275 Client Dialog Box .......................................................................................................................... 276 Colors Dialog Box ......................................................................................................................... 276 Comparison List Dialog Box ......................................................................................................... 277 Comparison List Filter Dialog Box ................................................................................................ 278 Comparison List Report Dialog Box ............................................................................................. 279 Contractor Dialog Box .................................................................................................................. 279 Copy Data from Source Dialog Box ............................................................................................. 279 Copy Access Rights Dialog Box ................................................................................................... 283 Copy From Dialog Box ................................................................................................................. 284 Copy from Project Dialog Box ...................................................................................................... 284 Copy from Project Dialog Box ...................................................................................................... 284 Copy Naming Conventions From Dialog Box ............................................................................... 285 Copy Naming Conventions Dialog Box ........................................................................................ 285 Copy to Projects Dialog Box ......................................................................................................... 285 Custom Fields Dialog Box ............................................................................................................ 286 Custom Tables Dialog Box ........................................................................................................... 287 D .......................................................................................................................................................... 288 Data Files to Delete Manually Dialog Box .................................................................................... 288 Delete Invalid Domain Dialog Box ................................................................................................ 288 Delete Projects Dialog Box ........................................................................................................... 289 Department Dialog Box ................................................................................................................ 289 Domain Data and Indexes Dialog Box ......................................................................................... 290 Domain Administration Window ................................................................................................... 291 Domain Definition Window (Domain Administration) ................................................................... 291 Domain Definition Window Toolbar (Domain Administration) ...................................................... 295 Domain Definition Window (System Administration) .................................................................... 295 Domain Definition Window Toolbar (System Administration) ....................................................... 299 Domain Tablespace Definition Dialog Box ................................................................................... 299 E .......................................................................................................................................................... 300 Export Macros Dialog Box ............................................................................................................ 300 F .......................................................................................................................................................... 301 Field Personnel Profile Dialog Box ............................................................................................... 301 Filegroup List Dialog Box.............................................................................................................. 301 Filter Definition Dialog Box ........................................................................................................... 301 Find Item Dialog Box .................................................................................................................... 303 G ......................................................................................................................................................... 303 Generate Access Rights Report Dialog Box ................................................................................ 303

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Global Access Rights Dialog Box ................................................................................................. 304 Group Dialog Box ......................................................................................................................... 305 I ........................................................................................................................................................... 306 Import Browser Views Dialog Box ................................................................................................ 306 Import Spec Forms Dialog Box .................................................................................................... 307 Import DCS Hardware I/O Library Dialog Box .............................................................................. 308 Import DDP Library Data Dialog Box ............................................................................................ 308 Import Hook-Up Library Dialog Box .............................................................................................. 308 Import Interface Language Dialog Box ......................................................................................... 309 Import Macros Dialog Box ............................................................................................................ 309 Import System Interfaces Dialog Box ........................................................................................... 309 Initialize (Oracle) Dialog Box ........................................................................................................ 310 Initialize (SQL Server) Dialog Box ................................................................................................ 311 Initialize (Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere) Dialog Box ........................................................... 313 Items and Activities for Access Rights Dialog Box ....................................................................... 314 L .......................................................................................................................................................... 315 List of Duplicate Items Dialog Box ................................................................................................ 315 Load Audit Trail Data Dialog Box ................................................................................................. 315 Log File Dialog Box ...................................................................................................................... 316 M ......................................................................................................................................................... 316 Microsoft SQL Server Connection Dialog Box ............................................................................. 316 N .......................................................................................................................................................... 317 Naming Conventions Dialog Box .................................................................................................. 317 O ......................................................................................................................................................... 320 Open Administration Module Dialog Box...................................................................................... 320 Optimize Indexes (Oracle) Dialog Box ......................................................................................... 320 Optimize Indexes (SQL Server) Dialog Box ................................................................................. 320 Oracle Server Connection Dialog Box .......................................................................................... 321 Owner Dialog Box ......................................................................................................................... 322 P .......................................................................................................................................................... 322 Page Setup Dialog Box ................................................................................................................ 322 Panel Location Levels Dialog Box ................................................................................................ 323 Plant Hierarchy Dialog Box .......................................................................................................... 324 Plant Hierarchy Explorer............................................................................................................... 325 Plant Properties Dialog Box ......................................................................................................... 326 Preferences for Scoping and Merging Data Dialog Box ............................................................... 328 Preferences Management Dialog Box .......................................................................................... 332 Print Options ................................................................................................................................. 335 Print Preview Dialog Box .............................................................................................................. 335 Project Activities Dialog Box ......................................................................................................... 336 R .......................................................................................................................................................... 392 Rebuild Catalog Tables Dialog Box .............................................................................................. 392 Rebuild Default Views in Domains Dialog Box ............................................................................. 393 Rebuild Projects in Domain Dialog Box ........................................................................................ 393 Rebuild Stored Procedures and Triggers Dialog Box .................................................................. 394 Remove Deleted Windows Users Dialog Box .............................................................................. 394 Report Management Dialog Box .................................................................................................. 395 Required Wiring Equipment Report Dialog Box ........................................................................... 397 Reserve Item ID Ranges for Projects Dialog Box ........................................................................ 398 Reserve Tags and Loops Dialog Box ........................................................................................... 398 S .......................................................................................................................................................... 400 Scope Definition Dialog Box ......................................................................................................... 400 Search Dialog Box ........................................................................................................................ 401

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Security Options Dialog Box ......................................................................................................... 402 Security Schema Password Encryption Dialog Box ..................................................................... 402 Select Columns for Sorting Dialog Box ........................................................................................ 403 Select Columns for Viewing Dialog Box ....................................................................................... 403 Select Item Types for Comparison Dialog Box ............................................................................ 403 Select Item Types for Reports Dialog Box ................................................................................... 404 Select Logo Dialog Box ................................................................................................................ 404 Select (Copy Unit Data) Dialog Box ............................................................................................. 404 Select (Naming Conventions) Dialog Box .................................................................................... 405 Select Plant (for Registering) Dialog Box ..................................................................................... 405 Select Plant (for Retrieving Documents) Dialog Box .................................................................... 405 Select Source Database Dialog Box ............................................................................................ 405 Select Source for Claiming Dialog Box ........................................................................................ 406 Set Color Dialog Box .................................................................................................................... 407 Source Data Connection Dialog Box ............................................................................................ 407 System Administration Window .................................................................................................... 409 Schema Grid ................................................................................................................................. 409 T .......................................................................................................................................................... 410 Tablespace List Dialog Box .......................................................................................................... 410 New Database Definitions Dialog Box .......................................................................................... 410 Target Database Parameters (SQL Server) Dialog Box .............................................................. 412 Target Revisions Dialog Box ........................................................................................................ 413 Telecom Device Panel Icons Dialog Box ..................................................................................... 414 To Do List Dialog Box ................................................................................................................... 415 Trim Audit Trail Data Dialog Box .................................................................................................. 415 U - V .................................................................................................................................................... 416 Unit Properties Dialog Box ........................................................................................................... 416 Update Statistics Dialog Box ........................................................................................................ 418 User-Defined Database Views Dialog Box ................................................................................... 418 User (Domain Administration) Dialog Box .................................................................................... 418 User (System Administration) Dialog Box .................................................................................... 419 W ......................................................................................................................................................... 420 Wire End Naming Conventions Dialog Box .................................................................................. 420 Wire End Naming Convention Properties Dialog Box .................................................................. 420 Wiring Item Naming Options Dialog Box ...................................................................................... 422 Z .......................................................................................................................................................... 423 Zoom............................................................................................................................................. 423 Owner Operator Domain Explorer Windows ........................................................................................ 425 As-Built Explorer ................................................................................................................................. 425 Claim Buffer ........................................................................................................................................ 426 Claimed Items ..................................................................................................................................... 427 Merge Buffer ....................................................................................................................................... 428 Project Explorer................................................................................................................................... 429 Source Project Explorer ...................................................................................................................... 430 Target Project Buffer ........................................................................................................................... 432 Item Indicators..................................................................................................................................... 433 Cable Hierarchy Example ................................................................................................................... 433 Panel by Category Hierarchy Example ............................................................................................... 434 Panel by Location Hierarchy Example ................................................................................................ 435


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Glossary ................................................................................................................................................... 437 Index ......................................................................................................................................................... 441

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide



Working with the Administration Module

The Administration module provides you with administrative tools for keeping track of your resources and maintaining user access security. There are two mutually exclusive levels of administration System Administration and Domain Administration that provide you with a greater degree of control over security and resource management. The system must first be set up at the System Administration level before resources can be allocated at the Domain Administration level. In 32 and 64bit environments with UAC on, to perform administrative tasks in SmartPlant Instrumentation, the Windows user must be allocated Read/Write permissions in the installation folder (by default %systemdrive%\Program Files\SmartPlant - for 32-bit machines and %systemdrive%\Program Files (x86)\SmartPlant - for 64-bit machines).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Working with the Administration Module


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Setup for Oracle

The database setup stage involves configuring SmartPlant Instrumentation database for your Oracle database server by adding the database schemas, INTOOLS_ENGINEER role, logon information, and associated database objects into the Oracle database. You can also configure the database using an SQL script file which contains the appropriate database statements. The DB Setup Utility creates the SQL script file at the end of the configuration process. After the SQL script file is created, you can run that script file automatically by letting the DB Setup Utility run the file at the end of the database setup. You can also run that script file manually in the Server Manager dialog box. You perform the database setup procedure after you finish installing the Oracle database server, Oracle client, and SmartPlant Instrumentation for Oracle. The DB Setup Utility performs the following operations (in the indicated order): 1. Creates Oracle database server tablespaces. 2. Creates the INTOOLS_ENGINEER role and SmartPlant Instrumentation database schemas containing logon information required for connection to the Oracle database server. 3. Creates database objects in the Admin schema of SmartPlant Instrumentation and fills these objects with data that appears in the IN_TEMPL template database, supplied with SmartPlant Instrumentation. During the database setup, the INTOOLS_ENGINEER role receives system privileges and privileges for database objects included in the Admin schema. These objects are shared for all domains you initialize. When initializing a new domain, other database schemas of SmartPlant Instrumentation receive the INTOOLS_ENGINEER role. If you use an existing Oracle server (where you intend to keep your database) which was not installed according to the instructions in the SmartPlant Instrumentation Installation and Upgrade Guide, make sure the Oracle database parameters comply with the parameters required to use SmartPlant Instrumentation. See Oracle Database Server Installation in the SmartPlant Instrumentation Installation and Upgrade Guide for additional information about the required Oracle server parameters.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Setup for Oracle

Oracle Database Server Tablespaces for SmartPlant Instrumentation

In the preliminary Oracle database, created during the Oracle server installation, the DB Setup Utility allocates tablespaces associated with the SmartPlant Instrumentation Admin schema. Oracle uses these tablespaces to store your SmartPlant Instrumentation database information. This means that Oracle allocates disk space on the selected server drive to be used only for your SmartPlant Instrumentation database. The DB Setup Utility creates three tablespaces (see the table below for additional information about these tablespaces): Admin data used for the Admin schema. Index data used for the Admin schema. Temporary tablespace used for internal Oracle operations (for example, sorting). For the temporary operation of Oracle in each domain, one tablespace is created automatically for all domains during the database setup. Each tablespace can contain one or more datafiles. SmartPlant Instrumentation database keeps your data in the following schemas: Admin schema contains the administration data and indexes. Domain schema (a separate schema for each domain) contains the domain and index data of a SmartPlant Instrumentation domain. View-Only Domain schema (an individual schema for each domain) The DB Setup Utility creates tablespaces for the Admin schema using the following tablespace default values: Parameter Tablespace name Database filename: Tablespace size Admin Data Tablespace main_ts in_main.db 10 MB Index Data Tablespace index_main_ts ix_main.db ix_main.db

However, you may need to create either larger tablespaces or indexes. During the lifetime of the instrumentation data, you may also need to increase the size of existing index tablespace. The following table lists important statistical data which you can use as a guide when selecting the domain tablespace and index sizes: Item Types Instruments Loops CAD drawing blocks Device panels Junction boxes Marshaling racks Cabinets DCSs and PLCs Channels Quantity (Average) 45058 16616 1381 11384 504 45 36 108 16880


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Setup for Oracle

Item Types Specifications P&ID drawings Lines Quantity (Average) 111 855 3132

The above item type quantities populate a domain whose tablespace and index sizes are as follows: Admin Data Tablespace 30 MB Admin Index Tablespace 10 MB Domain Data Tablespace 350 MB Domain Index Domain Temporary Data Tablespace Data Tablespace 180 MB 100 MB (auto-extended)

Later on, you may receive an indication that the available free space in the tablespace is low, or you may encounter a message that there is insufficient space while working in SmartPlant Instrumentation. If this happens, SmartPlant Instrumentation System Administrator can increase the size of the tablespace for the specific domain. For details, see Add Datafiles to Oracle Tablespaces (on page 102). For better performance, it is highly recommended that you locate the data tablespaces and index tablespaces on different physical disks. You can also locate the system file, database tables and the index data on different physical drives to speed up your work in the Oracle Database. See your Oracle User Guide for more information. Each of the file names must be a legal name. Each tablespace name must be unique within your database.

See Also
SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Setup for Oracle (on page 15)

Setting Up a Database for Oracle Common Tasks

The following tasks allow the System Administrator to create and configure a SmartPlant Instrumentation database for Oracle by running the DB Setup Utility, supplied with SmartPlant Instrumentation. You can create one SmartPlant Instrumentation database per database setup session. After a successful database setup session, you can log on to the Administration module of SmartPlant Instrumentation as System Administrator and initialize SmartPlant Instrumentation domains in your database. For a complete list of tasks, click the appropriate topic on the Contents tab and then click the procedure that you want.

Set Up a SmartPlant Instrumentation Database for Oracle

Use this procedure to run SmartPlant Instrumentation database setup in your Oracle database server. You define tablespaces and other parameters required for the SmartPlant Instrumentation database. The setup provides default parameters and values that you can accept or modify. The default tablespace sizes are recommended as initial values. When connecting to the Oracle database, you provide a logon name and a logon password. This logon information is different from the logon information required to log on to SmartPlant Instrumentation. You define the Oracle database server logon information during this procedure. For more information, see Set Up a SmartPlant Instrumentation Database for Oracle.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Setup for Oracle Clean Up the Oracle Database
Use this procedure to clean up the Oracle database by deleting SmartPlant Instrumentation database objects created during a specific database setup session. You must perform this procedure if a database setup did not complete successfully and you want to run the same setup again. You clean up the database using Oracle tools. For more information, see Clean Up the Oracle Database (on page 23).

Set Up a SmartPlant Instrumentation Database for Oracle

Paths you specify in this procedure refer to the database server local folders (non-network folders). Do not use network drives or network server names in the paths. Make sure you have an available Oracle instance. It is not possible to set up more than one SmartPlant Instrumentation database in a given Oracle instance. 1. On your Windows Start menu, navigate to the Intergraph SmartPlant Instrumentation program icons and click DB Setup Utility. When starting the DB Setup Utility, the Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database engine starts as well (in minimized mode). Do not close the database engine, as this causes the database setup process to stop. 2. On the Oracle Server Connection dialog box, from the Oracle version list, select the version of your Oracle server. 3. Under DBMS identifier in the INtools.ini file, accept or change the displayed compatible DBMS parameter for the Oracle server version that you selected from the Oracle version list. If you want to change the DBMS parameter, make sure it is compatible with SmartPlant Instrumentation. For more details about all compatible combinations of Oracle and SmartPlant Instrumentation versions, see SmartPlant Configuration and Maintenance Guide, Compatibility of Oracle and SmartPlant Instrumentation Versions . 4. In the Oracle database name box, do one of the following: Accept displayed database name. Change the displayed value if it does not match the value you defined for the DB_NAME parameter in the Oracle Instance Configuration file. 5. In the Server name box, accept or modify the displayed Oracle server connection string. 6. In the System Administrator logon password box, accept the given default value manager (the password is masked), or type the appropriate password. If you cannot connect to the Oracle database server using the default password, contact your Oracle Database Administrator, who has rights to create a new SmartPlant Instrumentation System Administrator logon password for connection to the Oracle database server.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Setup for Oracle Database Creation - Tablespaces Creation Modes
The user now creates the database and tablespaces for the Admin and the Domain or Domains. The user may use existing tablespaces or create new ones. To create tablespaces the user has the following modes: Automatic The tablespaces for the administration and domain or domains are created automatically. The user then has to define the tablespaces for the Domain or Domains. Customized The user is able to configure the tablespace name, data file name and path, and the tablespace size of the Admin schema data, Admin schema indexes, and Temporary tablespaces. The user then has to define the tablespaces for the Domain or Domains. Predefined The user predefines a list of tablespaces as desired. The user then selects the desired Admin schema data from the predefined list. The Temporary tablespaces names, data file name and path, and the tablespace size are created automatically. The user then has to define the tablespaces for the Domain or Domains. 1. In dbsetup click Connect to connect to your Oracle database server.


Accept the default Administration schema login name and Administration schema login password values in_dbamn.

If you want to modify the login name or password, verify that the login name is unique in the Oracle database server. The login name and password can only start with a letter and contain no spaces. You can use an underscore instead of a space. If you wish to encrypt the password, see Encrypt the Admin Schema Logon Password. 3. Continue to either the Automatic, or Customized, options as described in the Automatic mode of tablespaces creation and Customized mode of tablespaces creation. Else, if the Predefined mode is required, continue to Predefined mode of tablespaces creation.

Automatic mode of tablespaces creation

1. On the New Database Definitions dialog box, from the Tablespaces options, select Automatic, and click Create. 2. Continue to section Defining Domain Tablespaces in Oracle (on page 57).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Setup for Oracle Customized mode of Tablespaces creation
1. On the New Database Definitions dialog box, from the Tablespaces options, select Customize, and click Create.

2. Under Administration schema data, do the following: a. From the Tablespace name list, select the desired tablespace name. b. In the Data file name and path field, insert the desired path details. c. In the Tablespace size field, insert the desired tablespace size. 3. Under Administration schema indexes, do the following: a. Accept the Tablespace name or type in a desired tablespace name. b. In the Data file name and path field, insert the desired path details. c. In the Tablespace size field, insert the desired tablspace size. 4. Under Temporary Tablespaces, do the following: a. Accept the Tablespace name or type in a desired tablespace name. b. In the Data file name and path field, insert the desired path details. c. In the Tablespace size field, insert the desired tablespace size. 5. Click Create. 6. Continue to section Defining Domain Tablespaces in Oracle (on page 57). If you want to create more than four SmartPlant Instrumentation domains, for the Admin data tablespace, specify a size larger than 25 MB, and for the Admin index tablespace, specify a size larger than 10 MB.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Setup for Oracle

If you change the default tablespace definitions when, for better performance, it is highly recommended that you locate the data tablespaces and index tablespaces on different physical disks. You can also locate the system file, database tables and the index data on different physical drives to speed up your work in the Oracle Database. See your Oracle User Guide for more information. Each of the file names must be a legal name. Each tablespace name must be unique within your database. If you want to create more than four SmartPlant Instrumentation domains, for the Admin index tablespace, you need to specify a size larger than 10 MB.

Predefined mode of tablespaces creation

Create the following: For the Administration Schema - Admin data, Admin indexes and Temporary tablespaces. For each Domain - Two tablespaces for the domain data and domain indexes.

Administration Schema
1. Administration data tablespace: a. Create tablespace ZED007 datafile 'ZED007.db' size 15M autoextend on next 10M maxsize 3000M; b. Create tablespace ZED007i datafile 'ZED007i.db' size 15M autoextend on next 10M maxsize 3000M; 2. Temporary tablespace: Create Temporary tablespace ZED007temp tempfile 'ZED007temp.db' size 2M autoextend on next 2M maxsize 3000M;

Domain Schema
Domain tablespace: a. Create tablespace ZED007demo datafile 'ZED007demo.db' size 20M autoextend on next 10M maxsize 3000M; b. Create tablespace ZED007demoi datafile 'ZED007demoi.db' size 20M autoextend on next 10M maxsize 3000M; Repeat the above process for each domain schema as desired.

1. On the New Database Definitions dialog box, from the Tablespaces options, select Predefined, and click Create.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Setup for Oracle

2. Under Administration schema data, from the Tablespace name list, select the desired tablespace name. 3. Under Administration schema indexes, from the Tablespace name drop-down list, select the desired tablespace name. 4. Under Temporary Tablespaces, from the Tablespace name drop-down list, select the desired tablespace name. 5. Click Create. 6. The user may, if desired, continue to section Defining Domain Tablespaces in Oracle (on page 57).

1. Each domain requires two tablespaces. 2. Once predefined tablespaces is selected in Dbsetup.exe, Init will work with predefined tablespaces by default. This is controlled through the predefinedtablespaces flag in the License table.

See Also
Setting up a Database for Oracle Common Tasks (on page 17) SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Setup for Oracle (on page 15) Oracle Database Server Tablespaces for SmartPlant Instrumentation (on page 16)


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Setup for Oracle

Clean Up the Oracle Database

1. In SQL Plus, use your Oracle System account logon information and provide the Host String value to connect to the target Oracle database. The Host String value is the Oracle server name defined in the [DATABASE] section of the Intools.ini file, as the Server parameter value. 2. Do the following to display SmartPlant Instrumentation schema tablespace names, which you have to remember and delete after deleting the schemas themselves. a. To display the Admin data and Temporary tablespace names, run the command SELECT DEFAULT_TABLESPACE,TEMPORARY_TABLESPACE FROM DBA_USERS WHERE USERNAME ='IN_DBAMN'; Remember the DEFAULT_TABLESPACE name (MAIN_TS by default) and TEMPORARY_TABLESPACE name (TEMP1_TS by default). b. To display the Admin index tablespace name, run the command SELECT DISTINCT TABLESPACE_NAME FROM DBA_INDEXES WHERE OWNER='IN_DBAMN'; This command returns both the Admin data and Admin index tablespace names. Remember the Admin index tablespace name (INDEX_MAIN_TS by default). In these commands, IN_DBAMN is the default Admin schema logon name. If you changed the default name during the database setup, you can retrieve it from the [Database] section of the Intools.ini file, where the Admin schema logon name appears as the LogId parameter value. 3. Delete the INTOOLS_ENGINEER role using the command DROP ROLE INTOOLS_ENGINEER CASCADE; 4. Delete the SmartPlant Instrumentation schemas (database users) one by one using the commands DROP USER INTOOLS_LOGIN CASCADE; DROP USER IN_DBAMN CASCADE; Substitute the default Admin schema logon name IN_DBAMN with your value. 5. Delete the SmartPlant Instrumentation tablespaces one by one using the commands DROP TABLESPACE MAIN_TS INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES; DROP TABLESPACE INDEX_MAIN_TS INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES; DROP TABLESPACE TEMP1_TS INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES; Use your tablespace names in place of the default names displayed in the SQL commands.

See Also
Setting Up a Database for Oracle Common Tasks (on page 17) SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Setup for Oracle (on page 15) Oracle Database Server Tablespaces for SmartPlant Instrumentation (on page 16)

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Setup for Oracle


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Setup for SQL Server

The DB Setup Utility creates an individual SmartPlant Instrumentation database in a SQL Server instance and enables you to configure this instance for working with SmartPlant Instrumentation. You perform the database setup procedure after successfully installing the SQL Server database server, SQL Server client, and SmartPlant Instrumentation for SQL Server. The DB Setup Utility performs the following operations (in the indicated order): 1. Creates a SmartPlant Instrumentation database with SQL Server filegroups in the instance you installed on the SQL Server database server. 2. Creates the INTOOLS_ENGINEER role and the following SmartPlant Instrumentation database schemas: SPIsuper, SPI_login, and Admin schema. 3. Creates logon information (logins) at the instance level and associates the logon information with the SmartPlant Instrumentation database schemas. For the SPIsuper and SPI_login schemas, the logins are created only once, during the first database setup. These logins are shared for all the SmartPlant Instrumentation databases you create in this SQL Server instance. 4. Creates database objects in the Admin schema of SmartPlant Instrumentation and fills these objects with data that appears in the IN_TEMPL template database, supplied with SmartPlant Instrumentation. During the database setup, the INTOOLS_ENGINEER role receives system privileges and privileges for database objects included in the Admin schema. These objects are shared for all domains you initialize. When initializing a new domain, other database schemas of SmartPlant Instrumentation receive the INTOOLS_ENGINEER role. If your SmartPlant Instrumentation database is created in an SQL Server named instance, make sure that in the [Database] section of the Intools.ini file the servername parameter value is as follows: servername=<Server Windows name>\<named instance>

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Setup for SQL Server

SQL Server Database Server Filegroups for SmartPlant Instrumentation

An SQL Server filegroup is a logical category that connects a database with operating system data files. The DB Setup Utility for SQL Server creates the following filegroup types: Admin data used for the Administration schema logon settings (see the following paragraph). The database contains the Admin schema logon data. Index data used for the Administration schema logon settings. The database contains the SmartPlant Instrumentation domain index of a single domain. Domain used for the Domain schema logon information. The database contains domain data of a single domain (there is a different schema logon setting for each domain). Index used for the Domain schema logon information. Log file used internally by SQL Server to resume any previous sessions that were stopped. View-Only Domain schema (an individual schema for each domain) The DB Setup Utility creates SmartPlant Instrumentation domain files using the following default file values: Parameter Filegroup name Data file name File size Admin Datafile primary intools_pr.db 15 MB Index Datafile intools_dba_index intools_ix.db 5 MB Log Datafile log intools_l.db 50 MB

Administration data (admin data files and index data files), SmartPlant Instrumentation database log file and history data are based on four filegroups: two SmartPlant Instrumentation default filegroups and two SQL Server filegroups. The SQL Server filegroups cannot be edited. The default total file size in these filegroups is 70 MB. Each filegroup is based on an auto-extended data file. Such a file automatically extends to the limits of your disk. The following table lists important statistical data that you can use as a guide when selecting the domain file sizes (the disc space required for such a domain is 650 MB): Item Types Instrument tags Loops CAD loop drawing blocks Device panels Junction boxes Marshaling racks Cabinets DCSs and PLCs Quantity (Average) 45058 16616 1381 11384 504 45 (208366 total number of terminals) 36 108


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Setup for SQL Server

Item Types Channels Specifications P&ID drawings Lines Quantity (Average) 16880 111 855 3132

The above item type quantities populate a domain whose file sizes are as follows: Admin Datafile Admin Index Datafile 15 MB 5 MB Domain Datafile Domain Index Datafile 350 MB 180 MB Log Datafile 50 MB

Later, if you receive an indication that the available free space in the filegroup is low, or encounter a message that there is insufficient space while working in SmartPlant Instrumentation, you need to increase the filegroup size for the appropriate domain. For details, see Add a Filegroup (on page 100). Make sure the total file size that you specify does not exceed the available empty space on your selected disks. The default is 70 MB, which includes the size of the file for the recommended initial size of the Admin data and indexes, and SmartPlant Instrumentation database Log file Each of the file names must be a legal name. Each file name must be unique within your database. Special characters are not supported.

Setting Up a Database for SQL Server Common Tasks

The following tasks allow the System Administrator to create and configure a SmartPlant Instrumentation database for SQL Server running the DB Setup Utility, supplied with SmartPlant Instrumentation. You can create one SmartPlant Instrumentation database per database setup session. After a successful database setup session, you can log on to the Administration module of SmartPlant Instrumentation as System Administrator and initialize SmartPlant Instrumentation domains in your database. For a complete list of tasks, click the appropriate topic on the Contents tab and then click the procedure that you want.

Set Up a SmartPlant Instrumentation Database for SQL Server

Use this procedure to run SmartPlant Instrumentation database setup in your SQL Server instance. You define filegroups and other parameters required for the SmartPlant Instrumentation database. The setup provides default parameters and values that you can accept or modify. The default file sizes are recommended as initial values. When connecting to the SQL Server database, you provide a logon name and a logon password. This logon information is different from the logon information required to log on to SmartPlant Instrumentation. You define the SQL Server database server logon information during this procedure. For more information, see Set Up a SmartPlant Instrumentation Database for SQL Server (on page 28).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Setup for SQL Server Clean Up the SQL Server Database
Use this procedure to clean up the SQL Server database by deleting SmartPlant Instrumentation database objects created during a specific database setup session. You must perform this procedure if a database setup did not complete successfully and you want to run the same setup again. You clean up the database using SQL Server tools. For more information, see Clean Up the SQL Server Database (on page 30).

See Also
SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Setup for Oracle (on page 15) SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Setup for SQL Server (on page 25)

Set Up a SmartPlant Instrumentation Database for SQL Server

The paths you specify in this procedure refer to the database server local folders (non-network folders). Do not use network drives or network server names in the paths. 1. On your Windows Start menu, navigate to the Intergraph SmartPlant Instrumentation program icons and click DB Setup Utility. When starting the DB Setup Utility, the Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database engine starts as well (in minimized mode). Do not close the database engine, as this causes the database setup process to stop. 2. On the Microsoft SQL Server Connection dialog box, under Server name, do one of the following: Accept the server name (or the instance name if the instance is not the default instance) that the software retrieves from the Intools.ini file, created during SmartPlant Instrumentation installation. Type the required name of the target database server machine or another named instance to which you want to connect for the SmartPlant Instrumentation database setup. 3. Under System Administrator logon password, type the appropriate password if required or leave this field empty if the password is not required. 4. Click Connect to connect to the SQL Server database on your server machine and open the Target Database Parameters dialog box, where you can set parameters for the target SmartPlant Instrumentation database and start the database setup process. If you changed the Server name setting, when you click Connect, in the [Database] section of the Intools.ini file, the software changes the ServerName parameter, and also updates the Server parameter in the current SQL Server ODBC profile. 5. Under Target database name, type the name of the SmartPlant Instrumentation database for which you want to run the setup process. The SmartPlant Instrumentation database name must be unique within your SQL Server that you specified on the Microsoft SQL Server Connection dialog box. 6. Under Admin schema, accept the default Admin schema logon name SPI_DBAMN or modify the name as you require, provided that you type a setting that is different from the Admin schema logon password. The logon name can only start with a letter and may not contain spaces. You can use an underscore (_) to indicate a space.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Setup for SQL Server

If this is the first database setup session for SmartPlant Instrumentation 2009 in the current SQL Server database, the logon name must be unique in the SQL Server database server. If this is not the first database setup session, you can use an existing Admin schema logon name but in this case, you must also use the existing Admin schema logon password. You can only use an existing Admin schema logon name if the password in that Admin schema is different. For example, if in another SmartPlant Instrumentation database, the Admin schema logon name is IN_DBAMN, and the password is also IN_DBAMN, you cannot use IN_DBAMN for the Admin schema in the new SmartPlant Instrumentation database. If you want to define a new logon name, you must also define a new logon password, different from the logon name. 7. Accept the default Admin schema logon password SPI_DBA or modify the password as you require, provided that you type a setting that is different from the Admin schema logon name. The logon password can only start with a letter and may not contain spaces. You can use an underscore ( _ ) to indicate a space. If you want to encrypt the password, see Encrypt the Admin Schema Logon Password (on page 90). If this is the first database setup session for SmartPlant Instrumentation 2009 in the current SQL Server database, the logon password must be unique in the SQL Server database server. If this is not the first database setup session, you can either use the existing Admin schema logon password or type a new password. If you want to use the existing password, you must also use the existing logon name. If you want to define a new password, you must also define a new logon name. The software automatically converts all the password characters to upper case. This means that after completing the database setup, if you need to connect to the SmartPlant Instrumentation database externally, you must enter the Admin schema logon password using upper-case characters. 8. In the subsequent boxes, accept the default parameters or modify them as needed. If you change the default file size definitions, make sure the total file size that you specify does not exceed the available empty space on your selected disks. The default is 70 MB, which includes the size of the file for the recommended initial size of the Admin data and indexes, and SmartPlant Instrumentation database log file. Each of the file names must be a legal name. Each file name must be unique within your database. Special characters are not supported. 9. Click OK and make sure the database setup process is completed successfully. If the database setup process is not successful, you cannot use the SmartPlant Instrumentation database and must manually clean up the SQL Server database before running the DB Setup Utility again. For details, see Clean Up the SQL Server Database (on page 30).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Setup for SQL Server

On SQL Server 2005, the DB Setup Utility automatically clears the Enforce password policy check box for each SmartPlant Instrumentation schema login created in the instance. If your company policy requires that this check box is selected, after completing the database setup, select the Enforce password policy check box for each of the SmartPlant Instrumentation logins, that is: SPIsuper and SPI_login, which are created automatically and shared for all SmartPlant Instrumentation databases, and Admin schema login, whose name you defined during the current database setup. You will have to select the Enforce password policy check box every time you create other logins for SmartPlant Instrumentation schemas. The Domain schema and View-Only Domain schema logins are created when initializing a domain; the As-Built schema login when creating an owner operator domain; the Project and Combined Project schema logins when creating a project. For details about database schemas, in the SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide, see SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Technical Review > Logon Data and Database Connection Security > SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Schemas.

Clean Up the SQL Server Database

The following procedure allows you to clean up the SQL Server 2005 database by using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio options. 1. In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, on the Connect to Server dialog box, do the following: a. From the Server type box, select Database Engine. b. Connect as SA to open the Object Explorer. 2. In the <server name> > Databases folder, do the following: a. Expand the Security > Users hierarchy of the target SmartPlant Instrumentation database to display the database user login names. b. Remember the Admin schema login name (you will need to delete the Admin schema login). c. In the Databases folder, right-click the target SmartPlant Instrumentation database and click Delete. When deleting the database, the software also deletes the appropriate filegroups, the INTOOLS_ENGINEER role, and the SmartPlant Instrumentation database schemas (database users). 3. In the <server name> > Security folder, expand the Logins folder of the target SmartPlant Instrumentation database and do one of the following: If your SmartPlant Instrumentation database is the only database in the current instance, right-click and delete the following logins: SPI_login, SPIsuper, and the Admin schema login. If you have other SmartPlant Instrumentation databases in the current instance, right-click and delete only the Admin schema login. The SPI_login and SPIsuper logins are shared for all SmartPlant Instrumentation databases created in the current SQL Server instance.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

It is possible to back up an entire SmartPlant Instrumentation domain to the backup repository in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere. You must use the INtools_Backup.db database as the backup repository. INtools_Backup.db is a Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database supplied with SmartPlant Instrumentation. You can use INtools_Backup.db for backing up a domain even if you do not have a full version of Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database engine. INtools_Backup.db enables you to back up a domain and then use it as a source for initializing another domain in Oracle or SQL Server. This way, you can restore the backed up data in another domain in your database platform. If you intend to work in the backed up domain in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere, the following conditions must be met: You must have a full version of Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database engine (dbeng10.exe). You must rebuild stored procedures and triggers in the backed up domain. If your domain type is Owner operator, and you want to create an off-site project, you must back up the entire owner operator domain. You can only back up data to the backup repository once from a single domain or project. Therefore, to be able to make several backups, you need to have several copies of the original Intools_backup.db database. If you have already used Intools_backup.db for a backup and did not make a clean copy of Intools_backup.db, you can obtain another Intools_backup.db by installing on another machine and then using it as a source for making copies. The name of the clean copy must always be Intools_backup.db. The backup repository and its copies are only compatible with the current version of SmartPlant Instrumentation. After you install a new service pack for the current version, you can only use the backup repository that is supplied with the service pack. When backing up a domain, the software does not back up the audit trail data. Therefore, before performing the domain backup, you must make sure that you trimmed all the audit trail data. Then, you can back up the trimmed audit trail data manually. For details, see Backing up Files Containing Audit Trail Data. (see "Backing Up Files Containing Audit Trail Data" on page 36) When you back up a domain, the software records the backup session information in the InitLog.txt file. The software creates this file in the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder when you initialize your first domain, and then, uses this file for recording information during any subsequent initialization or backup session. Information in this file includes information about errors that can occur when backing up data into the Domain schema of the INtools_Backup.db database. The backup procedure involves the following sequence of operations: 1. Connecting to the target Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database 2. Connecting to the database containing a domain you want to back up 3. Selecting a domain for backup 4. Backing up the domain to the backup repository

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

Domain Backup Common Tasks

As System Administrator, you are responsible for backing up a domain to the backup repository. It is only possible to back up one domain at a time.

Back Up a Domain
This procedure enables the System Administrator to select an existing domain on the server database on SQL Server or Oracle and then back up this domain to the backup repository. The backup repository is the INtools_Backup.db database, which is a Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database, created automatically during SmartPlant Instrumentation setup. For more information, see Back Up a Domain (on page 32).

Back Up a Domain from the Command Line

This topic explains how to back up a domain to INtools_Backup.db database without using the Administration module options of SmartPlant Instrumentation. For more information, see Back Up a Domain from the Command Line (on page 33).

Back Up a Domain in Thin Client Mode

This topic explains domain backup parameters that you need to include in a batch file for backing up a domain when working with SmartPlant Instrumentation in thin client mode (via Citrix). After defining the appropriate parameters, you run the batch file on the Citrix server to back up the target domain. You do not have to use the Administration module options of SmartPlant Instrumentation when backing up a domain in thin client mode. For more information, see Back Up a Domain in Thin Client Mode (on page 34).

Workaround for the INtools_Backup.db Connection Problem in Windows Vista and Windows 7
This workaround enables you to resolve the problem of connecting to the INtools_Backup.db database in Windows Vista and Windows 7. This problem occurs if the User Account Control in Windows Vista and Windows 7 is set to On. To resolve this problem, you need to temporarily set the User Account Control in Windows Vista and in Windows 7 to Off. For more information, see Workaround for an Initialization Problem in Windows Vista and Windows 7 (on page 63).

Back Up a Domain
If you work in thin client environment, for example, Citrix, you must copy the INtools.ini file to the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder on the server machine to be able to perform a backup procedure. On backup completion, remove the Intools.ini file from the server machine. If you want to back up a domain in Windows Vista or in Windows 7, you might need to temporarily turn off the User Account Control in Windows Vista. For details, see Workaround for an Initialization Problem in Windows Vista and Windows 7 (on page 63). 1. With the System Administration window open, click File > Backup. 2. On the Backup Repository dialog box, click Browse to select the Intools_backup.db database file, and display it in the Target database name and path box.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

3. Click Connect to connect to the backup repository and to the current database. 4. On the Back Up Domain dialog box, from the Domain list, select the domain which you want to back up. 5. Select Save last created ID for merging renamed items to save the ID of the last item that was created in the domain. You can select this option if you later intend to merge items in the Merger Utility. For details, the check box description in the Help topic for the Back Up Domain dialog box. 6. If required, select Copy users to target domain to copy the user definitions from the source domain to the target Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database file. The software can only copy those users who are assigned to groups. 7. If required, select Copy departments to target domain to copy the department definitions from the source domain to the target Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database file. 8. Click OK to start the backup process and monitor the progress on the Backup Information dialog box. The name of the backed up domain is Intools_backup. The Domain schema name and password are also Intools_backup. You cannot change these settings. On completion of the backup process, the software records errors that might occur during the domain backup in the InitLog.txt file, located in the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder. In the target database, the domain type is the same as in the source database. 9. Click Close after the backup is completed. If you intend to work in the backed up domain in the Intools_backup.db database or its copy, you must obtain a full version of Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database engine (dbeng10.exe) and also rebuild stored procedures and triggers for the backed up domain. For details, see Rebuild Stored Procedures and Triggers (on page 97).

See Also
Managing Audit Trail Data (on page 219)

Back Up a Domain from the Command Line

You can perform a domain backup without using the Administration module options of SmartPlant Instrumentation. To do so, you, you need to specify additional parameters.

Parameter String for Backup

Init.exe BKC,<Copy users flag>,<Copy departments flag>,<Save last created ID flag>,<Source Domain name>,<path to the target database> You must only use commas as parameter separators. Use upper case for the Y and N flag settings. The following table describes the parameters in the order of their appearance in the parameter string. Parameter Init.exe BKC Description The initial parameter, which allows you to start the database engine. Stands for the name of the operation Possible Settings INIT.EXE BKC

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

Parameter <Copy users flag> Description Possible Settings

The Yes/No parameter for copying user definitions Y or N from the source domain to the target Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database file. The software can only copy those users who are assigned to groups. The Yes/No parameter for copying the department definitions from the source domain to the target Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database file. Y or N

<Copy departments flag> <Save last created ID flag>

The Yes/No parameter for saving the ID of the last Y or N item that was created in the domain. Set this parameter to Y (yes) if you later intend to merge items in the Merger utility. Set this parameter to N (no) if you previously backed up the domain and you want to merge data that was modified since this previous backup. The name of the domain that you use as a source for backup. The full path to INtools_Backup.db, which is the only database you can use as a target database for a domain backup. INtools_Backup.db is a Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database that comes shipped with SmartPlant Instrumentation. IN_DEMO d:\Program Files\SmartPlant\ Instrumentation\ INtools_Backup.db

<Source Domain name> <Path to the target database>

Init.exe BKC,Y,Y,N,IN_DEMO, d:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Instrumentation\INtools_Backup.db After completing the backup process, you can check the InitLog.txt file for errors that might have occurred during the domain backup. The InitLog.txt file appears in the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder. In this log file, the software automatically records errors that do not cause the backup process to fail.

See Also
Initialize a Domain from the Command Line (on page 55)

Back Up a Domain in Thin Client Mode

If you work with SmartPlant Instrumentation in thin client mode (via Citrix), you can perform a domain backup without using the Administration module options of SmartPlant Instrumentation. To do so, you, you need to create and run a batch file on the Citrix server, for example Batch_Backup.bat and define specific parameters in this file.

Parameter String for Backup in Thin Client Mode

Init.exe BKC,<Copy users flag>,<Copy departments flag>,<Save last created ID flag>,<Domain name of the source domain>,<path to the target database INtools_Backup.db on the Citrix server>,<path to the Intools.ini file on the thin client> You must only use commas as parameter separators. Use upper case for the Y and N flag settings.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

The following table describes the parameters in the order of their appearance in the parameter string. Parameter Init.exe BKC <Copy users flag> Description The initial parameter, which allows you to start the database engine. Stands for the name of the operation The Yes/No parameter for copying user definitions from the source domain to the target Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database file. The software can only copy those users who are assigned to groups. The Yes/No parameter for copying the department definitions from the source domain to the target Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database file. Possible Settings INIT.EXE BKC Y or N

<Copy departments flag> <Save last created ID flag>

Y or N

The Yes/No parameter for saving the ID of the last item that was Y or N created in the domain. Set this parameter to Y (yes) if you later intend to merge items in the Merger utility. Set this parameter to N (no) if you previously backed up the domain and you want to merge data that was modified since this previous backup. The Domain name of the schema that you use as a source for backup. The full path to INtools_Backup.db on the Citrix server. INtools_Backup.db is the only database you can use as a target database for a domain backup. INtools_Backup.db is a Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database that comes shipped with SmartPlant Instrumentation. The full path to the Intools.ini file located on the thin client. IN_DEMO d:\Program Files\SmartPlant\ Instrumentation\ INtools_Backup.db u:\Program Files\SmartPlant\ Instrumentation

<Source Domain name> <Path to the target database>

<Path to the target database>

Init.exe BKC,Y,Y,N,IN_DEMO, d:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Instrumentation\INtools_Backup.db,u:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Instrumentation After completing the backup process, you can check the InitLog.txt file for errors that might have occurred during the domain backup. The InitLog.txt file appears in the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder. In this log file, the software automatically records errors that do not cause the backup process to fail.

See Also
Initialize a Domain from the Command Line (on page 55)

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

Workaround for a Backup Problem in Windows Vista and Windows 7

When backing up a domain in Windows Vista or Windows 7, it is not possible to connect to the Intools_backup.db database if the User Account Control in Windows Vista or Windows 7 is set to On. The software notifies you that that you cannot use this file for backup. To resolve this problem, temporarily set the User Account Control in Windows Vista or Windows 7 to Off.

In Windows 7
1. Click the Start button and in the Search box type UAC. 2. Click Change User Control Change Settings. 3. Move the slider down to the Never notify position to set the UAC OFF or up to select when you want to be notified to turn the UAC ON. 4. Click OK. When setting the UAC to OFF you will need to restart the computer and when setting the UAC to ON you will need to insert a password and provide a confirmation.

In Windows Vista
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Before backing up a domain, in your Windows Vista Control Panel, click User Accounts. Click Turn User Account Control on or off. Clear Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer . Restart the computer. Back up the domain. Turn the UAC on if needed. Instead of turning UAC off, it is also possible to manually update the content of the PATTERN_wat key in your Windows Registry. In the Registry Editor, the key appears in the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI. You need to define the correct parameters for the Intools_backup.db database in the key strings. When the User Account Control in Windows Vista or Windows 7 is set to On, you cannot initialize a domain either. The same workaround applies.

Backing Up Files Containing Audit Trail Data

The SmartPlant Instrumentation System Administrator can trim audit trail data and save the data to external files. The format, location and path configuration of these files depends on the platform you are using (Oracle, SQL Server, or Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere). When using Oracle, these files appear as .sql files on your Windows server. When using SQL Server, these files appear as .txt files on your Windows server. When using Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere, these files appear as .txt files on a client machine where you have installed SmartPlant Instrumentation. You need to back up these files to enable loading of the trimmed audit trail data to the CHANGES_LOG table of a particular domain. The software records the audit trail data in the CHANGES_LOG table that exists in each domain. To learn more about trimming and loading audit trail data, see the Administration User's Guide, under Domain Administration, Managing Audit Trail Data (on page 219).


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

The external file containing audit trail data has a filename made up of the date range within which the data was trimmed, the domain name, the CHANGES_LOG table name, and the filename which the System Administrator has defined in the Administration module before trimming. The following is an example of an external file with audit trail data: 20010614_20011015_<domain name>#CHANGES_LOG#<user-defined filename>. The audit trail period segment displays the date range in the following order: year, month, and day.

See Also
Backing up Audit Trail Data on SQL Server (on page 38) Backing up Audit Trail Data on Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere (on page 39) Managing Audit Trail Data (on page 219)

Backing Up Audit Trail Data on Oracle

Trimmed audit rail data is stored in .sql files located on your Windows server in a predefined folder. For example, <drive>:\INTOOLSTORAGE\ORC1, where ORC1 is your Oracle server database name. You have set the path and specified the INTOOLSTORAGE folder when creating a new Oracle instance. When creating additional Oracle instances, we recommend that you do not change the name INTOOLSTORAGE for any of the SmartPlant Instrumentation databases. To enable loading of the audit trail data saved to the SQL files in the <drive>:\INTOOLSTORAGE\ORC1 folder, you must create a backup of these files on your Windows server in the following cases: When moving a SmartPlant Instrumentation database from one Oracle server to another. When creating a new SmartPlant Instrumentation database on the same Oracle server.

See Also
Managing Audit Trail Data (on page 219)

Back Up Files When Creating a New Database on Same Oracle Server

1. On your Windows server, create a sub-folder <drive>:\INtoolStorage\<name of new Oracle database>. The name of the new Oracle database appears as the value of the db_name parameter in the Oracle Instance Configuration file, for example, orc2. 2. In the target Oracle database, open the Oracle Instance Configuration file init.ora. 3. In the Oracle Instance Configuration file, add the following parameter line: utl_file_dir=<drive>:\INtoolStorage\orc2 4. Copy the content of the folder orc1 in the path <drive>:\INtoolStorage\ to the folder orc2. 5. Restart your computer.

See Also
Managing Audit Trail Data (on page 219)

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

Back Up Files When Moving a Database from One Oracle Server to Another
1. On your target Windows server, select a disk drive with 300 MB free disk space for the storage of about 1 million records. 2. Create a folder INtoolStorage. 3. Create a subfolder <drive>:\INtoolStorage\<name of new Oracle database server>. The name of the new Oracle database appears as the value of the db_name parameter in the Oracle Instance Configuration file. For example, orc2. 4. Open the Oracle Instance Configuration file init.ora. 5. In the Oracle Instance Configuration file, add the following parameter line: utl_file_dir=<drive>:\INtoolStorage \orc2 6. Copy the content of the folder orc1 in the source path <drive>:\INtoolStorage to the folder orc2 in the target path <drive>:\INtoolStorage. 7. Restart your computer.

See Also
Managing Audit Trail Data (on page 219)

Backing Up Audit Trail Data on SQL Server

The software allows you to back up the files containing trimmed audit trail data for SQL Server database server in your Windows environment. The file with the audit trail data is a .txt file that appears on your Windows server in a path that depends on your SQL Server version as follows: When using a SQL Server with a SmartPlant Instrumentation database created in a default instance, the system creates the file in the following path: <drive>:\INtoolStorage\>default instance name>\<SmartPlant Instrumentation database name> For example: e:\INtoolStorage\Develop1\INtools1 where the default instance name Develop1 corresponds to your source Windows server name. When using a SQL Server with a SmartPlant Instrumentation database created in a named instance, the system creates the file in the following path: <drive>:\INtoolStorage\<SQL Server name>\<named instance name>\<SmartPlant Instrumentation database name> For example: e:\INtoolStorage\Develop1\INtools53\INtools1 where the SQL Server name Develop1 corresponds to your source Windows server name. To enable loading of the audit trail data after moving a SmartPlant Instrumentation database from one SQL Server database to another, you must make a backup of the .txt files with the trimmed audit trail data on your Windows server.

See Also
Managing Audit Trail Data (on page 219)


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

Back Up Files Containing Audit Trail Data on SQL Server

1. On your target Windows server, select a disk drive with 300 MB free disk space for the storage of about 1 million records. 2. Create a folder INtoolStorage. 3. Do one of the following: On the SQL Server with a SmartPlant Instrumentation database created in a default instance, create the following path: <drive>:\INtoolStorage\<default instance name of the new SQL Server server>\<SmartPlant Instrumentation database name>. For example: e:\INtoolStorage\Develop2\SPI_1 where the default instance name Develop2 corresponds to your target Windows server name. On the SQL Server with a SmartPlant Instrumentation database created in a named instance, create the following path: <drive>:\INtoolStorage\<new SQL Server name>\<named instance name of the new SQL Server>\<SmartPlant Instrumentation database name>. For example: e:\INtoolStorage\Develop2\SPI2009\SPI_1 where the new SQL Server name Develop2 corresponds to your target Windows server name. 4. Do one of the following: When using SQL Server with a SmartPlant Instrumentation database created in a default instance, copy the content of the folder SPI_1 in the source path e:\INtoolStorage\Develop1\ to the folder SPI_2 in the target path e:\INtoolStorage\Develop2\. When using SQL Server with a SmartPlant Instrumentation database created in a named instance, copy the content of the folder SPI_1 in the source path e:\INtoolStorage\Develop1\SPI2009 to the folder SPI_2 in the target path e:\INtoolStorage\Develop2\SPI2009. 5. Restart your computer.

See Also
Managing Audit Trail Data (on page 219)

Backing Up Audit Trail Data on Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere

The software enables you to back up the files containing trimmed audit trail data on Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere in the Windows environment. The file with the audit trail data is a .txt file that appears on a client machine where SmartPlant Instrumentation is installed. The default path for this file is created automatically with SmartPlant Instrumentation setup. Setup creates the following default path: <drive>:\<SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder>\INtoolStorage. The drive value corresponds to the drive where you have installed SmartPlant Instrumentation. You can view the file path as the value of the WatINstorageDir parameter in the [database] section of the Intools.ini file. File path value example:

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

WatINstorageDir="c:\Program Files \SmartPlant\Instrumentation\INtoolStorage" To enable loading of the audit trail data after moving a SmartPlant Instrumentation database from one client machine to another, you must make a backup of the .txt files with the trimmed audit trail data on the target client machine.

See Also
Managing Audit Trail Data (on page 219)

Back Up Files on Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere

1. On the target client machine, select a disk drive with 300 MB free disk space for the storage of about 1 million records. 2. Do one of the following: Copy the content of the default folder in the source client machine, for example, c:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Instrumentation\INtoolStorage to the default folder in the new client machine. For example: Program Files\SmartPlant\Instrumentation\INtoolStorage If you do not have enough disk space for copying audit trail data to the target drive where you have installed SmartPlant Instrumentation, do the following: i. In the required drive on the target client machine, create a folder INtoolStorage. ii. Open the Intools.ini file, and then, in the [database] section, set the file path value of the parameter WatINstorageDir so that it matches the path you have created. For example: WatINstorageDir="d:\SmartPlant\Instrumentation\INtoolStorage" iii. Copy the content of the default folder in the source client machine. For example: c:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Instrumentation\INtoolStorage to the default folder in the new client machine, for example, d:\SmartPlant\Instrumentation\INtoolStorage.

See Also
Managing Audit Trail Data (on page 219)

Domain Initialization
In SmartPlant Instrumentation, the working environment for your instrumentation activities is known as a domain. The domain type can be either Engineering company or Owner operator. The System Administrator is responsible for initializing (creating) domains. After initializing a domain, it is possible to define users, access rights, naming conventions, and so forth. When initializing a domain, the software creates the Domain schema, which contains all the database objects that allow you to work with SmartPlant Instrumentation. On Oracle or SQL Server, you can initialize a domain only after completing the SmartPlant Instrumentation database setup. You can create several domains (one domain at a time). These domains share the Admin schema, created during the database setup. The Admin schema already contains the SmartPlant Instrumentation database tables, but you cannot use these tables until the software creates a Domain schema, with various object references necessary for working in SmartPlant Instrumentation. For example, the Admin schema contains the table USERS but you cannot create users, assign them to groups, and grant access rights until a Domain schema exists because you can only perform these activities at a domain level. When initializing a domain, the Domain schema, receives the INTOOLS_ENGINEER role, which is created during the database setup. This role has system privileges and privileges for database objects included in the Admin schema. These objects are shared for all domains you initialize.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

If you have a full version of Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database engine (dbeng10.exe), you can initialize a domain in any of the Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database supplied databases, apart from INtools_Backup.db, which must only be used for backing up and restoring an existing domain. All of these databases contain the Admin schema and, therefore, you do not need to set up the SmartPlant Instrumentation database for Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere. However, since only INtools.db does not include any domain schemas, we recommend that you initialize a domain in the INtools.db database. Also, it is recommended that you initialize only one domain in a Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database. You are strongly advised to make copies of the target database file before initializing a domain in this file. You can initialize a domain in one of the following ways: Initialize an empty domain. When initializing an empty domain in Oracle or SQL Server, you can perform the initialization procedure without using the Administration module options of SmartPlant Instrumentation. For details, see Initialize a Domain from the Command Line (on page 55). Initialize a new domain using another domain as a source. This way, in the target database, you restore a domain with all existing data.

Prerequisites for Domain Initialization

Before initializing a domain, familiarize yourself with the following prerequisites:

General Prerequisites for Initializing a Domain Using Another Domain as a Source

When initializing a domain using another domain as a source, run the DB Checker Utility for the source domain. Make sure the database version of the source domain is the same as the database version where you want to initialize a new domain, that is Version 2009. If not, you must upgrade the source domain to Version 2009, or the target Admin schema to Version 2009. When initializing a domain using another domain as a source, in the source domain, make a list of all user-defined database views that are used in the source domain. You need to log on as Domain Administrator to add user-defined database views in the list. When initializing a domain, the software only creates those user-defined views that the Domain Administrator added in the list. If you intend to use a Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database as an intermediate database for initializing a domain from another source domain, you must back up the INtools_Backup.db database, and then restore this domain by using it as a source for a new domain initialization in Oracle or SQL Server. INtools_Backup.db does not require a full version of Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database engine. However, if you intend to work in a backed up domain in INtools_Backup.db or its copy, you must obtain a full version of Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database engine (dbeng10.exe) and also rebuild stored procedures and triggers for the backed up domain. For details, see Rebuild Stored Procedures and Triggers (on page 97). When initializing a domain in Windows Vista and Windows 7, you might need to temporarily turn off the User Account Control in Windows Vista and in Windows 7. For details, see Workaround for an Initialization Problem in Windows Vista and Windows 7 (on page 63).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion Domain Initialization in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere
We recommend that you initialize only one domain in a given Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database. Therefore, make copies of the target database file so that you can use one copy per initialization. You can copy the target database file to another location, and then use this file as a standard database for initialization of new domains. You can use as a target database any Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database supplied with SmartPlant Instrumentation, apart from INtools_Backup.db, which you must only use for backing up an existing domain. However, it is recommended that you use INtools.db because this database it does not contain any Domain schemas, only the Admin schema.

Domain Initialization in Oracle

If your Oracle client language environment is other than English, Far Eastern, Middle Eastern, or Spanish (Latin American), you must configure the NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS parameter in the client registry prior to initializing a domain in Oracle. For details, see Workaround for the ORA- 01722 Error (see "Numeric Character Settings for Oracle" on page 65). If you intend to initialize a SmartPlant Instrumentation domain from one Oracle database to another, make sure that the database character set and the national character set in the source Oracle database correspond to the database character set and the national character set in the target Oracle database. SmartPlant Instrumentation Version 2009 only supports the AL32UTF8 database character set. If the character set in the source Oracle database is different, contact Intergraph Support before initializing domains. The national character set must be AL16UTF16. If the source domain resides in Oracle 8i or Oracle 9i and the target database platform is in Oracle 10g, initialize the domain in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere first, and then, upgrade the domain to Version 2009 before initializing this domain in Oracle 10g. If the source domain resides in SQL Server, initialize the domain in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere first, then, upgrade the domain to Version 2009 before initializing this domain in Oracle 10g.

Domain Initialization in SQL Server

Regardless of the source domain platform, make sure that in the INtools.ini file, the [Database] section has the following statement: AutoCommit=TRUE If the source domain resides in SQL Server 2000, upgrade the SmartPlant Instrumentation database to Version 2009, and then, use this domain as a source for initializing a new domain in SQL Server 2005. If the source domain resides in Oracle, initialize the domain in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere first, then, upgrade the domain to Version 2009 before initializing this domain in SQL Server 2005. If the source domain resides in SQL Server 2000 and the target database is in SQL Server 2005, the current client machine must have two SQL Server client installations: SQL Server 2000 client and SQL Server 2005 client.

See Also
Domain Backup (see "Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion" on page 31)


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

Domain Initialization Common Tasks

The following tasks allow the System Administrator to initialize an empty domain, or initialize a domain using another domain as a source. For a complete list of tasks, click the appropriate topic on the Contents tab and then click the procedure that you want.

Add User-Defined Database Views

Using this procedure, you make a list of user-defined database views prior to initializing another domain when using the current domain as a source. The user-defined database views that appear in the list that you make also appear in the target domain after the domain initialization. For more information, see Add User-Defined Database Views (on page 44).

Initialize an Empty Domain in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere

Use this procedure to initialize an empty domain in a Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database supplied with SmartPlant Instrumentation, provided that you have a full version of Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database engine. For more information, see Initialize an Empty Domain in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere (on page 44).

Initialize a Domain in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere Using Another Domain as a Source
Use this procedure to initialize a domain in a Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database using another domain as a source, provided that you have a full version of Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database engine. The source domain can reside in any database platform that SmartPlant Instrumentation supports. For more information, see Initialize a Domain in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere Using Another Domain as a Source (on page 46).

Initialize an Empty Domain in Oracle

Use this procedure to initialize an empty domain in Oracle 9i or 10g. For more information, see Initialize an Empty Domain in Oracle (on page 47).

Initialize a Domain in Oracle Using Another Domain as a Source

Use this procedure to initialize a domain in Oracle using another domain as a source. The source domain can reside in the same or another Oracle database, or in a Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database, provided that you have a full version of Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database engine. For more information, see Initialize a Domain in Oracle Using Another Domain as a Source (see "Initialize an Empty Domain in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere" on page 44).

Initialize an Empty Domain in SQL Server

Use this procedure to initialize an empty domain in SQL Server. For more information, see Initialize an Empty Domain in SQL Server (on page 51).

Initialize a Domain in SQL Server Using Another Domain as a Source

Use this procedure to initialize a domain in SQL Server using another domain as a source. The source domain can reside in the same or another SQL Server database, or in a Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database, provided that you have a full version of Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database engine. For more information, see Initialize a Domain in SQL Server Using Another Domain as a Source (on page 53).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion Initialize a Domain from the Command Line
This topic describes how to initialize a domain without using the Administration module options of SmartPlant Instrumentation. To do so, you, you need to specify additional parameters. When initializing a domain without using SmartPlant Instrumentation, you do not use any source domain, and, therefore, the software creates a new empty domain in your database platform (that is, Oracle or SQL Server). For more information, see Initialize a Domain from the Command Line (on page 55).

See Also
Initialization Log Files (on page 56)

Add User-Defined Database Views

1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, click DBA > User-Defined Database Views. 3. In the dialog box that opens, click Add. 4. In the Add Database Views dialog box data window, select one or more views and click Apply. Prior to initializing a target domain by using the current domain as a source, you can add or remove user-defined database views any time you need. After you click Apply in the Add Database Views dialog box, the software allocates the database views that you selected to the data window of the User-Defined Database Views. These database views become available in a target domain after initializing that domain using the current domain as a source.

See Also
Troubleshooting Domain Initialization Common Tasks (on page 62)

Initialize an Empty Domain in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere

Before initializing a domain, familiarize yourself with domain initialization prerequisites. For details, see Prerequisites for Domain Initialization (on page 41). 1. Start the Administration module to open the Logon Information dialog box with DBA displayed in the User name box. This user name is the default user name that enables you to log on to the Admin schema. 2. In the Password box, type DBA, which is the default password you use to log on to the Admin schema. 3. Click OK to open the System Administration window. 4. Click File > Initialize. 5. On the Initialize dialog box, in the Domain box, type the domain name, which must be unique in the current database, start with a letter, and contain only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore ( _ ) to indicate a space. You are allowed to use a name of previously deleted domain. You can modify the domain name after completing the initialization. For details, see Make Domain Definitions (on page 80).


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

6. In the Domain schema name box, type the logon name of the domain schema, which must start with a letter, and contain only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore ( _ ) to indicate a space. The software needs to use this name internally to connect to this domain. 7. In the Domain schema password box, type the logon password of the Domain schema, which must start with a letter, and contain only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore ( _ ) to indicate a space. The domain schema password is case-sensitive. The schema password must be different from the domain name. We recommend that you write down the schema password and keep it in a safe place. When initializing a domain, the software changes all the password characters to upper case. This means that if the Domain schema name is MY_DOMAIN, you cannot use my_domain as the password string. 8. In the View-Only Domain schema password box, accept the default password of the View-Only Domain schema or change it as appropriate, provided that the setting starts with a letter, and contains only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore (_) to indicate a space. The default password and the characters that you type when changing the password appear masked. 9. Under Domain type, to determine the type of the domain that you want to initialize, select one of the following options: Owner operator Allows you to initialize the domain as a domain with As-Built functionality. The database is partitioned into several schemas: a single schema for As-Built and separate schemas for projects. Engineering company Allows you to initialize the domain as a domain contracted to design and build plants based on process information. A domain of the Engineering company type usually involves one set of data which may be revised extensively during the life cycle of the plant. In this case, the data for each project is maintained within a single database schema. Once a plant is operational, the domain type can be changed to Owner operator if required, and the owner can perform the necessary maintenance and modernization. During the initialization process, the software might display various error messages that do not cause the initialization process to fail. If want to prevent the software from displaying these message, select the Do not display error messages check box. After completing the initialization process, you can view the error messages recorded in the InitLog.txt file, which appears in the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder. 10. Click OK to start the initialization process. After completing the initialization process, make sure that you rebuild the catalog tables. For details, see Rebuild Catalog Tables (on page 98).

See Also
Troubleshooting Domain Initialization Common Tasks (on page 62)

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

Initialize a Domain in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere Using Another Domain as a Source
Before initializing a domain, familiarize yourself with domain initialization prerequisites. For details, see Prerequisites for Domain Initialization (on page 41). 1. Start the Administration module to open the Logon Information dialog box with DBA displayed in the User name box. This user name is the default user name that enables you to log on to the Admin schema. 2. In the Password box, type DBA, which is the default password you use to log on to the Admin schema. 3. Click OK to open the System Administration window. 4. Click File > Initialize. 5. On the Initialize dialog box, in the Domain box, type the target domain name, which must start with a letter, and contain only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore (_) to indicate a space. You are allowed to use a name of previously deleted domain. You can modify the domain name after completing the initialization. For details, see Make Domain Definitions (on page 80). 6. In the Domain schema name box, type the logon name of the domain schema, which must start with a letter, and contain only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore to indicate a space. The software needs to use this name internally to connect to this domain. 7. In the Domain schema password box, type the logon password of the Domain schema, which must start with a letter, and contain only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore ( _ ) to indicate a space. The domain schema password is case-sensitive. The schema password must be different from the domain name. We recommend that you write down the schema password and keep it in a safe place. When initializing a domain, the software changes all the password characters to upper case. This means that if the Domain schema name is MY_DOMAIN, you cannot use my_domain as the password string. 8. In the View-Only Domain schema password box, accept the default password of the View-Only Domain schema or change it as appropriate, provided that the setting starts with a letter, and contains only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore (_) to indicate a space. The default password and the characters that you type when changing the password appear masked. 9. Click Source. 10. On the Source Data Connection dialog box, from the Database type list, select one of the following options: Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere Allows you to click Browse and select another Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database as a source (a file with the .db extension). Oracle 9i or Oracle 10g Allows you to use a domain residing in Oracle. After selecting the Oracle version, the Server box becomes available. You must type the source Oracle instance alias name.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008 Allows you to use a domain residing in SQL Server. After selecting the SQL Server version, the ODBC profile (DSN) select list becomes available. From this list, you need to select an ODBC profile (data source name) you want to use for connecting to your SQL Server database server from the current client machine.

The source and target versions of the SmartPlant Instrumentation database must be the same. 11. Click Connect to connect to the source database. 12. From the Domain list, select a domain to be used as a source. 13. Select the Copy users to target domain if you want to copy all the existing SmartPlant Instrumentation user definitions to the new domain. The software can only copy those users who are assigned to groups. 14. Select the Copy departments to target domain if you want to copy all the existing SmartPlant Instrumentation department definitions to the new domain. 15. In the Source Data Connection dialog box, click OK to return to the Initialize dialog box. The domain type of the source and target domain must be the same. After you connect to the source database, the software automatically detects the source domain type and selects the appropriate option on the Initialize dialog box, under Domain type. During the initialization process, the software might display various error messages that do not cause the initialization process to fail. If want to prevent the software from displaying these message, select the Do not display error messages check box. After completing the initialization process, you can view the error messages recorded in the InitLog.txt file, which appears in the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder. 16. Click OK to start the initialization process.

See Also
Troubleshooting Domain Initialization Common Tasks (on page 62)

Initialize an Empty Domain in Oracle

Before initializing a domain, familiarize yourself with domain initialization prerequisites. For details, see Prerequisites for Domain Initialization (on page 41). 1. Start the Administration module to open the Logon Information dialog box with DBA displayed in the User name box. This user name is the default user name that enables you to log on to the Admin schema. 2. In the Password box, type DBA, which is the default password you use to log on to the Admin schema. 3. Click OK to open the System Administration window. 4. Click File > Initialize. 5. On the Initialize dialog box, in the Domain box, type the domain name, which must be unique in the current database, start with a letter, and contain only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore ( _ ) to indicate a space. You are allowed to use a name of previously deleted domain. You can modify the domain name after completing the initialization. For details, see Make Domain Definitions (on page 80).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

6. In the Domain schema name box, type the logon name of the domain schema, which must be unique at the level of the current Oracle instance, start with a letter, and contain only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore ( _ ) to indicate a space. The software needs to use this name internally to connect to this domain. 7. In the Domain schema password box, type the logon password of the Domain schema, which must be unique at the level of the current Oracle instance, start with a letter, and contain only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore ( _ ) to indicate a space. The schema password must be different from the domain name. We recommend that you write down the schema password and keep it in a safe place. When initializing a domain, the software changes all the password characters to upper case. This means that if the Domain schema name is MY_DOMAIN, you cannot use my_domain as the password string. 8. In the View-Only Domain schema password box, accept the default password of the View-Only Domain schema or change it as appropriate, provided that the setting is unique at the level of the current Oracle instance, starts with a letter, and contains only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore ( _ ) to indicate a space. The default password and the characters that you type when changing the password appear masked. 9. Under Domain type, to determine the type of the domain that you want to initialize, select one of the following options: Owner operator Allows you to initialize the domain as a domain with As-Built functionality. The database is partitioned into several schemas: a single schema for As-Built and separate schemas for projects. Engineering company Allows you to initialize the domain as a domain contracted to design and build plants based on process information. A domain of the Engineering company type usually involves one set of data which may be revised extensively during the life cycle of the plant. In this case, the data for each project is maintained within a single database schema. Once a plant is operational, the domain type can be changed to Owner operator if required, and the owner can perform the necessary maintenance and modernization. During the initialization process, the software might display various error messages that do not cause the initialization process to fail. If want to prevent the software from displaying these message, select the Do not display error messages check box. After completing the initialization process, you can view the error messages recorded in the InitLog.txt file, which appears in the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder. 10. Click OK to open the Domain Tablespace Definition dialog box, where you can define the tablespace data of the domain for initialization. 11. To define the domain tablespace data, under Domain data, accept all the given default values or modify them as follows: a. In the Tablespace name box, type the appropriate domain tablespace name. b. In the Tablespace size (MB) box, type the appropriate domain tablespace size. c. In the Datafile name and path box, type the full path and filename of the tablespace database file. When working in Predefined mode, select a tablespace name from the drop-down list. 12. To define the domain index tablespace data, under Index data, accept the given default values or modify them as follows: a. In the Tablespace name box, type the appropriate domain tablespace name.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

b. In the Tablespace size (MB) box, type the appropriate domain index tablespace size. The recommended size is 50% of the domain tablespace size. c. In the Datafile name and path box, type the full path and filename of the tablespace database file. When working in Predefined mode, select a tablespace name from the drop-down list. It is recommended that the domain datafile and the domain index datafile are stored on separate physical disks. 13. Click OK to start the initialization process. After completing the initialization process, it is strongly recommended that you update the current database statistics for the initialized domain. Updating statistics improves the database performance. For details, see Update Statistics (on page 103).

See Also
Troubleshooting Domain Initialization Common Tasks (on page 62)

Initialize a Domain in Oracle Using Another Domain as a Source

Before initializing a domain, familiarize yourself with domain initialization prerequisites. For details, see Prerequisites for Domain Initialization (on page 41). If you intend to initialize an SmartPlant Instrumentation domain from one Oracle database to another, note that the database character set and the national character set in the source Oracle database must correspond to the database character set and the national character set in the target Oracle database. SmartPlant Instrumentation Version 2009 only supports the AL32UTF8 database character set. If the character set in the source Oracle database is different, contact Intergraph Support before performing this procedure. The national character must be AL16UTF16. Start the Administration module to open the Logon Information dialog box with DBA displayed in the User name box. This user name is the default user name that enables you to log on to the Admin schema. In the Password box, type DBA, which is the default password you use to log on to the Admin schema. Click OK to open the System Administration window. Click File > Initialize. On the Initialize dialog box, in the Domain box, type the domain name, which must be unique in the current database, start with a letter, and contain only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore ( _ ) to indicate a space.


2. 3. 4. 5.

You are allowed to use a name of previously deleted domain. You can modify the domain name after completing the initialization. For details, see Make Domain Definitions (on page 80). 6. In the Domain schema name box, type the logon name of the domain schema, which must be unique in the current database, start with a letter, and contain only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore ( _ ) to indicate a space. The software needs to use this name internally to connect to this domain. 7. In the Domain schema password box, type the logon password of the Domain schema, which must be unique in the current database, start with a letter, and contain only

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore ( _ ) to indicate a space. The schema password must be different from the domain name. We recommend that you write down the schema password and keep it in a safe place. When initializing a domain, the software changes all the password characters to upper case. This means that if the Domain schema name is MY_DOMAIN, you cannot use my_domain as the password string. 8. In the View-Only Domain schema password box, accept the default password of the View-Only Domain schema or change it as appropriate, provided that the setting is unique in the current database, starts with a letter, and contains only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore (_) to indicate a space. The default password and the characters that you type when changing the password appear masked. 9. Click Source. 10. On the Source Data Connection dialog box, from the Database type list, select one of the following options: Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere Allows you to click Browse and select a Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database as a source (a file with the .db extension). If you do no not have a full version of Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database engine, you must select the Intools_Backup.db database, to which you backed up a domain you want to restore in your Oracle database. Oracle 9i Allows you to initialize a domain in Oracle 9i or 10g if the source domain resides in Oracle 9i. Oracle 10g Allows you to initialize a domain in Oracle 9i or 10g if the source domain resides in Oracle 10g. The source and target versions of the SmartPlant Instrumentation database must be the same. In the Admin schema name and Admin schema password boxes, if your source domain resides in a different database, type the Admin schema name and password of the source database to which you want to connect. Click Connect to connect to the selected source database. From the Domain list, select a domain to be used as a source. Select the Copy users to target domain if you want to copy all the existing SmartPlant Instrumentation user definitions to the new domain.


12. 13. 14.

The software can only copy those users who are assigned to groups. 15. Select the Copy departments to target domain if you want to copy all the existing SmartPlant Instrumentation department definitions to the new domain. 16. In the Source Data Connection dialog box, click OK to return to the Initialize dialog box. The domain type of the source and target domain must be the same. After you connect to the source database, the software automatically detects the source domain type and selects the appropriate option on the Initialize dialog box, under Domain type. During the initialization process, the software might display various error messages that do not cause the initialization process to fail. If want to prevent the software from displaying these message, select the Do not display error messages check box. After completing the initialization process, you can view the error messages recorded in the InitLog.txt file, which appears in the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

17. Click OK to open the Domain Tablespace Definition dialog box, where you can define the tablespace data of the domain for initialization. 18. To define the domain tablespace data, under Domain data, accept all the given default values or modify them as follows: a. In the Tablespace name box, type the appropriate domain tablespace name. b. In the Tablespace size (MB) box, type the appropriate domain tablespace size. c. In the Datafile name and path box, type the full path and filename of the tablespace database file. When working in Predefined mode, select a tablespace name from the drop-down list. 19. To define the domain index tablespace data, under Index data, accept the given default values or modify them as follows: a. In the Tablespace name box, type the appropriate domain tablespace name. b. In the Tablespace size (MB) box, type the appropriate domain index tablespace size. The recommended size is 50% of the domain tablespace size. c. In the Datafile name and path box, type the full path and filename of the tablespace database file. When working in Predefined, mode select a tablespace name from the drop-down list. It is recommended that the domain datafile and the domain index datafile are stored on separate physical disks. 20. Click OK to start the initialization process. After completing the initialization process, it is strongly recommended that you update the current database statistics for the initialized domain. Updating statistics improves the database performance. For details, see Update Statistics (on page 103).

See Also
Troubleshooting Domain Initialization Common Tasks (on page 62)

Initialize an Empty Domain in SQL Server

Before initializing a domain, familiarize yourself with domain initialization prerequisites. For details, see Prerequisites for Domain Initialization (on page 41). 1. Start the Administration module to open the Logon Information dialog box with DBA displayed in the User name box. This user name is the default user name that enables you to log on to the Admin schema. 2. In the Password box, type DBA, which is the default password you use to log on to the Admin schema. 3. Click OK to open the System Administration window. 4. Click File > Initialize. 5. On the Initialize dialog box, in the Domain box, type the domain name, which must be unique in the current database, start with a letter, and contain only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore ( _ ) to indicate a space. You are allowed to use a name of previously deleted domain. You can modify the domain name after completing the initialization. For details, see Make Domain Definitions (on page 80).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

6. In the Domain schema name box, type the logon name of the domain schema, which must be unique at the level of the SQL Server instance, start with a letter, and contain only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore ( _ ) to indicate a space. The software needs to use this name internally to connect to this domain. 7. In the Domain schema password box, type the logon password of the Domain schema, which must be unique at the level of the SQL Server instance, start with a letter, and contain only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore ( _ ) to indicate a space. The schema password must be different from the domain name. We recommend that you write down the schema password and keep it in a safe place. When initializing a domain, the software changes all the password characters to upper case. This means that if the Domain schema name is MY_DOMAIN, you cannot use my_domain as the password string. 8. In the View-Only Domain schema password box, accept the default password of the View-Only Domain schema or change it as appropriate, provided that the setting is unique at the level of the SQL Server instance, starts with a letter, and contains only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore (_) to indicate a space. The default password and the characters that you type when changing the password appear masked. 9. Under Domain type, to determine the type of the domain that you want to initialize, select one of the following options: Owner operator Allows you to initialize the domain as a domain with As-Built functionality. The database is partitioned into several schemas: a single schema for As-Built and separate schemas for projects. Engineering company Allows you to initialize the domain as a domain contracted to design and build plants based on process information. A domain of the Engineering company type usually involves one set of data which may be revised extensively during the life cycle of the plant. In this case, the data for each project is maintained within a single database schema. Once a plant is operational, the domain type can be changed to Owner operator if required, and the owner can perform the necessary maintenance and modernization. During the initialization process, the software might display various error messages that do not cause the initialization process to fail. If want to prevent the software from displaying these messages, select the Do not display error messages check box. After completing the initialization process, you can view the error messages recorded in the InitLog.txt file, which appears in the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder. 10. Click OK to open the Domain Data and Indexes dialog box, where you need to perform the next step of defining initialization settings for your domain data and indexes prior to starting the initialization process. 11. On the Domain Data and Indexes dialog box, do the following: a. In the Datafile folder path box, type the folder path or accept the displayed default. If you change the folder path in this box, the software automatically updates the datafile name and path settings specified for the domain and index data. b. Under Domain data, accept or type the desired values. The values in the Domain file name and Filegroup boxes must be must be unique in the database. Under Index data, accept or type the desired values.



SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

The values in the Index file name and Filegroup boxes must be unique in the database. For example, if you have six domains in one database, you must have six different index file names. 12. Click OK to start the initialization process. If, during the process, you receive a Grant to view Creation Error message, see Workaround for the Grant to View Creation Error (on page 66). After completing the initialization process, it is strongly recommended that you update the current database statistics for the initialized domain. Updating statistics improves the database performance. Start the Query Analyzer and run the SP_UPDATESTATS procedure.

See Also
Troubleshooting Domain Initialization Common Tasks (on page 62)

Initialize a Domain in SQL Server Using Another Domain as a Source

Before initializing a domain, familiarize yourself with domain initialization prerequisites. For details, see Prerequisites for Domain Initialization (on page 41). 1. In the INtools.ini file, located in the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder, in the [Database] section, add the following statement: AutoCommit=TRUE 2. Start the Administration module to open the Logon Information dialog box with DBA displayed in the User name box. This user name is the default user name that enables you to log on to the Admin schema. 3. In the Password box, type DBA, which is the default password you use to log on to the Admin schema. 4. Click OK to open the System Administration window. 5. Click File > Initialize. 6. On the Initialize dialog box, in the Domain box, type the domain name, which must be unique in the current database, start with a letter, and contain only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore ( _ ) to indicate a space. You are allowed to use a name of previously deleted domain. You can modify the domain name after completing the initialization. For details, see Make Domain Definitions (on page 80). 7. In the Domain schema name box, type the logon name of the domain schema, which must be unique in the current database, start with a letter, and contain only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore ( _ ) to indicate a space. The software needs to use this name internally to connect to this domain.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

8. In the Domain schema password box, type the logon password of the Domain schema, which must be unique in the current database, start with a letter, and contain only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore ( _ ) to indicate a space. The schema password must be different from the domain name. We recommend that you write down the schema password and keep it in a safe place. When initializing a domain, the software changes all the password characters to upper case. This means that if the Domain schema name is MY_DOMAIN, you cannot use my_domain as the password string. Unlike in Oracle or SQL Server, in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere, the Domain schema password is not encrypted and cannot be encrypted; after initializing a domain, the Domain schema logon password becomes set permanently in the software. When performing a database connection, the software retrieves the logon name and password from the PROJECT table of the Admin schema. 9. In the View-Only Domain schema password box, accept the default password of the View-Only Domain schema or change it as appropriate, provided that the setting is unique in the current database, starts with a letter, and contains only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore (_) to indicate a space. The default password and the characters that you type when changing the password appear masked. 10. Click Source. 11. On the Source Data Connection dialog box, from the Database type list, select one of the following options: Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere Allows you to click Browse and select a Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database as a source (a file with the .db extension). If you do no not have a full version of Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database engine, you must select the INtools_Backup.db database, to which you backed up a domain you want to restore in your SQL Server database. SQL Server 2005 You can select it as a source if the target database is in SQL Server 2005. SQL Server 2008 You can select it as a source if the target database is in SQL Server 2008. The source and target versions of the SmartPlant Instrumentation database must be the same. From SmartPlant Instrumentation 2007, SQL Server 7.0 is not supported. Therefore, if your source SmartPlant Instrumentation database resides in SQL Server 7.0, familiarize yourself with SmartPlant Instrumentation upgrade scenarios. From the ODBC profile (DSN) box, select an ODBC profile (data source name) you want to use for connecting to your SQL Server database server from the current client machine. In the Admin schema logon name and Admin schema logon password boxes, if your source domain resides in a different database, type the Admin schema name and password of the source database to which you want to connect. Click Connect to connect to the selected source database. From the Domain list, select a domain to be used as a source. Select the Copy users to target domain if you want to copy all the existing SmartPlant Instrumentation user definitions to the new domain.

12. 13.

14. 15. 16.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

The software can only copy those users who are assigned to groups. 17. Select the Copy departments to target domain if you want to copy all the existing SmartPlant Instrumentation department definitions to the new domain. 18. In the Source Data Connection dialog box, click OK to return to the Initialize dialog box. The domain type of the source and target domain must be the same. After you connect to the source database, the software automatically detects the source domain type and selects the appropriate option on the Initialize dialog box, under Domain type. During the initialization process, the software might display various error messages that do not cause the initialization process to fail. If want to prevent the software from displaying these message, select the Do not display error messages check box. After completing the initialization process, you can view the error messages recorded in the InitLog.txt file, which appears in the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder. 19. Click OK to open the Domain Data and Indexes dialog box, where you need to perform the next step of defining initialization settings for your domain data and indexes prior to starting the initialization process. 20. On the Domain Data and Indexes dialog box, do the following: a. In the Datafile folder path box, type the folder path or accept the displayed default. If you change the folder path in this box, the software automatically updates the datafile name and path settings specified for the domain and index data. b. Under Domain data, accept or type the desired values. The values in the Domain file name and Filegroup boxes must be must be unique in the database. Under Index data, accept or type the desired values.


The values in the Index file name and Filegroup boxes must be unique in the database. For example, if you have six domains in one database, you must have six different index file names. 21. Click OK to start the initialization process. If, during the process, you receive a Grant to view Creation Error message, see Workaround for the Grant to View Creation Error (on page 66). After completing the initialization process, it is strongly recommended that you update the current database statistics for the initialized domain. Updating statistics improves the database performance. Start the Query Analyzer and run the SP_UPDATESTATS procedure.

See Also
Troubleshooting Domain Initialization Common Tasks (on page 62)

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

Initialize a Domain from the Command Line

You can initialize a domain without using the Administration module options of SmartPlant Instrumentation. To do so, you, you need to specify additional parameters. When initializing a domain without using SmartPlant Instrumentation, you do not use any source domain, and, therefore, the software creates a new empty domain in your database platform (that is, Oracle or SQL Server).

Parameter String for Backup

Init.exe INT,<new domain name>,<new Domain schema name>,<new Domain schema password> You must only use commas as parameter separators. The parameters are not case-sensitive. The following table describes the parameters in the order of their appearance in the parameter string. Parameter Init.exe INT <New domain name> <New Domain schema name> <New Domain schema password> Description Possible Settings

The initial parameter, which allows you to start INIT.EXE the database engine. Stands for the name of the operation The name of your target domain The name of the target Domain schema The password of the target Domain schema INT DEMO DEMO DEMO

INIT.EXE INT,DEMO,DEMO,DEMO After completing the initialization process, you can check the InitLog.txt file for errors that might have occurred during the domain initialization. The InitLog.txt file appears in the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder. In this log file, the software automatically records errors that do not cause the initialization process to fail.

See Also
Troubleshooting Domain Initialization Common Tasks (on page 62)

Initialization Log Files

During the initialization process, the software generates the following log files: InitLog.txt Contains information about errors that occurred when inserting data into the Domain schema. The software creates this file in the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder automatically, on completion of the initialization process. When you initialize another domain in the same database, the software appends the new initialization session details in the file. If the initialization process completes without any errors, the file only contains information about the database platform and the session date.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

The software also uses the InitLog.txt file when you back up a domain to the INtools_Backup.db database, and adds information about errors that can occur when backing up data into the Domain schema of the INtools_Backup.db database. <number indicating the order of domain initialization>.log Contains information about database structure-related problems found during the initialization process. You should expect a 4.5 MB file to be created as a log file. The file name comprises the number of the domain and the .log extension. The number of the domain designates the order of domain initialization in your SmartPlant Instrumentation database. For example, if you initialize your first domain, the software creates the log file with name 1.LOG. In the event of any problem occurring during the domain initialization, you must provide this file to Intergraph Support with your request for assistance. This file is not created automatically. If you want to create this file, add the following line of the [Database] section of the INtools.ini file (located in the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder): TRACE=1

See Also
Troubleshooting Domain Initialization Common Tasks (on page 62)

Defining Domain Tablespaces in Oracle

The user now defines the domain tablespaces, required for each domain, in Oracle. The definition modes match the tablespaces creation modes as described in section Set Up a SmartPlant Instrumentation Database for Oracle.

Automatic/ Customized modes of Domain tablespaces definition

The user continues either the Automatic or the Customized modes of tablespaces creation with the following process: 1. Start the Administration module. 2. Log on as System Administrator. 3. Click File > Initialize. 4. On the Initialize dialog box, in the Domain box, type the domain name. 5. Click OK to open the Domain Tablespace Definition dialog box.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

6. Under Domain data, Index data, insert the desired parameters and click OK.

Predefined mode of Domain tablespaces definition

The user now creates the two tablespaces required for each domain. 1. Start the Administration module. 2. Log on as System Administrator. 3. Click File > Initialize. 4. On the Initialize dialog box, in the Domain box, type the domain name.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

5. Click OK to open the Domain Tablespace Definition dialog box.

6. Under Domain data, from the Tablespace name drop-down list, select the desired Tablespace name as configured in the Domain Schema configuration process and click OK.

Domain Deletion Common Tasks

The System Administrator can use the following set of procedures to delete SmartPlant Instrumentation domains. Domain is a term used in SmartPlant Instrumentation to define the working environment for various instrumentation activities. When deleting a domain, the software deletes the Domain schema, which was created during the domain initialization. The Domain schema contains SmartPlant Instrumentation domain data. When deleting a domain, the software deletes all the database tables and views associated with the current Domain schema. It is only possible to delete one domain at a time. For a complete list of tasks, click the appropriate topic on the Contents tab and then click the procedure that you want.

Delete a Domain
Use this procedure to delete a domain that is no longer in use. When deleting an owner operator domain, the software deletes all the project schemas and the As-Built schema. You do not have to delete the projects first. For more information, see Delete a Domain (on page 60).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion Delete an Invalid Domain on SQL Server
An invalid domain is a domain whose initialization process failed to complete. You can use this option to delete an invalid domain and also automatically delete all database files associated with this domain. You must exercise an extreme caution when performing this procedure. For more information, see Delete an Invalid Domain on SQL Server (on page 61).

Delete an Invalid Domain on Oracle

An invalid domain is a domain whose initialization process failed to complete. You can use this option to delete an invalid domain. For more information, see Delete an Invalid Domain on Oracle (on page 61).

Delete a Domain
Deletion is an operation you should consider very carefully before attempting to perform it. If you delete a domain, the software deletes the Domain schema with all the database objects associated with it. Since this operation is irreversible, you should consider backing up your domain first. 1. Do one of the following to open the Domain Definition window: Click File > Domain Definition. Click . 2. Do one of the following Click Options > Delete. Click .

When deleting a domain in Oracle, if the software detects a rollback segment problem, an appropriate message appears. In this case, click OK and then click Delete again. If this kind of message reappears, click OK each time and then restart the deletion process until you receive a message notifying you that the domain has been deleted successfully. The possible problems that cause the occurrence of the error messages are insufficient disk space, non-optimal storage clause, or insufficient number of rollback segments. After deleting a domain in Oracle, a message is displayed with a list of physical tablespace data files you need to delete manually. In SQL Server, deleting a domain automatically deletes the filegroup and data files associated with the domain. In Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere, after a domain is deleted, the Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database engine automatically optimizes the database size of INtools.db.

See Also
Domain Backup Common Tasks (on page 32)


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

Delete an Invalid Domain on Oracle

If an initialization process fails to complete, this domain becomes invalid (cannot be used). We recommend that you delete the invalid domain before initializing a new one. 1. With the System Administration window open, click DBA > Delete Invalid Domain. 2. In the Delete Invalid Domain dialog box, from the Domain Name list, select the invalid domain. If the list is empty, there are no corrupted domains in the current database. 3. Click OK. After you click OK, you cannot stop the deletion process. The duration of the deletion process depends on the stage at which the domain initialization failed: the later the stage, the longer the deletion process. On Oracle, SmartPlant Instrumentation does not automatically delete all the data files associated with a deleted domain. You need to delete the remaining data files manually. You can view and print out the list of these data files in the Data Files to Delete Manually dialog box, which opens after SmartPlant Instrumentation completes the invalid domain deletion.

Delete an Invalid Domain on SQL Server

If an initialization process fails to complete, this domain becomes invalid (cannot be used). We recommend that you delete the invalid domain before initializing a new one. In addition to displaying invalid domains, the Delete Invalid Domain dialog box displays all valid schemas of other databases residing in your database server. SmartPlant Instrumentation cannot verify whether you selected an invalid domain or a valid schema of another database. If you selected an invalid domain schema, you can safely proceed with the domain deletion. Deleting a schema that does not part of SmartPlant Instrumentation results in deleting data in the database to which the schema belongs. 1. With the System Administration window open, click DBA > Delete Invalid Domain. 2. In the Delete Invalid Domain dialog box, from the Domain Name list, select the invalid domain. If the list is empty, there are no corrupted domains in the current database. 3. Click OK. After you click OK, you are prompted to verify your selection to make sure you have selected a schema of an invalid domain and not a schema that is not part of SmartPlant Instrumentation. The duration of the deletion process depends on the stage at which the domain initialization failed: the later the stage, the longer the deletion process. In SQL Server, SmartPlant Instrumentation automatically deletes all the data files associated with an invalid domain.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

Troubleshooting Domain Initialization Common Tasks

The following tasks allow the System Administrator to troubleshoot initialization in case of an error occurring during the initialization process or handle initialization failure. For a complete list of tasks, click the appropriate topic on the Contents tab and then click the procedure that you want.

Handle an Initialization Failure

Use this procedure if the software cannot complete successfully a specific initialization process. For more information, see Handle an Initialization Failure (on page 63).

Workaround for an Initialization Problem in Windows Vista and Windows 7

This workaround enables you to resolve an initialization problem in Windows Vista and in Windows 7. This problem occurs if the User Account Control in Windows Vista and in Windows 7 is set to On. To resolve this initialization problem, you need to temporarily set the User Account Control in Windows Vista and in Windows 7 to Off. For more information, see Workaround for an Initialization Problem in Windows Vista and Windows 7 (on page 63).

Numeric Character Settings for Oracle

This procedure enables you to prevent occurrence of ORA-01722 error messages when initializing a domain in Oracle. You must complete this procedure if your Oracle client language environment is other than English, Far Eastern, Middle Eastern, or Spanish (Latin American). This procedure involves creating and configuring the NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS parameter in the client registry. We recommend that you perform this procedure before you start domain initialization to prevent any occurrence of the ORA-01722 error. It is possible, however, to perform this procedure after you come across this error message. In this case, you must cancel the current domain initialization process, complete the procedure, and then initialize a new domain. For more information, see Numeric Character Settings for Oracle (on page 65).

Workaround for the Grant to View Creation Error

If, when initializing a domain in SQL Server, you receive a Grant to view Creation Error message, you must first complete a workaround to resolve the problem, and then run the initialization process again. For more information, see Workaround for the Grant to View Creation Error (on page 66).

See Also
Domain Initialization (on page 40) Prerequisites for Domain Initialization (on page 41) Initialization Log Files (on page 56)


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

Handle an Initialization Failure

1. Start running the initialization process that was interrupted in a previous session. 2. When you receive a message "This process was interrupted in a previous session during the following operation. Do you want to resume this process?", do one of the following: If you want to resume the initialization process from the same place where the process was interrupted, click Yes and keep running the process until it is completed successfully. If you want to restart the process, click No to exist the initialization utility and then, before you restart the process, in the [Database] section of the INtools.ini file, located in the SmartPlant instrumentation home folder, add the following string: CONTINUE=N When restarting the initialization process, you cannot define the same domain name because it is in use in the domain that became invalid when the previous initialization session was interrupted. If you want to use the same domain name, you must first delete the invalid domain. For details, see Domain Deletion Common Tasks (on page 59). 3. If, during the initialization process, you receive the same error that caused the process to stop previously, press the Print Screen key. You must make a screen capture of both the Initialize dialog box, and the error message. 4. Send the screen capture and the InitLog.txt file, located in the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder, to Intergraph Support.

Workaround for an Initialization Problem in Windows Vista and Windows 7

When initializing a domain in Windows Vista or Windows 7, it is not possible to select a source domain if the User Account Control in Windows Vista or Windows 7 is set to On. To resolve the initialization problem, temporarily set the User Account Control in Windows Vista or Windows 7 to Off. 1. Before initializing a domain, in your Windows Vista or Windows 7 Control Panel, click User Accounts. 2. Click Turn User Account Control on or off. 3. Clear Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer . 4. Restart the computer. 5. Initialize the domain. 6. Turn the UAC on if needed. Instead of turning UAC off, it is also possible to manually update the content of the PATTERN_wat key in your Windows Registry. In the Registry Editor, the key appears in the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI. You need to define the correct source domain parameters in the key strings. When the User Account Control in Windows Vista is set to On, you cannot perform a domain backup either. The same workaround applies.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

Workaround for a Backup Problem in Windows Vista and Windows 7

When backing up a domain in Windows Vista or Windows 7, it is not possible to connect to the Intools_backup.db database if the User Account Control in Windows Vista or Windows 7 is set to On. The software notifies you that that you cannot use this file for backup. To resolve this problem, temporarily set the User Account Control in Windows Vista or Windows 7 to Off.

In Windows 7
1. Click the Start button and in the Search box type UAC. 2. Click Change User Control Change Settings. 3. Move the slider down to the Never notify position to set the UAC OFF or up to select when you want to be notified to turn the UAC ON. 4. Click OK. When setting the UAC to OFF you will need to restart the computer and when setting the UAC to ON you will need to insert a password and provide a confirmation.

In Windows Vista
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Before backing up a domain, in your Windows Vista Control Panel, click User Accounts. Click Turn User Account Control on or off. Clear Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer . Restart the computer. Back up the domain. Turn the UAC on if needed. Instead of turning UAC off, it is also possible to manually update the content of the PATTERN_wat key in your Windows Registry. In the Registry Editor, the key appears in the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI. You need to define the correct parameters for the Intools_backup.db database in the key strings. When the User Account Control in Windows Vista or Windows 7 is set to On, you cannot initialize a domain either. The same workaround applies.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

Numeric Character Settings for Oracle

When initializing a domain in Oracle, ORA-01722 error messages is likely to occur on a client machine belonging to any of the following language groups: French Slav Russian, Polish, and so forth Western European and Scandinavian German, Dutch, Norwegian, and so forth Spanish Spanish of Spain Portuguese Italian Baltic Latvian, Lithuanian, and so forth If you ignore ORA-01722 error messages and complete the domain initialization, the domain does not initialize correctly. To prevent the problem from occurring or to resolve the problem if it has already occurred, do the following: 1. In the Registry Editor, under My Computer, expand the KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder hierarchy. 2. Expand the SOFTWARE folder hierarchy. 3. Expand the ORACLE folder hierarchy. 4. Depending on your Oracle client version, do one of the following: When using Oracle 9i, right-click the HOME0 folder. When using Oracle 10g, Right-click the KEY_OraDb10g_home1 folder. 5. On the pop-up menu, point to New and click String Value. 6. Under Name, type the parameter NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS. 7. Right-click the NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS parameter string and then, on the pop-up menu, click Modify. 8. In the Edit String dialog box, under Value data, enter the following values: ., (dot and comma) 9. Click OK. If you performed this workaround after you have received an ORA-01722 error message, when you try to run the interrupted initialization process again, the software might prompt you to resume or restart the process. For details about resuming or restarting the process, see Handle an Initialization Failure (on page 63).

See Also
Initialize a Domain in Oracle Using Another Domain as a Source (on page 49) Initialize an Empty Domain in Oracle (on page 47) Prerequisites for Domain Initialization (on page 41)

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain Backup, Initialization, and Deletion

Workaround for the Grant to View Creation Error

If you use SQL Server 2005 client machine to initialize a domain, during initialization, you might receive a Grant to view Creation Error message with a reference to a SmartPlant Instrumentation table. This problem is not related to SmartPlant Instrumentation; rather it means that you either enabled Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS) in SQL Server or there is a compatibility problem between your SQL Server 2005 client and Microsoft .NET. To resolve the problem, you must cancel the initialization process and then do one of the following: Disable Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS) in your SQL Server database. By default, MARS functionality is not enabled and is not required for SmartPlant Instrumentation. You have probably enabled MARS within a connection string, when connecting to SQL Server 2005 with SQL Native Client. Refer to your SQL Server documentation to learn how to disable the use of MARS. If you cannot disable MARS in your SQL Server database, do the following on the client machine you are using for a domain initialization: a. Uninstall all the SQL Server 2005 components. b. Uninstall all the Microsoft .NET components. c. Restart the client machine. d. Reinstall SQL Server 2005 client as described in the Install SQL Server 2005 Client topic of the SmartPlant Instrumentation Installation and Upgrade Guide. When installing SQL Server 2005 client, a compatible version of Microsoft .NET Framework is installed automatically. After you resolve the problem and run the interrupted initialization process again, the software might prompt you to resume or restart the process. For details about resuming or restarting the process, see Handle an Initialization Failure (on page 63).

See Also
Initialize a Domain in SQL Server Using Another Domain as a Source (on page 53) Initialize an Empty Domain in SQL Server (on page 51)


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Accessing the Administration Module

The following tasks are used when you need to access the Administration module.

Log on as System Administrator

Every user is required to log on to the application using a designated user name and password. Any user can log on to the Administration module, however, only a user designated as System Administrator can have access to the System Administration options. This procedure explains how to start the Administration module with System Administrator privileges. For more information, see Log on as System Administrator (on page 67).

Log on as Domain Administrator

This option explains how to enter the Administration module with Domain Administrator privileges. For more information, see Log on as Domain Administrator (on page 68).

Switch from System Administration to Domain Administration

Where the same person is responsible for both System Administration and Domain Administration activities, it is possible to switch between the two functions (provided that the user has an identical user name and password for both functions) without exiting the Administration module. For more information, see Switch from System Administration to Domain Administration (on page 68).

Switch from Domain Administration to System Administration

This option explains how to switch from Domain Administration to System Administration without exiting the Administration module. This is possible if you have a valid System Administration use name and password. For more information, see Switch from Domain Administration to System Administration (on page 68).

Log on as System Administrator

1. Start the Administration module. 2. In the Logon Information dialog box, from the Database list, select the database you want to connect to. 3. In the User name and Password text boxes, enter your System Administrators user name and password. The list of databases appears in the intools.ini file. For each database, you need to define a database profile. The System Administrator user name and password are defined per installation. DBA is the default user name and password that you use to log on to SmartPlant Instrumentation for the first time. The password is entered in upper case characters, regardless of the keyboard setting. After you log on for the first time, you should change your password.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Accessing the Administration Module

4. In the Open Administration Module dialog box, click System Administrator. If you are currently logged on as the Domain Administrator, you can switch to the system administration level without the need to log on again. You can do this only if the System Administrator user name and password are the same as the Domain Administrators.

See Also
System Administration Common Tasks (on page 77) Working with Administration Module (see "Working with the Administration Module" on page 13)

Log on as Domain Administrator

1. Start the Administration module. 2. In the User name and Password boxes of the Logon Information dialog box, enter your Domain Administrators user name and password. The Domain Administrator user name and password are defined per domain by the System Administrator. 3. In the Open Administration Module dialog box, select the required domain from the list. 4. Click OK to open the Domain Administration window. If you are currently logged on as the System Administrator, you can switch to the Domain Administrator level without the need to log on again. You can do this only if the Domain Administrator user name and password are the same as the System Administrators.

See Also
Domain Administration Common Tasks (on page 117) Working with Administration Module (see "Working with the Administration Module" on page 13)

Switch from System Administration to Domain Administration

1. Click to close the current window. 2. Click . 3. In the Open Administration Module dialog box, click Domain Administrator.

See Also
System Administration Common Tasks (on page 77)

Switch from Domain Administration to System Administration

1. Click to close the current domain. 2. Click . 3. In the Open Administration Module dialog box, click System Administrator.

See Also
Domain Administration Common Tasks (on page 117)


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Users, Departments, and Groups

As System Administrator, you are responsible for the creation of all SmartPlant Instrumentation users and for the management of their profiles. Also, you assign them to various departments and determine who of the users will function as the Domain Administrator. You can perform the following tasks:

Create and Manage Departments

Departments are used to provide extra information about your users. Department names appear in the Users dialog box only. For more information, see Create and Manage Departments (on page 69).

Create and Manage User Profiles

The System Administrator must define all the users that can work in SmartPlant Instrumentation. The System Administrator can also assign users to departments and edit the user profile information, including user passwords. For more information, see Define a SmartPlant Instrumentation User (on page 70).

Assign a Domain Administrator

As System Administrator, you must assign a Domain Administrator when associating a new domain. You can change the Domain Administrator later if required. For more information, see Assign a Domain Administrator (on page 71).

Create and Manage Departments

1. Start the Administration module and log on as System Administrator. 2. With the System Administration window open, do one of the following to open the Domain Definition window: Click Activities > Department. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Click . Click New. Under Department, Description, and Note, type the appropriate values. Click Apply. To edit or delete an existing department, from the Department list, select a department. Click Edit or Delete as you require. Click Close when done.

The software creates a default department with each new domain. If required, you can assign all your users to this department.

See Also
Log on as System Administrator (on page 67) System Administration Common Tasks (on page 77)

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Users, Departments, and Groups

Define a SmartPlant Instrumentation User

1. Start the Administration module and log on as System Administrator. 2. With the System Administration window open, do one of the following to open the Domain Definition window: Click Activities > User. Click . 3. In the User dialog box, click New. 4. Under User, type a unique user name. The user name can contain up to thirty characters. The software applies upper case to all alphabetic characters. You can use any combination of characters. If you intend to use Windows authentication logon method, you must define a user group with the same name as a user group defined in Windows. In this case, you do not have to define users at all. Then, whenever a user that belongs to the Windows group accesses SmartPlant Instrumentation for the first time, the software logs on this user and assigns the user to the SmartPlant Instrumentation group. The user name appears in the User dialog box automatically. 5. Under User initials, type the appropriate initials. The software uses this value to identify the reviewer in all the revisions created in the software. 6. From the Department list, select a department to which you want to assign the user. 7. Under Password, type a unique login password for the user. A password can contain up to 15 characters (not case-sensitive). The password that you type appears masked. 8. Under Verify new password, retype the password you just entered. 9. Select the System Administrator check box if you want to grant System Administrator rights to the new user. In SmartPlant Instrumentation, there can be more than one user with System Administrator access rights. 10. Select the IDEAL user check box if you want this user to generate reports using IDEAL. After defining an IDEAL user, the software can make a connection between the SmartPlant Instrumentation Server and the SmartPlant Instrumentation database. You must log on to SmartPlant Instrumentation using the IDEAL user name and password to be able to set the preferences for IDEAL report generation that the software can recognize. Only one IDEAL user can be defined per domain. 11. Under Note, type a brief note as required. 12. Click Apply. To edit the profile of an existing user, select the required user from the User list and click Edit. To delete a user from the system, select the required user from the User list and click Delete.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Users, Departments, and Groups

Deleting a user means that this individual will no longer be able to access SmartPlant Instrumentation. However, the history and activity tracking information associated with that user will continue to exist in the database. For this reason, every user should have a name that is unique in the system. If you want to delete a user who is a System Administrator or Domain Administrator, you must first assign a different user as the System or Domain Administrator.

See Also
Log on as System Administrator (on page 67) System Administration Common Tasks (on page 77)

Assign a Domain Administrator

1. Log on to the Administration module as System Administrator. 2. Do one of the following to open the Domain Definition window: Click File > Domain Definition. On the menu bar, click . 3. From the Domain list, select a domain. 4. On the toolbar, click . 5. From the Administrator list, select a user you want to set as Domain Administrator for the current domain. The Domain Administrator name password remain the same that you have set in the User dialog box when you created that user's profile. 6. Repeat steps 2 through 4 to assign additional Domain Administrators if needed. 7. On the toolbar, click .

See Also
System Administration Common Tasks (on page 77) Log on as System Administrator (on page 67)

User Groups
A SmartPlant Instrumentation user group is a group in which all users share the same access rights. After the System Administrator defines new users, the Domain Administrator needs to assign the users to groups so that they can be granted access rights to various items or activities. As access rights are defined at the level of a group, the Domain Administrator needs to define user groups and then assign appropriate users to these groups. A user can belong to several groups with different access rights. In a project of an owner operator domain, access rights granted on the domain level do not apply. If you want to grant access rights to a group assigned to a project, you must also assign this group to As-Built. When you or back up an existing domain or initialize a domain using another domain as a source, you can set the software to copy the source domain users. The software only copies those users who are assigned to groups. If the System Administrator enables the use of Windows authentication logon method, the software can create and assign users to groups automatically. For more information, see Windows Authentication Logon Method (on page 74).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Users, Departments, and Groups

Users and Groups Common Tasks

The Domain Administrator can perform the following tasks to manage user groups:

Create a New Group

Access rights are defined at the level of a group; therefore, for each access rights profile that you can assign to users, you need to define a group and then assign the appropriate users to one or more groups. For more information, see Create a New Group (on page 73).

Create a Group for Windows Authentication Logon Method

A group for Windows authentication logon method is a user group that exists in Windows and is associated with a SmartPlant Instrumentation group. The names of the Windows and SmartPlant Instrumentation groups must be identical. All users defined in a Windows domain who belong to this Windows group can access SmartPlant Instrumentation without having to provide any logon information, such as user name and password. When such a user starts SmartPlant Instrumentation, the software detects the user's Windows group settings, matches the Windows group name to the corresponding SmartPlant Instrumentation group name, and assigns the user to the SmartPlant Instrumentation group automatically. For more information, see Create a Group for Windows Authentication Logon Method (on page 75).

Modify the Profile of a Group

This option explains how you can edit the profile of an existing group. For more information, see Modify the Profile of a Group (on page 73).

Assign Users to Groups

In the current domain, the Domain Administrator can assign an existing user to one or more groups. Assigning users to groups is needed because access rights to the domain items are granted per group. Therefore, users who are not assigned to any group have no access rights to the domain. For more information, see Assign Users to Groups (on page 73).

Remove Users from Groups

This procedure enables the Domain Administrator to remove users from a group. For more information, see Remove Users from Groups (on page 74).

Remove Deleted Windows Users from SmartPlant Instrumentation User Groups

This procedure enables the System Administrator to remove from SmartPlant Instrumentation those users who have been deleted from their Windows groups. Such users remain assigned to the SmartPlant Instrumentation group but can no longer access SmartPlant Instrumentation if the Windows authentication logon method is switched on. For more information, see Remove Deleted Windows Users from SmartPlant Instrumentation User Groups (on page 75).

Delete a Group
This procedure enables the Domain Administrator to delete a group that has no users. For more information, see Delete a Group (on page 73).

See Also
Domain Administration Common Tasks (on page 117)


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Users, Departments, and Groups

Create a New Group

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. With the Domain Administration window open, click Activities > Group. In the Group dialog box, click New. Type the new group name, description and note as you require. Click Apply. When prompted whether to copy access rights from another group, do one of the following: Click No to create a new group in which all members have full access rights to all SmartPlant Instrumentation features. Click Yes select a source group for copying access rights to the group that you are creating.

See Also
Access Rights (on page 182)

Modify the Profile of a Group

1. With the Domain Administration window open, click Activities > Group. 2. In the Group dialog box, from the SmartPlant Instrumentation group list, select the group you require. 3. Click Edit. 4. Make all the changes that you need. 5. Click Apply to save the changes you have made. When modifying the profile of a group, the group access rights remain unchanged.

Delete a Group
1. 2. 3. 4. You can only delete a group that has no users. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. Click Activities > Group. From the Group list, select the group that you want to delete. Click Delete.

Assign Users to Groups

If you created groups for Windows authentication logon method, you do not need to add any users to the groups. Whenever a new user with Windows authentication logon method credentials starts SmartPlant Instrumentation for the first time, the software assigns this user to the appropriate SmartPlant Instrumentation group automatically. For more information, see Create a Group for Windows Authentication Logon Method (on page 75). 1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. Click Activities > Assign Users to Groups. 3. From the Group list, select the group to which you want to assign the required user. The users who have already been assigned to the selected group appear in the Group users pane.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Users, Departments, and Groups

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. In the User list pane, select the user you want to assign to the selected group. Drag the selected user from the User list pane to the Group users pane. Repeat steps 3 through 5 in this procedure for each user you want to assign to a group. Click Apply to save the selections. Click Close to close the dialog box.

If a user does not see the plant hierarchy after starting SmartPlant Instrumentation, this means that this particular user is not assigned to any group in the domain.

See Also
Access Rights (on page 182)

Remove Users from Groups

If you remove a user who belongs to a group that is also a Windows group, you cannot prevent this user from accessing SmartPlant Instrumentation using Windows authentication logon method. For more information, see Create a Group for Windows Authentication Logon Method (on page 75). Users who are not assigned to any group have no access rights in the domain. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. Click Activities > Assign Users to Groups. From the Group list, select the group from which you want to remove the required user. In the Group users pane, select the user you want to remove from the selected group. Drag the selected user from the Group users pane to the User list pane. Repeat steps 3 through 5 in this procedure for each user you want to remove from a group. Click OK to save changes.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Windows Authentication Logon Method

Windows authentication logon method allows the software to create SmartPlant Instrumentation users automatically and assign them to existing SmartPlant Instrumentation groups as soon as these users start SmartPlant Instrumentation. First, in a specific domain, the Domain Administrator must associate a global group that exists in Windows with a SmartPlant Instrumentation group. To do so, the Domain Administrator creates a SmartPlant Instrumentation group and assigns to this group an existing Windows group (the group name characters are case-sensitive). After that, any user who belongs to this Windows group can access this SmartPlant Instrumentation domain automatically without having to provide any logon information. This is because the user's Windows and SmartPlant Instrumentation logon information is the same. When such a user starts SmartPlant Instrumentation, the software bypasses the Logon Information dialog box, and displays directly the Open dialog box, where you select a <unit>. To access SmartPlant Instrumentation, in the Open dialog box, the user needs to select a domain in which the Domain Administrator has associated the user's Windows group with the SmartPlant Instrumentation group.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Users, Departments, and Groups

The System Administrator can enable or disable the use of Windows authentication logon method when setting security options. After switching from the Windows authentication logon method back to the SmartPlant Instrumentation logon method, all the users remain in SmartPlant Instrumentation but each user must provide a personal SmartPlant Instrumentation user name and password when logging on. To be able to access SmartPlant Instrumentation using Windows authentication logon method, a user must be connected to the appropriate Windows domain. Only after the user receives the Windows group privileges can the software match the user's Windows domain name with the SmartPlant Instrumentation domain name. Users who do not belong to any Windows user group or who are not defined in any SmartPlant Instrumentation group cannot access the domain. After the software creates users in a SmartPlant Instrumentation group by using Windows authentication logon method, these users remain in the SmartPlant Instrumentation group even if they are removed from the Windows group. These users can no longer access SmartPlant Instrumentation. The System Administrator needs to remove deleted Windows users from SmartPlant Instrumentation.

See Also
Access Rights (on page 182)

Create a Group for Windows Authentication Logon Method

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. With the Domain Administration window open, click Activities > Group. In the Group dialog box, click New. Under SmartPlant Instrumentation group, type the new group name. Type the group description and note as you require. Under Windows group, using case-sensitive characters, enter the group name exactly as it appears in your Windows domain. 6. Click Apply. 7. When prompted whether to copy access rights from another group, do one of the following: Click No to create a new group in which all members have full access rights to all SmartPlant Instrumentation features. Click Yes select a source group for copying access rights to the group that you are creating. The System Administrator can enable or disable the use of Windows authentication logon method at any stage of the domain life-cycle. For more information, see Workflow of Switching to a Different Logon Method (see "Switching to a Different Logon Method" on page 76).

See Also
Access Rights (on page 182)

Remove Deleted Windows Users from SmartPlant Instrumentation User Groups

You can only perform this procedure if the Enable Windows authentication logon method check box is selected on the Security Options dialog box. 1. Start the Administration module and log on as System Administrator. 2. Click Activities > Remove Deleted Windows Users.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Users, Departments, and Groups

3. Do one of the following: Select Remove for those users you want to remove from SmartPlant Instrumentation. Select Remove all if you want to remove all the users displayed on the dialog box. The dialog box only displays those users who have been deleted from their Windows groups. 4. Click OK.

Switching to a Different Logon Method

Switching to Windows Authentication Logon Method
Use this workflow if you already have user groups in SmartPlant Instrumentation and want to enable the existing users to log on to SmartPlant Instrumentation using the Windows authentication. 1. Log on to the Administration module as System Administrator and do the following: 2. On the menu bar, click Activities > Security Options. 3. Select Enable windows authentication logon method check box. 4. Click OK. 5. Log on to the Administration module as Domain Administrator and do the following: 6. On the menu bar, click Activities > Group. 7. For each group in the list, including the default ADMINISTRATORS group, define the corresponding Windows group as defined in your Windows domain. 8. Click OK.

Switching to SmartPlant Instrumentation Authentication Logon Method

Use this workflow to switch from Windows Authentication logon method back to SmartPlant Instrumentation logon method. 1. Log on to the Administration module as System Administrator and do the following: 2. On the menu bar, click Activities > Security Options. 3. Clear Enable windows authentication logon method check box. 4. Click OK. 5. Open the User dialog box and specify SmartPlant Instrumentation logon name and password for every user.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


System Administration
System Administration is a set of activities that provide for the management of the database infrastructure. These activities include creating and defining a working environment, creating and managing user profiles (including the Domain Administrator), setting audit trail options, setting up database security, generating certain reports, and managing user sessions on multi-user versions.

System Administration Common Tasks

The System Administrator is responsible for defining and managing a domain, setting up the security definitions, for example, password encryption, whether user names are required to be unique, and how the software responds to users who log on with incorrect passwords. The System Administrator is also responsible for setting audit trail options, generating certain reports, and managing user sessions on multi-user versions. As System Administrator, you can perform the following sets of tasks:

Domain Management Common Tasks

The System Administrator has to define and manage the SmartPlant Instrumentation domains. For more information, see Domain Management Common Tasks (on page 78).

Manage Database Security

This set of procedures explains how to define your database security . For more information, see Database Security Common Tasks (see "Managing Database Security" on page 87).

Create and Manage User Profiles and Departments

This set of procedures deals with defining SmartPlant Instrumentation users and assigning them to various departments. For more information, see Create and Manage User Profiles and Departments Common Tasks (see "Users, Departments, and Groups" on page 69).

Manage Accounting, Contractors and Clients

The System Administrator can create and maintain a list of accountants, contractors, and clients that you can associate with the domain. This information is used for reference only it is not accessed elsewhere in the software. For more information, see Accounting, Contractors, and Clients Common Tasks (on page 112).

Import a New Interface Language

This feature enables the System Administrator to add an interface language for translating text phrases used in the SmartPlant Instrumentation interface. For more information, see Import a New Interface Language (on page 254).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


System Administration Generate Reports

As System Administrator, you can generate domain and activity reports. For more information, see Report Generation (System Administration) (on page 115).

Maintain the Database

As System Administrator, you are required to deal with certain tasks that keep the integrity of your database intact. SQL Server and Oracle require different maintenance tasks. However, there are a number of procedures that are common to all platforms. For more information, see Maintaining the SmartPlant Instrumentation Database (on page 93).

Domain Management Common Tasks

The following set of procedures deal with creating, defining, and managing a SmartPlant Instrumentation domain. You can perform the following actions:

Make Domain Definitions

After initializing and associating a domain, you can set the definitions of the new domain in the Domain Definition window. Later on, if required, you can change some of these definitions. For example, you can change the domain type, activate or deactivate the audit trail options, set the workflow option, set a plant hierarchy separator, and so forth. For more information, see Make Domain Definitions (on page 80).

Manage Activity Tracking

The domain activity tracking feature monitors the usage of every module in the domain (except for the Administration module). For more information, see Activity Tracking Management Common Tasks (on page 84).

Activate the Audit Trail Functionality

This option allows the System Administrator to activate the audit trail mechanism. As a result, the Domain Administrator will be able to trim and load audit trail records. The System Administrator, however, can switch the audit trail functionality on or off as required at any stage of the plant life-cycle. For more information, see Activate the Audit Trail Functionality (on page 82).

Enable Item Registry

The Item Registry is a table that can hold references to all items (tag and loop numbers, wiring items, and so forth), and records with information about user operations such as deleting, inserting, updating the domain data and so forth. When the System Administrator activates the item registry options, the Domain Administrator can register items in the Item Registry so that other applications can retrieve SmartPlant Instrumentation data in an integrated environment. The System Administrator can switch the item registry on or off as required at any stage of the plant life-cycle. For more information, see Enable Item Registry (on page 83).


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

System Administration Enable Cable Type Dependency

This procedure allows the System Administrator to enable cable type dependency in a specific domain. Cable type dependency is a method of managing cable data in the Wiring module. Using this method, it is possible to create plant cables in the Domain Explorer only by dragging reference cables from the Reference Explorer, where each cable represents a specific cable type. As a result, certain cable properties are fixed because they are cable type-dependent. For more information, see Enable Cable Type Dependency (on page 81).

Enable Workflow
This procedure explains how to activate the SmartPlant Instrumentation workflow setup. When activated, the software displays the Workflow Browser in SmartPlant Instrumentation to enable instrument engineers to implement the workflow setup. For more information, see Enable Workflow (on page 82).

Specify a Global Path

The System Administrator can use this procedure to specify a global path in SmartPlant Instrumentation. It is useful to specify a common global path for all users if you want the software to retrieve data from different users when performing a domain backup. The System Administrator can set or change the global path any time, at any stage of the plant life-cycle. For more information, see Specify a Global Path (on page 83).

Create an Owner Operator Domain

We do not recommend working in an owner operator domain if it resides in a stand-alone database. It is known that when using the Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database engine, certain options in an owner operator domain are liable to work incorrectly. 1. Start the Administration module and log on as System Administrator. 2. Do one of the following to open the Domain Definition window: Click File > Domain Definition. Click . 3. From the Domain list, select a domain. 4. Click . The domain schema name and domain schema password values are set only once, when you initialize the domain; therefore, you cannot edit these values. 5. Under Domain type, click Owner operator. The options under Owner operator become permanently fixed in the current domain after creating the first project. 6. Do one of the following: Select Exclusive claim mode to enable SmartPlant Instrumentation users to work in exclusive claim mode. Clear Exclusive claim mode to enable SmartPlant Instrumentation users to work in non-exclusive claim mode. 7. Do one of the following: Select Merge without deleting from project to allow a Project Administrator to merge a particular item with As-Built and retain a copy of that item in the project.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


System Administration
Clear Merge without deleting from project to set the software to delete the item from the project when merging this item with As-Built.

If you selected both the Excusive claim mode and Merge without deleting from project check boxes, after a Project Administrator merges project items with As-Built, it is still possible to claim these item for a another project even though there are copies of these items remaining in the project from which the items were merged with As-Built. 8. Set or update the remaining domain definitions as you require. For a detailed description of domain features, see the Help topic Domain Definition Window (see "Domain Definition Window (System Administration)" on page 295). 9. On the window toolbar, click .

See Also
Owner Operator Domain (As-Built and Projects) (on page 123)

Make Domain Definitions

1. Start the Administration module and log on as System Administrator. 2. Do one of the following to open the Domain Definition window: Click File > Domain Definition. Click . 3. From the Domain list, select the desired domain. 4. Click . The domain schema name and domain schema password values are set only once, when you initialize the domain; therefore, you cannot edit these values. 5. Do one of the following to specify the domain type: Click Owner operator to set the domain type as Owner operator and enable users to work in projects or in As-Built. For further information, see Create an Owner Operator Domain (on page 79). Click Engineering company to define the domain as an engineering company if you do not need the As-Built functionality. We do not recommend working in an owner operator domain if it resides in a stand-alone database. It is known that when using the Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database engine, certain options in an owner operator domain are liable to work incorrectly. 6. Under Domain features, enable or disable the available domain features. 7. Under Workflow, select a desired option. For more information, see Enable Workflow (on page 82). Workflow options are available only when the domain type is defined as Engineering company. For an owner operator domain, the workflow is defined at the level of the projects in the domain. 8. Under Specification title block, from the Custom title block assignment method, select one of the following methods: Standard (used in all modules) Allows the Domain Administrator to select one specific custom title block to be assigned to all specifications. After selecting this option, the software hides all the title block assignment options that are available in the Specifications module. Special (used in Specifications module only) Allows users to assign individual title blocks to any specification, using the title block assignment options available in the Specifications module.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

System Administration
9. In the Plant hierarchy separator box, enter a single- character separator for all or part of a plant hierarchy is displayed as a string. For example, if the separator character is &, and you have plant hierarchy items My Plant, My Area, and My Unit, in the Properties dialog box for the My Unit item, the software displays the parent hierarchy as follows: My Plant&My Area 10. Under Global path, click Browse to navigate to a folder which you want to set as a global path folder. For more information, see Specify a Global Path (on page 83). 11. On the window toolbar, click .

See Also
Log on as System Administrator (on page 67) Title Block Descriptions (on page 200)

Enable Cable Type Dependency

Selecting the Cable type dependency option makes it impossible to duplicate internal connections when duplicating cables or copying cables from Domain Explorer to Reference Explorer in SmartPlant Instrumentation. After enabling cable type dependency, it is only possible to create new cables in the Reference Explorer. To create plant cables, you will need to drag reference cables from the Reference Explorer to the Domain Explorer. The Cable type dependency option becomes unavailable if a SmartPlant Instrumentation user selected the Copy internal connections preference option on the Copy Items page of the Wiring module preferences. Cable type dependency requires that all plant cables in the Domain Explorer have the same structure as reference cables in the Reference Explorer. Therefore, before enabling cable type dependency in a particular domain, we recommend that you initialize a new empty domain and then let SmartPlant Instrumentation users create all the required cables for that domain. 1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator to the target domain. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, on the menu bar, click Reports > Cable Type Dependency Validation and make sure that the report is empty. It is only possible to enable cable type dependency if all reference cables comply with the dependency requirements. The Cable Type Dependency Validation report displays only those reference cables that do not comply with the dependency requirements. If the report displays such cables, you must delete them in SmartPlant Instrumentation from the Reference Explorer. 3. Log off from the Domain Administration and then log on as System Administrator. For details, see Switch from Domain Administration to System Administration (on page 68). 4. With the System Administration window open, do one of the following to open the Domain Definition window: Click File > Domain Definition. Click . 5. From the Domain list, select a domain. 6. Do one of the following: Click Options > Edit. Click .

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


System Administration
7. Under Domain features, select the Cable type dependency check box. 8. Click to save the current domain data to the database.

See Also
Log on as System Administrator (on page 67)

Enable Workflow
Your Domain Administrator needs to define access rights at the level of individual instrument tags in order to implement workflow. For details, see Workflow Access Rights (on page 194). 1. Start the Administration module and log on as System Administrator. 2. With the System Administration window open, do one of the following to open the Domain Definition window: Click File > Domain Definition. Click . 3. From the Domain list, select a domain. 4. Do one of the following: Click Options > Edit. Click . 5. In the Workflow section, from the Instrumentation and Process Data list, select the required workflow from the following: Full - the software activates all the workflow options, and marks instrument tags for release as a formal issue in a binder package. The Release to Spec option becomes available in the Document Binder module and in the Spec Change Notification Options dialog box. Without Document Binder - the software activates all the workflow options except for the option to release instrument tags as a formal issue in a binder package. None - No workflow options are activated. 6. Click to save the current domain data to the database.

See Also
Log on as System Administrator (on page 67)

Activate the Audit Trail Functionality

1. Start the Administration module and log on as System Administrator. 2. With the System Administration window open, do one of the following to open the Domain Definition window: Click File > Domain Definition. Click . 3. From the Domain list, select a domain. 4. Click to enable editing of the domain definitions. 5. Under Domain features, select Audit trail options. 6. Click .


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

System Administration

Enable Item Registry

The following procedure does not register the items, but only makes the item registry commands available on the DBA menu for the Domain Administrator, who performs all the item registry activities. 1. Start the Administration module and log on as System Administrator. 2. With the System Administration window open, do one of the following to open the Domain Definition window: Click File > Domain Definition. Click . 3. From the Domain list, select a domain. 4. Do one of the following: Click Options > Edit. Click . 5. Under Domain features, select the Item registry check box. 6. Click to save the current domain data to the database.

See Also
Item Registry Activities (on page 239) Log on as System Administrator (on page 67)

Specify a Global Path

If you change the existing global path, all user-defined paths remain linked to the previous global path. For example, if you change the global path from \\APP_SERVER\SmartPlant\Instrumentation to \\APP_SERVER_1\SmartPlant\Instrumentation, and a user has already specified a path to the PSR folder, in the appropriate box, the user-defined path is displayed as a full path \\APP_SERVER\SmartPlant\Instrumentation\PSR. 1. Start the Administration module and log on as System Administrator. 2. With the System Administration window open, do one of the following to open the Domain Definition window: Click File > Domain Definition. Click . 3. From the Domain list, select a domain. 4. Do one of the following: Click Options > Edit. Click . 5. In the Global path group box, click Browse to navigate to the folder which you want to set as a global path. We recommend that you specify a path that complies with universal naming conventions (that is, it starts with \\). If you want to use mapped drives, make sure that all SmartPlant Instrumentation users have the same drive mapping. A global path does not apply to individual temporary folder settings.

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System Administration
Select Allow to overwrite the global path if you want to allow users to set user-defined paths in addition to the specified global path. When this check box is selected, users are not restricted to setting new paths in SmartPlant Instrumentation only within the global path folder. to save the current domain data to the database.

6. Click

See Also
Log on as System Administrator (on page 67)

Activity Tracking Management Common Tasks

The domain activity tracking feature monitors the usage of every module in the domain (except for the Administration module). You can perform the following actions:

Set the Activity Tracking Mode

You can use the activity tracking functionality to log user activity, that is, to show which modules users have worked in and the length of time for which they were logged on. You can also switch off activity tracking to obtain faster performance. For more information, see Set the Activity Tracking Mode (on page 84).

Clear Activity Tracking Data

You can delete some or all of the activity-tracking data, if required. You can delete the activity-tracking according to a selected time period, user, domain, or module. For more information, see Clear Activity Tracking Data (on page 85).

Generate a Grid-Style Activity Tracking Report

This option enables you to generate a report in tabular format showing usage of SmartPlant Instrumentation according to domain, module, and user. For more information, see Generate a Grid-Style Activity Tracking Report (on page 85).

Generate a Graph-Style Activity Tracking Report

This option enables you to generate a report in graphical format showing usage of SmartPlant Instrumentation according to domain, module, and user. For more information, see Generate a Graph-Style Activity Tracking Report (on page 86).

Set the Activity Tracking Mode

1. With the System Administration window open, do one of the following: Click File > Domain Definition. Click . 2. From the Domain list, select the required domain. 3. Do one of the following: Click Options > Edit. Click . 4. Under Domain features, select or clear the Activity Tracking check box. 5. Click to save the current domain data to the database.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

System Administration

Clear Activity Tracking Data

1. With the System Administration window open, click DBA > Clear Activity Tracking. 2. To delete the activity tracking data according to a selected time period, select the Period check box to include the time period in the deletion criteria. 3. In the From and To data fields, type the appropriate date range. 4. To delete the activity tracking data according to a selected user, select the User check box to include a user in the deletion criteria. (Clearing the User check box allows you to delete the activity tracking data for all users.) 5. From the User list, select the user whose activity tracking data you want to delete. 6. To delete the activity tracking data according to a selected domain, select the Domain name check box to include the domain name in the deletion criteria. (Clearing the Domain name check box allows you to delete the activity tracking data for all domains.) 7. From the Domain name list, select the domain whose activity tracking data you want to delete. 8. To delete the activity tracking data according to a selected module, select the Module check box to include the module name in the deletion criteria. (Clearing the Module check box allows you to delete the activity tracking data for all modules.) 9. From the Module list, select the module whose activity tracking data you want to delete. To clear activity tracking, you must select at least one check box. 10. Click OK.

Generate a Grid-Style Activity Tracking Report

1. Click Report > Activity Tracking - Grid. 2. From the Main category list, select the main category according to which you want to display the information. 3. From the Secondary category list, select the secondary category according to which you want to display the information. 4. In the Period section, type the range of dates (From, To) for which you want to generate the report. The date format must comply with the one defined in your system. See your Windows User Guide for additional information about the date format supported by your system. 5. In the Deleted domains section, do one of the following: Click Ignore to display only current domains in the report. Click Include to display deleted domains in the report. 6. In the Terminated activities section, do one of the following: Click Include to display terminated activities (these are activities where the software closed down due to a power failure or restarting the workstation by pressing CTRL + ALT + DELETE). Click Exclude to exclude terminated activities from the report. Click Only to display only terminated activities in the report.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


System Administration
7. Click OK to open the Print Preview dialog box, from where you can view and print the report. If Domain and User are selected as the main and secondary categories, the hours shown in the third column are divided per module. In all other cases, only the total number of hours is shown.

Generate a Graph-Style Activity Tracking Report

1. Click Report > Activity Tracking - Graph. 2. From the Main category list, select the main category according to which you want to display the information. 3. From the Secondary category list, select the secondary category according to which you want to display the information. Selecting the Domain option from either of the category lists enables you to select up to ten domains to show in the report. Selecting the User option from either of the category lists enables you to select up to ten users to show in the report. For the secondary category, selecting the General option means that the activities will be divided according to the main category only. 4. In the Period section, type the range of dates (From, To) for which you want to generate the report. The date format must comply with the one defined in your system. See your Windows User Guide for additional information about the date format supported by your system. In the Deleted domains section, do one of the following: Click Ignore to display only current domains in the report. Click Include to display deleted domains in the report. In the Terminated activities section, do one of the following: Click Include to display terminated activities (these are activities where the software closed down due to a power failure or restarting the workstation by pressing CTRL + ALT + DELETE). Click Exclude to exclude terminated activities from the report. Click Only to display only terminated activities in the report. In the Graph type section, select one of the following graph types: Area - filled-area graph. Bar - horizontal bar graph. Column - vertical graph. Pie - pie graph. Click OK to open the Print Preview dialog box, from where you can view and print the report.






SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

System Administration

Managing Database Security

As System Administrator, you are responsible for setting up the general security definitions, for example, password encryption, whether user names are required to be unique, and how the software responds to users who log on with incorrect passwords. You are also responsible for managing multiple user connections and database locking options for multi-user platforms.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Encryption Mechanism

Encryption Levels
There are four levels in the encryption mechanism of SmartPlant Instrumentation: 1. Security schema password encryption. 2. Admin schema user password and Admin schema user logon name encryption (applicable for Oracle and SQL Server databases only). 3. Domain schema password encryption. 4. SmartPlant Instrumentation user password encryption.

Logon Process
The logon process in SmartPlant Instrumentation operates at the following levels: 1. The intools.ini file holds the security schema password that provides access to the intools_login schema. 2. The intools_login schema holds the INTOOLS_Login table, which holds the Admin schema user password and logon name. 3. The Admin schema holds the PROJECT table, which in turn holds the names of the existing domains and all the passwords of SmartPlant Instrumentation users.

Encryption Functionality per Database Platform

The following tables show the availability of the encryption functionality according to database platform. Oracle: Schema Security Schema Password Change Yes Encryption The encrypted password is saved in the intools.ini file. This file has to be distributed to all client machines. The encrypted password and user name are saved in the INTOOLS_LOGIN table. The password and user name are deleted from the intools.ini file.

Admin Schema


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


System Administration
Schema Domain Schema Password Change Yes Encryption Encrypts all passwords in the following tables: project, engineering_project, sap_project. These are all the domain passwords. Encrypts all passwords in Intools_login table (the table that holds all the SPI usernames & their passwords).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Users


SQL Server: Schema Security Schema Password Change Yes Encryption The encrypted password is saved in the intools.ini file. This file has to be distributed to all client machines. Note that this password is same for all the databases in a particular instance that is hosted on a given server. The encrypted password and user name are saved in the INTOOLS_LOGIN table. The password and user name are deleted from the intools.ini file. Encrypts all passwords in the following tables: project, engineering_project, sap_project. These are all the domain passwords. Encrypts all passwords in Intools_login table (the table that holds all the SPI usernames & their passwords).

Admin Schema


Domain Schema


SmartPlant Instrumentation Users


Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere: Schema Security Schema Admin Schema Password Change Not applicable Encryption Not applicable

Changes the password in Not applicable the in the intools.ini file. Changes the password if the Admin schema. Yes Encrypts all passwords in the following tables: project, engineering_project, sap_project. These are all the domain passwords.

Domain Schema


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

System Administration
Schema SmartPlant Instrumentation Users Password Change Yes Encryption Encrypts all passwords in Intools_login table (the table that holds all the SPI usernames & their passwords).

Encryption Results
Security Schema: Unencrypted In the intools.ini file: SecuritySchemaPassword=intools_login Encrypted In the intools.ini file: SecuritySchemaPassword=#2f###RG##T

Admin Schema: Unencrypted In the intools.ini file: The LogId, LogPass, and Dbparm parameters display these values. The intools.ini file is accessible by all users. Encrypted In the intools.ini file, the LogId, LogPass, and Dbparm parameters no not display any values. The LogId and LogPass values are encrypted in the INTOOLS_LOGIN table.

Domain Schema: All the Domain schema passwords are encrypted in the PROJECT, ENGINEERING_PROJECT, and SAP_PROJECT tables. All the user passwords are encrypted in the INTOOLS_USER table. Consequently, none of the passwords are visible to employees with database access rights. SmartPlant Instrumentation User Passwords: All the user passwords are encrypted in the INTOOLS_USER table. Consequently, none of the passwords are visible to employees with database access rights.

Change the System Administrator Password

After logging on to SmartPlant Instrumentation for the very first time, it is recommenced that you change the default System Administrator login password, which is DBA. 1. With the System Administration window open, click File > Change Password.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


System Administration
2. In the Current password field, type the current System Administrator logon password. 3. In the New password field, type the new System Administrator logon password. 4. In the Confirm new password field, retype the new password, and click OK. The passwords that you type appear masked. The System Administrator logon password is case-sensitive.

Change a Domain Schema Password

This procedure allows you to change the logon password of an existing Domain schema. 1. With the System Administration window open, click DBA > Security Options > Change Domain Schema Password. 2. From the Domain list, select the domain for which you want to change the schema password. 3. In the Current Domain schema logon password field, type the current password. 4. In the New Domain schema logon password field, type the new password. 5. In the Verify password field, retype the new password and click Apply. The passwords that you type appear masked. The password is not case-sensitive.

Change the Security Schema Password

When working with Oracle or MS SQL Server databases, the System Administrator can change the initial logon password. Note that for MS SQL Server databases, this password is shared by all the databases that reside on a particular host. After completing this procedure, make sure that you distribute the new intools.ini file among all the client machines. 1. With the System Administration window open, click DBA > Security Options > Change Security Schema Password. 2. On the Change Security Schema Password dialog box, type the current security schema password. 3. Under New Security Schema password, type a new password. 4. Under Verify password, retype the new password and click OK. The passwords that you type appear masked. The password is not case-sensitive. Make sure that the modified intools.ini file is distributed among all the client machines.

Encrypt the Admin Schema Logon Password

This procedure allows the System Administrator to encrypt the Admin schema logon password to prevent unauthorized connections to the Admin schema. After you encrypt the password, users who do not know the Admin schema logon password cannot connect to the Admin schema to view names and passwords of other users, modify or delete data in the Admin schema tables. It is impossible to revert to non-encrypted method of password storage.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

System Administration
With the System Administration window open, click DBA > Security Options > Encrypt Admin Schema Password. This option is not available in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere. After you select to encrypt the Domain schema logon password the values of the LogId and LogPassword are automatically cleared from the [Database] section of intools.ini file on the System Administrators workstation. For example, where the parameters are displayed as shown: LogId=IN_DBAMN LogPassword=IN_DBAMN you should delete the string =IN_DBAMN in each of the lines. After the encryption, the System Administrator also has to distribute the intools.ini file among all the client machines. The encryption process is irreversible.

Encrypt All Domain Schema Passwords

This procedure allows you to encrypt all the Domain schema logon passwords in the current database. If the domain type is owner operator, the software also encrypts all the Project Schema logon passwords. After encryption, the password values remain in the appropriate table columns but appear encrypted. This procedure affects all the existing and new domains in the current database. After completing this procedure, if you initialize a new domain, the Domain Schema logon password value appears encrypted in the appropriate tables. It is impossible to revert to the non-encrypted method of password storage. With the System Administration window open, click DBA > Security Options > Domain Schema Password Encryption. The encryption process is irreversible.

Encrypt the Security Schema Password

This procedure allows you to encrypt the logon password of the SmartPlant Instrumentation database schema that stores the encrypted Admin schema password. It is impossible to revert to non-encrypted method of password storage. Depending on the database platform, the security schemas are as follows: INTOOLS_LOGIN is a SmartPlant Instrumentation database schema created only in Oracle during the database setup. This schema stores the encrypted Admin schema password in the database. The schema logon name and password are both intools_login. The logon name is set permanently in the software. The System Administrator can change and encrypt the intools_login password if needed. SPI_login is a SmartPlant Instrumentation database schema (database user) created only in SQL Server during the database setup. Each SPI_login schema stores the encrypted Admin schema password in the database. This schema login is shared for all databases you create in a particular SQL Server instance. For example, if you create SPI1 and SPI2 databases in the same instance, each database contains the SPI_login schema but, at the instance level, both schemas share the same login, whose name is SPI_login and password is spi_login_pwd (lower case). The login name is set permanently in the software. The System Administrator can change and encrypt the spi_login_pwd password if needed. 1. With the System Administration window open, click DBA > Security Options > Encrypt Security Schema Password. The password characters appear masked.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


System Administration
2. Click OK to encrypt the password in the intools.ini file. The encryption process is irreversible.

Encrypt All User Passwords

This procedure allows you to encrypt all user passwords and prevent other users, including the System Administrator or any other database super user, from logging on other than under their own logon name. 1. With the System Administration window open, click DBA > Security Options > Encrypt All User Passwords. 2. Click OK to encrypt all SmartPlant Instrumentation user passwords. The Database System Administrator or any user with the appropriate database access rights can access the users logon information stored in the USERS table. See your database platform user guide for further information about the available facilities to access the database tables.

Set Security Options

You can increase security when logging on to SmartPlant Instrumentation by ensuring that every user logs on using a unique password. You can also specify a minimum length of five characters for passwords. 1. With the System Administration window open, click Activities > Security Options. 2. On the Security Options dialog box, select the check boxes as required. If you want to select or clear the Enable Windows authentication logon method check box, we strongly recommend that you read the Windows Authentication Logon Method (on page 74) topic. Enabling or disabling this option can prevent certain users from accessing SmartPlant Instrumentation.

Database Locking Mode (for Multi-User Versions)

This option enables you to work faster in a multi-user version of SmartPlant Instrumentation by disabling database locking. Normally, when working in a multi-user environment such as Oracle or SQL Server, all database objects, for example, triggers, stored procedures, and so forth, become automatically locked. Locking objects prevents sharing violation problems from occurring when several users try to access the same instrumentation data item at the same time. Note that this locking mechanism slows down your work. In multi-user versions of SmartPlant Instrumentation (Oracle and SQL Server), all database objects are locked by default. However, depending on the way you manage your database, you can unlock all database objects, thus making the software work faster. You can also revert to the default mode and lock the database objects any time you need. To learn how to set your database locking mode, see Set Database Locking Mode (on page 93). Remember that once you unlock your database objects, there is no mechanism which prevents sharing violation problems from happening. In this case database problems can occur when more than one user tries to work on the same item.

See Also
Database Maintenance on SQL Server Common Tasks (on page 99) Working with Administration Module (see "Working with the Administration Module" on page 13) Domain Administration (see "Domain and Project Administration" on page 117) System Administration (on page 77)


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

System Administration

Set Database Locking Mode

This option enables you to work faster in a multi-user version of SmartPlant Instrumentation by disabling database locking. 1. Start the Administration module and enter as System Administrator. 2. In the System Administration window, do one of the following: Click File > Domain Definition. Click . 3. In the Domain Definition window, from the Domain list, select the domain whose locking mode you want to change. 4. Click 5. Under Domain features, select Single mode to enable locking of items and to switch to multi-user mode. 6. Click .

Maintaining the SmartPlant Instrumentation Database

As System Administrator, you are required to deal with certain tasks that keep the integrity of your database intact. Maintenance tasks differ from database platform to database platform. However, there are a number of procedures are common to all platforms. The maintenance procedures are grouped according to the following categories. General Database Maintenance Common Tasks (on page 93) Database Maintenance on SQL Server Common Tasks (on page 99) Database Maintenance on Oracle Common Tasks (on page 101)

General Database Maintenance Common Tasks

The following tasks are used frequently when you need to perform general database maintenance tasks.

Define Databases for Logging On to SmartPlant Instrumentation

Use this procedure to enable SmartPlant Instrumentation users to select a database when logging on to SmartPlant Instrumentation. After performing this procedure, users can select a database from the Database list on the Logon Information dialog box and connect to this database. All the databases that you want to make available for connection must belong to the same database platform: Oracle, SQL Server, or Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere. For more information, see Define Databases for Logging On to SmartPlant Instrumentation (on page 94).

Switch Between Databases

Use this procedure to switch from one database to another using the Intools.ini file. In this procedure, the following Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere databases are used as an example: Intools.db Empty database used as a seed for building databases In_demo.db Demonstration database used for practice and as a reference For more information, see Switch Between Databases.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


System Administration Rebuild Default Views in Domains

Use this procedure to rebuild the default views of all the database objects for a specific domain. You must rebuild the default views after upgrading SmartPlant Instrumentation to Version 2009. This is because during the upgrade, the software makes changes to certain tables, and as a result, the default views associated with these tables might become invalid. For more information, see Rebuild Default Views in Domains (on page 96).

Rebuild Stored Procedures and Triggers

This procedure is used by the System Administrator for the following purposes: To identify abnormal database behavior and solve it by rebuilding the stored procedures and triggers in the database if the software displays inappropriate SQL messages when using SmartPlant Instrumentation. To enable users who have a full version of Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere engine (dbeng10.exe) to work in a domain backed up to Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere (INtools_Backup.db or its copy). You can rebuild stored procedures either for the Admin schema or for a specific Domain schema. For more information, see Rebuild Stored Procedures and Triggers (on page 97).

Rebuild Catalog Tables

Use this procedure to rebuild the catalog tables, which enable users to work with multi- tag specifications in the Specifications module. The software creates the catalog tables during the SmartPlant Instrumentation database setup. If the software encounters a database problem when creating the catalog tables, you can try to rebuild them to resolve the problem. If such a problem occurs, the software displays a message notifying you that you cannot work with multi-tag specifications due to a problem with the catalog tables. For more information, see Rebuild Catalog Tables (on page 98).

Define Databases for Logging On to SmartPlant Instrumentation

Prerequisites for SQL Server
You must define a separate ODBC profile for each database you want to make available for selection on the Logon Information dialog box of SmartPlant Instrumentation. This is required because SQL Server uses an ODBC profile to connect to the SmartPlant Instrumentation database. When you install SmartPlant Instrumentation on a client machine, in the client Windows registry, the software creates an empty profile. For SQL Server 2005 (or 2008), the default ODBC profile is MSS2005 (MSS2008). After running the DB Setup Utility, the software automatically fills in the profile setting in the client Windows Registry and adds a database connection string in the [Database] section of the Intools.ini file. If you run the DB Setup Utility again to create another SmartPlant Instrumentation database in SQL Server, the software overwrites the previous connection settings in the Intools.ini file. Therefore, you cannot use the same ODBC profile for connection to different databases. You create a new ODBC profile using the Windows Data Sources (ODBC) option and define a unique DSN value, for example, MSS2005_1 (MSS2008_1). Make sure that in the [Database] section of the Intools.ini file, the MSS value of the DBMS parameter appears in upper case. Otherwise, it is not possible to work with specifications in SmartPlant Instrumentation.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

System Administration Prerequisite for Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere

You must define an ODBC profile for each database you want to make available for selection on the Logon Information dialog box of SmartPlant Instrumentation. You can create ODBC profiles using the Internal Setup Utility or Windows Data Sources (ODBC) option.

Define Databases
1. In the Intools.ini file, create a [Profiles] section and define the list of databases you want to display on the Logon Information dialog box in the Database list: [Profiles] Database1=My_Database1 Database2=My_Database2 Database3=My_Database3 Default=My_Database1 The Database<number> parameter does not have to be the actual name of the database (or profile names if the database type is SQL Server or Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere). This value is a display name that appears in the Database list on the Logon Information dialog box. The Default parameter value is the database that appears selected by default in the Database list on the Logon Information dialog box. 2. For each database that appears in the [Profiles] section, create a separate section with the appropriate profile name and define the connection parameters. Do not delete the original [Database] section. The following table shows one example for each database type. Example for Oracle [My_Database1] DBMS=O10 LogId=IN_DBAMN LogPassword=IN_DBAMN ServerName=Oracle Database=ORC1 UserId= DatabasePassword= TableDir=0 StayConnected=1 AutoCommit=0 DBParm='DisableBind=1' Prompt=110 Commit=100 Example for SQL Server 2005 [My_Database2] DBMS=MSS LogId=SPI_DBAMN LogPassword=SPI_DBA ServerName= Database= UserId= DatabasePassword= TableDir=0 StayConnected=1 AutoCommit=0 DBParm="ConnectString='DSN= MSS2005;UID=SPI_DBAMN;PW D= SPI_DBA',DisableBind=1" DSN=MSS2005 Prompt=110 Commit=100 Example for Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere [My_Database3] DBMS=ODBC LogId=IN_DBAMN LogPassword=IN_DBAMN ServerName= Database= UserId= DatabasePassword= TableDir=0 StayConnected=1 AutoCommit=0 DBParm=ConnectString='DSN= IN_DEMO;UID=IN_DBAMN;PWD= IN_DBAMN' Prompt=110 Commit=100

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


System Administration

When the database type is SQL Server, the DisableBind=1 is not the only value of the DbParm parameter. Make sure that it is not enclosed by single quotes and is separated from other values by a comma, as shown in the example in the table. The LogId parameter value corresponds to the default Admin schema logon name. When your database resides in SQL Server, the default Admin schema logon name is SPI_DBAMN. This setting must be different from the Admin schema logon password, which is the value of the LogPassword parameter. For SQL Server 2008 replace the DSN= value with MSS2008. 3. Save and close the Intools.ini file. 4. Test the software by opening Logon Information dialog box and checking the Database list values. The databases that appear in the Logon Information dialog box are specific to the platform to which you have connected; databases belonging to other platforms do not appear. The database that users select on the Logon Information dialog box becomes the default database.

See Also
Working with Administration Module (see "Working with the Administration Module" on page 13) Domain Administration (see "Domain and Project Administration" on page 117) System Administration (on page 77)

Switch between Databases

In the [Database] section of your Intools.ini file, the following lines appear for logging on to the databases: For the demo database: dbparm=connectstring='dsn=in_demo;uid=in_dbamn;pwd=in_dbamn' For the empty database: dbparm=connectstring='dsn=intools;uid=in_dbamn;pwd=in_dbamn' 1. If the line representing the database that you want to access begins with a semicolon (;), remove it. 2. Insert a semicolon at the beginning of the line representing the database that you do not want to access.

Rebuild Default Views in Domains

You can only rebuild the default views supplied with the SmartPlant Instrumentation database. You cannot rebuild any user-defined views. Make sure that all users have logged out of the database before starting this procedure. 1. With the System Administration window open, click DBA > Rebuild Default Views in Domains. 2. From the Domain list, select the domain whose database views you want to rebuild. 3. In the View-Only Domain schema password box, enter the logon password of the View-Only Domain schema. The password characters appear masked.


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You can change the password only once, when initializing a new domain. If you did not change the password when initializing the selected domain, enter the default logon password, which is <Domain schema logon name>_VIEW. 4. If working on SQL Server, type the SQL Server System Administrators password. 5. Click OK to start rebuilding the views of the selected domain.

Before Rebuilding Stored Procedures and Triggers - A Workaround

Prior to rebuilding the stored procedures and triggers the user must set the User Account Control in Windows Vista or in Windows 7 to OFF. This is to enable an access to the In_templ.db file required to perform the rebuild.

In Windows 7
1. Click the Start button and in the Search box type UAC. 2. Click Change User Control Change Settings. 3. Move the slider down to the Never notify position to set the UAC OFF or up to select when you want to be notified to turn the UAC ON. 4. Click OK. When setting the UAC to OFF you will need to restart the computer and when setting the UAC to ON you will need to insert a password and provide a confirmation.

In Windows Vista
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Before backing up a domain, in your Windows Vista Control Panel, click User Accounts. Click Turn User Account Control on or off. Clear Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer. Restart the computer. Back up the domain. Turn the UAC on if needed. Instead of turning UAC off, it is also possible to manually update the content of the PATTERN_wat key in your Windows Registry. In the Registry Editor, the key appears in the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI. You need to define the correct parameters for the Intools_backup.db database in the key strings. When the User Account Control in Windows Vista or Windows 7 is set to On, you cannot initialize a domain either. The same workaround applies.

Rebuild Stored Procedures and Triggers

This procedure should only be carried out when you are specifically instructed to do so by Intergraph Support. Make sure that all users have logged out of the SmartPlant Instrumentation database before starting this procedure. When you start rebuilding stored procedures and triggers, no users should attempt to log on to SmartPlant Instrumentation.

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System Administration Create a Batch Rebuild File

As in batch upgrade, you can create a .bat file that rebuilds stored procedures and triggers for multiple domains simultaneously. The following procedure describes how to create a batch rebuild file. 1. In Notepad, create a batch file (for example, BatchRebuild.bat). 2. Enter a line for each domain you are asked to rebuild stored procedures and triggers for, as shown in the example below: Upgrade -9999 //rebuild stored procedures and triggers for admin schema Upgrade -<proj_id> //rebuild stored procedures and triggers for a specific domain 3. Double-click the batch file to run it and rebuild stored procedures and triggers for the defined domains. You can schedule the batch file to run at a convenient time using Windows scheduler (for example, during the night or over the weekend).

Rebuild Stores Procedures and Triggers Manually

1. With the System Administration window open, click DBA >Rebuild Stored Procedures and Triggers. 2. Do one of the following: Click Admin schema to rebuild stored procedures and triggers of the Admin schema. Click Domain schema and then, under Domain, select a domain for which you can rebuild stored procedures and triggers. 3. Click OK. When rebuilding stored procedures and triggers of the Admin schema, the Domain list is redundant. If the process stops for any reason, you can restart the process and the process continues from where it stopped. If you get an error that cannot be corrected, contact Intergraph Support with the error description. It is recommended that you have your log file available when contacting Intergraph Support. 4. On the Rebuild Stored Procedures dialog box you can click Browse to specify the log file path and filename, if you do not want to use the default Log.txt file. This file contains information of the current session and any errors that may have occurred in previous sessions. The log file is concatenated, if you use the same log file name. 5. Click OK to start rebuilding the stored procedures and triggers of the selected schema. At the end of the process, an appropriate message is displayed and an additional log file Logerror.txt is generated in the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder. The data in the Logerror.txt file is incremented between sessions. Send the Logerror.txt file to Intergraph Support after you complete the process.

Rebuild Catalog Tables

Make sure that all users have logged out of the SmartPlant Instrumentation database before starting this procedure. 1. With the System Administration window open, click DBA >Rebuild Catalog Tables. 2. Click OK to start rebuilding all the catalog tables.


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Database Maintenance on SQL Server Common Tasks

SQL Server uses data files which are resized automatically as the data grows, until the disk is full. When this happens, you can add another data file on a different disk. The following tasks are used frequently when you need to perform database maintenance tasks on SQL Server.

Add a Filegroup
Filegroups are used as containers for datafiles. A filegroup can be connected to one database only. Usually, two filegroups are used for each domain: one for data tables and the other for table indexes. You can backup and restore data for a filegroup. A primary filegroup contains stored procedures and triggers. When deleting a domain, the entire filegroup and the datafiles it contains are deleted, resulting in cleaner data, without causing damage to the database. For more information, see Add a Filegroup (on page 100).

Print Filegroup Information

This procedure explains how the System Administrator can display the list of all the existing SQL Server filegroups and print out the filegroup information. For more information, see Print Filegroup Information (on page 100).

Add a Log File

The database log file is used internally by SQL Server to backtrack aborted user sessions. This way you can resume any previous sessions that you stopped or canceled. This procedure explains how to add a log file. For more information, see Add a Log File (on page 100).

Add a Datafile to the TEMPDB Database

This procedure enables you to add a datafile to the SQL Server TEMPDB Database. This database is used internally by the SQL Server to make all the required temporary operations. Such operations are needed when SmartPlant Instrumentation brings data in a certain order, and the database needs to sort this set of data after retrieving it. For more information, see Add a Datafile to the TEMPDB Database (on page 100).

Optimize Indexes
This procedure enables you to optimize fragmented SQL Server indexes. The SQL Server indexes become fragmented during the domain lifetime and contribute to database under-performance. In this case you can rearrange your SQL Server indexes to optimize them. As you keep storing and deleting domain data, the SQL Extents become disordered thus slowing down SQL command execution. SmartPlant Instrumentation solves this problem by reordering the indexes stored in these Extents. For more information, see Optimize Indexes (on page 101).

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Add a Filegroup
1. With the System Administration window open, click DBA > Add Datafiles. 2. Click the Filegroup tab. 3. In the System Admin. Password field, type the password to log on as the Database System Administrator (this field is empty by default). 4. In the New file information section, type the datafile name, the datafile location, and the initial size (in MB). 5. Click Add to add the filegroup.

Print Filegroup Information

1. 2. 3. 4. Start the Administration module and log on as System Administrator. With the System Administration window open, click DBA > Filegroup List. In the Filegroup List dialog box, review the existing filegroup information. Click Print to print out the information displayed in the data window of the Filegroup List dialog box. 5. Click Close.

Add a Log File

You should exercise caution when adding a log file, as doing so affects the entire SQL Server. 1. With the System Administration window open, click DBA > Add Datafiles. 2. Click the Log tab. 3. In the System Admin. Password field, type the password to log on as the Database System Administrator (this field is empty by default). 4. In the New file information section, type the datafile name, the datafile location, and the initial size (in MB). 5. Click Add to add the filegroup.

Add a Datafile to the TEMPDB Database

On SQL Server, TEMPDB is automatically incremented and depends on a disk size. If TEMPDB reaches the disk limit, you can increase the TEMPDB database size by adding a datafile to another disk. 1. With the System Administration window open, click DBA > Add Datafiles. 2. Click the Tempdb tab. 3. In the New file information section, type the datafile name, the datafile location, and the initial size (in MB). 4. Click Add to add the datafile to the TEMPDB database.


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Optimize Indexes
Before starting the optimization process, make sure that no other user is using the currently selected domain. If you attempt to optimize the indexes of a domain which is currently being used by another user, the software displays a message warning you that the domain is currently in use. 1. With the System Administration window open, click DBA > Optimize Indexes. 2. From the Domain list, select the required domain. 3. Do one of the following to define the tables you want to include in the optimization process: Click All tables to optimize the indexes of all the existing tables in the defined domain. Click Selected tables to display the database indexes in the Table Name data window and optimize the indexes of the highlighted tables in the defined domain. 4. Do one of the following to define the index source on which you base the optimization: Click Current database to optimize indexes using the current database indexes. Click Template database to optimize indexes using the IN_TEMPL.DB template database indexes. Use the Template database option if your current database indexes have been deleted or become unusable. 5. Click OK. To enable better performance after completing the index optimization process, you need to update statistics. Start the Query Analyzer and run the SP_UPDATESTATS procedure.

Database Maintenance on Oracle Common Tasks

The following tasks are used frequently when you need to perform database maintenance tasks on Oracle.

View Tablespace Data

Tablespaces are database domains where Oracle keeps your SmartPlant Instrumentation database information. The tablespace data is physically stored in one or more files. This option allows you to view a list of tablespaces in which there is still free space to store data. For more information, see View Tablespace Data (on page 102).

Add Datafiles to Tablespaces

If your system reports that you ran out of space in the database tablespaces or if the system fails to perform, you can use this option to increase the database tablespace by attaching additional datafiles to an existing tablespace. For more information, see Add Datafiles to Oracle Tablespaces (on page 102).

Optimize Indexes
You can use this option to optimize fragmented Oracle database indexes. Oracle database indexes become fragmented during the domain lifetime and contribute to database under-performance. In this case, you can rearrange your database indexes to optimize them. The domain index data is generated during the initialization phase. The index data is grouped into one or more Extents which may account for the index fragmentation level. As you keep storing and deleting domain data, the Oracle Extents become disordered thus slowing down SQL command execution. SmartPlant Instrumentation solves this problem by reordering the indexes stored in these Extents. For more information, see Optimize Indexes (on page 102).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


System Administration Update Statistics

This option enables you to improve the Oracle SQL command processing performance, especially after a large data import or after optimizing indexes, or after initializing a domain on Oracle. During updating the statistics, SmartPlant Instrumentation executes an ANALYZE SQL command which retrieves the statistical data for the SmartPlant Instrumentation tables. That statistical information is later used by the Oracle Cost-based Optimizer to optimize SQL command execution. For more information, see Update Statistics (on page 103).

View Tablespace Data

With the System Administration window open, click DBA > Tablespaces List to display the data for all filegroups that have free space for storing data. To learn about Oracle tablespaces used in SmartPlant Instrumentation, see Oracle Database Server Tablespaces for SmartPlant Instrumentation (on page 16).

Add Datafiles to Oracle Tablespaces

This procedure enables you to add a datafile to a tablespace. Therefore, make sure you have enough free disk space on the drive where the tablespace is stored. 1. With the System Administration window open, click DBA > Add Datafiles. 2. From the Tablespace list, select the tablespace you want to resize. 3. In the Datafile name box, type the full path and name of a new additional datafile that you want to attach to the currently selected tablespace. Ensure that you select a datafile which is not currently in use. The datafile format must be .db. 4. In the Datafile size box, type the size of the additional datafile. 5. Click OK and make sure the software displays a message notifying you that the selected tablespace was increased successfully.

Optimize Indexes
Before optimizing indexes in SmartPlant Instrumentation tables, make sure that in the Oracle Instance Configuration file, the OPTIMIZER_MODE parameter value is either CHOOSE (default) or COST. This way, you activate the Oracle Cost-based Optimizer, which determines the quality of the SmartPlant Instrumentation database performance. Before starting the optimization process, make sure that no other user is using the currently selected domain. If you attempt to optimize the indexes of a domain which is currently being used by another user, the software displays a message warning you that the domain is currently in use. 1. With the System Administration window open, click DBA > Tuning >Optimize Indexes. 2. From the Domain list, select the domain in which you want to optimize indexes. The Fragmentation column displays the number of Extents of each index. It is recommended to optimize all database indexes whose fragmentation level is higher than 4.


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3. Do one of the following: Click All tables to optimize the indexes for all the tables in the selected domain. Click Selected tables to display in the data window all the tables in the current domain and optimize the indexes for the required tables. 4. Click OK to start the optimization process. To enable better performance after completing the index optimization process, you need to update statistics. Without updating statistics, the Oracle Cost-based Optimizer cannon use the reordered indexes.

Update Statistics
With the System Administration window open, click DBA > Tuning > Update Statistics. This option is available to both System and Domain Administrator when using SmartPlant Instrumentation on Oracle.

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Using KKS Naming Conventions in SmartPlant Instrumentation

For the KKS naming convention to function the Rule Manager option must be selected in the Domain Definitions. You then, in Rule Manager using the KKS Cable Name rule, set the number of segments to be used in the calculation of the unique suffix number in the KKS name. SmartPlant Instrumentation supports KKS naming conventions for process-related identification of the following item types: Instruments (including functional requirement tags and virtual tags) Loops Lines Process equipment Control system tags Panels (plant panels only, belonging to panel categories available in the Convention list in the Naming Conventions dialog box) Cables (plant cables only) For each of these item types, the following KKS segment properties are available: KKS Level Name Total Plant System Code Property Total Plant System Code Prefix (optional) System Classification Description Single character (numeric or alphabetic). Single digit. Three-character alphabetic key, selected from a standard list, that represents the type of system in use the plant. Two-digit number with leading zeros. Two-character alphabetic key, selected from a standard list that represents the type of equipment within the system used for measuring or monitoring the system, or the type of measurement circuit (level, flow, and so forth). Three-digit number with leading zeros. Optional character (alphabetic). Two-character alphabetic key, selected from a standard list that represents the type of component.

System Numbering Equipment Unit Code Equipment Unit Classification

Equipment Unit Numbering Equipment Unit Additional Code Component Code Component Classification

Component Numbering Two-digit number with leading zeros.

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KKS Level Name Property Description Single digit (0-9) representing the application area of a cable (voltage levels).

Numbering Element (for Application Area cables only)

Cable Number (digits 2 Two-digit number. and 3) Cable Suffix The fourth position of the cable number, a numeric character, mostly used for grouping purposes.

SmartPlant Instrumentation does not auto-increment the numbering of the various segments in the process identification. The software does not automatically add leading zeros to imported items whose names include spaces. You must manually add the leading zeros to the source before importing KKS data.

Process Identification Prefix and Notation Characters

Process Identification usually uses the equal (=) character as a prefix. Identification may include space (" ") or pipe (|) characters.

For a medium voltage panel (excluding device panels), only the System Code segments are required in most cases. Thus a suitable KKS name would be 1 0BBA01, where the values are designated as follows: Property Total Plant System Code Prefix System Classification System Numbering Equipment Unit Classification Equipment Unit Numbering Value 1 0 BBA 01 (Not used) (Not used) MV distribution board Description

For a flow transmitter, the KKS identification 1 0PAE01 CF013 B01 could be used, where the values are designated as follows: Property Total Plant System Code Prefix System Classification System Numbering Equipment Unit Classification Equipment Unit Numbering Value 1 0 PAE 01 CF 001 Open flow loops Circulating (main cooling) water pump system Description


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Property Component Classification Component Numbering Value -B 01 Description Transducer

When creating a new instrument, the associated loop inherits the relevant segments of the instrument names and vice versa. Also, KKS naming is propagated to cables when you connect them to panels that already have KKS naming. Cables inherit the KKS naming of the panel whose system code is first in alphabetic order. Not all items use all the described segments. For example, DCS and PLC panels do not use equipment unit code and component code segments. Marshaling racks, junction boxes, process equipment, and lines do not use component code segments. When editing a name using the KKS naming conventions, do not remove any segments from the name. Removing segments from the KKS name causes problems when creating new instruments. You can though add more segments to the KKS name created in SmartPlant Instrumentation. You can change the terminology of a key on a project-specific basis provided that the contents remain unchanged. Make sure that you do not select a code that is designated as Blocked. Blocked coding letters are reserved for future technologies and new systems engineering configurations. They may only be allocated and released by the VGB Technical Committee on Technical Classification Systems.

Working in KKS Mode in SmartPlant Instrumentation

For the KKS naming convention to function the Rule Manager option must be selected in the Domain Definitions. You then, in Rule Manager using the KKS Cable Name rule, set the number of segments to be used in the calculation of the unique suffix number in the KKS name. SmartPlant Instrumentation supports KKS naming conventions for process-related identification of the following item types: Instruments (including functional requirement tags and virtual tags) Loops Lines Process equipment Control system tags Panels (plant panels only, belonging to panel categories available in the Convention list in the Naming Conventions dialog box) Cables (plant cables only) For each of these item types, the following KKS segment properties are available:

Total Plant
This property is a single character (numeric or alphabetic).

System Code
System Code Prefix (optional) Single digit. System Classification Three-character alphabetic key, selected from a standard list, that represents the type of system in use in the plant.

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System Numbering Two-digit number with leading zeros.

Equipment Unit Code

Equipment Unit Classification Two-character alphabetic key, selected from a standard list, that represents the type of equipment within the system used for measuring or monitoring the system, or the type of measurement circuit (level, flow, and so forth). Equipment Unit Numbering Three-digit number with leading zeros. Equipment Unit Additional Code Optional character (alphabetic).

Component Code
Component Classification Two-character alphabetic key, selected from a standard list, that represents the type of component. Component Numbering Two-digit number with leading zeros.

Numbering Element (for cables only)

Application Area A single digit (0-9) representing the application area of a cable (voltage levels). Cable Number Two-digit number. Cable Suffix The fourth position of the cable number, a numeric character, mostly used for grouping purposes. SmartPlant Instrumentation does not auto-increment the numbering of the various segments in the process identification. The software does not automatically add leading zeros to imported items whose names include spaces. You must manually add the leading zeros to the source before importing KKS data.

Process Identification Prefix and Notation Characters

Process Identification usually uses the equal (=) character as a prefix. Identification may include space (" ") or pipe (|) characters.

For a medium voltage panel (excluding device panels), only the System Code segments are required in most cases. Thus a suitable KKS name would be 1 0BBA01, where the values are designated as follows: Property Total Plant System Code Prefix System Classification System Numbering Equipment Unit Classification Equipment Unit Numbering Value 1 0 BBA 01 (Not used) (Not used) MV distribution board Description

For a flow transmitter, the KKS identification 1 0PAE01 CF013 B01 could be used, where the values are designated as follows:


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Property Total Plant System Code Prefix System Classification System Numbering Equipment Unit Classification Equipment Unit Numbering Component Classification Component Numbering Value 1 0 PAE 01 CF 001 -B 01 Transducer Open flow loops Circulating (main cooling) water pump system Description

When creating a new instrument, the associated loop inherits the relevant segments of the instrument names and vice versa. Also, KKS naming is propagated to cables when you connect them to panels that already have KKS naming. Cables inherit the KKS naming of the panel whose system code is first in alphabetic order. Not all items use all the described segments. For example, DCS and PLC panels do not use equipment unit code and component code segments. Marshaling racks, junction boxes, process equipment, and lines do not use component code segments. When editing a name using the KKS naming conventions, do not remove any segments from the name. Removing segments from the KKS name causes problems when creating new instruments. You can though add more segments to the KKS name created in SmartPlant Instrumentation.

Flow of Activities for Working in KKS Mode

To work in KKS mode in SmartPlant Instrumentation, you must use the Administration Module. This ensures that the software populates the target database with KKS segment code lists and representative KKS instrument types.

System Administrator Activities

1. Log on to the Administration Module as System Administrator, and using the in_kks.db database as a source, initialize a domain. You can obtain in_kks.db from Intergraph Support. For information on how to initialize domains in your database platform, see Domain Initialization (on page 40). 2. Click File > Domain Definition. 3. In the Domain Definition window, under Domain features, select KKS mode.

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System Administration

Domain Administrator Activities

1. Log on as Domain Administrator, and on the Administration dialog box, select the domain that you initialized. 2. Define the plant hierarchy and add plant groups (for details, see the appropriate topics in the Administration Module Online Help). 3. Click Activities > Naming Conventions. 4. On the Naming Conventions dialog box, copy the naming conventions from the Default lowest plant group of the Default plant and make necessary adjustments to define the naming conventions using KKS segment properties. For details, see Define KKS Naming Convention Using KKS Segments (on page 110).

Import Utility Activities

When importing line data to the Instrument Index module, you need to perform the following procedure to enable the use of KKS segments in the import link. 1. In the Import Utility, select the desired import link and open the Link Properties dialog box. 2. Click the Style tab. 3. Select the Display all fields check box.

Define KKS Naming Convention Using KKS Segments

If you already created instrument tags or loop numbers in SmartPlant Instrumentation according to KKS naming conventions, you must not change the KKS segments to free segments or add free segments to the existing instrument or loop naming conventions. 1. On the Naming Conventions dialog box, copy the naming conventions from the Default lowest plant group of the Default plant and make necessary adjustments to define the naming conventions using KKS segment properties. 2. On the Naming Conventions dialog box, from the Convention box, select an item type. 3. Accept the default segment definitions or change them as appropriate. 4. Define the separators as you require. The Naming Conventions dialog box opens with the KKS naming conventions already defined. You can delete segment properties that you do not require or add freeform properties in addition to the KKS segments; however, note that in KKS mode, SmartPlant Instrumentation does not propagate properties of non-KKS segments. If you have an existing KKS naming convention in another plant hierarchy that you want to copy, click Copy From to copy that naming convention to your domain. When the value of a numeric or optional segment is less than the maximum length, the software adds leading zeros in the segment. An optional segment is a segment in which you do not have to enter the value.


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Example of a KKS Naming Convention for Loops

Loop Number Representation in the Domain Explorer of SmartPlant Instrumentation

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When creating a loop, you can also create instrument tags on the fly, using the loop naming as a source. Also, when you connect a cable to a panel, the cable inherits the naming from the panel according to KKS convention rules. In both cases, the software copies the naming from the source item segments to the appropriate target item segments. For these reasons, in the naming convention of a target item, you should not delete segments that are likely to receive values by propagation. Non-relevant segments in the target item are left blank or not displayed.

Accounting, Contractors, and Clients Common Tasks

As System Administrator, you can create lists of accountants, contractors, and clients. This information is used for the administrator's reference only and is not accessed or used by any functionality in the software. You can perform the following tasks:

Add and Manage Accounting Information

This option allows you to manage accounting information. For more information, see Add and Manage Accounting Information (on page 112).

Add and Manage Contractors

This option allows you to add and manage accounting information. For more information, see Add and Manage Contractors (on page 113).

Add and Manage Clients

This option allows you to add and manage accounting information. For more information, see Add and Manage Clients (on page 114).

Associate Accounting, Client, and Contractor Information with a Domain

This procedure deals with associating client, accounting, and contractor information with a domain. For more information, see Associate Accounting, Client, and Contractor Information with a Domain (on page 114).

Add and Manage Accounting Information

1. Start the Administration module and log on as System Administrator. 2. Do one of the following to open the Domain Definition window: Click File > Domain. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Click . From the Domain list, select the required domain. Click Options > Add Accounting. Click Accounting. Click New. Type in the accounting name, number, and note as required. Click Apply.


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9. Click Close when done. 10. To associate an accounting item with the current domain, in the Add Accounting dialog box, select the required accounting in the General list and drag it to the Domain list. To edit the properties of existing accounting information, select the required accounting from the Accounting name list and click Edit. To delete existing accounting information from the system, select the required accounting from the Accounting name list and click Delete.

See Also
Log on as System Administrator (on page 67) System Administration Common Tasks (on page 77)

Add and Manage Contractors

1. Start the Administration module and log on as System Administrator. 2. Do one of the following to open the Domain Definition window: Click File > Domain. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Click . From the Domain list, select the required domain. Click Options > Add Contractor. Click Contractor. Click New. Type in the contractor name, number, and note as required. Click Apply. Click Close when done. To associate a contractor with the current domain, in the Add Contractor dialog box, select the required contractor in the General list and drag it to the Domain list. To edit the properties of existing contractor, select the required contractor from the Contractor list and click Edit. To delete existing contractor from the system, select the required contractor from the Contractor list and click Delete.

See Also
Log on as System Administrator (on page 67) System Administration Common Tasks (on page 77)

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System Administration

Add and Manage Clients

1. Start the Administration module and log on as System Administrator. 2. Do one of the following to open the Domain Definition window: Click File > Domain. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Click . From the Domain list, select the required domain. Click Options > Add Client. Click Client. Click New. Type in the client name, number, and note as required. Click Apply. Click Close when done. To associate a client with the current domain, in the Add Client dialog box, select the required client in the General list and drag it to the Domain list. To edit the properties of existing client, select the required client from the Client list and click Edit. To delete existing client from the system, select the required client from the Client list and click Delete.

See Also
Log on as System Administrator (on page 67) System Administration Common Tasks (on page 77)

Associate Accounting, Client, and Contractor Information with a Domain

1. Start the Administration module and log on as System Administrator. 2. Do one of the following to open the Domain Definition window: Click File > Domain. 3. 4. 5. 6. Click . From the Domain list, select the required domain. Click Options > Add Accounting (or Add Contractor or Add Client). In the General list pane, select an item and drag it to the Domain pane. Click Apply.

To dissociate an accounting, client, or contractor item from a domain, select the item in the Domain pane and drag it back to the General list pane.

See Also
Log on as System Administrator (on page 67) System Administration Common Tasks (on page 77)


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System Administration

Print Database Connection Information

1. Start the Administration module and log on as System Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, click DBA > Active Database Connections. 3. Click Print.

Report Generation (System Administration)

As System Administrator, you can generate domain and activity reports. The following table describes the reports that are available on the Report menu. Report Domain Information Domain List User List per Department Activity Tracking Grid Description Accounting, client, and contractor information. Information about every domain in the database as shown in the Domain Definition window. SmartPlant Instrumentation users listed according to departments. A tabulated print-out activities of a given user on the basis of each domain or each module where that user works, a given domain or module. The system actually tracks the time between the user entering and leaving a module. A graphical print-out activities of a given user on the basis of each domain or each module where that user works, a given domain or module. The system actually tracks the time between the user entering and leaving a module.

Activity Tracking Graph

The Administration module is not included in the Activity Tracking report options.

See Also
Generate a Grid-Style Activity Tracking Report (on page 85) Generate a Graph-Style Activity Tracking Report (on page 86) System Administration Common Tasks (on page 77)

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SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration

The Domain Administrator is responsible for managing the resources that have been set up by the System Administrator. The responsibilities of the Domain Administrator include defining projects when the domain type is Owner operator, or manage a working environment which of an engineering company domain. The Domain Administration can grant access privileges for users, define item naming conventions, set plant structure, set preferences, and create custom tables, custom fields, and so forth.

Domain Administration Common Tasks

The Domain Administrator is responsible for managing the resources that have been set up by the System Administrator. The responsibilities of the Domain Administrator include defining projects when the domain type is Owner operator, or manage a working environment which of an engineering company domain. The Domain Administration can grant access privileges for users, define item naming conventions, set plant structure, set preferences, create custom tables, custom fields, and so forth. As Domain Administrator, you can perform the following sets of tasks:

Plant Design and Structure

As the software organizes all the information in SmartPlant Instrumentation on a very specific hierarchy level, users must access a particular unit when they start SmartPlant Instrumentation. The Domain Administrator is responsible for setting up and organizing the plant hierarchy that constitutes the structure of every plant. For more information, see Plant Design and Structure Common Tasks (see "Plant Design and Structure" on page 119).

Owner Operator Domain (As-Built and Projects)

The owner operator domain is a domain with As-Built and projects. The database is partitioned into several schemas: a single schema for As-Built and separate schemas for projects. An operational plant exists and most of the activities are concerned with routine maintenance or plant modernization (revamps). To facilitate plant modernization, you can create a number of projects within an owner operator domain. Each project is defined for one plant only, and a plant can have several associated projects. For more information, see Owner Operator Domain (As-Built and Projects) (on page 123).

Naming Conventions
This set of procedures deals with naming conventions. Naming conventions define the parameters which will be the rule for building tag, loop, device panel, and device cable names. For more information, see Naming Conventions (on page 172).

Copying <Unit> Data

This set of procedures explains how to copy data from one <unit> to another. For more information, see Copying Data (on page 226).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration Users and Groups

This set of procedures deals with creating and managing user groups in a domain. Also, there are topics that deal with Windows authentication logon method. For more information, see User Groups (on page 71).

Access Rights
After assigning users to groups, one of the key roles of the Domain Administrator is to define user access rights. This set of procedures deals with setting and managing access rights for all the users in the current domain on the appropriate access rights level. For more information, see Access Rights (on page 182).

Preferences Management
This set of procedures deals with the management of preferences in SmartPlant Instrumentation. The Domain Administrator can control the management of preferences in the current domain as well as in all the projects if the domain type is Owner operator. For more information, see Preferences Management (on page 196).

Report Management
This set of procedures deals with tasks like associating a new title block with a report, selecting archiving options, and defining revision management settings. For more information, see Managing Reports (see "Report Management" on page 199).

Working with Add-Ins

This set of procedures deals with various add-ins that are available after purchasing the appropriate license. The add-ins include various libraries that contain item resources, such as hook-ups, DCS hardware, DDP data for PDS, and so forth. For more information, see Working with Add-Ins (see "Add-Ins" on page 204).

Miscellaneous Tasks
This set of topics deals with various miscellaneous tasks that are performed by the Domain Administrator. For more information, see Miscellaneous Domain Administration Tasks (on page 209).

Managing Audit Trail Data

The software provides for the ability to mark history changes and save information about various user operations. These actions comprise the audit trail activities. For more information, see Managing Audit Trail Data (on page 219).

Clearing Locking
This option enables the Domain Administrator to clear locking in multi-user databases SQL Server or Oracle. For more information, see Clearing Locking (on page 223).

Item Registry
This set of procedures deals with item registry activities for the integrated environment. For more information, see Item Registry Activities (on page 239).


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

Plant Design and Structure

As the software organizes all the information in SmartPlant Instrumentation on a very specific hierarchy level, users must access a particular unit when they start SmartPlant Instrumentation. The Domain Administrator is responsible for setting up and organizing the plant hierarchy that constitutes the structure of every plant. The software provides you with the flexibility of specifying your working environment so that, whether you are designing and building an entirely new plant, or modernizing an existing plant, you can use the software to maximum effect when managing data. In SmartPlant Instrumentation, the working environment is known as a domain, which the System Administrator is responsible for setting up in the Administration module. The type of domain depends on the starting point for your activities: New plant design and construction The System Administrator selects the domain type engineering company, and you can create as many plants as required within each domain. For details, see Plant Design and Structure Common Tasks. Plant modernization The System Administrator selects the domain type Owner Operator that includes As-Built. Within the domain, you define projects for modifying the data in each plant. For details, see Owner Operator Domain (As-Built and Projects) (on page 123). Once the System Administrator has set up the working environment, the Domain Administrator is responsible for performing the activities. The Domain Administrator is responsible for defining plant hierarchy levels and then setting up and organizing the plant hierarchy level items. For example, on the Plant level, it is possible to create several items such as Plant1, Plant2, Plant3, and so forth. When you enter a domain for the first time, and open the Plant Hierarchy Explorer, the software only displays the plant DEFAULT, provided that the System Administrator has enabled the use of the default plant. The System Administrator has rights to switch the default plant on or off until you create a plant hierarchy with more than three levels. When a user starts a module to access information, such as loops or tag numbers in the Instrument Index module, the information is grouped on a per <unit> basis. For this reason, users must select a <unit> before entering a module. Instrument tags are therefore unique on the <unit> level. Wiring data, for example, equipment, line, custom fields, and so forth, are defined per <plant> and are usable in all <units> that belong to that <plant>. These items are, therefore, unique on the <plant> level. When working in an integrated environment, there are certain requirements relating to As-Built and projects. For a description of these and other requirements, see Tool Requirements for Integrating SmartPlant Instrumentation (on page 243). It is recommended that you back up your database before performing any engineering activities. You must be granted full access rights for the ENGINEERING PROJECT DEFINITION activity in order to be able to perform engineering activities. To learn how to grant access rights, see Grant Access Rights for Selected Items or Activities (on page 192).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration

Create a Plant Hierarchy

A plant hierarchy consists of a minimum of three levels, to which you can assign as many items as you require. For example, you can create a level My_Unit and then, using the Plant Hierarchy Explorer, create items Unit1, Unit2, Unit3, and so forth, and assign these items to the My_Unit level. Creating a plant hierarchy is the first stage of your plant structure design. This is because after creating a first <plant> in the Plant Hierarchy Explorer, you cannot change the plant hierarchy levels until you delete that plant. 1. With the Domain Administration window open, click Activities > Plant Hierarchy. 2. Using the options in the Plant hierarchy dialog box, set up the number of hierarchy levels and name the levels as needed. You can set up your plant hierarchy using the options as follows: Click Add to add the lowest level in the plant hierarchy (the default lowest level is Level 3). Select a level, and then click Insert to add a new level above the selected level. Select a level, and then click Delete to delete the level that you do not require. Under Name, change or enter a new name for the level. The name that you enter appears as the name of the appropriate folder in the Plant Hierarchy Explorer. You can delete any levels as long as three levels remain in the dialog box after deletion. Three levels in the minimum number of plant hierarchy levels. You can add or insert levels only before creating the first plant in the Plant Hierarchy Explorer. You can change the level names at any stage of your domain life cycle.

You define owners of <plants> prior to creating plant hierarchy items in the Plant Hierarchy Explorer. When creating a new <plant> on the highest plant hierarchy level, you need to assign this <plant> to an owner. 1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, do one of the following: Click Activities > Owner. Click . 3. Click New. 4. In the boxes, for the new owner profile, enter data as required. 5. Click Apply to save the new owner profile in SmartPlant Instrumentation. To edit the profile of an existing owner, from the Owner list, select an owner and click Edit. To delete an owner, from the Owner list, select an owner and click Delete.

See Also
Log on as Domain Administrator (on page 68)


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

Create a Plant Hierarchy Item on the Highest Level

This procedure deals with creating and modifying a plant hierarchy item on the highest level using the Plant Hierarchy Explorer. Plant is the default highest level in a hierarchy that has three levels. 1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, click 3. Right-click Plant Hierarchy Explorer. 4. Click New. .

To modify properties of an existing highest level item, right-click the item itself, which is indicated by the icon , and then, on the shortcut menu, click Properties. To delete an item, right-click the item itself, and then, on the shortcut menu, click Delete. To delete an item that has child items, you must first delete the child items. 5. In the General tab of the Plant Properties dialog box, in the <Plant> box, type the new <plant> name. The name must contain at least one character that is not space. The maximum name length is fifty characters. 6. From the Owner list, select the appropriate owner for the new <plant>. 7. In the boxes, enter data as required. 8. If needed, click the Custom Fields tab to define custom field values to be associated with the current <plant>.

Create a Plant Hierarchy Item on an Intermediate Level

This procedure deals with creating and modifying a plant hierarchy item on an intermediate level using the Plant Hierarchy Explorer. Area is the default intermediate level in a hierarchy that has three levels. The number of intermediate levels depends on the level definitions you made in the Plant Hierarchy dialog box. For example, if your plant hierarchy has four levels, both Level 2 and Level 3 are intermediate levels. You can create items on any of these levels. However, only on Level 3, which is the lowest intermediate level item, you can create multiple <units>. 1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, click . 3. In the Plant Hierarchy Explorer, right-click any level under which the software displays the icon . 4. Click New. To modify properties of an existing intermediate level item, expand the plant hierarchy, right-click the appropriate item, which is indicated by the icon , and then, on the shortcut menu, click Properties.

The highest plant hierarchy level items are indicated by the icon . To delete an item, right-click the item itself, and then, on the shortcut menu, click Delete. To delete an item that has child items, you must first delete the child items. 5. From the Plant list, select a plant.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration

6. Click New. 7. In the <Area> data field, type a new <area> name. The intermediate level item name must be unique within the current node of the parent level. The name must contain at least one character that is not space. The maximum name length is fifty characters. 8. In the boxes, enter data as required. 9. If needed, click the Custom Fields tab to define custom field values to be associated with the current intermediate level item.

Create a Plant Hierarchy Item on the Lowest Level

This procedure deals with creating and modifying an item on the lowest plant hierarchy level using the Plant Hierarchy Explorer. Unit is the default lowest level in a hierarchy that has three levels. This procedure allows you to create a <unit> with no module data. 1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, click . 3. In the Plant Hierarchy Explorer, expand the plant hierarchy until you display the lowest level icon . 4. Right-click the intermediate level immediately above the icon .

Intermediate level items are indicated by the icon . To modify properties of an existing item, right-click the item itself, and then, on the shortcut menu, click Properties. To delete an item, right-click the item itself, and then, on the shortcut menu, click Delete. To delete an item that has child items, you must first delete the child items.

Make sure you select the appropriate plant hierarchy node before you click New. After creating a <unit>, you cannot move it to another plant hierarchy node. 5. On the shortcut menu, click New. 6. In the General tab of the <Unit> Properties dialog box, in the Name box, type a unit name which is unique within the current node of the parent level. The name must contain at least one character that is not space. The maximum name length is fifty characters. 7. In the Number field, type a unit number which is unique within the current node of the parent level. The value you type in the Number data field is generally used in the prefix part of the tag number naming conventions. For further information, see Define Naming Conventions (on page 174). You do not have to define the unit number if you plant to define naming conventions without using the <unit> number segment. However, you must define the <unit> number if you want to copy data from another <unit> even if in the source <unit>, naming conventions do not include the <unit> number segment.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

If you change the unit number of a unit which already has naming conventions with the unit number segment, the new naming convention applies to existing items as well as for new items. In the Custom Fields tab, you can define custom field values to be associated with the current <unit>. 8. Do one of the following: Click Copy From to copy data from another existing unit. Click OK to create the empty unit and display it in the Plant Hierarchy Explorer.

Delete a Plant Hierarchy Item

Use this procedure to delete a plant hierarchy item. 1. In the tree view pane, expand the hierarchy. 2. Select and right-click a plant hierarchy item. 3. On the shortcut menu, click Delete. You can only delete a plant hierarchy item that does not have child items.

Owner Operator Domain (As-Built and Projects)

An owner operator domain is a domain with As-Built functionality. Such a domain is partitioned into several schemas: a single schema for As-Built and separate schemas for projects. An operational plant exists and most of the activities are concerned with routine maintenance or plant modernization (revamps). To facilitate plant modernization, you can create one or more projects using existing instrumentation data for the operating plant as a starting point for plant modernizations (revamps). Each project is defined for one plant only, and a plant can have several associated projects. Plant modernization may involve the modification of a single instrument tag or loop or hundreds of loops or any other item in SmartPlant Instrumentation. The System Administrator can create an owner operator domain on the fly, when initializing a new domain in the database platform (Oracle, or SQL Server). Also, the System Administrator can convert an existing empty engineering company domain to an owner operator domain using the Domain Definition window options. When making domain definitions, the System Administrator sets the claim mode (exclusive or non-exclusive) and sets the software to delete merged items from the project or keep view-only records of the merged items in the project. After creating the first project, these definitions become fixed in the current domain. When creating an owner operator domain, As-Built is created automatically. Then, the Domain Administrator needs to create project schemas and assign Project Administrators to each project. After that, SmartPlant Instrumentation users can define As-Built data and then claim this data for the existing projects. When users complete working in a project, the Project Administrator can merge the project data back with As-Built and then delete the project. It is not possible to delete As-Built. After merging project data with As-Built, you cannot reverse the process. For this reason, at all stages of plant modernization, you should ensure that there is full coordination of engineering activities between As-Built and other projects within your owner operator domain, to avoid inadvertent loss of data. We do not recommend that you work in an owner operator domain residing in a stand-alone database. It is known that when using the Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database engine, certain options in an owner operator domain are liable to work incorrectly.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration

Flow of Activities for Defining a Project Administrator

This topic describes the primary flow of activities that allows Domain Administrator to define a Project Administrator in an owner operator domain and assign the Project Administrator to a specific project. It is possible to define more than one Project Administrator for a project but you can assign only one Project Administrator per project. You can use the same flow of activities to define other Project Administrators for the same project, or define Project Administrators for any other projects that exist in the current domain.

1. Create a Project
In your owner operator domain, create a project, with or without the project schema. For details, see Create a Project (on page 126).

2. Create a User
Create a new user you want to define as Project Administrator for the project the Domain Administrator created. A procedure for creating a Project Administrator user is the same as for any other user. User creation is performed by System Administrator. For details, see Define a SmartPlant Instrumentation User (on page 70).

3. Create a User Group

Create a new group which you can then use for assigning your Project Administrator. If you intend to define several Project Administrators in your domain, it is sufficient to create one user group and then assign all of the Project Administrators to this group. For details about a user group creation, see Create a New Group (on page 73).

4. Assign the User to the Group

You need to assign the Project Administrator to the group that you created. For more information, see Assign Users to Groups (on page 73).

5. Grant Full Access Rights for Project Definition to the User Group
Project Administrators in the user group that you created must have full access rights for project definition. In the Access Rights window, the Project Definition access right setting appears at the domain level. For details about granting access rights, see Grant Access Rights for Selected Items or Activities (on page 192).

6. Assign the User Group to the Project

This procedure enables you to displays your Project Administrator in the Project Administrator list of the Project Activities dialog box. For details, see Assign User Groups to a Project (on page 127).

See Also
Users and Groups Common Tasks (on page 72)


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

Owner Operator Domain (As-Built and Projects) Common Tasks

The following tasks are used frequently when working in an owner operator domain:

Create an Owner Operator Domain

When making domain definitions, System Administrator specifies the domain type as Owner operator. At this stage, before any projects are created, System Administrator determines whether the same SmartPlant Instrumentation item can be claimed for more than one project. For more information, see Create an Owner Operator Domain (on page 79).

Create a Project
After System Administrator creates an owner operator domain, the first stage of revamping an owner operator facility is defining a project within which the revamping engineering activities will take place. Each project has to be defined within a specific plant, but may overlap several areas and units. More than one project can be defined for the same plant, and several projects may cover the same areas or units. In projects, you can create new items and also claim As-Built items. Prior to creating a project, your System Administrator needs to define a domain and specify the domain type as Owner operator. For more information, see Create a Project (on page 126).

Assign User Groups to a Project

After creating a project, the Domain Administrator needs to assign user groups to the project. By assigning user groups to the project, the Domain Administrator determines whether certain users can only work in the project or also perform project maintenance activities. We recommend that one of the user groups only contains Project Administrators. After assigning such a group to a particular project, the names of Project Administrators become available in the Project Administrator list of the Project Activities dialog box. For more information, see Assign User Groups to a Project (on page 127).

Select a Logo for the Project

Use this procedure to define a logo for a selected project when the domain type is Owner operator. You can select a .bmp format graphic file that you want to appear as the logo in most printed documents, such as some reports and specifications. When your owner operator domain contains more than one project, you can assign a distinctive logo for each project. In this case, when you switch from one project to another, the logo assigned to that project is retrieved from the SmartPlant Instrumentation database. For details, see Select a Project Logo When the Domain Type is Owner Operator (on page 128).

Make As-Built Definitions

After the System Administrator has defined a domain as an owner operator domain, the Domain Administrator can make a number of definitions which include assigning a Project Administrator, selecting a workflow option, and adding notes. For more information, see Make As-Built Definitions (on page 128).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration Display Item Categories

When viewing or selecting items in the scope definition and merge activities in the Administration module or for As-Built and project engineering data in the main SmartPlant Instrumentation application, you can specify how to display the data to distinguish between different categories of items. The software allows you to modify the display format and copy the display format from another project. For more information, see Display Formats of Item Categories (on page 129).

Reserve Tags and Loops for a Project or As-Built

Use this procedure to reserve for a project or As-Built tag numbers and loop numbers within specified ranges. After you reserve a range of numbers, SmartPlant Instrumentation users who work in this project or As-Built can create only those loops and tags whose numbers belong to the specified range. On the other hand, users in other projects in the same owner operator domain cannot create tags and loops that belong to the specified range. For more information, see Reserve Tags and Loops for a Project or As-Built (on page 130).

Generate Reserved Items Report

Use this procedure to generate reports that display all the tag numbers or loop numbers that have been reserved for As-Built or projects available in the current domain. For more information, see Generate Reserved Items Report (on page 131).

Set the Project Status for an Integrated Environment

After the System Administrator has enabled the Item Registry options, the Domain Administrator can set project status for an integrated environment. A status determines the availability of various activities that users can perform for a SmartPlant Instrumentation project in an integrated environment. For more information, see Set the Project Status for an Integrated Environment (on page 133).

Rebuild a Project
Use this procedure to rebuild a project after performing any of the following activities: Initializing an owner operator domain. This procedure is required because, during the initialization process, the As-Built and Project schemas are not fully created in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere. Upgrading an owner operator domain. Restoring an owner operator domain from an Oracle .dmp file or SQL Server .bak file. Rebuilding projects is also required when an existing project is damaged or there is a change in a process that requires the original basic project. For more information, see Rebuild a Project (on page 133).

Create a Project
You may also want to define a <plant> before creating a project. For details, see Create a Plant Hierarchy Item on the Highest Level (on page 121). 1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. Do one of the following: Click Activities > Project Activities. Click . 3. In the Project Activities dialog box, click New.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

4. Type a name and description for the project as required. 5. From the Project Administrator list, select a user you want to set as Project Administrator. By default, the Project Administrator list displays users belonging to the ADMINISTRATORS group because only such a user can create the first project. Before starting to scope data for this project, you may want to create a special user group that only includes Project Administrators. After you assign this group to the project, the Project Administrator users become available for selection the Project Administrator list. Therefore, before you create such a group, you can consider the currently selected Project Administrator as temporary. For details about defining Project Administrators, see Flow of Activities for Defining a Project Administrator (on page 124). From the Plant list, select a plant to which the project is to be assigned. If required, select a workflow option for the project. Do one of the following: Select the Do not propagate wire tag names check box if you want to suppress the tag number name propagation along the signal path this way you will be able to customize wire tag names along the propagated signal path. Clear the Do not propagate wire tag names check box to propagate wire tag names this way, all the wires along the propagated signal path will be named according to the tag number from which the signal originates. If needed, select a logo for the current project. Click Apply. When prompted to copy user groups from As-Built, do one of the following: Click Yes to copy all the As-Built user groups to the current project. Click No to create the project with only one user group (that is, the group to which the current Project Administrator belongs). click Yes if you want to proceed immediately. When prompted to create the project schema, click Yes if you want to proceed immediately.

6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11.

12. 13.

Creation of the project schema can take a considerable time, therefore, if you do not need to implement your project right away, click No when prompted. You can then create the project schema when you claim items for the project. 14. Click Close

See Also
Scoping Data for Projects Common Tasks (on page 147) Scoping Data for Projects (on page 142)

Assign User Groups to a Project

1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. On the Domain Administration window menu bar, click Activities > Assign Groups to Project. Only a user who is a Project Administrator, or a Database Administrator, is authorized to assign user groups to a project. 3. From the Project list, select a project you created using the Project Activities dialog box options.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration

4. From the Group list pane, drag a group to the Project groups pane. To remove a group from the selected project, drag this group from the Project groups pane to the Group list pane. By default, all users of the ADMINISTRATORS group are assigned to As-Built and projects. This is because only a user belonging to the ADMINISTRATORS group can create the first project. After creating projects using the Project Activities dialog box options, you can remove the ADMINISTRATORS from the Project groups if needed. 5. Click OK. After you click OK, users of a group with full access rights for project activities become available on the Project Activities dialog box, in the Project Administrator list. You can select a specific user and assign this user to the project as Project Administrator.

See Also
Users and Groups Common Tasks (on page 72) Flow of Activities for Defining a Project Administrator (on page 124)

Select a Project Logo When the Domain Type is Owner Operator

1. On the Project Activities dialog box, do one of the following: From the Project list, select a project for which you want to assign a logo and click Edit. Click New to create a new project. 2. Click Logo to open the Browse Logo Files dialog box. The first time you open the Browse Logo Files dialog box the Logo Preview data window displays a message notifying you that no logo is currently assigned to the selected project. 3. Click Browse to open the Select Logo File dialog box. You can select only the .bmp file format. You can create a .bmp file using a graphic editing application such as Windows Paintbrush. Since most reports are printed out in black-and-white, we recommend that you select Bitmap files in black-and-white to save system resources. 4. Navigate to the required .bmp file which you want to assign as the project logo and click OK. 5. On the Browse Logo Files dialog box, click Assign to assign the selected bitmap to the current project and save the new project logo to the database.

Make As-Built Definitions

1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. Do one of the following: Click Activities > Project Activities. Click . 3. On the Project Activities dialog box, select As-Built. 4. Click Edit. 5. From the Project Administrator list, select a Project Administrator.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

The Plant box displays All Plants. This option is view-only because As-Built is always associated with all the plants that exist in the current domain. 6. If needed, select a workflow option for As-Built. 7. If needed, type additional information in the Notes box. 8. Click Apply.

Display Formats of Item Categories

When viewing or selecting items in the scope definition and merge activities in the Administration module or for As-Built and project engineering data in the main SmartPlant Instrumentation application, you can specify how to display the data to distinguish between different categories of items. For example, when users open SmartPlant Instrumentation and view both project and As-Built data, the items that belong to the project can be displayed with a different color from the As-Built items among the places where this applies in SmartPlant Instrumentation are Instrument Index Standard Browser views, the Domain Explorer, the lists that are retrieved in the Find Item dialog boxes, and so forth. Display formats are available for the following categories: Claimed items In As-Built, items that have been claimed for projects. This category is only available when you select As-Built from the Project list of the Project Activities dialog box. As-Built items In the project that you selected, indicates As-Built items when SmartPlant Instrumentation users open the current project with As-Built items displayed. Project items In the project that you selected, indicates project items when SmartPlant Instrumentation users open the current project with As-Built items displayed. Dummy items In the project that you selected, indicates dummy items which are displayed in a project but are not part of the project scope. A dummy item is always associated with one or more items that have been claimed for a project as fully-functional items. For example, if you claim tag numbers directly from the Instruments folder of As-Built Explorer, the tag loop appears in the project as a dummy item. If any lines are associated with the tag, all lines will appear in the project as dummy items as well. Dummy items are view-only and marked with a specific color in browser views or with a specific icon the Domain Explorer in SmartPlant Instrumentation. If you claim an As-Built item that already exists in the project as a dummy item, the software updates the item properties and changes the dummy item to a fully-functional project item. To modify the display format of an item category, see Modify the Display Format for an Item Category (on page 129) To copy the display format of an item category from another project, see Copy the Display Format from Another Project (on page 130)

See Also
Merging Project and As-Built Data (on page 157) Specify an Action for Merging a Group of Items (on page 169)

Modify the Display Format for an Item Category

1. In the Project Activities dialog box, from the Project list, select one of the following: Select As-Built to indicate in As-Built those items that you claim for projects.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration

Select a project in which you want to set the display format for dummy items. Also, for users working in the current project with As-Built items displayed, you can set the display format for As-Built items and project items. Click Edit. In the Colors dialog box, for a desired item category, click Change in the Display Format column. Move the sliders for the red, green, and blue components to obtain the required color. If required, click Bold or Italic (or both) to format the text. Click OK to return to the Color Display Options dialog box. Click Apply.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

See Also
Display Formats of Item Categories (on page 129)

Copy the Display Format from Another Project

1. On the Project Activities dialog box, click Colors to open the Color Display Options dialog box. 2. Click Copy From. 3. Select the source project from the list and click OK. 4. Click Apply to accept the changes.

Reserve Tags and Loops for a Project or As-Built

Loop or tag reservation does not apply to loop or tag claiming procedures that users can perform within SmartPlant Instrumentation. 1. With the Domain Administration window open, do one of the following: Click Activities > Project Activities. Click . 2. On the Project Activities dialog box, do one of the following: From the Project list, select As-Built if you want to reserve tags and loops for As-Built. From the Project list, select an existing project or enter a name for a new project if you want to reserve tags and loops for a project. 3. Click Reserve. 4. Click the appropriate tab. 5. Click Add. 6. Do one of the following: If you clicked the Loop Numbers tab, under Measured Variable, select the measured variable of the loop numbers for which you want to define the reservation. If you clicked the Tag Numbers tab, under Instrument Type, select the instrument type of the tag numbers for which you want to define the reservation. 7. Under From Number, type the first number for the range. When defining a range of loop numbers, the number of digits that you type must be smaller or the same as the number defined on the Naming Conventions dialog box for the Loop Number segment in the Loop Number segment category.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

When defining a range of tag numbers, the number of digits that you type must be smaller or the same as the number defined on the Naming Conventions dialog box for the Loop Identifier segment in the Tag Number segment category. 8. Under To Number, type the last number for the range. The number of digits that you type must be smaller or the same as the number defined on the Naming Conventions dialog box, for the Loop Number segment. When defining a range of loop numbers, the number of digits that you type must be smaller or the same as the number defined on the Naming Conventions dialog box for the Loop Number segment. When defining a range of tag numbers, the number of digits that you type must be smaller or the same as the number defined on the Naming Conventions dialog box for the Loop Identifier segment. 9. Click Apply. Click Add to add a new row and define another range of numbers.

See Also
Naming Conventions Common Tasks (on page 173) Wire End Naming Conventions Common Tasks (on page 180)

Generate Reserved Items Report

With the Domain Administration window open, on the Reports menu, point to Reserved Items and do one of the following: Click Tag Numbers to generate a report that displays all the reserved tag numbers in the current domain. Click Loop Numbers to generate a report that displays all the reserved tag numbers in the current domain.

Import Data to a Project

You can perform this procedure successfully only if the source and the target projects have the same database ID. The import process overwrites all existing data in the target project. Before importing, you must open the backed up domain from the Intools_backup.db (define the appropriate [database] section in intools.ini) and rebuild stored procedures and triggers for the backed up domain. For details, see Rebuild Stored Procedures and Triggers (on page 97). Start the Administration module and log on to a domain as Domain Administrator. Click Activities > Project Activities. On the Project Activities dialog box, from the Project list, select the target project to which you are going to import data. Click Import to open the Select Source Database dialog box. In the Database type list, select the appropriate database type. In the Server box, depending on your database platform where the off-site project resides, do one of the following: When using Oracle or SQL Server, type your database server name.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

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When using Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere, select the required database profile from the list.

If the profile of your Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database is not available you must create a new ODBC profile using the Internal Setup Utility. 7. In the Admin schema logon name box, accept or type the required user name to connect to the admin schema of the source domain. When using Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere, the Admin schema login boxes are read-only. 8. In the Admin schema logon password box, accept or type the required password. 9. Click Connect. 10. From the Domain list, select a source domain. After selecting the source domain, the software detects the source project with the same database ID as in the target project, and automatically displays the source project in the Project box.

11. Before importing data, click Log File to open the Log File dialog box and specify the log file name and path.


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12. Click Report to open the List of Duplicate Items dialog box where you can view the list of items in the projects of the target domain that appear as duplicate in the target project after import. 13. Click Import. 14. At the prompt, click Yes to confirm the import. 15. Click Cancel to close the Select Source Database dialog box. On the Project Activities dialog box, click Close. Form browser views are not imported.

Set the Project Status for an Integrated Environment

1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. Do one of the following: Click Activities > Project Activities. Click . 3. On the Project Activities dialog box, select the project for which you want to set the status. 4. From the SmartPlant project status list, select one of the following statuses: Active Select to enable publishing and retrieving of documents. Completed Select to indicate that activities in an integrated environment for the project have been successfully completed and disable data retrieval. Canceled Select to indicate that the project is no longer in use and that you can delete it if needed. Merged Select to indicate that after completion of the project, the project engineering data has been merged back with As-Built. 5. Click OK. The Active status is the default status assigned automatically to every new project that you create. Project deletion is only available for projects with Canceled or Merged status. For a project with Completed or Merged status, users cannot publish or retrieve documents.

See Also
Configuring SmartPlant Instrumentation for Integration (on page 236) Integration Common Tasks (on page 236) Item Registry Activities (on page 239)

Rebuild a Project
1. As Domain Administrator, enter the owner operator domain. 2. Click DBA > Rebuild Projects in Domain. 3. In the data window, select As-Built and those projects for which you want to rebuild the schemas. Selecting As-Built is required after initializing an owner operator domain in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere (full engine version). 4. Click OK to rebuild the selected projects.

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Domain and Project Administration

Project Deletion Common Tasks

In an owner operator domain, the Domain Administrator or Project Administrator can delete empty projects. Also, the Domain Administrator can delete projects along with the project data or just delete project data without deleting the project. The Domain Administrator might want to delete the projects that contain corrupted data or projects for which the Project schema creation process failed to complete. Also, if SmartPlant Instrumentation users are working in an integrated environment, the Domain Administrator can delete projects with Canceled or Merged status. For more information on project statuses, see Set the Project Status for an Integrated Environment (on page 133). The actions that you perform are:

Delete a Single Project

This procedure allows the Domain Administrator or Project Administrator to delete a particular empty project in an owner operator domain. It is only possible to delete a project after merging all of the project items with As-Built. If the target project no longer contains any data but SmartPlant Instrumentation users previously deleted claimed items from the project, the Project Administrator must still perform a merge process to delete these items from As-Built as well. If System Administrator set the software to merge items without deleting them from the project, view-only copies of merged items remains in the project. Although it is not possible to delete these copies or update their properties, existence of view-only copies does not prevent you from deleting the project. For details, see Delete a Single Project (on page 134).

Delete Data from a Single Project

Use this procedure to delete project data without deleting the project. This can be useful if you want to use the same project schema when creating new engineering data. For more information, see Delete Data from a Single Project (on page 135).

Delete Projects or Project Data in Batch Mode

This procedure deals with deleting several projects at a time or deleting engineering data from several projects without deleting the projects themselves. For more information, see Delete Projects or Project Data in Batch Mode (on page 135).

Delete a Single Project

You can perform the following procedure if you have Project Administrator rights in the current domain. Or, you can perform the following procedure if you have Domain Administrator rights in the current domain and the Project Administrator cannot perform this operation due to a technical problem. 1. On the Domain Administration toolbar, click . 2. On the Project Activities dialog box, under Project, select an empty project you want to delete. In an integrated environment, you can only delete an empty project whose is set as Cancelled or Completed. To set the project status, before deleting the project on the Project Activities dialog box, under SmartPlant project status, select Cancelled or Completed. 3. Click Delete.


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4. 5. 6. 7. On the Domain Administration window menu bar, click DBA > Delete Projects. On the Delete Projects dialog box, select the Delete project schema check box. Under Project List, select the project that you want to delete. Click OK.

Delete Data from a Single Project

If you delete project data using this procedure, the software deletes all data from the project, including items you claimed for the project. However, after deleting project data using this procedure, you cannot use this project to run a merge process to delete previously claimed items from As-Built. If you want to delete project data and then run a merge process, you must delete the data manually from SmartPlant Instrumentation. Then, you can run a merge process to delete claimed items from As-Built. After that, you can delete the project itself on the Project Activities dialog box ( Activities > Project Activities). From the Project list, select a project and click Delete. 1. With the Domain Administration window open, click DBA > Delete Projects. 2. On the Delete Projects dialog box, clear the Delete project schema check box. 3. Under Project List, select the project for which you want to delete project data. 4. Click OK.

Delete Projects or Project Data in Batch Mode

When deleting project data together with the Project schema, the software permanently deletes the projects from your SmartPlant Instrumentation database. 1. With the Domain Administration window open, click DBA > Delete Projects. 2. On the Delete Projects dialog box, do one of the following: Select the Delete project schema check box to delete project data together with the project schema. Clear the Delete project schema check box if you only want to delete the engineering data and be able to use the same projects for creating new data. 3. Under Project List, select the projects you want to delete. 4. Click OK.

Explorer Windows
In an owner operator domain, the Project Administrator uses Explorer windows to claim items for projects or merge items with As-Built. The Explorer windows display instrumentation items according to hierarchical structure. You can arrange the hierarchical structure of the data according to item types or according to the physical location of the items. The Explorer toolbar enables you to find a specific or multiple items, or to filter the display of items. All the Explorer windows are accessible from the Project Activities dialog box. The following Explorer windows are available: As-Built Explorer Opens when defining a scope of items for a project using As-Built as a claim source. Displays all items that exist in As-Built.

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Claim Buffer Opens when defining a scope of items for a project using As-Built as a claim source. Displays items that you copied from As-Built for claiming for a particular project, and allows you to claim all items in batch mode. Claimed Items Opens when defining a scope of items for a project using As-Built as a claim source. Displays items that you have already claimed for the current project, and also displays dummy items. Source Project Explorer (only available when working in non-exclusive claim mode Opens when defining a scope of items for a project using another project as a claim source. Displays all items that exist in the source project. Target Project Buffer (only available when working in non-exclusive claim mode) Opens when defining a scope of items for a project using another project as a claim source. Displays items that you copied from the source project for claiming for a particular project, and allows you to claim all items in batch mode. Project Explorer Opens when defining a scope of project items for merging with As-Built. Displays items that exist in a specific <plant> of a project you use as a source for merging items. The Project Explorer also displays items that have been deleted from the project but exist in As-Built. Merge Buffer Opens when defining a scope of project items for merging with As-Built. Displays items that you copied from the Project Explorer, and allows you to merge all items in batch mode.

Working with Explorer Windows Common Tasks

In an owner operator domain, the following tasks are used frequently when the Project Administrator works with Explorer windows (that is, Claim Buffer or Merge Buffer, As-Built Explorer, and so forth).

Find a Specific Item in the Tree View

This feature enables you to find an item in the tree view of an Explorer window. This feature is especially useful when you want to find an item in a particular folder that contains numerous items. You can type an item name and click Find or you can let the software look for the item as you type the item name. The feature allows you to set the search delay that determines how long the software waits after the last time you press a key on your keyboard. For more information, see Find a Specific Item in the Tree View (on page 138).

Search for Items

You use this feature to find items that you want to work with. You can search for multiple items in the current highest plant hierarchy level, or the current lowest plant hierarchy level. For more information about searching for items, see Search for Items (on page 137).

Filter the Items in the Tree View Pane

You can filter the display of items in the tree view of an Explorer window. Filter settings take effect only for the user who defined the filter and only for the current Explorer window. That is, if you define a filter in the Claim Buffer, these settings do not apply in the As-Built Explorer, and so forth. For more information, see Filter the Display of Items in an Explorer Window (on page 138).


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration Filter Cables

Use this procedure to set additional filter definitions for the Cables and the Cross Cables folders in an Explorer window. You can filter cables according to their connections and cables that are connected to a specific Foundation or Profibus segment. For more information, see Filter Cables (on page 139).

Filter Loops According to Blocks

Allows you to set additional filter definitions for the Loops folder in an Explorer window. You can filter loops according to CAD drawing blocks associated with loop instruments. For more information, see Filter Loops According to Blocks (on page 141).

Use My List in the Items Pane

This procedure explains how to add various items to the My List view of the Items pane. My List allows you to create a special view of the Items pane where you can keep items that belong to various folders in the tree view. The software retains all the items in the My List view until you remove them from that list. Exiting the current project and the Administration module, and starting a new session does not affect the contents of My List. For more information, see Add Items to My List in the Items Pane (on page 142).

Search for Items

1. On the toolbar of an Explorer window, click to open the Search dialog box. 2. Select an item type. Note that the Item type list is a required field and without selecting an item type, the software cannot proceed with the search. 3. Under Item name, type a name of an item that you want to find. You can use wildcard characters (* or %) to find items whose names contain part of the text that you type. If you do not know the item name, leave the asterisk * in the this field. 4. Under Search in, select a plant hierarchy level on which the software searches for items: Current highest plant hierarchy level the highest plant hierarchy level that you in the Project Activities dialog box. Current lowest plant hierarchy level the lowest plant hierarchy level that appears in the current <plant>. 5. In the Item properties data window, if needed, specify item properties so that the software looks for items with those properties only. Click Add to append a new row if you want to specify more than one property. Property select an existing property from the list. Operator select an operator from the list to determine how the selected property will relate to the expression you type in the Value field. Value type an appropriate value to determine how the selected property will be specified. Logic select a logic operator (AND or OR) to determine how the next expression will relate to the current one. Leave this field empty if this is the last expression you are defining. 6. Click Search Now.

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7. In the Results data window, select the items that you want to work with and click Add to My List. After the software finds the items that you were looking for and lists them in the Results data window, you can search for more items without losing your current results. Select another item type and click Search Now. The software adds the newly found items to the previously found results. To start a new search and clear the Search results data window.

Find a Specific Item in the Tree View

1. On the toolbar of an Explorer window, click . 2. On the Find Item dialog box, select Match case if you want the software to find items whose names match the capitalization of the item name you entered. 3. Select Find whole name only if you want the software to search for occurrences that are whole names and not part of a larger item name. 4. Do one of the following: Under Item, type a name and click Find. Select As typed and then under Item type a name. The software looks for the item as you type. You can set the search delay to determine how long the software will wait after the last time you press a key on your keyboard. 5. Click Close.

Filter the Display of Items in an Explorer Window

1. In an Explorer window, select a hierarchy level or a folder containing the items that you want to filter and do one of the following: Right-click the folder, and then click Filter. On the Explorer window toolbar, click . 2. To filter according to an item name in the folder or at the hierarchy level that you selected in the Explorer tree view, under Item name, type a valid name or part of a name. You can use wildcard characters to specify partial strings: asterisk (*) or percent (%) for multiple characters and underscore (_) for single characters. Note that the value that you enter in this box overrides all other filter criteria in this dialog box. 3. Type a filter name. 4. Select an item type appropriate for the folder that you selected. You must select an item type to be able to perform the filter operation. 5. Do one of the following: Select Selected node definition to filter the child items that belong to a folder or the items at any hierarchy level that you selected in the Explorer tree view. Select Global definition to define a filter for the entire tree view of the active Explorer. The software applies this definition to the item type you selected. If you defined a filter definition for a specific folder, the filter for the folder override the settings for the global filter definition.


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6. In the Filter definition group box, define the criteria that you use to filter the items displayed: Property select a property to use for filtering the items. Operator select the required comparison operator to determine how the header selected under Property will relate to the expression you select for Value. Value select or type a required value for the item you selected under Property. The available values depend on the specific property that you select. Logic You use this option when you specify more than one filter condition. The option allows you to select the required logical operator (And or Or) to determine how the next filter expression will relate to the current expression. When you have a mixture of logical operators for several conditions, the software performs the expressions on the conditions in order, for example: (A and B) or C (A or B) and C 7. Click Verify to check the validity of the current filtering condition. 8. Click OK. Clicking Advanced allows you to define a special filter for the Cables, Cross Cables, and Loops folders. For details, see Filter Cables (on page 139) and Filter Loops According to Blocks (on page 141). To reset the filter, delete the filter definition.

Filter Cables
1. In an Explorer window, select the Cables or the Cross Cables folder and do one of the following: Right-click the folder, and then click Filter. On the Explorer window toolbar, click . 2. To filter according to an item name in the folder that you selected, under Item name, type a valid name or part of a name. You can use wildcard characters to specify partial strings: asterisk (*) or percent (%) for multiple characters and underscore (_) for single characters. The value that you enter in this box overrides all other filter criteria in this dialog box. 3. Type a filter name. 4. Do one of the following: Select Selected node definition to filter the child items that belong to a folder or the items at any hierarchy level that you selected in the Explorer tree view. Select Global definition to define a filter for the entire tree view of the active Explorer. The software applies this definition to the item type you selected. If you defined a filter definition for a specific folder, the filter for the folder overrides the settings for the global filter definition. 5. In the Filter definition group box, define the criteria that you use to filter the items displayed: Property select a property to use for filtering the items. Operator select the required comparison operator to determine how the header selected under Property will relate to the expression you select for Value.

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Value select or type a required value for the item you selected under Property. The available values depend on the specific property that you select. Logic You use this option when you specify more than one filter condition. The option allows you to select the required logical operator (And or Or) to determine how the next filter expression will relate to the current expression. When you have a mixture of logical operators for several conditions, the software performs the expressions on the conditions in order, for example: (A and B) or C (A or B) and C Click Verify to check the validity of the current filtering condition. Click Advanced to define a filter for the Cables folder. In the Advanced Filter Definition(Cables) dialog box, do one of the following: Clear the Look for connections check box if you do not want to include any of the connection criteria in the filter condition. Selecting this option disables the check boxes in this group box and in the Connected to group box. Select the Look for connections check box to include and select connection criteria in the filter condition. To select a connection criterion, in the Connection group box, click the following: No connections on either end Includes the cables that are not connected to anything on both ends. At least one wire connected on one end only Includes the cables that contain at least one wire that is only connected on one of its ends. At least one wire connected to both ends - Includes the cables that contain at least one wire that is connected on its both ends. In the Connected to group box, select one or more check boxes to define a filter according to the type of panel that is connected to the cable. This selection defines connection criteria for cables that have at least one wire connected to one or both ends. Junction boxes Includes all the cables that are connected to junction boxes. Marshaling racks Includes all the cables that are connected to marshaling racks. Cabinets Includes all the cables that are connected to cabinets. Device panels Includes all the cables that are connected to device panels. DCS panels Includes all the cables that are connected to DCS panels. PLC panels Includes all the cables that are connected to DCS panels. In the Cable associations group box, select an appropriate Foundation Fieldbus or Profibus segment if you want to include cables that are associated with a specific Fieldbus segment. Select the Display telecom cables only if you want to filter the Cables folder so that it displays telecom cables only. Click OK in the Advanced Filter Definition dialog box. Click OK in the Filter Definition dialog box.

6. 7. 8.




12. 13. 14.


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Filter Loops According to Blocks

1. In an Explorer window, select the Loops folder and do one of the following: Right-click the folder, and then click Filter. On the Explorer window toolbar, click . 2. To filter according to an item name in the Loops folder, under Item name, type a valid name or part of a name. You can use wildcard characters to specify partial strings: asterisk (*) or percent (%) for multiple characters and underscore (_) for single characters. 3. 4. The value that you enter in this box overrides all other filter criteria in this dialog box. Type a filter name. Do one of the following: Select Selected node definition to filter the child items that belong to a folder or the items at any hierarchy level that you selected in the Explorer tree view. Select Global definition to define a filter for the entire tree view of the active Explorer. The software applies this definition to the item type you selected. If you defined a filter definition for a specific folder, the filter for the folder overrides the settings for the global filter definition. In the Filter definition group box, define the criteria that you use to filter the items displayed: Property select a property to use for filtering the items. Operator select the required comparison operator to determine how the header selected under Property will relate to the expression you select for Value. Value select or type a required value for the item you selected under Property. The available values depend on the specific property that you select. Logic You use this option when you specify more than one filter condition. The option allows you to select the required logical operator (And or Or) to determine how the next filter expression will relate to the current expression. When you have a mixture of logical operators for several conditions, the software performs the expressions on the conditions in order, for example: (A and B) or C (A or B) and C Click Verify to check the validity of the current filtering condition. Click Advanced to define a filter for loops according to loop blocks. In the dialog box that opens, if needed, under Display level for blocks, click one of the following to filter the blocks displayed in the data windows: Highest plant hierarchy level Displays blocks on the highest level of the plant hierarchy defined by the Domain Administrator. The default level is Plant. Lowest plant hierarchy level Displays blocks on the lowest level of the plant hierarchy defined by the Domain Administrator. The default level is Unit. To filter the loops according to blocks, do one of the following: Under Blocks associated with tags, select one or more blocks that are associated with loop tags. After you select these blocks, in the current Explorer window, the software only displays loops whose blocks are assigned to tags using the block-tag assignment method.


6. 7. 8.


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Under Blocks associated with instrument type, select one or more blocks that are associated with the instrument type of the loop tags. After you select these blocks, in the current Explorer window, the software only displays loops whose blocks are assigned to tags using the block-instrument type assignment method.

In the Administration module, Explorer windows do not include blocks. Blocks only appear in the Domain Explorer, which you can open in SmartPlant Instrumentation. In the Domain Explorer, blocks associated with instruments using the manual block assignment method are marked with the icon . Blocks associated with tags using the automatic block assignment method are marked with the icon . 10. Click OK in the Advanced Filter Definition (Loops) dialog box. 11. Click OK in the Filter Definition dialog box.

Add Items to My List in the Items Pane

In an Explorer window, do one of the following: In the tree view, right-click an item and then on the shortcut menu, click Add to My List. In the Items pane, click My List and then drag an item from the tree view to My List. To remove an item from My List, right-click the item, and then, click Remove from My List. To clear the My List view of all the items, right-click an item and then click Remove All from My List.

Scoping Data for Projects

After creating a project, the next stage is to define the scope of the items to be used in the project. Scoping data involves selecting a claim source, selecting the <plant> where the target project is carried out, and then, claiming items for the target project. Depending on the claim source, it is possible to claim items either from As-Built or from one project to another, provided that the System Administrator has set the current domain definition so that the same item can be claimed for more than one project. If the claim source is As-Built, you can claim As-Built items either from the As-Built Explorer or from the Claim Buffer. After you claim items, they remain fully operational in As-Built. If the claim source is another project, you can claim project items either from the Source Project Explorer or from the Target Project Buffer. After you claim items, they remain fully operational in the source project.

Claim Modes
You can claim items using one of the two modes: exclusive or non-exclusive. System Administrator specifies a claim mode when making domain definitions. After creating the first project in the domain, the defined claim mode becomes fixed in that domain.

Sequence of Procedures for Scoping Data

Scoping data includes the following sequence of procedures: 1. Select a claim source: As-Built or another project.


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2. Depending on the claim source and claim mode, open the appropriate Explorer windows for a specific project. Although you can claim items directly from the As-Built Explorer (or Source Project Explorer if the claim source is another project), you can only claim specific items belonging to a particular item type. Therefore, if you want to claim items belonging to different types, and also claim the associated sub-items and the parent items in batch mode, you need to use the buffer. 3. Set preferences for scoping data (shared for all projects available in a particular owner operator domain). 4. From the As-Built Explorer (or Source Project Explorer if the claim source is another project), copy all or selected items to the buffer. According to the preferences that you set, the software determines which items to copy as fully operational, or as dummy items. At this stage, you can also generate a report of the items that you copied to the buffer for the current project scope. 5. Claim the copied items for the current project. Alternatively, if you have full Project Definition access rights, you can claim As-Built items from the command line, provided that you previously copied the items to the buffer. When claiming an instrument tag, the software always claims the associated basic engineering data, such as process data, calculation, calibration, dimensional data for piping, and specification sheets, and hook-up associations. Basic engineering data is not displayed in the As-Built Explorer or Source Project Explorer. If you want to claim fieldbus tags, you only need to claim the associated fieldbus segments with their sub-items and the fieldbus tags are claimed automatically. It is not possible to claim fieldbus tags manually, although they are displayed in the As-Built Explorer or Source Project Explorer under loops and fieldbus segments.

Settings and Conditions for Claiming Items

There are various possible actions that determine whether the software claims As-Built items as fully-functional items or dummy items. These actions depend on your domain settings, certain preferences for claiming, and conditions. The following is a list of settings and conditions that influence claiming items: Claim mode (exclusive or non-exclusive) Claim parent items as dummy preference check box Reclaim items preference check box Number of projects in your domain Items you select in as As-Built for claiming or reclaiming Claimed items that already exist in projects as dummy or fully-functional items

Handling Claimed Items in Exclusive Claim Mode

The following table contain possible actions that you perform when working in exclusive claim mode, with As-Built and two projects, depending on the preferences settings and conditions.

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Domain and Project Administration

Claim Parent Reclaim Possible Items as Items Check Action Dummy Box Check Box Selected N/A Claim a strip for Project1. Condition Result

The strip does not exist in either Project1 or Project2.

In Project1, the strip appears as a fully-functional item and its parent panel appears as a dummy item.



Claim a strip for Project2.

In Project2, both the strip and the The same strip exists in Project1 panel appear as dummy items. as a fully-functional item and its parent panel exists in Project1 as a dummy item. The strip and its panel already exist in Project1 as dummy items. Neither of them exist in Project2. The strip and its panel already exist in Project1 as dummy items. The strip and its panel exist in Project2 as fully-functional items. In Project1, the strip is converted to a fully-functional item. The software updates the strip properties using the As-Built strip properties as a source. The strip panel remains as a dummy item. There is no change in Project1. This action is not allowed because only one project can contain a fully-functional strip when working in exclusive claim mode.



Claim a strip for Project1.



Claim a strip for Project1.



Reclaim a strip The strip exists in for Project1. Project1 as a fully- functional item and its panel exist in Project1 as a dummy item. Reclaim a strip Both the strip and for Project1. its panel exist in Project1 as fullyfunctional items.

In Project1, the strip remains a fully- functional item, with the properties updated using the As-Built strip properties as a source. The strip panel remains as a dummy item without any changes. In Project1, the strip remains a fully- functional item, with the properties updated using the As-Built strip properties as a source. The strip panel remains as a fully-functional item without any changes. The Claim parent items as dummy check box does not apply.




SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

Claim Parent Reclaim Possible Items as Items Check Action Dummy Box Check Box Cleared N/A Claim a strip for Project1. Condition Result

The strip does not exist in either Project1 or Project2.

In Project1, both the strip and the panel appear as fully-functional items.



Claim a strip for Project2.

In Project2, the strip appears as The same strip exists in Project1 a dummy item and the panel as a appears as a fully-functional item. fully-functional item and its parent panel exists in Project1 as a dummy item. The strip and its panel already exist in Project1 as dummy items. In Project1, both the strip and its panel are converted to fully-functional items. The software updates the item properties using the As-Built item properties as a source. There is no change in Project1. This action is not allowed because only one project can contain fully-functional strip and panel when working in exclusive claim mode.



Claim a strip for Project1.



Claim a strip for Project1.

The strip and its panel already exist in Project1 as dummy items. The strip and its panel exist in Project2 as fully-functional items.



Reclaim a strip The strip exists in for Project1. Project1 as a fully- functional item and its panel exists in Project1 as a dummy item.

In Project1, the strip remains a fully- functional item, with the properties updated using the As-Built strip properties as a source. The strip panel is converted to a fully-functional item, with the properties updated using the As-Built panel properties as a source. There is no change in Project1. This action is not allowed because reclaiming a dummy item converts it to a fullyfunctional item. You cannot have the same fully-functional strip in more than one project when working in exclusive claim mode.



Reclaim a strip The strip exists in for Project1. Project1 as a dummy item and as a fully-functional item in Project2.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration

When you claim instruments directly from the Instruments folder of the As-Built Explorer or Source Project Explorer, the source loop is always claimed as a dummy item. In this case, the Claim parent items as dummy preference does not apply..

Handling Claimed Items in Non-Exclusive Claim Mode

The following table contain possible actions that you perform when working in non- exclusive claim mode, with As-Built and two projects, depending on the preferences settings and conditions. Claim Parent Reclaim Possible Items as Items Check Action Dummy Box Check Box Selected N/A Claim a strip for Project1. Condition Result

The strip does not exist in either Project1 or Project2.

In Project1, the strip appears as a fully-functional item and its parent panel appears as a dummy item.



Claim a strip for Project2.

In Project2, the strip appears as The same strip exists in Project1 a fully-functional item and its as a fully-functional panel as a dummy item. item and its parent panel exists in Project1 as a dummy item. The strip and its panel already exist in Project1 as dummy items. The strip and its panel exist in Project2 as fully-functional items. In Project1, the strip is converted to a fully-functional item. The software updates the strip properties using the As-Built strip properties as a source. The strip panel remains in Project1 as a dummy item. In Project1, the strip is converted to a fully-functional item. The software updates the strip properties using the As-Built strip and panel properties as a source. The panel remains in Project1 as a dummy item. In Project1, both the strip and its panel appear as fully-functional items.



Claim a strip for Project1.



Reclaim a strip Both the strip and for Project1. its panel exist in Project1 as dummy items and as fully- functional items in Project2. Claim a strip for Project1. The strip does not exist in either Project1 or Project2.




SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

Claim Parent Reclaim Possible Items as Items Check Action Dummy Box Check Box Cleared N/A Claim a strip for Project1. Condition Result

In Project1, both the strip and its The strip and its panel already exist panel appear as fully-functional in Project1 as items. dummy items. The strip and its panel exist in Project2 as fully-functional items. In Project2, the strip and its The same strip exists in Project1 panel appear as fully- functional as a fully-functional items. item and its parent panel exists in Project1 as a dummy item. In Project1, both the strip and its panel are converted to fully-functional items. The software updates the strip and panel properties using the As-Built strip and panel properties as a source.



Claim a strip for Project2.



Reclaim a strip Both the strip and for Project1. its panel exist in Project1 as dummy items and as fully- functional items in Project2.

When you claim instruments directly from the Instruments folder of the As-Built Explorer or Source Project Explorer, the source loop is always claimed as a dummy item. In this case, the Claim parent items as dummy preference does not apply.

Scoping Data for Projects Common Tasks

The following tasks are used frequently when you define the scope of items for a project using As-Built or project items as a source and then claim the items for the target project. Procedures that you perform depend on a claim source, which can be either As-Built or a project. When a claim source is As-Built, you can claim As-Built items for a project. When a claim source is another project, you can claim the items you created in the source project or As-Built items you previously claimed for the source project. It is only possible to claim items from one project to another when working in non-exclusive claim mode.

Display Items in the As-Built Explorer

Use this procedure to display items that belong to As-Built. After you open the As- Built Explorer, you can define a scope of items for the project by claiming the As-Built items. It is either possible to claim items directly from the As-Built Explorer, or copy the appropriate items to the Claim Buffer first. The Claim Buffer opens automatically together with the As-Built Explorer. For more information, see Display Items in the As-Built Explorer (on page 149).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration Display Items in the Source Project Explorer
Use this procedure to display source project items that you can claim for another project, provided that the System Administrator cleared the Exclusive claim mode check box when making the current domain definitions. After you open the Source Project Explorer, you can define a scope of items for the target project by claiming the items that the source project contains. It is either possible to claim items directly from the Source Project Explorer, or copy the appropriate items to the Target Project Buffer first. The Target Project Buffer opens automatically together with the Source Project Explorer. For more information, see Display Items in the Source Project Explorer (on page 150).

Set Preferences for the Scope of a Project

This topic deals with setting preferences for claiming items, the associated parent items, sub-items, and revision when defining the scope of a project. For more information, see Set Preferences for the Scope of a Project (on page 150).

Copy Items to the Claim Buffer

If a claim source is As-Built, use this procedure to copy As-Built items to the Claim Buffer from the As-Built Explorer. After you copy the items, the Project Administrator can claim all the items available in the Claim Buffer. When you make item selections, the software automatically applies preferences that you set in the Preferences for Scoping and Merging Data dialog box. These preferences determine how the software copies to the buffer sub-items that are associated with the items you select. For more information, see Copy Items to the Claim Buffer (on page 151).

Copy Items to the Target Project Buffer

If a claim source is a project, use this procedure to copy items to the Target Project Buffer from the Source Project Explorer. After you copy the project items, the Project Administrator can claim all the items available in the Target Project Buffer. When you make item selections, the software automatically applies preferences that you set in the Preferences for Scoping and Merging Data dialog box. These preferences determine how the software copies to the buffer sub-items that are associated with the items you select. For more information, see Copy Items to the Target Project Buffer (on page 152).

Generate Reports of Items Copied to the Buffer

If a claim source is As-Built, use this procedure to generate reports of As-Built items available for claiming from the Claim Buffer. As long as the Claim Buffer contains items, you cannot claim items directly from the As-Built Explorer. If a claim source is a project, use this procedure to generate reports of project items available for claiming from the Target Project Buffer. As long as the Target Project Buffer contains items, you cannot claim items directly from the Source Project Explorer. For more information, see Generate Reports of Items Copied to the Buffer (on page 152).

Remove Items from the Buffer

This procedure allows you to remove all or specific As-Built items from the Claim Buffer or project items from the Target Project Buffer before you claim items. Use this procedure if you need to modify your item selection in the buffer. After claiming items, the software removes all the items from the buffer automatically. For more information, see Remove Items from the Buffer (on page 153).


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Domain and Project Administration Claim Items from the Buffer

If a claim source is As-Built, use this procedure to claim all the As-Built items you copied to the Claim Buffer from the As-Built Explorer. If a claim source is a project, use this procedure to claim all the project items you copied to the Target Project Buffer from the Source Project Explorer. For more information, see Claim Items from the Buffer (on page 153).

Claim Items Directly from the As-Built Explorer or Source Project Explorer
This topic deals with claiming specific As-Built items from the As-Built Explorer or project items from the Source Project Explorer. If you want to use this procedure, make sure the buffer does not contain any items. For more information, see Claim Items Directly from the As-Built Explorer or Source Project Explorer (on page 154).

Claim As-Built Items from the Command Line

After copying As-Built items to the Claim Buffer it is possible to claim these items for the current project without using the Administration module options. For more information, see Claim As-Built Items from the Command Line (on page 154).

Claim Documents
The Project Administrator uses this procedure to claim documents from As-Built for a project when defining the scope of a project. The software claims documents together with associated revision data. Claiming documents is different from claiming items. Even if you do not claim any documents that exist in As-Built, the software claims the documents automatically whenever users in projects of the same domain generate reports. Claiming documents manually enables you to select multiple documents and then claim them all at once. Also, when claiming documents manually from the Administration module, you do not experience any locking problems, while in SmartPlant Instrumentation, it is possible for a document to be unavailable for claiming when locked by another user. For more information, see Prerequisites for Claiming Documents (on page 155) and Claim Documents (on page 156).

Show Projects Containing Claimed Items

If you previously claimed an As-Built item for other projects in the current owner operator domain, you can display a list of projects that contain this item. For more information, see Show Projects Containing Claimed Items (on page 156).

Display Items in the As-Built Explorer

1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. Do one of the following: Click Activities > Project Activities. Click . 3. In the Project Activities dialog box, select a project for which you want to claim data from As-Built. 4. Click Scope. 5. On the Select Source for Claiming dialog box, under Claim source, select As-Built. 6. Click OK.

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7. On the Scope Definition dialog box, do one of the following: Select Include to make items from selected units available for use in the project. Select, Select all to make items from all the units available for use in the project (or clear this check box to clear the selection for all the items). 8. Click Continue. 9. In the As-Built Explorer, expand the hierarchy to display the item type folders.

See Also
As-Built Explorer (on page 425)

Display Items in the Source Project Explorer

1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. Do one of the following: Click Activities > Project Activities. Click . 3. On the Project Activities dialog box, select a project for which you want to claim data from another project. 4. Click Scope. 5. On the Select Source for Claiming dialog box, under Claim source, select the source project. It is possible to claim items from one project to another only if the System Administrator cleared the Exclusive claim mode check box in the Domain Definition window. The source and target projects must be carried out in the same <plant>. The source project must not be empty. Click OK. On the Scope Definition dialog box, do one of the following: Select Include to make items from selected units available for use in the project. Select, Select all to make items from all the units available for use in the project (or clear this check box to clear the selection for all the items). Click Continue. In the Source Project Explorer, expand the hierarchy to display the item type folders.

6. 7.

8. 9.

Set Preferences for the Scope of a Project

1. On the Project Activities dialog box, select a project. 2. Click Scope. 3. Select a claim source and click OK. It is possible to select a project as a claim source only if the System Administrator cleared the Exclusive claim mode check box in the Domain Definition window. The source and target projects must be carried out in the same <plant>. 4. On the Scope Definition dialog box, do one of the following: Select Include to make items from selected units available for use in the project.


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5. 6. Select, Select all to make items from all the units available for use in the project (or clear this check box to clear the selection for all the items). Click Continue. Depending on the claim source, do one of the following: If the claim source is As-Built, in the As-Built Explorer or the Claim Buffer, right-click the highest hierarchy node. If the claim source is a project, in the Source Project Explorer or the Target Project Buffer, right-click the highest hierarchy node. On the shortcut menu, click Preferences. In the dialog box that opens, set preferences for the scope of the current project as you require, and then click Apply. For details on preferences options, see Help topics for the Preferences for Scoping and Merging Data dialog box. The software saves the preferences that you define for the entire owner operator domain, so that the same preferences apply in all the projects and As-Built. These preferences do not affect user preferences defined in the Preferences Management dialog box. Preferences you define on the General tab also apply to merging data options.

7. 8.

See Also
Settings and Conditions for Claiming Items (on page 143)

Copy Items to the Claim Buffer

1. In the As-Built Explorer, expand the hierarchy to display folders of item types. 2. In the tree view pane, click an item type folder to display the items. 3. Do one of the following: In the tree view pane, right-click a specific item, and then, on the shortcut menu, click Copy to Claim Buffer. In the Items pane, select and right-click one or more items, and then, on the shortcut menu, click Copy to Claim Buffer. From the tree view or Items pane, drag the items to the Claim Buffer. When you select the items for defining the scope of a project, in addition to the main items you select, the software can select the associated sub-items automatically, or you have the option to include the sub- items manually with the main item by setting preferences on the General tab of the Preferences for Scoping and Merging Data dialog box. The Claim Buffer does not show engineering data associated with the instrument tags that you copied. If you copied to the Claim Buffer a loop or instrument together with the wiring items, the software only copies those wiring items that have a signal propagated to the loop or instrument. If you placed a device panel inside a cabinet or junction box, when claiming the loop, this device panel is not copied together with the cabinet or junction box because this device panel does not have a signal propagated to the loop. You must select and copy such a device panel manually. You cannot select basic engineering data manually or set the software to claim instruments without including the associated basic engineering data.

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Copy Items to the Target Project Buffer

1. In the Source Project Explorer, expand the hierarchy to display folders of item types. 2. In the tree view pane, click an item type folder to display the items. 3. Do one of the following: In the tree view pane, right-click a specific item, and then, on the shortcut menu, click Copy to Target Project Buffer. In the Items pane, select and right-click one or more items, and then, on the shortcut menu, click Copy to Target Project Buffer. From the tree view or Items pane, drag the items to the Copy to Target Project Buffer. When you select the items for defining the scope of a project, in addition to the main items you select, the software can select the associated sub-items automatically, or you have the option to include the sub- items manually with the main item by setting preferences on the General tab (see "General Tab (Preferences for Scoping and Merging Data Dialog Box) " on page 328) of the Preferences for Scoping and Merging Data dialog box. The Target Project Buffer does not show engineering data associated with the instrument tags that you copied. If you copied to the Copy to Target Project Buffer a loop or instrument together with the wiring items, the software only copies those wiring items that have a signal propagated to the loop or instrument. If you placed a device panel inside a cabinet or junction box, when claiming the loop, this device panel is not copied together with the cabinet or junction box because this device panel does not have a signal propagated to the loop. You must select and copy such a device panel manually. You cannot select basic engineering data manually or set the software to claim instruments without including the associated basic engineering data.

Generate Reports of Items Copied to the Buffer

1. Depending on a claim source, do one of the following: If the claim source is As-Built, in the Claim Buffer, right-click the Claim Buffer node at the top of the hierarchy. If the claim source is another project, in the Target Project Buffer, right-click the Target Buffer node at the top of the hierarchy. 2. On the shortcut menu, click Reports of Copied Items. 3. In the Select Item Types for Reports dialog box, use the check boxes to select item types for which you want to generate reports. 4. Click OK to display the report print preview for the first item type you selected. 5. In the print preview, under Reports, click arrow keys to display reports for other item types you selected. The software generates an individual reports for each item type that you selected. For example, if you selected Line, Loop, and Tag, the software first displays a report of lines that appear in the buffer. After you close this report, the software displays a report of loops that appear in the buffer, and so forth.


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You can only print or save each report individually.

Remove Items from the Buffer

1. Depending on the claim source, do one on the following: If the claim source is As-Built, in the Claim Buffer, expand the hierarchy to display folders of item types. If the claim source is a project, in the Target Project Buffer, expand the hierarchy to display folders of item types. 2. Do one of the following: To remove all items that appear in the buffer, in the tree view pane, right-click the highest hierarchy node, and then, on the shortcut menu, click Remove All. To remove one specific item, in the tree view pane, select and right-click an item, and then, on the shortcut menu, click Remove. To remove one or more items, in the Items pane, select and right-click one or more items, and then, on the shortcut menu, click Remove. On removing the items, the software removes the associated sub-items according to the settings you defined on the General tab of the Preferences for Scoping and Merging Data dialog box. If the preference setting is No sub-items and you select a single item for removal, the software cannot detect whether this item has sub-items in the buffer or not. Therefore, on clicking Remove, the software prompts you to convert the selected item to a dummy item in the buffer. The prompt message only appears if the item that you select may have sub-items, for example, a panel, terminal strip, cable, and so forth.

Claim Items from the Buffer

1. Depending on a claim source, do one of the following: If the claim source is As-Built, in the Claim Buffer, right-click the Claim Buffer node (the highest hierarchy node). If the claim source is another project, in the Target Project Buffer, right-click the Target Buffer node (the highest hierarchy node). 2. On the shortcut menu, click Claim All. The buffer only contains items that you copied from the claim source. On completing claiming the items, the software clears the buffer. However, if you copied items to My List, you need to remove the items manually. A log file and .psr files that include a list of claimed items appear in the path that you specified when setting the preferences for claiming items. If you claimed a loop or instrument together with the wiring items, the software only claims those wiring items that have a signal propagated to the loop or instrument. If you placed a device panel inside a cabinet or junction box, when claiming the loop, this device panel is not claimed together with the cabinet or junction box because this device panel does not have a signal propagated to the loop. You must select and claim such a device panel manually.

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Claim Items Directly from the As-Built Explorer or Source Project Explorer
1. Claiming items from the As-Built Explorer is only possible if the Claim Buffer has no items. Claiming items from the Source Project Explorer is only possible if the Target Project Buffer has no items. Depending on a claim source, do one of the following: If the claim source is As-Built, in the As-Built Explorer, expand the hierarchy to display folders of item types. If the claim source is a project, in the Source Project Explorer, expand the hierarchy to display folders of item types. In the tree view pane, click an item type folder to display the items in the Items pane. In the Items pane, select and right-click one or more items. On the shortcut menu, click Claim. If you claimed a loop or instrument together with the wiring items, the software only claims those wiring items that have a signal propagated to the loop or instrument. If you placed a device panel inside a cabinet or junction box, when claiming the loop, this device panel is not claimed together with the cabinet or junction box because this device panel does not have a signal propagated to the loop. You must select and claim such a device panel manually.

2. 3. 4.

See Also
As-Built Explorer (on page 425) Source Project Explorer (on page 430) Item Indicators (on page 433)

Claim As-Built Items from the Command Line

If you have full Project Definition access rights, you can claim items for a project without using the Administration module options of SmartPlant Instrumentation. To do so, you, you need to specify additional parameters. You can only claim As-Built items from the command line after copying them to the Claim Buffer. For details, see Copy Items to the Claim Buffer (on page 151). After copying the items, you must close the Administration module prior to claiming the items from the command line. It is not possible to claim items from the command line using another project as a claim source.

Parameter String for Claiming Items

Main <user name>,<user password>,<owner operator domain name>,<target project name>,<claim flag> Use a space character between the Main and <user name> parameters. For other parameters, you must only use commas as parameter separators. Use upper case for the claim flag C parameter.


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The following table describes the parameters in the order of their appearance in the parameter string. Parameter Main <user name> Description The initial parameter, which opens the Administration module Possible Settings Main

The name of the user with full Project User1 Activities access rights. The user group must be assigned to the target project. The user password defined by System Administrator. The name of the owner operator domain in which you copied items from the As-Built Explorer to the Claim Buffer. The name of the project for which you want to claim As-Built items from the Claim Buffer. The C parameter that allows you to claim items you copied to the Claim Buffer. User1 SPI1

<user password> <Owner operator domain name> <target project name> <claim flag>

Project1 C

Main User1,User1,SPI1,Project1,C

Prerequisites for Claiming Documents

If you want to publish SmartPlant Instrumentation data from the current project, you can claim documents for the project so that they become available for publishing. A document is a saved copy of a list-type report, or a non-list-type report for which the revision setting is set as Per Document. For example, in the As-Built Explorer, you can select for claiming such documents as Document Binder packages, browser views, instrument index documents, hook-up-related documents, and so forth. A complete list of reports for which you can claim documents appears in the Report Management dialog box. The software claims a document automatically if the revision management setting in the Report Management dialog box is Per Item. When claiming a loop number, the software always claims the associated loop drawings. When claiming an instrument, the software always claims documents that belong to basic engineering data associated with the tag number. Such documents can be calculation, dimensional data, process data or calibration sheets, or instrument specifications. Also, the software automatically claims multi- tag (SEE LIST) specs, specs created for tag cases, and non- instrument specifications, such as panel specs, hook-up item specs, and so forth. Prior to claiming documents, whether the Project Administrator claims the documents manually or whether the software claims them automatically, you must perform the following activities in As-Built in the order shown: 1. On the Report Management dialog box, the Domain Administrator must define the revision setting as per document for non-list-type reports to be used as a source for claiming documents. All list-type reports are assigned to the per document revision management setting by default. For more information, see Define Report Revision Management Settings (on page 203).

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2. In SmartPlant Instrumentation, for a report with a per document revision management setting, a user has to create a document number in the Revisions dialog box and then save this number to the database. To make the document available for claiming, you do not actually have to create a report revision, but just specify the document number.

Claim Documents
Prior to claiming documents we recommend that you read the Prerequisites for Claiming Documents (on page 155) topic. 1. Depending on a claim source, do one of the following: If the claim source is As-Built, in the As-Built Explorer, expand the hierarchy to display folders of item types. If the claim source is a project, in the Source Project Explorer, expand the hierarchy to display folders of item types. 2. Click the Documents folder to display the source documents in the Items pane. 3. In the Items pane, select one or more documents. 4. Right-click the selected documents and then, on the shortcut menu, click Claim. Claiming documents or any other items from the As-Built Explorer is only possible if the Claim Buffer has no data. Claiming documents or any other items from the Source Project Explorer is only possible if the Target Project Buffer has no data. You can copy documents to the buffer first, and then, claim all the documents together with all other items that you copied to the buffer. When claiming a cable block diagram, you must also claim panels the cable block diagram references. These panels must be claimed as fully-functional items.

Show Projects Containing Claimed Items

1. Depending on a claim source, do one of the following: If the claim source is As-Built, in the As-Built Explorer, right-click expand the hierarchy to display folders of item types. If the claim source is another project, in the Source Project Explorer, right-click expand the hierarchy to display folders of item types. 2. In the tree view pane, click an item type folder to display the items. 3. In the tree view, right-click an item. 4. On the shortcut menu, click Claimed For to display a list of projects that already contain the selected item. After clicking Claimed For, the software changes the lower pane name from Items to Projects.


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The Projects pane can display several projects containing the same item only if the System Administrator cleared the check box Exclusive claim mode in the Domain Definition window when creating an owner operator domain. If the Exclusive claim mode is selected, it is not possible to claim the same item for more than one project. If the Projects pane is empty, this means that the selected item has not been claimed for any project. The Projects pane does not display items that you claimed for a project and then deleted from that project.

See Also
As-Built Explorer (on page 425) Item Indicators (on page 433) Create an Owner Operator Domain (on page 79)

Merging Project and As-Built Data

After modifying existing items or creating new items in projects in SmartPlant Instrumentation, a Project Administrator can merge some or all of the items with As- Built. To merge project data with As-Built, a Project Administrator uses the Project Explorer and the Merge Buffer options, which are only available in the Administration module. It is possible, however, to copy items to the Merge Buffer directly from a project opened in SmartPlant Instrumentation.

Merge Modes
You can merge items using one of the two modes: with deletion from the project or without deletion from the project. System Administrator specifies a merge mode when making domain definitions. After creating the first project in the domain, the defined merge mode becomes fixed in that domain. If System Administrator set the software to merge items without deleting them from the project, on merging project data with As- Built view-only copies of the merged items remains in the project. You cannot delete these copies or update their properties. It is possible, however, to claim these items for another project even if you are working in exclusive claim mode. Existence of view- only copies does not prevent you from deleting the project.

Sequence of Procedures for Merging Data

To merge project data with As-Built, the Project Administrator needs to perform the following sequence of procedures: 1. Open the Project Explorer and the Merge Buffer for a specific project. Although you can merge items directly from the Project Explorer, you can only merge specific items belonging to a particular item type. Therefore, if you want to merge items belonging to different types, and also merge the associated sub-items and the parent items in batch mode, you need to use the Merge Buffer. 2. Set preferences for merging data (shared for all projects available in a particular owner operator domain). 3. From the Project Explorer, (or directly from a project opened in SmartPlant Instrumentation), select a merge action for all or selected items and copy the items to the Merge Buffer accordingly. At this stage, the software applies the merge action to the items and also applies the preferences options that you have set. Several merge actions are available for each item. For details, see Actions for Merging Items (on page 168). You can either change a merge action for a specific item or for all items and sub-items in batch mode, regardless of the item type. 4. Merge the copied items with As-Built.

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5. After merging all of the items with As-Built, delete the project if it becomes obsolete. Alternatively, if you have full Project Definition access rights, you can merge project items with As-Built from the command line, provided that you previously copied the items to the Merge Buffer. Merging specific items directly from the Project Explorer is only possible if the Merge Buffer contains no items. Using a Comparison List, available from the Project Explorer, is an alternative way to change a merge action. The software applies the changes after you close the Comparison List. The changes only take effect in the Merge Buffer. For example, if you change the action from Merge Later to Merge Now, the software does not merge the item but only copies it and the associated sub-items to the Merge Buffer. When working in an integrated environment, there are certain requirements relating to As-Built and projects. For a description of these and other requirements, see Tool Requirements for Integrating SmartPlant Instrumentation (on page 243). When merging project data with As-Built, you can ignore dummy items. After merging all items that have a parent dummy item, the software removes the dummy item from the project automatically. If you want to merge fieldbus tags, you only need to merge the associated fieldbus segments with their sub-items and the fieldbus tags are merged automatically. It is not possible to merge fieldbus tags manually, although they are displayed in the Project Explorer under loops and fieldbus segments.

Open the Project Explorer and Merge Buffer

1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. Do one of the following: Click Activities > Project Activities. Click . 3. In the Project Activities dialog box, select a project whose data you want to merge with which As-Built. 4. Click Merge.

Item and Sub-Item Selection Options for Merging with As-Built

When you select items for merging with As-Built, in addition to the main items you select, the software can select the associated sub-items automatically, or you have the option to include the sub-items manually with the main item by setting preferences on the General tab of the Preferences for Scoping and Merging Data dialog box. These preferences apply whether you merge the items or only copy them from the Project Explorer to the Merge Buffer. The following table shows the related data or items that the software can merge when you select a main item belonging to a specific item type.


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Main Item Type Loop Related Items/Data Included with the Main Item Tags with basic engineering data (process data, calculation, calibration, dimensional data for piping, and specification sheets, hook-up associations), wiring items that have a signal propagated to the loop or tag Basic engineering data, wiring items that have a signal propagated to tag All wiring sub-items that appear in the appropriate wiring item folder in the As-Built Explorer. Terminals Cable sets, wires Cables, cable sets

Tag Wiring item (Panel, Rack, Wiring Equipment, and so forth Terminal Strip Cable Wire

You cannot select basic engineering data manually or set the software to merge tags without including the associated basic engineering data.

Generating Reports for Merging Data Common Tasks

Use the following tasks to generate reports from the Project Explorer, which displays all the items available in the current project. Also, in the Merge Buffer, it is possible to generate a report of items that you have copied from the Project Explorer. You copy items to the Merge Buffer to merge items in batch mode with As-Built.

Generate Comparison List Reports

This procedure allows you to create comprehensive reports as saved files showing the changes for items belonging to a specific item type. When generating a Comparison List for a specific item type, you can also display and generate Comparison List reports for the sub-items associated with the main item. After you have modified data in your project in SmartPlant Instrumentation, it can be useful to review the changes (insertion, deletion, and updating of items) by generating comparison list reports for the items you modified. This way you can mark the reports to follow up how you intend to merge the items, and after merging, you can regenerate a new set of reports summarizing the merging actions. First, you select the item types and display the available items in the in the Comparison List dialog box. Then, you can specify the columns available for viewing, sort or filter the list of items. After that, you can print or save the report in a variety of formats, including PowerSoft reports, text files, or Excel format. For more information, see Generate Comparison List Reports (on page 160).

Generate Reports of Changed Items

Use this procedure to generate reports of items that have been changed in the project or As-Built, new items that have been created in the project or As-Built, or items that have been deleted from the project or As-Built.

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As opposed to Comparison List reports, Changed Items reports only display the actual changes that were made in the project or As-Built. However, to be able to generate a Changed Items report, the System Administrator must activate the audit trail options in the current domain. Also, note that you can generate a Changed Items report only for the item type that you select. If you need to generate a report of changed made to associated sub-items, use the Comparison list report options. For details on the Changed Items report generation, see Generate Reports of Changed Items (on page 161).

Generate Reports of Changed Documents

Use this procedure to generate reports of documents that have been changed in the project or As-Built, new documents that have been created in the project or As-Built, or documents that have been deleted from the project or As-Built. Also, these reports show other projects for which you have claimed the items associated with the documents. Prior to generating a report, make sure that in the Preferences for Scoping and Merging Data dialog box, under Merge option for revisions, the setting is either Merge by revision ID or Merge by revision ID. For details on the Changed Documents report generation information, see Generate Reports of Changed Documents (on page 161).

Generate Reports of Items Copied to the Merge Buffer

Use this procedure to generate reports of items available for merging with As-Built from the Merge Buffer. Note that as long as the Merge Buffer contains items, you cannot merge items directly from the Project Explorer. For more information, see Generate Reports of Items Copied to the Merge Buffer (on page 161).

Generate Comparison List Reports

1. In the Project Explorer, right-click the folder at the top of the hierarchy, Project Explorer. 2. On the shortcut menu, click Comparison List. 3. In the Select Item Types for Comparison dialog box, use the check boxes to select item types for which you want to generate comparison list reports. 4. Click OK to display the Comparison List dialog box. A Comparison List dialog box opens separately for each item type that you select. For example, if you selected Loop, Tag, and Wiring Equipment, the software first displays a Comparison List dialog box for loops. After you close this dialog box, the software opens another dialog box for tags, and so forth. If required, click View to open the Select Columns for Viewing dialog box and select the columns for viewing. By default, all the available columns are displayed. Drag the required columns in the order you want them to appear from Column list to Columns to view. To remove a column, drag it from Columns to view to Column list. Click Include modified columns if you want to ensure that where items were updated, the columns where the changes were made will appear in the report. If required, click Sort to open the Select Columns for Sorting dialog box to select the sort order of the columns. Drag the required columns for sorting from Column list to Sorted Columns. The list will be sorted according to the selected columns in ascending priority. Click Report. Do one of the following:

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.


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Click Print to print out a report for the current item. Click Save As to save the report in a format that you specify. 13. Repeat the steps 5-12 to generate a comparison list report for another item type (if you selected more than one item type in the Select Item Types for Comparison dialog box).

See Also
Owner Operator Domain (As-Built and Projects) (on page 123) Owner Operator Domain (As-Built and Projects) Common Tasks (on page 125)

Generate Reports of Changed Items

1. In the Project Explorer, right-click the folder at the top of the hierarchy, Project Explorer. 2. On the shortcut menu, click to Reports > Changed Data. 3. In the Select Item Types for Reports dialog box, use the check boxes to select item types for which you want to generate reports. 4. Click OK to display the report print preview for the first item type you selected. 5. In the print preview, under Reports, click arrow keys to display reports for other item types you selected. The software generates an individual reports for each item type that you selected. For example, if you selected Line, Loop, and Tag, the software first displays a report of changes made to the lines. After you close this report, the software displays a report of changes made to the loops, and so forth. You can only print or save each report individually.

Generate Reports of Changed Documents

1. In the Project Explorer, right-click the folder at the top of the hierarchy, Project Explorer. 2. On the shortcut menu, point to Reports and click Changed Documents. 3. In the Select Item Types for Reports dialog box, use the check boxes to select item types for which you want to generate reports of changed documents. 4. Click OK to display the report print preview for the first item type you selected. 5. In the print preview, under Reports, click arrow keys to display reports for other item types you selected. The software generates an individual reports for each item type that you selected. For example, if you selected Cable, Terminal Strip, and Tag, the software first displays a report of changes made to the cables. After you close this report, the software displays a report of changes made to the terminal strips, and so forth. You can only print or save each report individually.

Generate Reports of Items Copied to the Merge Buffer

1. In the Merge Buffer, right-click the folder at the top of the hierarchy, Merge Buffer. 2. On the shortcut menu, click Reports of Copied Items.

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3. In the Select Item Types for Reports dialog box, use the check boxes to select item types for which you want to generate reports. 4. Click OK to display the report print preview for the first item type you selected. 5. In the print preview, under Reports, click arrow keys to display reports for other item types you selected. The software generates an individual reports for each item type that you selected. For example, if you selected Line, Loop, and Tag, the software first displays a report of lines that appear in the Merge Buffer. After you close this report, the software displays a report of loops that appear in the Merge Buffer, and so forth. You can only print or save each report individually.

Copy Items to the Merge Buffer Common Tasks

Use the following tasks to copy items from the Project Explorer to the Merge Buffer prior to merging the items from the Merge Buffer. When copying the items, the software also assigns a merge action (Merge Now or Release Claim) to the items. After copying items, you can either user the Administration module options to merge the items, or merge the items from the command line. Note that the Merge Buffer does not show engineering data associated with the instrument tags that you copy.

Copy All Items to the Merge Buffer as Merge Now

Use this procedure to copy all the items available in the current project to the Merge Buffer and assign a Merge Now action to all the items. For more information, see Copy All Items to the Merge Buffer as Merge Now (on page 162).

Copy Selected Items to the Merge Buffer as Merge Now

Use this procedure to copy specific items to the Merge Buffer and assign a Merge Now action to these items. For more information, see Copy Selected Items to the Merge Buffer as Merge Now (on page 163).

Copy All Items to the Merge Buffer as Release Claim

Use this procedure to copy all the items available in the current project to the Merge Buffer and assign a Release Claim action to all the items. For more information, see Copy All Items to the Merge Buffer as Release Claim (on page 163).

Copy Selected Items to the Merge Buffer as Release Claim

Use this procedure to copy specific items to the Merge Buffer and assign a Release Claim action to these items. For more information, see Copy Selected Items to the Merge Buffer as Release Claim (on page 163).

Copy All Items to the Merge Buffer as Merge Now

1. In the Project Explorer, right-click the folder at the top of the hierarchy, Project Explorer. 2. On the shortcut menu, click Copy All as Merge Now. When copying the items, the software also changes the merge action to Merge Now for those items that already appear in the Merge Buffer.


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Copy Selected Items to the Merge Buffer as Merge Now

1. In the Project Explorer, expand the hierarchy to display folders of item types. 2. In the tree view pane, click an item type folder to display the items. 3. Do one of the following: In the tree view pane, right-click a specific item, and then, on the shortcut menu, click Copy to Buffer as Merge Now . In the Items pane, select and right-click one or more items, and then, on the shortcut menu, click Copy to Buffer as Merge Now . From the tree view or Items pane, drag the items to the Merge Buffer. If the items that you select already appear in the Merge Buffer, when copying the items, the software also changes the merge action to Merge Now for those items.

See Also
Item and Sub-Item Selection Options for Merging with As-Built (on page 158) Remove Items from the Merge Buffer (on page 164)

Copy All Items to the Merge Buffer as Release Claim

1. In the Project Explorer, right-click the folder at the top of the hierarchy, Project Explorer. 2. On the shortcut menu, click Copy All as Release Claim. When copying the items, the software also changes the merge action to Release Claim for those items that already appear in the Merge Buffer.

See Also
Item and Sub-Item Selection Options for Merging with As-Built (on page 158) Remove Items from the Merge Buffer (on page 164)

Copy Selected Items to the Merge Buffer as Release Claim

1. In the Project Explorer, expand the hierarchy to display folders of item types. 2. In the tree view pane, click an item type folder to display the items. 3. Do one of the following: In the tree view pane, right-click a specific item, and then, on the shortcut menu, click Copy to Buffer as Release Claim. In the Items pane, select and right-click one or more items, and then, on the shortcut menu, click Copy to Buffer as Release Claim. If the items that you select already appear in the Merge Buffer, when copying the items, the software also changes the merge action to Release Claim. Do not drag the items to the Merge Buffer. This is because the software automatically applies the Merge Now action to the items that you drag.

See Also
Item and Sub-Item Selection Options for Merging with As-Built (on page 158) Remove Items from the Merge Buffer (on page 164)

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Remove Items from the Merge Buffer

1. In the Merge Buffer, expand the hierarchy to display folders of item types. 2. Do one of the following: To remove all items that appear in the Merge Buffer, in the tree view pane, right-click the highest hierarchy node (the Merge Buffer node), and then, on the shortcut menu, click Remove All. To remove one specific item, in the tree view pane, select and right-click an item, and then, on the shortcut menu, click Remove. To remove one or more items, in the Items pane, select and right-click one or more items, and then, on the shortcut menu, click Remove. On removing the items, the software removes the associated sub-items according to the settings you defined on the General tab (see "General Tab (Preferences for Scoping and Merging Data Dialog Box)" on page 328) of the Preferences for Scoping and Merging Data dialog box. If the preference setting is No sub-items and you select a single item for removal, the software cannot detect whether this item has sub-items in the Merge Buffer or not. Therefore, on clicking Remove, the software prompts you to convert the selected item to a dummy item in the Merge Buffer. The prompt message only appears if the item that you select may have sub-items, for example, a panel, terminal strip, cable, and so forth.

See Also
Scoping Data for Projects Common Tasks (on page 147) Merge Buffer (on page 428)

Merging Project and As-Built Data Common Tasks

The following tasks are used frequently when you merge project data with As-Built:

Open the Project Explorer and Merge Buffer

Use this procedure to open the Project Explorer and the Merge Buffer for a particular project in an owner operator domain. This is the first stage of defining a scope of items you want to merge with As-Built. The Project Explorer contains all of the items available in the project. You can use Merge Buffer to create a selection of items you want to merge with As-Built. For more information, see Open the Project Explorer and Merge Buffer (on page 158).

Set Preferences for Merging Project Items with As-Built

This topic deals with setting preferences for merging items, the associated parent items, sub-items, and revision data. For more information, see Set Preferences for Merging Project Items with As-Built (on page 166).


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Domain and Project Administration Copy Items to the Merge Buffer Common Tasks
Copying items from the Project Explorer to the Merge Buffer is the first step of merging current project with As-Built. After that, the Project Administrator can merge the current project items with As-Built. When you make item selections, the software automatically applies preferences that you set in the Preferences for Scoping and Merging Data dialog box. These preferences determine how the software copies to the Merge Buffer sub-items that are associated with the items you select. You can set a merge action for the items that you copy, that is Merge Now or Release Claim. In the Merge Buffer, these actions take effect when you start merging the items. For more information, see Copy Items to the Merge Buffer Common Tasks (on page 162).

Remove Items from the Merge Buffer

This procedure allows you to remove all or specific items from the Merge Buffer before you merge items. Use this procedure if you need to modify your item selection in the Merge Buffer. After merging items, the software removes all the items from the Merge Buffer automatically. For more information, see Remove Items from the Merge Buffer (on page 164).

Compare Project Data with As-Built Data

Before merging data, it is recommended that you compare for each item type the differences between the items in the current project and As-Built. The comparison list shows whether a particular item was changed, and if so the type of change (insert, update, delete, or no change) that was made. In the case of an update, the comparison list shows the old and new values for the appropriate fields in the database. For more information, see Compare Project Data with As-Built Data (on page 166).

Item Comparison Options

When you run the comparison list on certain specific items, you can compare changes for additional items associated with the main item. For more information, see Item Comparison Options (on page 167).

Actions for Merging Items

This topic provides information about the actions that you can take when merging project and As-Built data. For more information, see Actions for Merging Items (on page 168).

Specify an Action for Merging a Group of Items

For a large number of modified items, you can specify a merge action according to the type of modification made to the items. For example, you can decide to merge only updated items in the project, while retaining the original items in As-Built if they are new or were deleted in the project. For more information, see Specify an Action for Merging a Group of Items (on page 169).

Merge Items from the Merge Buffer

Use this procedure to merge with As-Built the items that you copied to the Merge Buffer from the current project. When you start merging the items, the software applies merge actions assigned to the items. Items whose merge action is Merge Now are merged with As-Built. Items whose merge action is Release Claim appear in As-Built in their original state (that is, as they appeared in As-Built before being claimed for the current project). For details, see Merge Items from the Merge Buffer (on page 170).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration Merge Items Directly from the Project Explorer
After modifying existing items or creating new items in your project in SmartPlant Instrumentation, you can merge some or all of the items with As-Built. Several merging actions are available for each item. Also, you can change a merging action for all items and sub-items in batch mode, regardless of a specified item type. For more information, see Merge Items Directly from the Project Explorer (on page 170).

Merge Items from the Command Line

After copying items to the Merge Buffer it is possible to merge these items with As- Built from the command line, without using the Administration module options. For more information, see Merge Items from the Command Line (on page 171).

Set Preferences for Merging Project Items with As-Built

1. In the Project Activities dialog box, select a project. 2. Click Merge. 3. In the Project Explorer or the Merge Buffer, right-click the folder at the top of the hierarchy. 4. On the shortcut menu, click Preferences. 5. In the dialog box that opens, set preferences for merging data of the current project with As-Built, and then click Apply. For details on specific preferences options, see Help topics for the Preferences for Scoping and Merging Data dialog box. The software saves the preferences that you define for the entire owner operator domain, so that the same preferences apply in all the projects and As-Built. These preferences do not affect user preferences defined in the Preferences Management dialog box. Preferences you define on the General tab also apply to defining a scope of items for projects.

See Also
Item and Sub-Item Selection Options for Merging with As-Built (on page 158)

Compare Project Data with As-Built Data

1. In the Project Explorer, right-click the folder at the top of the hierarchy, Project Explorer. 2. On the shortcut menu, click Comparison List. 3. In the Select Item Types for Comparison dialog box, use the check boxes to select item types for which you want to generate comparison list reports. 4. Click OK to display the Comparison List dialog box. A Comparison List dialog box opens separately for each item type that you select. For example, if you selected Loop, Tag, and Wiring Equipment, the software first displays a Comparison List dialog box for loops. After you close this dialog box, the software opens another dialog box for tags, and so forth. 5. If required, click View, and in a dialog box that opens, select the database fields for viewing. By default, all the available fields are displayed in the Comparison List.


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From Column list to Columns to view, drag columns in the order you want them to appear in the Comparison List for the current item type. To remove a column, drag it from Columns to view to Column list. 6. If required, click Sort, and in a dialog box that opens, select the sort order of the database fields. In the Comparison List, the software sorts the fields in ascending priority, according to the fields that you drag from Column list to Sorted Columns. 7. In the Comparison List, view the change for each of the selected items. The Mode column can display the following change indicators: I Indicates a new item inserted in the project. D Indicates an item claimed for the project and then deleted from the project. U Indicates an item updated in the project or changed in As-Built after claiming, resulting in either case in non-identical data. The database fields that were updated are shown with a light blue background, and the old and new values appear. Renaming an item is the equivalent of updating the item. N Indicates that no change was made to the item in the project. 8. Click Options to display a list of additional items for comparison the items that are available depend on the selected item type. For details, see Item Comparison Options (on page 167).

See Also
Generating Reports for Merging Data Common Tasks (on page 159) Generate Comparison List Reports (on page 160) Item Comparison Options (on page 167)

Item Comparison Options

When you run the comparison list on certain specific items, you can compare changes for additional items associated with the main item. The following table summarizes options available for each of the items. To access these options, on the Comparison List dialog box for the main item, click Options. Main Item Line Document Process Equipment Loop Tag Fieldbus Segment Connector Panel Controller Rack Slot Additional Items Available for Comparison Process Data None None None Signal, Process Data, Specification None None 1 Side, 2 Side, Cross Wire, Jumper None None None

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Main Item Wiring Equipment Terminal Strip Channel Terminal Cable Cable set Wire Control System Tag Additional Items Available for Comparison None 1 Side, 2 Side None 1 Side, 2 Side 1 Side 1 Side 1 Side None

See Also
Owner Operator Domain (As-Built and Projects) (on page 123) Compare Project Data with As-Built Data (on page 166) Prerequisites for Claiming Documents (on page 155) Owner Operator Domain (As-Built and Projects) Common Tasks (on page 125)

Actions for Merging Items

When merging project and As-Built data, the following actions are available per item. If needed, you or can apply a merge action to items belonging to a specific item type in the Comparison List dialog box. Merge now Overwrites the data in As-Built with the modified data in the current project. The results depend on the change made in the project: Items that SmartPlant Instrumentation users created in the project are also inserted in As-Built. If an item that exists in the project was deleted in As-Built, that item is reinserted in As-Built. Items that SmartPlant Instrumentation users deleted in the project are also deleted in As-Built. Items that SmartPlant Instrumentation users updated in the project are also updated in As-Built. Also, if you made any changes to As- Built data after claiming the item for the project, the software overwrites the As- Built data with the project data on merging. Release claim Disregards changes and leaves the data in As-Built as it was before claiming it for the project. When using the Release Claim action, the following rules apply to project data: The Release Claim action does not apply to new items that you create in the project. The Release Claim action does not apply to new sub- items you associated with a claimed item. If a claimed item does not have new sub-items you created in the project, the software removes the claimed item from the project even if you changed its name and description in the project. If a claimed item has new sub-items you created in the project, the software always leaves this claimed item as a dummy item in the project. If a claimed item has both claimed sub-items and new sub-items you created in the project, the software only removes the claimed sub- items from the project. The parent item appears in the project as a dummy item.


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You can merge items using one of the two modes set by System Administrator for the current domain: with deletion from the project or without deletion from the project. Depending on the merge mode, on merging data, the software either deletes the merged items from the project or leaves view-only copies of the merged items in the project. You cannot delete these copies or update their properties. It is possible, however, to claim these items for another project even if you are working in exclusive claim mode. Existence of view-only copies does not prevent you from deleting the project.

See Also
Merging Project and As-Built Data (on page 157) Copy Items to the Merge Buffer Common Tasks (on page 162) Owner Operator Domain (As-Built and Projects) Common Tasks (on page 125)

Specify an Action for Merging a Group of Items

1. In the Project Explorer, right-click the folder at the top of the hierarchy, Project Explorer. 2. On the shortcut menu, click Comparison List. 3. In the Select Item Types for Comparison dialog box, use the check boxes to select item types for which you want to display comparison reports. 4. Click OK to display the Comparison List dialog box. A Comparison List dialog box opens separately for each item type that you select. For example, if you selected Loop, Tag, and Equipment, the software first displays a Comparison List dialog box for the loop item type. After you close this dialog box, the software opens another dialog box for the tag item type, and so forth. 5. Select the merge action you want to apply to the items that belong to the displayed item type. 6. Select one or more of the types of changes for applying the action, for example, Inserted, Deleted, and Not changed. 7. Click Options to display a list of additional items for comparison the available associated items depend on the selected item type. The merge action for the additional items you view by clicking Options are identical to the action you select for the main item; you cannot select the merge action for the associated items independently. 8. Click OK to save the changes and return to Comparison List dialog box displayed for another item type (if you selected more than one item type in the Project Explorer), and then, repeat the steps 6-9. After you click OK, the software applies the merge action and affects the display of items that already appear in the Merge Buffer. If you change a merge action from Merge Now or Release Claim to Merge Later, the software automatically removes this item from the Merge Buffer. If you change the action from Merge Later to Merge Now, the software does not merge the item but only copies it and the associated sub-items to the Merge Buffer.

See Also
Owner Operator Domain (As-Built and Projects) (on page 123) Merging Project and As-Built Data (on page 157) Owner Operator Domain (As-Built and Projects) Common Tasks (on page 125)

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Merge Items from the Merge Buffer

1. In the Merge Buffer, right-click the folder at the top of the hierarchy, Merge Buffer. 2. On the shortcut menu, click Merge All. During the process of merging data, the software merges all the items assigned to the Merge Now action in the Merge Buffer, and also release claim for those items that are assigned to the Release Claim action. For details on merge action descriptions and examples, see Actions for Merging Items (on page 168). On completing merging the items, the software clears the Merge Buffer. However, if you copied items to My List, you need to remove the items manually. A log file and .psr files that include a list of merged items appear in the path that you specified when setting the preferences for merging items.

See Also
Merging Project and As-Built Data (on page 157) Merge Buffer (on page 428) Item Indicators (on page 433)

Merge Items Directly from the Project Explorer

Merging items from the Project Explorer is only possible if the Merge Buffer has no items. 1. In the Project Explorer, expand the hierarchy to display folders of item types. 2. In the tree view pane, click an item type folder to display the items in the Items pane. 3. In the Items pane, select and right-click one or more items, and then do one of the following: On the shortcut menu, click Merge to apply the Merge Now action to all the items that you selected. On the shortcut menu, click Release Claim to apply the Release Claim action to all the items that you selected. When clicking Merge or Release Claim, the software applies the merge action all the items that you selected, regardless of the merge action that was previously assigned to the items. If you want to preserve the merge action of the selected items, we recommend that you first copy the items to the Merge Buffer as Merge Now or Release Claim, and then, in the Merge Buffer, use the Merge All option.

See Also
Merging Project and As-Built Data (on page 157) Merging Project and As-Built Data Common Tasks (on page 164) Project Explorer (on page 429) Item Indicators (on page 433)


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Merge Items from the Command Line

If you have full Project Definition access rights, you can merge project items with As- Built without using the Administration module options of SmartPlant Instrumentation. To do so, you, you need to specify additional parameters. You can only merge project items from the command line after copying them to the Merge Buffer. For details, see Copy Items to the Merge Buffer Common Tasks (on page 162). After copying the items, you must close the Administration module prior to merging the items from the command line.

Parameter String for Merging Items

Main <user name>,<user password>,<owner operator domain name>,<source project name>,<merge flag> Use a space character between the Main and <user name> parameters. For other parameters, you must only use commas as parameter separators. Use upper case for the merge flag M parameter. The following table describes the parameters in the order of their appearance in the parameter string. Parameter Main <user name> Description The initial parameter, which opens the Administration module The name of the user with full Project Activities access rights. The user group must be assigned to the target project. The user password defined by System Administrator. The name of the owner operator domain in which you copied items from the Project Explorer to the Merge Buffer. The name of the project from which you want to merge items with As-Built. The M parameter that allows you to merge items you copied to the Merge Buffer. Possible Settings Main User1

<user password> <Owner operator domain name> <target project name> <merge flag>

User1 SPI1

Project1 M

Main User1,User1,SPI1,Project1,M

See Also
Merging Project and As-Built Data (on page 157) Merge Buffer (on page 428)

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Naming Conventions
Naming conventions define the parameters which the software uses when creating tags, loops, device panels, cables, or other items in SmartPlant Instrumentation. Each of these items has its own instrument type to which you manually set the naming conventions from the Admin module. The naming conventions are flexible and follow no limitations, so you can build and maintain the instrumentation data according to your specific instrumentation needs. The maximum length of a naming convention is 50 characters. Before you start defining naming conventions, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following general guidelines: You define naming conventions on a per <unit> basis. Therefore, if you want certain items (for example, panels) to share naming conventions on the highest plant hierarchy level, for example, you can define a naming convention for panels in a specific <unit>, and then, copy this convention to all other units available in the same <plant>. The naming is performed according to item types. For an item type, it is only possible to define one naming convention. You set the naming for each item type and thus affect the creation of new items in SmartPlant Instrumentation. All items inherit the naming convention of the item type they belong to. Examples for item types are Instrument, Loop, Cabinet, DCS, Control System Tag, and so forth. You can define the naming convention freely without any limitation, or set it to include different segments, separators, dashes and any other character that serves your purposes. The maximum length of a naming convention is 50 characters, including separators. This length applies for all naming convention standards. You can copy naming conventions only on the lowest plant hierarchy level, for example, from Unit1 to Unit2, within the same domain. When defining a naming convention for wiring equipment, note the following limitation: you cannot include a slot name or an I/O card name together with the rack name. The software can only retrieve the name of the actual parent item. For example, when a card is a child item of a slot, only the slot name can be retrieved but not the rack name.

Compatibility with Instrumentation Standards

SmartPlant Instrumentation allows you to freely set your own standards and naming convention. This way you can build and maintain the instrumentation data according to your specific instrumentation needs. The tag and loop number naming convention options depend on the standard that the Domain Administrator has selected in the Naming Conventions dialog box. The default standard is the Flexible standard which allows the Domain Administrator complete flexibility when setting up unit naming conventions. However, the Domain administrator can use traditional ISA or Loop standards to set the naming conventions automatically and then modify the conventions as required. The ISA standard is based on the Instrument Society of America ANSI/ISA-S5.1-1975 standard as published in: Instrument Society of America. Standards and Practices of Instrumentation, Instrumentation Symbols and Identification. 7th ed. NC, 1983. You can use some parts of the Flexible standard with the Power Station Designation System (KKS) standard.


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Naming Conventions Common Tasks

The following tasks are used when you need to define naming conventions for a <unit> in SmartPlant Instrumentation:

Define Naming Conventions

This procedure enables you to define naming conventions in a <unit>. For details, see Define Naming Conventions (on page 174).

Copy Naming Conventions from Another <Unit>

This procedure explains how you can copy the naming conventions from a selected source <unit> in the current domain to the current <unit>. You can use this procedure after creating a new <unit> for which no naming convention definitions have been made yet. The software does not let you copy naming conventions to a <unit> that already contains instrument tag numbers. For details, see Copy Naming Conventions from Another <Unit> (on page 177).

Copy Naming Conventions to Other <Units>

This procedure explains how you can copy naming conventions to <units> that exist in the current domain but have no naming convention definitions yet. Also, you can use the procedure tips if you want to set the software to copy naming conventions automatically to all new <units> on creating the <units> in the Plant Hierarchy Explorer. The software does not let you copy naming conventions to a <unit> that already contains instrument tag numbers. For details, see Copy Naming Conventions to Other <Units> (on page 176).

Document Number Naming Convention Examples

The following topic provides examples of document number naming conventions: Document Number Naming Convention Examples (on page 177).

Generate Naming Convention Reports

This procedure enables you to generate and print a naming convention report. This report contains information about the naming conventions for each item in all the <units> of the current domain. For details, see Generate Naming Convention Reports (on page 179).

Wire End Naming Conventions Common Tasks

This set of procedures allows you to define wire end naming conventions so that SmartPlant Instrumentation users can assign a wire end naming convention to the ends of one or more wires belonging to a cable. For details, see Wire End Naming Conventions Common Tasks (on page 180).

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Notes for Creating Naming Conventions for Wiring Items

General Note
Naming conventions of wiring items do not depend on the naming convention standard set by the System Administrator per domain. You define a naming convention for wiring items (apart from wire ends) using the options available in the Naming Conventions dialog box. In this dialog box, a complete list of wiring items for which you can define naming conventions appears in the Convention box. When applying a naming convention that includes a rack segment, a slot segment or both to a wiring item that does not have a rack or a slot as its immediate parent item, the software omits this segment.

Wire End Naming Conventions

Options for defining wire end naming conventions are available in the Wire End Naming Conventions dialog box.

Panel Naming Conventions

If your panel naming convention segments contain levels of panel locations, the software does not display the lowest level in SmartPlant Instrumentation in the following scenario: 1. In the Panel Location Levels dialog box, create several levels, for example, Building, Floor, and Room. 2. In the Naming Conventions dialog box, define a naming convention for a panel, for example, for a DCS. For the naming convention, use the panel location segments, for example, Building\Floor\Room\XX, where XX represents a free segment. 3. In SmartPlant Instrumentation, create a new DCS at the Floor level. When creating the DCS name, the software automatically replaces the Room segment with spaces so that the new DCS name appears as follows: Building\Floor\ \XX If, when defining the naming convention, you selected the Remove trailing spaces in each segment check box, the name appears as follows: Building\Floor\\XX

See Also
Define Panel Location Levels (on page 210)

Define Naming Conventions

1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window or Domain Definition window, do one of the following: Click Activities > Naming Conventions. Click . 3. Beside Parent hierarchy, click Browse to specify a <unit> for which you want to define naming conventions. Naming conventions are always defined per <unit>.


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Domain and Project Administration

4. From the Convention list, select the item for which you want to define a naming convention. If you modify either tag or loop naming conventions in a <unit> which already contains tags or loops, the software prompts you to confirm the naming convention change. When you duplicate a loop in SmartPlant Instrumentation, the duplicated loop inherits the naming convention from the original loop. 5. Click Add as many times as the number of segments you want to specify for the naming convention. The Insert button allows you to insert an empty row above the cell that you click. If you do not click any cell, the Insert button functions like the Add button: the software adds an empty row at the bottom. 6. From the Segment Category list, select a segment category in each of the data rows. 7. From the Segment list, select a segment for each category. 8. In the Separator box, type a character to separate the current segment from the next. By default, the software assigns the C- prefix to all the device cable names. However, when you select device cable from the Convention list, the Separator data field is empty. If you define new naming conventions for the device cable but do not type any separator in the Tag Number row, cable names appear without the C- prefix. You need to type C in the Separator field of the Tag Number row to make the C- prefix available again. If a separator is the last character in the control system tag name, the software retains the separator when applying the control system tag naming convention. If a separator is the last character in the name of an item that is not a control system tag, the software removes the separator from the name. For example, if your instrument naming convention includes a / separator before the COMPONENT SUFFIX segment, the FT-100 tag number with the A suffix appears as FT-100/A and without any suffix as FT- 100. If you want a separator to appear at the end of the item name, add another data row and select Free Segment as both segment category and segment, define a separator, and then, define the Free Segment length as 0. 9. In the Start data field, type the starting position of the current segment, that is, the leftmost character of the description which appears in the segment descriptor. 10. In the Length data field, type the total number of characters (from the starting character) which appears in the segment descriptor. You can select a part of a segment by specifying the appropriate Start and Length values. When defining naming conventions for instruments or loops, if you want to use the ISA or Loop standard, click ISA Standard or Loop Standard to load the naming convention segments that comply with the ISA or Loop standards.

If you already defined a naming convention for instrument tags or loops and want to modify an existing convention, do not click the ISA Standard or Loop Standard button again. Clicking any of these buttons resets your instrument or loop naming convention to the default settings for the current standard. 11. When defining a naming convention for wiring items, control system tags, or document numbers, do one of the following:

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Select Remove trailing spaces in each segment to set the software to remove trailing spaces from each segment of an item name created according to the naming convention if the actual number of characters in a segment is smaller than the segment length. Clear Remove trailing spaces in each segment to set the software to add trailing spaces to match the segment length.

The software does not remove spaces that are part of separators or appear at the beginning or in the middle of a segment. When a wiring item or control system tag naming convention includes free segments, the software removes spaces only from the first and last free segment. 12. When defining a naming convention for a document number, for documents you intend to save as files, do one of the following: Select Remove spaces in file names to removes spaces from the name of the document files. Clear Remove spaces in file names to save documents with the name of the source document item. A document file has spaces if the source document item has spaces. For example, when you generate a loop drawing without opening the drawing, the software automatically saves the drawing file with the name of the source loop number. If the source loop number has spaces and you selected this check box, the software removes the spaces from the drawing file name when saving the drawing as a file. 13. If you are prompted to change the naming convention (if a naming convention already exists for the unit), do one of the following in the displayed message: Click Yes to modify the current unit naming conventions. Click No to retain the current unit naming conventions without modifying them. 14. When done, click Apply to save the naming conventions to the database. 15. Click Close to close the dialog box.

See Also
Log on as Domain Administrator (on page 68)

Copy Naming Conventions to Other <Units>

1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window or Domain Definition window, do one of the following: Click Activities > Naming Conventions. Click . 3. Beside Parent hierarchy, click Browse to specify a source <unit>. Naming conventions are always defined per instrument type in a specific unit. Select the types and their appropriate conventions in the Conventions list . You can select Copy all conventions from the current <unit> to copy all the naming conventions that exist in the current <unit> to every new <unit> that you create using the Plant Hierarchy Explorer. This option does not apply to units that already exist in your domain. 4. Click Copy To.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

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5. In the Copy Naming Conventions dialog box, select a check box beside the target <units> to which you want to copy the naming conventions of the source <unit>. 6. Click Copy and then Close. 7. In the Naming Conventions dialog box, click Apply and then Close.

See Also
Log on as Domain Administrator (on page 68)

Copy Naming Conventions from Another <Unit>

1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window or Domain Definition window, do one of the following: Click Activities > Naming Conventions. Click . 3. Beside Parent hierarchy, click Browse to specify a target <unit>. 4. Click Copy From to select a source <unit>. 5. In the dialog box Copy Naming Conventions From, expand the plant hierarchy and select a source <unit> from which you want to copy the naming conventions. 6. Click OK to return to the dialog box where you can view the naming conventions you copied. 7. In the Naming Conventions dialog box, click Apply and then Close.

See Also
Log on as Domain Administrator (on page 68)

Document Number Naming Convention Examples

In SmartPlant Instrumentation, it is possible to assign a document number to a process data, dimensional data, or calculation sheet, item specification, loop drawing, or panel- strip report. In the Administration module, you can define a document number naming convention individually for each document type available in SmartPlant Instrumentation. On the Naming Conventions dialog box, the document types appear in the Convention list, in parenthesis beside the Document Number string. This topic provides examples of document number naming conventions for instrument specifications and loop drawings. To set the software to update document numbers when renaming instruments in SmartPlant Instrumentation, your document number naming conventions must include instrument naming convention segments that users can rename.

Segment Definition Example for the Instrument Specification Document Number

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration Implementation Example in SmartPlant Instrumentation

The following example shows a spec document number in the Domain Explorer. The software created this number according to the naming convention that you defined. After you set the appropriate instrument type profiles to include specification data, the software applies the convention when you do any of the following: Create a new instrument specification the software displays the document number automatically in the New Specification dialog box. Edit properties of an existing loop or tag, and then, on the Tag Number Properties dialog box, select the Update document numbers check box.

Segment Definition Example for the Loop Drawing Document Number

Implementation Example in SmartPlant Instrumentation

The following example shows a loop drawing document number in the Loop Drawing List dialog box, which displays various properties of loop drawings that you can generate . The software created this number according to the naming convention that you defined. The software applies the convention when you do any of the following: Create a new loop the software assigns automatically the document number to the drawing that you can generate for the loop. Edit properties of an existing loop, and on the Loop Number Properties dialog box, select the Update document numbers check box.

If you do not define a naming convention for instrument specification document numbers, the software creates the default document number <tag number>-SP.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

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If you do not define a naming convention for calculation sheet document numbers, the software creates the default document number <tag number>-CL. If you do not define a naming convention for process data sheet document numbers, the software creates the default document number <tag number>-PD. If you do not define a naming convention for document numbers of dimensional data sheets, the software creates the default document number <tag number>-DDP. If you do not define a naming convention for loop drawing document numbers, the software creates the default document number LD <loop number>. For other documents, the software only creates document numbers when naming conventions exist. In SmartPlant Instrumentation, it is always possible to change the document number associated with a particular document, for example, on the Revisions dialog box. If needed, when editing properties of a tag or loop number, you can update the document number for the associated documents. In this case, the software assigns document numbers according to the document number naming conventions.

Unlike user-defined naming conventions, default naming conventions of document numbers cannot be updated automatically in SmartPlant Instrumentation when users rename instruments. Suppose you want to rename a tag number FT-100 to FT-101 and the source tag has a spec FT- 100-SP. After renaming, the default document number of the renamed instrument specification remains as FT-100-SP, even though this number contains the 100 segment, which was renamed for the instrument.

Generate Naming Convention Reports

With the Domain Administration window open, click Report > Naming Convention.

Wire End Naming Conventions

SmartPlant Instrumentation users can assign a wire end naming convention to the ends of one or more wires belonging to a cable. A convention can consist of free segments as well as segments that designate properties of certain wiring items. A convention can also have separators between segments. The total length of a wire end naming convention can be up to 50 characters. The Domain Administrator is responsible for defining and managing wire end naming conventions. Also, the Domain Administrator has rights to enable or disable the use of the wire end naming conventions in the Wiring module. To enable the definition of wire end naming conventions, start the Administration module as the Domain Administrator and then with the Domain Administration window open, click Activities > Wire End Naming Conventions. On the Wire End Naming Conventions dialog box, you must select the Enable using wire end naming conventions check box, to enable the definition of wire end naming conventions.

See Also
Domain Administration Common Tasks (on page 117)

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration

Wire End Naming Conventions Common Tasks

The following tasks are used when you need to access the Administration module.

Enable the Use of Wire End Naming Conventions

Use this procedure to allow users to assign naming conventions to wire ends in the Wiring module. For more information, see Enable the Use of Wire End Naming Conventions (on page 180).

Define Wire End Naming Conventions

You can use this procedure to define new wire end naming conventions. For more information, see Define Wire End Naming Conventions (on page 180).

Duplicate Wire End Naming Conventions

This procedure describes how to duplicate wire end naming conventions. For more information, see Duplicate Wire End Naming Conventions (on page 181).

Modify Wire End Naming Conventions

You can use this procedure to modify wire end naming conventions. For more information, see Modify Wire End Naming Conventions (on page 182).

Delete Wire End Naming Conventions

This option you to delete wire end naming conventions. For more information, see Delete Wire End Naming Conventions (on page 182).

Enable the Use of Wire End Naming Conventions

With the Wire End Naming Conventions dialog box open, select Enable using wire end naming conventions.

Define Wire End Naming Conventions

1. In the Wire End Naming Conventions dialog box, click New. 2. In the Wire End Naming Convention Properties (New) dialog box, under Convention, type a unique name. 3. Under Description, type a description, if needed. 4. Click Add to add a new row in the data window. 5. Under Segment definitions, in the data window, select a segment from the list. A segment can be either free or can designate properties of certain wiring items. If you select a free segment as part of a naming convention, in the Wiring module, SmartPlant Instrumentation users can type any string up to the length allocated for the free segment. 6. To determine all or part of the naming convention string by the actual name of the item that appears in the segment that you selected under Trim Trailing Spaces, select the check box.


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7. To define the start position and length of segments, under Start accept or modify the value that designates the starting character in the segment from which the segment appears in the naming convention. 8. Under Length, accept or modify the default number of characters allocated for the selected segment string in the naming convention (starting from the position defined in the Start box). When you select a segment, the software automatically displays the maximum length that can be used for the segment. If the total length exceeds the maximum permitted value of 50 characters, the software automatically truncates the number of characters in the segment to maintain the permitted total length or displays a message if the total length of the segment has already reached the maximum value. 9. If you need to define a separator between the segments in the naming convention string, in the Separator column, type separator characters (up to 30 characters of any kind). 10. Repeat steps 4 through 9 for each segment that you want to define. You can change the sequence of segments in the naming convention using the Up and Down buttons. The Sample box shows a preview of the naming convention. The value that appears in the Total length box represents the total value of characters in the naming convention segments, including the separator characters. All naming convention strings can have a maximum length of 50 characters. 11. Select Remove spaces from wire end names if you defined your naming convention in any of the following ways: You used a naming convention segment that includes spaces, for example, panel name 101-FT -200. You increased the default length of a segment. For example, if the default segment length is 20 characters and you changed it to 30 characters, the software automatically adds the additional characters to the naming convention as trailing spaces, provided that the entire naming convention does not exceed 50 characters. 12. Click OK.

Duplicate Wire End Naming Conventions

1. In the Wire End Naming Conventions dialog box, select a naming convention to be used as a source. 2. Click Duplicate. 3. In the Wire End Naming Convention Properties (Duplicate) dialog box, type a unique name for the target convention. You can modify any existing segment definitions as you need. These settings only apply to the target naming convention.

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Modify Wire End Naming Conventions

1. In the Wire End Naming Conventions dialog box, select a naming convention. 2. Click Properties. 3. In the Wire End Naming Convention Properties dialog box, modify the settings as you need. If the convention is already in use in SmartPlant Instrumentation, you can modify only the convention name and description.

Delete Wire End Naming Conventions

1. In the Wire End Naming Conventions dialog box, select a naming convention. 2. Click Delete. You can delete only those conventions that are not in use in SmartPlant Instrumentation.

Access Rights
One of the key roles of the Domain Administrator is to define user access rights. In an owner operator, domain, access rights are also defined at the level of individual projects. To grant access rights to each SmartPlant Instrumentation user group, the Domain Administrator chooses the items and activities, and the level of access granted. When the domain type is Owner operator, in a project, access rights granted on the domain level do not apply. If you want to grant access rights to a group assigned to a project, you must also assign this group to As-Built. For the description of the items and activities, see Access Rights Descriptions (on page 184). In SmartPlant Instrumentation, items (for example, tags, cables, loops, and so forth) and activities (for example, modules) are defined on a specific level: highest or lowest plant hierarchy level (for example, plant or unit), or on the level of the entire domain. When data is defined on a specified level, it contains data which is unique on the specified level. For example: The cable item type is defined per <plant>. This means that any cable data is described in the current domain on the <plant> level. This is so because tag numbers associated with wiring can propagate to more than one <unit> or <area>. On each level you can grant to a group one of the following access rights: Full users in the corresponding group can add, delete, and update the data of the selected item type. Modify users in the corresponding group can only add or update the data of the selected item type (deletion is prohibited). View Only users in the corresponding group can only view the data of the selected item type without being able to modify it. Access Denied users in the corresponding group cannot access the data of the selected item type. If you assign a user to more than one group, you can specify whether to grant maximum or minimum access rights for that user over all the groups, by respectively selecting or clearing Grant maximum access rights.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

Access Rights Common Tasks

The Domain Administrator can perform the following tasks to define and manage access rights:

Access Rights Descriptions

This topic describes the items and activities for which the Domain Administrator can grant access rights. For more information, see Access Rights Descriptions (on page 184).

Grant Access Rights for Selected Items or Activities

This option enables the Domain Administrator to grant access rights for selected items/activities to a specific group. For more information, see Grant Access Rights for Selected Items or Activities (on page 192).

Grant the Same Access Rights for All Items

This option allows the Domain Administrator to grant the same access right to a group of users on a specified level of the plant hierarchy in the current domain. The Domain Administrator can also grant the same access rights to all user groups on a specified level. If you select the plant or unit level, you can also grant the same access rights to all plants or units or only to the selected plant or unit. The selected access right mode will then apply to the selected user group or to all the user groups in the current domain. For more information, see Grant the Same Access Rights for All Items (on page 193).

Copy Access Rights

The Domain Administrator can use this procedure to copy access rights from a source group to a target group for SmartPlant Instrumentation items at the required level. The Domain Administrator can copy access rights at a domain level, at the highest level of the plant hierarchy, or at the lowest level of the plant hierarchy. In an owner operator domain, the Domain Administrator can only copy access rights from one project to another. For more information, see Copy Access Rights (on page 195).

Workflow Access Rights

In addition to defining access rights at the module level, you can also define access rights at the level of individual instrument tags for use with the workflow option. For more information, see Workflow Access Rights (on page 194).

View the Items in the Current Domain

This option enables you to open the Items pop-up window to view the items in the current domain and the levels on which they are defined. Only those items for which you can grant access rights are displayed. Note that you cannot edit the displayed item data. For more information, see View the Items in the Current Domain (on page 195).

Generate Access Rights Report

You can generate a report that displays access rights granted to user groups that you select. You can either generate a report on a specific plant hierarchy level or on the domain level, or on all levels. For more information, see Generate Access Rights Report (on page 195).

See Also
Domain Administration Common Tasks (on page 117)

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Domain and Project Administration

Access Rights Descriptions

The following table describes the items and activities for which the Domain Administrator can grant access rights. The Parent column displays an access right entry whose setting overrides the setting defined for the current item type or activity. All access rights that apply at the module level automatically apply to the appropriate options available in the Domain Explorer. For example, the entry Instrument Index Module Access is the parent of Tag Definition. If the Tag Definition access right definition is Full, and the Instrument Index Module Access is Access Denied, you cannot create, modify, or delete tag numbers in the Instrument Index module. Item or Activity Access Rights Management Add-Ins Description Manage access rights for the current domain (Domain Administrator activity). Access rights for the add-in options available in the current domain, that is, importing catalogues, browser views, system interfaces, external libraries, and so forth. Level Domain Domain Parent

Administration Reports

Access rights for various reports that can be Domain generated in the Administration module. Domain

Assign Groups to Access rights for the assignment of user Projects groups to As- Built and projects existing in the owner operator domain (Domain Administrator or Project Administrator activity). Assign Users to Groups

Access rights for the assignment of users to Domain groups. (Domain Administrator activity, or Project Administrator activity when the domain type is Owner operator). Access rights for the Automatic Cross-Wiring feature in the Wiring module. Plant Wiring Module Access

Auto Cross Wiring Auto Wiring Binder Package Deletion Browser Buffer Use Browser Manager

Access rights for the auto wiring tasks in the Plant Wring module. Access rights to delete binder packages in the Document Binder module. Access rights to copy to and paste data from a browser buffer in any browser view. Plant Unit

Access rights for the Browser Plant Manager. Users with View Only access rights can expand browser groups, display filter, sort, and style settings, and open a browser view. Users with the Access Denied setting can only expand browser groups, and then select and open a browser view.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

Item or Activity Browser Manager Filter Browser Manager Sort Browser Manager Style Browser Manager Style Headers Browser Module Access Browser User Name, Change Date Cable Routing and Drums Description Access rights for the Filter options in the Browser Manager. Access rights for the Sort options in the Browser Manager. Access rights for the Style options in the Browser Manager. Access rights for the Style Headers option in the Browser Manager. Access rights for the Browser module. Level Plant Plant Plant Plant Parent


Access rights to include the User Name and Unit Change Date fields in a browser view. Access rights for the Wiring module Associations menu commands related to cable routing and cable drum, and for the appropriate supporting tables accessible on the Tables of the Wiring module. These access rights do not apply to the Cable Routing Options command available on the Associations menu. Access rights for Cable Routing Options command available on the Associations menu of the Wiring module. Access rights to perform calculations. To enable calculations, set this option to Full (Add / Delete / Update) and the 'Calculation Module Access' option to Full (Add / Delete / Update) or Modify (Add / Update). Access rights for the Calculation module. Access rights for editing data in the Calibration History window of the Calibration module. To grant full access rights, under Mode in the Item or activity section of the Access Rights window, select Full (Add / Delete / Update). To grant view-only access rights, select View Only. Note that the Modify (Add / Update) option functions as full, while the Access Denied option functions as view- only. Plant

Cable Routing Options Command Calculation Activities



Calculation Module Access

Calculation Module Access Calibration History Editing

Unit Unit Calib. Options & Maint. Events

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Domain and Project Administration

Item or Activity Description Level Unit Parent Calib. Options & Maint. Events

Calib. & Maint. Access rights for the calibration supervisor Event Supervisor activities in the Calibration module and for completing and deleting maintenance even records in the Instruments folder of the Domain Explorer. Calib. Options & Maint. Events

Access rights for the Calibration module and Unit for creating and editing maintenance event records in the Instruments folder of the Domain Explorer. Access rights to modify calibration results or Unit enter calibration data. Access rights for claiming items from SmartPlant Instrumentation when the domain type is Owner operator. These access rights do not apply to claiming options available in the Administration module. Access rights for the Clear Locking option on the DBA menu (Oracle and SQL Server only). Domain Calib. Options & Maint. Events

Calibration Result Modif. Claim Items for Project

Clear Locking


Connection Type Access rights for the definition of connection Plant types in the Wiring module. Construction Module Access Construction Revision Cables Construction Revision - Instr. Access rights for the Construction module. Access rights to define Formal Issue for project cables in the Construction module. Access rights to define Formal Issue for project instruments in the Construction module. Unit Plant

Wiring Module Access

Construction Module Access Construction Module Access Construction Module Access Construction Module Access Construction Module Access


Access rights to define Formal Issue for Construction Revision - Panels project panels in the Construction module. Construction Revision - Wires Construction Supporting Tables Control System Tag Operations


Access rights to define Formal Issue for the Plant project wires in the Construction module. Access rights for the Construction module supporting tables. Domain

Access rights for all I/O assignment options Plant in the Wiring module and also for modifying information associated with control system tags in the Instrument Index module.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

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Item or Activity Custom Field Definition DDP Module Supporting Tables Define User Groups DeltaV Data Dimensional Data Module Access Description Access rights for the Custom Fields option in the Domain Administration window (Domain Administrator activity). Access rights for the Dimensional Data for Piping module supporting tables. Access rights for the Group option in the Domain Administration window. Access rights for the DeltaV interface options. Access rights for the Dimensional Data for Piping module. Level Domain Parent


Dimensional Data Module Access

Domain Domain Unit

Document Binder Access rights for the Document Binder Module Access module. Domain Definition Notes Drawing Block Management Access rights for the Notes section in the Domain Definition window - Domain Administrator activity. Access rights to create block types and group CAD drawing blocks in these block types.

Plant Domain


Loop Drawings Module Access

Enhanced Report Access rights for changes to enhanced Chg. (Layout) reports at the layout level (macro attributes, redlining). Enhanced reports are reports generated by the Enhanced Report Utility. Enhanced Report Access rights for changes to enhanced Chg. (Report) reports at the report level (repositioning of drawing objects, SmartText, redlining). Enhanced reports are reports generated by the Enhanced Report Utility.



Access rights for the Equipment supporting Plant Equipment Supporting Table table in the Instrument Index module. Field Personnel Access rights for the Field Personnel Profile option in the Domain Administration window. Access rights for managing form data templates in the Specifications module. Access rights to manage global revisions using the options of the Global Revisions dialog box. Access rights to create, edit, or modify hook-ups in the Domain Explorer. Domain

Form Data Template Global Revision Management Hook-Up Definition

Domain Unit


Hook-Ups Module Access

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration

Item or Activity Hook-Up Item Management Description Access rights to create and manage hook-up items in the Reference Explorer and to associate hook-up items with hookups. These access rights also apply when you create and manage item manufacturers on the Tables menu of the Hook-Ups module. Access rights for the Hook-Ups module. Access rights for the Import utility. Access rights for the Installation Index Manager in the Construction module. Level Plant Parent Hook-Ups Module Access

Hook-Ups Module Access Import Utility Access Install. Index Manager Instr. Index Supporting Tables

Unit Domain Domain Instrument Index Module Access

Access rights for the Instrument Index Domain module supporting tables that allow you to modify information associated with tag numbers. These access rights also apply to typical loop management. These access rights do not apply to the supporting tables Lines, P&ID, and Equipment. Access rights for the Instrument Index module. Unit

Instrument Index Module Access Instrumentation Workflow Flag

Access rights to define selected users as Unit instrumentation engineers who will work in the workflow mode provided that the System Administrator has selected the Instrument/Process Data Workflow check box in the Domain Definition window. Access rights for intrinsic safety definition in the Wiring module. Access rights to create, edit, or modify lines in the Instrument Index and Process Data modules. Access rights for the domain logo definition (Domain Administrator activity), or a project log definition if the domain type is Owner operator. Access rights to connect to an external macro source and use external macros during loop drawing generation. Access rights to create, modify, or delete a loop number in the Instrument Index module. Plant Plant Wiring Module Access

Intrinsic Safety Definition Line Definition

Logo Definition


Loop - External Macro Source Loop Definition


Loop Drawings Module Access Instrument Index Module Access



SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

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Item or Activity Loop Drawings Module Access Description Access rights for the Loop Drawings module. Level Unit Domain Parent

Macro Definitions Access rights for managing macro definitions for loop drawings and hook- up drawings. Maintenance Module Access Maintenance Supporting Tables Management of Local Revisions Access rights for the Maintenance module. Access rights for modifying information associated with the Maintenance module supporting tables. Access rights for adding, updating, and deleting revisions in a Revisions dialog box. These access rights do not apply to revision management options available in the Global Revisions dialog box. Access rights for defining and managing item naming conventions (Domain Administrator activity). Access rights for the P&ID drawing number supporting table in the Instrument Index module. Access rights for managing cables in the Domain Explorer.

Unit Plant Maintenance Module Access


Naming Convention Definition P&ID Supporting Table Plant Cable Management Plant Hierarchy Management Plant Panel Management Plant Owner Definition Prevent. Maint. Supervisor Prevent. Maint. Technician




Wiring Module Access

Access rights for creating and managing Domain plant hierarchy items in the Plant Hierarchy Explorer (Domain Administrator activity). Access rights for managing panels in the Domain Explorer. Access rights for the Owner option in the Domain Definition window - Domain Administrator activity. Access rights for the Preventive Maintenance supervisor activities in the Maintenance module. Access rights for the Preventive Maintenance technician activities in the Maintenance module. Plant Domain Wiring Module Access


Maintenance Module Access Maintenance Module Access


Process Data Access rights to change process data Change in Specs values in an instrument specification. (Specifications module.) Process Data Definition Access rights to create, modify, or delete a process data sheet.



Process Data Module Access

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration

Item or Activity Process Data Module Access Process Data Supporting Tables Process Data Workflow Flag Description Access rights for the Process Data module. Level Unit Process Data Module Access Parent

Access rights for the Process Data module Domain supporting tables, that is, Cases, Insulation Types, Pipe/Orifice Materials, and Fluid Components. Access rights to define selected users as Unit process engineers who will work in the workflow mode provided that the System Administrator has selected the Instrument/Process Data Workflow check box in the Domain Definition window.

Project Definition Access rights that apply to all activities that Domain you can perform on the Project Activities dialog box in the Administration module. For example, project creation, scope definition, tag and loop number reservation, merging items with As-Built, and so forth. These access rights also apply when claiming or merging items using the command line parameters. Publish Access rights for publishing documents. Plant Domain Domain

Reference Cable Access rights for managing reference cables in the Reference Explorer. Management Reference Panel Management SmartPlant Registration Access rights for managing reference panels in the Reference Explorer.

Access rights that enable the Domain Domain Administrator to register plants. This option enables or disables the Register menu command on the SmartPlant menu on the Domain Administration window menu bar. Access rights for the Repair Maintenance supervisor activities in the Maintenance module. Access rights for retrieving documents. Access rights for the Repair Maintenance technician activities in the Maintenance module. Unit Maintenance Module Access

Repair Supervisor Retrieve Repair Technician

Plant Unit Maintenance Module Access

Revision Deletion Access right to delete saved revisions. SAP Interface Access Access rights for the SAP interface.

Unit Domain


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

Item or Activity Segment- Wide Parameters Fieldbus Segments SP Electrical Interface Specification Definition Specification Form Access Specifications Module Access Tag Category Definition Tag Definition Telecom Panel Management Telecom Supporting Tables To Do List Unit of Measure Definition Description Access rights for creation of segment-wide parameter profiles of fieldbus items in the Wiring module. Access rights for creating and managing fieldbus items in the Fieldbus Segments folder of the Domain Explorer. Access rights for SmartPlant Electrical interface options. Access rights to create, modify, or delete item specifications. Access rights to create, delete, or modify specification forms in the Specifications module. Access rights for the Specifications module. Access rights for the Tag Category feature in the Instrument Index module. Access rights to create, modify, or delete tag numbers. Access rights for the creation, deletion, and editing of telecom panels in the Domain Explorer and Reference Explorer. Access rights for the telecom supporting tables in the Wiring module. Level Unit Parent


Wiring Module Access

Unit Unit Domain Specifications Module Access

Unit Domain Unit Plant Instrument Index Module Access


Access rights for running tasks in the To Do Domain List after retrieving a document. Access rights for the options available in the Domain Units of Measure and Accuracy dialog box in SmartPlant Instrumentation. Domain

Update Statistics Access rights for the Update Statistics option on the DBA menu (System (Oracle) Administrator activity). Wire Group Wiring Connections Access rights for signal re- propagation. Access rights for the connection options in the Wiring module, including batch connection and cross-wiring.

Plant Plant

Wiring Module Access Wiring Module Access

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration

Item or Activity Wiring Module Access Description Level Parent

Access rights for the Wiring module. These Unit access rights also disable various wiring options that you can access from without the Wiring module, for example, when right-clicking an instrument in the Browser View window of the Instrument Index module. Access rights for wiring supporting tables accessed using the Tables menu of the Wiring module. These rights do not affect telecom, cable routing and cable drum options available on the Tables menu. Access rights for the Work Request supervisor activities in the Maintenance module. Access rights for the Work Request technician activities in the Maintenance module. Domain Wiring Module Access

Wiring Supporting Tables

Work Request Supervisor Work Request Technician


Maintenance Module Access Maintenance Module Access


Grant Access Rights for Selected Items or Activities

This topic describes the process in which the Domain Administrator grants access rights for selected items/activities to a specific group. Unit access rights are granted per unit and if you are logged to one unit, the access rights of any unit other than the one you are currently logged to (accessed unit) are limited to View Only or Access Denied. This regards the accessed unit's Process Data, Specifications, and Calculation documents. If the accessed unit's documents access rights were defined as either Full, Modify, or View Only your access will be limited to View Only. When the accessed unit's documents access rights were defined as Access Denied your access rights will also be defined as Access Denied. To change the status of the accessed unit rights, log to the accessed unit to change its access rights as desired. 1. With the Domain Administration window open, do one of the following: Click File > Domain Definition. Click . 2. In the Domain Definition window, do one of the following: Click Options > Access Rights. Click . 3. In the Access Rights dialog box, in the Group list pane, select the desired user group for which you want to define access rights. 4. Double-click the group to expand the tree. 5. Select the level at which you want to grant access rights ( Domain level, Plant level, or Unit level). If selecting at the plant or unit level, expand the tree further to select a specific plant or unit.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

6. In the Item or activity pane, click the Mode field next to the desired item or activity in the Name column to open a list of available modes of access rights. 7. Select the required access rights mode from one of the following: Full (Add / Delete / Update) Modify (Add / Update) View Only Access Denied 8. Repeat steps 5 through 7 to grant access rights to the same group for another item or activity. Repeat steps 3 through 7 grant access rights to another group for the required item or activity. 9. Click to save your selection to the database. Certain items or activities at the domain level relate to Domain Administration. The access rights mode for these items is set for all users to Access Denied by default. The Domain Administrator always has full access rights to these items, regardless of the access rights mode set for them in the group to which the Domain Administrator belongs.

Grant the Same Access Rights for All Items

1. With the Domain Definition window open, do one of the following: Click Options > Access Rights. Click . 2. Do one of the following: Click Options > Global Access Rights. Click . 3. In the Global Access Rights dialog box, in the Access mode list, select the access mode that you require. 4. From the Group name list, select a user group to which you want to apply the access rights. To apply the access rights to all the groups, select All. 5. To choose the level at which the software grants access rights, select the appropriate Enable item selection check boxes. At the Domain level, you can grant the selected access rights for all the items at the domain level for the current domain. At the <Plant> level, you can grant the selected access rights for all the items at the <plant> level for a selected <plant>, or for all <plants> in the domain. At the <Unit> level, you can grant the selected access rights for all the items at the <unit> level for a selected <unit>, or for all <units> in the domain. 6. If you selected the <Plant> or <Unit> level, from the <Plant> an <Unit> lists, select as specific <plant> or <unit>. To apply the access rights an entire plant hierarchy level, from the <Plant> or <Unit> lists, select All. The labels <Plant> and <Unit> change dynamically according to your highest and lowest plant hierarchy level definitions. 7. From the Item or activity list, make a selection.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration

To apply the access rights to all the items at a particular level, from the Item or activity list, select All. 8. Click Apply. 9. Repeat steps 3 through 7 for each item or activity whose access rights you want to define. 10. Close the Global Access Rights dialog box and then, in the Access Rights window, click . You can also modify any selections you make in the Access Rights window.

Workflow Access Rights

Workflow can only be implemented in SmartPlant Instrumentation after being enabled by your System Administrator. 1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. Define two engineering groups, one for instrumentation, and one for process data with their users. 3. With the System Administration window open, do one of the following to open the Domain Definition window: Click File > Domain Definition. Click .

4. Click to open the Access Rights window. 5. Select the instrument engineering group in the left area and expand the tree by double-clicking it. 6. Double-click the Unit level icon to expand the list of units and select the unit where you want to grant workflow access. 7. From the Name column, select Instrumentation Workflow Flag. 8. From the Mode column, select Full (Add / Delete / Update). 9. From the Name column, select Process Data Workflow Flag. 10. From the Mode column, select Access Denied. 11. Select the process engineering group in the left area and expand the tree by double-clicking it. 12. Double-click the Unit level icon to expand the list of units and select the required unit where you want to grant access. 13. From the Name column, select Process Data Workflow Flag. 14. From the Mode column, select Full (Add / Delete / Update). 15. From the Name column, select Instrumentation Workflow Flag. 16. In the Mode column, select Access Denied. 17. When done, do one of the following: Click Options > Save. Click .


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

Copy Access Rights

1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator for the required domain. 2. On the Domain Definition toolbar, click to open the Access Rights window.

3. On the Access Rights window toolbar, click to open the Copy Access Rights dialog box. 4. Under Project and group selection, select source and target groups. If the domain is an owner operator domain, select source and target projects before selecting groups. To copy access rights within one project, from the Source project and Target project lists, select the same project. Under Access rights level, do the following: Select a check box to specify the level at which you want to copy access rights. According to your level selection, select source and target domains, highest plant hierarchy level items, or lowest plant hierarchy level items. Click Apply.

5. 6. 7. 8.

View the Items in the Current Domain

With the Access Rights window open, do one of the following: On the menu bar, click Options > Items. On the toolbar, click .

Generate Access Rights Report

1. With the Domain Administration window open, on the Reports menu, click Access Rights. 2. Do one of the following: To generate a report on all levels of the plant hierarchy, on the domain level, and, if the domain type is Owner operator, on the project level, click the All Levels tab. To generate a report on a specific level, click any tab other that All Levels. 3. Under Group Name, select user groups that you want to include in the Access Rights report.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration

Preferences Management
The software allows the Domain Administrator to manage SmartPlant Instrumentation preferences in the current domain, or in As-Built and projects in an owner operator domain.

Managing Preferences Common Tasks

The Domain Administrator can perform the following tasks when managing preferences:

Set Domain Preferences

This option enables the Domain Administrator to set SmartPlant Instrumentation preferences in the current domain. By setting domain preferences you determine which preferences can be set by individual users and which preferences become default preferences that are shared by all users and cannot be modified in SmartPlant Instrumentation. For more information, see Set Domain Preferences (on page 197).

Set Project Preferences

This option enables the Domain Administrator to set SmartPlant Instrumentation preferences in As-Built and projects in your owner operator domain. By setting project preferences you determine which preferences can be set by individual users and which preferences become default preferences that are shared by all users and cannot be modified in SmartPlant Instrumentation. For more information, see Set Project Preferences (on page 197).

Copy Project Preferences

This option enables the Domain Administrator to copy preferences from one project to one or more projects at a time, within your owner operator domain. Also, you can copy the default preference settings that you have defined in the Preferences Management dialog box. For more information, see Copy Project Preferences (on page 198).

Export Preferences
Use this procedure to export domain preferences (or project preferences when the domain type is Owner operator) to an external .dmp file. For more information, see Export Preferences (on page 198).

Import Preferences
Use this procedure to import preferences from an external .dmp file to the current domain or a specific project if the domain type is Owner operator. For more information, see Import Preferences (on page 199).

See Also
Domain Administration Common Tasks (on page 117)


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

Set Domain Preferences

1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, click Activities > Preferences Management. 3. Click the tabs in the Preferences Management dialog box to define various default preference settings. To learn more about SmartPlant Instrumentation module preferences, click Help in the in the Preferences Management dialog box on the appropriate tabs. 4. Click Advanced. 5. On the Advanced Domain Preferences dialog box, for the preferences that you modified and want to set as default, clear the Enabled check box. Clearing the Enabled check box for a particular option prevents new and existing users from modifying this preference in SmartPlant Instrumentation. Selecting Enable all allows you to make all the domain preferences available for customization in SmartPlant Instrumentation.

We recommend that you do not disable the temporary folder path option. This is because in the temporary folder, the software creates temporary files during various activities that users perform in SmartPlant Instrumentation, for example, when creating specifications, generating CAD drawings, hook-up drawings, reports, and so forth. If you prevent users from specifying individual temporary folder paths, the temporary folder path becomes shared among several users. This can cause problems with data display when users perform the same activity at the same time, for example, when creating two specifications at the same time. 6. Click OK to save the settings and close the Advanced Domain Preferences dialog box.

Set Project Preferences

1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, click Activities > Preferences Management. 3. On the Preferences Management dialog box, select a project, from the Project list. If you have not created any projects yet, select the DEFAULT PREFERENCES option from the Project list and set the default preferences, which the software then copies automatically to every project that you create. 4. Click the tabs on the Preferences Management dialog box to define various preference settings. To learn more about SmartPlant Instrumentation module preferences, click Help in the in the Preferences Management dialog box on the appropriate tabs. 5. Click Advanced. 6. On the Advanced Project Preferences dialog box, for the preferences that you modified and want to set as default, clear the Enabled check box. Clearing the Enabled check box for a particular option prevents project users from modifying this preference in SmartPlant Instrumentation.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration

Selecting Enable all allows you to make all the project preferences available for customization in SmartPlant Instrumentation. 7. Click OK to save the settings and close the Advanced Project Preferences dialog box.

Copy Project Preferences

1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, click Activities > Preferences Management. 3. On the Preferences Management dialog box, from the Project list, select a project. You can also select the DEFAULT PREFERENCES option from the Project list and set the default preferences which you can use when copying preferences to existing projects or As-Built. When you create a new project, it automatically receives the default preferences. Click Advanced. On the Advanced Project Preferences dialog box, do the following: To allow users to set a preference for a SmartPlant Instrumentation option in the current project, select Enabled next to the appropriate preference option. To prevent users from setting a preference for a SmartPlant Instrumentation option in the current project, clear the Enabled check box next to the appropriate option. Select the Enable all check box to make all the preference options available for customization in the current project. Do one of the following: Copy To to copy the current project preferences to other projects in the owner operator domain. Copy From to overwrite the preferences in the project you have selected in the Preferences Management dialog box. Click Copy. Click OK to save the settings and close the Advanced Project Preferences dialog box.

4. 5.


7. 8.

Export Preferences
1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, click Activities > Preferences Management. 3. If the domain type is Owner operator, from the Project list, select a source project. 4. Click Export. 5. On the dialog box that opens, enter the name of the target .dmp file, and then, click Save to export the current preferences to the .dmp file. It is only possible to export preferences to a .dmp file. In the created .dmp file, you can modify preferences as you require, and then, import them to a domain or project residing in another database.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

Import Preferences
1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, click Activities > Preferences Management. 3. If the domain type is Owner operator, from the Project list, select a target project. 4. Click Import. 5. On the dialog box that opens, select the .dmp file that contains previously exported preferences, and then, click Open. 6. On the Preferences Management dialog box, click OK to save the settings.

Report Management
The Domain Administrator can manage SmartPlant Instrumentation reports. This activity involves associating a customized title block with a report, and setting archiving options for report comparison within the SmartPlant Instrumentation environment. Using these options, you manage all the available reports in most of SmartPlant Instrumentation modules. When managing reports, you filter and sort the report data as needed. Also, you can define revision management settings. In the database, each report is assigned to the report type, which can be list or non-list. The report type determines how SmartPlant Instrumentation users can manage revisions created for a specific report, for an item, or a group of items. For list-type reports, the Domain Administrator can enable users to manage revisions either per document or per item. In accordance with the revision management setting, users can either create a revision whose document number and revision number become shared for a specific item and for reports generated for that item (when the setting is per-item), or create a unique revision for a particular report (when the setting is per-document).

Report Management Common Tasks

The Domain Administrator can perform the following tasks when managing reports:

Associate a New Title Block with a Report

The Domain Administrator can associate a default title block supplied with SmartPlant Instrumentation, or a custom title block created in InfoMaker and added to SmartPlant Instrumentation using the options in the Title Blocks dialog box (this dialog box is only accessible from SmartPlant Instrumentation). The software filters the title blocks that you can associate with a certain report according to the report units of measure (PB units or inches). For more information, see Associate a New Title Block with a Report (on page 200).

Set Archiving Options for Report Comparison

This feature allows the Domain Administrator to set archiving options for SmartPlant Instrumentation reports. A revision archive enables users to view a backup copy of a report with the information contained in that report at the time of revision. Users can compare an archived report with a previewed report or with another archived report.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration

You set an archiving option for each report. This way you determine how users save report revisions, and from what source the software retrieves the archived report revisions for report comparison. For more information, see Set Archiving Options for Report Comparison (on page 202).

Define Report Revision Management Settings

For most reports, revision management setting are set automatically and fixed in the database. However, for certain non-list-type reports, using the options in the Report Management dialog box, the Domain Administrator can change the revision management setting. When the domain type is Owner operator domain, you can only change the revision management settings for reports available in As-Built. For more information, see Define Report Revision Management Settings (on page 203).

See Also
Domain Administration Common Tasks (on page 117)

Associate a New Title Block with a Report

1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, click Activities > Report Management. In the Report Management dialog box, sort and filter the report data if needed. 3. Select the Title Block check box for each report want to associate with a title block. 4. From the Title Block Customization list, select a title block for each relevant report. For details on the available title blocks, see Title Block Descriptions (on page 200). For specifications, the System Administrator has rights to select a title block assignment method when setting the domain options. If in the Report Name column, you selected Specification but the Title Block Customization column options are disabled, this means that SmartPlant Instrumentation users can associate different title blocks with specifications using the options available in the Specifications module itself (as in SmartPlant Instrumentation versions prior to Version 7). If you want to associate a custom title block with all specifications, make sure that in the Domain Definition window, the selected custom title block assignment method is Standard (used in all modules).

See Also
Generating Reports for Merging Data Common Tasks (on page 159)

Title Block Descriptions

This topic describes the title blocks that are available in the Title Block Customization column of the Report Management window. The Domain Administrator can select the appropriate title block and assign it to a SmartPlant Instrumentation report.

Template Title Blocks

Template title blocks come shipped with SmartPlant Instrumentation. The users need to associate template title blocks with SmartPlant Instrumentation manually, as any custom title block. The default location of the template title blocks is <SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder>\Psr. After users associate the template title blocks with SmartPlant Instrumentation, they become available for selection in the Title Block Customization column of the Report Management dialog box.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

The following template title blocks are available: DEFAULT Associated by default with a SmartPlant Instrumentation report. You can use this title block in any module. Default TB with IN units This title block is the file Default TB with IN Units.psr, created using 1/1000 inch units. You can use this title block in any module. Default TB with IN units (with signed By field) This title block is the file Default TB with IN Units (with Signed By field).psr, which contains the Signed By field for revisions. This title block is created using 1/1000 inch units. You can use this title block in any module. Default TB with PB units This title block is the file Default TB with PB Units.psr, created using PowerBuilder units. This title block is not suitable for specifications. Default TB with PB units (with Signed By field) This title block is the file Default TB with PB Units (with signed By field).psr, which contains the Signed By field for revisions. This title block is created using PowerBuilder units. This title block is not suitable for specifications. Specs Default TB with PB units This title block is the file Specs Default TB with PB Units.psr, created using PowerBuilder units. This title block is only suitable for specifications, after the System Administrator, when making or modifying the current domain definitions, selects the Standard title block assignment method. If you print specs using the A4 sheet size, this title block is fully compatible with all the library forms and does not require any manual adjustments. Note, however, that if you want to print specs using the Letter sheet size, you must first modify the Specs Default TB with PB Units.psr title block in InfoMaker by reducing the title block height. Removing two revision rows from the title block is enough to make it appear correctly in a printout of any spec based on a library form.

Custom Title Blocks

These are title blocks that users created using InfoMaker, and then added to SmartPlant Instrumentation using the options in the Title Blocks dialog box. You can use custom title blocks in any module. You can assign a custom title block to a particular report only when the units of measure with which the selected title block has been created are the same as the units of measure defined for that report. Title blocks whose units of measure are different from the units of measure defined for the report do not appear in the Title Block Customization list. When creating a title block in InfoMaker, you can use either 1/1000 inch units, or PowerBuilder units. Some reports do not support custom title blocks. For these reports, the value Default appears in the Title Block Customization, and the option to select a custom title block from this list is disabled. As a basis for custom title blocks, it is recommended to use the supplied template title blocks. If in the Plant Hierarchy dialog box, you define too long names of the plant hierarchy levels (up to 50 characters are allowed), in the default title blocks, truncation may occur in the fields that display the names of the plant hierarchy levels and the specific level items. If you must use long name strings, to prevent truncation, we recommend that users create custom title blocks and provide enough room in the PLANT_NAME, AREA_NAME, and UNIT_NAME fields.

See Also
Generating Reports for Merging Data Common Tasks (on page 159)

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration

Set Archiving Options for Report Comparison

The following archiving options are available: Do not save (not available for the Document Binder module reports) Sets the software not to keep a revision archive. After saving the report revision, SmartPlant Instrumentation users cannot see the information contained in that report at the time of revision, and the report comparison is not available. Save to database Sets the software to keep a revision archive in the database. This way you eliminate the need for file sharing and management. Note, however, that this option can slow down your work. Save as File Sets the software to keep a revision archive as an external .psr file (or as an .sma file when using the Enhanced Report Utility and adding revisions to an open report, not with global revisions). Selecting this option can speed up your work. Compress as ZIP file Sets the software to keep a revision archive as an external .psr file in a compressed .zip format. This feature is useful, for example, before backing up a database when you have made a large number of report revisions. Selecting this option reduces the size of the backup database. When changing an archiving option for a Document Binder module report, the software assigns the same archiving option to all the other Document Binder reports as well. This is because in the Document Binder module, you can only create revisions for the entire binder package). You can, however, apply a different custom title block to any Document Binder module report. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. With the Domain Administration window open, click Activities > Report Management. In the Report Management dialog box, under Sort by, select one of the following options to sort the reports in the Report Name column: Report sort the reports in the data window by the report names. Module sort the reports in the data window by modules. To filter the reports by specific module, under Filter by, select a module. Select Apply to view the reports belonging to the specified module.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

To return from the filtered view to the normal view, clear the Apply check box. 6. For a specific report displayed in the Report Name column, select the desired archiving option from the list in the Archiving Options column. If you have selected the Save to database or Do not save option, skip this step. To use the Save as File, or Compress as Zip file options, you need to set an archive path (as described in the next step). 7. To define the default archive path for all the report revisions to be saved as files or compressed as .zip files, click box, and enter the required path. next to the Path field in the Default archive path group

If needed, you can define a different path for a particular report by entering the required path in the Archive Path field of the data window.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

Define Report Revision Management Settings

1. With the Domain Administration window open, click Activities > Report Management. 2. If the domain type is Owner operator, from the Project list, select As-Built. 3. In the Revision Management column, beside a non-list- type report, select one of the following settings: Setting Per Item Description Allows users to share the document number and revision in documents created for a specific item and in all reports generated for that item. This means that the document number and the revision number that users apply to an item in the item properties dialog box are the same as in a print preview of any report generated for this item. Example In the Wiring module, after creating a revision for a specific strip from the item properties dialog box, the document number and revision number are assigned to the revision opened from a print preview of any report generated for this strip (panel-strip report with or without adjacent connections, I/O assignment report, and so forth).

Per Document Allows users to apply a unique document number and revision to a specific report generated for a specific item, and also allows to make global revisions.

After creating two reports for a particular strip: a report with adjacent connections and a report without adjacent connections, the document and revision numbers of the two reports cannot be shared. Likewise, after creating two panel-strip reports for two different strips, each report has a unique document number and revision. As a result, the document number and revision added from the report print preview is different from the document number and revision added in the Revisions dialog box opened from the item properties dialog box.

A revision management setting of all list-type reports is always per document. A revision management setting of certain non-list-type reports is set permanently as per item, while for other non-list-type reports you can define the revision management setting as either per item or per document. In an owner operator domain, after you change the revision management setting from per item to per document, the report becomes available for claiming. The project Administrator can claim the document using the Project Activities dialog box options.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration

After the System Administrator initiates a domain, a number of item resources (for example, hook-up items, links, and so forth) become available in the software. These items allow you to get started with building your domain without having to create all the required items from scratch. However, these resources are rather limited and do not provide for all your needs. You can enhance your item resources by appending add-ins to your domain. Add-ins are available on purchasing the appropriate SmartPlant Instrumentation license. Contact your local SmartPlant Instrumentation dealer or Intergraph for further information.

Import Hook-Up Libraries

You can import a hook-up item library from an external database file to your database. After you import the hook-up item library, you can assign the new imported items to your existing hook-ups from the Hook-Up Item List. You can also use prepared hook-up drawings which are stored in the HOOK-UP sub-folder of your SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder. You import the required hook-up library first by connecting to a catalog database file and then by importing the required hook-up libraries to the appropriate plant in your database. You can only import the link groups that you purchased the appropriate license for. 1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, click Add-Ins > Import Hook-Up Library. 3. In the Import Hook-Up Library dialog box, under Source database, locate the database file in one of the following ways: In the File name and path box, type the path and filename of the required database file (the default file is IN_CTLOG.DB). Click Browse to navigate to the required database file. 4. Click Connect to retrieve the libraries available in the database file. If you get a message stating that the connection has failed, make sure you typed in the correct path and filename of the database file (see step 3 of this procedure). Do one of the following: Click Standard to select the library which contains standard Intergraph compatible hook-ups. Click SHELL to select the library which contains Shell International compatible hook-ups. In the Hook-up drawing path box, do one of the following: Type the drawing path for the items in the imported library (the default location is <SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder>HOOK-UP). This is useful if you dont want to type the path every you retrieve a drawing from this library. Leave the data field empty. This way you will have to type the path when retrieving each drawing. For this option, you will still be able to assign a path to the drawings in the Hook-Ups module in batch mode. In the Plant Name data window, select the name of the plant in which the appended hook-up items will be used. Click Import to append the selected hook-up item library to the database.



7. 8.

The software does not allow you to import a hook-up item library which already exists in the database. If you attempt to import such a hook-up item library, the software displays an appropriate message.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

Import System Interfaces

You can import link groups from an external database file to the SmartPlant Instrumentation database. After you import these linked groups you can use them in the Import utility to import data from external databases. You import the required external links first by connecting to a database file and then by importing the required link groups to your database. After that, you can prepare and run the links in the Import Utility. System interfaces are available for the following link groups: PDS/SmartPlant P&ID FirstVue Performance Spec #1 Performance Spec #71 Masoneilan Spec #1 Masoneilan Spec #75 1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, click Add-Ins > Import System Interfaces. 3. Under Source database, locate the database file in one of the following ways: In the File name and path box, type the path and filename of the database file In_ctlog.db. Click Browse to navigate to In_ctlog.db. 4. Click Connect to connect to the source database file. If you get a message stating that the connection has failed, make sure you typed in the correct path and filename of the database file (see step 3 of this procedure). Under the Select link group section, select one or more of the link groups to import. Locate the source path of all the links in the imported group in one of the following ways: In the Source file path data field, type the source path. Click Browse to navigate to the required source path. Clear the Import only source codes check box if it was selected. If you are importing the PDS/SmartPlant P&ID link, select or clear the Import typical instruments check box as desired. Click Import to add the selected link group to the database.

5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration

Import Browser Views

This option enables you to import predefined view profiles into your database. Once the browser views are imported into SmartPlant Instrumentation, they become available to you in the Browser module Browser Manager. You import the required views first by connecting to a database file and then by importing the required views to your database. 1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, click Add-Ins > Import Browser Views. 3. Under Source database, locate the database file in one of the following ways: In the File name and path box, type the path and filename of the required database file (the default file is IN_CTLOG.DB). Click Browse to navigate to the required database file. 4. Click Connect to retrieve the libraries available in the database file. If you get a message stating that the connection has failed, make sure you typed in the correct path and filename of the database file (see step 3 of this procedure). 5. From the Target plant list, select the plant to which you want to add the imported views. 6. Under the Select Views section, select views that you want to import. 7. Click Import to append the selected views to the database. You can import only those views for which you purchased an appropriate license.

Import DCS Hardware I/O Library Data

This option enables you import DCS hardware I/O data from the Foxboro - I/A FBMs library. 1. With the Domain Administration window open, click Add-Ins > Import DCS Hardware I/O Library. 2. Under Source database, locate the database file in one of the following ways: In the File name and path box, type the path and filename of the required database file (the default file is IN_CTLOG.DB). Click Browse to navigate to the required database file. 3. Click Connect to retrieve the Foxboro - I/A FBMs library. If you get a message stating that the connection has failed, make sure you typed in the correct path and filename of the database file (see step 3 of this procedure). 4. Under Select panel library, select Foxboro - I/A FBMs. 5. Click Import to import the process connection data to your database. The software does not allow you to import the same connection data more than once. If you attempt such an import, the software displays an appropriate message stating that the data import has failed because at least some of the connection data already exists.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

Import DDP Library Data

This option enables you to import PDS or SmartPlant 3D process connection data for the Dimensional Data for Piping (DDP) module. 1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, do one of the following: Click Add-Ins > Import DDP Library Data > From PDS. Click Add-Ins > Import DDP Library Data > From SmartPlant 3D. 3. Click Connect to retrieve the libraries available in the database file. 4. Click Import to import the process connection data to your database. You can import data from the same DDP library more than once. Only those groups, in the source file, that do not exist in the DDP module are imported.

Export Macros
This option enables you to export macros from a current SmartPlant Instrumentation database or domain to a text file. Then, from another database or domain, you import data contained in this file. Note that you can also include all the existing typical tags in the target text file. Exporting macros requires the existence of an sppid_macro component table in the source database or domain, Domain Administrator access rights, and a database target .txt file. 1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, click Add-Ins > Import/Export Macros> Export Macros. 3. In the Export Macros dialog box, click Browse. 4. In the Select file for Export dialog box, select a target .txt file from the list or create a new file. 5. Click Save to return to the Export Macros dialog box. If there are typical tags in the current source database or domain, you can select Include typical tags to export all typical tags to their target .txt files. Clearing Include typical tags results in just the loop data being exported. 6. Click OK in the Export Macros dialog box. 7. Click OK in the notification box that appears if macros have been exported successfully. 8. Click Close in the Export Macros dialog box.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration

Import Macros
This option enables you to import macros into SmartPlant Instrumentation from a predefined intermediate text file that already contains macros exported from another database or domain to the current database or domain. When importing macros, this text file serves as the source file. Note that you can also import all the typical tags that have been included in the text file. Importing macros requires the existence of an sppid_macro component table in the target database or domain, Domain Administrator access rights, and a predefined source .txt file. 1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, click Add-Ins > Import/Export Macros> Import Macros. 3. In the Import Macros dialog box, click Browse. 4. In the Select file for Export dialog box, select a .txt file from the list. 5. Click Save to return to the Export Macros dialog box. Select the Include typical tags check box to import all typical tags to the current database or domain from the source .txt file, if required. Before selecting Include typical tags, ensure that the source .txt file contains the required typical tags; otherwise, the macro import process will fail. 6. Click OK in the Import Macros dialog box. 7. Click OK in the notification box that appears if macros have been imported successfully. 8. Click Close in the Import Macros dialog box.

Import Spec Forms

This feature allows you to import spec forms into your database. After the import, these spec forms become available in the Form Editor and Page Editor in the Specifications module. You import the required spec forms first by connecting to a database file and then by importing them to your database. 1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, click Add-Ins > Import Spec Forms. 3. Under Source database, locate the database file in one of the following ways: In the File name and path box, type the path and filename of the required database file (the default file is IN_CTLOG.DB). Click Browse to navigate to the required database file. 4. Click Connect to retrieve the libraries available in the database file. If you get a message stating that the connection has failed, make sure you typed in the correct path and filename of the database file (see step 3 of this procedure). 5. In the Import group box, click Browse to set the import folder path. Make sure that the path includes the appropriate filename. 6. In the Available forms for import data window, do the following: a. Click the appropriate Select check boxes for the spec forms that you want to import. b. Under New Form, accept the displayed form number or type in a new number for the imported spec form.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

c. Under New Form Name, type the name of the new spec form that will be imported into your database.

The new spec form names and numbers must be unique in your plant. 7. Click Import to append the selected views to the database. After importing the spec forms, you must rebuild the catalog tables. Switch to System Administration and then click DBA > Rebuild catalog tables. You can import only those spec forms for which you purchased an appropriate license. In order to use these forms in SmartPlant Instrumentation, you must regenerate the specifications that are based on these forms. You can do it for a single specification page or for multiple ones in batch mode, For more information, see the SmartPlant Instrumentation Help, Specifications > Specification Pages > Regenerate a Specification Page or Regenerate Pages in Batch Mode.

Miscellaneous Domain Administration Tasks

This set of topics deals with various miscellaneous tasks that are performed by the Domain Administrator.

Define Panel Location Levels

You can define multiple levels for your panel locations. For example, you can define three levels with Building as the highest level (Level 1), Floor as the second level, and Room as the lowest level (Level 3). Then, in the Domain Explorer, users can create specific locations on any of the levels and assign panels to the locations. Panel location is defined per domain; therefore, all the panel location definitions that you make become available throughout the entire current domain. For more information, see Define Panel Location Levels (on page 210).

Assign Icons to Telecom Device Types

Use this procedure to assign icons to telecom device types available in the current domain. This way the software can indicate the telecom device type of specific device panels displayed in the Domain Explorer (or Wiring Explorer, accessible from the Wiring module). For more information, see Assign Icons to Telecom Device Types (on page 211).

Define Custom Fields

Custom fields are database fields for which the Domain Administrator defines default labels on the plant level in the Custom Fields dialog box. Custom fields enable users to define characteristics for SmartPlant Instrumentation items according to their own needs. For calibration custom fields, the user enters values in the Calibration module. If the Domain Administrator enables process data custom fields, the user can then enter values for these fields in process data sheets. For all other custom fields, the user enters values in the relevant browser views, and can also edit the default labels. For more information, see Define Custom Fields (on page 212).

Copy Custom Fields

You can copy custom field definitions from one highest plant hierarchy item to another within the same domain. When copying definitions, you can overwrite or keep the definitions that exist in the target plant hierarchy item. For more information, see Copy Custom Fields (on page 213).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration Define Custom Tables

A custom table is an additional supporting table that holds user-defined information for an instrument tag. The Domain Administrator uses this procedure to define custom tables for tag numbers at the highest level of the plant hierarchy. For each plant hierarchy item, you can define up to sixteen custom tables. Custom tables enable SmartPlant Instrumentation users to set additional attributes for tag numbers in the Instrument Index module. You can add the Name field of a custom table to a specification page. For more information, see Define Custom Tables (on page 216).

Generate Domain Administration Reports

This topic deals with the various reports that a Domain Administrator can generate. For more information, see Generate Domain Administration Reports (on page 216).

Select a Logo
You can select a .bmp format graphic file which will appear as a logo in most printed documents such as some reports and specifications. You can build a number of domains in your database, each having a different logo. In this case, when you switch to a domain, the software retrieves the logo assigned to that domain from the database. If all your domains use the same logo, you can make the logo retrieval operation faster by selecting the PROJLOGO.bmp file located in the <SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder>\Temp folder as the default source logo file for all domains in the database. This file is automatically generated by the software during the Setup process. For more information, see Select a Logo (on page 217).

Define Field Personnel Profiles

This procedure enables you to maintain a list of employees who are in-charge of carrying out the actual instrument field-maintenance. For more information, see Define Field Personnel Profiles (on page 218).

Modify Domain Notes

This topic explains how to modify your domain notes. Note that this option is available to both System and Domain Administrators. For more information, see Modify Domain Notes (on page 218).

See Also
Domain Administration (see "Domain and Project Administration" on page 117)

Define Panel Location Levels

1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. In the Domain Administration window, click Activities > Panel Location Levels. 3. For the first location level, enter a location level name and an optional separator to indicate the highest level of the hierarchy. For example, create the level Building and enter a back slash separator ( \ ). The level separators and user-defined level names appear in the Panel Properties dialog box of the Wiring module. The level separator can contain a single alphanumeric or special character.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

For a panel location name, you can use any number of alphanumeric or special characters. The name can include spaces. 4. Click Add and then enter another location level name and a separator. For example, create the level Room and enter an ampersand separator ( & ). The location level names must be unique. 5. Do one of the following: Click Add to append another row below the Room level. Select the row with the Room level and click Insert to add another row above the Room level. You can insert or delete levels only before users create panel locations on the level that you select. At any stage of your domain life cycle, you can click Add to define a new lowest level in your panel location hierarchy. If you defined three levels, for example, Building as the highest level, with separator \, Floor as the second level, with separator , and Room as the lowest level (Level 3), with separator &, in the Wiring module, in the Panel Properties dialog box, the location string appears as follows: <user-defined location name on the Building level>\<user-defined location name on the Floor level><user-defined location name on the Room level>&. The level names that you define only appear in the Domain Explorer, and do not affect specific location names that users define. Therefore, you can change the level names any time you require.

See Also
Panel Location Levels Dialog Box (on page 323)

Assign Icons to Telecom Device Types

1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, click Activities > Telecom Device Panel Icons. 3. For each telecom device type to which you want to assign an icon, beside Icon File Name and Path, click Browse to select an icon. You can only select icon files with the extension .ico. Icons that you assign will appear in SmartPlant Instrumentation instead of the default icons: for conventional device panels, and for plug-and-socket device panels. In SmartPlant Instrumentation, a new icon can only appear after a user creates a telecom tag belonging to the device type to which you have assigned the icon.

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Domain and Project Administration

Define Custom Fields

1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, do one of the following: Click Activities > Custom Fields. Click . 3. From the <Plant> list, select a <plant> in which you want to make custom field definitions. 4. From the Item type list, select a target item or data type. If you intend to use custom fields in browser views, note that custom field definitions appear as column headers. For details about the use of special characters in browser view column headers and for a list of browsers which can contain custom fields that you define per item or data type, see Browsers That Can Contain Custom Fields (on page 214). You can select a plant hierarchy level name as an item and modify the default custom field definitions for each of the twenty custom fields. A custom field definition is a label that appears in the Custom Fields tab of the Plant Hierarchy Item Properties dialog box. The default label is Custom field<number incremented from 1 to 20>. For example, if your highest plant hierarchy level is Plant, for Row Number 1, enter text My Custom Fields for PlantA. In the Custom Fields tab of the <Plant> Properties dialog box, for the first custom field, the software displays My Custom Fields for PlantA instead of the default definition Custom field 1. 5. In the data window, under Definitions, type or edit custom field labels. For each field, the Length field displays the maximum number of characters that users can specify in the field in SmartPlant Instrumentation. If needed, you can type a smaller value, and thus, decrease the maximum allowed number of characters. If from the Item type list, you selected Process Data, you can disable the use of certain custom fields by clearing check box in the Visible column. 6. Click Apply. 7. Repeat the procedure to make custom field definitions for another <plant> or for another item or data type. For process data custom fields, the values in the Number column do not correspond to the custom fields sequentially. For details, see Sequence Numbers and Process Data Custom Fields (on page 213)


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

Sequence Numbers and Process Data Custom Fields

For process data custom fields, the values in the Number column of the Custom Fields dialog box correspond to the process data sections in the Section Name column, and do not correspond to the custom fields sequentially. The following table displays correspondence of the numbers to process data custom fields. Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Custom Field PD_UDF_C05 PD_UDF_C06 PD_UDF_C09 PD_UDF_C10 PD_UDF_C11 PD_UDF_C12 PD_UDF_C07 PD_UDF_C08 PD_UDF_C01 PD_UDF_C02 PD_UDF_C03 PD_UDF_C04 PD_UDF_C13 PD_UDF_C14 PD_UDF_C15 PD_UDF_C16 PD_UDF_C17

Copy Custom Fields

1. With the Domain Administration window open, do one of the following: Click Activities > Custom Fields. 2. 3. 4. 5. Click . From the <Plant> list, select a target <plant>. Click Copy From. In the dialog box that opens, select a source <plant> and then click OK. In the Custom Fields dialog box, click Apply.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration

Browsers That Can Contain Custom Fields

You can add custom fields per item/data type for a number of the browsers that are available in the Browser module in SmartPlant Instrumentation. The following table lists item and data types that you can select in the Custom Fields dialog box, and also lists the browsers whose views can contain custom fields that you define per item type. When defining a browser view style, users can change the definitions that you make. It is not possible to display an apostrophe in a custom field header. If your definition includes an apostrophe character, this character changes in the header to a double quote character ". If your definition includes a double quite character, it changes in the header to a tilde character ~. Other special characters appear in custom field header as defined. Item/Data Type Cable Browser Cable Browser Cable Schedule Install. Index Cable Schedule Install. Index Changes Cable Set Browser Wire Browser Wiring Schedule Install. Index Wiring Schedule Install. Index Changes Cable Set Browser Wire Browser Wiring Schedule Install. Index Wiring Schedule Install. Index Changes Calibration Results Browser Calibration Settings Browser Control System Tag Browser NIM Analog Input Browser NIM Analog Output Browser NIM Digital Input Browser NIM Digital Output Browser NIM General Browser Drawing Browser General Process Data Browser Loop Browser Loop Drawing Browser Revision Browser Specifications Browser Tag Number Browser Equipment Browser Hook-Up Browser Item List Browser

Cable Set

Calibration Result Calibration Setting Control System Tag


Equipment Hook-Up Hook-Up Item


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

Item/Data Type Instrument Browser Analyzer Browser Calibration Results Browser Calibration Settings Browser Control Valve Browser DDP and Index Browser Drawing Summary Browser Fieldbus Tag Number List Browser Flow Instrument Browser General Process Data Browser Instr. Conn. Pre-assignment (Advanced) Instrument Connection Pre-assignment Instrument Index Standard Browser Instrument Install. Index Instrument Install. Index Changes Instrumentation/Process Data Browser Level Instrument Browser Maintenance Schedule Browser Pressure Instrument Browser Relief Valve Browser Spec Binder Package Browser Specifications Browser Tag Category Browser Tag Number Browser Temperature Instrument Browser Line Browser Line Component Browser Line PD Data Browser Block Browser Enhanced SmartLoop Browser Loop Browser Loop Drawing Browser General Panel Browser I/O Card Browser I/O Terminal Browser Local Signal Browser Panel Termination Install. Index Panel Termination Install. Index Rack Browser Slot Browser Strip Browser Terminal Browser General Process Data Browser Revision Browser




Process Data Revision

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration

Item/Data Type Strip Browser I/O Card Browser I/O Terminal Browser Local Signal Browser Strip Browser Terminal Browser Terminal Schedule Install. Index Terminal Schedule Install. Index Changes I/O Terminal Browser Terminal Browser Terminal Schedule Install. Index Terminal Schedule Install. Index Changes Wire Browser Wire Schedule Install. Index Wire Schedule Install. Index Changes



Define Custom Tables

1. 2. 3. 4. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. With the Domain Administration window open, click Activities > Custom Tables. From the Plant list, select a plant. Select the desired number of Custom table check boxes and then, in the adjacent fields, type table names.

A custom table name must be unique. Do not use the single quote () character in custom table names because doing so causes the label to be displayed incorrectly in the Tag Number Properties dialog box. 5. Click Apply and, if needed, repeat the procedure for another plant.

See Also
Miscellaneous Domain Administration Tasks (on page 209)

Generate Domain Administration Reports

As Domain Administrator you can generate various domain-specific reports. The following table describes the main reports which are available to the Domain Administrator on the Reports menu. Report User List Description Displays a list of SmartPlant Instrumentation users for the domains for which you have access rights (those which have been assigned to you as Domain Administrator). When you select this option, the list is printed in ascending alphanumeric sequence. SmartPlant Instrumentation users of the domains for which you have access rights, listed according to the groups to which they belong. Displays quantities of the following items in the current domain:

User List per Group Domain Statistics


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

Report Description

Access Rights

Instruments instrument tags in calculation sheets, process data sheets, and specs. Records in supporting tables I/O Type, Location, Model, Status. Wiring data cables, panels, terminals, wires, connections, and I/O channels. Panels by categories marshaling racks, PLCs, DCSs, junction boxes, device panels, and cabinets. Other items loop drawings, CAD drawing blocks, P&ID drawing references, hook- ups, lines, and spec forms. Maintenance statistical data calibration settings, and calibration results. A list of signals per largest group sequence number.

Displays access rights information for selected user groups. This information includes a list of selected user groups, the items for which those user groups were granted access rights, and the access type to every item. You can generate this report on the domain, plant, and unit levels. Displays a list of all reference cables that do not comply with the cable type dependency requirements. If the report contains any data, the System Administrator cannot enable cable type dependency in the domain. For details about cable type dependency, see Enable Cable Type Dependency (on page 81).

Cable Type Dependency Validation

See Also
Miscellaneous Domain Administration Tasks (on page 209)

Select a Logo
1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, do one of the following: Click File > Domain. Click . 3. Do one of the following: Click Options > Select Logo. Click . 4. Click Browse to open the Select Logo File dialog box. You can only select the .bmp (Bitmap) file format. You can create a Bitmap file using a graphic editing application such as Windows Paintbrush. Since most reports are printed out in black-and-white, it is recommended that you select Bitmap files in black-and-white to save system resources. 5. Navigate to the .bmp file to which you want to assign as the domain logo and click OK. 6. In the Browse Logo Files dialog box, click Assign to assign the selected bitmap to the current domain. 7. Click 8. Click to save the new domain logo to the database. to close the Domain Definition window.

See Also
Miscellaneous Domain Administration Tasks (on page 209)

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration

Define Field Personnel Profiles

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. With the Domain Administration window open, click Activities > Field Personnel Profile. Click New to add a new personnel profile to the current domain. Type the required profile data and then click Apply. Click Edit to modify a personnel profile. Edit the selected personnel data and click Apply. Click Delete if you want to delete a selected profile. When prompted to confirm the personnel profile deletion, click Yes to delete the currently selected personnel profile or click No to retain the currently selected personnel profile.

See Also
Miscellaneous Domain Administration Tasks (on page 209)

Modify Domain Notes

1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, do one of the following: Click File > Domain. Click . 3. Do one of the following: Click Options > Notes. Click . 4. In the Notes field, edit the text as required. 5. Click 6. Click . .

See Also
Miscellaneous Domain Administration Tasks (on page 209)

Modify Printer Settings

It is possible to modify the current printer settings. You can select a standard paper size with predefined width, height, and orientation or customize these settings as required. Furthermore, you can save your settings as default for future print sessions. You can customize your own paper width, height, and orientation and include these values in the default settings. When saving your settings as default, the software stores the values in the [printer] section of the Intools.ini file. If you want the software to calculate the required paper size from the Windows printer driver settings, do the following: 1. Open the Intools.ini file and then, in the [printer] section, remove the semi-colon before the following parameters: LEFTMARGIN RIGHTMARGIN TOPMARGIN WIDTH HEIGHT ORIENTATION


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

HRES VRES 2. Add a semi-colon before the PAPERSIZE parameter. For additional information about this option, click Help in the Page Setup dialog box. All your page settings apply to all reports and documents that you print and they are true on all the hierarchy levels (domain, plant, area, and unit). All your page settings apply to your local machine only and do not affect other users of SmartPlant Instrumentation. If you want to change the page setup for the current print session only, do not click Default, just make your changes and click OK. Some reports have their orientation hard-coded, therefore only the hard-coded settings apply.

See Also
Log on as Domain Administrator (on page 68)

Managing Audit Trail Data

In SmartPlant Instrumentation, audit trail is a mechanism that enables the Domain Administrator to mark history changes and save information about user operations such as deleting, inserting, and updating SmartPlant Instrumentation data in the domain. As soon as a user performs one of these operations, information appears in the appropriate tables. The software records all these operations in the audit trail repository. You can trim this information in a particular domain by defining the time of operation. The time of operation appears in the audit trail repository. Also note that the System Administrator has the privileges to activate and deactivate the audit trail functionality.

Managing Audit Trail Data Common Tasks

The Domain Administrator can perform the following tasks when managing audit trail data:

Trim Audit Trail Data

This option allows the Domain Administrator to trim the excessive audit trail data contained in the audit trail repository in the current domain. When removing the audit trail data from the domain, you can save it to an external file on your Windows server if needed. If you save the audit trail data, you can then load it to the audit trail repository in a required domain. For more information, see Trim Audit Trail Data (on page 221).

Load Audit Trail Data

This option allows the Domain Administrator to load the audit trail data to the audit trail repository in a selected target domain. This data has been removed from the audit trail repository in a particular domain and saved to an external file. Your target domain can be the same domain where you have trimmed this data. You can also load audit trail data trimmed in a different domain. For more information, see Load Audit Trail Data (on page 220).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration External Files with Trimmed Audit Trail Data
This topic explains how the Domain Administrator can define a file to which the system saves the trimmed audit trail data. For more information, see External Files with Trimmed Audit Trail Data (on page 221).

Define Paths When Using Oracle

This topic explains how to define a path when using Oracle. For more information, see Define Paths When Using Oracle (on page 222).

Define Paths When Using MS SQL Server

This topic explains how to define a path when using MS SQL Server. For more information, see Define Paths When Using SQL Server (on page 222).

Define Paths When Using Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere

This topic explains how to define a path when using Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere. For more information, see Define Paths When Using Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere (on page 223).

Load Audit Trail Data

To successfully load audit trail data trimmed in a different domain, you must ensure that the values in the primary key fields in the external source file differ from those in the audit trail repository of the current domain. 1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, click DBA > Data Maintenance > Load Audit Trail. 3. In the From box, type the initial date of the period (month, day, and year). 4. In the To box, type the last date of the period (month, day, and year). 5. In the Load from file box, type the file name segment as it appears in the external file containing the audit trail data. You can type all of the required variables using information contained in the complete name of the file. The following is an example of a complete file name: 20010501_20010503_<domain name>#CHANGES_LOG#<file name segment>.txt (or .sql on Oracle). In the complete file name, the audit trail period is displayed in the following order: year, month, and day. 6. Click Load. After loading the audit trail data, the external file remains on your server. If needed, you can load the same data onto another domain, or delete the external file manually. 7. Click Close.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

Trim Audit Trail Data

Note that the Document Binder and Construction modules use the audit trail repository to record information about previous revisions. If you generate a Change report, the information recorded in audit trail repository within the period for which the audit trail data is trimmed, will be missing in this report. 1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, click DBA > Data Maintenance > Trim Audit Trail Data. 3. If your domain is an owner operator domain, from the Project list, a project in which you want to trim audit trail data, or select As-Built. 4. To define the period of the audit trail data that you want to remove from the audit trail repository in the current domain, in the From box, type the initial date of the period (month, day, and year). 5. In the To box, type the last date of the period (month, day, and year). 6. To trim the audit trail data contained within the defined period and save it to an external file, select Save to file. 7. In the File name box, type a file name segment that will become part of the name of the external file to which you are saving the defined audit trail data. 8. Click Trim to save the audit trail data to the defined file and remove this data from audit trail repository in the selected domain. The external file name contains information about the initial date of the defined period (year, month, and day), the last date (year, month, and day), the domain name, and the file name segment you have typed in the File name box. 9. To trim the audit trail data without saving it to an external file, clear the Save to file check box. 10. Click Trim to permanently remove the audit trail data from the audit trail repository in the current domain.

External Files with Trimmed Audit Trail Data

When trimming audit trail data, the Domain Administrator can define a file to which the system saves the trimmed audit trail data. The file name contains information about the initial date of the defined period, the last date, the source domain name, and the file name segment you have typed in the File name field of the Trim Audit Trail Data dialog box. The following is an example of a complete file name: 20010501_20010503_<domain schema>#CHANGES_LOG#<file name segment>.txt (or .sql on Oracle). The audit trail period segment displays the period in the following order: year, month, and day. The format, location and path configuration of files containing audit trail data depends on the platform you are using (Oracle, SQL Server, or Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere). For details, see the following Help topics: Define Paths When Using Oracle (on page 222) Define Paths When Using SQL Server (on page 222) Define Paths When Using Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere (on page 223)

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration

Define Paths When Using Oracle

When using Oracle, files containing audit trail data appear as SQL files on your Windows server. To enable saving audit trail data to an external file, you need to open the Oracle Instance Configuration file and set the path value of the parameter UTL_FILE_DIR. For details about setting the file path value in the Oracle Instance Configuration file on your Windows server, see SmartPlant Instrumentation Installation and Upgrade Guide, Installing SmartPlant Instrumentation on Oracle, Oracle 9i or 10g Instance Creation . File path value example on a Windows server: utl_file_dir=e:\INtoolStorage\Orc1 In the path value, the folder name Orc1 corresponds to a possible instance name. INtoolStorage is a user-defined name. For convenience, we recommend that you always use this name in the file path. On Oracle 9.2, the software might append numbers to the name of the Oracle Instance Configuration File init.ora. For example, the file name might be as follows: init.ora.2242004153249 Prior to trimming audit trail data, you need to delete the numbers together with the dot that are appended to the init.ora file. Then, you must restart the Oracle instance manually, that is, not from the Oracle interface but using appropriate SQL commands.

Define Paths When Using SQL Server

When using SQL Server, files containing audit trail appear as .txt files on your Windows server. When trimming audit trail data for the first time, the system chooses the drive with maximum free disk space and creates a folder INtoolStorage in that drive. If you do not want the system to choose the target drive, before trimming audit trail data, you can create the folder INtoolStorage on a different drive. After you click Trim in the Trim Audit Trail Data dialog box, the system locates the folder INtoolStorage and configures the path for the file with the audit trail data. Depending on your SQL Server instance, the system creates the following paths for the files containing the trimmed audit trail data: SQL Server with a SmartPlant Instrumentation database created in a default instance: <drive>:INtoolStorage\<default instance name>\<SmartPlant Instrumentation database name>. For example: e:\INtoolStorage\Engineering1\Build3, where the default instance name Engineering1 corresponds to your Windows server name. SQL Server with a SmartPlant Instrumentation database created in a named instance: <drive>:INtoolStorage\<SQL Server name>\<named instance name>\<SmartPlant Instrumentation database name>. For example: e:\INtoolStorage\Engineering1\SPI2009\Build3, where the SQL Server name Engineering1 corresponds to your Windows server name.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

Define Paths When Using Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere

When using Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere, files containing audit trail data appear as .txt files on a client machine where you have installed SmartPlant Instrumentation. The default path to these files is created automatically with SmartPlant Instrumentation setup. Setup creates the following default path: <drive>:\<SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder>INtoolStorage. The drive value corresponds to the drive where you have installed SmartPlant Instrumentation. You can view the file path as the value of the WatINstorageDir parameter in the [Database] section of the Intools.ini file. File path value example: WatINstorageDir="c:\Program Files\SmartPlant\ Instrumentation\INtoolStorage" If you do not have enough disk space for saving audit trail data to the drive where you have installed SmartPlant Instrumentation, you need to manually change the drive value to another drive the Intools.ini file. In the Intools.ini file, you can also modify the default path values as required, provided that you have configured this path on your machine. 1. On the required drive of your client machine, create a folder INtoolStorage. 2. Open the Intools.ini file. 3. In the [Database] section, set the file path value of the parameter WatINstorageDir so that it matches the path you have created. For example: WatINstorageDir="d:\SmartPlant\Instrumentation\INtoolStorage"

Clearing Locking
This option enables the Domain Administrator to clear locking in Oracle databases. Clearing locking is useful in the following cases: A SmartPlant Instrumentation user has locked a certain item for use in other sessions and remains connected to the database for a long time. There in an inactive locking session. For example, there is a session in which SmartPlant Instrumentation stopped responding, or a user has closed the locking session from the Window Task Manager, or the locking session closed down as result of an application error. These session records remain on the server database and keep locking other sessions. There is an external application whose session is locking a SmartPlant Instrumentation session in the current domain.

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Domain and Project Administration

Clearing Locking Common Tasks

The Domain Administrator can perform the following tasks when clearing locking:

Clear Locking per User

This option enables the Domain Administrator to clear locking per user by disconnecting a user from SmartPlant Instrumentation and closing a ll the users sessions in the current domain. You can use this option on an Oracle server database platform. After disconnecting a user, the records of the users sessions remain in the CURRENT_INFO table of your server database. If needed, you can manually clear the session records to improve SmartPlant Instrumentation performance. For more information, see Clear Locking per User (on page 225).

Clear Blocked Sessions on Oracle

On Oracle, this procedure allows the Domain Administrator to stop the sessions in the current domain which have been blocked by other sessions in a SmartPlant Instrumentation database, and remove the session records from the CURRENT_INFO table. For more information, see Clear Blocked Sessions on Oracle (on page 225).

Clear Locking in All Sessions

This option allows the Domain Administrator to clear locking in all the sessions (inactive and active) in the current domain, and remove the session records from the CURRENT_INFO table. For more information, see Clear Locking in All Sessions (on page 225).

Clear SmartPlant Instrumentation Session Records

On an Oracle server, when a user logs out from SmartPlant Instrumentation, the software does not clear records of the sessions which are no longer in use from the CURRENT_INFO table of the current database. These records hold the user name, the domain and session IDs, and the flags used by the sessions to activate or deactivate the SmartPlant Instrumentation triggers. The Domain Administrator needs to clear these records manually. Clearing SmartPlant Instrumentation sessions manually enables the Domain Administrator to improve the performance of SmartPlant Instrumentation. For more information, see Clear SmartPlant Instrumentation Session Records (on page 225).

See Also
Print Database Connection Information (on page 115) Domain Administration Common Tasks (on page 117)


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

Clear Locking per User

This clearing locking option stops all at once the SmartPlant Instrumentation application session, the Administration module session, the Import and Merger utility sessions. Clearing locking in active sessions results in losing all the data which was being imported or merged at that time. This procedure works for Oracle databases only. 1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, click DBA > Locking > Clear Locking in Selected Sessions. 3. In the Clear Locking in Selected Sessions dialog box, from the User list, select the user whose SmartPlant Instrumentation sessions you want to stop in the database. View the current database name in the Database field. 4. Click OK.

Clear Blocked Sessions on Oracle

Ending active blocked sessions and disconnecting the users from these sessions results in the loss of all the data which was being imported or merged at that time. 1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, click DBA > Locking > End Blocked Sessions.

See Also
Print Database Connection Information (on page 115)

Clear Locking in All Sessions

Clearing active sessions results in ending these sessions, disconnecting the users, and losing all the data which was being imported or merged at that time. 1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, click DBA > Locking > Clear Locking in All Sessions. This action does not affect your Administration module session.

Clear SmartPlant Instrumentation Session Records

On Oracle, the Domain Administrator can clear SmartPlant Instrumentation session records when working with Oracle Server database version 9i or later. 1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, click DBA > Data Maintenance > Clear Session Records.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration

Copying Data
When creating a new lowest plant hierarchy item, you can copy data from another existing lowest plant hierarchy item within the same domain. In the plant hierarchy, the lowest source item can belong to any highest item in the current domain. The default lowest plant hierarchy item is <unit>. The default highest plant hierarchy item is <plant>. When the domain is an owner operator domain, you can select a specific project to which you want to copy <unit> data from the source project. It is only possible to copy data to a <unit> that has no naming conventions. In the target <unit>, the software creates naming conventions according to the naming convention definitions in the source <unit>. Therefore, after you copy data to a particular <unit>, it is not possible to copy any additional data to the same unit again. When copying <unit> data, the software does not copy the access right definitions set for the source <unit>. After copying data from one <unit> to another within a <plant> that is registered with Integration, it is possible to publish data from the new <unit>. When copying data to a <unit> in another <plant>, the Integration registration information is not copied. You copy <unit> after making source data selections on the Copy Data from Source dialog box. Your module data selection is retained when you reopen the Copy Data from Source dialog box apart from the following options: Selection of specification item types Selections on the Wiring Item Naming Options dialog box Revision copying options The following table lists the modules and the module data available for selection on the Copy Data from Source dialog box. Module Instrument Index Module Data Tag numbers Loop numbers P&ID drawing references Lines Equipment Document associations Calibration Custom tables Process data sheets with or without revisions Calculation sheets with or without revisions Notes and Restrictions Instruments belonging to Test Equipment tag class are not copied. Calibration data only includes calibration settings. Custom field values are not copied to another <plant>, only within the same <plant>.

Process Data and Calculation

When copying revisions, you can set a different revision method for the target <unit>. Document numbers of process data and calculations sheets are not updated in the target unit even if they have been created in the source using according to naming conventions. When copying revisions, you can set a different revision method for the target <unit>. Document numbers of specifications are not updated in the target unit even if they have been created in the source using according to naming conventions. Cross wiring is not copied.


All module data. You can copy specifications with or without revisions.


Wiring items with the connection data


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

Module Loop Drawings Module Data All module data, including enhanced SmartLoop drawings. You can copy drawings with or without revisions. Notes and Restrictions CAD drawing blocks associated with instrument tags or loops are not copied. CAD blocks is SmartPlant Instrumentation are defined per <plant>. When copying Loop Drawings module data to another <plant>, if your source instruments include instrument blocks assigned manually or loop blocks, these blocks are not created in the target <plant>. On the other hand, instrument blocks associated with tags via instrument type are created in the target <plant>. When copying revisions, you can set a different revision method for the target <unit>. Document numbers of loop drawings are not updated in the target unit even if they have been created in the source using according to naming conventions. You can only copy the Hook- Ups module data in its entirety. Hook-ups are not copied to another <plant>. You can copy hook-ups to another <plant> using the Merger Utility options. Hook-u associations with instruments are not copied to another <plant>, only within the same <plant>. You can only copy the Browser module data in its entirety. You can only copy the module data in its entirety. Document numbers of dimensional data sheets are not updated in the target unit even if they have been created in the source using according to naming conventions.


All module data and associations

Browser Dimensional Data for Piping

All module data All module data

Flow of Activities for Copying Data

This topic describes the flow of activities that allows Domain Administrator to copy data from one <unit> to another in the same or different <plant>. Copying data to another <unit> involves three major steps:

1. Create a Target <Unit>

Create a new <unit> in the target <plant> and make sure you define the <unit> name and number. Do not define naming conventions in the target <unit>. For details, see Create a Plant Hierarchy Item on the Lowest Level (on page 122).

2. Select the Source <Unit>

Select the <unit> whose data you want to copy to the new unit. For details, see Select the Source Plant Hierarchy Item for Copying Data (on page 228).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration 3. Copy All or Specific Source Data

Set the software to copy all data from the source <unit> or select only specific data. Then, copy the source data. For details, see Copy All Module Data (on page 230) or Copy Specific Data (on page 229).

Copying Data Common Tasks

The following tasks are used by the Domain Administrator to copy data from one lowest plant hierarchy item to another. The default lowest plant hierarchy item is <unit>.

Select the Source Plant Hierarchy Item for Copying Data

This procedure enables you to select a source <unit> for copying data to a <unit> that has no naming conventions. For more information, see Select the Source Plant Hierarchy Item for Copying Data (on page 228).

Copy All Module Data

When copying data from one <unit> to another, you can select a module and copy all of its data to the target <unit>. You set the options for copying all module data in the upper-right section of the Copy Data from Source dialog box. For more information, see Copy All Module Data (on page 230).

Copy Specific Data

When copying data from one <unit> to another, you can select data of a specific module, and set the options for copying the specific data in the lower-right section of the Copy Data from Source dialog box. For more information, see Copy Specific Data (on page 229).

Set Revisions for Target Plant Hierarchy Item

When defining settings for copying data, you can use this procedure to set drawing and document revisions to be used in the target <unit>. You can set revisions for all module documents or selected module documents. Setting revisions is available for the following modules Process Data, Calculation, Specifications, and Loop Drawings. For more information, see Set Revisions for Target Plant Hierarchy Item (on page 232).

Set Wiring Naming Options for Target Plant Hierarchy Item

When defining settings for copying data, you can this procedure to set naming options for wiring items in the target <unit>. For details, see Set Wiring Naming Options for Target Plant Hierarchy Item (on page 232).

Select the Source Plant Hierarchy Item for Copying Data

1. In the Plant Hierarchy Explorer, open the <Unit> Properties dialog box. For details, see Create a Plant Hierarchy Item on the Lowest Level (on page 122). If you want to copy data to an existing <unit>, in the Plant Hierarchy Explorer, select a <unit> that does not have naming conventions.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

In the <unit> that you selected, you must define the <unit> number even if in the source <unit>, the naming conventions do not include the <unit> number segment. 2. Click Copy From. 3. In the dialog box that opens, select a source <unit>. When the domain is an owner operator domain, select the required project from the Source project list, and then select the <unit> whose data you want to copy. 4. Click OK to open the Copy Data from Source dialog box. The Copy Data from Source dialog box retains previous settings that you used the last time when you were copying data, apart from specification item types and wiring item naming conventions. You can use the same settings, discard some of them, or discard them all. Click Clear All to discard all the displayed settings. Now you can either copy all data of a particular module or copy specific data. For details, see Copy All Module Data (on page 230) or Copy Specific Data (on page 229).

Copy Specific Data

Open the Copy Data from Source dialog box. For details, see Select the Source Plant Hierarchy Item for Copying Data (on page 228). 1. In the lower-right section of the Copy Data from Source dialog box, select Copy selected data. The lower-right section of the Copy Data from Source dialog box displays only the options that are required for copying data, depending on the specific module data you select in the left section. The options that are irrelevant to the selected module are view-only. Make sure that you do not select the Copy all module data check box. If you do, click Clear All. Clicking this button discards all the settings you have made and you have to start again. 2. In the Name prefix field, type a new name prefix to be applied to all the copied items. 3. In the Name suffix field, type a new name suffix to be applied to all the copied items. Specifying a prefix, a suffix, or both is required when copying module data within the same <plant>. This way you avoid creating duplicate module item names. If required, set revision copying options. For details, see Set Revisions for Target Plant Hierarchy Item (on page 232). To avoid having duplicate module item names, in the Char. location data field, type the number of characters from the start of the name string where you want the substitution to start from. In the No. of chars. data field, type the number of characters in the name string to be substituted. In the Value field, type a new value that will substitute a part of the module item name string. In the Prefix field, to avoid creating duplicate loop and tag number prefixes in the units of the same <plant>, type a loop or tag number prefix to be used in the target <unit>. This option is available when copying loop or tag number data from a <unit> within the same <plant>. Also, it is available only for those items for which the prefix naming convention segment is set as COMPONENT PREFIX in the ISA or Loop standard.

4. 5.

6. 7. 8.

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Domain and Project Administration

For loop items, the option is accessible only if the ISA or Loop standard naming convention for the prefix segment description of loops is LOOP PREFIX. This option is not applicable if you use Flexible naming conventions in the source <unit>. For Flexible naming conventions, you can define your target loop and tag number prefixes in the Name prefix field. 9. In the Suffix field, type a loop or tag number suffix to define a distinctive loop or tag number suffix to be used in the target <unit>. This option is available when copying loop or tag number data from a <unit> within the same <plant>. For tag number items, the option is accessible only if the ISA or Loop standard naming convention for the suffix segment description of tags is COMPONENT SUFFIX. For loop items, the option is accessible only if the ISA or Loop standard naming convention for the suffix segment description of loops is LOOP SUFFIX. If, in your source <unit>, there are loop names or tag numbers that differ only in their suffix segments, these loop names and tag numbers become identical in the target <unit>. The new suffix value in the target <unit> overwrites all the suffix values of the source <unit>. For example, if in the Suffix field, you type 5, loop names 101-F-100\1, 101-F-100\2, 101- F-100\3 in the source <unit> become 101-F-100\5 in the target <unit>. This option is not applicable if you use Flexible naming conventions in the source <unit>. For Flexible naming conventions, you can define your target loop and tag number suffixes in the Name suffix field. 10. In the left section, select other specific data, and repeat this procedure. 11. If needed, click Options to set naming options for wiring items in the target <unit>. For details, see Set Wiring Naming Options for Target Plant Hierarchy Item (on page 232). Make sure that you define the settings described in this procedure for all the required modules and module items before clicking OK. After you click OK, canceling the copying process can corrupt the data in the target <unit> and render the <unit> unusable. 12. Click OK to close the Copy Data from Source dialog box and monitor the progress of copying the source data.

Copy All Module Data

1. Open the Copy Data from Source dialog box. For details, see Select the Source Plant Hierarchy Item for Copying Data (on page 228). 2. In the upper-right section of the Copy Data from Source dialog box, select Copy all module data. The upper-right section of the Copy Data from Source dialog box displays only the options that are required for copying data, depending on the module you select in the left section. The options that are irrelevant to the selected module are read-only.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

When you define data copying settings for the Loop Drawings module, the Copy all module data check box does not apply to CAD drawing blocks associated with instrument tags or loops. CAD blocks is SmartPlant Instrumentation are defined per <plant>. When copying Loop Drawings module data to another <plant>, if your source instruments include instrument blocks assigned manually or loop blocks, these blocks are not created in the target <plant>. On the other hand, instrument blocks associated with tags via instrument type are created in the target <plant> regardless of whether this check box is selected or cleared. 3. In the Name prefix field, type a new name prefix to be applied to all the copied items of the selected module. 4. In the Name suffix field, type a new name suffix to be applied to all the copied items of the selected module. Specifying a prefix, a suffix, or both is required when copying the <unit> module data within the same <plant>. This way you avoid creating duplicate module item names. To avoid having duplicate module item names, in the Char. location data field, type the number of characters from the start of the name string where you want the substitution to start from. In the No. of chars. data field, type the number of characters in the name string to be substituted. In the Value field, type a new value that will substitute a part of the module item name string. If required, set revision copying options. For details, see Set Revisions for Target Plant Hierarchy Item (on page 232). Do one of the following to define the level on which you want to copy the Wiring module data: Click Highest when copying data from units belonging to different plants. You must select the highest plant hierarchy level when copying data from <units> belonging to different <plants>. This is required because most wiring data is defined either per <area> or per <plant>. Click Lowest when copying the source and the target <units> belonging to the same <plant>.


6. 7. 8. 9.

When the source and the target <units> belong to the same <plant>, you can select either the highest or the lowest plant hierarchy level. However, if you select to copy data on the lowest level, you have to modify the name strings to avoid duplicate names in the Wiring module (see steps 5 through 7 in this procedure to learn how to modify the name string). 10. In the left section, select another module, and repeat this procedure. 11. If needed, click Options to set naming options for wiring items in the target <unit>. For details, see Set Wiring Naming Options for Target Plant Hierarchy Item (on page 232). Make sure that you define the settings described in this procedure for all the required modules and module items before clicking OK. After you click OK, canceling the copying process can corrupt the data in the target <unit> and render the <unit> unusable. 12. Click OK to close the Copy Data from Source dialog box and monitor the progress of copying the source data.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Domain and Project Administration

Set Wiring Naming Options for Target Plant Hierarchy Item

1. On the Copy Data from Source dialog box, click Options. 2. On the Wiring Item Naming Options dialog box, do one of the following to set naming options for control system tags: Select Control system tag to name new control system tags according to target tag names. Clear Control system tag to name new controls system tags according to source tag names. 3. Do one of the following to set naming options for device panels: Select Device panel, and from the Like list, and then select Default to copy the device cables with the default names (identical with tag number names) or Naming Convention to copy the device panels with the naming convention of the target <unit>. Clear Device panel to copy all device panels without changing the source names, according to the settings you make for copying wiring items in the Copy Data from Source dialog box. 4. Clear the Device cable check box to set the naming convention options for device cables and to copy all device cables without changing the source names, according to the settings you make for copying wiring items in the Copy Data from Source dialog box. 5. Select the Device cable check box and then select one of the following options: Default to copy the device cables with the default names, for example, C-<TAG NUMBER>. Naming Convention to copy the device cables with the naming convention of the target <unit>. 6. Do one of the following to set naming options for signal names: Select Signal name to copy signals using target tag names. Clear Signal name to copy signals according to the settings you make for copying wiring items in the Copy Data from Source dialog box. 7. Do one of the following to set naming options for wire tags: Select Wire tag to copy wire tags using target tag names. Clear Wire tag to copy wire tags according to the settings you make for copying wiring items in the Copy Data from Source dialog box. 8. Click OK to accept the settings, and return to the Copy Data from Source dialog box.

Set Revisions for Target Plant Hierarchy Item

When setting revisions, you can do one of the following: Copy all revisions from the source <unit> to the new <unit>. Create new revisions for the new <unit>. This option allows you to start a new set of revisions for the copied <unit> data. Forgo creating any revisions for the target <unit>. This option resembles the creation of new revisions. You can assign revisions to the documents in the new <unit>. 1. In the left section of the Copy Data from Source dialog box, do one of the following: Select Specifications, Loop Drawings, or Process Data & Calculation.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Domain and Project Administration

2. Expand Process Data & Calculation and select specific data (Process Data or Calculation). Do one of the following: If you selected a module, in the upper-right section of the dialog box, select the Copy all module data check box. If you selected specific data, in the lower-right section of the dialog box, select the Copy selected data check box. Do one of the following: Click Skip not to copy any revisions. Click All existing to copy all revisions from the selected module data to the new module data. To set new revisions, click Set new. Click New Revisions. On the dialog box that opens, click the appropriate Revision method option button to select the required revision numbering, for example, P0, P1, P2,... 0,1,2,... and so forth. To add a new revision line, click New and type the required data in the Revision data window. To edit a revision, select the revision you want to edit and click Edit. When done, click OK to return to the Copy Data from Source dialog box.


4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Make sure to set the copying options for all the required modules and module items before clicking OK. After you click OK, canceling the copying process can corrupt the data in the target unit and render the unit unusable. 10. If you have finished setting all other copying options, on the Copy Data from Source dialog box, click OK to assign the new revision settings to the copied module data.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide



Working with SmartPlant Integration

SmartPlant integration standardizes and improves the communication among the various authoring tools you use in the course of designing, constructing, and operating a plant. SmartPlant integration manages data exchange among these authoring tools, which enables sharing and re-use of plant information throughout the plant lifecycle. SmartPlant Foundation acts as a repository for data and a medium through which information is shared among other tools, such as SmartPlant Electrical, SmartPlant P&ID, and Aspen . Most of the commands that provide access to SmartPlant integration functionality exist in the common user interface available on the SmartPlant menu in SmartPlant Instrumentation. The following graphic displays what SmartPlant Instrumentation publishes and retrieves and shows the flow of data and the different types of data.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Working with SmartPlant Integration

SmartPlant Instrumentation interacts with SmartPlant Foundation by correlating items between the plant database and the SmartPlant Foundation database, retrieving such documents as Cabinets, Electrical Signals, P&IDs, and the like from SmartPlant. Also, SmartPlant Instrumentation creates a set of tasks in the To Do List that you can run to update the plant database. In SmartPlant Instrumentation, you can also use the SmartPlant menu to publish documents and retrieve data, access the SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal in order to browse data, and subscribe to change notifications and compare documents. You can only use the SmartPlant menu commands after the item registry has been activated and database items have been registered for use in an integrated environment.

See Also
Item Registry Activities (on page 239)

Configuring SmartPlant Instrumentation for Integration

After installing SmartPlant Instrumentation and the prerequisite software needed for working in an integrated environment, you must perform the following configurations on the SmartPlant Instrumentation client machine.

Integration Common Tasks

Before you can work with options in an integrated environment, you need to perform certain tasks in the SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration module. The System Administrator performs the following task:

Configure SmartPlant Instrumentation for Integration

Use this procedure to configure SmartPlant Instrumentation to enable publish and retrieve. For more information, see Configure SmartPlant Instrumentation for Integration (on page 237). The Domain Administrator performs the following tasks:

Register a Plant
Use this procedure as a one-time operation, to register each highest level plant hierarchy item (for example a SmartPlant Instrumentation plant) using the SmartPlant Registration Wizard. For more information, see Register a Plant (on page 241).

Retrieve a Plant Hierarchy

Use this procedure to retrieve a plant hierarchy and apply it in SmartPlant Instrumentation. For more information, see Retrieve a Plant Hierarchy (on page 242).


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Working with SmartPlant Integration

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration Checklist for Integration

This checklist describes the main steps required for preparing SmartPlant Instrumentation to work in an integrated environment after installation of the necessary software. This checklist is recommended for inexperienced users learning how to configure SmartPlant Instrumentation, and includes: Initializing a domain using the seed database (INtoolsef.db) Enabling the item registry and specify the XML map file path in the Domain Definition window Registering items Creating a plant hierarchy that matches the source plant hierarchy in SmartPlant Foundation Registering your working plant and correlating it with a plant in SmartPlant Foundation Defining naming conventions Defining settings in SmartPlant Instrumentation for an integrated environment Before you can publish and retrieve documents: The System Administrator must define an IDEAL user. The IDEAL user must subsequently log on to SmartPlant Instrumentation and specify the output folder for published documents. The Domain Administrator must register, as a one-time operation using the SmartPlant Registration Wizard, each highest level plant hierarchy item (for example a plant) with a corresponding plant in SmartPlant Foundation. Registration makes the SmartPlant menu commands accessible in SmartPlant Instrumentation. The software maps the entire SmartPlant Instrumentation plant hierarchy to a single SmartPlant Foundation URL that points to one SmartPlant Foundation database. After configuring SmartPlant Instrumentation, there are certain rules you must follow to enable the tool to work in an integrated environment. When retrieving Electrical Signal tags from SmartPlant Electrical to SmartPlant Instrumentation, it is recommended to define the naming convention in SmartPlant Instrumentation to Free Segment. If you use a different naming convention for electrical signals in SmartPlant Instrumentation, you should check that a compatible naming convention is defined in SmartPlant Electrical.

Configure SmartPlant Instrumentation for Integration

1. Log on as System Administrator to the Administration module of SmartPlant Instrumentation. 2. On the Open Administration Module dialog box, select System Administrator. The domain to be used with SmartPlant integration must be initialized from the Intoolsef.db file to ensure the correct mapping of a number of supporting tables with the enumerated lists in the SmartPlant schema. On an Oracle platform, if using a single Oracle instance, the schema names, tablespace names, and user names must be unique in each tool and in SmartPlant Foundation. For example, if the schema name in SmartPlant foundation is Site 1, the SmartPlant Instrumentation domain name cannot also be Site 1. 3. To initialize a new domain, do the following:

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Working with SmartPlant Integration

a. Click File > Initialize. b. Type the appropriate domain information in the Domain, Domain schema name, and Domain schema password text boxes. The View Only Domain Schema password text box is filled automatically. c. Click Source. d. Select Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere from the Database type list. e. Click Browse. f. Click the Intoolsef.db database file and click Open. g. Select INITIALTEF from the Domain list. h. Click OK on the Source Data Connection dialog box. i. Click OK on the Initialize Database dialog box. j. On the Domain Tablespace Definition dialog box, change any settings if necessary and click OK. 4. Click File > Domain Definition. 5. In the Domain Definition window, select the desired domain. 6. On the Module Toolbar, click Edit . 7. Under Domain features, select the Item registry check box. Selecting this option does not register the items, but only makes the item registry commands available on the DBA menu for the Domain Administrator, who performs all the item registry activities. Note that the System Administrator has rights to switch the item registry on or off at any stage of the plant life-cycle. If the System Administrator switches off the item registry after the items are registered, and then switches it on again, you must re-register the items. This is required so that the software can update the references to the items in the item registry table. When updating the table, the software registers all the changes that were made to the items in SmartPlant Instrumentation, including the period when the item registry options were switched off. 8. Beside Path for SmartPlant XML files, click Browse to navigate to the location of the SmartPlant Instrumentation map files: ContextMap.xml and IntoolsMap.xml. The SmartPlant Instrumentation map files must be located in a path that all users in an integrated environment can access using the same drive letter mapping. By default, when you install SmartPlant Instrumentation, these files are placed in the path <SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder>\XML\. If you are using SmartPlant Foundation versions 2007 or 2008, you must replace the ContextMap.xml file in the <SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder>\XML\ folder with the ContextMap.xml <SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder>\XML\Backup folder. By using the ContextMap.xml in <SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder>\XML\Backup folder, the software properly publishes documents. 9. Save the changes and then close the Domain Definition window. 10. Define an IDEAL user as follows: a. On the Module Toolbar, click Department new department. b. Click User page 240). and if no departments exist, define a

and define an IDEAL user. For details, see Define an IDEAL User (on


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Working with SmartPlant Integration

At least one valid SmartPlant Instrumentation user must be defined as an IDEAL user to enable view files to be generated. The publish operation uses the IDEAL user information to create view files, regardless of the user who actually publishes the document. XML files are generated whether or not an IDEAL user is defined. Click File > Close. From the Administration window, click File > Open. On the Open Administration Module dialog box, select Domain Administrator and select the desired SmartPlant domain, configured for an integrated environment. Click DBA > Data Maintenance > Register Items. Create a plant hierarchy in SmartPlant Instrumentation to match the source plant hierarchy of each plant for which you want to retrieve or publish data. For details, see Retrieve a Plant Hierarchy (on page 242). Register each SmartPlant Instrumentation plant that you want to use in an integrated environment. For details, see Register a Plant (on page 241).

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.


If you create a new plant, you should rename it and all of its plant hierarchy items to exactly match the plant hierarchy items that you want to map to in SmartPlant Foundation (the names are case-sensitive). After that, you just need to register SmartPlant Instrumentation, retrieve the plant hierarchy from SmartPlant Foundation, and correlate the two plant hierarchies. 17. Log on to SmartPlant Instrumentation as the IDEAL user and define the necessary settings for working in an integrated environment. For details, see Define Settings for an Integrated Environment (see "Define Preferences Settings for an Integrated Environment " on page 243).

See Also
Set the Project Status for an Integrated Environment (on page 133)

Item Registry Activities

Registering items ensures that as soon as a user performs any of the item registry operations, the appropriate references appear in the item registry automatically. This way, the software keeps SmartPlant Instrumentation data up-to-date for integration. After registering the items, users of other applications who have access to integration options can use information held in the item registry to retrieve SmartPlant Instrumentation data. Item registration involves the following steps: 1. The System Administrator enables the item registry. For details, see Enable Item Registry (on page 83). 2. The Domain Administrator registers the items. For details, see Register Items (on page 240). The System Administrator has rights to switch the item registry on or off at any stage of the plant life-cycle.

See Also
Domain Administration Common Tasks (on page 117) Merging Project and As-Built Data (on page 157) Enable Item Registry (on page 83)

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Working with SmartPlant Integration

Register Items
The System Administrator needs to enable the item registry options as a prerequisite to this procedure. The System Administrator has rights to switch the item registry on or off as required at any stage of the plant life-cycle. If the System Administrator switched the item registry off after you registered the items, and then switched it on again, you must re-register the items. This is required so that the software can update the references to the items in the item registry table. When updating the table, the software registers all the changes that were made to the items in SmartPlant Instrumentation, including the period when the item registry options were switched off. Prior to registering items, make sure that no users are connected to the SmartPlant Instrumentation database. It is recommended that you clear all SmartPlant Instrumentation sessions before performing item registration. The Domain Administrator must have access rights to the item registry options in order to perform this procedure. 1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, click DBA > Data Maintenance > Register Items.

See Also
Enable Item Registry (on page 83) Clear Locking in All Sessions (on page 225)

Clean Up Item Registry

When performing a clean-up, the software removes from the item registry all references to items that were deleted in the current domain. 1. Start the Administration module and log on as Domain Administrator. 2. With the Domain Administration window open, click DBA > Data Maintenance > Item Registry Clean-Up.

Define an IDEAL User

When external users need to connect to the SmartPlant Instrumentation database, you must define an IDEAL user through which the software establishes the connections. 1. Log on to the SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration module as System Administrator. 2. Ensure that a department is defined to which the IDEAL user may be assigned. 3. Click Activities > User. 4. On the User dialog box, do one of the following: From the User list, select an existing user. Click New, and in the User box, define a new user. 5. Select the IDEAL user check box. 6. Click Apply. When you first define an IDEAL user on a Windows 2003 server, the Operating System automatically assigns the following policy for that user:


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Working with SmartPlant Integration

Deny local logon Deny access to this computer from the network 7. You need to remove the IDEAL user from the above policy list, and then add the IDEAL user to the following policy list: Allow local logon Allow access to this computer from the network

Registering Plants
Before you can publish and retrieve information from any of the authoring tools, you must register each plant in SmartPlant Instrumentation with a SmartPlant Foundation database. The connection allows SmartPlant Instrumentation to use the SmartPlant integration commands. A SmartPlant Instrumentation Domain Administrator typically performs the registration. The software maps a plant and all its projects to a single SmartPlant Foundation URL, which points to one, and only one, SmartPlant Foundation plant database and its projects. When you use the Register command in any of the authoring tools, you are registering an authoring tool plant with a SmartPlant Foundation URL and plant that you specify. The Domain Administrator must register each plant in the authoring tool once; this action takes place in the Administration module. After the plant is registered, you can publish and retrieve documents. Tool registration information is not upgraded in SmartPlant Foundation; therefore, each tool must re-register with SmartPlant Foundation after upgrading SmartPlant Foundation. Since it is not possible to re-register a SmartPlant Instrumentation plant using the interface options, if you must re-register a SmartPlant Instrumentation plant, contact Intergraph Customer Support.

Register a Plant
1. Log on as Domain Administrator and select the desired domain, configured for an integrated environment. 2. Click SmartPlant > Register. You cannot unregister a plant after it is registered. 3. On the Select Plant dialog box, select the plant that you want to register. 4. On the SmartPlant Foundation URL page of the SmartPlant Registration Wizard, type the node name and virtual directory of the SmartPlant Foundation database to which you want to register your project. Use the following format: http://<SPFServer>/<VirtualDirectory>. For example: http://<SPFServer>/SPFASP. You can click the Browse button to search for the node name. However, you must append the virtual directory to that node name by typing it in the SmartPlant Foundation URL box. Replace <SPFServer> with the name of your SmartPlant Foundation Web server. Replace <VirtualDirectory> with the name of the virtual directory for the SmartPlant Foundation Web Client. By default, the virtual directory for the first instance of the Web Client that you install is SPFASP. However, if you install multiple instances of the Web Client to connect to multiple databases, the virtual directory name may be different. 5. Click Next.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Working with SmartPlant Integration

6. On the SmartPlant Foundation Plant page, select from the Plant name list the SmartPlant Foundation plant with which you want to register your SmartPlant Instrumentation plant. 7. Click Next. 8. If desired, select the auto-retrieve option. 9. Click Finish to register your plant. The registration process also compares the authoring tool's schema release number against the list of supported release numbers on the SmartPlant Foundation server. If the tool map schema is compatible, the tool is granted registration. 10. On the Select Plant dialog box, click Cancel to close the dialog box.

Retrieve a Plant Hierarchy

1. Log on as Domain Administrator and select the desired domain that has been configured for an integrated environment. 2. Click SmartPlant > Retrieve. 3. On the Select Plant dialog box, select the plant that you want to use as the seed plant for retrieving the plant hierarchy. 4. Do one of the following: Select Create new plant to create an entirely new plant hierarchy with the same names as the source plant hierarchy items. Select Correlate plant to create under the selected plant new plant hierarchy items with the same names as the source plant hierarchy items. If you choose the option Create new plant, you must register the newly-created plant before you can use it for integration. For details, see Register a Plant (on page 241). 5. On the SmartPlant Foundation Login dialog box, type the appropriate user name and password. The SmartPlant Foundation Login dialog box would appear for SmartPlant Foundation users that have not been unauthorized. On the Retrieve dialog box, in the Document type list, select All. Under Show, select All documents. Under Documents to retrieve, select the PBS document for the desired plant. Click OK to retrieve the document. At the confirmation prompt, click Close. On the Select Plant dialog box, click Cancel to close the dialog box. Click SmartPlant > To Do List. On the To Do List dialog box, select all the tasks that appear in the list. Click Run to create the plant hierarchy in SmartPlant Instrumentation.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

You cannot defer tasks or view To Do List task properties when retrieving a plant hierarchy in the Administration module. 15. Click Close to close the To Do List dialog box.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Working with SmartPlant Integration

Define Preferences Settings for an Integrated Environment

1. 2. 3. 4. Log on to the SmartPlant Instrumentation application as the IDEAL user. Click File > Preferences. On the Preferences dialog box tree-view pane, click General. Beside Output document folder, click Browse to specify an output document folder in which the software places all SmartPlant Instrumentation documents that can be published. If you do not intend to publish documents through the Web, we recommend that you specify as the output location a sub-folder of the folder where the Intools.ini file is located.

Tool Requirements for Integrating SmartPlant Instrumentation

The following lists include rules that must be followed when using SmartPlant Instrumentation in an integrated environment. Following these rules allows SmartPlant Instrumentation data to be shared correctly with other integration tools. The software retrieves instrument data at the lowest plant hierarchy level in the plant hierarchy item that you logged on to in SmartPlant Instrumentation, for example a unit. The software retrieves wiring data, such as panels and cables, in the highest plant hierarchy level. Provided a plant is registered, you can publish and retrieve data in SmartPlant Instrumentation, subject to the limitations indicated in the following sections.

General Integration Requirements

The following is a list of best practice scenarios for using SmartPlant Instrumentation so data will migrate correctly to the other SmartPlant tools. 1. As Domain Administrator, perform the following tasks: Assign the access right for SmartPlant Registration (under Domain Level) to Full (Add / Delete / Update). Assign the access rights for Publish and Retrieve (under each registered plant) to Full (Add / Delete / Update). 2. If you have installed SmartPlant Instrumentation on a SQL Server platform, open the Intools.ini file and under the [Database] section, make sure that the Lock parameter has the value: Lock=RC

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Working with SmartPlant Integration

Naming Convention Requirements for Integration

Instruments, Loops, Control System Tags and other objects in SmartPlant Instrumentation have a naming convention. The names of these objects are made of segments with predefined length and separators between the segments. The mapping between the segments of the name and properties in the SmartPlant schema is determined by the content of the NamingConventionMap.xml file. For details, see Naming Convention Mapping (on page 250).

Instrument Retrieval
When you retrieve an instrument, the software populates the tag number segments from the retrieved instrument object properties according to the following mapping: Segment 1 2 3 4 Property InstrTagPrefix MeasuredVariable+InstrFuncModifier InstrTagSequenceNo InstrTagSuffix

Segment 1 is populated with the InstrTagPrefix Segment 2 is populated with the concatenation of MeasuredVariable and InstrFuncModifier Segment 3 is populated with the InstrTagSequenceNo Segment 4 is populated with the InstrTagSuffix The segments are then trimmed and put together according to the naming convention to create the tag number. If the naming convention in other tools (for example, SmartPlant P&ID) does not include a prefix, the first segment length needs to be set to 0.

Loop Retrieval
When you retrieve a loop, the software populates the loop name segments from the retrieved instrument object properties according to the following mapping: Segment 1 2 3 4 5 LoopSequenceNo LoopSuff Property LoopPrefix LoopIdentifier

Segment 1 is populated with the LoopPrefix Segment 2 is populated with the LoopIdentifier Segment 4 is populated with the LoopSequenceNo Segment 5 is populated with the LoopSuff Segment 3 is not populated and needs to be set to length 0


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Working with SmartPlant Integration Instrument Publishing

When you publish an instrument, the software populates the published object properties by the naming convention segments as follows: Property InstrTagPrefix MeasuredVariable InstrFuncModifier InstrTagSequenceNo InstrTagSuffix Segment 1 2 2 3 4 Left side of segment 2 Right side of segment 2 Comment

The object name is populated by the tag number with all spaces removed. If the length of prefix is more than 0, the prefix will be part of the object name. Other applications that publish instruments (for example, SmartPlant P&ID) need to be configured to publish the instrument object name with the prefix. The MeasuredVariable and InstrFuncModifier are both populated be the second segment. If the first two characters of segment 2 are included in the TwoLetterMeasuredVariable list that was defined in the SmartPlant Instrumentation mapping file, then the MeasuredVariable gets these two letters; if not then the MeasuredVariable gets the first character of segment 2. In both cases, the InstrFuncModifier gets the rest of the characters of segment 2. This allows correct publishing of instruments such as PDT or DPT. TwoLetterMeasuredVariable DP PD FQ FF TD WD ZD FO

Loop Publishing
When you publish a loop, the software populates the published object properties by the naming convention segments as follows: Property LoopPrefix LoopIdentifier LoopSequenceNo LoopSuff Segment 1 2+3 4 5

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Working with SmartPlant Integration

The object name is populated by the loop name with all spaces removed. If the length of prefix is more than 0, the prefix will be part of the object name. Other applications that publish loops (for example, SmartPlant P&ID) need to be configured to publish the loop object name with the prefix. An example of an instrument naming convention:


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Working with SmartPlant Integration

An example of a loop naming convention:

Working with SmartPlant P&ID

Both SmartPlant Instrumentation and SmartPlant P&ID must have the same plant hierarchy structure, with a minimum of three levels. The domain name in SmartPlant Instrumentation must be different from the plant name in SmartPlant P&ID. You cannot change the plant hierarchy template or names of plant hierarchy levels after retrieving documents from SmartPlant P&ID for the first time. You can, however, change the names of individual plant group items, if you desire.

Working with Projects

You can edit items in the project where you are publishing or retrieving new objects, however, you CANNOT edit As-Built items unless you have claimed them to a project, other than for publishing data. In Options Manager, under General Settings, you can disable editing in As-Built using the Allow Full Access to As-Built option. In Options Manager, under General Settings, you must set the Claim Mode option to Exclusive only. As a result, you cannot claim the same items for multiple projects. You cannot perform a manual claim of any items belonging to the following item types that are shared between SmartPlant Instrumentation and SmartPlant P&ID: tag numbers, loops, lines, equipment, and control system tags. This requirement exists because SmartPlant P&ID performs the scoping and SmartPlant Instrumentation automatically claims scoped items when you retrieve data. You can manually claim any unshared items such as panels, strips, terminal, cables, cable sets, wires, and so forth.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Working with SmartPlant Integration

In SmartPlant Instrumentation, the software automatically claims control systems tags for pre-assigned instruments to the project whenever the instruments are claimed. However, for unassigned instruments, you must claim the control system tags separately in order to assign them to these instruments in the project. You must merge all shared items at the same time; you cannot perform a partial merge of shared items.

Publishing Data
You are not allowed to publish data from As-Built. Doing so results in items appearing more than once (for As-Built and for each project where the item is claimed). Instead, you must open the specific project from which you want to publish the data.

Retrieving Process Function and Instrument Type Data

While there is no requirement to specify process function and instrument type values when publishing from SmartPlant P&ID, you should be aware of the following: SmartPlant P&ID has a property, InstrumentComponentType, that sometimes, but not always, matches the instrument type in SmartPlant Instrumentation. This property is part of the SmartPlant P&ID symbol. Only by replacing the symbol can you change the value of the InstrumentComponentType property for in an instrument that was already placed on the drawing. If the symbol does not provide enough information to publish an instrument type that is recognized by SmartPlant Instrumentation, on retrieving data in SmartPlant Instrumentation, the software specifies the process function and instrument type based on the name of the instrument, where the instrument naming convention includes an Instrument Type segment. For example, if the name of the instrument is FT-100, the software assigns to it instrument type FT and process function Flow. If SmartPlant Instrumentation recognizes a particular instrument type that has more than one description, the software assigns to the instrument the instrument type description designated as the default. If SmartPlant P&ID cannot publish an instrument type, or if it publishes an instrument type that SmartPlant Instrumentation is unable to recognize, then on retrieving the data, SmartPlant Instrumentation does not assign an instrument type. You can then specify the instrument type manually in SmartPlant Instrumentation. If you have already specified an instrument type in SmartPlant Instrumentation and you run an update task that has a null or unrecognized instrument type, the software does not overwrite the existing instrument type.

Working with SmartPlant Electrical

In order to have a successful data exchange between SmartPlant Instrumentation and SmartPlant Electrical, make sure that: Both SmartPlant Instrumentation and SmartPlant Electrical have the same plant hierarchy structure, with a minimum of three levels. In SmartPlant Instrumentation, instruments and I/O signals are defined on the lowest plant hierarchy level. In SmartPlant Instrumentation, cabinets are defined on the highest plant hierarchy level. In SmartPlant Electrical, you defined a registered report for both the I/O lists and for Instruments requiring power supply. You must also ensure that the following SmartPlant Electrical select lists and SmartPlant Instrumentation supporting tables contain identical values: System I/0 type


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Working with SmartPlant Integration

Rated Voltage Power Supply AC/DC Flag Number of Phases Operating Mode Process Function Frequency Furthermore, in the Administration module, in the Domain Definition window, the System Administrator must clear the check box Allow claims for multiple projects (if working in an owner operator domain). In the two tools, the units of measure of certain properties might be defined using a different precision accuracy. For example, 1.2 kW (one-digit accuracy of precision) in SmartPlant Electrical corresponds to 1.23 kW (two-digit accuracy of precision) in SmartPlant Instrumentation. This may result in inconsistencies and could be interpreted as an update when retrieving data. These properties are: Rated Active Power Rated Reactive Power Rated Apparent Power Full Load Current Operating Mode Coincidence Factors (X, Y, Z, ZZ) Starting Current

Using Projects in an Integrated Environment

When working in an integrated environment with a plant that has projects, you need to perform the procedures below in the SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration module so that data will migrate correctly to the other SmartPlant tools. When using projects in an integrated environment, do not change As-Built data in As-Built itself.

System Administrator Tasks

If needed, convert the domain type of an existing SmartPlant Instrumentation domain from Engineering company (EPC) to Owner operator. For more information, see System Administration > Domain Management > Create an Owner Operator Domain in the SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide. In the Domain Definition window, under Domain type, select Owner operator and select Exclusive claim mode. SmartPlant integration does not support having the same item claimed for different projects.

Domain Administrator Tasks

Assign the access right for Project Definition (under Domain Level) to Full (Add / Delete / Update). Create one or more projects. For more information, see Domain and Project Administration > Owner Operator: General Activities > Create a Project in the SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide. Scope and claim items from As-Built for a project. For more information, see Scoping Data for Projects in the SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration Guide. Set the necessary status for the project. For more information, see Set the Project Status for an Integrated Environment in the SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration Guide.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Working with SmartPlant Integration

Complete and merge a project in SmartPlant Instrumentation. For more information, see the SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration Guide, Merging Project and As-Built Data.

Naming Convention Mapping

The NamingConventionMap.xml file can be edited by users. The file contains the following code format: <NAMING_CONVENTIONS> <Publish> <ObjectDefName> <Segment Seq="N/C Segment Number" InterfaceDefUID="SmartPlant TargetInterface" PropertyDefUID="SmartPlant TargetProperty" StartPos="0" Length="0 - ignore, >0 length"/> ... </ObjectDefName> </Publish> <Retrieve> <ObjectDefName> <Segment Seq="N/C Segment Number" InterfaceDefUID="SmartPlant SourceInterface" PropertyDefUID="SmartPlant SourceProperty" StartPos="0" Length="0 - ignore, >0 length"/> ... </ObjectDefName> </Retrieve> <NAMING_CONVENTIONS> Mapping two adjacent segments to the same property results in concatenation of the values when you publish. If you use the value 'Exception' for the InterfaceDefUID property, the software looks for the <Exception Name> tag with a value equivalent to the PropertyDefUID attribute. For example: <Instrument> ... <Segment Seq="2" InterfaceDefUID="Exception" PropertyDefUID="INSTRUMENT_TYPE" StartPos="1" Length="1" /> ... <Exception Name="INSTRUMENT_TYPE" INSTR_TYPE_SegmentSeq="2" A_InterfaceDefUID="INamedInstrument" A_PropertyDefUID="MeasuredVariable" B_InterfaceDefUID="INamedInstrument" B_PropertyDefUID="InstrFuncModifier" /> </Instrument>


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Working with SmartPlant Integration

Configure SmartPlant Instrumentation to Use Minor Revisions

When adding revisions to SmartPlant Instrumentation publishable reports, the software can be configured to support major and minor revisions that are defined in SmartPlant Foundation. 1. Click File > Preferences. 2. On the Preferences dialog box, under Instrument Index, click Custom. 3. Under Custom features for the Instrument Index module, do the following: a. Under Parameter, type major. b. Under Value for the parameter type rev_udf_c01. c. Under Parameter, type minor. d. Under Value for the parameter type rev_udf_c02.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Working with SmartPlant Integration


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


SmartPlant Instrumentation Interface Languages

You can replace the SmartPlant Instrumentation interface language. The System Administrator must first add languages to the database. After adding a language to the database, you can replace your current language with the added one. The following languages are currently available as add-ins: English (default) French (partial translation) German (only some terms are translated) Custom (for languages other than English, French, or German) After adding the desired interface language, you can do the following: Replace the existing interface language with the new interface language. Translate interface text phrases. Translated text appears in the main SmartPlant Instrumentation interface, the Administration module, and in the Import and Merger utilities. The text strings are stored in the In_catalog.db file. Text in the following software components is not translated: Initialization and Update interfaces Rule Manager Internal Setup SAP Interface Fluke Wizard External Editor Process Data Editor Text strings for other software components are located in the following separate resource files: Resource File spiLanguage-US.dll Description Resource file containing all user interface text strings added to any component starting V2009 SP1. This file is located under the SPI-Language-Kit folder within the SPI installation folder All user interface text strings for the Domain and Reference Explorers and Preferences for the Enhanced Report Utility Menu labels, ToolTips, and Microhelp for the Enhanced Report Utility Menu labels, ToolTips, and Microhelp for the Symbol Editor Dialog box labels and error messages for the Enhanced Report Utility and Symbol Editor Text in the About box for the Enhanced Report Utility Text in the About box for the Symbol Editor

MenuLibrary90.dll SmartLoop9.drx SymbolEditor9.drx SmartPlantEN.dll ESLAboutEN.dll SEAboutEN.dll

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


SmartPlant Instrumentation Interface Languages

SPI automatically uses all resource files under the SPI-Language-Kit folder within the SPI installation folder for the selected interface language. See Complementary Resource Files.

Interface Languages Common Tasks

Replace the Interface Language with a Language from the Database
This procedure explains how to replace the current SmartPlant Instrumentation interface with a language from the database. For more information, see Replace the Interface Language with a Language from the Database (on page 255).

Replace the Interface Language with a Language from an External File

This procedure explains how to replace the interface language with a language from an external file. In this mode, all the terms and phrases are retrieved from a language file instead of being retrieved from the database, which improves the performance. For more information, see Replace the Interface Language with a Language from an External File (on page 255).

Translate Interface Text Phrases

This procedure explains how to replace the phrases in the current interface text with your customized text in the target language. After switching to the target language, all the phrases in the column representing that language replace the original phrases of the interface language without overwriting them. Empty fields in the target language do not overwrite the original phrases. This way you can always revert to the original phrases of the interface language. For more information, see Translate Interface Text Phrases (on page 256).

Prefixes and Suffixes in the Interface Text

This topic contains a table with the information about the prefixes and suffixes that you can use when customizing new interface text phrases. For more information, see Prefixes and Suffixes in the Interface Text (on page 257).

Import a New Interface Language

1. With the System Administration window open, click Add-Ins > Import Interface Language. 2. Locate the path and filename of the language database file in one of the following ways: In the File name and path box, type the path and filename of the language database file (the default file is IN_CTLOG.DB). Click Browse to navigate to the desired language database file. 3. Click Connect to display the languages available in the language database file in the Language list. If you get a message stating that the connection has failed, make sure you typed in the correct path and filename of the database file. 4. In the Select Language section, select the desired language that you want to add. Select Custom to be able to replace the phrases in the current SmartPlant Instrumentation user interface with your own phrases. 5. If you have already imported the selected language before, do one of the following:


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

SmartPlant Instrumentation Interface Languages

Select the Overwrite previously imported items check box to overwrite the existing interface terms and phrases. Clear this check box if you want to add new terms and phrases to the previously imported language without overwriting any existing terms or phrases. 6. Click Import to add the selected language to the database.

Replace the Interface Language with a Language from the Database

1. On the menu bar, click Tools > Select Language. 2. On the Select Language dialog box, do one of the following: From the Language list, select the language with which you want to replace the current interface language. Click Default to revert the language to the default language, which is English. 3. Do one of the following: Select the Optimize speed check box to speed up the translation process. This allows the software to load the interface text to your computer memory and retrieve it from there. Clear the Optimize speed check box to retrieve the interface text from the database. This frees the memory resources but decreases performance. 4. Click OK to close the dialog box and change the interface language. SPI automatically uses all resource files under the SPI-Language-Kit folder within the SPI installation folder for the selected interface language. See Complementary Resource Files.

Replace the Interface Language with a Language from an External File

Use this procedure only if you experience memory problems while working on your local computer. 1. On the menu bar, click Tools > Select Language. 2. Select Optimize speed. 3. Select Use file to retrieve the interface text from a pre-defined .psr file, and then do one of the following: In the data field, type the path and filename of the appropriate language file. Click Browse to navigate to the language file. The software does not check whether the specified .psr file is suitable for translation. If you select an unsuitable file, the software will display the 'Expression not valid' message when you try to use various options in SmartPlant Instrumentation. 4. To update your language file, do one of the following: Select Overwrite existing file to update the contents of the external language file after running an update for the application. This action overwrites all existing data in the language file with the data retrieved from the database. Clear Overwrite existing file to leave the language file contents unchanged. 5. Click OK to close the dialog box and change the interface language.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


SmartPlant Instrumentation Interface Languages

SPI automatically uses all resource files under the SPI-Language-Kit folder within the SPI installation folder for the selected interface language. See Complementary Resource Files.

Translate Interface Text Phrases

The System Administrator must first add the specified target language to the database. 1. On the menu bar, click Tools > Edit Translation Text. 2. Do one of the following: Click Open to navigate to a language (.psr) file that contains the interface text. Click Retrieve to retrieve the interface text from the database. After you click Update, these commands become permanently disabled, and you will no longer be able to perform either of these operations to load the interface text again. 3. In the desired language column, type the phrases you want. The column headers that appear depend on the available languages, for example: Custom Phrase, French Phrase, German Phrase, and so forth. You can compare phrases more easily by moving two columns closer together. Drag a column header and drop it in the desired location.

If you leave any fields blank for the target language, text from the Original Phrase column (English) will appear in those fields in the interface after switching languages. This is useful for terms that are the same in your language as in English. Make sure that you add the same prefixes, suffixes and punctuation marks that appear in the corresponding original phrases of that interface language, for example: ~, &. For details, see Prefixes and Suffixes in the Interface Text (on page 257). 4. Do one of the following: Click Update to save the changes to the database. (If you want to save the changes to an external language file and not to the database, do not click Update.) Click Save File to save the translated interface text to an external language file with a .psr extension. 5. Click Close to close the Edit Translation Text dialog box. You must exit and then restart the application for your text changes to take effect. 6. Select the language that you have translated by means of one of the following options: To select a language from the database, see Replace the Interface Language with a Language from the Database (on page 255). To select a language from an external file, see Replace the Interface Language with a Language from an External File (on page 255).


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

SmartPlant Instrumentation Interface Languages

Complementary Resource Files

Resource files (by default spiLanguage-US.dll) are used as an expansion of IN_CTLOG.db to handle all user interface text strings added to any SPI component starting V2009 SP1. These files must be located under the SPI-Language-Kit folder within the default SPI installation folder. Multiple resource files can be used to create desired languages. For SPI to identify which interface language to associate the resource file with, the first line of each file must include the language code (for example, the lang3_sentence is the code for French). In the following table, the Caption column states which string must be used for each language. Language English French German Custom Caption orig_sentence lang3_sentence lang1_sentence lang4_sentence

Prefixes and Suffixes in the Interface Text

The following table contains information about the prefixes and suffixes that you can use when customizing new interface text phrases. Prefix/Suffix & Function Specifies a menu item. Underlines the letter following the '&' symbol. Displays the '&' symbol. Starts a new line. Starts a new paragraph (functions like the Enter key in Microsoft Word). It is usually used in conjunction with ~n. Adds a tab entry. Syntax &<interface text> Example &Action

&& ~n ~r

&& <interface text>~n<interface text> <interface text>~r<interface text>

Operators && Functions ~nContinue? Warning~n~r


<interface text>~t<interface text>


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


SmartPlant Instrumentation Interface Languages


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

In this section you can find information on the various windows, toolbars, and dialog boxes used by the Administration module. You can access help topics for a dialog box directly, by clicking the Help button on the dialog box.

Access Rights Window Toolbar ..................................................... 260 Access Rights Window .................................................................. 260 Accounting Dialog Box ................................................................... 261 Active Database Connections Dialog Box ..................................... 261 Activity Tracking Report Settings (Graph) Dialog Box ................... 262 Activity Tracking Report Settings (Grid) Dialog Box ...................... 263 Add Accounting Dialog Box ........................................................... 263 Add Client Dialog Box .................................................................... 263 Add Contractor Dialog Box ............................................................ 264 Add Database Views Dialog Box ................................................... 264 Add Datafiles (SQL Server) Dialog Box ......................................... 264 Add Datafiles (Oracle) Dialog Box ................................................. 265 Administration Window .................................................................. 265 Advanced Domain Preferences Dialog Box .................................. 265 Advanced Filter Definition (Cables) Dialog Box ............................. 266 Advanced Filter Definition (Loops) Dialog Box .............................. 267 Advanced Project Preferences Dialog Box .................................... 268 Area Properties Dialog Box ........................................................... 269 Assign Groups to Project Dialog Box ............................................ 270 Assign Users to Groups Dialog Box .............................................. 270

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Access Rights Window Toolbar

Enables the Domain Administrator to access the most common commands available when the Access Rights window is open. Icon Description Saves the access rights definitions in the current domain. Opens a pop-up window that displays all the available items and the level on which they are defined. Opens a dialog box where you can select a user group and grant access rights globally. Opens a dialog box where you can copy access rights from plants to plants, from units to units, or from projects to projects if the domain type is Owner operator.

Access Rights Window

Enables the Domain Administrator to grant or deny access rights to SmartPlant Instrumentation items and activities. Access rights are defined per user group and are set for a particular plant hierarchy level. Examples of items include components of SmartPlant Instrumentation, such as specifications, panels, cables, wires, manufacturer, or location for the Instrument Index module, and so forth. Project name (only available when the domain type is Owner operator) Allows you to select a target project where you can define access rights for user groups. Also, you can select As-Built to define access rights for user groups that exist in As-Built. If you want to grant access rights to a group assigned to a project, you must also assign this group to As-Built. Grant maximum access rights When a user belongs to more than one group, you can grant the maximum level for all the access rights available to the user in all the groups. If you clear the check box, the user receives minimum access rights granted by all the groups.

Toolbar (see "Access Rights Window Toolbar" on page 260) Group list
Displays all the user groups defined in the current domain. For each group, access rights are defined on three levels: domain, highest plant hierarchy level , and lowest plant hierarchy level. The Domain Administrator defines plant hierarchy level name in the Plant Hierarchy dialog box. The default highest level is Plant. The default lowest level is Unit. Double-click a group to display the access levels. Domain level Allows you to grant or deny access to the domain administration tools and global items, such as supporting tables, default cable and panel managers, UOM definitions, and so forth. When the domain type is Owner operator, in a project or As-Built, access rights granted on the domain level do not apply. <Plant> Level Allows you to grant or deny access to specific items and activities that are defined on the highest plant hierarchy level. The label <Plant> changes dynamically according to your highest plant hierarchy level definition.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Double-click the icon to display the existing highest plant hierarchy level items, and then select a specific item. <Unit> Level Allows you to grant or deny access to specific items and activities that are defined on the lowest plant hierarchy level. The label <Unit> changes dynamically according to your lowest plant hierarchy level definition. Double-click the icon to display the existing lowest plant hierarchy levels, and then select a specific item.

Item or activity
Displays all the items and activities that are associated with the selected access rights level. Each item or activity is then associated with a specific access mode. For more details about the available items and activities, see Access Rights Descriptions (on page 184). Name Displays the items and activities for which you are defining access rights. The contents of this list depend on the level you selected. Mode Allows you to select the appropriate access mode to the selected item or activity for the user group you chose in the Group list pane. You can select one the following access modes to grant access per item or activity: Full Allows group users to add, delete, and modify data for the item that you selected. Modify Allows group users to add and modify data for the item that you selected. Deletion is prohibited. View Only Allows group users to view data for the item that you selected, but does not allow editing the item in any way. Access Denied Prevents group users from accessing the item that you selected. You can apply this mode at the domain level if you need to deny access to an entire module.

Accounting Dialog Box

Enables the System Administrator to create a new accounting profile, or to modify or delete an existing one. To access this dialog box, open the Domain Definition window, select a domain, Click Options > Add Accounting and then, in the Add Accounting dialog box click Accounting. Accounting name Allows you to select an existing account from this list or type a new name after clicking New or Edit. Account names must be unique. Accounting number Allows you to enter the account number, if needed. Note Allows you to enter a short note if needed. To insert a carriage return, press CTRL + ENTER.

Command Buttons
Apply Saves all the changes you have made. New Allows you to define a new account. Clicking this button makes all the fields accessible for editing. Edit Allows you to modify the current account properties. Delete Deletes the selected account.

Active Database Connections Dialog Box

This dialog box allows the System Administrator to view and print out a list of all the active connections to the SmartPlant Instrumentation database on Oracle or SQL Server.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes Connections to the SmartPlant Instrumentation database

User Displays all the users who are connected to the SmartPlant Instrumentation database. For each user, several database connections can exist. Schema Name Displays the database schema name to which the user is connected. Client Machine Displays the name of the client machine from which the user is connected to the database. Application Displays the application name or executable file name of the application that has a user connection to the SmartPlant Instrumentation database. Logon Data and Time Displays the date and time at which the connection has been established. The date and time are displayed according to the regional settings and date format defined on the database server. Session ID Displays the connection session ID recorded in the SmartPlant Instrumentation database. The Domain Administrator can then refer to the session ID when clearing blocked sessions on Oracle or blocking sessions on SQL Server. For details, see Clearing Locking Common Tasks (on page 224) .

Prints the list of the connected users without opening a print preview.

Activity Tracking Report Settings (Graph) Dialog Box

Enables you to select the options for generating a report in graphical format showing usage of SmartPlant Instrumentation according to domain, module, and user. To open this dialog box, with the System Administration window open, click Reports > Activity Tracking > Graph. Main category Allows you to select the main display information category: Module, Domain, or User. Secondary category Allows you select the secondary display information category: Module, Domain, or User. Period These options allow you to set the range of dates for the report you are generating. Domain list If you selected Domain from the Main category list, you can select domains (up to a maximum of 10) to be included in the report. User list If you selected User from the Secondary category list, you can select users (up to a maximum of 10) to be included in the report. Deleted domains The following options are available: Ignore Allows you to display only the current domains in the report. Include Allows you to include activity of a domain that has been deleted from the system. Terminated activities These are activities where SmartPlant Instrumentation has not been exited properly due to a power failure or re-booting the station; they only have an estimated closing time. The options are: Include Allows you to include terminated activities in the report. Exclude Allows you to exclude terminated activities from the report. Only Allows you to include only terminated activities in the report. Graph type The following options are available: Area Allows you to display a filled-area graph. Bar Allows you to display a horizontal bar graph. Column Allows you to display a vertical graph. Pie Allows you to display a pie graph.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

OK Opens the Print Preview window from which you can view and print out the report.

Activity Tracking Report Settings (Grid) Dialog Box

Enables you to set options for generating a report in tabular format showing usage of SmartPlant Instrumentation according to domain, module, and user. To open this dialog box, with the System Administration window open, click Reports > Activity Tracking > Grid. Main category Allows you to select the main display information category: Module, Domain, or User. Secondary category Allows you select the secondary display information category: Module, Domain, or User. Period These options allow you to set the range of dates for the report you are generating. Deleted domains The following options are available: Ignore Allows you to display only the current domains in the report. Include Allows you to include activity of a domain that has been deleted from the system. Terminated activities These are activities where SmartPlant Instrumentation has not been exited properly due to a power failure or re-booting the station; they only have an estimated closing time. The options are: Include Allows you to include terminated activities in the report. Exclude Allows you to exclude terminated activities from the report. Only Allows you to include only terminated activities in the report. OK Opens the Print Preview window from which you can view and print out the report.

Add Accounting Dialog Box

Enables the System Administrator to associate accounts with a domain or to dissociate accounts from a domain. To access this dialog box, open the Domain Definition window, select a domain, and then, click Options > Add Accounting. General List Displays all the accounts defined in your database. You can drag an account to the Domain data window to associate this account with the current domain. Domain Displays a list of accounts associated with the current domain. You can drag an account to the General List data window to dissociate this account from the domain. Apply Saves the definitions. Accounting Opens a dialog box where you can define or modify accounting information.

Add Client Dialog Box

Enables the System Administrator to associate clients with a domain or to dissociate clients from a domain. To access this dialog box, open the Domain Definition window, select a domain, and click Options > Add Client. General List Displays all the clients defined in your database. You can drag a client to the Domain data window to associate this client with the current domain. Domain Displays a list of clients associated with the current domain. You can drag a client to the General List data window to dissociate this client from the domain. Apply Saves the definitions. Client Opens a dialog box where you can define or modify a client profile.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Add Contractor Dialog Box

Enables the System Administrator to associate contractors with a domain or to dissociate contractors from a domain. To access this dialog box, open the Domain Definition window, select a domain, and then click Options > Add Contractor. General List Displays all the contractors defined in your database. You can drag a contractor to the Domain data window to associate this contractor with the current domain. Domain Displays a list of contractors associated with the current domain. You can drag a contractor to the General List data window to dissociate this contractor from the domain. Apply Saves the definitions. Contractor Opens a dialog box where you can define or modify contractor properties.

Add Database Views Dialog Box

Displays user-defined database views that you can make available in a target domain when initializing that domain using the current domain as a source. Data Window Displays all the user-defined database views available in the current domain. You can select one or more database views. Apply Allocates the selected database views to the list in the User-Defined Database views dialog box.

Add Datafiles (SQL Server) Dialog Box

Enables you to add new datafiles to a filegroup, Log group, and Tempdb group for SQL Server. To open this dialog box, with the System Administration window open, click DBA > Add Datafiles. System Admin. Password Allows you specify the appropriate SQL Server Database System Administrator password. By default, the password box is empty.

This tab allows you to add new datafiles to a filegroup. Filegroup Allows you to select the filegroup to which you want to add a new datafile. Data Window Displays the read-only filegroup, file name, and data file location information. New file information Allows you to specify name and location, and the initial size of the datafile. The options are: Datafile name Allows you to enter the name of the new datafile that you want to add. Datafile location Allows you to specify the path on the file server where the new datafile will be located. The file path must include the drive and the datafile name. Initial size Allows you to enter the initial size of the new datafile, in MB.

Log Group
This tab folder allows you to add new datafiles to the Log group. For the option descriptions, see the information for the Filegroup tab.

This tab folder allows you to add new datafiles to the Tempdb group. For the option descriptions, see the information for the Filegroup tab.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes Add

Adds the defined datafile to the filegroup, Log group, or Tempdb group.

Add Datafiles (Oracle) Dialog Box

Enables you to increase the tablespaces on Oracle. You increase the database tablespace by attaching additional datafiles to an existing tablespace if the system reports that it has run out of space or fails to perform. Tablespaces are database domains where Oracle stores your SmartPlant Instrumentation database information. The tablespace data is physically stored in one or more files. Increasing the tablespace size adds a file to that tablespace. Therefore, make sure you have enough free disk space on the drive where the tablespace datafiles are located. To access this dialog box, with the System Administration window open, click DBA > Add Datafiles. Tablespace Allows you to select the required tablespace to which you want to add a datafile. Datafile name Allows you to enter the full path and name of the additional datafile (in .db file format). The current tablespace datafile path appears by default. Make sure that you select a datafile which is not currently in use. Datafile size Allows you to enter the size of the additional datafile.

Administration Window
Enables you to end the Administration module session or to re-enter the module either as System Administrator or Domain Administrator. Clicking the toolbar icon re- opens the Open Administration Module dialog box.

Advanced Domain Preferences Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to set restrictions on preferences for the current domain users. After setting the default preferences for this domain on the Preferences Management dialog box, you set restrictions on various preferences by enabling or disabling them on the Advanced Domain Preferences dialog box. After you disable a preference option on the Advanced Domain Preferences dialog box, the software automatically disables this option in the Preferences dialog box in SmartPlant Instrumentation environment. Also, the software overwrites the user setting with a setting that you define. Users in the current domain can view the disabled preference options as read-only default settings. However, individual users can customize the enabled preferences as they need. They can do this in SmartPlant Instrumentation environment.

Data Window
Module/Feature Contains a list of SmartPlant Instrumentation modules and features whose preferences the user can customize, within the SmartPlant Instrumentation environment, on the Preferences dialog box. Category Contains a list of categories. On the Preferences Management dialog box, the category names correspond to the names of pages displayed after you expand the hierarchy in the tree view pane. For example, the New Tag category corresponds to the New Tag page of the Instrument Index preferences.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Sub Category Name Contains a list of preference options that users can customize within the SmartPlant Instrumentation environment, on the Preferences dialog box. The sub category names correspond to the names of the options within a specific page of the Preferences Management dialog box. Enabled When selected, indicates that users can customize the option that is displayed beside this check box. You can select as many check boxes as you require. By clearing a certain check box, you disable the adjacent preference option customization in the current domain, so that the users working in that domain will view these options as read-only. When you clear the Enabled check box for a property in a particular domain, the user is unable to change the value of that item. If you enable the same item in another domain and the user logs onto that domain, the user sees the value that was set in the domain where the property was disabled, and not the value from the current domain. We recommend that you do not disable the temporary folder path option. This is because in the temporary folder, the software creates temporary files during various activities that users perform in SmartPlant Instrumentation, for example, when creating specifications, generating CAD drawings, hook-up drawings, reports, and so forth. If you prevent users from specifying individual temporary folder paths, the temporary folder path becomes shared among several users. This can cause problems with data display when users perform the same activity at the same time, for example, when creating two specifications at the same time. Enable all Makes all the preference options available for customization in the current domain.

Advanced Filter Definition (Cables) Dialog Box

Allows you to set additional filter definitions for the Cables and Cross Cables folder. You can filter for cables according to their connections and for cables that are connected to a specific Foundation or Profibus segment.

Connection criteria
Allows you to filter the cables according to their connections. Look for connections Allows you to include the connection criteria in the filter condition. This activates the check boxes under Connection and under Connected to. Clear this check box if you do not want to include any of the connection criteria in the filter condition. Clearing this check box disables the Connection and the Connected to check boxes.. Connection Allows you to define a filter according to the cable connection: No connections on either end Includes the cables that are not connected to anything on both ends. At least one wire connected on one end only Includes the cables that contain at least one wire that is only connected on one of its ends. At least one wire connected to both ends Includes the cables that contain at least one wire that is connected on its both ends. Connected to Allows you to define a filter according to the type of panel that is connected to the cable. This selection sets connection criteria for cables that have at least one wire connected to one or both ends. Junction boxes Includes all the cables that are connected to junction boxes. Marshaling racks Includes all the cables that are connected to marshaling racks. Cabinets Includes all the cables that are connected to cabinets. Device panels Includes all the cables that are connected to device panels.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

DCS panels Includes all the cables that are connected to DCS panels. PLC panels Includes all the cables that are connected to PLC panels.

Cable associations
Allows you to filter the cables according to their associations. Fieldbus segment Allows you to filter for cables associated with a specific Foundation Fieldbus or Profibus segment. Display telecom cables only Allows you to filter for cables connected to telecom items.

Advanced Filter Definition (Loops) Dialog Box

Allows you to set additional filter definitions for loop numbers that appear in the Loops folder of the current Explorer window. You can select one or more CAD drawing blocks and only display those loops that contain the selected blocks as associated sub-items.

Filter loops according to blocks

Blocks associated with tags Displays CAD drawing blocks that are associated with loop tags. After you select one or more blocks, in the Loops folder of the current Explorer window, the software only displays loops whose blocks are associated with the tags using the block-tag assignment method. Blocks associated with instrument types Displays CAD drawing blocks that are associated with the instrument type of the loop tags. After you select these blocks, in the Loops folder of the current Explorer window, the software only displays loops whose blocks are associated with the tags using the block-instrument type assignment method. If you need, you can select blocks from both data windows, that is, any combination of blocks associated with instrument types and blocks associated with instrument tag numbers. In the Administration module, Explorer windows do not include blocks. Blocks only appear in the Domain Explorer, which you can open in SmartPlant Instrumentation. In the Domain Explorer, blocks associated with instruments using the manual block assignment method are marked with the icon . Blocks associated with tags using the automatic block assignment method are marked with the icon .

Display level for blocks

Highest plant hierarchy level Displays blocks on the highest level of the plant hierarchy defined by the Domain Administrator. The default level is Plant. Lowest plant hierarchy level Displays blocks on the lowest level of the plant hierarchy defined by the Domain Administrator. The default level is Unit.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Advanced Project Preferences Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to set restrictions on preferences for the users who work in As-Built or projects. You select a project on the Preferences Management dialog box, and define the default preferences for that project. Then, on the Advanced Project Preferences dialog box, you set various restrictions by enabling or disabling certain preference options for the selected project. Also, you can copy project preference settings from the default preferences you have defined on the Preferences Management dialog box. It is possible to copy project preferences to one or more projects at a time. After you disable a preference option on the Advanced Project Preferences dialog box, the software automatically disables this option on the Preferences dialog box in SmartPlant Instrumentation environment. Also, the software overwrites the user setting with a setting that you define. Project users can view the disabled preference options as read-only default settings. However, individual users can customize the enabled preferences as they need. They can do this in SmartPlant Instrumentation environment.

Data Window
Module/Feature Contains a list of SmartPlant Instrumentation modules and features whose preferences the user can customize, within the SmartPlant Instrumentation environment, on the Preferences dialog box. Category Contains a list of categories. On the Preferences Management dialog box, the category names correspond to the names of pages displayed after you expand the hierarchy in the tree view pane. For example, the New Tag category corresponds to the New Tag page of the Instrument Index preferences. Sub Category Name Contains a list of preference options that users can customize within the SmartPlant Instrumentation environment, on the Preferences dialog box. The sub category names correspond to the names of the options within a specific page of the Preferences Management dialog box. Enabled When selected, indicates that users in the current project can customize the option that is displayed beside this check box. You can select as many check boxes as you require. By clearing a certain check box, you disable the adjacent preference option customization in the current project, so that the users working in this project will view these options as read-only. When you clear the Enabled check box for an property in a particular project, the user is unable to change the value of that item. If you enable the same item in another project and the user opens that project, the user sees the value that was set in the project where the property was disabled, and not the value from the current project. We recommend that you do not disable the temporary folder path option. This is because in the temporary folder, the software creates temporary files during various activities that users perform in SmartPlant Instrumentation, for example, when creating specifications, generating CAD drawings, hook-up drawings, reports, and so forth. If you prevent users from specifying individual temporary folder paths, the temporary folder path becomes shared among several users. This can cause problems with data display when users perform the same activity at the same time, for example, when creating two specifications at the same time. Enable all Makes all the preference options available for customization in the current project. Copy To Opens the Copy to Projects dialog box, where you can copy the current project preference settings to other projects in the owner operator domain. Copy From Opens the Copy from Projects dialog box, where you can overwrite the current project preference settings with other project preferences.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Area Properties Dialog Box

Enables you to create a new item on an intermediate level of your plant hierarchy, or modify properties of an existing item. You define the number of intermediate hierarchy levels in the Plant hierarchy dialog box. Also, you can assign custom field values to a specific item. The default intermediate level item name is <area>.

General Tab (Area Properties Dialog Box)

Enables the Domain Administrator to create a new intermediate level item or edit a profile of an existing intermediate level item. The default intermediate level item name is <area>. Parent hierarchy Displays the plant hierarchy to which the current intermediate level item belongs. <Area> Allows you to enter or modify the name of the intermediate level item. The name must be unique within the current node of the parent level. The name must contain at least one character that is not space. The maximum name length is 50 characters. Note Allows you to enter a short note. The maximum note length is 200 characters.

Custom Fields Tab (Plant Hierarchy Item Properties Dialog Box)

Enables you to define up to twenty custom field values for the current plant hierarchy item. Custom fields associated with a plant hierarchy item are regular text fields and behave as any other custom fields that are available in SmartPlant Instrumentation for specific items. For example, you can define custom field values for the current <units>, and then select the appropriate custom field value when defining item naming conventions, so that in SmartPlant Instrumentation, this field value appears as part of an item name instead of the actual name of the <unit>. Also, custom field values can appear associated with the appropriate plant hierarchy items whenever the software runs macros: In custom title blocks (macro hierarchy_udf_y_x_t for custom field headers and macro hierarchy_udf_y_x for custom field values) In CAD drawings In drawings generated using the Enhanced Report Utility. Parent hierarchy (not available for the highest plant hierarchy item) Displays the plant hierarchy string to which the current item belongs. <Current plant hierarchy item> Displays the plant hierarchy item for which you opened the Properties dialog box. Custom fields from 1 to 15 Allow you to enter up to fifty characters in each box. You can edit the definitions above the boxes using the options in the Custom Fields dialog box. The default definitions are Custom field 1, Custom field 2, and so forth. Custom fields from 16 to 20 Allow you to enter up to one hundred characters in each box. You can edit the definitions above the boxes using the options in the Custom Fields dialog box. The default definitions are Custom field 16, Custom field 17, and so forth. The software copies the custom fields (values and definitions) when copying <unit> data.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Assign Groups to Project Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to assign group access rights to a particular project. If you assign a group whose with full access rights for project activities, these users become available for selection on the Project Activities dialog box, in the Project Administrator list. You can then select a specific user and assign this user to the project as Project Administrator. To access this dialog box, click Activities > Assign Groups to Project. Group list Contains all the groups created by the Domain Administrator. To assign a group to the project displayed in the Project box, select a group name and drag it to the Project groups pane. Project Allows you to select a target project for assigning groups. Project groups Contains the groups belonging to the project that you selected in the Project list. To remove a group from the project displayed in the Project box, select a group name and drag it to the Group list pane.

Assign Users to Groups Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to assign SmartPlant Instrumentation users to a group for the purpose of assigning the access rights that apply to the group to individual users who belong to that group. If you use Windows authentication logon method in the current domain, the software can assign users to groups automatically. When the domain type is Owner operator, the Project Administrator can define user groups in As-Built and then, when creating a project using the Project Activities dialog box, copy all the user groups from As-Built automatically. To access this dialog box, click Activities > Assign Users to Groups. User list Contains all the users created by the System Administrator. To assign a user to the group displayed in the Group box, select a user name and drag it to the Group users pane. You can assign the same user to more than one group. Group Allows you to select a target group for assigning users. Group users Contains the users belonging to the group that you selected in the Group list. To remove a user from the group displayed in the Group box, select a user name and drag it to the User list pane. Apply Saves the settings. User Displays information about the selected user.

Back Up Domain Dialog Box ......................................................... 271 Backup Repository Dialog Box ...................................................... 272


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Back Up Domain Dialog Box

Enables you to select a source domain for backup and start the backup process. You can also view the current Oracle or SQL Server database properties. To open this dialog box, on the Backup Repository dialog box, click Connect. The backup process is irreversible. Database type Displays the source database type: SQL Server or a specific Oracle version. Server When using SQL Server, displays the name of the server machine where the source data is located. When using Oracle, displays your Oracle instance alias. Database name (only available when the source database type is SQL Server) Displays your SQL Server database name located on the server machine that contains the source data. Admin schema name Type the Admin schema logon name of the SmartPlant Instrumentation database. Admin schema password Type the Admin schema logon password. Domain Allows you to select a domain for a backup. Project Save last created ID for merging renamed items This option is only relevant for the Merger Utility. Allows you to specify that the ID of the last created item in the domain is saved in the database. The software allocates a unique sequential ID to each item that you create. On merging data at a later stage, if the ID of an item is less than or equal to the ID of the last created item, this indicates that the item was created in the database prior to making the backup. Consequently, the Merger Utility is able to identify the item by its ID, and can update renamed items if required, by selecting the Include renamed items check box in the Merger dialog box. If you clear this check box, the Merger Utility ignores any items that were renamed since the backup, even if you select the Include renamed items check box, and inserts the items as new records. Copy users to target domain Copies the SmartPlant Instrumentation user definitions from the source domain to the target Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database file. The software can only copy those users who are assigned to groups. Copy departments to target domain Copies the department definitions from the source domain to the target Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database file. OK Opens the Backup Information dialog box and starts the backup back process. The Backup Information dialog box displays the domain name and the Domain schema name of the backed up domain. The name that the software assigns to the backed up domain is Intools_Backup. The Domain schema name and password of the backed up domain are also Intools_Backup. You cannot change these settings. On completion of the backup process, the software records details of any errors in the InitLog.txt file, located in the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder. In the target database, the domain type is the same as in the source database.

Enables you to specify the target folders to which the software backs-up reports, and select the documents you wish to include in the backup. To open this dialog box, in the Back Up Domain dialog box, click Files.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes Specify target folder for saving external files
Target path for saving files Specify the target folder in which the software saves the backup zip files. You can click Browse... and browse to the folder. Include in backup Reports Select to Include SmartPlant Instrumentation reports in the backup. CAD loop drawings Select to backup your AutoCAD loop drawings. Hookup drawings Select to backup your hookup drawings.

Specify source folder paths

Enhanced reports: Specify the source folder of your Enhanced reports . Spec saved as PSR or ISF Specify the source folder for spec files originating in SAP or Microstation. Specs saved as excel Specify the source folder for spec files saved as Excel files.

Backup Repository Dialog Box

Using this dialog box, you select the INtools_Backup.db database or its copy as the backup repository. You connect to the backup repository and to your the current database that contains a domain you intend to back up. You can back up any domain existing in an Oracle or SQL server source database to the backup repository. The backup repository and its copies are only compatible with the current version of SmartPlant Instrumentation. After you install a new service pack for the current version, you can only use the backup repository that is shipped with the service pack. To open the dialog box, with the System Administration window open, click File > Backup. The INtools_Backup.db database can only contain one backed up domain. Therefore, before backing up a domain data, we recommend that you rename INtools_Backup.db to <Master>.db, and then, for each backup process, make a copy of the <Master>.db database with the name INtools_Backup.db. After backing up a domain, you should rename INtools_Backup.db. For example, if your source domain name is Domain1, rename INtools_Backup.dbto Domain1.DB. If you have already used the INtools_Backup.db for a backup and forgot to make a clean copy of INtools_Backup.db, you can obtain another INtools_Backup.db from Intergraph Support, and then use it as a master database for making copies. When backing up SmartPlant Instrumentation data, the software does not back up all the audit trail data that was previously trimmed. If you want to backup audit trail data, see Backing Up Files Containing Audit Trail Data (on page 36). If you work in thin client environment, for example, Citrix, you must copy the INtools.ini file to the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder on the server machine to be able to perform a backup procedure. On backup completion, remove the INtools.ini file from the server machine. Target database name and path Allows you to specify the path for the INtools_Backup.db database. Browse Allows you to select the INtools_Backup.db database. Connect Connects to the backup repository and opens the Source Database dialog box, where you can select a domain for backup and start the backup process.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Change Admin Schema Password Dialog Box ............................. 273 Change Domain Schema Password Dialog Box ........................... 274 Change Security Schema Password Dialog Box ........................... 274 Change Password Dialog Box ....................................................... 274 Clear Activity Tracking Data Dialog Box ........................................ 275 Clear Locking in Selected Sessions Dialog Box ............................ 275 Client Dialog Box ........................................................................... 276 Colors Dialog Box .......................................................................... 276 Comparison List Dialog Box .......................................................... 277 Comparison List Filter Dialog Box ................................................. 278 Comparison List Report Dialog Box............................................... 279 Contractor Dialog Box .................................................................... 279 Copy Data from Source Dialog Box ............................................... 279 Copy Access Rights Dialog Box .................................................... 283 Copy From Dialog Box ................................................................... 284 Copy from Project Dialog Box ........................................................ 284 Copy from Project Dialog Box ........................................................ 284 Copy Naming Conventions From Dialog Box ................................ 285 Copy Naming Conventions Dialog Box ......................................... 285 Copy to Projects Dialog Box .......................................................... 285 Custom Fields Dialog Box ............................................................. 286 Custom Tables Dialog Box ............................................................ 287

Change Admin Schema Password Dialog Box

This dialog box allows you to change the password of an existing Admin schema. To access this dialog box, with the System Administration window open, click DBA > Security Options > Change Admin Schema Password. This dialog box is not available when using SmartPlant Instrumentation in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere. The dialog options are as follows: Admin schema name Displays the name of the current Admin schema. Admin schema password Allows you to type the current Admin schema password. New Admin schema password Allows you to type a new Admin schema password. Verify password Requires you to retype the new password so that the software can verify that you typed the new password correctly.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Change Domain Schema Password Dialog Box

This dialog box allows you to change the password of an existing Domain schema. To access this dialog box, with the System Administration window open, click DBA > Security Options > Change Domain Schema Password. The dialog options are as follows: Domain Allows you to select an appropriate domain. Current domain schema password Allows you to type the current password of the selected domain. New domain schema password Allows you to type a new password for the selected domain. Verify new password Requires you to retype the new password so that the software can verify that you typed the new password correctly.

Change Security Schema Password Dialog Box

When working with Oracle or MS SQL Server databases, the System Administrator can change the initial logon password. Note that for MS SQL Server databases, this password is shared by all the databases that reside on a particular host. After completing this procedure, make sure that you distribute the new intools.ini file among all the client machines. Current security schema password Allows you to type the current password of the security schema. New security schema password Allows you to type a new password of the security schema. Verify password Requires you to retype the new password so that the software can verify that you typed the new password correctly.

Change Password Dialog Box

Enables SmartPlant Instrumentation users to customize the SmartPlant Instrumentation logon passwords. After changing the password you must notify your System Administrator that you have done so. This is important because the System Administrator can override your change and then you will not be able to log on to SmartPlant Instrumentation. To access this dialog box, click File > Change Password. Current password Type your current SmartPlant Instrumentation password. New password Type the new password. You can use alphanumeric values in either upper or lower case (it is not case-sensitive). The maximum length of your password can be 15 characters. Verify new password Requires you to retype the new password so that the software can verify that you typed the new password correctly.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Clear Activity Tracking Data Dialog Box

Enables the System Administrator to clear activity tracking data which can be selected according to time periods, users, domains, or modules. To open this dialog box, click DBA > Clear Activity Tracking. To clear activity tracking, you must select at least one check box. Period Allows you to define a period of time for which you want delete activity tracking data. In the From and To boxes, type the time range for which you want delete activity tracking data. Clearing this check box disables time restriction. User Allows you to select a user whose tracking activity data you want to delete. If you want to delete the tracking activity data of all users, clear this check box. Domain name Allows you to select a domain whose tracking activity data you want to delete. If you want to delete the tracking activity data in all domains, clear this check box. Module Allows you to select a module whose tracking activity data you want to delete. If you want to delete the tracking activity data in all modules, clear this check box.

Clear Locking in Selected Sessions Dialog Box

This dialog box allows the Domain Administrator to disconnect a user from SmartPlant Instrumentation and close all the user's SmartPlant Instrumentation sessions. You can use this option on Oracle. When disconnecting a user, you immediately stop all the following sessions of that user: SmartPlant Instrumentation application session The Administration module session Import Utility Merger Utility The user's sessions in other applications are not affected. After disconnecting a user, the records of the user's SmartPlant Instrumentation sessions remain in the CURRENT_INFO table of your server database. If needed, you can manually clear the session records. For more information, see Clear SmartPlant Instrumentation Session Records (on page 225). To access this dialog box, click DBA > Locking > Clear Locking in Selected Sessions. Database Displays the name of the current database. User Allows you to select the user whose sessions you want to stop. User initials Displays the user's initials. Department Displays the department to which the user is assigned. Note Displays the note the System Administrator has assigned to the user when defining the user. System Administrator Displays whether the user you want to disconnect has been granted the System Administrator rights. Apply Disconnects the selected user from SmartPlant Instrumentation.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Client Dialog Box

Enables the System Administrator to create a new client profile, or to modify or delete an existing one. To access this dialog box, open the Domain Definition window, select a domain, click Options > Add Client and then, in the Add Client dialog box click Client. Client Allows you to select a client name from this list or type a new client name after clicking New or Edit. Client names must be unique. Address 1 / Address 2 / City / State / Zip Code / Country Allows you to enter the client's address in these fields after clicking New or Edit. Phone / Fax / Email Allows you to enter the client's email, phone, and fax numbers. Note Allows you to enter a short note if needed. To insert a carriage return, press CTRL + ENTER.

Command Buttons
Apply Saves all the changes you have made. New Allows you to define a new client. Clicking this button makes all the fields accessible for editing. Edit Allows you to modify the current client definition. Delete Deletes the selected client definition.

Colors Dialog Box

Enables you to set the characteristic format (colors, bold, or italic) applied to the text that is used to identify the item in various locations in SmartPlant Instrumentation (for example, tag numbers listed in the Find Item dialog boxes). Color options do not apply to fieldbus segments or binder packages. Fieldbus segments and binder packages that exist in As-Built are indicated by bold font. Item Category Shows the category of the item to be displayed in SmartPlant Instrumentation using the characteristics shown in the Display Format column. Display formats are available for the following categories: Claimed items In As-Built, items that have been claimed for projects. This category is only available when you select As-Built from the Project list of the Project Activities dialog box. As-Built items In the project that you selected, indicates As-Built items when SmartPlant Instrumentation users open the current project with As-Built items displayed. Project items In the project that you selected, indicates project items when SmartPlant Instrumentation users open the current project with As-Built items displayed. Dummy items In the project that you selected, indicates dummy items. Display Format Shows a sample of the text characteristics (color, bold and italic) used to display the item corresponding to the scope definition category. Click Change to modify the display color for the appropriate item. Copy From Allows you to select a project for copying its color display options to the current project.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Comparison List Dialog Box

Enables you to display the changes between data in the current project and in As- Built. To access this dialog box, in the Project Explorer, click Comparison List, select one or more item types, and then click OK. A separate Comparison List dialog box opens for each item type that you select. Changes are shown with a light blue background with the upper value for As-Built and the lower value for the current project. When you run a comparison list for items belonging to a specific item type, you can also compare changes for additional items associated with the main item. For details, see Item Comparison Options (on page 167). Change action to Allows you to specify the action to be performed for a batch of items on merging data. For details about the available merge actions and their description, see Actions for Merging Items (on page 168). After you click OK in the dialog box, the changes to merge actions take effect in the Merge Buffer. The software updates the display of items in the Merge Buffer as follows: If you change a merge action from Merge Now or Release Claim to Merge Later, the software automatically removes this item from the Merge Buffer. If you change the action from Merge Later to Merge Now, the software does not merge the item but only copies it and the associated sub-items to the Merge Buffer. For mode Allows you to select modes where the specified action is to be applied. The modes refer to the changes made in the current project. The following modes are available: Inserted Indicates that a new record was inserted in the current project which does not exist in As-Built. Deleting an existing record from As-Built is also equivalent to this. Deleted Indicates that an existing record was deleted from the current project. Inserting a new record from As-Built is also equivalent to this. Updated Indicates that a record was modified in the current project or As-Built. Not changed Indicates that the record in the current project is identical to the record in As-Built. Data Window The data window columns show various data values for the item, where changes are indicated by a light blue background.

Command Buttons
Filter Opens a dialog box where you can filter items for the comparison list. View Opens a dialog box where you can display data columns for the current item. Sort Opens a dialog box where you can sort the list of items by specified data columns. Report Opens a Comparison List Report print preview. Info Displays summary information about the number of rows for each mode, and the number of rows for each action to be performed (Merge Now or Release Claim). Options Opens a pop-up window for selecting sub-items (where available) for which additional comparison reports can be generated. For sub-items, the specified merge action is the same as the action set for the main item.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Comparison List Filter Dialog Box

Enables you to filter the items that are displayed in the Comparison List dialog box. Data Window Allows you to enter filter parameters, or use the field list and operators to build a filter condition. Field list Displays all the available fields in the current source table. Double-click a field that you want to include in your filter condition, so that the field name appears in the data window.

Operators & functions

Allows you to use built-in operators and functions. Click the appropriate operator or function button to be added to the filter expression. The result is displayed in the data window. The following options are available: AND Includes the specified expression in the filter combination. Example: (name <> '') AND (num <> 0) OR Accepts either the previous or the following expression in the filter combination. Example: (loop = '') OR (line = '') NOT Allows you to select the value opposite to the following expression. Example: NOT (item_price = 0) LIKE Allows you to select a similar value that is similar to the one in the [value] field. You can use wildcard characters: % for any combination of characters, or _ (underscore) for any single character. Example: cmpnt_num LIKE '%AA%' IN Allows you to select a value that is equal to one of those specified in the parentheses. Example: cpmnt_num = IN (101,103) IS NULL Contains an undefined value. Select this option from the list and then right-click it to add it to the filter expression. Example: loop_name IS NULL IS NOT NULL Indicates that the value is not equal to NULL. Select this option from the list and then right-click it to add it to the filter expression. Example: cpmnt_name IS NOT NULL BETWEEN Allows you to select a value which is within the following interval. Example: item_price BETWEEN 100 AND 500 = Equal to. Example: cpmnt_mfr = 'Shell' > Greater than. Example: cmpnt_num > 101 < Less than. Example: item_price < 100 <> Not equal to. Example: prefix <>'AA' >= Greater or equal to. Example: cmpnt_num >= 10


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

=< Less than or equal to. Example: item_price =< 30 SQL Functions drop-down list This drop-down list contains special functions which are native to the source database. Select a function from this list and then right- click it to be added to the filter expression.

Comparison List Report Dialog Box

Displays a preview of the comparison list for specified items Page Allows you to navigate back and forward through a multi-page report. Print Sends the report to a printer. Save As Saves the report in a format you specify. Zoom Allows you to change the magnification of the report preview.

Contractor Dialog Box

Enables the System Administrator to create a new contractor profile, or to modify or delete an existing one. To access this dialog box, open the Domain Definition window, select a domain, click Options > Add Contractor and then, in the Add Contractor dialog box click Contractor. Contractor Allows you to select a contractor from this list or type a new contractor name after clicking New or Edit. Contactor names must be unique. Description Allows you to enter the contractor description, if needed. Address 1 / Address 2 / City / State / Zip Code / Country Allows you to enter the contractor's address in these fields after clicking New or Edit. Phone / Fax / Email Allows you to enter the contractor's email, phone, and fax numbers. Note Allows you to enter a short note if needed. To insert a carriage return, press CTRL + ENTER.

Command Buttons
Apply Saves all the changes you have made. New Allows you to define a new contractor. Clicking this button makes all the fields accessible for editing. Edit Allows you to modify the current contractor definition. Delete Deletes the selected contractor definition.

Copy Data from Source Dialog Box

Enables you to create a new <unit> by copying data from an existing <unit>. You can either copy all the source <unit> data, or define criteria for copying data from the source <unit> modules, specific module items, or specific data, for example, calibration. The software retains the selections that you make on this dialog box apart from specification item types and wiring item naming conventions. It is only possible to copy data to a <unit> that has no naming conventions. In the target <unit>, the software creates naming conventions according to the naming convention definitions in the source <unit>. Therefore, after you copy data to a particular <unit>, it is not possible to copy any additional data to the same unit again.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

To access this dialog box, in the Plant Hierarchy Explorer, open the <Unit> Properties dialog box, and click Copy From. Then, on the dialog box that opens, select the source <unit> from which you want to copy data and click OK. The dialog box consists of the following sections: Left Section (see "Left Section (Copy Data from Source Dialog Box)" on page 280) Upper-Right Section (see "Upper-Right Section (Copy Data from Source Dialog Box) " on page 280) Lower Right Section (see "Lower-Right Section (Copy Data from Source Dialog Box) " on page 282)

Command Buttons
OK Copies the <unit> data to the target <unit>. Before clicking OK, you must select all the module data that you want to be copied, make the required item name modifications, revision and level settings. Click this button only after you have finished making data selection. After you click OK, canceling the copying process can corrupt the data in the target <unit> and render the <unit> unusable. Clear All Clears the copying settings for all the modules. Also, you need to click this button if you have previously copied data to another <unit>, and access the Copy Data from Source dialog box again. The software displays the previously defined settings in the upper-right and lower-right sections. Options Opens a dialog box where you can set new naming options for wiring items. Wiring item naming settings are not retained when you reopen the Copy Data from Source dialog box.

Left Section (Copy Data from Source Dialog Box)

Contains the source unit modules, module items and data that you can select for copying. The hierarchy of some modules is expandable like in the Windows Explorer. The expandable modules allow you to select a specific module item, for example, equipment, or tag number, and copy data only from this item. If you select a module item, the lower-right section of the dialog box becomes available. Your selection affects the option availability in the upper-right section and lower-right section of the Copy Data from Source dialog box.

Upper-Right Section (Copy Data from Source Dialog Box)

Enables you to determine how to copy <unit> data from a module. Module Shows the module data name that you selected in the left section of the Copy Data from Source dialog box. Copy all module data Allows you to copy data and associations pertinent to the module that you selected in the left section of the dialog box. When you define data copying settings for the Loop Drawings module, the Copy all module data check box does not apply to CAD drawing blocks associated with instrument tags or loops. CAD blocks is SmartPlant Instrumentation are defined per <plant>. When copying Loop Drawings module data to another <plant>, if your source instruments include instrument blocks assigned manually or loop blocks, these blocks are not created in the target <plant>. On the other hand, instrument blocks associated with tags via instrument type are created in the target <plant> regardless of whether this check box is selected or cleared.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Do not click OK until you have made all your selections. Name prefix Allows you to enter a new name prefix to be applied to all the copied items of the selected module. When copying data from a <unit> within the same plant, you have to make sure that you do not have duplicate names for the module items that you are going to copy. Therefore, you have to modify the module item names. You can do this by adding either a prefix or a suffix to the item name. Name suffix Allows you to enter a new name suffix to be applied to all the copied items of the selected module. When copying data from a <unit> within the same <plant>, you have to make sure that you do not have duplicate names for the module items that you are going to copy. Therefore, you have to modify the module item names. You can do this by adding either a prefix or a suffix to the item name. Substituting name values To avoid having duplicate module item names, you can modify their names by changing a part of the name. You can do this by substituting a part of the name string with the value that you type in the following fields: Character location Allows you to enter the number of character in the name string from where you want the substitution to start. Number of characters Allows you to enter the number of characters in the name string to be substituted. Value Allows you to enter the new value that will substitute the old one in the name string. Revision Copying Options (for the Process Data, Calculation, Specifications, and Loop Drawings modules only) Determine how the software copies revision data. The following options are available: Skip Skips copying the source revisions. Set new Allows you to click Copy Revisions and open a dialog box where you can set new revisions for the target <unit>. All existing Allows you to copy all the revisions that exist in the selected module. Revision copying options are not retained when you reopen the Copy Data from Source dialog box. Copy on plant hierarchy level (for the Wiring module only) Determine the level on which you want to copy the wiring data. You must select the highest level when copying data from <units> belonging to different <plants>. This is required because most wiring data is defined either per <area> or per <plant>. When copying data from <units> belonging to the same <plant>, you can select the highest or the lowest (recommended) level of your plant hierarchy. However, if you select the lowest level, you need to modify the name strings to avoid duplicate names in the Wiring module. The following options are available: Highest Allows you to copy data from <units> belonging to different <plants>. Lowest Allows you to copy data from <units> belonging to the same <plant>.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Lower-Right Section (Copy Data from Source Dialog Box)

Enables you to determine how to copy source data from a specific module item or specific module data. The options in this section are available after you after you select and expand a module options in the left section and then select a module item or specific data. Also, if in the left section, you select Specifications, you can include all source specifications or specifications associated with specific item types. Include (only available for the Specifications module) Allows you to copy specifications associated with specific item types that are not reference item types. Item Type of Specs (only available for the Specifications module) Displays the item types available for generating specifications (only Instrument and Loop, which are not reference item types). Data Indicates the data or item name selection in the left section of the Copy Data from Source dialog box. Copy selected data Allows you to copy specific data that you select after you expand the appropriate module in the left section of the dialog box. Make sure that the Copy all module data check box is not selected. This way you copy only the selected data and not the entire module data. You can select specific items in the Instrument Index and Wiring modules. Also, you can use this option to copy only the Process Data module or only the Calculation module data by expanding Process Data & Calculation in the left section and selecting a module. Name prefix Allows you to enter a new name prefix to be applied to all the copied items. When copying data from a <unit> within the same <plant>, you have to make sure that you do not have duplicate names for the module items that you are going to copy. Therefore, you need to modify the item names. You can do this by adding either a prefix or a suffix to the item name. Name suffix Allows you to enter a new name prefix to be applied to all the copied items. When copying data from a <unit> within the same <plant>, you have to make sure that you do not have duplicate names for the module items that you are going to copy. Therefore, you have to modify the item names. You can do this by adding either a prefix or a suffix to the item name. Substituting name values To avoid having duplicate item names, you can modify their names by changing a part of the name. You can do this by substituting a part of the name string with the value that you type in the following boxes: Char. location Allows you to enter the number of character in the name string from where you want the substitution to start. No. of chars. Allows you to enter the number of characters in the name string to be substituted. Value Allows you to enter the new value that will substitute the old one in the name string. Revision Copying Options (for process data and calculation data only) Determine how the software copies revision data. The following options are available: Skip Skips copying the source unit revisions. Set new Allows you to click Copy Revisions and open a dialog box where you can set new revisions for the target <unit>. All existing Allows you to copy all the revisions that exist in the Process Data or Calculation modules.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Prefix (for loop and tag number data only) Allows you to enter a loop or tag number prefix to be used in the target <unit>. Use this option when copying loop or tag number data from a <unit> within the same <plant>. This way you define a distinctive loop or tag number prefix to be used in the target <unit> and avoid creating duplicate loop and tag number prefixes in the <units> of the same <plant>. For tag number items, the option is accessible only if the ISA or Loop standard naming convention for the prefix segment description of tags is COMPONENT PREFIX. For loop items, the option is accessible only if the ISA or Loop standard naming convention for the prefix segment description of loops is LOOP PREFIX. This option is not applicable if you use Flexible standard naming conventions in the source <unit>. For Flexible standard naming conventions, you can define your target loop and tag number prefixes in the Name prefix box. Suffix (for loop and tag number data only) Allows you to enter a loop or tag number suffix to be used in the target <unit>. Use this option when copying loop or tag number data from a <unit> within the same <plant>. This way you define a distinctive loop or tag number suffix to be used in the target <unit>. For tag number items, the option is accessible only if the ISA or Loop standard naming convention for the suffix segment description of tags is COMPONENT SUFFIX. For loop items, the option is accessible only if the ISA or Loop standard naming convention for the suffix segment description of loops is LOOP SUFFIX. If in your source unit there are loop names or tag numbers which are different only in the suffix segment, these loop names and tag numbers become identical in the target <unit>, for the new suffix value in the target unit overwrites all the suffix values of the source <unit>. For example, if in the Suffix box, you type 5, loop names 101-F-100\1, 101-F- 100\2, 101-F-100\3 in the source <unit> become 101-F-100\5 in the target <unit>. This option is not applicable if you use Flexible standard naming conventions in the source <unit>. For Flexible standard naming conventions, you can define your target loop and tag number suffixes in the Name suffix box.

Copy Access Rights Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to copy access rights data from one project to another within a certain domain. To access this dialog box, open the Access Rights window and click Options > Copy Access Rights.

Project and group selection

Source project (available only when the domain type is Owner operator) Allows you to select a source project. Source group Allows you to select the source group whose access rights you want to copy. Target project (available only when the domain type is Owner operator) Allows you to select a target project. Target group Allows you to the target group that will receive the source access rights settings.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes Access rights level

Domain Copies access rights that apply at the domain level. <Plant> Copies access rights that apply at the highest plant hierarchy level. The label <Plant> changes dynamically according to your highest plant hierarchy level definition. Source Allows you to select a <plant> to be used as a source for copying access rights. The <plants> in the list are associated with the selected source project. Target Allows you to select the target <plant> that will receive the source access rights settings. The <plants> in the list are associated with the selected target project. <Unit> Copies access rights that apply at the lowest plant hierarchy level. The label <Unit> changes dynamically according to your lowest plant hierarchy level definition. Source Allows you to select a <unit> to be used as a source for copying access rights. The <units> in the list are associated with the selected source project. Target Allows you to select the target <unit> that will receive the source access rights settings. The <units> in the list are associated with the selected target project.

Copy From Dialog Box

Enables you to select a source item at a highest plant hierarchy level from which you can copy your custom field definitions to another highest plant hierarchy level item within the same domain. To access this dialog box, in the Custom Fields dialog box, click Copy From.

Copy from Project Dialog Box

Enables you to select a project or As-Built for copying its color display options to the project specified in the Project Activities dialog box. To open this dialog box, click Copy From in the Colors dialog box. Data Window Displays the existing project names. Allows you to select a project from which you want to copy the color display options. You can also copy the color display options from As-Built. OK Copies the color display options to the current project and reopens the Colors dialog box, where you must click Apply.

Copy from Project Dialog Box

Enables you to select a project in an owner operator domain and copy its preferences to the project that you select in the Preferences Management dialog box. To open this dialog box, in the Advanced Project Preferences dialog box, click Copy From. Project Displays the list of projects from which you can copy preferences to the project selected in the Preferences Management dialog box. Select a source project. Copy Copies the source project preferences to the current project.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Copy Naming Conventions From Dialog Box

Enables you to select a source <unit> in the current domain for the purpose of copying naming conventions to the <unit> displayed in the Parent hierarchy box in the Naming Conventions dialog box. To access this dialog box, in the Naming Conventions dialog box, click Copy From. Data Window Displays all the available plant hierarchy items that exist in the source domain. The software displays the plant hierarchy items as defined in the Plant Hierarchy Explorer. You can expand and collapse the hierarchy by clicking or beside the icons or by double-clicking the icons in the display. The following icons indicate one example of various hierarchy levels: Domain As-Built (available only when the domain type is Owner operator) <Plant> <Area> <Unit>

Copy Naming Conventions Dialog Box

Enables you to copy the naming conventions from the <unit> displayed in the Parent hierarchy box in Naming Conventions dialog box to another <unit> that exists in the current domain. To access this dialog box, in the Naming Conventions dialog box, click Copy To. Data Window Displays all the existing <units> in the current domain. Select the check box beside a <unit> to which you want to copy the naming conventions. Copy Copies the naming conventions.

Copy to Projects Dialog Box

Enables you to copy the current project preferences to other projects available in the owner operator domain. To open this dialog box, in the Advanced Project Preferences dialog box, click Copy To. Project Displays the list of projects whose preferences you can overwrite. You can select one or more target projects. Select all Selects all the projects in the data window. Copy Copies the preferences from the current project to the projects selected in the Project data window.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Custom Fields Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to make default definitions for custom fields available in SmartPlant Instrumentation. Also, you can enable or disable the use of custom fields in the Process Data module. In the Process Data module, custom fields are fields that can be used in addition to the standard fields that appear in process data sheet sections. Custom fields are database fields that can be used in addition to the available standard fields. Using custom fields, SmartPlant Instrumentation users can define additional characteristics for items according to their own needs. For example, in the Browser module, users can select custom fields when creating browser view styles. In the Import Utility, users can select custom fields when setting import link properties. For the Calibration module options, the domain administration settings determine the field labels in the Custom frames of the Calibration Settings and Calibration Data Entry windows. To access this dialog box, with the Domain Administration window open, click Activities > Custom Fields. The software applies custom fields on a per <plant> basis. <Plant> Contains highest plant hierarchy level items in which you can make custom field definitions. The label <Plant> changes dynamically according to your highest plant hierarchy level definition. Item type Contains item types and data types which you can select for defining custom fields. When you define custom fields per item/data type, these fields become available for selection in certain browsers. For a list of these browsers, see Browsers That Can Contain Custom Fields (on page 214). You can select a plant hierarchy level name as an item and modify the default custom field definitions for each of the twenty custom fields. A custom field definition is a label that appears in the Custom Fields Tab (Plant Hierarchy Item Properties Dialog Box) (on page 269). The default label is Custom field<number incremented from 1 to 20>. The Item type list contains all the names of the plant hierarchy levels you created in the Plant Hierarchy dialog box. The default hierarchy is Plant, Area, and Unit. Items on each plant hierarchy level can contain up to twenty custom field values. However, when modifying a custom field definition, the software applies the changes at the hierarchy level to which the item belongs. For example, you can select Plant and for Row Number 1, enter text My Custom Fields for PlantA. In the Custom Fields tab of the <Plant> Properties dialog box, for the first custom field, the software displays My Custom Fields for PlantA instead of the default definition Custom field 1.

Data Window
Contains all custom fields available in the SmartPlant Instrumentation database. Number Displays the custom field sequence numbers in the data window. For process data custom fields, the values in the Number column do not correspond to the custom fields sequentially. For details, see Sequence Numbers and Process Data Custom Fields (on page 213). Visible (only available when you select Process Data from the Item type list) Enables or disables custom fields used in process data sections. Section Name (only available when you select Process Data from the Item type list) Displays the default custom field definition in process data sections.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Definition Allows you to type a definition to be used as a new default definition in SmartPlant Instrumentation. When defining a browser view style, users can modify the definitions that you make. In browser views, custom field definitions appear as column headers. It is not possible to display an apostrophe in a custom field header. If your definition includes an apostrophe character, this character changes in the heeder to a double quote character ". If your definition includes a double quite character, it changes in the header to a tilde character ~. Other special characters appear in custom field header as defined. In process data sheets, custom field definitions appear to the left of the custom filed boxes. Although it is possible to enter up to thirty characters in custom filed definitions for process data sheets, long definitions that contain wide or capitalized characters may be truncated. Using engineering abbreviations is recommended to limit the length of the custom field definitions. Field Type Indicates the field type in the database. Length Indicates for each field the maximum number of characters that users can specify in SmartPlant Instrumentation. If needed, you can type a smaller value, and thus, decrease the maximum allowed number of characters.

Command Buttons
Apply Saves the current custom field selection to the database. Copy From Opens a dialog box where you can select a <plant> from which you can copy custom field definitions. Print Prints out all custom field available for the selected item or data type.

Custom Tables Dialog Box

Custom tables are supporting tables that users can use when setting additional attributes for tag numbers in the Instrument Index module. The Domain Administrator uses this dialog box to enable users to work with additional supporting tables for tag numbers at the plant level. Up to sixteen custom tables are available. To access this dialog box, with the Domain Administration window open, click Activities > Custom Tables. Plant Allows you to select a plant from the list. Custom table Enables the use of a custom table in the Instrument Index module. After selecting a check box, type a unique table name in the adjacent box. Allows you to customize the toolbar of an Explorer window by adding or removing commands. Available buttons - Contains all the buttons that you can add to the toolbar. Select a button and click Add. Toolbar buttons - Contains all the buttons that have been selected to appear on the toolbar. To remove a button from the toolbar, select a button and then click Remove.

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Windows and Dialog Boxes

Data Files to Delete Manually Dialog Box ..................................... 288 Delete Invalid Domain Dialog Box ................................................. 288 Delete Projects Dialog Box ............................................................ 289 Department Dialog Box .................................................................. 289 Domain Data and Indexes Dialog Box ........................................... 290 Domain Administration Window ..................................................... 291 Domain Definition Window (Domain Administration) ..................... 291 Domain Definition Window Toolbar (Domain Administration) ....... 295 Domain Definition Window (System Administration) ..................... 295 Domain Definition Window Toolbar (System Administration) ........ 299 Domain Tablespace Definition Dialog Box .................................... 299

Data Files to Delete Manually Dialog Box

Enables you to view the list of data files that have to be deleted manually after you delete an invalid domain on Oracle. You can also print out the list of data files. This dialog box opens automatically, superimposed on the Delete Invalid Domain dialog box, after the software completes deleting an invalid domain.

Delete Invalid Domain Dialog Box

Enables the System Administrator to select a domain that needs to be deleted if its initialization process failed to complete. You can use these options in a multi-user platform. If your database platform is SQL Server, in addition to displaying invalid domains, the dialog box displays all valid schemas of other databases residing in your database server. SmartPlant Instrumentation cannot verify whether you selected an invalid domain or a valid schema of another database. If you selected an invalid domain schema, you can safely proceed with the domain deletion. Deleting a schema that does not part of SmartPlant Instrumentation results in deleting data in the database to which the schema belongs. To access this dialog box, with the System Administration window open, click DBA > Delete Invalid Domain. Domain Contains a list of corrupted domains and allows you to select a domain for deleting. OK If the database platform is Oracle, the software begins the deletion process. If the database platform is SQL Server, the software prompts you to check your selection first. If the software detects a rollback segment problem, an error message appears. In this case, click OK to accept the message and then, in the Delete Invalid Domain dialog box, click OK again. If this kind of message reappears, accept the message each time and then restart the deletion process until you receive a message notifying you that the domain has been deleted successfully. Possible problems that cause the occurrence of the error messages are insufficient disk space, non-optimal storage clause, or insufficient number of rollback segments.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Delete Projects Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to delete projects created in the owner operator domain. The Domain Administrator might want to delete the projects that contain corrupted data or projects for which the initialization process failed to complete. Also, when working in an integrated environment, you can delete projects with Canceled or Merged status. For more information about the available statuses when working in an integrated environment, see Set the Project Status for an Integrated Environment (on page 133). To access this dialog box, enter an owner operator domain as Domain Administrator and then, click DBA > Delete Projects. Delete project schema Determines how the software deletes engineering data: with or without the project schema. To include deletion of the schema with the project data, select this check box. If you clear the check box, the software deletes engineering data only, so that you can then define new engineering data for the project.

Data Window
Displays all projects available in the current owner operator domain. If, in the owner operator domain, activities for working in an integrated environment are enabled, this data window displays only projects with Canceled or Merged status. Project Allows you to select one or more projects for deletion. Project Administrator Displays the names of the Project Administrator. Plant Displays the name of the plant associated with the project.

Deletes engineering data for projects selected in the data window.

Department Dialog Box

Enables the System Administrator to add departments, or to modify or delete existing department profiles. All users must belong to a department. You assign users to departments in the User dialog box. Department Select a department name that you want to modify or, type a new department name after clicking New or Edit. Description After clicking New or Edit, type a short department description. Note Type a short note if needed after clicking Edit or New. To insert a carriage return, press CTRL + ENTER.

Command Buttons
Edit Allows you to edit the profile of the department you selected from the Department list. New Allows you to create a new department. Delete Deletes the department you selected from the Department list.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Domain Data and Indexes Dialog Box

Enables the System Administrator to specify the domain data settings and indexes on a database server machine prior to starting the domain initialization process on SQL Server. Domain Displays the name that you specified in the Initialize dialog box.

Domain data
Domain file name Accept the displayed value or type another unique domain file name. The name must be unique within the SmartPlant Instrumentation database. Datafile name and path Accept the displayed value or type the full path and name of the domain file. The default file extension is .mdf. You can change the file extension as you require. Initial size (MB) Accept the displayed size of the domain file. The displayed size is 40 MB. The SQL Server Auto-extend feature automatically increases the size of this file if needed. Filegroup Accept the displayed name or type another unique filegroup name. The name must be unique within the SmartPlant Instrumentation database. You cannot use an existing filegroup when initializing a domain, but you can add additional domain files to this filegroup from the Administration module.

Datafile folder path

Type the required folder path or accept the displayed default. If you change the folder path in this box, the software automatically updates the datafile name and path settings specified for the domain and index data.

Index data
Index file name Accept the displayed name or type another unique index file name. The name must be unique within the SmartPlant Instrumentation database. For example, if you have six domains in one database, you must have six different index file names. Datafile name and path Accept the displayed value or type the full path and name of the domain file. The default file extension is .mdf. You can change the file extension as you require. Initial size (MB) Accept the displayed size of the index file. The displayed size is 20 MB. The SQL Server Auto-extend feature automatically increases the size of this file if needed. Filegroup Accept the displayed name or type another unique filegroup name. The name must be unique within the SmartPlant Instrumentation database. You cannot use an existing filegroup when initializing a domain, but you can add additional domain files to this filegroup from the Administration module.

Starts the initialization process.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Domain Administration Window

Enables you to access the domain administration options. This window opens after you enter as the Domain Administrator in the Administration dialog box. Toolbar Allows you to access the most common domain administration commands and options available for Project Administrator. Icon Description Closes the Domain Administration window . Opens the Domain Definition window, where you can grant access rights, select the domain logo, and so forth. Opens the Project Activities dialog box. This icon is only available where the domain type is Owner operator. Opens a dialog box where you can define ownership of plants. Opens a dialog box where you can define naming conventions for various items. Opens a window where you can define plant hierarchy items for each hierarchy level available in the current domain. Opens the Custom Fields dialog box, where you define custom fields for an Instrument Index Standard Browser view.

Domain Definition Window (Domain Administration)

Enables the Domain Administrator to grant access rights, edit notes, and select the logo for the current domain. Domain logo selection is not possible in an owner operator domain. All the options in this window (except for the Notes box) are read-only and are accessible only by the System Administrator. Domain Displays the name of the current domain. Number Displays the name of the current domain (if specified). Description Displays the description of the current domain (if specified). Administrator Displays the user whom the System Administrator defined as Domain Administrator. Domain schema name Displays the Domain schema logon name. The System Administrator cannot change the logon name. It is created during domain initialization. Plant hierarchy separator Displays the separator set by the System Administrator. The separator appears where all or part of a plant hierarchy is displayed as a string. For example, if the separator character is &, and you have plant hierarchy items My Plant, My Area, and My Unit, in the Properties dialog box for the My Unit item, the software displays the parent hierarchy as My Plant&My Area

Domain type
Displays the domain type defined by the System Administrator for the current domain.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Engineering company Such a domain is usually contracted to design and build plants based on process information. These are 'grass-roots' projects that usually involve one set of data which may be revised extensively during the life-cycle of the plant. In this case, the data for each project is maintained within a single database schema. Owner operator In such a domain, an operational plant exists and most of the activities are concerned with routine maintenance or plant modernization (revamps). To facilitate plant modernization, a number of projects can be defined within the domain. Each project is defined for one plant only, and a plant can have several projects associated with it. The main body of data in the domain that includes existing data together with any data that was integrated on completion of projects is called As-Built. In this case, the database is partitioned into several schemas: a single schema for As-Built and separate schemas for each project. Exclusive claim mode Indicates whether a Project Administrator can claim the same item for more than one project created in an owner operator domain or only for one project. If the System Administrator has selected this check box, it is only possible to claim a particular item for one project. It is possible, however, to claim this item for another project after removing the item from the project for which it was claimed first using the Release Claim merge action, or after merging the item with As-Built. If the check box is cleared, a Project Administrator can claim the same item for more than one project, either directly from one project to another, or from As-Built. This setting becomes permanently fixed in the current domain after creating the first project in the current domain. Merge without deleting from project Indicates whether a view-only copy of that item remains in the project when the Project Administrator merges a particular item with As-Built. After merging, it is not possible to delete view-only copies. Existence of view-only copies does not prevent the Project Administrator from deleting the project. When the check box is cleared, the software automatically deletes the item from the project when merging. This setting becomes permanently fixed in the current domain after creating the first project in the current domain. Domain usage Indicates the usage of an Owner operator domain, which can be one of the following: None This is the default value for a domain after an upgrade. Host Indicates that the domain is defined as host. Satellite Indicates that the domain is defined as a satellite under a particular host domain. Sub-contractor Indicates that the domain is defined as a sub-contractor under a particular satellite domain.

Domain features
Activity tracking Indicates whether activity tracking options are enabled by the System Administrator. Audit trail options Indicates whether the audit trail options are enabled by the System Administrator. Item registry Indicates whether the Domain Administrator can use the item registry options available on the DBA menu (Data Maintenance sub-menu). Cable type dependency Indicates whether cable type dependency is enabled by the System Administrator. Single mode (on Oracle or SQL Server only) When the check box is selected, all the items are unlocked. This improves the software performance, but enables multiple users to work with the same item simultaneously. When the check box is cleared, all the items are locked so that only one user at a time can work with the same item.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Default plant use Indicates whether in the Plant Hierarchy Explorer, the plant DEFAULT and all its hierarchy levels are available. If the System Administrator has cleared this check box when making the domain definitions, SmartPlant Instrumentation users cannot access the default plant. However, if required, the System Administrator can switch the use of the default plant on or off when making or modifying domain definitions. If you define a plant hierarchy with more than three levels, it is no longer possible to use the default plant in this domain. In this case, the software automatically clears the Default plant use check box. If you intend to use SmartPlant Instrumentation in an integrated environment, the System Administrator must clear this check box. KKS mode Indicates whether KKS naming conventions are enabled by the System Administrator. Rule Manager Indicates whether the use of Rule Manager is enabled by the System Administrator. Obtain Revision from SmartPlant Foundation Select this check box to allow SmartPlant Instrumentation to use SmartPlant Foundation to create a new revision for publishable documents. On publishing a report, the software first checks whether the report has a SmartPlant Foundation revision and then assigns the appropriate revision scheme automatically. If a user added a SmartPlant Instrumentation revision previously, but did not obtain a new revision from SmartPlant Foundation, the software uses the SmartPlant Instrumentation Revision schema to publish reports. Note that with this option selected, you can still use internal SmartPlant Instrumentation revision options for those items not registered to SmartPlant Foundation. Clear the check box to allow SmartPlant Instrumentation users to add revisions to publishable reports using only internal SmartPlant Instrumentation revision settings. SmartPlant Foundation revision options become inaccessible. If a user obtained a revision from SmartPlant Foundation previously, but did not make a new SmartPlant Instrumentation revision, the software ignores the previous revision and does not allow publishing of the report until the user creates a revision in SmartPlant Instrumentation. Regardless of whether the check box is selected or cleared, to publish a report, a SmartPlant Instrumentation user must assign a revision to a report before publishing. If no revision exists, the software displays an appropriate message and does not allow publishing of the report. When using revisions from SmartPlant Foundation, SmartPlant Instrumentation can be configured to support minor as well as major revisions. For details, see Configure SmartPlant Instrumentation to Use Minor Revisions (on page 251). SmartPlant Foundation supports this option from versions SPF 2009 Service Pack 3 and above.

Instrumentation and process data Displays the workflow status selected by the System Administrator. Workflow only applies where the selected domain type is Engineering company. When the domain type is Owner operator, Domain Administrator defines workflow in the Project Activities dialog box, at the level of the projects in the domain. The available workflow options are:

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Full Indicates that all workflow options are activated, including marking instrument tags for release as a formal issue in a binder package. The Release to Spec option becomes available in the Document Binder module and in the Spec Change Notification Options dialog box. Without Document Binder Indicates that all workflow options are activated, except for the option to release instrument tags as a formal issue in a binder package. None No workflow options are activated.

Specification title block

Custom title block assignment method Applies only to title blocks displayed in specifications. The System Administrator can change this setting at any stage of your domain life-cycle. The methods are: Standard (used in all modules) Allows you to select one specific custom title block to be assigned to all specifications, using the options in the Report Management dialog box. After selecting this option, the software hides all the title block assignment options that are available in the Specifications module. If you assign the title block Specs default TB with PB units to specifications, you then need to place the title block correctly in a spec page layout. To do so, in the Preferences Management dialog box, on Specifications > Custom page, under Parameter, enter TitleFooterHeight, and under Value, enter 798, which is the optimal value for specifications created using SmartPlant Instrumentation options. For a spec created in InfoMaker, you may need to enter a different value, depending on the settings of the spec page layout. Special (used in Specifications module only) Allows users to assign individual title blocks to any specification, using the title block assignment options available in the Specifications module.

Global path
Global path box Displays the global path set by the System Administrator. Allow to overwrite the global path Indicates whether the System Administrator has enabled users to set user-defined paths in addition to the specified global path. When the check box is selected, users are not restricted to setting new paths in SmartPlant Instrumentation within the global path folder only. Path for SmartPlant XML files Displays the location of the SmartPlant Instrumentation map files: ContextMap.xml and IntoolsMap.xml, which are needed for working in an integrated environment or using the point-to-point interfaces between tools. The System Administrator can specify the XML path when making domain definitions.

Miscellaneous Options
Notes Type notes or comments if needed.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Domain Definition Window Toolbar (Domain Administration)

Enables the Domain Administrator to access the most common commands available when the Domain Definition window is open. Icon Description Saves the changes made to the logo or notes. Opens the Select Logo dialog box to select a different logo for the current domain. When the domain type is Owner operator, this icon is not available. A Project Administrator needs to open the Project Activities dialog box, and click the Logo button to define a project logo. Makes the Notes box accessible for editing. Opens the Access Rights window to grant or modify user access rights.

Domain Definition Window (System Administration)

Enables the System Administrator to define a new domain or modify the definitions for an existing domain. To access this window, with the System Administration window open, click File > Domain. The options in the window become accessible after you select an existing domain and click . Domain Select a domain from this list or type a new domain name as needed. Number Type a number for the domain if required. Description Type a short description of the domain, if needed. Administrator Select a user who will be the Domain Administrator. Domain schema name Displays the Domain schema logon name. You cannot change the logon name. It is created during domain initialization. Plant hierarchy separator Type a character for use as the separator that appears where all or part of a plant hierarchy is displayed as a string. For example, if the separator character is &, and you have plant hierarchy items My Plant, My Area, and My Unit, in the Properties dialog box for the My Unit item, the software displays the parent hierarchy as My Plant&My Area

Domain type
Select the domain type depending on the activities you want to perform in your engineering plants. We do not recommend working in an owner operator domain if it resides in a stand-alone database. It is known that when using the Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database engine, certain options in an owner operator domain are liable to work incorrectly. Engineering company Such a domain is usually contracted to design and build plants based on process information. These are 'grass-roots' projects that usually involve one set of data which may be revised extensively during the life-cycle of the plant. In this case, the data for each project is maintained within a single database schema. Once a plant is operational, the domain type can be changed to Owner operator if needed, and the owner can perform the necessary maintenance and modernization.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Owner operator In such a domain, an operational plant exists and most of the activities are concerned with routine maintenance or plant modernization (revamps). To facilitate plant modernization, a number of projects can be defined within the domain. Each project is defined for one plant only, and a plant can have several projects associated with it. The main body of data in the domain that includes existing data together with any data that was integrated on completion of projects is called As-Built. In this case, the database is partitioned into several schemas: a single schema for As-Built and separate schemas for each project. Exclusive claim mode Allows a Project Administrator to claim a particular As-Built item only for one project. It is possible, however, to claim this item for another project after removing the item from the project for which it was claimed first using the Release Claim merge action, or after merging the item with As-Built. If you clear the check box, a Project Administrator can claim the same item for more than one project created in an owner operator domain, either from one project to another, or from As-Built. Merge without deleting from project Allows a Project Administrator to merge a particular item with As-Built and retain a copy of that item in the project. If you select the Excusive claim mode check box, it is still possible to claim such an item for a different project even though there is copy of this item remaining in another project. If you clear the check box, the software automatically deletes the item from the project when merging. After creating a project, these settings become fixed in the Owner operator domain. Domain usage Indicates the usage of an Owner operator domain, which can be one of the following: None This is the default value for domain usage after an upgrade. Starting with this value, you can select any of the options as desired. Host Indicates that you have defined the domain as a host. A host domain can be redefined later as a satellite or sub-contractor provided no satellite domains exist under the specified host domain. Satellite Indicates that the domain is defined as a satellite under a particular host domain. Once you have defined the domain usage as a satellite, it is no longer possible to redefine its usage. Sub-contractor Indicates that the domain is defined as a sub-contractor under a particular satellite domain. Once you have defined the domain usage as a sub-contractor, it is no longer possible to redefine its usage.

Domain features
Activity tracking Enables the use of activity tracking. Audit trail options Enables the use of audit trail options. Item registry Enables the Domain Administrator to use item registry options. Cable type dependency Enables cable type dependency. You can only select this option if all reference cables comply with the dependency requirements. You can generate a Cable Type Dependency Validation report to display a list of all reference cables that do not comply with the dependency requirements. Also, make sure that in the current domain, the properties of plant cables in the Domain Explorer match the properties of the reference cables in the Reference Explorer. Single mode (on Oracle or SQL Server only) Improves the software performance and switches to single mode. Switching to single mode unlocks all the database objects. Therefore, more than one user can have access to the same item simultaneously. There is no mechanism that prevents the occurrence of sharing violation problems. Using the same database resource by more than one user can cause database problems.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

If you want only one user at a time to work with the same item, you must clear this check box. This way, when a user starts working with a specific item, the software locks the item for other users. Default plant use Allows you to enable or disable the use of the default plant in the current domain. If you clear this check box, the plant DEFAULT and all its hierarchy levels do not appear in the Plant Hierarchy Explorer. You can switch the use of the default plant on or off when making or modifying domain definitions. If the Domain Administrator defines a plant hierarchy with more than three levels in a particular domain, it is no longer possible to use of the default plant in that domain. In this case, the software automatically clears the Default plant use check box. If you intend to use SmartPlant Instrumentation in an integrated environment, you must clear this check box. This is because in the OBJECT_REGISTRY table, all plant group ID numbers must be unique. The software uses this table to work with the SmartPlant schema. In the plant DEFAULT, the plant group ID numbers are not unique: the ID number is 1 in all of the plant groups, that is Plant, Area, and Unit. KKS mode Activates propagation of KKS names when KKS naming conventions are used in the project. Rule Manager Allows consistency and GUI rules created by Rule Manager to be used in the project. For more information, see SmartPlant Instrumentation Rule Manager in the SmartPlant Instrumentation User's Guide, under Using Rule Manager, SmartPlant Instrumentation Rule Manager. Obtain Revision from SmartPlant Foundation Select this check box to allow SmartPlant Instrumentation to use SmartPlant Foundation to create a new revision for publishable documents. On publishing a report, the software first checks whether the report has a SmartPlant Foundation revision and then assigns the appropriate revision scheme automatically. If a user added a SmartPlant Instrumentation revision previously, but did not obtain a new revision from SmartPlant Foundation, the software uses the SmartPlant Instrumentation Revision schema to publish reports. Note that with this option selected, you can still use internal SmartPlant Instrumentation revision options for those items not registered to SmartPlant Foundation. Clear the check box to allow SmartPlant Instrumentation users to add revisions to publishable reports using only internal SmartPlant Instrumentation revision settings. SmartPlant Foundation revision options become inaccessible. If a user obtained a revision from SmartPlant Foundation previously, but did not make a new SmartPlant Instrumentation revision, the software ignores the previous revision and does not allow publishing of the report until the user creates a revision in SmartPlant Instrumentation. Regardless of whether the check box is selected or cleared, to publish a report, a SmartPlant Instrumentation user must assign a revision to a report before publishing. If no revision exists, the software displays an appropriate message and does not allow publishing of the report. When using revisions from SmartPlant Foundation, SmartPlant Instrumentation can be configured to support minor as well as major revisions. For details, see Configure SmartPlant Instrumentation to Use Minor Revisions (on page 251). SmartPlant Foundation supports this option from versions SPF 2009 Service Pack 3 and above.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes Workflow

Instrumentation and process data Only applies where the selected domain type is Engineering company. For the domain type Owner operator, the workflow is defined at the level of the projects in the domain. The available workflow options are: Full Activates all workflow options, including marking instrument tags for release as a formal issue in a binder package. The Release to Spec option becomes available in the Document Binder module and in the Spec Change Notification Options dialog box. Without Document Binder Activates all workflow options, except for the option to release instrument tags as a formal issue in a binder package. None No workflow options are activated.

Specification title block

Custom title block assignment method Applies only to title blocks displayed in specifications. You can change this setting at any stage of your domain life-cycle. The methods are: Standard (used in all modules) Allows the Domain Administrator to select one specific custom title block to be assigned to all specifications. After selecting this option, the software hides all the title block assignment options that are available in the Specifications module. Special (used in Specifications module only) Allows users to assign individual title blocks to any specification, using the title block assignment options available in the Specifications module. Plant hierarchy separator Allows you to set a single-character separator for all or part of a plant hierarchy is displayed as a string. For example, if the separator character is &, and you have plant hierarchy items My Plant, My Area, and My Unit, in the Properties dialog box for the My Unit item, the software displays the parent hierarchy as follows: My Plant&My Area

Global path
Global path box Displays the global path that you set for all users. If you change the existing global path, all user-defined paths remain linked to the previous global path. For example, if you change the global path from \\APP_SERVER\SmartPlant Instrumentation to \\APP_SERVER_1\SmartPlant Instrumentation, and a user has already specified a path to the PSR folder, in the appropriate box, the user-defined path is displayed as a full path \\APP_SERVER\SmartPlant Instrumentation\PSR. A global path does not apply to individual temporary folder settings. Browse Allows you to navigate to the folder that you want to specify as the global path folder. We recommend that you specify a path that complies with universal naming conventions (that is, it starts with \\). If you want to use mapped drives, make sure that all SmartPlant Instrumentation users have the same drive mapping. Allow to overwrite the global path Allows users to set user-defined paths in addition to the specified global path. When the check box is selected, users are not restricted to setting new paths in SmartPlant Instrumentation within the global path folder. Path for SmartPlant XML files Allows you to specify the location of the SmartPlant Instrumentation map files: ContextMap.xml and IntoolsMap.xml, needed for working in an integrated environment. These files are also needed when you are working with interfaces to other tools. Click Browse to select the folder where the SmartPlant Instrumentation map files are located.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes Miscellaneous Options

Notes Type notes or comments if you need.

Domain Definition Window Toolbar (System Administration)

Enables the System Administrator to access the most common commands available when the Domain Definition window is open. All the icons except for are inactive if DEFAULT is selected from the Domain list. Select any other domain to make the icons active. Icon Description Saves the definitions of the selected domain. Upgrades your database after installing a new version of SmartPlant Instrumentation. This icon is available only if the version of the domain you selected from the Domain list is different from the Administration version. Makes the options in this window accessible for editing. Deletes the current domain and all the database tables associated with the domain. This operation is irreversible, therefore it is recommended that you back up a domain before deletion. After domain deletion in Oracle, a message appears with the list of physical tablespace datafiles that need to be deleted physically from the disk. If a rollback segment problem occurs, the software displays an appropriate error message. In this case, you need to restart the deletion process. After domain deletion in SQL Server, the devices are left in place connected to the database, and can be used for a new domain.

Domain Tablespace Definition Dialog Box

Enables the System Administrator to define the tablespace data of a domain prior to initializing this domain on Oracle. Note that the paths you specify in this dialog box refer to the local folders (non-network folders) of the computer where Oracle is installed. Do not use network drives or network server names in the paths. Domain Displays the name that you specified in the Initialize dialog box.

Domain data
Tablespace name Accept the displayed value when working in Automatic / Customized modes or type an appropriate domain tablespace name. When working in Predefined mode select a tablespace name from the drop-down list. See more details in SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide. Datafile name and path Accept the displayed value or type the full path and name of the domain tablespace database file. The default file extension is .dbf. You can change the file extension as you require. Tablespace size (MB) Accept the displayed value or type the required domain tablespace size.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes Index data

Tablespace name Accept the displayed value when working in Automatic / Customized modes or type an appropriate domain tablespace name. When working in Predefined mode select a tablespace name from the drop-down list. See more details in SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide. Datafile name and path Accept the displayed value or type the full path and name of the index tablespace database file. The default file extension is .dbf. You can change the file extension as you require. Tablespace size (MB) Accept the displayed value or type the required index tablespace size.

Starts the initialization process.

Export Macros Dialog Box ............................................................. 300

Export Macros Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to export macros from a source database or domain to a target database or domain via an intermediate text file. The exported data can also contain typical tags. When exporting macros, this text file serves as a target file, whereas when importing macros, the same file becomes a source file. To access this dialog box, in the Domain Administration window, on the Add-Ins menu, point to Import/Export Macros and click Export Macros. Target database file and path Allows you to specify a target .txt file. You can either create a new file by typing the file path and name or click Browse and navigate to an existing file. Include typical tags Allows you to export all existing typical tags along with the macros into the selected .txt file. Enables you to select a backed-up domain (compressed in .zip files) to extract and specify the target folders to which the software extracts the domain. To open this dialog box, in the Initialize Domain dialog box, click Files.

Specify target folder for extracting content of zip files

Extract reports to Specify the target folder to which the software extracts the zipped SmartPlant Instrumentation reports. Extract CAD loop drawings to Specify the target folder to which the software extracts the zipped AutoCAD loop drawings. Extract Hookup drawings Specify the target folder to which the software extracts the zipped hookup drawings. Extract enhanced reports: Specify the target folder to which the software extracts the zipped Enhanced reports. Extract spec saved as PSR or ISF Specify the target folder to which the software extracts the zipped spec files originating in SAP or Microstation.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Extract specs saved as excel Specify the target folder to which the software extracts the zipped spec files saved as Excel files.

Field Personnel Profile Dialog Box ................................................ 301 Filegroup List Dialog Box ............................................................... 301 Filter Definition Dialog Box ............................................................ 301 Find Item Dialog Box ..................................................................... 303

Field Personnel Profile Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to maintain a list of field maintenance employees. It is also possible to add, delete, or modify the profile of any field employee. To access this dialog box, on the Activities menu, click Field Personnel Profile. Employee Name Contains names of employees. You can click New to add a new employee name or click Edit to modify an existing name. Group Name Contains names of groups to which the employees belong. You can click New to add a new group name or click Edit to modify an existing name. Apply Saves the definitions. Edit Allows you to modify the selected employee name or group. New Allows you to add a new field employee and group. Delete Deletes the selected field employee and group.

Filegroup List Dialog Box

Enables you to view the SQL Server filegroups and print out filegroup information. All the values displayed in this dialog box are read-only. To access this dialog box, with the System Administration window open, on the DBA menu, click Filegroup List. Filegroup Displays the name of the filegroup. Total Size (MB) Displays the total allocated size for each segment. Free Space (MB) Displays the amount of free space available for the each segment. Free Space (%) Displays the percentage of free space available for the each segment. Print Prints out the displayed information.

Filter Definition Dialog Box

Allows you to filter the display of items in the tree view of an Explorer window. Explorer windows are available in an owner operator domain, when you define items for claiming for projects or merging with As-Built. Filter settings take effect only for the Explorer window from which you opened the Filter Definition dialog box. You can select a hierarchy level and filter the display of the child items at the selected level. Note that the software retains the filter settings for a particular folder until you cancel the filter for that folder.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes Filter according to item name

Allows you to filter items according to an item name in the folder or at the hierarchy level that you selected in the tree view. Item name Allows you to type an item name by which to filter items in the tree view. You can use the following wildcard characters to specify partial strings: asterisk (*) or percent (%) for multiple characters and underscore (_) for single characters. The value that you enter in this box overrides all other filter criteria in this dialog box.

Filter according to item type

Allows you to specify a particular item type by which to activate the filter. Filter name Allows you to type a name of the filter you are defining. This is a required field. Item type Allows you to select an item type appropriate for the folder that you selected. You must select an item type to be able to perform the filter operation. Selected node definition Filters the child items that belong to a folder or the items at any hierarchy level that you selected in the Explorer tree view. Global definition Allows you to define a filter for the entire tree view of the active Explorer. The software applies this definition to the item type you selected. Note that if you defined a filter definition for a specific folder, the filter for the folder override the settings for the global filter definition. Filter definition Allows you to define the criteria that you use to filter the items displayed: Property Allows you to select a property to use for filtering the items. Operator Allows you to select the required comparison operator to determine how the header selected under Property will relate to the expression you select for Value. Value Allows you to select or type a required value for the item you selected under Property. The available values depend on the specific property that you select. Logic You use this option when you specify more than one filter condition. The option allows you to select the required logical operator (And or Or) to determine how the next filter expression will relate to the current expression. When you have a mixture of logical operators for several conditions, the software performs the expressions on the conditions in order, for example: (A and B) or C (A or B) and C To reset the filter, delete the filter definition.

Command Buttons
Add Adds a new line for specifying a filtering condition. Delete Deletes the selected filtering condition. Verify Verifies the correctness of the entire filtering expression. Reset Removes all filtering conditions so that you can re-enter a new filter definition. Advanced Allows you to define a special filter for cables or loops.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Find Item Dialog Box

Allows you to find an item in the tree view of an Explorer window that you open to claim items for a project, or merge items with As-Built. This dialog box is especially useful when you want to find an item in a particular folder that contains numerous items. You can type an item name and click Find or you can let the software look for the item as you type the item name. Item Allows you to type a name of an item that you want to find. As typed Makes the software look for an item as you type its name. Search delay Sets the search delay that determines how long the software waits after the last time you press a key on your keyboard. Match case Instructs the software to find items whose names match the capitalization of the item name you entered. Find whole name only Instructs the software to search for occurrences that are whole names and not part of a larger item name.

Generate Access Rights Report Dialog Box .................................. 303 Global Access Rights Dialog Box .................................................. 304 Group Dialog Box .......................................................................... 305

Generate Access Rights Report Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to generate a report on access rights granted to the selected user groups. You can either generate a report on a specific level or on all levels. When the domain type is Owner operator, you can also generate a report on the project level. To access this dialog box, on the Reports menu, click Access Rights. Select all Selects all the items displayed in the data window.

All Levels
Allows you to select specific user groups and generate a report on the access rights granted to them on the domain level and also on all levels of your plant hierarchy. Data Window The Group Name data window displays all the existing user groups in the current domain. Select groups that you want to include in the report.

Allows you to select specific user groups and generate a report on the access rights granted to them on the domain level. Data Window The Group Name data window displays all the existing user groups in the current domain. Select groups that you want to include in the report.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes Project

(only available when the domain type is Owner operator) Allows you to select specific user groups and generate a report that displays access rights granted on the project level or for As-Built. Data Window Under Project Name, displays As-Built and all project that exist in the owner operator domain. Under Group Name, displays all user groups defined in As-Built and in the projects. Select groups that you want to include in the report.

Allows you to select specific user groups and generate a report on the access rights granted to them on the <plant> level. Data Window Displays all the existing user groups and the plants to which they are assigned. Select groups that you want to include in the report.

Allows you to select specific user groups and generate a report on the access rights granted to them on the <unit> level. Data Window Displays all the existing user groups, <plants>, and <units> to which user groups are assigned. Select groups that you want to include in the report.

Global Access Rights Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to grant the same access rights to a group of users on a specified level (domain level, highest or lowest level of the plant hierarchy). The default highest level is <plant>. The default lowest level is <unit>. It is also possible to grant the same access rights to all user groups on a specified level. If you select the <plant> or <unit> level, you can also grant the same access rights to all <plants> or <units> or to a specific <plant> or <unit> that you select. The selected access right mode will then apply to a specific group that you select or to all the user groups in the domain. To open this dialog box, with the Access Rights window open, on the Options menu, click Global Access Rights. Access mode Allows you to set the appropriate access mode for the group selected in the Group name list. The following access modes are available: Full (Add / Delete / Update) Allows group users to add, delete, and modify data for the selected item. Modify (Add / Update) Allows group users to add and modify data for the selected item and group. Deletion is prohibited.. View Only Allows group users to view data for the selected item, but cannot edit it in any way. Access Denied Indicates that group users has no access to the selected item. You apply this mode at the domain level to deny access to an entire module, feature, or activity. Group name Allows you to select a target user group for applying the access mode you have set in the Access mode list. Also, you can select All to apply the access mode to all the users in the current domain.

Domain level access rights

Enable item selection Allows you to apply the access mode to a specific item or to all items belonging to the domain level.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Item Allows you to select a domain level item for which you want to grant global access rights, according to the specified access mode. Also, you can select All to grant access rights for all the items belonging to the domain level.

Access rights on the level <Plant>

Enable item selection Allows you to select a <plant> and then apply the access mode to a specific item or to all items belonging to the <plant> level. <Plant> Contains a list of <plants> in the current domain. Select a target <plant>. The label <Plant> changes dynamically according to your highest plant hierarchy level definition. Item Allows you to select a plant level item for which you want to grant global access rights, according to the specified access mode. Also, you can select All to grant access rights for all the plant level items.

Access rights on the level <Unit>

Enable item selection Allows you to select a <unit> and then apply the access mode to a specific item or to all items belonging to the <unit> level. <Unit> Contains a list of <units> in the current domain. Select a target <unit>. The label <Unit> changes dynamically according to your lowest plant hierarchy level definition. Item Allows you to select a unit level item for which you want to grant global access rights, according to the specified access mode. Also, you can select All to grant access rights for all the <unit> level items.

Group Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to create a new group of users or modify the profile of an existing group. Also, you can associate an existing Windows group with a SmartPlant Instrumentation group. After that, any user who belongs to this Windows group can access SmartPlant Instrumentation automatically, without having to provide any logon information. This only take effect after the System Administrator enables the use of Windows authentication logon method. For details, see Windows Authentication Logon Method (on page 74). To access this dialog box, on the Activities menu, click Group. SmartPlant Instrumentation group After you click New or Edit, allows you to select an existing SmartPlant Instrumentation group or type a new group name. Description After you click New or Edit, allows you to enter a group description. Windows group After you click New or Edit, allows you to enter the group name of a Windows group that you want to associate with the specified SmartPlant Instrumentation group. You need to define a Windows group if the System Administrator has enabled the use of Windows authentication logon method, which enables any user who belongs to this Windows group to access SmartPlant Instrumentation automatically, without having to provide any logon information. This option only takes effect after the System Administrator enables the use of Windows authentication logon method. Apply Saves the group definitions. Edit Allows you to modify the SmartPlant Instrumentation group definitions. New Allows you to modify create a new SmartPlant Instrumentation group. Delete Deletes a SmartPlant Instrumentation group that does not have associated users. You cannot delete the default group ADMINISTRATORS. For details on how to remove a user from a group, see Remove Users from Groups (on page 74).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Import Browser Views Dialog Box ................................................. 306 Import Spec Forms Dialog Box ...................................................... 307 Import DCS Hardware I/O Library Dialog Box ............................... 308 Import DDP Library Data Dialog Box ............................................. 308 Import Hook-Up Library Dialog Box ............................................... 308 Import Interface Language Dialog Box .......................................... 309 Import Macros Dialog Box ............................................................. 309 Import System Interfaces Dialog Box ............................................ 309 Initialize (Oracle) Dialog Box ......................................................... 310 Initialize (SQL Server) Dialog Box ................................................. 311 Initialize (Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere) Dialog Box ............ 313 Items and Activities for Access Rights Dialog Box ........................ 314

Import Browser Views Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to import predefined browser view profiles. After the Domain Administrator imports the views into the database, they become available in the Browser Manager in SmartPlant Instrumentation. To access this dialog box, open the Domain Administration window and on the Add- Ins menu, click Import Browser Views. You can import only those predefined browser views that have been purchased for an additional fee.

Source database
File name and path Allows you to specify the source database file. You can type the file name and path or click Browse. The default file is IN_CTLOG.DB. Connect Connects to the source database file.

Miscellaneous Options
Target plant Allows you to select the plant to which you want to add the imported predefined browser views. View Displays all available predefined browser views after you click Connect. Select a view and click Import. Import Imports the selected predefined browser views from the source database file to your database. This button becomes accessible only after you click Connect.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Import Spec Forms Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to import spec forms from one database or domain to your current domain. Importing spec forms requires an intermediate file that contains spec forms exported from another database or domain. When importing spec forms, this file serves as a source database file. To access this dialog box, click Add-Ins > Import Spec Forms.

Source database
File name and path Allows you to specify the source database file. You can type the file name and path or click Browse. The default file is In_ctlog.db. Connect Connects to the source database file.

PSR folder path Allows you to specify the location of the PSR files in your domain. You can type the file name and path or click Browse. You have to select the Spec_PSR folder located in the path 'Program Files\SmartPlant\Instrumentation\'. Also, make sure that you include a file name in the path that you set.

Available forms for import

This data window allows you to select the forms that you want to import from the source database that you selected. The list depends on the source file that you selected under Source database. Select Allows you to select a source spec form for import. Form Displays the number of the source spec form. Form Name Displays the name of the source spec form. Process Function Displays the process function of the source spec form. New Form Allows you to type a number for the imported spec form or accept the number of the source spec form. Note that all spec form numbers must be unique. New Form Name Allows you to type a name for the imported spec form or accept the name of the source spec form. Note that all spec form names must be unique. Select all Allows you to select all the spec forms that are available in the source file. Import Imports the selected spec forms from the source database file to your database. The button becomes accessible after you click Connect. Associate with an existing page Imports the spec forms with the pages that have been associated with the imported forms. if you clear this check box, the software creates new pages with a unique names and associates all the imported forms with these pages. After importing the spec forms, you must rebuild the catalog tables. Switch to System Administration and then click DBA > Rebuild catalog tables. You can import only those spec forms for which you purchased an appropriate license. In order to use these forms in SmartPlant Instrumentation, you must regenerate the specifications that are based on these forms. You can do it for a single specification page or for multiple ones in batch mode, For more information, see the SmartPlant Instrumentation Help, Specifications > Specification Pages > Regenerate a Specification Page or Regenerate Pages in Batch Mode.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Import DCS Hardware I/O Library Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to import DCS hardware I/O data from the Foxboro - I/A FBMs library. This library is an add-in that is supplied for an additional fee.

Source database
File name and path Allows you to specify the source database file. You can type the file name and path or click Browse. The default file is IN_CTLOG.DB. Connect Connects to the IN_CTLOG.DB file and displays the Foxboro - I/A FBMs in the Select panel library pane.

Miscellaneous Options
Select panel library Displays the Foxboro - I/A FBMs library after you connect to the IN_CTLOG.DB file and allows you to select the library for import. Import Imports the content of the Foxboro - I/A FBMs library to the database.

Import DDP Library Data Dialog Box

Enables you to import PDS or SmartPlant 3D process connection data for the Dimensional Data for Piping module. Source database file name and path Displays the file name and path of the source database file. Connect Connects to the source database file. Import Imports the process connection data from the source database file to your database.

Import Hook-Up Library Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to import a hook-up item library to the database. To access this dialog box, on the Add-Ins menu, click Import Hook-Up Library.

Source database
File name and path Allows you to specify the source database file. You can type the file name and path or click Browse. The default file is IN_CTLOG.DB. Standard Allows you to import standard SmartPlant Instrumentation hook-ups. SHELL Allows you to import Shell Oil compatible hook-ups. Connect Connects to the source database file.

Miscellaneous Options
Hook-up drawing path Allows you to specify the path to the drawings (if you have a folder for the drawings) to avoid typing it each time you open a drawing in the Hook- Ups module. Plant Name Allows you to select a target plant in which SmartPlant Instrumentation users will be able to work with the imported hook-up item library. Import Imports the selected hook-up library from the source database file to your database. The button becomes accessible after you click Connect.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Import Interface Language Dialog Box

Enables the System Administrator to import another interface language to SmartPlant Instrumentation from an external database file. After adding the language, users can then switch to that language.

Source database
File name and path Allows you to specify the source database file. You can type the file name and path or click Browse. The default file is IN_CTLOG.DB. Connect Connects to the source database file.

Miscellaneous Options
Language Displays the languages available in the language database file after you click Connect. Import Allows you to add the selected language to the database. This button stays disabled until you click Connect. Overwrite previously imported items Allows you to overwrite the existing terms and phrases of a language that you imported previously. You need to clear the check box if you want to add new terms and phrases to the previously imported language without overwriting any existing terms or phrases.

Import Macros Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to import macros from one database or domain to another. Importing macros requires an intermediate text file that contains macros exported from another database or domain. When importing macros, this file serves as a source database file. The Domain Administrator can also import typical tags that have been included in that source text file. To access this dialog box, in the Domain Administration window, on the Add-Ins menu, point to Import/Export Macros and click Import Macros. Source database file and path Allows you to specify a source .txt file by typing the file path and name or clicking Browse. Include typical tags Allows you to import all typical tags located in the selected .txt file. If the selected .txt file does not contain typical tags, do not select the Include typical tags check box.

Import System Interfaces Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to import third party interfaces to SmartPlant Instrumentation. These interfaces allow the Domain Administrator to transfer data to and from a third-party system, such as FirstVue, Masoneilan, or SmartPlant P&ID. You can either import external import links and the appropriate source codes or import source codes only. To access this dialog box, click Add-Ins > Import System Interfaces.

Source database
File name and path Allows you to specify the source database file. You can type the file name and path or click Browse. The default file is In_ctlog.db. Connect Connects to the source database file.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes Miscellaneous Options

Source file path Allows you to specify the source file path. You can enter the full path manually or click Browse. Select link group Displays all available link groups after you click Connect. Select a link group and click Import. Import only source codes Allows you to import only the source codes. Import typical instruments Allows you to include typical instrument data. Import Imports the selected link group from the source database file to your database. The button becomes accessible after you click Connect.

Initialize (Oracle) Dialog Box

Enables the System Administrator to initialize (create) a new domain in Oracle. In a given SmartPlant Instrumentation database, you can only run one initialization process at a time.

Target domain definitions

Domain Allows you to type a name for the new domain. The software uses the domain name internally within the SmartPlant Instrumentation application only. You can also use the name of a previously deleted domain. If required, you can change the domain name later in the Administration module. After logging on to SmartPlant Instrumentation, the domain name appears in the Open dialog box, where you select a <unit>. The domain name can contain alphanumeric values without spaces. Domain schema name Allows you to type the Domain schema logon name. This definition is required for connection to the domain you are creating. After completing the initialization process, when a domain user logs on to SmartPlant Instrumentation, the software uses the Domain schema logon name and password to connect to the domain. The value that you type must be unique and typed as one word with no spaces. You can use an underscore (_) to indicate a space. The Domain schema name that you define becomes the domain logon name in the database. After initializing a domain, the Domain schema logon name becomes set permanently in the software. Domain schema password Allows you to type the Domain schema logon password. This parameter is required for connection to the domain you are initializing. The password value must be unique at the Oracle instance level, start with a letter, and contain only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore to indicate a space. The schema password must be different from the domain name. We recommend that you write down the schema password and keep it in a safe place. When initializing a domain, the software changes all the password characters to upper case. This means that if the Domain schema name is MY_DOMAIN, you cannot use my_domain as the password string. By default, the Domain schema password is not encrypted. When performing a database connection, the software retrieves the logon name and password from the PROJECT table of the Admin schema. If needed, the System Administrator can encrypt all the domain passwords in the database, including passwords of new domains you initialize in the current database.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

View-Only Domain schema password Allows you to change the default logon password of the View-Only Domain schema. The value that you type must be unique and typed as one word with no spaces. You can use an underscore (_) to replace a space. The View-Only Domain schema holds database views of all tables in a domain. This schema enables viewing data for users of report generators, such as Microsoft Access and InfoMaker. The View-Only Domain schema logon name is <Domain schema logon name>_VIEW. The logon name is set permanently in the software. The default logon password is also <Domain schema logon name>_VIEW. The maximum password length is fifteen characters (not case-sensitive). In the database, the password is not encrypted. If you change the password, make sure you make a record of the change so that you can use the password if you have to rebuild the default views in the domain. You can change the password only once, when initializing a new domain. The default password and the characters that you type when changing the password appear masked.

Target domain type

These options enable you to determine the type of the domain that you initialize. Owner operator Allows you to initialize the domain as an owner operator domain with As-Built functionality. Engineering company Allows you to initialize the domain as an engineering company domain.

Miscellaneous Options
Date Displays the date of the initialization process. Start time Displays the start time of the initialization process. End time Displays the end time of the initialization process. Do not display error messages Allows you to run the initialization process without displaying any error messages that can appear during the process. The software records errors into the InitLog.txt file, located in the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder. This file can contain records from previous backup or initialization sessions.

Command Buttons
OK Opens the Domain Data and Indexes dialog box, where you need to perform the next step of defining initialization settings for your domain data and indexes prior to starting the initialization process. Source If you initialize a new domain from an existing source domain, click this button to open a dialog box where you can connect to the source domain residing in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere or in an Oracle database.

Initialize (SQL Server) Dialog Box

Enables the System Administrator to initialize (create) a new domain in SQL Server. In a given SmartPlant Instrumentation database, you can only run one initialization process at a time.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes Target domain definitions

Domain Allows you to type a name for the new domain. The software uses the domain name internally within the SmartPlant Instrumentation application only. You can also use the name of a previously deleted domain. If required, you can change the domain name later in the Administration module. After logging on to SmartPlant Instrumentation, the domain name appears in the Open dialog box, where you select a <unit>. The domain name can contain alphanumeric values without spaces. Domain schema name Allows you to type the Domain schema logon name. This definition is required for connection to the domain you are creating. After completing the initialization process, when a domain user logs on to SmartPlant Instrumentation, the software uses the Domain schema logon name and password to connect to the domain. . The value that you type must be unique and typed as one word with no spaces. You can use an underscore (_) to indicate a space. The Domain schema name that you define becomes the domain logon name in the database. After initializing a domain, the Domain schema logon name becomes set permanently in the software. Domain schema password Allows you to type the Domain schema logon password. This parameter is required for connection to the domain you are initializing. The password value must be unique at the SQL Server instance level, start with a letter, and contain only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore to indicate a space. The schema password must be different from the domain name. We recommend that you write down the schema password and keep it in a safe place. When initializing a domain, the software changes all the password characters to upper case. This means that if the Domain schema name is MY_DOMAIN, you cannot use my_domain as the password string. By default, the Domain schema password is not encrypted. When performing a database connection, the software retrieves the logon name and password from the PROJECT table of the Admin schema. If needed, the System Administrator can encrypt all the domain passwords in the database, including passwords of new domains you initialize in the current database. View-Only Domain schema password Allows you to change the default logon password of the View-Only Domain schema. The value that you type must be unique and typed as one word with no spaces. You can use an underscore (_) to replace a space. The View-Only Domain schema holds database views of all tables in a domain. This schema enables viewing data for users of report generators, such as Microsoft Access and InfoMaker. The View-Only Domain schema logon name is <Domain schema logon name>_VIEW. The logon name is set permanently in the software. The default logon password is also <Domain schema logon name>_VIEW. The maximum password length is fifteen characters (not case-sensitive). In the database, the password is not encrypted. If you change the password, make sure you make a record of the change so that you can use the password if you have to rebuild the default views in the domain. You can change the password only once, when initializing a new domain. The default password and the characters that you type when changing the password appear masked.

Target domain type

These options enable you to determine the type of the domain that you initialize. Owner operator Allows you to initialize the domain as an owner operator domain with As-Built functionality. Engineering company Allows you to initialize the domain as an engineering company domain.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes Miscellaneous Options

Date Displays the date of the initialization process. Start time Displays the start time of the initialization process. End time Displays the end time of the initialization process. Do not display error messages Allows you to run the initialization process without displaying any error messages that can appear during the process. The software records errors into the InitLog.txt file, located in the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder. This file can contain records from previous backup or initialization sessions.

Command Buttons
OK Opens the Domain Data and Indexes dialog box, where you need to perform the next step of defining initialization settings for your domain data and indexes prior to starting the initialization process. Source If you initialize a new domain from an existing source domain, click this button to open a dialog box where you can connect to the source domain residing in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere or in a SQL Server database.

Initialize (Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere) Dialog Box

Enables the System Administrator to initialize (create) a new domain in SQL Server. In a given SmartPlant Instrumentation database, you can only run one initialization process at a time.

Target domain definitions

Domain Allows you to type a name for the new domain. The software uses the domain name internally within the SmartPlant Instrumentation application only. You can also use the name of a previously deleted domain. If required, you can change the domain name later in the Administration module. After logging on to SmartPlant Instrumentation, the domain name appears in the Open dialog box, where you select a <unit>. The domain name can contain alphanumeric values without spaces. Domain schema name Allows you to type the Domain schema logon name. This definition is required for connection to the domain you are creating. After completing the initialization process, when a domain user logs on to SmartPlant Instrumentation, the software uses the Domain schema logon name and password to connect to the domain. . The value that you type must be typed as one word with no spaces. You can use an underscore (_) to indicate a space. The Domain schema name that you define becomes the domain logon name in the database. After initializing a domain, the Domain schema logon name becomes set permanently in the software. Domain schema password Allows you to type the Domain schema logon password. This parameter is required for connection to the domain you are initializing. The password value must start with a letter, and contain only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore to indicate a space. The domain schema password is case-sensitive. The schema password must be different from the domain name. We recommend that you write down the schema password and keep it in a safe place. When initializing a domain, the software changes all the password characters to upper case. This means that if the Domain schema name is MY_DOMAIN, you cannot use my_domain as the password string.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

The Domain schema password is not encrypted and cannot be encrypted; after initializing a domain, the Domain schema logon password becomes set permanently in the software. When performing a database connection, the software retrieves the logon name and password from the PROJECT table of the Admin schema. View-Only Domain schema password Allows you to change the default logon password of the View-Only Domain schema. The value that you type must be typed as one word with no spaces. You can use an underscore (_) to replace a space. The View-Only Domain schema holds database views of all tables in a domain. This schema enables viewing data for users of report generators, such as Microsoft Access and InfoMaker. The View-Only Domain schema logon name is <Domain schema logon name>_VIEW. The logon name is set permanently in the software. The default logon password is also <Domain schema logon name>_VIEW. The maximum password length is fifteen characters (not case-sensitive). In the database, the password is not encrypted. If you change the password, make sure you make a record of the change so that you can use the password if you have to rebuild the default views in the domain. You can change the password only once, when initializing a new domain. The default password and the characters that you type when changing the password appear masked.

Target domain type

These options enable you to determine the type of the domain that you initialize. Owner operator Allows you to initialize the domain as an owner operator domain with As-Built functionality. Engineering company Allows you to initialize the domain as an engineering company domain.

Miscellaneous Options
Date Displays the date of the initialization process. Start time Displays the start time of the initialization process. End time Displays the end time of the initialization process. Do not display error messages Allows you to run the initialization process without displaying any error messages that can appear during the process. The software records errors into the InitLog.txt file, located in the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder. This file can contain records from previous backup or initialization sessions.

Command Buttons
OK Starts the initialization process. Source If you initialize a new domain from an existing source domain, click this button to open a dialog box where you can connect to the source domain residing in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere, Oracle, or SQL Server.

Items and Activities for Access Rights Dialog Box

Enables Domain Administrator to configure the items that will appear in the Access Rights window for a selected project. To open this dialog box, on the Activities menu, click Project Access Rights. In a project, access rights granted on the domain level do not apply. If you want to grant access rights to a group assigned to a project, you must also assign this group to As-Built. Project Allows you to select a project for which you can edit access rights.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Select all Allows you to select all the items and activities available in the data window. This way, you set the software to display all the available items and activities in the Access Rights window.

Data Window
Display Sets the software to display of a particular item in the Access Rights window. Item name Displays an inventory list of the items that exist within a particular project. You can click the header to display the items in alphabetical order. Item level Displays the level of a particular item: the whole project, or just to a specific unit or plant. You can click the header to display the items by level.

List of Duplicate Items Dialog Box ................................................. 315 Load Audit Trail Data Dialog Box................................................... 315 Log File Dialog Box ........................................................................ 316

List of Duplicate Items Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to view the items that will become duplicate in the domain after import. These items will appear as duplicate in the target project. To open this dialog box, on the Select Source Database dialog box, after connecting to the source database, selecting the source domain, and before clicking Import, click Report.

(Data Window)
Contains the items that are in use in other projects of the target domain, and also appear in the source project. The data window does not display the As-Built items. Item Displays the names of each duplicate item. Target Project Displays the name of the target project in which each item will be duplicates.

Command Buttons
Print Prints a report showing the list of items that will become duplicates after import. Save As Allows you to save the data in the dialog box to an external file.

Load Audit Trail Data Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to load audit trail data to the current domain from an external file. The software created this file while trimming audit trail data. The loaded audit trail data appears in the audit trail repository in the current domain. To load the audit trail data, you need to know the audit trail data period in the source domain and the file segment name of the external file to which you have saved this data. This file is located on your Windows server. The file name contains information about the starting and ending dates of the trimmed period (year, month, and day), the source domain name, and the user-defined file name segment. The file path configuration depends on your platform (Oracle, SQL Server, or Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

To open this dialog box, with the Domain Administration window open, on the DBA menu, point to Data Maintenance and click Load Audit Trail. Domain Displays the current domain to which you can load audit trail data.

From Allows you to type the initial date (month/day/year) of the audit trail data trimmed from the audit trail repository in the source domain. To Allows you to type the last date (month/day/year) of the audit trail data trimmed from the audit trail repository in the source domain.

Miscellaneous Options
Load from file Allows you to type the user-defined file name segment as it appears in the external file to which you have saved this data. Load Loads the audit trail data to the audit trail repository in the current domain.

Log File Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to change the default log file name and path before importing project data from another domain. The log file contains all information about the import process. To open this dialog box from the Select Source Database dialog box, after connecting to the source database, selecting the source domain, and before clicking Import, click Log File. The software creates the log file only after you click Import. Log file name and path When accessing the dialog box for the first time, the software displays the default path and name of a log file as follows <SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder>\importlog.txt. At this stage, the log file is not created yet. You can accept the default path and name of the log file or click Browse to select a different log file. The log file must be a .txt file. If you do not want a log file to be created, clear the Log file name and path box.

Microsoft SQL Server Connection Dialog Box ............................... 316

Microsoft SQL Server Connection Dialog Box

Enables you to connect to the SQL Server database in which you want to run the SmartPlant Instrumentation database setup process. Connecting to the SQL Server database is the first step in the SmartPlant Instrumentation database setup process. This process allows you to initialize a SmartPlant Instrumentation database in SQL Server. This means that by running the database setup, you create the Admin and Encryption schemas for your SmartPlant Instrumentation database. To open the dialog box, run the DB Setup Utility. Server name Displays the server name setting or the instance name if the SQL Server instance is not the default instance. The software retrieves this setting from the Intools.ini file, created during SmartPlant Instrumentation installation. You can type the name of the target database server machine or another named instance to which you want to connect for the SmartPlant Instrumentation database setup.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

System Administrator logon name (view-only) Displays the default System Administrator logon name SA. The software uses this name to connect to the SQL Server instance. System Administrator logon password Allows you to type the SQL Server System Administrator logon password. Connect Connects to the SQL server and opens the Target Database Parameters dialog box, where you can set parameters for the target SmartPlant Instrumentation database and start the database setup process. If you changed the Server name setting, when you click Connect, in the [Database] section of the Intools.ini file, the software changes the ServerName parameter, and also updates the Server parameter in the current SQL Server ODBC profile.

Naming Conventions Dialog Box ................................................... 317

Naming Conventions Dialog Box

Enables you to set naming conventions in a specific <unit> for various items that you can create in SmartPlant Instrumentation. By default, for all item types, you set naming conventions using the Flexible standard. If required, for instruments or loops, it is possible to set naming conventions using the ISA or Loop standards. Parent hierarchy Displays the plant hierarchy to which the current <unit> belongs. Click Browse to specify a desired <unit>.

When creating new <units>

Copy all conventions from the current <unit> Allows you to copy all the naming conventions that exist in the current <unit> to every new <unit> that you create using the Plant Hierarchy Explorer. This option does not apply to <units> that already exist in your domain. You can only select this check box in one specific <unit> in the entire domain, regardless of the parent hierarchy items to which this <unit> belongs. However, if you already selected this check box in another <unit>, you can still set the software to copy naming conventions from the current <unit>. In this case, the software automatically clears the check box in the other <unit>. In a domain with more than 3 hierarchy levels, when copying a unit from the DEFAULT plant in which the Copy all conventions from the current <unit> check box is already selected, make sure that you clear this check box in the unit belonging to the DEFAULT plant and then select it again in one of the new units. If you do not take these actions, each new unit will automatically be created with the default naming conventions and the copy unit functionality will become unavailable. Convention Allows you to select an item whose naming convention you want to set or modify. The Convention list displays all items for which it is possible to set a naming convention. ISA Standard Enables you to use the ISA standard when defining a naming convention for instruments or loops. When you click the button, the software automatically displays the naming convention segments pertinent to the ISA standard. Loop Standard Enables you to use the Loop standard when defining a naming convention for instruments or loops. When you click the button, the software automatically displays the naming convention segments pertinent to the Loop standard.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

If you already defined a naming convention for instrument tags or loops and want to modify an existing convention, do not click the button again. Clicking any of these buttons resets your instrument or loop naming convention to the default settings for the current standard. Sample Shows a preview of the naming convention that you have just defined. Each group of characters depicts a different part of the name. The separators appear as selected. Length Displays the total number of characters in the current naming convention. All naming convention strings can have a maximum length of 50 characters. Remove trailing spaces in each segment Only available for naming conventions of wiring items, control system tags, and document numbers. Removes trailing spaces from each segment of an item name created according to the naming convention. In item names or document numbers, trailing spaces can appear if the actual number of characters in a segment is smaller than the segment length. For this segment, on creating the name, the software adds trailing spaces to match the segment length. For example, you defined a cable naming convention comprising three segments and a (-) separator. A cable name created according to this naming convention appears as follows: C-MP - 10, where two trailing spaces appear after MP. If you select this check box, this cable name appears as shown: C-MP- 10. The software does not remove spaces that are part of separators or appear at the beginning or in the middle of a segment. When a wiring item or control system tag naming convention includes free segments, the software removes spaces only from the first and last free segment. Remove spaces in file names (only available when you select a document from the Convention box) Allows you to remove spaces from the name of the document files. When saving a document as a file, the software automatically applies the document item name to the file name. For example, when you generate a loop drawing without opening the drawing, the software saves the drawing file with the name of the source loop number. If the source loop number has spaces, the software removes the spaces from the drawing file name.

Data Window
Segment Category Displays segment categories for which you can select specific segments that comprise the naming convention string. The segment categories change according to the item you select from the Convention list. The Segment Category list of the always includes three default levels of the plant hierarchy, even if you defined more than three levels in the Plant Hierarchy dialog box. The default segment categories are Plant, Area, and Unit, where Plant stands for the highest hierarchy level item of the parent hierarchy, Unit for the current <unit>, and Area for the intermediate level item under which you created the <unit> in the Plant Hierarchy Explorer. When several prefix segments are defined, the last segment on the list will be considered as the name prefix. Seq. (Sequence) Displays the position of the segment in the naming convention string. You cannot change this setting.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Separator Allows you to enter any character or string that you want to appear as a separator between the segments in the naming convention string. Observe the preview in the Sample box to see how your settings affect the entire string. You can type any character or combination of several characters as a separator. The separator always appears before the segment that you define. For example, If you define a separator / for Segment A, the name appears as /A. If you want to add a separator between two segments, for example Segments A and B, you must define the separator only for Segment B. If a separator is the last character in the name of an item that is not a control system tag, the software removes the separator from the name. For example, if your instrument naming convention includes a / separator before the COMPONENT SUFFIX segment, the FT-100 tag number with the A suffix appears as FT-100/A and without any suffix as FT-100. If you do want a separator to appear at the end of the item name, you must add another data row and select Free Segment as both segment category and segment. Then, you define a separator and also define the Free Segment length as 0. Segment Allows you to select a segment for the corresponding segment category. The list of segments change according to the category you selected from the Segment Category list. For example, for the Unit category, you can select a Unit Number, Unit Name, or custom field segment as the prefix segment of the naming convention string. When applying a naming convention that includes a rack segment, a slot segment or both to a wiring item that does not have a rack or a slot as its immediate parent item, the software omits this segment. Start Allows you to enter a number that determines the starting position of the corresponding description setting to be used in the appropriate segment of the naming convention. Length Allows you to enter the number of characters (starting from the determined position in the Start field) to be taken from the description setting and used in the segment of the naming convention.

Command Buttons
Apply Saves the naming conventions for the selected <unit>. Copy From Allows you to select a source unit and copy its naming conventions to the current <unit>. This button is only available when the current <unit> is empty. Copy To Opens a dialog box where you can copy the current naming conventions to another <unit>. Add Adds an empty row at the bottom. Insert Inserts an empty row above the cell that you click. If you do not click any cell, the Insert button functions like the Add button: the software adds an empty row at the bottom. Delete Deletes the row in which you clicked a cell. Move Up Moves the row up. Move Down Moves the row down.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Open Administration Module Dialog Box ....................................... 320 Optimize Indexes (Oracle) Dialog Box .......................................... 320 Optimize Indexes (SQL Server) Dialog Box .................................. 320 Oracle Server Connection Dialog Box ........................................... 321 Owner Dialog Box .......................................................................... 322

Open Administration Module Dialog Box

Enables you to enter the Administration module as System Administrator or Domain Administrator. System Administrator Allows you to access the system administration options. Domain Administrator Allows you to access the domain administration options. Domain Name (available for the Domain Administrator only) Allows you to select and open a domain if you are entering as Domain Administrator. The Domain Type column indicates the type of the selected domain: owner operator or engineering company.

Optimize Indexes (Oracle) Dialog Box

Enables you to optimize indexes in SmartPlant Instrumentation tables. The indexes become fragmented during the domain lifetime and can contribute to database under- performance. In this case, you need to rearrange your database indexes to optimize them. Before starting the optimization process, make sure that the currently selected domain is not used by another user. If you attempt to optimize the indexes in a domain currently used by another user, an appropriate message is displayed. To access this dialog box, with the System Administration window open, on the DBA menu, point to Tuning and click Optimize Indexes. Domain Name Allows you to select the domain in which you want to optimize indexes. All tables Sets the software to optimize the indexes of all tables displayed in the data window. Selected tables Sets the software to optimize the indexes of the tables that you select in the data window. Data Window Contains the table and index names. The Fragmentation column displays the number of Extents of each index. Select the tables whose indexes you want to optimize. We recommend that you optimize all database indexes whose fragmentation level is higher than four.

Optimize Indexes (SQL Server) Dialog Box

Enables you to optimize indexes in SmartPlant Instrumentation tables. The indexes become fragmented during the domain lifetime and can contribute to database under- performance. In this case you need to rearrange your database indexes to optimize them. Before starting the optimization process, make sure that the currently selected domain is not being used by another user. If you attempt to optimize the indexes in a domain which is in use, an appropriate message is displayed.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

To access this dialog box, with the System Administration window open, on the DBA menu, click Optimize Indexes. Domain Allows you to select the domain that contains the tables whose indexes require optimization. Objects Allows you to define the tables to be included into the optimization process. The following options are available: All tables Optimizes the indexes of all the existing tables in the defined domain. Selected tables Optimizes the indexes of only those domain tables you select in the Table Name data window. Index source Allows you to define the index source on which you want to base the optimization. The following options are available: Current database Optimizes indexes using the current database indexes. Template database Optimizes indexes using the IN_TEMPL.DB template database indexes. It is recommended that you use this option if your current database indexes have been deleted or become unusable. Table Name After you click Selected tables, displays the table names in the defined domain and allows you to select the tables you want to include in the optimization process.

Oracle Server Connection Dialog Box

Enables you to connect to the Oracle database in which you want to run the SmartPlant Instrumentation database setup process. Connecting to the Oracle database is the first step in the SmartPlant Instrumentation database setup process. This process enables you to create a SmartPlant Instrumentation database on Oracle. This means that by running the database setup, you create the Admin and Encryption schemas for your database. For more information about SmartPlant Instrumentation database schemas, see SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide, SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Technical Review > Logon Data and Database Connection Security > SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Schemas. To open the dialog box, run the DB Setup Utility. Oracle version Allows you to select the version of your Oracle server from the list. DBMS identifier in the INtools.ini file Displays the compatible DBMS parameter for the Oracle server version which you selected from the Oracle version list. The DBMS parameter must appear automatically after you select your Oracle server version. You can change the DBMS parameter if required. For more details about all compatible combinations of Oracle and SmartPlant Instrumentation versions, see SmartPlant Instrumentation Installation and Upgrade Guide, Installing SmartPlant Instrumentation on Oracle > Compatibility of Oracle and SmartPlant Instrumentation Versions. Oracle database name Displays the Oracle database name automatically, in accordance with your Oracle server version selection. The value in this box must match the value you defined for the DB_NAME parameter in the Oracle Instance Configuration file. If the value is incorrect, you can change it as required. Server name Displays the value of your Oracle database server name automatically, in accordance with your Oracle server version selection. System Administrator logon name (view-only) Displays the default System Administrator logon name (system). The software uses this name to connect to the Oracle database server.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

System Administrator logon password Displays the System Administrator logon password. The default password value is manager. It appears masked. If you cannot connect to the Oracle database server using the default password, contact your Database Administrator, who has rights to create a new System Administrator logon password. Connect Connects to the Oracle server and opens the Target Database Parameters dialog box, where you can set parameters for the target SmartPlant Instrumentation database and start the database setup process or create an .sql file.

Owner Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to define or modify <plant> . ownership. After you define a list of owners, in the Plant Hierarchy Explorer, you can assign each owner to the appropriate <plants> that you create. To open this dialog box, with the Domain Administration window open, click Activities > Owner. Owner Select an owner name from this list or type a new owner name after clicking New or Edit. Address 1 / Address 2 / City / State / Zip Code / Country Type the owner address in these fields after clicking New or Edit. Owner note Type a short note if needed. To insert a carriage return, press CTRL + ENTER.

Command Buttons
Edit Allows you to edit the current owner definition. New Allows you to define a new owner for the current plant. Clicking this button makes all the fields accessible for editing. Delete Deletes the current owner definition.

Page Setup Dialog Box .................................................................. 322 Panel Location Levels Dialog Box ................................................. 323 Plant Hierarchy Dialog Box ............................................................ 324 Plant Hierarchy Explorer ................................................................ 325 Plant Properties Dialog Box ........................................................... 326 Preferences for Scoping and Merging Data Dialog Box ................ 328 Preferences Management Dialog Box ........................................... 332 Print Options .................................................................................. 335 Print Preview Dialog Box ............................................................... 335 Project Activities Dialog Box .......................................................... 336

Page Setup Dialog Box

Enables you to define the settings for the page size that you use to print your documents. The settings that you define do not affect the settings defined by other users of SmartPlant Instrumentation. To access this dialog box, click File > Page Setup.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Paper size Allows you to select a standard paper size, for example, Letter (8 x 11), A4, and so forth. Width Allows you to set the paper width manually. After you enter a custom setting, the selection in the Paper size list changes to Custom Paper Size. Height Allows you to set the paper height manually. After you enter a custom setting, the selection in the Paper size list changes to Custom Paper Size. Orientation Allows you to set portrait or landscape page orientation for the document. OK Applies the settings only to a printout of the report that is currently displayed in the print preview window. This button is only available if you accessed the Page Setup dialog box from a document print preview. Default Saves the settings in the INTOOLS.INI file, so that you can use the same settings the next time that you print reports.

Panel Location Levels Dialog Box

Enables you to define or modify levels for your panel locations. For example, you can define three levels with Building as the highest level (Level 1), Floor as the second level, and Room as the lowest level (Level 3). Then, in the Domain Explorer, SmartPlant Instrumentation users can create specific locations on any of the levels and assign panels to the locations. Panel location is defined per domain; therefore, all the panel location definitions that you make become available throughout the entire current domain. You can modify the location hierarchy as long as no panels are associated with a location (for example, Room_1). If any panels are associated with Room_1, SmartPlant Instrumentation users must first dissociate them. This does not affect the location hierarchy names. Level Displays the current number of panel location levels. Level 1 is always the highest level of the panel location hierarchy. Separator Allows you to specify a level separator. The level separator can contain a single alphanumeric or special character. After users create location names using Domain Explorer and assign panels to the appropriate locations, the software displays the separators in a panel location string, in the Panel Properties dialog box of the Wiring module. For example, you can use a back slash ( \ ) separator for a panel location hierarchy that has three levels, and then, in SmartPlant Instrumentation, on the third level, the user can create two locations Room1 and Room2, and assign a panel to Room2. In this case, in the Panel Properties dialog box in the Wiring module, the software displays the location setting as follows: Building1\Floor1\Room2 In the Building1\Floor1\Room2 string, the software does not display the actual level names that you created, but the names of specific locations that the user defined within the SmartPlant Instrumentation environment, using the Domain Explorer. The separators indicate the level hierarchy. Location Level Name Allows you to enter the name of a location level. You can use any number of alphanumeric or special characters. The name can include spaces. You can change the level names any time you require. These settings do not affect specific location names that SmartPlant Instrumentation users define in the Domain Explorer. Add Appends a new level at the bottom of the list. This level becomes the lowest level of the panel location hierarchy. Insert Inserts a new level above the level that you select. You can only use this option before SmartPlant Instrumentation users create panel locations on the level that you select. Delete Deletes a level that you select. You can only use this option before SmartPlant Instrumentation users create panel locations on the level that you select.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Plant Hierarchy Dialog Box

Enables you to set your plant hierarchy levels for the current domain. The minimum number of levels is three. You can change the level names at any stage of your domain life cycle. The level names that you define and the number of levels appear in the Plant Hierarchy Explorer, where you can define specific items on each hierarchy level. For example, on the Plant level, you can define several specific items, such as Plant1, Plant2, Plant3, and so forth. If the current domain already has a plant other than the default plant, for example, a domain based on the in_demo.db file, you can only change the names on the levels but not the number of the levels. If you define too long names of the plant hierarchy levels (up to 50 characters are allowed), in report title blocks, truncation may occur in the fields that display the names of the plant hierarchy levels and the specific level items. If you must use long name strings, to prevent truncation, we recommend that users create custom title blocks and provide enough room in the plant_name, area_name, and unit_name fields.

In the Plant Hierarchy Explorer, after creating a first <plant>, you cannot change the plant hierarchy levels until you delete that plant. Therefore, it is recommended that you first create your plant hierarchy levels using the options in this dialog box, and only then proceed to creating specific plant hierarchy items using the Plant Hierarchy Explorer. If you are planning to create more than three levels in your plant hierarchy, you cannot then use the default plant even if the System Administrator has enabled the use of the default plant. If more than three levels are defined, the software automatically clears the Default plant use check box in the Domain Definition window. Level Displays the level hierarchy number. Level 1 is the highest level. The hierarchical manner of levels is displayed in the Plant Hierarchy Explorer. Name Allows you to change the existing level name or enter a name for a new level. The name must contain at least one character that is not space. The maximum name length is fifty characters. The default level names that are supplied with SmartPlant Instrumentation are Plant, Area, and Unit. Add Appends a new level at the bottom of the list. This level becomes the lowest level of the plant hierarchy. You can only use this option before creating the first plant in the Plant Hierarchy Explorer. Insert Inserts a new level above the level that you select. You can only use this option before creating the first plant in the Plant Hierarchy Explorer. Delete Deletes a level that you select. You can only use this option before creating the first plant in the Plant Hierarchy Explorer. You can delete any level, as long as the minimum of three levels remains in the dialog box.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Plant Hierarchy Explorer

Allows you to create a flexible plant hierarchy according to the number of levels required by your plant structure. The minimum allowed number of levels is three, as in the default plant, which is supplied with SmartPlant Instrumentation (displayed as DEFAULT in the Plant Hierarchy Explorer). The System Administrator has right to enable or disable the use of the default plant when definition of modifying domain settings in the Domain Definition window. You can create or delete plant hierarchy items within the hierarchy levels that you define in the Plant Hierarchy dialog box. For example, on the Unit level, it is possible to create several items such as Unit1, Unit2, Unit3, and so forth. Also, you can edit the properties of the plant hierarchy items as you require. After creating a first <plant>, you cannot change the plant hierarchy levels that you defined in the Plant Hierarchy dialog box. Therefore, it is recommended that prior to defining plant hierarchy items in the Plant Hierarchy Explorer, you create all the plant hierarchy levels that you require. If you need to change the plant hierarchy levels after defining <plants>, you must first delete all the <plants>. To delete a <plant>, you need to open the <Unit> dialog box, where you can delete units. The software deletes a plant when you delete the plant's last <unit>. You can change the names of the plant hierarchy items at any stage of your domain life cycle. You can only change the number of the plant hierarchy items before creating a naming conventions for a SmartPlant Instrumentation item. The names of plant hierarchy items must be unique within a particular node of the parent level.

Explorer Icons
Indicates the plant hierarchy root. Below this level, you can create highest level items. Indicates the highest level items in the plant hierarchy. The default highest level name is Plant. On this level, you can edit properties or delete highest level items. Below this level, you can create intermediate levels items. Indicates intermediate levels items in the plant hierarchy. The default intermediate level name is Area. You can have more than one intermediate level, depending on your level definitions you made in the Plant Hierarchy dialog box. On this level, you can edit properties or delete intermediate levels items. Below the lowest intermediate level, you can create lowest levels items. Indicates the lowest level items in the plant hierarchy. The default lowest level name is Unit. On this level, you can edit properties or delete lowest level items.

Shortcut Menu Commands

All the commands in the Plant Hierarchy Explorer are accessible only from the shortcut (right-click) menu. The shortcut menu commands that are disabled are available only in the SmartPlant Instrumentation environment. New Allows you to create a new plant hierarchy unit below the currently selected item. In the Properties dialog box that opens, you can either create an empty item or define the new item properties, and then create the item. Properties Allows you edit properties of the selected item using the options of the Properties dialog box.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Delete Deletes the selected item. Deletion of a <unit> requires unique access in the domain. You cannot delete a <unit> if anyone else is using the domain, and no one can enter the domain after the deletion process has started. Since deletion of a <unit> is irreversible, make a backup before you delete a <unit>. You cannot delete the DEFAULT plant, area, and unit. The System Administrator, however, when setting the domain features in the Domain Definition window, can enable or disable the use of the default plant. If your plant hierarchy has more than three levels, the software automatically disables the use of the default plant, and removes the plant DEFAULT from the Plant Hierarchy Explorer.

Plant Properties Dialog Box

Enables you to create new items on the highest level of your plant hierarchy, or modify properties of an existing item. Also, you can assign custom field values to a specific item. The default highest level item name is <plant>. General Tab (see "General Tab (Plant Properties Dialog Box)" on page 326) Custom Fields Tab (see "Custom Fields Tab (Plant Hierarchy Item Properties Dialog Box)" on page 269)

General Tab (Plant Properties Dialog Box)

Enables the Domain Administrator to create a new <plant> or edit an existing <plant> profile. In the Plant Hierarchy Explorer, you can create as many plants (that is, plant hierarchy items on Level 1) as you require. The names of plant hierarchy items must be unique within the level. After creating a first <plant>, you cannot change the plant hierarchy levels that you defined in the Plant Hierarchy dialog box. Therefore, it is recommended that prior to defining plant hierarchy items in the Plant Hierarchy Explorer, you create all the plant hierarchy levels that you require. If you need to change the plant hierarchy levels after defining <plants>, you must first delete all the <plants>. If you use three plant hierarchy levels (that is, the default number of levels), you can also use the DEFAULT plant options, provided that the System Administrator has enabled the use of the default plant. The DEFAULT plant has the following hierarchy levels: Plant, Area, and Unit. <Plant> Allows you to enter or modify the name of the highest level item in the current plant hierarchy node. The name must be unique within the current domain. The name must contain at least one character that is not space. The maximum name length is fifty characters. Address 1 / Address 2 / City / State / Zip code / Country Allow you to enter the <plant> address details. Site name Allows you to enter the name of the site where the <plant> is located. Owner Allows you to select the <plant> owner from the list. You define this list in the Owner dialog box. Standard Allows you to select the default pipe standard for the <plant>. The following standards are available: ANSI / ASME ANSI / DIN Other


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

These values affect the values that the software assigns to certain properties on the Line Properties dialog box in SmartPlant Instrumentation. Do not propagate wire tag names Allows the software to suppress the tag number naming propagation along the signal path this way SmartPlant Instrumentation users can customize wire tag names along the propagated signal path. If you clear this check box, the software propagates wire tag names this way, all the wires along the propagated signal path are named according to the tag number from which the signal originates. Note Allows you to enter a short note. To insert a carriage return, press CTRL + ENTER.

Custom Fields Tab (Plant Hierarchy Item Properties Dialog Box)

Enables you to define up to twenty custom field values for the current plant hierarchy item. Custom fields associated with a plant hierarchy item are regular text fields and behave as any other custom fields that are available in SmartPlant Instrumentation for specific items. For example, you can define custom field values for the current <units>, and then select the appropriate custom field value when defining item naming conventions, so that in SmartPlant Instrumentation, this field value appears as part of an item name instead of the actual name of the <unit>. Also, custom field values can appear associated with the appropriate plant hierarchy items whenever the software runs macros: In custom title blocks (macro hierarchy_udf_y_x_t for custom field headers and macro hierarchy_udf_y_x for custom field values) In CAD drawings In drawings generated using the Enhanced Report Utility. Parent hierarchy (not available for the highest plant hierarchy item) Displays the plant hierarchy string to which the current item belongs. <Current plant hierarchy item> Displays the plant hierarchy item for which you opened the Properties dialog box. Custom fields from 1 to 15 Allow you to enter up to fifty characters in each box. You can edit the definitions above the boxes using the options in the Custom Fields dialog box. The default definitions are Custom field 1, Custom field 2, and so forth. Custom fields from 16 to 20 Allow you to enter up to one hundred characters in each box. You can edit the definitions above the boxes using the options in the Custom Fields dialog box. The default definitions are Custom field 16, Custom field 17, and so forth. The software copies the custom fields (values and definitions) when copying <unit> data.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Preferences for Scoping and Merging Data Dialog Box

Enables the Project Administrator to set preferences for claiming and merging items, and for copying items to the buffer. The software saves the preferences that you define for the entire owner operator domain, so that the same preferences apply in all the projects and in As-Built. These preferences do not affect user preferences defined in the Preferences dialog box. General Tab (see "General Tab (Preferences for Scoping and Merging Data Dialog Box) " on page 328) Claim Tab (see "Claim Tab (Preferences for Scoping and Merging Data Dialog Box)" on page 330) Merge Tab (see "Merge Tab (Preferences for Scoping and Merging Data Dialog Box) " on page 331) Apply Saves the current preferences settings for the current owner operator domain.

General Tab (Preferences for Scoping and Merging Data Dialog Box)
Determines how the software claims, merges, or copies to the buffer the sub-items and parent items associated with the items you select in the As-Built Explorer, Source Project Explorer, or Project Explorer. For example, you can set the software to claim, merge, or copy to the buffer items with or without the associated sub-items. The Domain Explorer is not available in the Administration module. The following table shows the related data or items that the software can claim, merge, or include in the buffer for claiming or merging items when you select a main item belonging to a specific item type. Main Item Loop Related Items/Data Included with the Main Item Tags with basic engineering data (process data, calculation, calibration, dimensional data for piping, and specification sheets, hook-up associations), wiring items that have a signal propagated to the loop or tag. If you placed a device panel inside a cabinet or junction box, when claiming the loop, this device panel is not claimed or merged together with the cabinet or junction box because this device panel does not have a signal propagated to the loop. You must claim or merge such a device panel manually. Basic engineering data, wiring items that have a signal propagated to the instrument. All wiring sub-items and control system tags that appear in the appropriate wiring item folder in the Domain Explorer.

Instrument Wiring item (panel, rack, wiring equipment, and so forth Terminal strip Cable Wire

Terminals Cable sets, wires Cables, cable sets


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes Include with the item

No sub-items Affects only items selected in an Explorer window for claiming, merging, or copying to the appropriate buffer. The associated sub-items are neither claimed nor copied to the buffer as dummy items. This setting also determines how the software removes a single item you select in the buffer. If you select a single item for removal, the software cannot detect whether this item has sub-items in the buffer or not. Therefore, on clicking Remove, the software prompts you to convert the selected item to a dummy item in the buffer. The prompt message only appears if the item that you select may have sub-items, for example, a panel, terminal strip, cable, and so forth. Documents associated with tags and loops are not considered items and, therefore, are always claimed together with the tags and loops. These documents are process data, calculation, calibration, dimensional data for piping, and specification sheets, and loop drawings. In the project, dummy items appear as view-only. In the Domain Explorer, the dummy items are marked by a specific color and appear with the indicator. Sub items Allows you to claim, merge, or move to buffer the associated sub-items. After you select this option, you can select any combination of the check boxes if you want the software to include wiring data when you perform a desired operation for claiming or merging data. For example, if you do not select any check box, and then, in the appropriate Explorer window, select a loop or a tag, the software includes all the engineering data but does not include any wiring items that have a signal propagated to the loop or tag. The engineering data that the software includes consists of process data, calculation, calibration, dimensional data for piping, and specification sheets, and hook-up associations. To include these wiring items, you must select the Wiring data of tags and loops check box. When you select a tag for claiming or merging, the basic engineering data is selected automatically. You cannot claim or merge a specific instrument, process data sheet, and so forth. Engineering data is only displayed within the SmartPlant Instrumentation environment. Wiring data of tags and loops Allows you to claim, merge, or copy to the buffer all the wiring items that have a signal propagated to the tags and loops you select in the As-Built or Project Explorer. Tags and loops with lowest level sub-items only Only available after you select Wiring data of tags and loops. Allows you to claim, merge, or copy to the buffer only the terminals and wires that have a signal propagated to the tags and loops you select for claiming or merging. The intermediate sub-items are processed as dummy. Wiring equipment sub-items Only available after you select Wiring data of tags and loops. Allows you to claim, merge, or copy to the buffer all the wiring items that are associated with wiring equipment. For example, if you claim a tag associated with an apparatus, the software also claims all of the sub-items associated with the apparatus. Non-connected terminals and spare wires Only available after you select Wiring data of tags and loops. Allows you to claim, merge, or copy to the buffer the non-connected terminals and spare wires together with the other associated wiring items that have a signal. If you clear the check box, the software ignores the non- connected and spare wires.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Wires connected to terminals Allows you to claim, merge, or copy to the buffer all the wires that are connected to terminals associated with the parent items. For example, if you claim a panel, the software also claims the panel strips, the terminals and the wires that are connected to the terminals. The cables and cable sets to which the wires belong appear in the project as dummy items. If you selected a loop or tag, and also selected the Wiring data of tags and loops check box, the Wires connected to terminals check box does not apply to the wiring items associated with the loop or tag. In this case, the software always claims, merges, or copies to the buffer all the wires that have signal propagated to the tag.

Claim Tab (Preferences for Scoping and Merging Data Dialog Box)
On this tab, you can set preferences for including revisions of the items that you claim. Also, you can define preferences for claiming or copying to the Claim Buffer the parent items as dummy items. In the project, dummy items appear as view-only. In the Domain Explorer, the dummy items are marked by a specific color and appear with the indicator. These options only apply to revisions for documents that the software claims automatically, together with the associated items that you select. These documents are process data, calculation, calibration, and dimensional data sheets, specifications, and loop drawings. These options do not apply to documents that you can select in the As-Built Explorer or Source Project Explorer. Copy revision data Includes revision data of the documents associated with items that you claim. Reclaim items Allows you to claim the same items again. When an item exists in a project, reclaiming the item results in an automatic update of the project item properties, connections and associations. If you deleted an item, this item reappears in the project after reclaiming. Path for .psr files and log file Allows you to specify the path for a log file that contains details of the claim process. In addition, the software uses this path to generate .psr files that include a list of claimed items. The software groups the items in .psr files according to item types. You can enter the path of the target file, or click Browse to specify the path. In the folder that you specify, in addition to the log file and individual .psr files, the software also creates a .zip file that includes the log file and the .psr files. The software names the .zip file as follows: claim<project ID number>_<incrementing number>, for example, CLAIM21215_12. The incrementing number of the file name is incremented by one each time you claim items. This way, you do not overwrite the previous .zip file. All the individual .psr files are overwritten automatically after each claim session.

When claiming items, include parent items as

Specifies the way the software handles parent items when you claim items to a project. Dummy items Allows you to claim or copy to the Claim Buffer parent items as dummy items. For example, if you claim an instrument, the source loop number appears in the project as a dummy item. Fully-functional items Allows you to claim or copy to the Claim Buffer parent items as fully-functional items. For example, if you claim an instrument, the source loop number appears in the project as a fully-functional item.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

When you claim instruments directly from the Instruments folder of the As-Built Explorer or Source Project Explorer, the source loop is always claimed as a dummy item, regardless of the value of this setting.

Merge Tab (Preferences for Scoping and Merging Data Dialog Box)
On this tab, you can set preferences for merging revision data of the items you merge with As-Built. Also, you can define preferences for handling parent items that remain in the project after you merge their sub-items items or copy the sub-items to the Merge Buffer. When merging documents, these options do not apply. Merge option for revisions Allows you to select a desired option to specify how to process revisions when merging data. This list contains the following options: Ignore Does not merge revisions associated with the items. If you select this option, you cannot generate Changed Documents reports (report generation is available from the Project Explorer). Copy Deletes revisions that exist in As-Built and then copies revisions from the current project. This option does not allow you to generate Changed Documents reports. Merge by revision ID Merges revisions with As-Built by using the internal revision ID that appears in the database. Existing revisions in As-Built are updated with revision data merged from the project. Merge by revision number Merges revisions with As-Built by using the revision numbers defined in the current project. Existing revisions in As-Built are updated with revision data merged from the project. If you set the software to save revisions as files, the software does not delete the files in the revision archive folder you specified for the project in the Report Management dialog box (the software deletes the revision records from the project successfully). This, however, does not affect report comparison procedures you can perform in As-Built after merging revisions. Path for .psr files and log file Allows you to specify the path for a log file that contains details of the merge process. In addition, the software uses this path to generate .psr files that include a list of merged items. The software groups the items in .psr files according to item types. You can enter the path of the target file, or click Browse to specify the path. In the folder that you specify, in addition to the log file and individual .psr files, the software also creates a .zip file that includes the log file and the .psr files. The software names the .zip file as follows: merge<project ID number>_<incrementing number>, for example, MERGE21215_12. The incrementing number of the file name is incremented by one each time you merge items. This way, you do not overwrite the previous .zip file. All the individual .psr files are overwritten automatically after each merge session.

When merging items, leave parent items in project as

Specifies the way the software handles parent items when you merge items created in a project back to the As-Built.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Dummy items When the Project Administrator merges back to the As-Built items that were created in the project, and this option is selected, the software removes the merged items from the project and leaves the parent items in the project as dummy items. For example, when merging a terminal strip, the terminal strip is removed from the project and the parent panel remains in the project as a dummy panel. However, if after merging the terminal strip, the panel has no other sub-items in the project, the software also removes the panel. Fully-functional items When the Project Administrator merges back to the As-Built items that were created in the project, and this option is selected, the software removes the merged items from the project and leaves the parent items in the project as fully-functional items.

If, in the project, you created a single item that has a parent item, and you merge that single item into the As-Built, the parent item remains in the project as a fully-functional item, regardless of the value of this setting.

Preferences Management Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to set and manage SmartPlant Instrumentation preferences in a domain, or in As-Built and projects if the domain type is Owner operator. If the domain type is Engineering company, you set the domain preferences in the following two stages: 1. First, you define preferences on the various pages of the Preferences dialog box. 2. Then, you click Advanced and clear the check boxes for the preferences that you defined. These preferences become the preferences of every new and existing user in the current domain. If you do not use the advanced options but only modify the preferences settings on the Preferences dialog box page, apart from you, none of new or existing users receive the modified settings when they log on to SmartPlant Instrumentation. If the domain type is Owner operator, you set the domain preferences in the following two stages: 1. Before you create projects, on the Preferences dialog box, under Project, you select DEFAULT PREFERENCES, and then, define default preferences on the various pages of the dialog box. 2. Then, you click Advanced and clear the check boxes for the preferences that you defined. The software automatically copies the default preferences to any new project that you create. These preferences become the preferences of new and existing users in the project they log onto. Managing preferences involves the following operations: Viewing and modifying preferences in your domain, or in each project in the owner operator domain. Setting restrictions on preferences in your domain, separately for each project or for each SmartPlant Instrumentation module. This disables or limits the customization features for those users who work in that domain or project. In an owner operator domain, copying preferences from one project to another. In an owner operator domain, setting default preferences for modifying or copying preferences from one project to another. Importing the domain or project preferences from the external file. Exporting the domain or project preferences to an external file.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

To open the dialog box, start the Administration module and enter as Domain Administrator, and then click Activities > Preferences Management. Project When the domain type is Owner operator, allows you to select As-Built or an existing project from the list. If you do not have any projects yet, you can select DEFAULT PREFERENCES, and then, define default preferences first. After that, you click Advanced and clear check boxes for those preferences that you defined. When you create projects, they receive automatically the default preferences that you defined. Domain (available only when your domain does not support the As-Built functionality) Displays the current domain name in this read-only box. Tree view Contains the SmartPlant Instrumentation module names and the options associated with the modules. Click beside a desired module to expand the hierarchy, and then click an option to open a specific page where you can set the default preferences for each module in your domain. Pages The options on the pages allow you to modify preferences for the current domain or project, but individual users who work in this domain or project will be able to view and overwrite these preferences with their own settings within the SmartPlant Instrumentation environment. To prevent individual users from changing the default preferences that the Domain Administrator has set for each SmartPlant Instrumentation module in the domain or project, click the Advanced button, and then clear the Enabled check box for the appropriate preferences options.

Command Buttons
Advanced Opens a dialog box where you can enable or disable preferences in the project selected from the Project list, or in the current domain. Import Imports the domain or project preferences from a .dmp file that contains previously exported preferences. Before importing preferences, you can open the .dmp file and modify preferences definitions in the file itself. Export Allows you to save the domain or project preferences to an external .dmp file.

General (Preferences Management Dialog Box)

The options on the General page of the Preferences Management dialog box allow you to customize the SmartPlant Instrumentation interface and general application preferences. These settings do not affect the preferences that were defined by users in the current domain or working in the current project, if the domain type is owner operator. When customizing the general preferences, you can do the following: Set the toolbar text Automatically start SmartPlant Instrumentation with the unit and module you last worked in Set print preview options Overwrite the default logo We recommend that you do not prevent the users from specifying individual temporary folder paths. This is because in the temporary folder, the software creates temporary files during various activities that users perform in SmartPlant Instrumentation, for example, when generating specifications, CAD loop or hook-up drawings, reports, and so forth. If the temporary folder path is shared for several users, users can experience problems with data display when performing the same activity at the same time, for example, when creating two specifications at the same time. Show toolbar text Displays the toolbar text. Clear the check box to hide the toolbar text.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Overwrite logo Retrieves automatically the current logo from the database and overwrite the projlogo.bmp file in the <SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder>\Temp folder. The projlogo.bmp file is from where the software takes the logo which is used in documents and reports. If you clear the check box, the software retrieves the logo from the original bitmap file in this way the projlogo.bmp file is not changed when switching to another domain, so that you use the same logo. Clearing the check box also speeds up your work. Automatic start of the last module Starts SmartPlant Instrumentation automatically with the domain, area, unit, and module you last worked in. After you select this check box, the software bypasses the Open dialog box, where you select a <unit>, and automatically opens the last module that you worked in. If several modules were open when closing SmartPlant Instrumentation, the software treats the active module as the last one. Print preview options The following options enable you to set a print preview option for report generation: Always Sets the software to open print previews automatically, without prompting you for confirmation. Never Sets the software to automatically spool reports to the output device, without prompting you for confirmation. Ask user (default) Sets the software to prompt you to open a report print preview before printing. Current report preview options The following options enable you to compare a new report displayed in the Print Preview window with an existing archived report: Mark changes only Sets the software to mark the changes in the print preview of a new report, if the currently previewed report is different from the archived report. Generate changes report only Sets the software to generate a changes report after comparing a new report with an archived report. Mark changes and generate changes report Sets the software to both generate a changes report after comparing a new report with an archived report and mark the changes in the print preview of the new report. Display license expiration reminder Adjust the numerator to be reminded to renew your license in a desired number of days in advance. Temporary folder path Enables you to specify the path to the SmartPlant Instrumentation temporary folder where the temporary logo and custom files are stored. Click Browse to navigate to the path. For example: C:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Instrumentation\Temp In the temporary folder, the software creates temporary files during various activities that you perform in SmartPlant Instrumentation, for example, when you generate specifications, reports, CAD loop or hook-up drawings, and so forth. In the Specifications module, when you generate the Spec Forms report, the software generates the report as the specprn.psr file and saves this file to the folder you specify in the Temporary folder path box. If you leave this box blank, the software saves the specprn.psr file to the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder. If your CAD application is MicroStation, make sure the path string does not exceed fifty two characters. A longer path prevents MicroStation from generating or displaying drawings or cells from SmartPlant Instrumentation. If the System Administrator specified a global path in your domain, note that the global path does not apply to the temporary folder path.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Output document folder Enables you to specify the path to the folder where the software generates IDEAL report files. Click Browse to navigate to the path.

Print Options
This dialog box allows you to print out a report. The dialog box options are as follows: Printer Allows you select a printer. Copies Allows you to enter the number of copies you want to print. Page range Determine whether the software prints the entire report or specific pages of the report. All Prints the entire document. Current page Prints the currently displayed page. Ranges Prints the pages you type in this box. For example, to print pages 2, 3, and 4, type 2-4. Print Select the portion of the report or document that you want to print. Print to file Prints your report to a file instead of to a printer. Collate copies Prints the copies of the document in proper binding order. OK Prints the page range of the report. Printer Allows you to define your default printer if needed.

Print Preview Dialog Box

Displays a preview of the items belonging to a specific item type. The Project Administrator opens this dialog box either when defining a scope of items for a project, or when merging project items with As-Built: When defining a project scope, this dialog box displays the items you can claim from the Claim Buffer. When merging project data with As-Built, this dialog box shows the items you can merge from the Merge Buffer. Also, you can open this dialog box to generate reports available on the Reports menu of the Project Explorer. Pages Allows to navigate back and forward through a multi-page report using the arrow buttons. Show items (only available when claiming items for a project) Determines whether you can display claimed items or items copied to the Claim Buffer. Claimed Displays only items that were claimed for the project. Not claimed Displays only items that appear in the Claim Buffer, but have not yet been claimed for the project. Reports If you selected more than one item type, allows you to navigate back and forward between each item type report using the arrows.

Command Buttons
Print Opens a dialog box where you can send the report to a printer or a file. Save As Saves the report in a format you specify. Zoom Allows you to change the magnification of the report preview.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Project Activities Dialog Box

Enables the user with project access rights to create or modify projects in an Owner operator domain. To open this dialog box, click Activities > Project Activities. Project Allows you to select a project from this list or type a new project name. Description Allows you to type a short description for the project or As-Built. Project Administrator Allows you to select a user defined by the Domain Administrator as Project Administrator for the current project. By default, this list displays users belonging to the ADMINISTRATORS group because only such a user can create the first project. In addition to users belonging to the ADMINISTRATORS group, this list contains users belonging to other groups the Domain Administrator assigned to the current project. Plant Allows you to select the <plant> you want to associate with the project. If under Project you selected As-Built, you cannot select a specific plant because As-Built is associated with all the existing plants. In this case, the Plant box displays All Plants. Instrumentation/process data workflow Allows you to select a workflow option for As-Built or project. The following options are available: Full Activates all workflow options, including marking instrument tags for release as a formal issue in a binder package. The Release to Spec option becomes available in the Document Binder module and in the Spec Change Notification Options dialog box. Without Document Binder Activates all workflow options, except for the option to release instrument tags as a formal issue in a binder package. None No workflow options are activated. Do not propagate wire tag names Suppresses the tag number name propagation along the signal path. This way, users can customize wire tag names along the propagated signal path. If you clear this check box, the software can propagate wire tag names. This means that all the wires along the propagated signal path will be named according to the tag number from which the signal originates. Project usage This field is not in use for this version of the software. SmartPlant project status Displays the current status of the project. The following statuses are available: Active Enables publishing and retrieving of documents. You cannot delete projects with Active status. Completed Indicates that activities for the project have been successfully completed. For projects with the Completed status, users can only publish engineering data. Users cannot retrieve data that updates the To Do List for the project. To be able to delete the project, you need to change its status to Merged. Canceled Indicates that the project is no longer in use and that you can delete it if needed. For projects with the Canceled status, users cannot publish or retrieve documents. Merged Indicates that after completion of the project, the project engineering data has been merged back to As-Built in SmartPlant Instrumentation. For projects with the Merged status, users cannot publish or retrieve data. If needed, you can delete projects in the Merged status. Notes Allows you to enter notes or comments for the current project or As-Built. Action Indicates the current action taking place when importing a project.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes Command Buttons

Apply Saves the changes. If you click Apply to create a new project, the software prompts you whether you want to copy SmartPlant Instrumentation user groups from As-Built. If you choose not to copy the user groups, the software creates the project with only one user group (that is, the group to which the current Project Administrator belongs). The software also prompts you whether you want to create the Project schema. You need to create the Project schema to make the project accessible for SmartPlant Instrumentation users. If you do not create the Project schema at this stage, the software only saves the project name and description. If you do not create the Project schema at this stage, you can still proceed with claiming items for the project. The software creates the project schema automatically when you claim an item. New Prompts to create a new project. Edit Allows you to edit the definition of the current project. Delete (not available for projects for which the SmartPlant status is Active or Completed) Deletes the selected project, provided that is does not contain claimed items. You can only delete an empty project after merging data. If your project no longer contains any data but you previously deleted claimed items from the project, you must still perform a merge process to delete these items from As-Built as well. Reserve Opens a dialog box where you can reserve for the selected project or As-Built tag numbers and loop numbers within specified ranges. After you reserve a range of numbers, users who work in this project or As-Built can create only those loops and tags whose numbers belong to the specified range. On the other hand, users in other projects in the same owner operator domain cannot create tags and loops that belong to the specified range. Scope Allows you to select a claim source for the current project and then proceed with defining the scope of items for the project. The claim source can be either As-Built or any other project that has data, provided that the System Administrator cleared the Exclusive claim mode check box in the Domain Definition window. If this check box is selected, it is only possible to define the scope of items for the current project using As-Built as a claim source. Merge Allows you to select current project items for merging with As-Built. Publish (only available for projects for which the status is Merged) Publishes all documents that have already been published in the scope of the project and afterwards merged with As-Built. Colors Opens a dialog box where you can specify the colors used to indicate the status of the items selected for using in a project or merging with As-Built. Logo Allows you to define a new logo for the current project, after you click Edit. Import Opens the Select Source Database dialog box where you can connect to the source database, select a project that has the same database ID as the current one, and import its data to the current project. Customizing preferences allows you to automate a number of procedures. Your preference settings do not affect the preferences that were defined by other SmartPlant Instrumentation users in the current domain or working in the current project, if the domain type is Owner operator. The Domain Administrator can restrict the ability of other users to set their preferences. Therefore, you can find that certain options are disabled. If you want to enable these options, contact your Domain Administrator, who can manage preferences from the Administration module. Tree view Click beside a desired module to expand the hierarchy, and then click an option to open a specific page where you can set your preferences.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Pages Using the options on the pages, you can view the default preferences set by the Domain Administrator. Also, you can overwrite certain default preferences with you own settings, provided that the Domain Administrator has not disabled these preferences. Reset Resets all the properties for the selected module to their default values. This option appears when you select a module or some of the other categories such as Enhanced Reports, Interfaces, or SmartPlant, at the highest level of the tree view. Reset all Resets all the properties in the Preferences dialog box to their default values. Import Imports the domain/project preferences from the intools.ini file.

Browser > Custom (Preferences)

Use these options to customize features in the current module. For details of acceptable parameters and values, contact Intergraph Support.

Custom features for the Browser module

Parameter Enables you to type the parameter for the feature that you want to customize in this module. Value Type the value of the parameter.

Browser > Fonts (Preferences)

These options enable you to set the font properties of the headers and body text in all windows in the Browser module, including report sheets. Font Select a font from the list of available Windows fonts. Font style Select a font style from the list of available styles: Regular, Italic, Bold, or Bold Italic. Size Select a font size from the list of available font sizes. Sample Indicates the appearance of the font according to the properties that you have selected. Reset Resets the SmartPlant Instrumentation font defaults for body text in the Browser view and in the Print Preview window in the Instrument Index module. The font defaults are: Font MS Sans Serif Font style Regular Size 8

Browser > Reports (Preferences)

These options enable you to define the printing preferences for the Browser module reports.

Printing without preview

These options allow you to customize your printout when printing without a preview if the total column width exceeds the width of your page.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Print all columns if exceeding page width Select this option if the width of your paper cannot accommodate all the columns of the report. When you select this option, the software prints out subsequent pages containing the additional columns that do not fit the width of the first page. If you do not select this option and your report has more columns than the width of your paper can allow for, only the columns that fit the paper width are printed out. Show first column on each page If you selected Print all columns if exceeding page width, you can select this option to print out the first column on every page of the report. This is helpful for showing on each printed page which items the rest of the data belongs to.

Cable Block Diagram > View (Preferences)

Use these options to customize the display of items in Cable Block Diagram reports before generation.

Calculation > Custom (Preferences)

Use these options to customize features in the current module. For details of acceptable parameters and values, contact Intergraph Support (

Custom features for the Calculation module

Parameter Enables you to type the parameter for the feature that you want to customize in this module. Value Type the value of the parameter.

Calculation > General (Preferences)

These options enable you to customize preferences for opening calculation sheets. To access the general Calculation module preferences, in the Preferences dialog box, in the tree view pane, click beside Calculation and then click General.

Browser view options

Open calculation sheet These options determine what happens when you click with an instrument tag selected in the browser view. Always Always opens a calculation sheet for the tag selected in the browser view when you open the Calculation module. Never Never opens a calculation sheet for the tag selected in the browser view when you open the Calculation module. Ask user (default) Prompts you whether you want to open a calculation sheet for the tag selected in the browser view when you open the Calculation module. Tag creation Select an option to determine whether users are allowed to create new instrument tags in the Calculation module. Allowed Allows users to create new instrument tags in the Calculation module. Not allowed Prohibits users from creatinMAximum Number of g new instrument tags in the Calculation module. Maximum number of iterations for flowmeter calculations - Defines the maximum number of calculation iterations the calculator is allowed to perform.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Calibration and Maintenance > Custom (Preferences)

Use these options to customize features in the Calibration module. For details of acceptable parameters and values, contact Intergraph Support (

Custom features for the Calibration module

Parameter Enables you to type the parameter for the feature that you want to customize in this module. Value Type the value of the parameter.

Calibration and Maintenance > General (Preferences)

These preferences allow you to set the default point at which the software performs a loop error calculation. These settings do not affect the preferences that were defined by other SmartPlant Instrumentation users in the current domain or working in the current project, if the domain type is Owner operator. Also, it is possible to set preferences that determine how the software defines maintenance event record names when users create such records in As-Built. The Domain Administrator can restrict the ability of other users to set their preferences. Therefore, you can find that certain options are disabled. If you want to enable these options, contact your Domain Administrator, who can manage preferences from the Administration module. To access these preferences, on the Preferences dialog box, in the tree view pane, click Calibration and Maintenance > General.

Validate mandatory fields for data entry Select to generate warning messages where the user does not enter data values in mandatory fields; clear to ignore any data that is missing in those fields.

Loop error calculation

Calculation method Select a calculation method from this list to determine how a loop error will be calculated. The options are: Ask user Select to open the Loop Error Calculation Method dialog box, where you can select the desired loop error calculation method. Normal Select to calculate a loop error automatically according to normal values. Absolute Select to calculate a loop error automatically according to absolute values. Root Mean Square Select to calculate a loop error automatically according to root mean square values. Calculate at point Type a number from 1-100 or use the spinners to enter the default percentage point at which the software performs the loop error calculation.

Display AF and AL graphs in the Instrument Calibration Result report to print all pages of this report including the As Found and As Left graphs that appear on the second page of the report. Clear the check box to print only the tabular data that appears on the first page of the report.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes Define maintenance event record name by

The following options enable you to determine how the software defines a name for a maintenance event record that you can create in the Instruments folder of the Domain Explorer. Names of maintenance event records accept up to fifty characters. Tag number, then event date The maintenance event records are displayed as follows: 101 -FT -100 02-03-07. Event date, then tag number The maintenance event records are displayed as follows: 02-03-07, 101 -FT -100. We recommend that you select this option if you instrument tag number strings are long. When you create a maintenance event record, the record name characters that exceed sixty characters are truncated. Event date only The maintenance event records are displayed as follows: 02-03-07. If you set the software to create maintenance event record names using a combination of tag number and date, the software automatically inserts a space character between the tag number and date. The date format depends on the Maintenance event date format preference. Maintenance event date format Allows you to specify a date format that the software uses when defining names of maintenance event records. The valid date formats are the same as the formats you use in Windows, for example, dd/mm/yy, mm/dd/yyyy, and so forth). For details of supported date formats, see Set a Date Format for Maintenance Event Record Names.

Serial number, manufacturer, and model

Allows you to update the serial number, manufacturer or model number in the tag properties, from the calibration data entry. Allow to Update: Select an option from the list. The options are: Always - always overwrite and update the tag properties. If undefined - only update if the property is undefined in the tag properties. Never - never update the tag properties.

Test equipment hierarchy level

Allows you to filter the test equipment list according to their placement with in a domain. The options are: Area Domain Plant Unit

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Claim and Merge Options (Preferences)

The options on this page only apply in an owner operator domain. These options allow you to set preferences for claiming As-Built items for a project from SmartPlant Instrumentation or merging project data with As-Built. When working with As-Built data, you can either claim items directly or copy them to the Claim Buffer. Then, your Project Administrator can claim these items in the Administration module. When working in a project, you cannot merge items directly. It is only possible to copy project data to the Administration module Merge Buffer for merging. These preferences determine how the software claims, merges, or copies to the Claim Buffer or Merge Buffer the sub-items and parent items associated with the items you select for claiming or merging from the Explorer windows. Documentation dealing with claiming and merging data appears in the Administration module Help. For common tasks associated with claiming data, see Scoping Data for Projects Common Tasks (on page 147) in the Administration User's Guide. For common tasks associated with merging data, see Merging Project and As-Built Data Common Tasks (on page 164) in the Administration User's Guide. The following table shows the related data or items that the software can include in the Claim Buffer or Merge Buffer when you select a main item belonging to a specific item type. Main Item Loop Related Items/Data Included with the Main Item Tags with basic engineering data (process data, calculation, calibration, dimensional data for piping, and specification sheets, hook-up associations), wiring items that have a signal propagated to the loop or tag. If you placed a device panel inside a cabinet or junction box, when claiming the loop, this device panel is not claimed or merged together with the cabinet or junction box because this device panel does not have a signal propagated to the loop. You must claim or merge such a device panel manually. Basic engineering data, wiring items that have a signal propagated to the instrument. All wiring sub-items and control system tags that appear in the appropriate wiring item folder in the Domain Explorer.

Instrument Wiring item (panel, rack, wiring equipment, and so forth Terminal strip Cable Wire

Terminals Cable sets, wires Cables, cable sets

The Claim Buffer and Merge Buffer are only accessible from the Administration module. For more information about the Claim Buffer, see the Administration module Help, Claim Buffer (on page 426) in the Administration User's Guide. For more information about the Merge Buffer, see the Administration module Help, Merge Buffer (on page 428) in the Administration User's Guide. Preferences that you set do not affect preferences the Project Administrator defines on the Preferences for Scoping and Merging Data dialog box of the Administration module.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes Include when claiming or merging items

No sub-items Affects only items you selected in an Explorer window. The associated sub-items are neither claimed nor copied to the buffer as dummy items. Sub items Allows you to claim, merge, or copy to the buffer the associated sub-items. After you select this option, you can select any combination of the check boxes if you want the software to include wiring data when you perform a desired claim or merge operation using shortcut menu commands of an Explorer window. For example, if you do not select any check box, and then, in the Domain Explorer, select a loop or a tag, the software includes all the engineering data but does not include any wiring items that have a signal propagated to the loop or tag. The engineering data that the software includes consists of process data, calculation, calibration, dimensional data for piping, and specification sheets, and hook-up associations. To include these wiring items, you must select the Wiring data of tags and loops check box. When you select a tag for claiming or merging, the basic engineering data is selected automatically. You cannot claim or merge a specific instrument, process data sheet, and so forth. Wiring data of tags and loops Allows you to claim, merge, or copy to the buffer all the wiring items that have a signal propagated to the tags and loops you select for claiming. Tags and loops with lowest level sub-items only Only available after you select Wiring data of tags and loops. Allows you to claim, merge, or copy to the buffer only the terminals and wires that have a signal propagated to the tags and loops you select for claiming. The intermediate sub-items are processed as dummy. Wiring equipment sub-items Only available after you select Wiring data of tags and loops. Allows you to claim, merge, or copy to the buffer all the wiring items that are associated with wiring equipment. For example, if you claim a tag associated with an apparatus, the software also claims all of the sub-items associated with the apparatus. Non-connected terminals and spare wires Only available after you select Wiring data of tags and loops. Allows you to claim, merge, or copy to the buffer the non-connected terminals and spare wires together with the other associated wiring items that have a signal. Wires connected to terminals Allows you to claim, merge, or copy to the buffer all the wires that are connected to terminals associated with the parent items. For example, if you claim a panel, the software also claims the panel strips, the terminals, and the wires that are connected to the terminals. If you selected a loop or tag, and also selected the Wiring data of tags and loops check box, the Wires connected to terminals check box does not apply to the wiring items associated with the loop or tag. In this case, the software always claims, merges, or copies to the buffer all the wires that have signal propagated to the tag.

When claiming items, include parent items as

Specifies the way the software handles parent items when you claim items to a project. Dummy items Allows you to claim or copy to the Claim Buffer parent items as dummy items. For example, if you claim an instrument, the source loop number appears in the project as a dummy item. Fully-functional items Allows you to claim or copy to the Claim Buffer parent items as fully-functional items. For example, if you claim an instrument, the source loop number appears in the project as a fully-functional item. When you claim instruments directly from the Instruments folder of the Domain Explorer, the source loop is always claimed as a dummy item, regardless of the value of this setting.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes When merging items, leave parent items in project as
Specifies the way the software handles parent items when you merge items created in a project back to the As-Built. Dummy items When the Project Administrator merges back to the As-Built items that were created in the project, and this option is selected, the software removes the merged items from the project and leaves the parent items in the project as dummy items. For example, when merging a terminal strip, the terminal strip is removed from the project and the parent panel remains in the project as a dummy panel. However, if after merging the terminal strip, the panel has no other sub-items in the project, the software also removes the panel. Fully-functional items When the Project Administrator merges back to the As-Built items that were created in the project, and this option is selected, the software removes the merged items from the project and leaves the parent items in the project as fully-functional items. If, in the project, you created a single item that has a parent item, and you merge that single item into the As-Built, the parent item remains in the project as a fully-functional item, regardless of the value of this setting. Copy revision data Includes revision data of the documents associated with items that you claim. Reclaim items Allows you to claim the same items again. When an item exists in a project, reclaiming the item results in an automatic update of the project item properties, connections and associations. If you deleted an item, this item reappears in the project after reclaiming.

Document Binder > Custom (Preferences)

Use these options to customize features in the current module. For details of acceptable parameters and values, contact Intergraph Support (

Custom features for the Document Binder module

Parameter Enables you to type the parameter for the feature that you want to customize in this module. Value Type the value of the parameter.

Document Binder > General Document Binder (Preferences)

This option determines the format in which the software displays reports. Your selection only affects those reports for which an option exists to display them as enhanced reports or as standard SmartPlant Instrumentation reports.

Report display format

Enhanced reports (where available) When selected, displays the report as an enhanced report, if the specified report is available in this format. When cleared, displays the report using the standard (PowerSoft) report format.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Document Binder > General (Preferences)

Printing and revision location These options determine whether you can work with SmartPlant Instrumentation during generation of revisions or preparation of document packages for printing. The options are: Client Select if you are working with a client installation of SmartPlant Instrumentation. Remote server Select if you use APITools to generate revisions and prepare document packages for printing. APITools (IDEAL Client and IDEAL Server) must be installed on the machine from where you are printing or creating a revision. Include external documents in page numbering Select to include in the page numbering external documents that appear in a General Document Binder package. Clear the check box to include only SmartPlant Instrumentation documents in the page numbering. Note that the option to include external documents only applies when you set the page numbering options for General Document Binder packages to Consecutive page numbering for all documents.

Document Binder > Specification Binder (Preferences)

These options enable you to customize viewing format for the Specification List in the Document Binder window.

Select specification list display

These options determine the specification list layout setup in a print preview and how it is printed. Fixed columns Use to display the specification list with a fixed set of pre-defined columns. The orientation of the list is portrait when printed. User defined columns from Browser module Use to display the specification list with the columns defined in the default view for the Document Binder Browser group. The orientation of the list is landscape when printed.

Revision options
When removing specifications, delete associated specification binder revisions When you remove a specification from a Specification Binder package, select this check box to specify deletion of Specification Binder package revisions. Clear the check box to keep the revisions when you remove the specification. View specification and specification binder revisions independently Select to view separate listings for revisions of a specification when it was independent and when it was part of a Specification Binder package. This means that in the Document Binder module, a specification displays only revisions created since you added it to the Specification Binder package, and in the Specifications module, the specification displays only revisions created before you added it to the Specification Binder package. Clear to view a unified revision listing. This means than in either module, when you open a given specification, it displays all revisions that you created for that specification.

Changes report options

These options determine how the software compares the current report with previous revisions. Compare current report with last revision only When running a comparison report, the software always compares the current report with the last saved revision.

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Compare current report with any previous revision When running a comparison report, the software allows you to select a previously saved revision to compare with. Re-order tags automatically by tag number when adding new instrument specifications. Select to display the tags in tag number order after adding new instrument specifications to the Specification Binder package. Clear the check box to display the tags in the order that they were added to the package.

Enhanced Reports > Hook-Ups > View (Preferences)

Use these options to customize the display of items in enhanced hook-up drawings before generation.

Display options
Use these options to display a tag list and an associated item list on your hook-ups drawing. Tag list Select this check box to display the tag list on your hook-ups drawing. Clear the check box not to show the tag list. Associated item list Select this check box to display the associated item list on your hook-up drawing. Clear the check box not to show the associated item list.

Enhanced Reports > Connectors (Preferences)

The options on this page allow you to determine the format of the lines that represent connectors for various items. Note that the first connected wire of a cable always inherits the properties of the cable and that the first connected wire of subsequent cable sets always inherits the properties of the cable set. For the Custom by Loop and Custom by Signal generation methods, the software displays the wires individually (not the cables), therefore you must select Item: Wire and then the appropriate color, style, or unit, if you want to use a different connector format for these loop reports.

Item Allows you to select the type of wiring item for which the formatting definitions apply, for example, cable, cable set, wire, jumper. Reset Resets the formatting definitions to their default values for the selected item. Style Allows you to specify the line style for the connector representation. The box beside this list indicates the visual appearance of the style that you select. You should not change the default style used for jumpers; if you do so, the software will not display the jumpers. Color Displays the current color that the software uses for the connector representation. To change the connector color, click the ellipsis to open the Color dialog box. Units Select the units to specify for the connector width: inches, millimeters, or twips. Width Specifies the connector width in the selected units. If you are working with commas (,) instead of a period (.) as a decimal separator, for example in a German environment, you must make sure that the Width of every item in the Item list, of every category in the Enhanced Reports preferences, is set to 0.1 or lower. To do this select the Item Type from the Item List and then change the width in the Width field. You can also click Reset (not Reset All). to change the width to 0.005 for the selected Item. Failure to reset the connector width causes the generated drawing to appear distorted and impossible to read.


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Windows and Dialog Boxes

Enhanced Reports > Custom (Preferences)

Use these options to customize features in the current module. For details of acceptable parameters and values, contact Intergraph Support (

Custom features for enhanced reports

Parameter Enables you to type the parameter for the feature that you want to customize in this module. Value Type the value of the parameter.

Enhanced Reports > Drawing (Preferences)

Use these options to specify the default report generation method, drawing area units and spacing of rows and columns. These options apply to Enhanced SmartLoop or Fieldbus Loop reports only.

Generation method
Select the default generation method to use when you do not specify a generation method on the Generate Loop Drawings dialog box for a particular loop. By Loop Displays items such as strips that are common to a number of signals once only on the drawing. By Signal Displays each signal path separately on the drawing so that common items such as strips appear repeatedly; once in each signal representation. Custom by Loop Displays Enhanced SmartLoop or Fieldbus Loop reports using custom symbols that you define for each item and allows you to specify the placement of the symbols on the drawing sheet by displaying the Domain Explorer in the Enhanced Report Utility and dragging items from it onto the drawing sheet. Custom by Signal Displays Enhanced SmartLoop or Fieldbus Loop reports using custom symbols and showing separate signal paths. Display each signal on separate page (available for By Signal and Custom by Signal options only) Select to display each signal path on a separate drawing sheet. Group by location (available for By Signal and Custom by Signal options only) Select to organize panels or strips that belong to the same location in the same column of the drawing, if possible. Drawing area parameters When you select the Custom by Loop or Custom by Signal generation method for a particular loop, the drawing area parameters allow you to specify the optimum spacing between separate graphical elements on the drawing sheet. The optimum spacing can vary according to the sizes of the symbols that you use. Units Select the units to specify for the spacing values: inches, millimeters, or twips. Row spacing Type a value to specify the spacing between rows on the drawing sheet. Column spacing Type a value to specify the spacing between columns on the drawing sheet. Reset Resets the drawing area parameters with default values of 0.79 inches and 1.77 inches for row and column spacing respectively.

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Windows and Dialog Boxes

Enhanced Reports > File Locations (Preferences)

Use these options to set the file paths for the default layout, symbols, logo bitmap, and output files for the selected report type. These file paths apply to all generated enhanced reports of the selected report type. Global path Displays the global path set by the System Administrator. Template for default layout Allows you to select the .sma file that you want to use as the page template for the selected report. Type the path and file name in the box or click Browse to navigate to the file. For example: C:\SmartPlant\Instrumentation\RAD\Template\A4wide.sma The following is a list of standard .sma files that SmartPlant Instrumentation supplies: Template File A3tall.sma A3wide.sma A4tall.sma A4wide.sma Atall.sma Awide.sma Btall.sma Bwide.sma Description A3 portrait A3 landscape A4 portrait A4 landscape 11 in x 8.5 in letter portrait 11 in x 8.5 in letter landscape 11 in x 17 in portrait 11 in x 17 in landscape

Title block for default layout Allows you to select the .sym file that you want to use as the default title block in the template. Type the path and file name in the box or click Browse to navigate to the file. For example: C:\SmartPlant\Instrumentation\RAD\Templates\Types\Loop\ Loop_Wide.sym Logo file Allows you to select the .sym file that you want to use as the logo in the default title block. This logo does not appear on enhanced reports automatically. You need to perform a procedure in the Enhanced Report Utility to save the logo as part of the default layout. Type the path and file name in the box or click Browse to navigate to the file. Viewer output folder Allows you to enter the path and folder to which the Enhanced Report Utility prints PDF's when using the SmartPlant PDF 4.51 Converter. If no path is entered then SmartPlant PDF Converter 4.51 publishes PDF's to the Temp folder.

Automatic save options

Save documents automatically Select to save the specified enhanced reports automatically as files at the time of generation. If you clear the check box, the software prints the reports at a printer when you generate them without a print preview. Save without printing This option becomes available when you select Save reports automatically. When you select this option, the software automatically saves reports that you generate without a print preview but does not print them at your printer. If you clear the check box, the software saves and prints the reports at a printer when you generate them without a print preview.


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Output document folder Click Browse to navigate to the default folder where you want the software to save all your enhanced reports automatically. For example: C:\SmartPlant\Instrumentation\RAD\My Drawings\ Save as type Select the file type for saving enhanced reports automatically. Symbol folder Allows you to define the default folder for all the .sym files that appear as items on generated enhanced reports. Type the folder name in the box or click Browse to navigate to the folder. For example: C:\SmartPlant\Instrumentation\RAD\Symbols\ Custom symbol folder Allows you to define the default folder for all the .sym files that you use for Enhanced SmartLoop and Fieldbus Loop reports when using the Custom by Loop or Custom by Signal generation method. Type the folder name in the box or click Browse to navigate to the folder. For example: C:\SmartPlant\Instrumentation\RAD\Symbols\Custom\

Enhanced Reports > File Locations (continued) (Preferences)

Use these options to set the file paths for the symbols used for instrument list tables. Global path Displays the global path set by the System Administrator. Symbol file for instrument list table header Allows you to select the .sym file that you want to use as the header symbol for the table used to display a list of instruments on the report. Type the path and file name in the box or click Browse to navigate to the file. Symbol file for instrument list table details Allows you to select the .sym file that you want to use as the symbol for the table rows used to display a list of instruments on the report. Type the path and file name in the box or click Browse to navigate to the file.

Enhanced Reports > Fonts (Preferences)

These options allow you to set the font properties of the headers and body text for all enhanced reports of the selected report type. Also, the font style and size become the default settings of SmartText, macro attributes and names of SmartPlant Instrumentation items. Note that the font options do not affect the title block or other external data such as channel information. To change the font size of the title block in a enhanced report, edit the corresponding title block symbol (for example, loop_wide.sym). Font Select a font from the list of available Windows fonts. Note that if you select a font other than a TrueType font (indicated by a TT symbol), the text appears in the Enhanced Report Utility with a yellow-green font, regardless of any subsequent change you try to make to the font color in the Enhanced Report Utility. It is therefore recommended to choose a TrueType font. Font style Select a font style from the list of available styles: Regular, Italic, Bold or Bold Italic. Size Select a font size from the list of available font sizes. Sample Indicates the appearance of the font according to the properties that you have selected. Reset Resets the SmartPlant Instrumentation font defaults. These defaults are: Font MS Sans Serif Font style Regular Size 8

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Windows and Dialog Boxes

Enhanced Reports > General (Preferences)

Use these options to customize the display of items for all enhanced report types before generation. Also, you can set your preferences for the generation status window.

Show generation status window Select to show the generation status window when generating enhanced reports. Note that the items that appear in the window do not reflect the actual items that in the reports after generation. Display warning message when closing document Select to display a warning message in the Enhanced Report Utility whenever you close a report. Clear this option if you do not want to receive a warning message every time you close a report.

View-only mode Select to open the report in view-only mode. Clear to allow editing of the report, redlining, saving, and so forth. Display color property of cross wires (regular mode only) Select to display labels indicating the colors of cross wires where defined. Clear to hide the color labels. Sort wires by wire sequence in set (regular mode only) Select to sort wires according to the sequence number in the cable set. Clear to sort wires according to the wire IDs. If you are not sure that the wire IDs match the actual sequence of the wires, for example, if you imported cable data or added wires manually, it is recommended that you select this option. Split strip display between sheets Select to display strips in a split manner between two sheets where those strips would otherwise appear on the margin of one of the drawing sheets. Works with Panel-strip, panel signal, and panel strip signal reports only. Enlarge terminals with multiple connections (regular mode only) Select to enlarge terminals with multiple connections so that you can view all the multiple connections separately. When a terminal has several connections, the software duplicates this terminal as many times as there are connections and displays this terminal as one item that contains several terminals attached underneath each other. Replace missing symbols with default terminal symbol Select to replace all terminal symbols that the software cannot find with the default terminal symbol term.sym. Clear this check box to display the text Symbol is missing for all terminal symbols that the software cannot find.

Disable macro generation and annotation options Select to disable macro generation in enhanced reports and also to disable macros, SmartText and redlining. Disabling these options speeds up report generation. This option does not disable the default macros, they still appear on the drawing even with this option selected. Any macros other than the default macros are disabled and do not appear on the drawing. Gap connectors on intersection Select to specify that connector lines that are crossed appear in generated enhanced reports with gaps on intersections. The connector that appears with a gap is the connector that is generated second. Clear this option to speed up report generation. By-pass strips Select to re-draw any connector lines that intersect strips so that those connector lines by-pass the strips. Clear this option to speed up report generation.


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Windows and Dialog Boxes

Redraw all connections Select to redraw all the connectors on the sheet to minimize the number of connector overlaps and intersections. Clear this option to speed up report generation. Optimize overlapping connectors Select to separate overlapping connectors from one another. Clear this option to speed up report generation. Optimize overlapping wires and cable sets Select to separate the lines that represent different sets and wires of a particular cable where they overlap one another. Clear this option to speed up report generation. Enforce wiring connections to opposite sides of adjacent terminals Select to force the Enhanced Report Generator to always draw wiring connections from the right side of one terminal to the left side of the adjacent terminal when the configuration was wired between the left sides of both terminals, or between the right sides of both terminals. Set loop drawing orientation from right to left (top to bottom, custom mode only) Select to generate the drawing with field devices drawn at the right edge of the drawing sheet, or from top to bottom (vertical orientation) of the drawing sheet. Clear to generate the drawing in the conventional way with the with field devices drawn at the left edge of the drawing sheet. Copy file locations Opens the Copy file locations dialog box to allow you to copy the data on the File Locations tab of a specific enhanced report type to one or more other enhanced report types.

Enhanced Reports > Layers (Preferences)

SmartPlant Instrument allows you to predefine up to six different layer names for use when generating reports in the Enhanced Report Utility. These layers can then be used to display different attributes of your drawing, such as symbols, texts, wiring and so forth. You can then select to see one specific layer or a combination of certain layers. These layers can then be transferred to AutoCAD and MicroStation formats when saved as an external file. Use these options to customize the names of the layers used in enhanced reports.

Shows a list of the enhanced report layers. Name Describes the use of the layer [Connector, Macro, Redline, SmartText, Symbol, Titleblock]. Value Type your own names for each layer as desired. If you leave a field value empty, the layer will not be available for selection. Any items that would be created on the unnamed layer are created on the default layer instead.

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Windows and Dialog Boxes

Enhanced Reports > Page and Revisions Options (Preferences)

The options on this page allow you to determine the starting page number and revision order for the specific enhanced report type.

Page and scaling options

Start from page number Select the desired page number to appear on the first drawing sheet. Scale to page size Select the page size, to override the page size in the drawing template, and allow the drawing to be scaled to fit the selected page. This option only functions when printing an Enhanced Report directly to a printer without previewing the report.

Revision options
Revision macro order Select the relation between the order of revisions and the order of the macros that you have set in the title block. The options are: Ascending In ascending order, macro number 1 contains the first added revision, so that the last added revision appears at the bottom of the list in the title block. Descending In descending order, macro number 1 contains the last added revision, so that the last added revision appears at the top of the list in the title block.

Enhanced Reports > Title Block (Preferences)

The options on this page allow you to determine the default alignment of the title block, the relative position of the drawing area, and the working area margins for all enhanced reports of the selected report type. Alignment Displays the position of the title block origin and the edges of the drawing area on the page, when you use a symbol file (.sym) as the title block. Drag the title block icon to the position you require. You can position the title block in any corner of the drawing or at the center of any of its edges. Note that the alignment does not change the orientation of the title block. Horizontal Select the horizontal alignment for the title block origin: left, center, or right. Note that you cannot select center for both the horizontal and vertical alignments. Vertical Select the vertical alignment for the title block origin: top, center, or bottom. Note that you cannot select center for both the horizontal and vertical alignments. Drawing area relative to title block Specifies where the drawing area should be located in relation to the title block origin. For example, if you place the title block at the bottom left corner, you can place the drawing to the right of the title block, above the title block, or above and to the right of the title block. If you place the title block at the center of any of the edges of the drawing, you can only specify one position for the drawing. Reset Resets the title block in its default position at the bottom left corner of the page, with the drawing area above the title block. Size Allows you to specify the area of the drawing sheet that the title block can occupy by setting its maximum size. Units Select the units to specify for the title block height or width: inches, millimeters, or twips. Maximum size Type a value for the maximum height or width of the title block. The dimension affected, height or width, depends on the alignment specified for the title block.


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Windows and Dialog Boxes

Set size Select this check box if you want to specify a maximum size for the title block. Clear the check box to allow the title block to take up as much space as needed on the title block. It is recommended that you select this check box if the title block is very tall or very wide, to avoid overlap with other graphical elements on the drawing sheet. Working area margins Displays the margins of the initial working area on the drawing page. Drag the edges of the working area to set the margins to the position you require. Note that when you set the working area margins, the defined area includes the title block. The software generates the drawing starting from the top left corner at the position relative to the title block that you specified on the Title Block tab. If any drawing elements extend beyond the right and bottom limits of the working area, the software displays those elements on a new sheet. Units Select the units to specify for the working area margins: inches, millimeters, or twips. Left Specifies the width of the left margin of the working area in the specified units. Right Specifies the width of the right margin of the working area in the specified units. Top Specifies the width of the top margin of the working area in the specified units. Bottom Specifies the width of the bottom margin of the working area in the specified units. Reset Resets the working area margins with a default value of 20 twips for all margins.

Enhanced SmartLoop > View (Preferences)

Use these options to customize the display of items in Enhanced SmartLoop reports before generation. Retrieve last saved position Select this option to display drawing elements, after regeneration, as they were positioned when using the Save Custom Changes command. Un-check this option to display drawing elements in their default positions, even if you use the Save Custom Changes command. When this option is not selected, the Save Custom Changes command still saves any changes made to the drawing, but will not display them on regeneration until the Retrieve last saved position option is selected.

Display options
All jumpers Select to display all the jumpers between the entry and exit points of a signal on a cabinet. Clear to display one line for all the midway jumpers. When generating a loop in Custom Mode, with the terminal strip associated to a custom symbol, all jumpers are displayed on the loop drawing irrespective of the All Jumpers preference or layout properties settings. Overall shield connected to another strip (without signal) Select to display the overall shield (without signal) connected to another strip. If you clear the check box this strip is not displayed, unless it has a signal in which case it is displayed whether the check box is selected or cleared. DCS / PLC attributes Select to display the attributes of DCS / PLC devices when placing them on the drawing layer. The displayed attributes are: whether it is connected to a CS tag, channels, number of slots and cabinet name. Unconnected DCS / PLC terminals Select to display unconnected DCS / PLC terminals. If you clear the check box, the software replaces the terminals with a break- in-sequence symbol. Only displays those DCS/PLC terminals that have been assigned channels.

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Windows and Dialog Boxes

Unconnected Apparatus terminals Select to display unconnected Apparatus terminals. If you clear the check box, the software replaces the terminals with a break- in-sequence symbol. Only displays apparatus terminals per position. Panel location Select to display the panel location in its unit, on the drawing layer (for example Field, Control room, and so forth). Vertical orientation Select to display the drawing vertically (custom generation only or when no layout has been defined for a drawing). Terminal discontinuities Select to display a gaping symbol which indicates discontinuity in a sequence of terminals. A gaping symbol appears between terminal symbols wherever there is a gap in a terminal sequence. Loop drawing reference Select to display on the report a reference to an external drawing. CS block when tag has no wiring Select to display Control System tags that are assigned to the generated loop where those Control System tags do not have wiring connections. Instrument list Select to display a list of instruments on the report that do not have wiring. When displaying the list, the following options are available: All instruments in loop Displays instruments that are included in the loop wiring as well as non-wiring instruments. Non-wiring instruments only Displays only those instruments that are not included in the loop wiring. Channel items Select to display channels with the channel names at the appropriate positions on the strip. Switch terminal connector side (drawing only) Select this option when you want the Enhanced Reports Utility to continue to display the switched terminal connectors on the drawing, after using the Switch Connector Side command and performing Refresh. Not selecting this option means that the display of the modified connectors return to their original state after performing Refresh. (Unless the drawing is saved before performing Refresh). This function is available in Custom mode only. Save custom symbols with layout (Custom mode) Select this option to save custom symbols along with the layout when selecting Save Custom Changes > Layout level in the Enhanced Report Utility. Save custom symbols with layout (Custom mode) only works if the associated symbols are for item types of Panel, Strip, or Terminal. If you associated a symbol to a different item type, for example Channel, the Save at layout level command saves the custom symbols at the layout level, but when opening a different report with the same layout, the report will be corrupted. Show one instance of each cable in drawing If a cable appears on a drawing more than once, select this option to display only one instance of the cable (all connections are still displayed). Generating a report when this option is selected, can result in the report being displayed differently each time it is generated. Show all macros for assembled symbols (Custom mode only) Select this check box to display all macros associated with assembled symbols displayed on a report. Leave blank to display only those macros associated to sub-symbols, of assembled symbols, that are connected to a signal. Those sub-symbols that are not connected to a signal will display Null.

Connector representation
Default layout Set the desired connector representation for the default layout. Select one of the following:


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Windows and Dialog Boxes

Diagonal Represents connectors as straight diagonal lines between the short horizontal lines that come from the terminals. Orthogonal Represents connectors as lines consisting of horizontal and vertical sections. For a visual comparison of these representations, see Connector Representation Examples. Cross wiring Set the desired connector representation for cross- wiring connections. Select one of the following: Diagonal Represents connectors as straight diagonal lines between the short horizontal lines that come from the terminals. Orthogonal Represents connectors as lines consisting of horizontal and vertical sections. When generating an enhanced report with many connectors, where the layout settings for the connectors are set to diagonal, the connector names do not appear directly over their respective connectors.

Fieldbus Loop > View (Preferences)

Use these options to customize the display of items in Fieldbus Loop reports before generation. Retrieve last saved position Select to enable the Save Position command in the Enhanced Report Utility and display drawing elements in the positions where they appear on the drawing before this command is implemented. Clear this check box to display generated drawing elements in their default positions.

Display options
All jumpers Select to display all the jumpers between the entry and exit points of a signal on a cabinet. Clear to display one line for all the midway jumpers. When generating a loop in Custom Mode, with the terminal strip associated to a custom symbol, all jumpers are displayed on the loop drawing irrespective of the All Jumpers preference or layout properties settings. Overall shield connected to another strip Select to display the overall shield connected to another strip. If you clear the check box, this strip is not displayed. DCS / PLC attributes Select to display the attributes of DCS / PLC devices when placing them on the drawing layer. The displayed attributes are: whether it is connected to a CS tag, channels, number of slots and cabinet name. Only displays those DCS/PLC terminals that have been assigned channels. Unconnected DCS / PLC terminals Select to display unconnected DCS / PLC terminals. If you clear the check box, the software replaces the terminals with a break- in-sequence symbol. Only displays apparatus terminals per position. Unconnected Apparatus terminals Select to display unconnected Apparatus terminals. If you clear the check box, the software replaces the terminals with a break- in-sequence symbol. Panel location Select to display the panel location in its unit, on the drawing layer (for example Field, Control room, and so forth). Vertical orientation Select to display the drawing vertically. Terminal discontinuities Select to display a gaping symbol which indicates discontinuity in a sequence of terminals. A gapping symbol appears between terminal symbols wherever there is a gap in a terminal sequence. Loop drawing reference Select to display on the report a reference to an external drawing.

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CS block when tag has no wiring Select to display Control System tags that are assigned to the generated loop where those Control System tags do not have wiring connections. Instrument list Select to display a list of instruments on the report that do not have wiring. When displaying the list, the following options are available: All instruments in loop Displays instruments that are included in the loop wiring as well as non-wiring instruments. Non-wiring instruments only Displays only those instruments that are not included in the loop wiring. Channel items Select to display channels with the channel names at the appropriate positions on the strip. Switch terminal connector side (drawing only) Select this option when you want the Enhanced Reports Utility to continue to display the switched terminal connectors on the drawing, after using the Switch Connector Side command and performing Refresh. Not selecting this option means that the display of the modified connectors return to their original state after performing Refresh. (Unless the drawing is saved before performing Refresh). This function is available in Custom mode only. Save custom symbols with layout (Custom mode) Select this option to save custom symbols along with the layout when selecting Save Custom Changes > Layout level in the Enhanced Report Utility. Save custom symbols with layout (Custom mode) only works if the associated symbols are for item types of Panel, Strip, or Terminal. If you associated a symbol to a different item type, for example Channel, the Save at layout level command saves the custom symbols at the layout level, but when opening a different report with the same layout, the report will be corrupted. Show one instance of each cable in drawing If a cable appears on a drawing more than once, select this option to display only one instance of the cable (all connections are still displayed). Generating a report when this option is selected, can result in the report being displayed differently each time it is generated. Show all macros for assembled symbols (Custom mode only) Select this check box to display all macros associated with assembled symbols displayed on a report. Leave blank to display only those macros associated to sub-symbols, of assembled symbols, that are connected to a signal. Those sub-symbols that are not connected to a signal will display Null.

Connector representation
Default layout Set the desired connector representation for the default layout. Select one of the following: Diagonal Represents connectors as straight diagonal lines between the short horizontal lines that come from the terminals. Orthogonal Represents connectors as lines consisting of horizontal and vertical sections. For a visual comparison of these representations, see Connector Representation Examples. Cross wiring Set the desired connector representation for cross - wiring connections. Select one of the following: Diagonal Represents connectors as straight diagonal lines between the short horizontal lines that come from the terminals. Orthogonal Represents connectors as lines consisting of horizontal and vertical sections.


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Windows and Dialog Boxes

When generating an enhanced report with many connectors, where the layout settings for the connectors are set to diagonal, the connector names do not appear directly over their respective connectors.

Hook-Ups > Custom (Preferences)

Use these options to customize features in the current module. For details of acceptable parameters and values, contact Intergraph Support (

Custom features for the Hook-Ups module

Parameter Enables you to type the parameter for the feature that you want to customize in this module. Value Type the value of the parameter.

Hook-Ups > CAD File Locations (Preferences)

These options enable you to define the default paths for generating and saving hook- up drawings using your CAD application: SmartSketch, AutoCAD, or MicroStation. SmartPlant Instrumentation and the CAD drawing programs required to work with SmartPlant Instrumentation must be installed on the same machine. MicroStation paths must not have spaces. Paths with spaces prevent MicroStation from generating or displaying drawings or cells from SmartPlant Instrumentation. If you installed MicroStation in the default Program Files folder, you must reinstall MicroStation in a path that does not have spaces. Global path Displays the global path set by the System Administrator. CAD folder Click Browse to navigate to the folder containing the executable file of the CAD application installed on your computer. For example: C:\Program Files\SmartSketch\program CAD configuration folder Click Browse to navigate to the folder containing the CAD configuration file of the CAD application installed on your computer. For example: C:\Program Files\SmartSketch\program CAD function folder Click Browse to navigate to the folder containing the CAD function files. For example: C:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Instrumentation\CAD\CADFunc If your CAD application is SmartSketch, the CADFunc folder contains a shipped file pid.igr. This is a template file on which all your SmartSketch drawings are based. The default print sheet size is defined in the pid.igr file as A3 Wide. If you want to generate drawings using a different print sheet size, you must open the pid.igr file in SmartSketch and modify the sheet settings as you require. Changes that you make in the pid.igr file affect both hook-up drawings and loop drawings you generate in SmartSketch. If you want the print sheet size of hook-up drawings not to affect the print sheet size of loop drawings, duplicate the CADFunc folder with all its content and define a different path setting preference for loop drawings on the Loop Drawings > CAD File Locations page.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

If your CAD application is MicroStation, make sure the path string does not exceed fifty two characters. A longer path prevents MicroStation from generating or displaying drawings or cells from SmartPlant Instrumentation. If your CAD function folder path is longer than allowed, you need to copy the CADFunc folder and its content to another location, for example, C:\CAD\CADFunc. Open drawing files from Click Browse to navigate to the default folder from which saved hook-up drawings are to be opened. For example: C:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Instrumentation\CAD\DWG Drawing block folder Click Browse to select the path to be used as the default for new block files. For example: C:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Instrumentation\CAD\Blocks Copy file locations from CAD loop drawings Copy Copies file location preferences set on the Loop Drawings > CAD File Locations tab. This overrides all the existing settings that appear on the current tab. Save documents automatically Enables you to define the default path for saving CAD hook-up drawings automatically as files at the time of generation. Output documents folder (available after selecting Save documents automatically) Enables you to click Browse and then specify the default path for saving CAD hook-up drawings automatically as files at the time of generation. The path that you specify appears on the CAD Options tab of the Generate Hook-Up Drawings dialog box when you select CAD as a generation method or use the As previously applied option to generate a batch of hook-up drawings in mixed mode. On the CAD Options tab of the Generate Hook-Up Drawings dialog box, for a specific generation, you can modify the default path setting if needed. The following setting is an example of the default folder where you want the software to save all your CAD hook-up drawings automatically: C:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Instrumentation\CAD\My CAD Hook-Up Drawings The file format of the saved files depends on the CAD application you have selected. These options allow you to customize general hook- up drawing preferences, such as generation settings, drawing block path, macro symbol, and so forth. Also, you can set tag association preferences and preferences for displaying a prompt message when removing a hook-up type from an instrument type. Note that you define the CAD program and file locations for hook-ups under the Loop Drawings preferences. General drawing preferences You use these options to define your general drawing that appears on the second and all other subsequent sheets of any multi-sheet hook-up drawings that you generate. You must define these options to enable the General drawing option in CAD tab of the Generate Hook-Up Drawings dialog box. Drawing block name Enter the required block name as follows, depending on the CAD application installed on your machine: For Enhanced Report Utility Type the name of the drawing block that you have selected in the Drawing block file name and path box. For MicroStation Type the name of the cell in the cell library that you have selected in the Drawing block file name and path box. For SmartSketch or AutoCAD The value in this field appears automatically after you specify the drawing block file name and path.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes Drawing block file name and path
Click Browse to navigate to the required file or enter the required file name as follows, depending on the CAD application installed on your machine: For Enhanced Report Utility Type the exact path of a .dwg file. For SmartSketch Type the exact path to a .sym .dwg or .dgn file. For AutoCAD Type the exact path of a .dwg file. For MicroStation Type the exact path of a cell library (.cel file). Global path Displays the global path set by the System Administrator. Use global border/logo Select this check box when you do not have your own border and logo, in order to use the Default General Blocks dialog box options to specify the border and logo for all of your hook-up drawings. Note that if you already have your own border and logo in the hook-up drawings, selecting the check box and defining the border and logo in the Default General Blocks dialog box cause the software to display two borders and two logos in the same hookup drawing. Clear this check box to insert the border and logo using your CAD application. This check box is only available after selecting Enable hook- up drawing generation. Use macro symbol (&) to retrieve data For SmartSketch If you use SmartSketch, you must select this check box because in SmartSketch all macros have the & prefix. If you clear the check box, the software displays only macro properties in the drawings. For AutoCAD Select this check box if you manually added the & prefix to the macros. Note that in this case, macros that do not have the & prefix do not retrieve any data in AutoCAD drawings but are displayed only as macro properties. Revision macro order Select the relation between the order of revisions and the order of the macros that you have set in the title block. Ascending In ascending order, macro number 1 contains the first added revision, so that the last added revision appears at the bottom of the list in the title block. Descending In descending order, macro number 1 contains the last added revision, so that the last added revision appears at the top of the list in the title block. Tag association Selects the allowed assignments of tags to hook-ups. Limit to a single hook-up Restricts the assignment of each tag number to one particular hook-up only. Limit to a single hook-up type Restricts the assignment of each tag number to one hook-up type only. Do not limit Allows you to assign each tag to any hook-up without restriction.

Remove hook-up type from instrument type

Display prompt messages Select this check box if you want the software to prompt you before removing a hook- up type from an instrument type.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes Units of measure for hook-up items

Determines whether you can assign a unit of measure name or code to a hook-up item when defining or modifying hook-up item properties. The software displays codes or names of hook-up item units of measure in the Item Properties dialog box, in the Units of measure list. Display unit of measure names Allows you to display the names in the Units of measure list. Display unit of measure codes Allows you to display the codes in the Units of measure list.

Default generation method

Allows you to specify the default method for generating hook-up drawings from the Domain Explorer. The software uses the default generating method if you do not specify any generation method for the hook- ups or hook-up types you select in the Domain Explorer. The following methods are available: Enhanced Report Generates hook-up drawings using the Enhanced Report Utility. SmartSketch Generates loop drawings using Intergraph SmartSketch as the CAD program. AutoCAD Generates loop drawings using AutoCAD as the CAD program. MicroStation Generates loop drawings using MicroStation as the CAD program.

Hook-Ups > Reports (Preferences)

These options allow you to set or customize item display options in certain reports that you can generate in the Hook-Ups module.

Tag display level

You can set the software to display tag numbers on the highest or lowest level of your plant hierarchy. This setting applies to BOM, Hook-Up Tag list report, and hook-up drawings. Note that in the Domain Explorer or Hook-Up Explorer, tag numbers and other items are always displayed on the lowest plant hierarchy level. The default highest level is Plant. The default lowest level is Unit. The Domain Administrator makes plant hierarchy level definitions in the Plant Hierarchy dialog box of the Administration module. Highest plant hierarchy level Allows you to display tag numbers in reports on the highest level of the plant hierarchy. This way you include in a report all tag numbers that appear in all <units> that belong to the current highest plant hierarchy level item. Lowest plant hierarchy level Allows you to display tag numbers in reports on the lowest level of the plant hierarchy, that is, tags displayed in the Domain Explorer or Hook-Up Explorer for the current <unit>. Show pipe spec names in reports Select this check box to display the pipe spec names of pipe specs associated with hook-up sub- libraries.

Bill of Material
Hide item number row when total quantity is zero Allows you not to include in BOM the item number whose quantity is zero. Enable the use of edit mode Allows you to select the Edit mode check box in a BOM print preview.

Sort hook-up items in generated drawings

You use these option buttons to determine how the hook-up items are sorted in reports.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

By item number Allows you to sort the hook-up items in order of the item numbers. By item order Allows you to sort the hook-up items by their order of their assignment to a hook-up.

Instrument Index > Browse (Preferences)

These options allow you to set your preferences for the browse option in the Instrument Index module.

Browser view options

Open the Instrument Index module in a browser view Starts the Instrument Index module with the default browser view in the browser designated for use with the Instrument Index module (the Instrument Index Standard Browser or a suitable PowerSoft Browser). If the Instrument Index module was the last module that you worked in, and on the General page you selected Automatic start of the last module, SmartPlant Instrumentation starts with this browser view. Open the Browser Manager to define a default view before opening Select this check box to require the user to select a view in the Instrument Index Standard Browser or a suitable PowerSoft Browser before opening this browser view. Clear this check box to open automatically the browser view set as the default in the specified browser. Fluid state for process data Selects the fluid state to use as default when generating new process data sheets for the tags selected in the browser view. The available fluid state options are Liquid, Water, Gas/Vapor, Steam, Solid/Powder or N/A or other.

Instrument Index > Custom (Preferences)

Use these options to customize features in the current module. For details of acceptable parameters and values, contact Intergraph Support (

Custom features for the Instrument Index module

Parameter Enables you to type the parameter for the feature that you want to customize in this module. Value Type the value of the parameter.

Instrument Index > Delete Tag (Preferences)

These options allow you to set device cable and control system tag deletion options. Also, you can enable batch tag deletion without being prompted to confirm the deletion of each tag. Delete device cables Deletes all the device cables associated with the tag number that you select to delete. Delete associated control system tags Deletes all the control system tags associated with the tag you select to delete. Change sequence of remaining tags after deletion Allows you instruct the software to automatically update tag sequence values in a loop when deleting a tag number.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Instrument Index > Duplicate (Preferences)

These options allow you to set your preferences for tag number duplication and tag creation when running batch loop creation from typical loops. Depending on the preferences that you set, when duplicating tags, the software can do one of the following: Create new conventional tags based on the instrument type profile of the source tag number, and when running batch loop creation, create new conventional tags based on the instrument type profile of the typical tag number defined for the selected typical loop. You cannot create typical tags based on the instrument type profile of the source tag. Create new tags based on the properties of the selected source tag number, and when running batch loop creation, create new tags based on the properties of the typical tags defined for the selected typical loop in the Typical Tag Number Properties dialog box.

Instrument tag duplication and batch creation options

Create new tags according to profile options Select this option to do the following: Create new duplicated tag numbers based on the instrument type profile of the source tag number. Note that you also have to activate the required profile options on the Profile page of the Preferences dialog box. Create new tags based on the instrument type profile of the typical tags during batch loop creation. Note that you also have to activate the required profile options on the Profile page of the Preferences dialog box. Duplicate source tag data Select this option to do the following: Create new tags based on the properties of the selected source tag number. Create new tags based on the properties of the typical tags defined for the selected typical loop in the Typical Tag Number dialog box. When duplicating a tag number, you can also include additional data associated with source tag numbers. Select the appropriate check boxes below. The following check boxes are not applicable when running batch loop creation. CAD blocks Includes all the CAD blocks assigned manually to the source tag, page numbering in the loop drawing where the blocks are located, and the X, Y, Z offset coordinates of the block in the loop drawings. In the Loops folder of the Domain Explorer, manually assigned blocks are shown under instruments as . The CAD blocks preference does not apply to blocks assigned to instruments using the automatic block assignment method. In the Loops folder of the Domain Explorer, these blocks are shown under instruments as . Such blocks are always duplicated under the target instruments. Specifications Includes the specifications associated with the source tag. You can include the process data information in the source specification only if you select the Process Data check box as well. Instrument specifications are duplicated only if you select the Process data check box too. When duplicating an instrument tag associated with a composite spec, the software never duplicates the composite spec, regardless of the preferences that you specify. When duplicating a loop, the software always duplicates the loop composite spec. Process data Includes the process data information of the source tag. This option is required if you want include tag source instrument specifications as well.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Wiring Includes the entire wiring information of the source tag. Include custom fields when copying (applicable for tag duplication and batch loop creation) Duplicates the tag number with the custom fields of the source tag.

Instrument Index > Move (Preferences)

This option allows you to specify how the software deals with naming conventions for tag and loop numbers that you move to another <unit>.

When moving loops or tags

Complete tag or loop names using target naming convention properties If the target <unit> naming conventions contain segments that do not exist in the source <unit> naming conventions, the software can automatically complete the name for those segments using the properties of the tag or loop number you are moving. Select this check box to complete the name of the target tag or loop number using the property values. For example, if you are moving Tag 101-FE 100 to a <unit> that has a line number segment in its tag naming convention, the software names the tag number in the target <unit> as it was named in the source <unit> and retrieves the line number from the tag properties to complete the line number segment.

Instrument Index > New Loop (Preferences)

The options in this dialog box allow you to customize the loop number name template that appears in the New Loop Number dialog box. You can also choose to propagate the loop service description to the loop drawing reference if desired. Note that these preferences apply to the current unit only. Define new loop name template These options determine how SmartPlant Instrumentation displays new loop number names in the New Loop Number dialog box in relation to the previously created tag number. No default The data field in the New Loop Number dialog box does not display any default loop, letting you type the number you need. Same as the last created loop The data field in the New Loop Number dialog box displays the last created loop. You can accept the displayed number, modify it, or type the number you need. Same as the last created loop + 1 The data field in the New Loop Number dialog box displays the last created loop number incremented by one. You can accept the displayed number, modify it, or type the number you need. The last existing loop in the unit + 1 The data field in the New Loop Number dialog box displays the last existing loop number in the current unit incremented by one. You can accept the displayed number, modify it, or type the number you need. The last existing loop in the domain + 1 The data field in the New Loop Number dialog box displays the last existing loop number in the current domain incremented by one. You can accept the displayed number, modify it, or type the number you need. The last three options are available for numeric loop names only. If your loop names are not numeric, the data field in the New Loop Number dialog box will display the last created loop.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Apply loop service to drawing description Specifies that in the Loop Drawings module, a loop service which you define for a loop appears in the Loop Drawing List dialog box under the Description column. If you clear the check box, the Description column remains empty.

Instrument Index > New Tag (Preferences)

These options allow you to customize the default tag number name template that appears in the New Tag Number dialog box. Note that these preferences apply to the current unit only. Define new tag name template These options determine how SmartPlant Instrumentation displays new tag number names in the New Tag Number dialog box in relation to the previously created tag number. No default The data field in the New Tag Number dialog box will not display any default tag, letting you type the number you need. Same as the last created tag The data field in the New Tag Number dialog box displays the last created tag. You can accept the displayed number, modify it, or type the number you need. Same as the last created tag + 1 The data field in the New Tag Number dialog box displays the last created tag plus 1 (one). You can accept the displayed number, modify it, or type the number you need. This option is available for numeric tag names only. If your tag names are not numeric, the data field in the New Tag Number dialog box will display the last created tag. Ignore loop creation when creating new virtual tag Allows you to create a virtual tag without being prompted to create a loop associated with the new virtual tag. Use loop suffix in instrument tag Allows you to include the loop suffix in the name of a newly created instrument tag.

Instrument Index > Profile (Preferences)

These options allow you to activate or deactivate instrument type profile settings defined on the Instrument Type Profile dialog box. These preferences only apply when you create new instruments. You can deactivate certain instrument type profile settings if you are working in a multi-user environment. This enables creating new tag numbers on your station according to your local preferences without affecting global definitions made on the Instrument Type Profile dialog box. For example, if you clear the Specifications check box, when creating a tag number, the software ignores specification creation options defined on the General tab of the Instrument Type Profile dialog box and creates the tag without any specification. If you then manually generate a specification for the created tag, the software applies the existing instrument type profile options. Activate instrument type profile options The following options allow you to activate or deactivate instrument type profile options on the Instrument Type Profile dialog box. Wiring Wiring and I/O profile options. Specifications Instrument specification and maintenance event profile options Hook-ups Hook-up profile options System I/O type I/O type profile options Location Instrument location profile options Custom tables custom table profile options


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Instrument Index > Rename (Preferences)

These options allow you to specify how the software implements renaming of tag and loop numbers.

Tag number
Display old tag number automatically Enables automatic display of the old tag number in the Old tag number field of the Tag Number Properties dialog box. Clear the check box to leave the Old tag number field empty.

Loop number
Display old loop number automatically Enables automatic display of the old loop number in the Old loop number field of the Loop Number Properties dialog box. Clear the check box to leave the Old loop number field empty. Apply loop number segment and suffix changes to tags Enables you to apply new loop segments to tags associated with this loop. After you change loop segments in the Rename Loop Number dialog box, you can view both the old and the new list of tag numbers for tags associated with this loop. Then, you can select those tags whose segments will be changed automatically according to the loop segments. Rename drawing file name when renaming the loop Allows you to rename the associated CAD drawing file names when renaming loop numbers. After you rename a loop number, the software opens the Rename Loop Drawing File dialog box, where you can change the drawing file names.

Instrument Index > Tag Properties (Preferences)

These options allow you to propagate line pipe spec data and P&ID drawing reference to tag numbers that are associated with lines.

Propagate options
Propagate P&ID drawing when assigning tags to lines After selecting this option, on the Tag Number Properties dialog box, the software automatically displays the P&ID drawing reference that is associated with the line for the current tag number. Propagate line pipe spec when assigning tags to lines After selecting this option, if a line has been assigned to the current tag number on the Tag Number Properties dialog box, the software automatically displays the line pipe spec for that line in the Index Browser view.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Interfaces > DCS Vendors (Preferences)

Use this option while preparing SmartPlant Instrumentation data that you want to publish for the DCS vendor (such as DeltaV, Yokogawa)

DCS vendor options

Fieldbus mode Determines whether you can work with fieldbus devices you created in SmartPlant Instrumentation or with fieldbus devices you downloaded to SmartPlant Instrumentation. Select this check box if you are preparing fieldbus data for publishing to the DCS vendor software. When the check box is selected, on the Fieldbus tab of the Tag Number Properties dialog box, the contents of the fieldbus device revision list is limited according to the manufacturer that you select on the General tab. Your selection of manufacturer and fieldbus device revision then determines function block association for a given instrument. The software displays only those function blocks that belong to the downloaded fieldbus devices and makes the Function Blocks supporting table inaccessible. If you clear this check box, you can work with function blocks you create in SmartPlant Instrumentation. The software hides function blocks belonging to fieldbus devices you previously downloaded.

Loop Drawings > CAD File Locations (Preferences)

These options enable you to define the default paths for generating and saving loop drawings using your CAD application: SmartSketch, AutoCAD, or MicroStation. SmartPlant Instrumentation and the CAD drawing programs required to work with SmartPlant Instrumentation must be installed on the same machine. MicroStation paths must not have spaces. Paths with spaces prevent MicroStation from generating or displaying drawings or cells from SmartPlant Instrumentation. If you installed MicroStation in the default Program Files folder, you must reinstall MicroStation in a path that does not have spaces. Global path Displays the global path set by the System Administrator. CAD folder Click Browse to navigate to the folder containing the executable file of the CAD application installed on your computer. For example: C:\Program Files\SmartSketch\program CAD configuration folder Click Browse to navigate to the folder containing the CAD configuration file of the CAD application installed on your computer. CAD function folder Click Browse to navigate to the folder containing the CAD function files. For example: C:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Instrumentation\CAD\CADFunc If your CAD application is SmartSketch, the CADFunc folder contains a shipped file pid.igr. This is a template file on which all your SmartSketch drawings are based. The default print sheet size is defined in the pid.igr file as A3 Wide. If you want to generate drawings using a different print sheet size, you must open the pid.igr file in SmartSketch and modify the sheet settings as you require. Changes that you make in the pid.igr file affect both loop drawings and hook-up drawings you generate in SmartSketch. If you want the print sheet size of loop drawings not to affect the print sheet size of hook-up drawings, duplicate the CADFunc folder with all its content and define a different path setting preference for hook-up drawings on the Hook-Ups > CAD File Locations page.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

If your CAD application is MicroStation, make sure the path string does not exceed fifty two characters. A longer path prevents MicroStation from generating or displaying drawings or cells from SmartPlant Instrumentation. If your CAD function folder path is longer than allowed, you need to copy the CADFunc folder and its content to another location, for example, C:\CAD\CADFunc. Open drawing files from Click Browse to navigate to the default folder from which saved loop drawings are to be opened. For example: C:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Instrumentation\CAD\DWG Drawing block folder Click Browse to select the path to be used as the default for new block files. For example: C:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Instrumentation\CAD\Blocks Save drawings automatically Enables you to define the default path for saving CAD loop drawings automatically as files at the time of generation. Output drawing folder (available after selecting Save drawings automatically) Enables you to click Browse and then specify the default path for saving CAD loop drawings automatically as files at the time of generation. The path that you specify appears on the General tab of the Generate Loop Drawings dialog box when you select the CAD generation method. On the Generate Loop Drawings dialog box, you can modify the path for a specific generation. When generating a batch of loop drawings using the As previously applied option on the Generate Loop Drawings dialog box, the software always uses the preference setting. The following setting is an example of the default folder where you want the software to save all your CAD loop drawings automatically: C:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Instrumentation\CAD\My CAD Loop Drawings The file format of the saved files depends on the CAD application you have selected.

Loop Drawings > Custom (Preferences)

Use these options to customize features in the current module. For details of acceptable parameters and values, contact Intergraph Support (

Custom features for the Loop Drawings module

Parameter Enables you to type the parameter for the feature that you want to customize in this module. Value Type the value of the parameter.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Loop Drawings > General (Preferences)

These options enable you to define various general loop drawing preferences and some drawing preferences that are specific to the CAD program that you are using. Plot drawing Enables you to set the default option for printing CAD loop drawings at the time of generation. After you select this check box, the software automatically prints loop drawings you generate using your CAD application. This preference affects the Send to plotter or printer check box selection on the CAD Options tab of the Generate Loop Drawings dialog box. This preference does not affect printing loop drawings generated using the Enhanced Report Utility. If you do not want to print CAD loop drawings but save them automatically at the time of generation, clear this check box and then specify the output drawing folder path on the Preferences > Loop Drawings > CAD File Locations page. Regardless of this check box setting, when generating a batch of CAD loop drawings, the software only opens the CAD drawing generated last in the batch. It is not possible to set the software to open a print preview of every CAD loop drawing when generating multiple loop drawings. Generate null macro list Select this check box to generate a list of macros that are used in the Macro report but which do not return a value when executed. Generate undefined macro list Select this check box to generate a list of macros that are used in the Macro report but are not found in the SmartPlant Instrumentation database. Use macro functions Select this check box to enable the use of macro functions with macros in CAD drawings. You define macro functions in the Loop Drawings module, in the User-Defined Macro Functions dialog box. Display references to wiring reports automatically Select this check box to display references to wiring reports generated in the title block of a specific CAD drawing. After generating a report in the Wiring module, a reference to this report appears automatically in the Document Reference dialog box, where you can add a reference description. Explode block in AutoCAD Enables you to edit the loop drawing by separating the drawing block into elements. Create error.log file Select this check box to create the error.log file in the location specified on the General preferences page under Temporary folder path. This file is created during the loop generation process. Use macro symbol (&) to retrieve data Select this option according to the CAD program you are using: For SmartSketch users Always select this check box because in SmartSketch all macros have the & prefix. If you clear the check box, only the macro strings will appear in the drawings. For AutoCAD users Select this check box if you have manually added the & prefix to the macros. Any macros that do not have the & prefix do not retrieve data in AutoCAD drawings but are displayed only as macro strings. MicroStation version If using MicroStation, select MicroStation SE/J. Otherwise, select the blank value. AutoCAD macro result type Select the required macro result from the list. This way you determine the macro result type in AutoCAD while generating a loop drawing. You can set the macro result type as Text or as Attribute.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Revision macro order Select the relation between the order of revisions and the order of the macros that you have set in the title block. The options are: Ascending In ascending order, macro number 1 contains the first added revision, so that the last added revision appears at the bottom of the list in the title block. Descending In descending order, macro number 1 contains the last added revision, so that the last added revision appears at the top of the list in the title block. Generation options Select your default preferences for generating new loop drawings. You can change these preferences manually when defining loop drawing generation settings on the Generate Loop Drawings dialog box. From the list, select one of the following: Per loop Enables you to generate drawings using the loops selected in the Domain Explorer. Per page Enables you to type a desired page number in the Page number box in the Generate Loop Drawings dialog box and generate the specified drawing page only. Per block Enables you to select a block from the Block name list in the Generate Loop Drawings dialog box and generate loop drawings only for the loops that use this block. Default generation method Allows you to specify the default method for generating loop drawings from the Domain Explorer. The software uses the default generating method if you do not specify any generation method for the loops you select in the Domain Explorer. The following methods are available: Enhanced Report Generates enhanced loop drawings using the Enhanced Report Utility. When you select this option, you specify the details of the generation method and other application-specific options on the Enhanced SmartLoop > View (Preferences) (on page 353) and Enhanced Reports - File Locations preferences pages. SmartSketch Generates loop drawings using Intergraph SmartSketch as the CAD program. You must specify the appropriate file locations on the Loop Drawings > CAD File Locations (Preferences) (on page 366) preferences page. You can also specify application-specific options on this page. AutoCAD Generates loop drawings using AutoCAD as the CAD program. You must specify the appropriate file locations on the Loop Drawings - CAD File Locations preferences page. You can also specify application-specific options on this page. MicroStation Generates loop drawings using MicroStation as the CAD program. You must specify the MicroStation version on this page and the appropriate file locations on the Loop Drawings - CAD File Locations preferences page. You can also specify other application- specific options on this page. Date format Type the date format for display in any loop drawing after generation. The valid date formats are the same as the formats you use in Windows, for example, dd/mm/yy, mm/dd/yyyy, and so forth). For details of supported date formats, see Set the Date Format in CAD Loop Drawings.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Module Icons (Preferences)

These options enable you to customize the main toolbar by adding, removing, and rearranging the icons on the main toolbar in any sequence. These settings do not affect the preferences that were defined by other SmartPlant Instrumentation users in the current domain or working in the current project, if the domain type is Owner operator. The Domain Administrator can restrict the ability of other users to set their preferences. Therefore, you can find that certain options are disabled. If you want to enable these options, contact your Domain Administrator, who can manage preferences from the Administration module. An icon cannot appear on the main toolbar more than once. You cannot change the original icon assignment. You cannot modify the icon image.

Placing an icon on the main toolbar

Do one of the following: Drag an icon from the Available icons pane and drop it in the Selected icons pane. Double-click an icon or its name in the Available icons pane. Select an icon and click Add.

Removing an icon from the main toolbar

Do one of the following: Drag an icon from the Selected icons pane and drop it in the Available icons pane. Double-click an icon or its name in the Selected icons pane. Select an icon and click Remove.

PA Amplifier > View (Preferences)

Use these options to customize the display of items in PA Amplifier reports before generation. Retrieve last saved position Select to enable the Save Position command in the Enhanced Report Utility and display drawing elements in the positions where they appear on the drawing before this command is implemented. Clear this check box to display generated drawing elements in their default positions.

Display options
DCS / PLC attributes Select to display the attributes of DCS / PLC devices when placing them on the drawing layer. The displayed attributes are: whether it is connected to a CS tag, channels, number of slots and cabinet name. Panel location Select to display the panel location in its unit, on the drawing layer (for example Field, Control room, and so forth). Terminal discontinuities Select to display a gaping symbol which indicates discontinuity in a sequence of terminals. A gaping symbol appears between terminal symbols wherever there is a gap in a terminal sequence. Channel items Select to display channels with the channel names at the appropriate positions on the strip.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Show one instance of each cable in drawing If a cable appears on a drawing more than once, select this option to display only one instance of the cable (all connections are still displayed). Generating a report when this option is selected, can result in the report being displayed differently each time it is generated.

Connector representation
Default layout Set the desired connector representation for the default layout. Select one of the following: Diagonal Represents connectors as straight diagonal lines between the short horizontal lines that come from the terminals. Orthogonal Represents connectors as lines consisting of horizontal and vertical sections. For a visual comparison of these representations, see Connector Representation Examples. Cross wiring Set the desired connector representation for cross- wiring connections. Select one of the following: Diagonal Represents connectors as straight diagonal lines between the short horizontal lines that come from the terminals. Orthogonal Represents connectors as lines consisting of horizontal and vertical sections. When generating an enhanced report with many connectors, where the layout settings for the connectors are set to diagonal, the connector names do not appear directly over their respective connectors.

Panel-Signals > View (Preferences)

Use these options to customize the display of items in Panel-Signals reports before generation. Retrieve last saved position Select to enable the Save Position command in the Enhanced Report Utility and display drawing elements in the positions where they appear on the drawing before this command is implemented. Clear this check box to display generated drawing elements in their default positions.

Display options
All jumpers Select to display all the jumpers between the entry and exit points of a signal on a cabinet. Clear to display one line for all the midway jumpers. When generating a loop in Custom Mode, with the terminal strip associated to a custom symbol, all jumpers are displayed on the loop drawing irrespective of the All Jumpers preference or layout properties settings. Overall shield connected to another strip Select to display the overall shield connected to another strip. If you clear the check box, this strip is not displayed. DCS / PLC attributes Select to display the attributes of DCS / PLC devices when placing them on the drawing layer. The displayed attributes are: whether it is connected to a CS tag, channels, number of slots and cabinet name. Unconnected DCS / PLC terminals Select to display unconnected DCS / PLC terminals. If you clear the check box, the software replaces the terminals with a break- in-sequence symbol. Only displays those DCS/PLC terminals that have been assigned channels. Unconnected Apparatus terminals Select to display unconnected Apparatus terminals. If you clear the check box, the software replaces the terminals with a break- in-sequence symbol.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Only displays apparatus terminals per position. Panel location Select to display the panel location in its unit, on the drawing layer (for example Field, Control room, and so forth). Terminal discontinuities Select to display a gaping symbol which indicates discontinuity in a sequence of terminals. A gaping symbol appears between terminal symbols wherever there is a gap in a terminal sequence. Leftmost strip descriptions on the left Select to place all the descriptions of the leftmost strips to the left of the strips. Clear this check box to retain all the descriptions of the leftmost strips above the strips. All terminals on each strip Select to display all the terminals on all strips that appear in the drawing. Clear this check box to display all the terminals on the main (selected) strip and only wired terminals that carry signals on the other strips. Signal path up to selected panel only Select to display the signal path from the field devices up to the selected panel only. Clear this check box to display the entire signal path from the field devices up to the control system. Channel items Select to display channels with the channel names at the appropriate positions on the strip. Show one instance of each cable in drawing If a cable appears on a drawing more than once, select this option to display only one instance of the cable (all connections are still displayed). Generating a report when this option is selected, can result in the report being displayed differently each time it is generated.

Connector representation
Default layout Set the desired connector representation for the default layout. Select one of the following: Diagonal Represents connectors as straight diagonal lines between the short horizontal lines that come from the terminals. Orthogonal Represents connectors as lines consisting of horizontal and vertical sections. For a visual comparison of these representations, see Connector Representation Examples. Cross wiring Set the desired connector representation for cross-wiring connections. Select one of the following: Diagonal Represents connectors as straight diagonal lines between the short horizontal lines that come from the terminals. Orthogonal Represents connectors as lines consisting of horizontal and vertical sections. When generating an enhanced report with many connectors, where the layout settings for the connectors are set to diagonal, the connector names do not appear directly over their respective connectors.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Panel-Strip > View (Preferences)

Use these options to customize the display of items in Panel-Strip reports before generation. Retrieve last saved position Select to enable the Save Position command in the Enhanced Report Utility and display drawing elements in the positions where they appear on the drawing before this command is implemented. Clear this check box to display generated drawing elements in their default positions.

Display options
All jumpers Select to display all the jumpers between the entry and exit points of a signal on a cabinet. Clear to display one line for all the midway jumpers. When generating a loop in Custom Mode, with the terminal strip associated to a custom symbol, all jumpers are displayed on the loop drawing irrespective of the All Jumpers preference or layout properties settings. Overall shield connected to another strip Select to display the overall shield connected to another strip. If you clear the check box, this strip is not displayed. DCS / PLC attributes Select to display the attributes of DCS / PLC devices when placing them on the drawing layer. The displayed attributes are: whether it is connected to a CS tag, channels, number of slots and cabinet name. Unconnected DCS / PLC terminals Select to display unconnected DCS / PLC terminals. If you clear the check box, the software replaces the terminals with a break- in-sequence symbol. Only displays those DCS/PLC terminals that have been assigned channels. Unconnected Apparatus terminals Select to display unconnected Apparatus terminals. If you clear the check box, the software replaces the terminals with a break- in-sequence symbol. Only displays apparatus terminals per position. Panel location Select to display the panel location in its unit, on the drawing layer (for example Field, Control room, and so forth). Terminal discontinuities Select to display a gapping symbol which indicates discontinuity in a sequence of terminals. A gaping symbol appears between terminal symbols wherever there is a gap in a terminal sequence. Leftmost strip descriptions on the left Select to place all the descriptions of the leftmost strips to the left of the strips. Clear this check box to retain all the descriptions of the leftmost strips above the strips. Channel items Select to display channels with the channel names at the appropriate positions on the strip. Show one instance of each cable in drawing If a cable appears on a drawing more than once, select this option to display only one instance of the cable (all connections are still displayed). Generating a report when this option is selected, can result in the report being displayed differently each time it is generated.

Connector representation
Default layout Set the desired connector representation for the default layout. Select one of the following: Diagonal Represents connectors as straight diagonal lines between the short horizontal lines that come from the terminals.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Orthogonal Represents connectors as lines consisting of horizontal and vertical sections. For a visual comparison of these representations, see Connector Representation Examples. Cross wiring Set the desired connector representation for cross-wiring connections. Select one of the following: Diagonal Represents connectors as straight diagonal lines between the short horizontal lines that come from the terminals. Orthogonal Represents connectors as lines consisting of horizontal and vertical sections. When generating an enhanced report with many connectors, where the layout settings for the connectors are set to diagonal, the connector names do not appear directly over their respective connectors. A Panel-Strip report (with adjacent connections, no style), cannot be printed on a portrait orientated A4 page.

Process Data > Custom (Preferences)

Use these options to customize features in the current module. For details of acceptable parameters and values, contact Intergraph Support.

Custom features for the Process Data module

Parameter Enables you to type the parameter for the feature that you want to customize in this module. Value Type the value of the parameter.

Process Data > General (Preferences)

The options on this page allow you to customize various options in the Process Data module. You can enable automatic conversion of values when changing the units of measure. You can also determine how a process data sheet opens in the browser view. To access the general Process Data module preferences, in the Preferences dialog box, in the tree view pane, click beside Process Data and then click General.

General options
Convert units of measure automatically Select this check box to automatically convert numerical data when changing the units of measure. Enable velocity auto recalculation Select this check box to automatically recalculate the velocity parameters for flow equipment. Highlight required process data properties Select this check box to automatically highlight the required fields in the Process Data window. In the Calculation module, the software also highlights the same fields in a calculation sheet.

Browser view options

Open process data sheet These options determine what happens when you click an instrument tag selected in the browser view. with


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Always Always opens a process data sheet for the tag selected in the browser view when you open the Process Data module. Never Never opens a process data sheet for the tag selected in the browser view when you open the Process Data module. Ask user (default) Prompts you whether you want to open a process data sheet for the tag selected in the browser view when you open the Process Data module. Tag creation Select an option to determine whether users are allowed to create new instrument tags in the Process Data module. Allowed Allows users to create new instrument tags in the Process Data module. Not allowed Prohibits users from creating new instrument tags in the Process Data module. Process data report display options Allows you to determine how the software displays the Notes field on the report by varying the area on the report taken up by the custom fields. The available options are: Full-length custom fields Each custom field occupies a full row in the report. Select this option to display the Notes field in the minimum available area. Short custom fields Each group of custom fields occupies a single row of the report. Select this option to display the Notes field in an intermediate-sized area of the report. No custom fields Custom fields do not appear on the report. Select this option to display the Notes field in the maximum available area.

Report Generator (Preferences)

The options on the Report Generator page enable you to select whether to use the default report generator InfoMaker. This setting does not affect the preferences that were defined by other SmartPlant Instrumentation users working in the current domain or, if the domain type is Owner operator, in the current project.

Default report generator

Report generator Select an option: InfoMaker or None. Report generator program path Type the full path and filename or click Browse to navigate to the InfoMaker executable file.

Segment Wiring > View (Preferences)

Use these options to customize the display of items in Segment Wiring reports before generation. Retrieve last saved position Select to enable the Save Position command in the Enhanced Report Utility and display drawing elements in the positions where they appear on the drawing before this command is implemented. Clear this check box to display generated drawing elements in their default positions.

Display options
All jumpers Select to display all the jumpers between the entry and exit points of a signal on a cabinet. Clear to display one line for all the midway jumpers. When generating a loop in Custom Mode, with the terminal strip associated to a custom symbol, all jumpers are displayed on the loop drawing irrespective of the All Jumpers preference or layout properties settings.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Overall shield connected to another strip Select to display the overall shield connected to another strip. If you clear the check box, this strip is not displayed. DCS / PLC attributes Select to display the attributes of DCS / PLC devices when placing them on the drawing layer. The displayed attributes are: whether it is connected to a CS tag, channels, number of slots and cabinet name. Unconnected DCS / PLC terminals Select to display unconnected DCS / PLC terminals. If you clear the check box, the software replaces the terminals with a break- in-sequence symbol. Only displays those DCS/PLC terminals that have been assigned channels. Unconnected Apparatus terminals Select to display unconnected Apparatus terminals. If you clear the check box, the software replaces the terminals with a break- in-sequence symbol. Only displays apparatus terminals per position. Panel location Select to display the panel location in its unit, on the drawing layer (for example Field, Control room, and so forth). General signals assigned to segments Select to display general signals such as power supplies or multiplexed wiring, that are assigned to wiring segments. Terminal discontinuities Select to display a gapping symbol which indicates discontinuity in a sequence of terminals. A gaping symbol appears between terminal symbols wherever there is a gap in a terminal sequence. Virtual tags Select to display the existing virtual tags in a generated segment wiring report. Channel items Select to display channels with the channel names at the appropriate positions on the strip. Show one instance of each cable in drawing If a cable appears on a drawing more than once, select this option to display only one instance of the cable (all connections are still displayed). Generating a report when this option is selected, can result in the report being displayed differently each time it is generated.

Connector representation
Default layout Set the desired connector representation for the default layout. Select one of the following: Diagonal Represents connectors as straight diagonal lines between the short horizontal lines that come from the terminals. Orthogonal Represents connectors as lines consisting of horizontal and vertical sections. For a visual comparison of these representations, see Connector Representation Examples. Cross wiring Set the desired connector representation for cross-wiring connections. Select one of the following: Diagonal Represents connectors as straight diagonal lines between the short horizontal lines that come from the terminals. Orthogonal Represents connectors as lines consisting of horizontal and vertical sections. When generating an enhanced report with many connectors, where the layout settings for the connectors are set to diagonal, the connector names do not appear directly over their respective connectors.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Setting the Report Format

This procedure defines the output format for view files when publishing documents. 1. Open the SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration module. 2. On the Open Administration Module dialog box, select Domain Administrator and the domain name. 3. On the Menu bar select Activities > Preferences Management 4. On the Preferences Management dialog box, click Advanced. 5. On the Advanced Domain Preferences dialog box, in the Module/Feature column locate SmartPlant Integration. 6. Select the SmartPlant Integration > General > Graphic Report Format check box. 7. Click OK. 8. On the Preferences Management dialog box, select SmartPlant Integration > General. 9. In the Graphical report format field select one of the following: Native (brw, spd, ssf) publishes graphical reports in SmartPlant Instrumentation native formats. PDF publishes graphical reports in PDF format. Both Publishes graphical reports in both PDF and Native formats. None doesn't publish any graphical reports. 10. Click OK.

Single Speaker > View (Preferences)

Use these options to customize the display of items in Single Speaker reports before generation. Retrieve last saved position Select to enable the Save Position command in the Enhanced Report Utility and display drawing elements in the positions where they appear on the drawing before this command is implemented. Clear this check box to display generated drawing elements in their default positions.

Display options
All jumpers Select to display all the jumpers between the entry and exit points of a signal on a cabinet. Clear to display one line for all the midway jumpers. When generating a loop in Custom Mode, with the terminal strip associated to a custom symbol, all jumpers are displayed on the loop drawing irrespective of the All Jumpers preference or layout properties settings. DCS / PLC attributes Select to display the attributes of DCS / PLC devices when placing them on the drawing layer. The displayed attributes are: whether it is connected to a CS tag, channels, number of slots and cabinet name. Panel location Select to display the panel location in its unit, on the drawing layer (for example Field, Control room, and so forth). Terminal discontinuities Select to display a gaping symbol which indicates discontinuity in a sequence of terminals. A gaping symbol appears between terminal symbols wherever there is a gap in a terminal sequence. Report end point level Select to specify whether to report the end point level from Amplifier or DCS.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Channel items Select to display channels with the channel names at the appropriate positions on the strip. Show one instance of each cable in drawing If a cable appears on a drawing more than once, select this option to display only one instance of the cable (all connections are still displayed). Generating a report when this option is selected, can result in the report being displayed differently each time it is generated.

Connector representation
Default layout Set the desired connector representation for the default layout. Select one of the following: Diagonal Represents connectors as straight diagonal lines between the short horizontal lines that come from the terminals. Orthogonal Represents connectors as lines consisting of horizontal and vertical sections. For a visual comparison of these representations, see Connector Representation Examples. Cross wiring Set the desired connector representation for cross- wiring connections. Select one of the following: Diagonal Represents connectors as straight diagonal lines between the short horizontal lines that come from the terminals. Orthogonal Represents connectors as lines consisting of horizontal and vertical sections. When generating an enhanced report with many connectors, where the layout settings for the connectors are set to diagonal, the connector names do not appear directly over their respective connectors.

SmartPlant Integration > General (Preferences)

The options on this page allow you to specify various preferences that are applicable when working in an integrated environment or with particular interfaces. Relative tolerance Type a value using a decimal point with 1 preceded by the number of zeros representing the accuracy that you require, for example: 0.01, 0.0001.

Output XML folder

Global path Displays the global path set by the System Administrator. Default folder for XML files This option applies when you use the SmartPlant Electrical, DeltaV, or Yokogawa interfaces. Click Browse to select a working folder in which to keep the .xml files containing your published data.

Graphical report format

Determines the output format for view files when publishing documents. Available options are: Native (brw, spd, ssf) Generates published reports in native format. Select this option if you want to generate reports for which the title block issue data is updated in SmartPlant Foundation. The native format depends on the report type: for Browser, Instrument Index, and Wiring reports, the report file extension is .brw; for process data sheets, the report file extension is .spd; for spec sheets, the report file extension is .ssf. Note that this option does not apply to DDP reports, and if selected, DDP reports will be generated as PDF files only.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

PDF Generates published reports in .pdf format. Both Generates published reports in both native and .pdf formats. Native is used as the default when publishing, if no selection is made. For changing the settings of the Graphical report format see Setting the Report Format (on page 377).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Server (Preferences)

These options enable you to specify preferences when using the SmartPlant Instrumentation Server. Enhanced report format Enables you to specify the file type when generating enhanced reports using IDEAL. Available options are: SMA Generates files in the native format of the Enhanced Report Utility. PDF Generates files as PDF output. Log file path Enables you to specify the path to the folder where the software creates the log file output. Click Browse to navigate to the path. Note that if no path is defined or the path definition is invalid, the software generates the log file in the Temp folder defined in Windows.

SmartPlant Integration > To Do List (Preferences)

These options enable you to specify the way that the software handles tasks in the To Do List when you are working in an integrated environment. Task execution Use these option buttons to determine how the software executes tasks in the To Do List when the user implements the Run command. Execute Click to specify that Run executes the task immediately. Submit Click to specify that Run submits the task for execution at a later stage for batch mode execution. Enable claim and release of basic engineering data Select this check box to allow the software to generate tasks for claiming basic engineering data into a project or releasing claimed basic engineering data back to As-Built. Enable claim and release of wiring data Select this check box to allow the software to generate tasks for claiming wiring data into a project or releasing claimed wiring data back to As-Built. Delete failed tasks Select this check box to allow the software to delete tasks for which implementation failed. Activate instrument type profile When running a task that results in the creation of a new instrument, if you select this check box, the software applies instrument type profile options according to the settings specified under Preferences > Instrument Index > Profile, provided the appropriate options are defined for the specific instrument type. If you clear the check box, the software creates the instrument type without applying the profile options. Display tasks for all plant hierarchy items Select this check box to display the tasks for all plant groups in the current plant. Clear the check box to display tasks in the current lowest plant hierarchy item only.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Specifications > Custom (Preferences)

Use these options to customize features in the current module. For details of acceptable parameters and values, contact Intergraph Support (

Custom features for the Specifications module

Parameter Enables you to type the parameter for the feature that you want to customize in this module. Value Type the value of the parameter. Specs default TB with PB Units If, in the Report Management dialog box of the Administration module, the Domain Administrator assigned the template title block Specs default TB with PB Units to specifications, you need to place the title block correctly in the layout of a spec page. To do so, enter the TitleFooterHeight parameter and define a value. If you use the template title block Specs default TB with PB Units in specifications you create using SmartPlant Instrumentation options, the optimal value is 798. If you created a spec page in InfoMaker, you may need to enter a different value, depending on your page layout settings. Override user defined sheet numbering To override user defined sheet numbering with numbering generated by the software, enter the Parameter: SystemPageCount and the Value: 1 The software changes the values in the sheet numbering to a progressive value depending on the Sheet number and number of sheets. For example, a 2 sheet specification where the user defined both sheets as 1 of 1 becomes 1 of 2 and 2 of 2. Another example would be in a situation where the first sheet has been numbered 1 of 6 and the second sheet 3 of 4, the software changes the numbering to 1 of 2 and 2 of 2. The changes can be viewed in the Print Preview or printed specification, no changes are made to the specification numbering in SmartPlant Instrumentation.

Specifications > Export/Import (Preferences)

These options enable you set preferences when saving specifications as .psr files. Also, you can specify a default folder for exporting specification data to .isf files, or for importing specification data from .isf files.

PSR options
PSR working folder Click Browse to select a working folder in which to keep specification page files (in .psr format). For best performance, define a folder on your client computer. If you do not define a PSR working folder, the software keeps the files in the temporary folder path that you specify under the general preferences. The .psr files that the software generates when opening a print preview do not get saved in this folder but in the temporary folder. You specify the temporary folder path on the General page of the Preferences dialog box. Global path Displays the global path set by the System Administrator.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

To enable a generated file path other than the default path, the System Administrator must ensure that in the Domain Definition Window (System Administration) the Allow to overwrite the global path check box is selected. For further details see, Domain Definition Window (System Administration) (on page 295). Overwrite PSR files For best performance, make sure that this check box is cleared. In some network configurations, however, a .psr working file may not be properly updated from the database. In such a case, select this check box to overwrite .psr files every time that you save specifications. Note that when you select this check box, the performance of the software can slow down.

ISF export/import
Default export/import folder Click Browse to select a folder that you want to set as your default .isf file folder. The software will display this folder automatically in all dialog boxes where you need to select a folder for importing data from .isf files, or for exporting data to .isf files.

Specifications > General (Preferences)

These options enable you to customize your preferences for the various options and activities that you can perform in the Specifications module. These include: General options, such as print options, process data changes notification, and so forth. Opening a specification of an instrument tag selected in the browser view for the Instrument Index module when starting the Specifications module with the browser view open. Instrument tag creation and data copying options. To access the general Specifications module preferences, in the Preferences dialog box, in the tree view pane, click beside Specifications and then click General. Show notes For specification and form data template reports, to include notes or reference to the notes on the first page, select Show notes. To omit notes or reference to the notes from the first page, clear Show notes. Edit fieldbus columns in specs Allows you to edit data displayed in fieldbus columns in specification sheets. If you clear the check box, all columns related to fieldbus data become non-editable in specifications. Although you can include fieldbus instruments in a multi- tag spec, the software does not support editing of fieldbus columns in a multi-tag spec. In a single-tag spec, you can only edit fieldbus columns if the instrument type of the spec tag number is Fieldbus. Print notes on a separate sheet For specification and form data template reports, to print the notes section on a separate page, select this check box. To print notes as displayed, clear this check box. This setting also affects specifications that you print as part of Binder Packages. We recommend that you select this check box if the text in the Note box on the spec data page is long, and the software displays a scroll bar in the Note box. Display changes notification for process data In order to have better synchronization between users, it is prominent to be aware of the process data changes modifications displayed in a specification for a certain instrument tag. You can set the software to notify when the process data related to a certain tag has been changed. If process data has been changed, the appropriate message appears when you open an existing specification for that tag. Always (default) The software notifies about process data changes, regardless of whether the specification revision exists or not.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Never The software never notifies about process data changes. Only when spec revision exists The software only notifies about process data changes when the specification has a revision.

Browser view options

Open specification sheet These options determine what happens when you click with an instrument tag selected in the browser view. Always If the selected instrument tag is already associated with a specification, the specification is displayed automatically. If the selected instrument tag is not associated with a specification, the Select Specification Form dialog box opens, from which you can select the page to be used to generate a new specification. Never This option ignores the instrument tag selected in the browser view and opens the Specifications dialog box as if you had opened the Specifications module directly. Ask user (default) This option prompts you to display the specification. If you accept, the result depends on whether a specification already exists for that tag. If the selected instrument tag is already associated with a specification, the specification is displayed. If the selected instrument tag is not associated with a specification, the Select Specification Form dialog box opens, from which you can select the page to be used to generate a new specification. Tag creation These options determine if the user can create new tags from the Specifications module. Not allowed (default) The user cannot create new tags from the Specifications module. Allowed The user is able to create new tags in the Specifications module.

Data copying options

This set of options allows you to specify how the software copies or imports data in the following situations: Copying data from one specification to another Importing data from an external specification to the active specification Copying data from the active form data template to the current specification Copying data from a specification to a form data template Select one of the following options: Copy without overwriting existing data Copies data without overwriting data that already exists in the target. Copy excluding blank fields in source Copies data except for source fields that are blank. A blank field is a field that does not contain a value or only contains spaces. Copy all fields Copies all data fields, overwriting all target data fields. If there is a source field that does not have a value or only has spaces, the software updates the corresponding target field accordingly: if the target field has a value, after copying data, this field becomes blank with no spaces.

Instrument specification association

These options allow you to determine if an instrument tag can be associated with a single specification form or multiple specification forms. Associate with a single spec form Enables the association of instrument specifications with single spec forms. Associate with multiple spec forms Enables the association of instrument specifications with multiple spec forms.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes Calibration profile forms

Reuse columns in form page When defining multiple-point calibration forms, the software reuses the same data columns (differentiated in the database as aliases using a suitable suffix). You must select this check box to ensure that these data columns can be reused so that all the calibration points appear correctly on the form. This applies either if you define the calibration points in the Specification module Page Editor by dragging the calibration point fields onto the page, or if you need to regenerate a calibration form that includes multiple calibration points. If your calibration forms include single-point calibrations only, you should clear this check box.

Specifications > Multi-Tag Specifications (Preferences)

These options enable you to customize your preferences for the various options and activities that you can perform when working with multi-tag specs in the Specifications module. These include master tag display, the SEE LIST label customization, tag assignment to process data cases, and so forth. To access the multi-tag specification preferences, on the Preferences dialog box, in the tree view pane, click beside Specifications and then click Multi-Tag Specifications. Use default print layout This option affects the layout of the individual tag list page printout for multi-tag specifications. If you select the check box, the default grid layout, with one header per column, is applied. If you clear the check box, a multi-line layout is applied to the specification format, if defined. It is possible to customize a multi-line layout to display several headers per column. Also, you can modify the font and column size. Where no other format is defined, the default print layout will be used whether or not this check box is selected.

Multi-tag specification options

Show master tag Allows you to show the master tag number (in parentheses) in the Page 1 tab under the General section in the Tag Number field (next to SEE LIST). Use only governing case for multi-tag specs Allows you to specify that only one tag in a multi-tag specification can be assigned to a case (the governing case). This preference only applies to new multi-tag specifications that you create. After you select the check box, when creating a multi-tag specification, only one record of the same tag appears in the Multi-Tag tab of the specification. Selecting this check box affects the way SmartPlant Instrumentation displays tag records of the same tag that is assigned to multiple process data cases. For example, in the Find Items dialog box of the Specifications module, when a tag is assigned to multiple cases, the software only displays the governing case. If you clear the check box, when you create a multi-tag specification, you can add cases in the Multi-Tag tab of the specification. Customize the SEE LIST label Allows you to change the default label SEE LIST, which appears in the main pages of a multi-tag specification. In a multi-tag specification, the SEE LIST label appears in every field that the multi-tag list format contains. You can enter any combination of alpha-numeric characters (up to 20 characters) or leave the box blank.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes Moving and removing tags from multi-tag list
This option enables you specify how the software behaves when you remove a tag from a multi-tag list, or move a tag from a multi-tag to a single-tag specification. Skip individual confirmation Sets the software to skip a confirmation message each time you remove a tag from a multi-tag list, or move a tag from a multi-tag list to a single-tag specification. If you clear the check box, the software displays a confirmation message each time you remove a tag from a multi-tag list, or move a tag from a multi-tag list to a single tag specification.

Specifications > Save as Excel (Preferences)

Generated file path Allows you to enter the path to the folder where you save specifications in Excel format. If you leave this box blank, the software saves the Excel files in the default folder, which is the SPI_SaveAsExcel folder under the user's base folder. To locate the user's base folder, click the Windows Start > Run > %userprofile%. Global path Displays the global path set by the System Administrator. To enable a generated file path other than the default path, the System Administrator must ensure that in the Domain Definition Window (System Administration) the Allow to overwrite the global path check box is selected. For further details see, Domain Definition Window (System Administration) (on page 295). Saving method These options affect both batch mode and individual mode of saving specifications in Excel format. Common Excel file for tags with the same form Creates a unified Excel file for all of the specifications based on a given form. This is the default setting. Separate file for each tag Creates an individual Excel file for each specification. Accuracy level Allows you to define the number of digits that appear after the decimal point in the Excel file. You can use the spinners or type the number of digits. Delete temporary Excel files Deletes working files that the software creates in the process of exporting specifications in Excel format.

Strip Signals > View (Preferences)

Only displays apparatus terminals per position. Use these options to customize the display of items in Strip Signal reports before generation. Retrieve last saved position Select to enable the Save Position command in the Enhanced Report Utility and display drawing elements in the positions where they appear on the drawing before this command is implemented. Clear this check box to display generated drawing elements in their default positions.

Display options
All jumpers Select to display all the jumpers between the entry and exit points of a signal on a cabinet. Clear to display one line for all the midway jumpers. When generating a loop in Custom Mode, with the terminal strip associated to a custom symbol, all jumpers are displayed on the loop drawing irrespective of the All Jumpers preference or layout properties settings.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Overall shield connected to another strip Select to display the overall shield connected to another strip. If you clear the check box, this strip is not displayed. DCS / PLC attributes Select to display the attributes of DCS / PLC devices when placing them on the drawing layer. The displayed attributes are: whether it is connected to a CS tag, channels, number of slots and cabinet name. Only displays those DCS/PLC terminals that have been assigned channels. Only displays apparatus terminals per position. Unconnected DCS / PLC terminals Select to display unconnected DCS / PLC terminals. If you clear the check box, the software replaces the terminals with a break- in-sequence symbol. Only displays those DCS/PLC terminals that have been assigned channels. Unconnected Apparatus terminals Select to display unconnected Apparatus terminals. If you clear the check box, the software replaces the terminals with a break- in-sequence symbol. Only displays those DCS/PLC terminals that have been assigned channels. Panel location Select to display the panel location in its unit, on the drawing layer (for example Field, Control room, and so forth). Terminal discontinuities Select to display a gaping symbol which indicates discontinuity in a sequence of terminals. A gaping symbol appears between terminal symbols wherever there is a gap in a terminal sequence. Channel items Select to display channels with the channel names at the appropriate positions on the strip. Show one instance of each cable in drawing If a cable appears on a drawing more than once, select this option to display only one instance of the cable (all connections are still displayed). Generating a report when this option is selected, can result in the report being displayed differently each time it is generated.

Connector representation
Default layout Set the desired connector representation for the default layout. Select one of the following: Diagonal Represents connectors as straight diagonal lines between the short horizontal lines that come from the terminals. Orthogonal Represents connectors as lines consisting of horizontal and vertical sections. For a visual comparison of these representations, see Connector Representation Examples. Cross wiring Set the desired connector representation for cross- wiring connections. Select one of the following: Diagonal Represents connectors as straight diagonal lines between the short horizontal lines that come from the terminals. Orthogonal Represents connectors as lines consisting of horizontal and vertical sections. When generating an enhanced report with many connectors, where the layout settings for the connectors are set to diagonal, the connector names do not appear directly over their respective connectors.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Symbol Editor > View (Preferences)

Use this option to customize the display of items in the Symbol Editor.

Display options
Origin point Select this check box to display the origin point of any symbol that you open in the Symbol Editor. Clear the check box to hide the origin point.

Wiring > Copy Items (Preferences)

This preference allows you to determine whether to include jumpers, internal connections, and cable lengths when duplicating wiring items. To access these preferences, in the Preferences dialog box, in the tree view pane, click beside Wiring and then click Copy Items.

When copying items

Duplicate jumpers Select this check box to include source panel jumpers in the duplication process. Clear this check box to exclude source panel jumpers when duplicating a panel. Retain cable length Select this check box to retain the cable length property when copying or duplicating a cable. Clear this check box (default value) not to retain the cable length of the source cable. Copy internal connections Select this check box to preserve the internal connections within a copied item. This means that the software will retain the cables and cross wires that connect among the various terminal strips within the item that you are copying or duplicating. Note that SmartPlant Instrumentation performs the operation described when duplicating an item or when copying items from the Reference Explorer to the Domain Explorer or from the Domain Explorer to the Reference Explorer as follows: Cross wires and cross-cables The software does not duplicate or copy any cross wires or cables whose wires are also used to connect terminal strips that are located outside of the terminal strip that you are copying. System cross-cables Internal connections that use system cross-cables are duplicated even when other wires belonging to that cable are connected to other items. User-created cross cables Internal connections that use cross cables created by users will be duplicated as long as all the wires of the user-created cross cable are connected internally to the selected item. If there are wires connected to another item, the user-created cross cable will not be duplicated. Cables Cables connected only on one end and not connected on their other end will be duplicated when copying an item to which the cable is connected. For example, when copying a junction box, the connected cable will be duplicated if the multi-pair cable that is connected on the terminal strip is not connected on its other end. Device cables will not be duplicated if they are connected to device panels. Jumpers When duplicating jumpers, your Duplicate jumpers preference setting overrides all other settings. Therefore, the software duplicates jumpers only if you select the Duplicate jumpers preference. Naming conventions When the software creates a copy of a cable during a duplication of an item, it uses the following naming convention: Copy of +<source cable name>.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Wiring > Cross Wiring (Preferences)

These options enable you to change the definitions for the matching signals whose strips you cross-wire automatically. To access these preferences, in the Preferences dialog box, in the tree view pane, click beside Wiring and then click Cross Wiring.

Automatic cross wiring

These options determine how the software implements cross wiring. Different strips, same panel Performs automatic cross wiring of two signals between two different strips belonging to the same panel (this is the default selection). Different panels (no DCS or PLC panels) Performs automatic cross wiring of signals between two strips belonging to two different panels in the current plant, except for strips with channels (that is, I/O cards). Different panels including DCS or PLC panels (terminal sequence connection) Performs automatic cross wiring of signals between two strips belonging to two different panels in the current plant, including strips with channels where the connection will be done according to the terminal sequence that is shown in the dialog box. Note that we do not recommend using the third option unless you are absolutely certain that this option will select matching signals. In any case, do not forget to change the setting back to the default (Different strips, same panel) when done! Default wire color Select the required wire color from the list. Selecting the default wire color determines the cross-wire color in the Connection window. The wire color data in the list is retrieved from the Wire Color dialog box.

Wiring > CS Tags (Preferences)

These options allow you to set the appropriate Control System tag name uniqueness level. Control System tag name uniqueness can be set on the plant level or can be customized. You can also choose to define your Control System tag names as not unique. To access these preferences, in the Preferences dialog box, in the tree view pane, click beside Wiring and then click CS Tags. CS tag name uniqueness Use these options to determine at what level in the Wiring module the software prevents duplication of a Control System tag name. Custom Allows access to the following options where you can set the Control System tag name uniqueness level separately for each Control System, or for tag names not assigned to I/O cards. Per plant Allows the use of a specific CS tag name in the plant only once. Not unique Allows the use of the same CS tag name more than once at any level in the plant.

DCS uniqueness
The following options allow you to set the required uniqueness level for a Distributed Control System (DCS): Plant Set uniqueness at the plant level. Per panel Set uniqueness at the panel level. Per terminal strip Set uniqueness at the terminal strip level. Not unique Allow use of the same Control System tag name at any level.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes PLC uniqueness

The following options allow you to set the required uniqueness level for a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC): Plant Set uniqueness at the plant level. Per panel Set uniqueness at the panel level. Per terminal strip Set uniqueness at the terminal strip level. Not unique Allow use of the same Control System tag name at any level.

Unassigned CS tag
The following options allow you to set the required uniqueness level for Control System tag names of tags that are not assigned to I/O cards: Unique Allow the use of a CS tag name of an unassigned tag only once. Not unique Allow the use of the same CS tag name for any tag that is not assigned to an I/O card.

Wiring > Custom (Preferences)

Use these options to customize features in the current module. For details of acceptable parameters and values, contact Intergraph Support (

Custom features for the Wiring module

Parameter Enables you to type the parameter for the feature that you want to customize in this module. Value Type the value of the parameter.

Wiring Equipment Connections > View (Preferences)

Only displays apparatus terminals per position. Use these options to customize the display of items in Wiring Equipment Connections reports before generation. Retrieve last saved position Select to enable the Save Position command in the Enhanced Report Utility and display drawing elements in the positions where they appear on the drawing before this command is implemented. Clear this check box to display generated drawing elements in their default positions.

Display options
All jumpers Select to display all the jumpers between the entry and exit points of a signal on a cabinet. Clear to display one line for all the midway jumpers. When generating a loop in Custom Mode, with the terminal strip associated to a custom symbol, all jumpers are displayed on the loop drawing irrespective of the All Jumpers preference or layout properties settings. Overall shield connected to another strip Select to display the overall shield connected to another strip. If you clear the check box, this strip is not displayed. DCS / PLC attributes Select to display the attributes of DCS / PLC devices when placing them on the drawing layer. The displayed attributes are: whether it is connected to a CS tag, channels, number of slots and cabinet name. Only displays those DCS/PLC terminals that have been assigned channels. Only displays apparatus terminals per position.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Panel location Select to display the panel location in its unit, on the drawing layer (for example Field, Control room, and so forth). General signals assigned to strips Select to display general signals such as power supplies or multiplexed wiring, that are assigned to strips. Terminal discontinuities Select to display a gapping symbol which indicates discontinuity in a sequence of terminals. A gaping symbol appears between terminal symbols wherever there is a gap in a terminal sequence. Channel items Select to display channels with the channel names at the appropriate positions on the strip. Show one instance of each cable in drawing If a cable appears on a drawing more than once, select this option to display only one instance of the cable (all connections are still displayed). Generating a report when this option is selected, can result in the report being displayed differently each time it is generated.

Connector representation
Default layout Set the desired connector representation for the default layout. Select one of the following: Diagonal Represents connectors as straight diagonal lines between the short horizontal lines that come from the terminals. Orthogonal Represents connectors as lines consisting of horizontal and vertical sections. For a visual comparison of these representations, see Connector Representation Examples. Cross wiring Set the desired connector representation for cross- wiring connections. Select one of the following: Diagonal Represents connectors as straight diagonal lines between the short horizontal lines that come from the terminals. Orthogonal Represents connectors as lines consisting of horizontal and vertical sections. When generating an enhanced report with many connectors, where the layout settings for the connectors are set to diagonal, the connector names do not appear directly over their respective connectors.

Wiring > General (Preferences)

The general preferences for wiring allow you to enforce name uniqueness for wiring items.

Naming options
Enforce unique names for wiring items Select this check box to enforce the name uniqueness for wiring items. For more information, see Name and Sequence Uniqueness of Wiring Items.

Connection screen
Display terminal type name Check this option to display the terminal type name on the Connection Screen.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Wiring > I/O Assignment (Preferences)

These preference options enable you to determine the I/O types of the instrument tags that become available in the I/O Assignment window. One setting allows you to make all instrument tags be available in the I/O Assignment window regardless of their I/O type. The other setting limits the availability of instrument tags only to those instruments whose I/O type is identical to the I/O type of the current I/O card. Note that after you effect an I/O assignment and your preference was set to the Same I/O type for tag and I/O card, you can still change the I/O type of the I/O card if you need to do so. The software does not verify the compatibility of a changed I/O type with instrument tags already associated with I/O cards. To access these preferences, in the Preferences dialog box, in the tree view pane, click besides Wiring and then click I/O Assignment.

I/O assignment validation

Same I/O type for tag and I/O card Limits the I/O type of the instrument tag to be the same as the I/O type of the I/O card selected in the I/O Assignment window. Note that the software validates I/O type compatibility also upon connection. All I/O types Allows the selection of all instrument tag I/O types in the I/O Assignment window and upon connection.

Wiring > I/O Cards (Preferences)

These preferences allow you to determine if the software will allow to create multiple wiring equipment items or just one item under a vacant slot. To access these preferences, in the Preferences dialog box, in the tree view pane, click besides Wiring and then click I/O Card.

Assign slots for racks

All slots (vacant and occupied) Allows you to create multiple wiring equipment items or double-width I/O cards under vacant slots. Vacant slots only Allows you to create only one wiring equipment item per vacant slot. The software will not allow you to add a double-width card or another wiring equipment item under an occupied slot.

Wiring > Jumpers (Preferences)

This option allows you to set SmartPlant Instrumentation to name jumpers automatically using the default naming format. To access these preferences, in the Preferences dialog box, in the tree view pane, click besides Wiring and then click Jumpers.

Automatic naming
Name jumpers automatically Allows you to select name jumpers automatically. Select this check box in the following cases: When making connections using connection types whose definitions contain jumpers. In this case, the software automatically names the created jumpers using the following default format: J<first terminal name>/<second terminal name>. For example, J1+/3sh. You cannot modify the default format.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Clear this check box to name new jumpers by incrementing the jumper number, for example J1/1, J1/2 and so forth. When adding new jumpers to a terminal strip in the Connection window. In this case, the software suggests a jumper name in the New Jumper Connection dialog box. The suggested jumper name is based on the default format mentioned in the previous paragraph. You can accept the suggested name or type another jumper name as needed. Clear this check box to prevent the software from suggesting jumper names when making new jumper connections on the New Jumper Connection dialog box. Propagate tag signal through jumpers Allows you to instruct the software to propagate tag signals through jumpers. If you do not select this preference, the software will not propagate tag signals through jumpers.

Wiring > Reports (Preferences)

These preferences allow you to fine-tune the printing of wiring reports. To access these preferences, in the Preferences dialog box, in the tree view pane, click besides Wiring and then click Reports.

General settings for Panel-Strip and I/O Map reports

Show wire tag and color in separate columns Adds an additional column to panel-strip reports. Adding an extra column improves the display of the cable, cable set, wire, and color fields. Clearing this check box results in the Customize Report Layout command in the View menu, being disabled. Include unclaimed As-Built items Includes in the reports not only items claimed for a specific engineering project, but also the items that have not been claimed. Restart pagination for each terminal strip when not previewing the report (for reports with adjacent connections only.) When not previewing a report before printing, restarts the pagination of the report for each terminal strip. Include terminal type name (for reports with adjacent connections only.) Select this option to include the terminal type name of the strip on the Panel-Strip with Adjacent Connections report.

Include channel information in Panel-Strip reports

I/O channels Includes all the channels that are child items of terminal strips under I/O cards. Apparatus Includes all the apparatus channels. Channels Includes all the channels that are not child items of terminal strips under I/O cards.

I/O Map report

Show channel address in I/O Map report Displays the channel addresses on the I/O Map report.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Rebuild Catalog Tables Dialog Box ............................................... 392 Rebuild Default Views in Domains Dialog Box .............................. 393 Rebuild Projects in Domain Dialog Box ......................................... 393 Rebuild Stored Procedures and Triggers Dialog Box .................... 394 Remove Deleted Windows Users Dialog Box ............................... 394 Report Management Dialog Box.................................................... 395 Required Wiring Equipment Report Dialog Box ............................ 397 Reserve Item ID Ranges for Projects Dialog Box .......................... 398 Reserve Tags and Loops Dialog Box ............................................ 398

Rebuild Catalog Tables Dialog Box

Enables you to rebuild the catalog tables of your SmartPlant Instrumentation database. The software uses catalog tables to enable users to work with multi-tag specifications in the Specifications module. The software creates the catalog tables during the SmartPlant Instrumentation database setup. If for some reason the software encounters a database problem when creating the catalog tables, you can try to rebuild the catalog tables to resolve the problem. If such a problem occurs, the software displays a message notifying you that you cannot work with multi-item specifications due to a problem with the catalog tables. When running SmartPlant Instrumentation on Oracle, prior to using this dialog box, make sure that in the Intools.ini file, in the [Database] section, you have the following parameter setting: DBParm=DisableBind=1,PBCatalogOwner='<Admin schema logon name>' The default logon name of the Admin schema is IN_DBAMN. The System Administrator has rights to customize the Admin schema logon name when initializing a domain. When running SmartPlant Instrumentation on SQL Server, prior to using this dialog box, make sure that in the Intools.ini file, in the [Database] section, you have the following parameter setting: DBParm=TBTextLimit='32000',PBCatalogOwner='<Admin schema logon name>' The default logon name of the Admin schema is IN_DBAMN. The System Administrator has rights to customize the Admin schema logon name when initializing a domain.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Rebuild Default Views in Domains Dialog Box

The System Administrator can use this dialog box options to rebuild the default views of all the database objects for a specific domain. You must rebuild the default views after upgrading SmartPlant Instrumentation to Version 2009. This is because during the upgrade, the software makes changes to certain tables, and as a result, the default views associated with these tables might become invalid. Make sure that all SmartPlant Instrumentation users have logged out of the database before you start rebuilding the default views. The software does not rebuild any user-defined views. Domain Allows you to select the domain in which you want to rebuild the default views. View-Only Domain schema password Allows you to enter the logon password of the View-Only Domain schema. You must specify the password you set for the View- Only Domain schema when initializing the current domain. If you did not change the password when initializing the current domain, enter the default logon password, which is <Domain schema logon name>_VIEW. The password characters appear masked. System Admin. Password (only available when running SmartPlant Instrumentation on SQL Server) Allows you to type the SQL Server System Administrator's password. OK Starts rebuilding the views of the selected domain.

Rebuild Projects in Domain Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to rebuild a certain project in an owner operator domain. You need to rebuild a project after performing any of the following activities: Initializing an owner operator domain. This procedure is required because, during the initialization process, the As-Built and Project schemas are not fully created in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere. Upgrading an owner operator domain. Restoring an owner operator domain from an Oracle .dmp file or SQL Server .bak file. Rebuilding projects is also required when an existing project is damaged or there is a change in a process that requires the original basic project. To access this dialog box, click DBA > Rebuild Projects in Domain. Select all Allows you to select all the projects in the data window and rebuild them in batch mode.

Data Window
Project Contains the list of projects in the active domain. Select projects that you want to rebuild. Project Administrator Displays the name of the Project Administrator. You assign Project Administrators with projects in the Project Activities dialog box. Plant Displays the highest plant hierarchy item assigned to the project. You assign <plants> to projects in the Project Activities dialog box.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Rebuild Stored Procedures and Triggers Dialog Box

This option allows you to identify abnormal database behavior and correct it by rebuilding the stored procedures and triggers in the database. Normally, the System Administrator accesses this feature from the Administration module; however, you can run it from the Internal Setup Utility if for some reason you cannot log on to the Administration module. This dialog box is used by the System Administrator for the following purposes: To identify abnormal database behavior and solve it by rebuilding the stored procedures and triggers in the database if the software displays inappropriate SQL messages when using SmartPlant Instrumentation. To enable users who have a full version of Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere engine (dbeng10.exe) to work in a domain backed up to Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere (INtools_Backup.db or its copy). To open this dialog box, click DBA > Rebuild Stored Procedures and Triggers. Select a schema you want to rebuild: Admin schema Allows you to rebuild the Admin schema. Domain schema Allows you to rebuild the schema of the domain you select from the Domain list. Domain Allows you to select the target domain if you choose to rebuild a Domain schema. OK Opens the Rebuilding Stored Procedures and Triggers dialog box where you can accept or specify a log file path and start the process. For further details see Rebuilding Stored Procedures and Triggers Dialog Box. Make sure that all users have logged out of the database before rebuilding stored procedures and triggers. When you start rebuilding stored procedures and triggers, no users should attempt to log on to SmartPlant Instrumentation.

Remove Deleted Windows Users Dialog Box

This dialog box is only available when the System Administrator enabled the use of Windows authentication logon method. The dialog box displays all users whose records still exist in SmartPlant Instrumentation after these users have been deleted from their Windows groups. SmartPlant Instrumentation automatically detects those users who have been deleted from Windows groups and allows you to permanently remove these users from SmartPlant Instrumentation. Remove Allows you to select a Windows user you want to remove from SmartPlant Instrumentation. User Name Displays all Windows users who have been deleted from their Windows groups. These users remain assigned to SmartPlant Instrumentation user groups but can no longer log on to SmartPlant Instrumentation. Remove all Allows you to remove from SmartPlant Instrumentation all of the deleted Windows users.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Report Management Dialog Box

Displays an overview of all the reports created in the SmartPlant Instrumentation modules. The Domain Administrator uses this dialog box to define revision management settings and revision archiving options, and apply custom title blocks to reports. To access this dialog box, click Activities > Report Management. Project (only available when the domain type is Owner operator) Allows you to select a project or As-Built.

Data Window
Report Name Displays the full name of the report available in SmartPlant Instrumentation. Module Name Displays the name of the module that includes the report. Report Type Displays the report type. The report type determines whether the revision management setting of a particular report is per document or per item. A revision management setting of all list-type reports is always per document. A revision management setting of certain non-list-type reports is set permanently as per item, while for other non-list-type reports you can define the revision management setting as either per item or per document.

A report that displays a list of items. Examples of such reports are supporting-table reports and browser views. If you created a report for a list of items using a browser view style, or item search parameters, the software applies a unique document number and revision to this report according to the specified browse view style or to the item search parameters. For example, in the Wiring module, in the Cable Selection for Cable Schedule Report dialog box, after creating a report for a list of cables filtered according to search parameters, the software applies the unique document number and revision only when selecting the same search parameters again.

A report that is generated for a specific main item. Such a report displays the main item data and associations. An example of a non-list-type report is a panel-strip report, which you can generate for a specific strip. Such a report can display the main strip, two additional strips, numerous cables, and wires. In SmartPlant Instrumentation, you cannot apply global revisions to reports belonging to the list report type because for a global revision, you can only use reports generated for a specific item. Revision Management Displays the revision management setting determined by the report type. A revision management setting of all list-type reports is always per document. A revision management setting of certain non-list-type reports is set permanently as per item, while for other non-list-type reports you can define the revision management setting as either per item or per document.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes Per Item

The document number and revision are shared between documents created for a specific item and between all reports generated for that item. This means that the document number and revision numbers that you add to an item via the Revisions dialog box opened from the item Properties dialog box are the same as in a print preview of any report generated for this item. For example, after creating a revision for a specific strip from the properties dialog box, the document number and revision number are assigned to the revision opened from a print preview of any report generated for this strip (panel-strip report with or without adjacent connections, I/O assignment report, and so forth).

Per Document
The document number and revision are unique to each specific document created or report generated for a particular item. For example, if you create two reports for a particular strip: a report with adjacent connections and a report without adjacent connections, the document and revision numbers of the two reports are not shared. As a result, the document number and revision added from the report print preview is different from the document number and revision added via the Revisions dialog box opened from the item Properties dialog box. Title Block Allows you to use a title block in the report. This can be a title block designed by the user, or one of the defaults supplied with SmartPlant Instrumentation. If you want to display the report without a title block, clear this check box. In this case, the macros that appear in the title block appear at the top of the report. For those reports that must contain a title block, the check box is selected by default, and you cannot clear it. Title Block Location Displays the location of the title block in the report. Title Block Customization (available when selecting the Title Block check box) Allows you to assign a custom title block to a particular report, or a default title block that is supplied with SmartPlant Instrumentation. Note that some reports do not support custom title blocks. For these reports, the value Default appears, and the option to select a custom title block from this list is disabled. For more details of the title block description, see Title Block Descriptions (on page 200). If, in the Report Name column, you selected Specification but the list of options in the Title Block Customization column is disabled, this means that the System Administrator, in the Domain Definitions window, selected the block assignment method Special (used in the Specifications module only). In this case, SmartPlant Instrumentation users can associate individual title blocks with specifications using the options available in the Specifications module itself. Save Document Data Allows you to save all revision data for all reports of the specified type when using the Changed Documents feature (accessed from the Tools menu in SmartPlant Instrumentation. If you clear the check box, the software performance is improved when creating revisions. Clearing this check box does not affect the report comparison functionality (which is controlled by the Archiving Option settings). Archiving Option Allows you to assign an archiving option to a particular report, needed if you want to enable report comparison. The following options are available: Do not save (not available for the Document Binder module reports) Sets the software not to keep a revision archive. After saving the report revision, SmartPlant Instrumentation users cannot see the information contained in that report at the time of revision, and the report comparison is not available. This is the default selection. Save to database Sets the software to keep a revision archive in the database. This way you eliminate the need for file sharing and management. Note, however, that selecting this option can slow down your work.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Save as File Sets the software to keep a revision archive as an external .psr file (or as an .sma file when using the Enhanced Report Utility and adding revisions to an open report, not with global revisions). Selecting this option can speed up your work. Compress as ZIP file Sets the software to keep a revision archive as an external .psr file in a compressed .zip format. This feature is useful, for example, before backing up a database when you have made a large number of report revisions. Selecting this option reduces the size of the backup database.

When changing an archiving option for a Document Binder module report, the software assigns the same archiving option to all the other Document Binder reports as well. This is because in the Document Binder module, you can only create revisions for the entire binder package). You can, however, apply a different custom title block to any Document Binder module report. Archive Path Allows you to define a different path for a specific report to be saved as a file, or compressed as a .zip file. You can use this option in addition to defining the default archiving path. When selecting the archiving options Save as File, or Compress as Zip file, click a path. and enter

Filter by
These following options allow you to filter reports by a specific module. Module Contains a list of SmartPlant Instrumentation modules that you can select for filtering. Apply Applies filtering.

Sort by
These following options determine the sorting order of the reports: Report Lists all the reports in alphabetical order. Module Lists the reports in alphabetical order per module.

Report Allows you to find a specific report by entering a text string corresponding to the name of the desired report.

Default archive path

Path Allows you to enter the default archive path for all the report revisions to be saved as files, or compressed as .zip files. Using this option enables you to specify a path for your report revisions only once, provided that you do not specify a path for that report in the Archive Path column of the data window. Browse Allows you to navigate to a path that you want to set as the default archive path.

Required Wiring Equipment Report Dialog Box

This dialog box displays wiring equipment that you must copy manually to the Claim or Merge Buffer. After you copy the required wiring equipment, you can claim or merge the items that appear in the buffer. The items displayed in the dialog box are in use by the items that you copied to the Claim or Merge Buffer. For example, if you copied an I/O termination associated with an I/O card, you can only claim or merge this I/O termination together with the I/O card, regardless of your preferences for claiming or merging items.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes Data Window

Parent <Item> Displays parent items of wiring equipment that you copied to the Claim or Merge Buffer. Selected Wiring Equipment Displays the wiring equipment you selected in the As-Built or Project Explorer for copying to the buffer. Required Wiring Equipment Displays the wiring equipment that you must select in the As-Built or Project Explorer and copy manually to the buffer.

Command Buttons
Print Prints the report using the current settings of your printer. Save As Allows you to save the report in the format that you require.

Reserve Item ID Ranges for Projects Dialog Box

This dialog box is used for off-site projects. Before modifying your data in an off-site project, you must reserve a range of item IDs for that project. This ensures that the range of IDs that you reserve is not available for items in the source database and therefore prevents the creation of items with duplicate IDs when importing data that was modified in an off-site project back into the host project. Project Select the host project from which you are transferring data to the off-site domain. Lowest ID in Range Specifies the lowest ID value in the range. The software sets this value as the lowest available ID that is not in use in the host. Highest ID in Range Specifies the highest ID value in the range. This software sets a value equal to the Lowest ID in Range value plus 1,000,000. If you require a range larger than 1,000,000 for a particular project, click Add to create another row and select that project again in the new row. Add Adds a new row that allows you to select a project with a predefined range. Delete Deletes the currently selected row. Note that you cannot delete a row for which you have already exported the range. Export Exports the selected range to a text file. This option is only available for domains whose usage is defined as Host. Import Allows you to navigate to a text file for importing a previously defined range. This option is only available for domains whose usage is defined as Satellite.

Reserve Tags and Loops Dialog Box

Enables you to reserve for a project or As-Built instrument tag numbers and loop numbers within specified ranges. After you reserve a range of numbers, users who work in the current project or As-Built can create only those loops and tags whose numbers belong to the specified range. On the other hand, users in other projects in the same owner operator domain cannot create tags and loops that belong to the specified range. Loop or tag reservation does not apply in the following cases: When claiming As-Built loops or tags for projects. When merging project loops or tags with As-Built. To open this dialog box, on the Project Activities dialog box, select a project or define a new project name, and then click Reserve. Loop Numbers Tab (see "Loop Numbers Tab (Reserve Tags and Loops Dialog Box) " on page 399)


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Tag Numbers Tab (see "Tag Numbers Tab (Reserve Tags and Loops Dialog Box) " on page 399)

Loop Numbers Tab (Reserve Tags and Loops Dialog Box)

Enables you to reserve tag numbers within specified ranges. Measured Variable Allows you to select the measured variable of the loop numbers for which you want to define the reservation. From Number Type the first number for the range. The number of digits that you type must be smaller or the same as the number defined in the Naming Conventions dialog box, for the Loop Number segment in the Loop Number segment category. To Number Type the last number for the range. The number of digits that you type must be smaller or the same as the number defined in the Naming Conventions dialog box, for the Loop Number segment.

Command Buttons
Apply Sets the reservations as defined. Add Adds another data row for a new range definition. Delete Deletes the current definition.

Tag Numbers Tab (Reserve Tags and Loops Dialog Box)

Enables you to reserve tag numbers within specified ranges. Instrument Type Allows you to select the instrument type of the tag numbers for which you want to define the reservation. From Number Type the first number for the range. The number of digits that you type must be smaller or the same as the number defined on the Naming Conventions dialog box, for the Loop Identifier segment in the Tag Number segment category. To Number Type the last number for the range. The number of digits that you type must be smaller or the same as the number defined on the Naming Conventions dialog box, for the Loop Identifier segment.

Command Buttons
Apply Sets the reservations as defined. Add Adds another data row for a new range definition. Delete Deletes the current definition.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Scope Definition Dialog Box .......................................................... 400 Search Dialog Box ......................................................................... 401 Security Options Dialog Box .......................................................... 402 Security Schema Password Encryption Dialog Box ...................... 402 Select Columns for Sorting Dialog Box ......................................... 403 Select Columns for Viewing Dialog Box ........................................ 403 Select Item Types for Comparison Dialog Box .............................. 403 Select Item Types for Reports Dialog Box ..................................... 404 Select Logo Dialog Box ................................................................. 404 Select (Copy Unit Data) Dialog Box............................................... 404 Select (Naming Conventions) Dialog Box ..................................... 405 Select Plant (for Registering) Dialog Box ...................................... 405 Select Plant (for Retrieving Documents) Dialog Box ..................... 405 Select Source Database Dialog Box ............................................. 405 Select Source for Claiming Dialog Box .......................................... 406 Set Color Dialog Box ..................................................................... 407 Source Data Connection Dialog Box ............................................. 407 System Administration Window ..................................................... 409

Scope Definition Dialog Box

Enables you to select the <unit> in the target project <plant> before proceeding to defining a scope of items for the project. The dialog box opens when you click OK on the Select Source for Claiming dialog box. <Plant> Displays the name of the plant in which the project is carried out. The label <Plant> changes dynamically according to your highest plant hierarchy level definition. Select all Allows you to include all the <units> in the plant. Include Includes specific <units> for selecting items for the project. <Units> are grouped by <area>. The column labels <Area> and <Unit> change dynamically according to your intermediate and lowest plant hierarchy level definitions. You can only select <units> that do not contain claimed items. For the units that already contain claimed items, you cannot clear the Include check box. Continue Depending on the claim source, opens one of the following set of windows: If the claim source is As-Built, opens the As-Built Explorer, Claim Buffer, and Claimed Items window. You can either copy items to the Claim Buffer or claim items from the As-Built Explorer or Claim Buffer and then display the claimed items in the Claimed Items window. If the claim source is a project, opens the Source Project Explorer and Target Project Buffer. You can either copy items to the Target Project Buffer or claim items from the Source Project Explorer or Target Project Buffer.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Search Dialog Box

Allows you to find items that you want to claim for a project or merge with As-Built. You can search for multiple items in the <plant> you selected in the Project Activities dialog box, or in <units> belonging to this <plant>. Item type Allows you to select an item type to which the item belongs. This is a required field. Item name Allows you to type a name of an item. You can use the wildcard characters * or % to find items whose names contain part of the text that you type. If you do not know the item name, leave the asterisk * in the field. Search Now Starts the search. New Search Starts a new search and clears the previous results in the Results data window. Search in Determines the plant hierarchy level on which the software searches for items: Entire domain Not in use in the Administration module. Current highest plant hierarchy level The <plant> that you selected in the Project Activities dialog box. Current lowest plant hierarchy level The <units> that belong to the <plant> that you selected. Item properties Allows you to specify item properties so that the software looks for items with the specified properties only. Property Allows you to select an existing property from the list. For example, to search for loop numbers assigned to a specific loop drawing generation method, select the Generation method property. Operator Allows you to select a comparison operator from the list to determine how the selected property will relate to the expression you type in the Value field. Value Allows you to type an appropriate value to determine how the selected property will be specified. If you selected the Generation method property to search for loop numbers by a specific loop drawing generation method, type one or two characters that designate the generation method that you need. For example, type C for the CAD method, ES for the Enhanced SmartLoop By Signal method, and so forth. Logic Allows you to select a logic operator (AND or OR) to determine how the next expression will relate to the current one. Leave this field empty if this is the last expression you are defining.

Command Buttons
Add Appends a new line in the Item properties data window. Delete Deletes a selected line in the Item properties data window. Verify Verifies the definition you made in the Item properties data window. Results Lists the items that software found. Select all Selects all the items listed in the Results data window. Add to My List Adds the selected items to the My List pane in a window. Go to Item In the tree view, selects the item you highlighted in the Results data window.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Security Options Dialog Box

Enables you to set password and logon information definitions for SmartPlant Instrumentation users. To open this dialog box, with the System Administration window open, click Activities > Security Options. Require unique password Makes all user passwords unique. Log off for wrong password Allows you deny access to SmartPlant Instrumentation if the user enters the wrong password three times. Password expiration Sets the software to require the user to define a new password one month after the previous definition. This option does not apply when using Windows authentication logon method. Define minimum password length Allows you to select the number of characters for the user password length. Enable Windows authentication logon method Enables users to bypass the Logon Information dialog box when these users access SmartPlant Instrumentation. For this feature to take effect, the Domain Administrator needs to associate a Windows group that exists in Windows with a SmartPlant Instrumentation group. After that, any user who belongs to this Windows group can access SmartPlant Instrumentation automatically, without having to provide any logon information. If you clear this check box, each user must provide a personal SmartPlant Instrumentation user name and password when logging on to SmartPlant Instrumentation.

Security Schema Password Encryption Dialog Box

Allows you to encrypt the logon password of the SmartPlant Instrumentation database security schema, which stores the encrypted Admin schema password in the database. Depending on the database platform, this schema is created either in Oracle or SQL Server during the SmartPlant Instrumentation database setup. In Oracle the security schema is called INTOOLS_LOGIN. The schema logon name and password are both intools_login. In SQL Server, the schema (database user) is called SPI_login. This schema login is shared for all databases you create in a particular SQL Server instance. For example, if you create SPI1 and SPI2 databases in the same instance, each database contains the SPI_login schema but, at the instance level, both schemas share the same login, whose name is SPI_login and password is spi_login_pwd (lower case). Security schema logon name Displays the security schema logon name. The logon name is set permanently in the software and cannot be changed or encrypted. Security schema logon password Allows you to change the security schema logon password if needed. The password characters appear masked. On Oracle, the default password is intools_login. On SQL Server, the default password is spi_login_pwd. OK Permanently encrypts the security schema logon password.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Select Columns for Sorting Dialog Box

Enables you to specify which data columns can be used to sort the list of items that appear in the Comparison List dialog box. Column list Displays the list of columns available for the selected item. Sorted columns Displays the list of columns that will be used for sorting. To specify a new sorting column, drag it from Column list. To remove a column to be used for sorting, drag it back to Column list.

Select Columns for Viewing Dialog Box

Enables you to specify which data columns that can be displayed for the items displayed in the Comparison List dialog box. Column list Displays the list of columns available for the selected item. Columns to view Displays the list of columns that will be displayed in the Comparison List dialog box. To display a new column, drag it from Column list. To remove a column from the display, drag it back to Column list. Select all Allows you to move all the available columns to Columns to view. Include modified columns Allows you to include the columns for which data was updated in the project, so that modified information will appear.

Select Item Types for Comparison Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to select one or more item types and display a separate comparison lists for each item type. A comparison list displays changes between data in the current project and in As-Built. When you run a comparison list for items belonging to a specific item type, you can also compare changes for additional items associated with the main item. To access this dialog box, in the Project Explorer, right-click the highest hierarchy node and then, on the shortcut menu, click Comparison List. Select all Allows you to include all item types in the report. Include Allows you to include specific item types in the report. Item Type Displays the name of the available item types. OK Opens a Comparison List dialog box separately for each item type that you select. For example, if you selected Loop, Tag, and Wiring Equipment, the software first displays a Comparison List dialog box for loops. After you close this dialog box, the software opens another dialog box for tags, and so forth.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Select Item Types for Reports Dialog Box

Enables you to select one or more item types and display a report print preview. To access this dialog box when defining a project scope, in the Claim Buffer, right- click the folder at the top of the hierarchy, Claim Buffer, and then click Reports of Copied Items. To access this dialog box when merging project data with As-Built, in the Merge Buffer, right-click the highest hierarchy node, and then click Reports of Copied Items. Also, this dialog box opens when you use the Reports shortcut menu commands of the Project Explorer. Select all Allows you to include all item types in the report. Item Type Allows you to include specific item types in the reports (each report contains items of one item type). OK Displays a report print preview.

Select Logo Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to browse to an image file in .bmp format and define it as the domain logo. If the domain type is Owner operator, the Project Administrator uses this dialog box to define a logo for a specific project. To open this dialog box, with the Domain Definition window open, on the toolbar, click . When the domain type is Owner operator, in the Project Activities dialog box, click Logo. Logo preview Displays the image file for a preview. Browse Allows you to specify a desired image file (.bmp file only). OK Assigns the selected image file as the logo and closes this dialog box.

Select (Copy Unit Data) Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to select a source <unit> for copying data to a new or existing <unit> within the same domain. To open this dialog box, in the <Unit> Properties dialog box, click Copy From. Domain Displays the name of the domain within which you can copy <unit> data. Target project (only available in an owner operator domain) Allows you to select a target project for copying data from the source <unit>. Select source Displays all the available plant hierarchy items that exist in the source domain, or in the source project if the domain type is Owner operator. The software displays the plant hierarchy items as defined in the Plant Hierarchy Explorer. You can expand and collapse the hierarchy by clicking or beside the icons or by double-clicking the icons in the display. The following icons indicate one example of various hierarchy levels: Domain Project or As-Built (available only when the domain type is Owner operator) <Plant> <Area> <Unit> OK After you select a <unit>, opens a dialog box where you determine what <unit> data you want to copy to the <unit> for which you opened the Properties dialog box.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Select (Naming Conventions) Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to select a <unit> for defining naming conventions. The dialog box displays all the available plant hierarchy items that exist in the source domain, or in the source project if the domain type is Owner operator. The software displays the plant hierarchy items as defined in the Plant Hierarchy Explorer. You can expand and collapse the hierarchy by clicking or beside the icons or by double-clicking the icons in the display. The following icons indicate one example of various hierarchy levels: Domain Project or As-Built (available only when the domain type is Owner operator) <Plant> <Area> <Unit>

Select Plant (for Registering) Dialog Box

Allows you to select a plant for registering with SmartPlant Foundation. Plant - Lists the available plants for selecting.

Select Plant (for Retrieving Documents) Dialog Box

Allows you to select a plant for retrieving documents. The software uses the information in these documents to build a new plant hierarchy in SmartPlant Instrumentation that matches the source plant structure. Plant - Lists the available plants for selecting. Create new plant - Instructs the software to generate tasks for creating a completely new target plant hierarchy. Correlate plant - Instructs the software to generate tasks for creating a target plant hierarchy under an existing plant.

Select Source Database Dialog Box

Enables you to connect to a source database and import data from an off-site project to a target project you selected in the Project Activities dialog box. To access this dialog box, in the Project Activities dialog box, select a project and click Import.

Source database definition

Database type Allows you to select the SmartPlant Instrumentation database type from the list. Server Allows you to enter your database server name. When using Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere, select a desired database profile from the list. Admin schema logon name (on Oracle or SQL Server) Displays the default logon name. If your source domain with an off-site project resides in a different database, you must type the Admin schema name of the source database to which you want to connect.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Admin schema logon password (on Oracle or SQL Server) Displays the default logon password. If your source domain with an off-site project resides in a different database, you must type the Admin schema password of the source database to which you want to connect. For more information about the Admin schema and other SmartPlant Instrumentation database schemas, see SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide, SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Technical Review > Logon Data and Database Connection Security > SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Schemas . When the source domain resides in a Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database, the Admin schema logon name and Admin schema logon password boxes display IN_DBAMN as view-only values. This is because in any Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database, the Admin schema logon name and password are permanently set as IN_DBAMN. Connect Connects to the source database.

Source project
Domain Allows you to select a source domain from the list. Project Displays the name of the project from which you want to import data. After selecting a domain, the software displays the source project automatically provided that the database ID of the source and the target projects are identical. Import only items marked as 'Merge Now' in the satellite For a project in an Owner operator domain, imports from the selected project only those items that are marked as 'Merge Now'. Delete items from target if not found in source Select this option if you want to delete items in the target database where they do not exist in the source. Clear this check box if you do not want to delete the items from the target database. Log File Opens a dialog box where you can define the log file name and path. Click this button after connecting to the source database, and before importing data. Report Opens a dialog box where you can view the list of items in the projects of the target domain that will appear as duplicate in the target project after import. Click this button after connecting to the source database, selecting the source domain, and before importing data. Mapping This command opens the Map Plant Hierarchy Items dialog box, which allows you to map <units> in the source plant hierarchy to one or more target <units>. This option only applies where the source domain type is Engineering company. Import Starts the import process.

Select Source for Claiming Dialog Box

Enables you to select a specific project or As-Built as a source for claiming items for the project you selected on the Project Activities dialog box. If the claim source in As-Built, you can claim As-Built items for the target project. When the claim source is a project, you can claim items you created in the source project or items you previously claimed for this project. It is possible to claim the same item for more than one project if the System Administrator cleared the Exclusive claim mode check box in the Domain Definition window. If this check box is selected, it is only possible to define the scope of items for the current project using As-Built as a claim source. The dialog box opens when you click Scope on the Project Activities dialog box. Claim source Allows you to select As-Built or a project as a claim source. When the claim source is a project, the source and target projects must be carried out in the same <plant>.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

OK Opens the Scope Definition dialog box, where you select the <unit> in the target project <plant> before proceeding to defining a scope of items for the project.

Set Color Dialog Box

You use this dialog box to set a color the item category that you selected in the Colors dialog box. To set the color, slide the scroll bars for each primary color to the right or to the left. The actual color appears in the Sample box.

Source Data Connection Dialog Box

Enables you to select a database type and connect to an existing source domain when using that source domain to initialize a new domain. Certain options in the dialog box change dynamically according to the source database type that you select. Prior to using the dialog box options, make sure that the source SmartPlant Instrumentation database is of the same version as the database where you are creating the new domain. Database type In accordance with your target database platform, select the source database type. The following options are available: Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere You can select it as a source if the target database is in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere, SQL Server, or Oracle. SQL Server 2005 You can select it as a source if the target database is in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere, or SQL Server 2005. SQL Server 2008 You can select it as a source if the target database is in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere, or SQL Server 2008. Oracle 9i You can select it as a source if the target database is Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere, or Oracle 9i or 10g. Oracle 10g You can select it as a source if the target database is Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere, or Oracle 9i or 10g. You can only select the same platform as the target database where you are creating the new domain, or alternatively, you can initialize the domain using a Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database file as a source. If you want to perform a cross-platform initialization, you must first initialize a domain from either Oracle or SQL Server in an intermediate database file in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere, and then use this .db file as a source for initializing a new domain in the target database platform. Database file name and path (only available when the source database type is Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere) Allows you to click Browse and specify the .db file to be used a source for initializing a domain in Oracle, SQL Server, or Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere. Server (only available when the source database type is Oracle) Allows you to type your Oracle instance alias. ODBC profile (DSN) (only available when the source database type is SQL Server) Allows you to select an ODBC profile (data source name) you want to use for connecting to your SQL Server database server from the current client machine.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Admin schema name Displays the SmartPlant Instrumentation database schema. When your source database is Oracle or SQL Server, you can type the appropriate Admin schema name of the source SmartPlant Instrumentation database. you can type the appropriate Admin schema name of the source SmartPlant Instrumentation database. Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere, this box displays the default setting IN_DBAMN. Accept the displayed default Admin schema logon name IN_DBAMN or type the required logon name. When your source database is Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere, the setting is view-only because in any Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database, the Admin schema logon name is permanently set as IN_DBAMN. When your source database resides in Oracle, the default Admin schema logon name is IN_DBAMN. When your source database resides in SQL Server, the default Admin schema logon name is SPI_DBAMN. This setting must be different from the Admin schema logon password. Admin schema password Displays the default Admin schema logon password IN_DBAMN. or type the required password name. When your source database is Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere, the setting is view-only because in any Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database, the Admin schema logon password is permanently set as IN_DBAMN. When your source database is Oracle, the default Admin schema logon password is IN_DBAMN. When your source database is SQL Server, the default Admin schema logon password is SPI_DBA. This setting must be different from the Admin schema logon name. Connect Connects to the source database. After the connection is established, you can select the source domain. Domain After connecting to the source database, from the list, select the source domain. Save last created ID for merging renamed items Allows you to save the ID of the last created item in the domain. The software allocates a unique sequential ID to each item that you create. On merging data at a later stage, if the ID of an item is less than or equal to the ID of the last created item, this indicates that the item was created in the database prior to making the backup. Consequently, the Merger Utility is able to identify the item by its ID, and can update renamed items if required, by selecting the Include renamed items check box in the Merge Options dialog box. If you clear this check box, the software makes a backup without saving the last created item ID. In this case, the Merger Utility ignores any items that were renamed since the backup, even if you select the Include renamed items option, and inserts them as new records. Copy users to target domain Allows you to copy the SmartPlant Instrumentation user definitions from the source domain to the domain you are initializing. The software can only copy those users who are assigned to groups. Copy departments to target domain Allows you to copy the department definitions from the source domain to the domain you are initializing. OK Reopens the Initialize dialog box, where you can start the initialization process.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

System Administration Window

Enables you to access the system administration options. This window opens after you enter as the System Administrator in the Administration dialog box. Toolbar Allows you to access the most common system administration commands. Icon Description Closes the System Administration window . Opens the Domain Definition window, where you can create or modify domains. Opens a dialog box where you can define or modify a user profile. Opens a dialog box where you can define or modify a department profile.

This dialog box allows you to upgrade schemas, monitor the upgrade procedure, and view the procedure log. To select a schema, select its check box.

Schema Grid
Schema name Displays the names of the available domain schemas. Status Current schema status: Requires upgrade Schema not selected for upgrade (denoted by ). Pending Schema in cue for upgrade (denoted by ). In progress The schema currently being upgraded (denoted by ). Upgraded Schema successfully upgraded (denoted by . Upgraded with errors Schema upgraded with errors (denoted by ). Upgrade failed Schema not upgraded (denoted by ). Schema type Specifies schema type: Administrator, Owner Operator or Engineering Company. RTM Displays the current version for each schema. Service pack Displays the service pack of each domain schema. Hot Fix Displays the current hot fix number (if applicable) for each domain schema. Build Displays the current build number of each domain schema. Started Displays the starting time of the upgrade session. Ended Displays the end time of the current upgrade session. Select All Selects all the check boxes to upgrade all schemas. Log Displays the upgrade log in a Notepad. When an upgrade is either finished or stopped the relevant schema log icon is highlighted. Log files are stored in:%Temp%\SpiUpgradeLog directory. Upgrade to Version Starts the upgrade process to version XXX for the selected schemas.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Tablespace List Dialog Box ........................................................... 410 New Database Definitions Dialog Box ........................................... 410 Target Database Parameters (SQL Server) Dialog Box ............... 412 Target Revisions Dialog Box ......................................................... 413 Telecom Device Panel Icons Dialog Box ....................................... 414 To Do List Dialog Box .................................................................... 415 Trim Audit Trail Data Dialog Box ................................................... 415

Tablespace List Dialog Box

Enables you to view and print out the Oracle database tablespace list that shows the allocated space size and free space size for each tablespace. All the values displayed in this dialog box are read-only. To access this dialog box, with the System Administration window open, click DBA > Tablespace List. Tablespace Displays tablespace names. Total Size (Bytes) Displays the total allocated size for each tablespace. Free Space (Bytes) Displays the amount of free space available for the each tablespace. Free Space (%) Displays the percentage of free space available for the each tablespace. Print Prints out the displayed information.

New Database Definitions Dialog Box

Enables you to set parameters for the target SmartPlant Instrumentation database and start the database setup process. Setting the database parameters is the second step in the SmartPlant Instrumentation database setup process on Oracle that you run using the DB Setup Utility. The New Database Definitions dialog box changes depending on the tablespaces creation option you select.

Administration schema
The options in this section are used to define the Admin schema name and password. For more information about the Admin schema and other SmartPlant Instrumentation database schemas, see SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide, SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Technical Review > Logon Data and Database Connection Security > SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Schemas. Administration schema login name Accept the default Admin schema logon name IN_DBAMN or enter another name if you need. The logon name must be unique in the Oracle server. The logon name can only start with a letter and contain no spaces. You can use an underscore ( _ ) to replace a space. Administration schema login password Accept the default Admin schema logon password IN_DBAMN or enter another password if you need. The logon password can only start with a letter and contain no spaces. You can use an underscore ( _ ) to replace a space. Estimated number of domains - Displays the number of domains.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes Tablespaces

Automatic - The tablespaces for the administration and domain or domains are created automatically. Customized - The user is able to configure the tablespace name, data file name and path, and the tablespace size of the Admin schema data, Admin schema indexes, and Temporary tablespaces. The tablespaces for the domain or domains are created automatically. Predefined - The user predefines a list of tablespaces as wished. The user, then, selects the desired Admin schema data, Admin schema indexes, and Temporary tablespaces names. Next comes the configuration of the tablespace name, data file name and path, and the tablespace size. The user has then to configure the tablespaces for the Domain or Domains. Create - Starts the database creation process, at the end of which you can create the Oracle ORASETUP.LOG script file if needed.

Administration schema data

This box appears when the user selects the Customized or the Predefined options. Tablespace name When working in Customized mode accept the default Admin data tablespace name or enter another name if you need. When working in Predefined mode, use the combo box to select a desired tablespace. Datafile name and path When working in Customized mode, accept the default path and name of the Admin datafile. You can specify another path and name if you need. The default file extension is .db. You can change the file extension as you require. When working in Predefined mode this option not available. Tablespace size (MB) When working in Customized mode, accept the default Admin data tablespace size (15MB) if you want to create four SmartPlant Instrumentation domains only. If you want to create more than four domains, you need to specify a larger tablespace size. When working in Predefined mode this option not available.

Administration schema indexes

This box appears when the user selects the Customized or the Predefined options. Tablespace name When working in Customized mode, accept the default value or type the required Admin index tablespace name. When working in Predefined mode, use the combo box to select a desired tablespace. Datafile name and path When working in Customized mode, accept the default path and name of the Admin index datafile or type the required path and name. The default file extension is .db. You can change the file extension as you require. When working in Predefined mode this option not available. Tablespace size (MB) When working in Customized mode, accept the default Admin index data tablespace size (5MB) if you want to create four SmartPlant Instrumentation domains only. If you want to create more than four domains, you need to specify a larger tablespace size. When working in Predefined mode this option not available.

Temporary Tablespaces
This box appears when the user selects the Customized or the Predefined options. Tablespace name When working in Customized mode, accept the default value or type the required Admin index tablespace name. When working in Predefined mode, use the combo box to select a desired tablespace.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Datafile name and path When working in Customized mode, accept the default path and name of the Admin index datafile or type the required path and name. The default file extension is .db. You can change the file extension as you require. When working in Predefined mode this option not available. Tablespace size (MB) When working in Customized mode, accept the default Admin index data tablespace size (75MB) if you want to create four SmartPlant Instrumentation domains only. If you want to create more than four domains, you need to specify a larger tablespace size. When working in Predefined mode this option not available.

Target Database Parameters (SQL Server) Dialog Box

Enables you to set parameters for the target SmartPlant Instrumentation database and start the database setup process. Setting the database parameters is the second step in the SmartPlant Instrumentation database setup process on SQL Server. This dialog box opens after clicking Connect on the Microsoft SQL Server Connection dialog box in the DB Setup utility. Target database name Type the name of the SmartPlant Instrumentation database for which you want to run the setup process. This value must be unique within your SQL Server that you specified on the Microsoft SQL Server Connection dialog box.

Admin schema
The options in this section are used to define the Admin schema name and password. For more information about the Admin schema and other SmartPlant Instrumentation database schemas, see SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide, SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Technical Review > Logon Data and Database Connection Security > SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Schemas. Logon name Displays the default Admin schema logon name SPI_DBAMN. You can type a different name if needed. The logon name can only start with a letter and may not contain spaces. You can use an underscore ( _ ) to indicate a space. The Admin schema logon name must be different from the Admin schema logon password. If this is the first database setup session for SmartPlant Instrumentation 2009 in the current SQL Server database, the logon name must be unique in the SQL Server database server. If this is not the first database setup session, you can use an existing Admin schema logon name but in this case, you must also use the existing Admin schema logon password. You can only use an existing Admin schema logon name if the password in that Admin schema is different. For example, if in another SmartPlant Instrumentation database, the Admin schema logon name is IN_DBAMN, and the password is also IN_DBAMN, you cannot use IN_DBAMN for the Admin schema in the new SmartPlant Instrumentation database. If you want to define a new logon name, you must also define a new logon password, different from the logon name.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Logon password Displays the default Admin schema logon password SPI_DBA. You can type another password if needed, provided that it is different from the Admin schema logon name. The logon password can only start with a letter and may not contain spaces. You can use an underscore ( _ ) to indicate a space. If this is the first database setup session for SmartPlant Instrumentation 2009 in the current SQL Server database, the logon password must be unique in the SQL Server database server. If this is not the first database setup session, you can either use the existing Admin schema logon password or type a new password. If you want to use the existing password, you must also use the existing logon name. If you want to define a new password, you must also define a new logon name. The software automatically converts all the password characters to upper case. This means that after completing the database setup, if you need to connect to the SmartPlant Instrumentation database externally, you must enter the Admin schema logon password using upper-case characters.

Admin data
Admin file name Accept the default value or type the required Admin file name. Datafile name and path Accept the default settings or type the required Admin datafile name and path. The default file extension is .mdf. You can change the file extension as you require. Initial size (MB) Accept the default value or type the required initial size value of the Admin datafile.

Admin index
Index file name Accept the default value or type the required Admin index file name. Datafile name and path Accept the default settings or type the required Admin index datafile name and path. The default file extension is .mdf. You can change the file extension as you require. Initial size (MB) Accept the default value or type the required initial size value of the Admin index datafile. Filegroup Accept the default filegroup to which the Admin index datafile belongs, or type the required filegroup name.

Command Buttons
OK Starts the database setup process. Cancel Closes this dialog box and discards all the values you have entered.

Target Revisions Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to define new revision settings for the target lowest plant hierarchy item. Domain Administrator defines revision settings separately for each module selected in the left section of the Copy Data from Source dialog box. To open the dialog box, in the Copy Data from Source dialog box, click New Revisions. Revision copying options are not retained when you reopen the Copy Data from Source dialog box. Revision method These options allow you to select a revision sequence method. The options are:

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

P0, P1, P2... Allows you to apply this sequence in preliminary revisions. 0, 1, 2... Allows you to use a numeric revision numbering method, and number revisions using the sequence 1, 2, 3, and so forth. A, B, C... Allows you to use an alphabetical revision numbering method, and number revisions using the sequence A, B, C, and so forth. Other Allows you to use a user-defined numbering method by entering a value in the No (number) field of the data window.

Data Window
Define your revision settings to be used in SmartPlant Instrumentation documents you create in the selected module. When in the left section of the Copy Data from Source dialog box you select a different module, and access the Target Revisions dialog box again, the data window is empty. Click a desired revision method option, and click New to add a row in the data window. No (number) Displays the revision value, depending on the revision method option you use. If your revision method is Other, type your revision value. If you did not select Other, every time you click New, the software adds a new line with the next logical value and date. If required, for methods P0, P1, P2..., 0, 1, 2..., and A, B, C..., you can change the default revision number values as well. By Type the name or initials of the person who created the revision (optional). Date Type the date of creating a revision. The default is the current date. If required, type a different date, using the format of the default date. Description Type a revision description as required.

Telecom Device Panel Icons Dialog Box

Enables you to assign icons to telecom device types available in the current domain. This way the software can indicate the telecom device type of specific device panels displayed in the Domain Explorer (or Wiring Explorer, accessible from the Wiring module). Icons that you assign using this dialog box appear instead of the default icons: for

conventional device panels, and for plug-and-socket device panels. A new icon can only appear after a SmartPlant Instrumentation user creates a telecom tag belonging to the device type to which you have assigned the icon. Telecom Device Type Displays all the telecom device types defined in the current domain. Users can manage telecom device types in the Instrument Index module. Description Displays the telecom device type description. Icon File Name and Path Displays the icon assigned to the telecom device type. You can click Browse to assign the appropriate icon. If you do not assign any icon, the software uses the default icon. You can only select icon files with the extension .ico.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

To Do List Dialog Box

Allows you to run tasks within a SmartPlant Instrumentation to create a plant hierarchy after retrieving information. Run - Runs the tasks on the PBS document that you selected in the Retrieve dialog box. These tasks are needed for creating the plant hierarchy. This command is enabled after you select one or more tasks on the list. Close - Closes this dialog box.

Trim Audit Trail Data Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to trim the excessive audit trail data contained in the audit trail repository in the current domain. You can either permanently remove the audit trail data from the domain or save the audit trail data to an external file before trimming. Saving the trimmed data enables you to load it to the target domain audit trail repository. To open this dialog box, with the Domain Administration window open, click DBA > Data Maintenance > Trim Audit Trail. Domain Displays the current domain name. Project (available when the domain type is Owner operator) Allows you to select a specific project in which you want to trim data. Also, you can select As-Built to trim data from As-Built.

Enables you to define the user operation period for which to trim the audit trail data. The time of user operation appears in the audit trail repository. The audit trail repository contains time data (year, month, day, hour, minutes, and seconds) about each user operation performed in a particular domain. From Allows you to type the initial date (month/day/year) of the audit trail data you want to trim. To Allows you to type the last date (month/day/year) of the audit trail data you want to trim.

Miscellaneous Options
Save to file Makes the File name box accessible for typing a file name segment for the target file. If you want to remove the audit trail data permanently from the current domain, clear this check box. File name Allows you to type a file name segment that will appear as part of a complete file name in an external file where you save the audit trail data. This file will contain the entire audit trail data trimmed from the audit trail repository within the defined period. Trim Removes the audit trail data contained in the audit trail repository within the defined period.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Unit Properties Dialog Box ............................................................. 416 Update Statistics Dialog Box ......................................................... 418 User-Defined Database Views Dialog Box .................................... 418 User (Domain Administration) Dialog Box ..................................... 418 User (System Administration) Dialog Box ..................................... 419

Unit Properties Dialog Box

Enables you to create a new item on the lowest of your plant hierarchy, or modify properties of an existing item. Also, you can assign custom field values to a specific item. The default lowest level item name is <unit>. You can either create an empty item that only has a unique name and number on the parent plant hierarchy level, or copy engineering data from another lowest plant hierarchy level item that already exists in the current domain. General Tab (see "General Tab (Unit Properties Dialog Box)" on page 416) Custom Fields Tab (see "Custom Fields Tab (Plant Hierarchy Item Properties Dialog Box)" on page 269)

General Tab (Unit Properties Dialog Box)

Enables the Domain Administrator to create a new lowest plant hierarchy level item or edit properties of an existing lowest plant hierarchy level item. The default lowest plant hierarchy level is <Unit>. Also, you can access a dialog box from which you can copy data to the current <Unit> from a different <Unit> that exists in the current domain. Parent hierarchy Displays the plant hierarchy to which the current <Unit> belongs. Name Allows you to enter or modify the name of the <Unit>. The name must be unique within the current node of the parent level. The name must contain at least one character that is not a space. The maximum name length is fifty characters. Special characters are not allowed, as they may cause unexpected results when creating items in such a unit or copying data into this unit. Number Allows you to enter the number to be used as a segment in item naming conventions in the current <Unit>. The number must be unique within the current node of the parent level. You do not have to define the unit number if you plan to define naming conventions without using the <Unit> number segment. However, you must define the number if you want to copy data from another <Unit> even if in the source <Unit> naming conventions do not include the number segment. Special characters are not allowed, as they may cause unexpected results when creating items in such a unit or copying data into this unit.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

If you change the number of an existing <Unit> and click OK, the software displays a prompt message in which you can click Yes to update all existing tag and loop numbers or click No to cancel the change to the <Unit> number. If you click Yes, you are then prompted to update control system tag numbers. If your instruments and loop naming conventions in the current <Unit> include the <Unit> number segment, the software updates this number automatically. When you open the current <Unit> in SmartPlant Instrumentation, you can see that all existing tag and loop numbers have been updated accordingly. The document numbers associated with instruments and loops are not updated. Note Allows you to enter a short note for the current lowest plant hierarchy level item. The maximum note length is 200 characters. Copy From Opens a dialog box where you select a source lowest plant hierarchy level item for copying data to the current item.

Custom Fields Tab (Plant Hierarchy Item Properties Dialog Box)

Enables you to define up to twenty custom field values for the current plant hierarchy item. Custom fields associated with a plant hierarchy item are regular text fields and behave as any other custom fields that are available in SmartPlant Instrumentation for specific items. For example, you can define custom field values for the current <units>, and then select the appropriate custom field value when defining item naming conventions, so that in SmartPlant Instrumentation, this field value appears as part of an item name instead of the actual name of the <unit>. Also, custom field values can appear associated with the appropriate plant hierarchy items whenever the software runs macros: In custom title blocks (macro hierarchy_udf_y_x_t for custom field headers and macro hierarchy_udf_y_x for custom field values) In CAD drawings In drawings generated using the Enhanced Report Utility. Parent hierarchy (not available for the highest plant hierarchy item) Displays the plant hierarchy string to which the current item belongs. <Current plant hierarchy item> Displays the plant hierarchy item for which you opened the Properties dialog box. Custom fields from 1 to 15 Allows you to enter up to fifty characters in each box. You can edit the definitions above the boxes using the options in the Custom Fields dialog box. The default definitions are Custom field 1, Custom field 2, and so forth. Custom fields from 16 to 20 Allows you to enter up to one hundred characters in each box. You can edit the definitions above the boxes using the options in the Custom Fields dialog box. The default definitions are Custom field 16, Custom field 17, and so forth. The software copies the custom fields (values and definitions) when copying <unit> data.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Update Statistics Dialog Box

Enables the System Administrator to improve the Oracle SQL command processing performance, especially after a large data import. During the project updating, the software executes an ANALYZE SQL command which retrieves statistical data for the tables. This statistical information is later used by the Oracle SQL Analyzer to optimize SQL command execution. To access this dialog box, with the System Administration window open, click DBA > Update Statistics. Domain Allows you to select a domain for which you want to update statistics.

User-Defined Database Views Dialog Box

Before initializing a new domain, the Domain Administrator can use this dialog box to make a list of user-defined database views to be available in a new domain. When performing domain initialization using the current domain as a source, all the user- defined database views that appear in this list are retained in the initialized domain. Data Window Displays user-defined database views that the software can copy to a target domain during the initializing process. You can select a database view for removing or click Add to allocate more database views to the data window. Add Opens the Add Database Views dialog box where you can add other user- defined database views to the list of the views that are available for domain initialization. Remove Removes a user-defined database view from the list. This action does not delete views from the database. If needed, after removing a view, you can then add it to the list again from the Add Database Views dialog box.

User (Domain Administration) Dialog Box

Enables the Domain Administrator to display a user profile defined by the System Administrator. The options in the dialog box are view-only. User Displays the name of the user selected in the Assign Users to Groups dialog box. User initials Displays the user initials (if defined). These initials are used to identify the user when this user enters revisions. The user initials appear in the By box of the Revisions dialog box. Password Displays the user password (masked). The System Administrator provides the default SmartPlant Instrumentation logon password. The users can change the default password as they require. Note Displays a note entered by the System Administrator. Department Displays a department to which the user is assigned. System Administrator Indicates whether the user has System Administrator rights. IDEAL user Indicates whether the current user is an IDEAL user. To generate reports using IDEAL, the System Administrator must define an IDEAL user for the software to make a connection between the SmartPlant Instrumentation Server and the SmartPlant Instrumentation database. You must log on to SmartPlant Instrumentation using the IDEAL user name and password to be able to set the preferences for IDEAL report generation that the software can recognize. Only one IDEAL user can be defined per domain.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

User (System Administration) Dialog Box

This dialog box allows the System Administrator to add a user to the database, modify a user profile, or remove a user from the system. After you remove a user, this individual can no longer access SmartPlant Instrumentation, however, the history and activity tracking information associated with that user remains in the database. For this reason, every user must have a name that is unique to your system. If you want to delete a user who is a System Administrator or Domain Administrator, you must first assign a different user as the System Administrator or Domain Administrator. If the System Administrator enables the use of Windows authentication logon method in a specific domain, the software can create users automatically and assign them to the appropriate user groups in that domain. User Click New or Edit and type a unique user name (if you are creating a new user profile) or select an existing user from the list (if you are editing an existing user profile). The user name can contain up to thirty characters. The software applies upper case to all alphabetic characters. You can use any combination of characters. User initials Type the user initials, if required. These initials will be used to identify the user when this user enters revisions. The user initials will appear in the By field of the Revisions dialog box. Password Type the user password (displayed masked). This is the default user password given by the System Administrator and which can be later changed by the user. A password can contain up to 15 characters (not case-sensitive). The software encrypts the password automatically. Verify new password Retype the password. Note Type a short note if needed after clicking Edit or New. To insert a carriage return, press CTRL + ENTER. Department Select a department to which the user will be assigned. System Administrator Select this check box to grant System Administrator rights to the currently selected user. IDEAL user Select this check box to define the currently selected user as an IDEAL user. When generating reports using IDEAL, you must define an IDEAL user to enable the software to make a connection between the SmartPlant Instrumentation Server and the SmartPlant Instrumentation database. You must log on to SmartPlant Instrumentation using the IDEAL user name and password to be able to set the preferences for IDEAL report generation that the software can recognize. Note that you can define one IDEAL user only per domain.

Command Buttons
Edit Allows you to edit the profile of the user you selected from the User list. New Allows you to create a new user profile. Delete Allows you to delete the user you selected from the User list. If you enabled the use of Windows authentication logon method, it is possible to remove all Windows users from SmartPlant Instrumentation if these users have been deleted from the corresponding Windows groups.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes


Wire End Naming Conventions Dialog Box ................................... 420 Wire End Naming Convention Properties Dialog Box ................... 420 Wiring Item Naming Options Dialog Box ....................................... 422

Wire End Naming Conventions Dialog Box

Displays all wire end naming conventions defined by the Domain Administrator in the current domain. Using the options in this dialog box, the Domain Administrator can perform the following management activities for wire end naming conventions: Enable or disable the use of wire end naming conventions in the Wiring module. Note that without selecting the Enable using wire end naming conventions check box, the definition of wire end naming conventions will not be possible. Access a dialog box to define a new naming convention Access a dialog box to edit existing naming convention properties Access a dialog box to duplicate existing naming convention properties Delete naming conventions To open the dialog box, with the Domain Administration window open, click Activities > Wire End Naming Conventions. Data Window Displays all wire end naming conventions defined by the Domain Administrator. Select a naming convention that you want to edit, duplicate, or delete. Enable using wire end naming conventions Enables users to assign wire end naming conventions to wires or group of wires in a particular cable.

Command Buttons
Properties Opens a dialog box where you can modify properties of a naming convention that you selected in the data window. New Opens a dialog box where you can define properties for a new naming convention. Duplicate Opens a dialog box where you can duplicate a naming convention that you selected in the data window. Delete Deletes a naming convention that you select in the data window.

Wire End Naming Convention Properties Dialog Box

Enables you to edit or duplicate existing wire end naming conventions, or define properties for a wire end naming convention. Convention Type a unique name for the convention. Description Type a convention description.

Segment definitions
Sample Shows a preview of the naming convention according to the definitions that you have made in the data window.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Total length (not available when selecting any of the check boxes under the Trim Trailing Spaces column) Represents the total value of characters in the naming convention segments, including the separator characters. Any naming convention string can have a maximum length of 50 characters. Remove spaces from wire end names Removes spaces that appear in the naming convention, regardless of whether any check boxes are selected in the Trim Trailing Spaces column. Spaces can appear in the following cases: You used a naming convention segment that includes spaces, for example, panel name FT 0001. You increased the default length of a segment. For example, if the default segment length is 20 characters and you changed it to 30 characters, the software automatically adds the additional characters to the naming convention as trailing spaces, provided that the entire naming convention does not exceed 50 characters. For example, if you select this check box, the wire end name shown above becomes FT0001TS1.

Data Window
Sequence Represents the position of the segment in the naming convention string. You can change the sequence using the Up and Down buttons. Separator Type or modify a separator between the segments in the naming convention string. A separator can contain up to 30 characters of any kind. Segment Select a segment from the list. A segment can be ether free or can designate properties of certain wiring items. If you select a free segment as part of a naming convention, in the Wiring module, users can type any string up to the length allocated for the free segment. Start Type or modify a number to designate the starting character in the segment from which the segment value appears in the naming convention. The default value is 1, which represents the first character in the segment. If you select the Trim Trailing Spaces check box, the software resets the value to 1 and makes it view-only. Length (not available when selecting the Trim Trailing Spaces check box) Type or modify the number of characters allocated for the selected segment string in the naming convention (starting from the position defined in the Start field). When you select a segment, the software automatically displays the maximum length that can be used for the segment. If the total length exceeds the maximum permitted value of 50 characters, the software automatically truncates the number of characters in the last segment to maintain the permitted total length or displays a message if the total length of the segment has already reached the maximum value. Trim Trailing Spaces Select if you want all or part of the naming convention string to be determined by the actual name of the item that appears in the segment that you selected. For example, if you selected the segments Panel at wire end and Strip at wire end and select the check boxes in both segment rows, the software creates wire end names as follows: If the panel name is FT 0001 and strip name is TS 1, the wire end name is FT 0001TS 1.

Command Buttons
Add Adds a new row in the data window. Delete Deletes a selected row in the data window. Up and Down Change the order of the segments in the naming convention.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

Wiring Item Naming Options Dialog Box

Enables you to set naming options for wiring items in the target lowest plant hierarchy item (for example, a unit) when copying data from one lowest plant hierarchy item to another. Wiring item naming settings are not retained when you reopen the Copy Data from Source dialog box. Control system tag Names new control system tags according to target tag names. If you clear this check box, the software names new controls system tags according to source tag names. Device panel Allows you to set new names for the target device panels by selecting an option from the Like list. Like Allows you to select one of the following options for copying device panel names: Default Copies the device cables with the default names (identical with tag number names). Naming Convention Copies the device panels with the naming convention of the target <unit>. Clear this check box if you want to copy all device panels without changing the source names. In this case, the copied device panels are named according to the settings you make for copying wiring items in the Copy Data from Source dialog box. Device cable Allows you to set new names for the target device cables by selecting an option from the Like list. Like Allows you to select one of the following options for copying device cable names: Default Copies the device cables with the default names, for example, C-<TAG NUMBER>. Naming Convention Copies the device cables with the naming convention of the target <unit>. Clear this check box if you want to copy all device cables without changing the source names. The copied device cables are named according to the settings you make for copying wiring items in the Copy Data from Source dialog box. Signal name Copies signals using target tag names. If you clear this check box, the software copies signals according to the settings you make for copying wiring items in the Copy Data from Source dialog box. Wire tag Copies wire tags using target tag names. If you clear this check box, the software copies wire tags according to the settings you make for copying wiring items in the Copy Data from Source dialog box. OK Returns to the Copy Data from Source dialog box, where you can copy the <unit> data.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Zoom .............................................................................................. 423

Enables you to select the magnification level of the print preview of a generated report. You can select a pre-set magnification level or enter the exact magnification level that you require. The magnification level does not affect the report printout. Magnification Allows you to use one of the following magnification levels: 200% 100% 65% 30% Custom Allows you to enter a desired magnification level manually. The number must be between 10 and 500. OK Displays the report print preview with the magnification that you selected.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Owner Operator Domain Explorer Windows

This section contains information on the different Owner Operator Domain Explorer Windows, cable, and panel hierarchy examples.

As-Built Explorer
Displays all items available in As-Built. You use the As-Built Explorer to select items for claiming for a project you selected in the Project Activities dialog box. You can either claim specific items directly from the As-Built Explorer, or copy items to the Claim Buffer first, and then, from the Claim Buffer, claim the copied items in batch mode. The As-Built Explorer displays instrumentation items according to hierarchical structure. You can arrange the hierarchical structure of the data according to item types or according to the physical location of the items. You cannot add, edit, or delete items in the As-Built Explorer. The As-Built Explorer opens and closes together with the Claim Buffer, and the Claimed Items window. You can claim items directly from the As-Built Explorer only if the Claim Buffer is empty. The main features of the As-Built Explorer are as follows.

Search with. Refresh Filter Opens the Search dialog box where you can look for items that you want to work Updates the display of items. Allows you to filter the display of items.

View Toggles through each view of the items in the Items pane. You can click the arrow and select the desired view. Find view. Opens the Find Item dialog box where you can look for a specific item in the tree

Tree View Pane

The tree view pane shows instrumentation items organized by folders. SmartPlant Instrumentation defines standard folders in the database. You cannot move or delete these folders, nor can you add new folders. Each folder contains a particular item type, and the options available on the menus depend on the currently selected item type. Expand or collapse the hierarchy by clicking the + and - icons respectively or by double-clicking a folder.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Owner Operator Domain Explorer Windows

After you double-click the top level of your plant hierarchy, the tree view shows the folders and the next level of the plant hierarchy. You can navigate to the items that you need by doing one of the following: Expand a folder to display the items. If you cannot expand a folder, that folder is empty. Continue expanding your plant hierarchy to display the Loops and Instruments folders that contain your loop and tag numbers. To perform an action, right-click a folder or an item and then click a command. Item status indicators the software uses various icons beside items to indicate the status of items, for example an As-Built item that has been claimed for a project is marked with the indicator .

Items Pane
The Items pane displays the individual items that comprise the hierarchy of the item or the folder that you selected in the tree view. The name of the pane changes from Items to Projects, for an item selected in the tree view, when you click Claimed For. The Projects pane lists projects that already contain the item you selected. The Items pane has the following display views: List displays the individual items that comprise the hierarchy of the item or the folder that you selected in the tree view. If needed, you can claim items or copy them to the Claim Buffer directly from the List view. My List allows you to create a special view of the Items pane where you can keep items that belong to various folders in the tree view. The software retains all the items in the My List view until you remove them from that list.

Claim Buffer
You use the Claim Buffer to claim items in batch mode. The Claim Buffer contains items that you coped from the As-Built Explorer for the current project. Before copying items, the Claim Buffer only contains empty item type folders. After you copy the items, it is possible to claim all the items available in the Claim Buffer. Before claiming items, it is possible to generate a report of the items available in the Claim Buffer. When copying items to the Claim Buffer, the software applies preferences that you set in the Preferences for Scoping and Merging Data dialog box. These preferences determine how the software copies to the Claim Buffer sub-items and parent items that are associated with the items you select in the As-Built Explorer. The Claim Buffer displays items according to hierarchical structure, the way they appear in the As-Built Explorer. You can arrange the hierarchical structure of the data according to item types or according to the physical location of the items. The Claim Buffer does not show engineering data associated with instrument tags. The Claim Buffer opens and closes together with the As-Built Explorer, and the Claimed Items window. When you close the Explorer windows, the software saves the display of items in the Claim Buffer for the project you selected in the Project Activities dialog box. Items that you claim are removed from the Claim Buffer automatically. The main features of the Claim Buffer are as follows.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Owner Operator Domain Explorer Windows Toolbar

Search with. Refresh Filter Opens the Search dialog box where you can look for items that you want to work Updates the display of items. Allows you to filter the display of items.

View Toggles through each view of the items in the Items pane. You can click the arrow and select the desired view. Find view. Opens the Find Item dialog box where you can look for a specific item in the tree

Tree View Pane

The tree view pane shows instrumentation items organized by folders. SmartPlant Instrumentation defines standard folders in the database. You cannot move or delete these folders, nor can you add new folders. Each folder contains a particular item type, and the options available on the menus depend on the currently selected item type. Expand or collapse the hierarchy by clicking or icons respectively or by double-clicking a folder. After you double-click the top level of your plant hierarchy, the tree view shows the folders and the next level of the plant hierarchy. You can navigate to the items that you need by doing one of the following: Expand a folder to display the items. If you cannot expand a folder, that folder is empty. Continue expanding your plant hierarchy to display the Loops and Instruments folders that contain your loop and tag numbers that you copied from the As-Built Explorer. To perform an action, right-click the highest hierarchy node (the Claim Buffer node), and then click a command.

Items Pane
The Items pane (list view) displays the individual items that comprise the hierarchy of the item or the folder that you selected in the tree view. You cannot claim items from the list view. The Items pane has the following display views: List displays the individual items that comprise the hierarchy of the item or the folder that you selected in the tree view. My List allows you to create a special view of the Items pane where you can keep items that belong to various folders in the tree view. The software retains all the items in the My List view until you remove them from that list.

Claimed Items
Displays items that you have claimed from the current project. The displayed items are view-only. When you close the Claimed Items window, the software saves the display of items claimed during the current claim session. After you run another claim session for the same project, the software adds the claimed items to the tree view. In the Claimed Items window, the software marks items that you claimed with the indicator . You cannot delete items from the Claimed Items window.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Owner Operator Domain Explorer Windows

The software only displays those items that you have claimed for the current project. The Claimed Items window opens and closes together with the As-Built Explorer, and the Claim Buffer.

Merge Buffer
You use the Merge Buffer to merge items with As-Built in batch mode. You can merge items belonging to different types, merge the associated sub-items, and the parent items, depending on the preferences you set in the Preferences for Scoping and Merging Data dialog box. Before copying items, the Merge Buffer only contains empty item type folders. Before merging data, you can generate a report of items you copied to the Merge Buffer from the Project Explorer. The Merge Buffer contains items that you coped whether directly from a project opened in SmartPlant Instrumentation or from the project you selected on the Project Activities dialog box. When copying items to the Merge Buffer, you specify a merge action for all or selected items; the software applies the merge action to the items and also applies the preferences options that you have set. Several merge actions are available for each item. You can either change a merge action for a specific item or for all items and sub-items in batch mode, regardless of the item type. After you copy the items, it is possible to merge all the items available in the Merge Buffer. The Merge Buffer displays items according to hierarchical structure, the way they appear in the Project Explorer. You can arrange the hierarchical structure of the data according to item types or according to the physical location of the items. The Merge Buffer does not show engineering data associated with instrument tags. The Merge Buffer opens and closes together with the Project Explorer. When you close the Explorer windows, the software saves the display of items in the Merge Buffer for the project you selected in the Project Activities dialog box. Items that you merge are removed from the Merge Buffer automatically. The main features of the Merge Buffer are as follows.

Search with. Refresh Filter Opens the Search dialog box where you can look for items that you want to work Updates the display of items. Allows you to filter the display of items.

View Toggles through each view of the items in the Items pane. You can click the arrow and select the desired view. Find view. Opens the Find Item dialog box where you can look for a specific item in the tree

Tree View Pane

The tree view pane shows instrumentation items organized by folders. SmartPlant Instrumentation defines standard folders in the database. You cannot move or delete these folders, nor can you add new folders. Each folder contains a particular item type, and the options available on the menus depend on the currently selected item type.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Owner Operator Domain Explorer Windows

Expand or collapse the hierarchy by clicking the + and - icons respectively or by double-clicking a folder. After you double-click the top level of your plant hierarchy, the tree view shows the folders and the next level of the plant hierarchy. You can navigate to the items that you need by doing one of the following: Expand a folder to display the items. If you cannot expand a folder, that folder is empty. Continue expanding your plant hierarchy to display the Loops and Instruments folders that contain your loop and tag numbers that you copied from the Project Explorer. To perform an action, right-click the highest hierarchy node (the Merge Buffer node), and then click a command. Item status indicators As in the Project Explorer, the software uses various icons beside items to indicate the status of items, for example a dummy item is marked with the indicator .

Items Pane
The Items pane (list view) displays the individual items that comprise the hierarchy of the item or the folder that you selected in the tree view. You cannot merge items from the list view. The Items pane has the following display views: List displays the individual items that comprise the hierarchy of the item or the folder that you selected in the tree view. My List allows you to create a special view of the Items pane where you can keep items that belong to various folders in the tree view. The software retains all the items in the My List view until you remove them from that list.

Project Explorer
Displays all items available in the project you selected in the Project Activities dialog box. Also, the Project Explorer displays items that have been deleted from the current project but appear in As-Built. You use the Project Explorer to define items for merging with As-Built, and to assign merge actions to these items. You can either merge specific items directly from the Project Explorer, or copy items to the Merge Buffer first, and then, from the Merge Buffer, merge the copied items in batch mode. The Project Explorer displays instrumentation items according to hierarchical structure. You can arrange the hierarchical structure of the data according to item types or according to the physical location of the items. You cannot add, edit, or delete items in the Project Explorer. The Project Explorer opens and closes together with the Merge Buffer. You can merge items directly from the Project Explorer only if the Merge Buffer is empty. The main features of the Project Explorer are as follows.

Search with. Refresh Filter Opens the Search dialog box where you can look for items that you want to work Updates the display of items. Allows you to filter the display of items.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Owner Operator Domain Explorer Windows

View Toggles through each view of the items in the Items pane. You can click the arrow and select the desired view. Find view. Opens the Find Item dialog box where you can look for a specific item in the tree

Tree View Pane

The tree view pane shows instrumentation items organized by folders. SmartPlant Instrumentation defines standard folders in the database. You cannot move or delete these folders, nor can you add new folders. Each folder contains a particular item type, and the options available on the menus depend on the currently selected item type. Expand or collapse the hierarchy by clicking the + and - icons respectively or by double-clicking a folder. After you double-click the top level of your plant hierarchy, the tree view shows the folders and the next level of the plant hierarchy. You can navigate to the items that you need by doing one of the following: Expand a folder to display the items. If you cannot expand a folder, that folder is empty. Continue expanding your plant hierarchy to display the Loops and Instruments folders that contain your loop and tag numbers. To perform an action, right-click a folder or an item and then click a command. Item status indicators the software uses various icons beside items to indicate the status of items, for example a dummy item is marked with the indicator .

Items Pane
The Items pane displays the individual items that comprise the hierarchy of the item or the folder that you selected in the tree view. The Items pane has the following display views: List displays the individual items that comprise the hierarchy of the item or the folder that you selected in the tree view. If needed, you can merge items or copy them to the Merge Buffer directly from the List view. My List allows you to create a special view of the Items pane where you can keep items that belong to various folders in the tree view. The software retains all the items in the My List view until you remove them from that list.

Source Project Explorer

Displays all items available in the project you selected as a claim source. You use the Source Project Explorer to select items for claiming for a project you selected on the Project Activities dialog box. You can either claim specific items directly from the Source Project Explorer, or copy items to the Target Project Buffer first, and then, from the buffer, claim the copied items in batch mode. The Source Project Explorer displays items according to hierarchical structure. You can arrange the hierarchical structure of the data according to item types or according to the physical location of the items. The Source Project Explorer is not accessible when working in exclusive claim mode. You cannot add, edit, or delete items in the Source Project Explorer. The Source Project Explorer opens and closes together with the Target Project Buffer.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Owner Operator Domain Explorer Windows

You can claim items directly from the Source Project Explorer only if the Target Project Buffer is empty. The main features of the Source Project Explorer are as follows.

Search with. Refresh Filter Opens the Search dialog box where you can look for items that you want to work Updates the display of items. Allows you to filter the display of items.

View Toggles through each view of the items in the Items pane. You can click the arrow and select the desired view. Find view. Opens the Find Item dialog box where you can look for a specific item in the tree

Tree View Pane

The tree view pane shows instrumentation items organized by folders. SmartPlant Instrumentation defines standard folders in the database. You cannot move or delete these folders, nor can you add new folders. Each folder contains a particular item type, and the options available on the menus depend on the currently selected item type. Expand or collapse the hierarchy by clicking the + and - icons respectively or by double-clicking a folder. After you double-click the top level of your plant hierarchy, the tree view shows the folders and the next level of the plant hierarchy. You can navigate to the items that you need by doing one of the following: Expand a folder to display the items. If you cannot expand a folder, that folder is empty. Continue expanding your plant hierarchy to display the Loops and Instruments folders that contain your loop and tag numbers. To perform an action, right-click a folder or an item and then click a command. Item status indicators the software uses various icons beside items to indicate the status of items, for example an As-Built item that has been claimed for a project is marked with the indicator .

Items Pane
The Items pane displays the individual items that comprise the hierarchy of the item or the folder that you selected in the tree view. The name of the pane changes from Items to Projects when you click Claimed For, for an item selected in the tree view. The Projects pane lists projects that already contain the item you selected. The Items pane has the following display views: List displays the individual items that comprise the hierarchy of the item or the folder that you selected in the tree view. If needed, you can claim items or copy them to the Target Project Buffer directly from the List view. My List allows you to create a special view of the Items pane where you can keep items that belong to various folders in the tree view. The software retains all the items in the My List view until you remove them from that list.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Owner Operator Domain Explorer Windows

Target Project Buffer

You use the Target Project Buffer to claim items from one project to another in batch mode. The buffer contains items that you coped from the Source Project Explorer for the current project. Before copying items, the buffer only contains empty item type folders. After you copy the items, it is possible to claim all the items available in the buffer. Before claiming items, it is possible to generate a report of the items available in the buffer. When copying items to the Target Project Buffer, the software applies preferences that you set in the Preferences for Scoping and Merging Data dialog box. These preferences determine how the software copies to the buffer sub-items and parent items that are associated with the items you select in the Source Project Explorer. The Target Project Buffer displays items according to hierarchical structure, the way they appear in the Source Project Explorer. You can arrange the hierarchical structure of the data according to item types or according to the physical location of the items. The Target Project Buffer is not accessible when working in exclusive claim mode. The Target Project Buffer does not show engineering data associated with instrument tags. The Target Project Buffer opens and closes together with the Source Project Explorer. When you close the Explorer windows, the software saves the display of items in the Target Project Buffer for the project you selected on the Project Activities dialog box. Items that you claim are removed from the Target Project Buffer automatically. The main features of the Target Project Buffer are as follows.

Search with. Refresh Filter Opens the Search dialog box where you can look for items that you want to work Updates the display of items. Allows you to filter the display of items.

View Toggles through each view of the items in the Items pane. You can click the arrow and select the desired view. Find view. Opens the Find Item dialog box where you can look for a specific item in the tree

Tree View Pane

The tree view pane shows instrumentation items organized by folders. SmartPlant Instrumentation defines standard folders in the database. You cannot move or delete these folders, nor can you add new folders. Each folder contains a particular item type, and the options available on the menus depend on the currently selected item type. Expand or collapse the hierarchy by clicking the + and - icons respectively or by double-clicking a folder. After you double-click the top level of your plant hierarchy, the tree view shows the folders and the next level of the plant hierarchy. You can navigate to the items that you need by doing one of the following: Expand a folder to display the items. If you cannot expand a folder, that folder is empty.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Owner Operator Domain Explorer Windows

Continue expanding your plant hierarchy to display the Loops and Instruments folders that contain your loop and tag numbers that you copied from the Source Project Explorer. To perform an action, right-click the highest hierarchy node (the Claim Buffer node), and then click a command.

Items Pane
The Items pane (list view) displays the individual items that comprise the hierarchy of the item or the folder that you selected in the tree view. You cannot claim items from the list view. The Items pane has the following display views: List displays the individual items that comprise the hierarchy of the item or the folder that you selected in the tree view. My List allows you to create a special view of the Items pane where you can keep items that belong to various folders in the tree view. The software retains all the items in the My List view until you remove them from that list.

Item Indicators
The software uses the following icons to indicate the status of various folders and items in your project. The icons appear beside the folders and items in the tree view of an Explorer window. Icon Description An item that belongs to the current project. An item that belongs to As-Built. A dummy item. An item that does not belong to the current project or As-Built. Also, an item that belongs to As-Built and all the projects, for example, a hook-up type. Access denied. View only. An As-Built item that has been claimed for a project.

Cable Hierarchy Example

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Owner Operator Domain Explorer Windows

Panel by Category Hierarchy Example

The following examples show a number of different structures that you can create in the Panels by Category folder. Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3:

Example 4:

Example 5:


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Owner Operator Domain Explorer Windows

Panel by Location Hierarchy Example

The following is an example of a panel by location hierarchy structure:

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Owner Operator Domain Explorer Windows


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Select the letter that the term starts with, then select the term. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ A Admin schema Administrator (Domain) Administrator (System) area As-Built audit trail repository automatic block assignment method B backup repository C cable block diagram cable type dependency case claiming items conventional tag numbers custom fields custom table customized title block D default plant document item document number document numbers (default) domain domain administration Domain Administrator Domain schema dummy item E engineering company electrical tag exclusive claim mode F fully-functional item

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


G global path global revision I item item registry L link group list-type report M manual block assignment method N non-exclusive claim mode non-list-type report O owner operator P password plant PowerBuilder units Project Administrator R report title block revision (global) revision management per document revision management per item S specification title block supporting table system administration System Administrator T title block typical loop typical tag U unit V View-Only Domain schema virtual tag W wildcard Windows authentication logon method wire end naming convention workflow


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


access rights 72, 73, 74, 124, 182, 183, 184, 192, 193, 194, 195, 216 all items 193 assigning users to groups 73 common tasks 72, 183 copying 195 creating a group 73 deleting groups 73 descriptions 184 editing a group 73 overview 182 project administrators 124 removing users from groups 74 report 195, 216 specific items 192 viewing items on levels 195 workflow 194 accounting 112, 114 adding 112 associating with a domain 114 common tasks 112 deleting 112 editing 112 activity tracking 84, 85, 86 clearing data 85 common tasks 84 graph-style activity report 86 grid-style activity report 85 setting 84 add-ins exporting macros 207 importing browser views 206 importing DDP Library data for PDS 207 importing hook-up libraries 204 importing macros 208 importing system interfaces 205 overview 204 Admin schema 90 logon password encryption 90 Administration module overview 13 apostrophe in custom fields 214 As-Built 123, 125, 128, 130, 133, 134, 135, 142, 143, 147, 149, 150, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 161, 164, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171 actions for merging items 168 claiming common tasks 147 claiming documents 156 claiming from As-Built Explorer 154 claiming from buffer 153 claiming from command line 154 common tasks 125 comparing with project data 166 deleting project data 135 deleting projects 134 displaying items 149 displaying items for merging 158 item comparison options 167 items in Claim Buffer 152 making definitions 128 merging data common tasks 164 merging data overview 157 merging items from command line 171 merging items from Merge Buffer 170 merging items from Project Explorer 170 overview 123 preferences for claiming 150 preferences for merging 166 prerequisites for claiming documents 155 project deletion common tasks 134 rebuilding projects 133 reports of changed documents 161 reports of changed items 161 reserving tags and loops 130 scoping data overview 142 setting merge actions 169 settings and conditions for claiming 143 audit trail data 36, 82, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223 activating 82 backing up 36 common tasks 219 defining paths (MS SQL Server) 222 defining paths (Oracle) 222 defining paths (Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere) 223 external files 221 loading 220 overview 219 trimming 221

backing up a domain 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


audit trail data 36 common tasks 32 domain backup procedure 32, 37, 38, 40 from the command line 33 in Windows Vista 36 overview 31, 37, 38, 39 via Citrix 34 browsers 206, 214 defining custom fields 214 importing browser views 206 showing projects with claimed items 156 clients 112, 114 adding 114 associating with a domain 114 common tasks 112 deleting 114 editing 114 colors of displayed items 129 command line 33, 56, 154, 171 claiming items for project 154 domain backup 33 domain initialization 56 merging items 171 comparison list report generation 160 connection to database 115 list of connections 115 contractors 112, 113, 114 adding 113 associating with a domain 114 deleting 113 editing 113 conventions 105 KKS 105 copying items 158 copying items for merging 162, 163 copying all as Merge Now 162 copying all as Release Claim 163 copying as Merge Now 163 copying as Release Claim 163 selection for merging 158 custom 44 custom fields 212, 213, 214 apostrophe in browsers 214 browsers 214 copying 213 defining 212 item types 214 length 212 plant hierarchy fields 212 process data sequence numbers 213 custom tables 216 defining 216 custom title blocks 200 associating with specs 200 database views 44 description 200 PowerBuilder units 200

cable block diagrams 156 cable type dependency 81 cables 81, 139, 156, 433 claiming cable block diagrams 156 enabling cable type dependency 81 filtering 139 hierarchy in explorer windows 433 catalog tables 98, 392 INtools.ini settings 392 rebuilding 98 character set for Oracle 41, 49 database character set 49 initialization prerequisites 41 national character set 49 Citrix 34 domain backup 34 claim mode 79, 142, 143 defining 79 exclusive 142 non-exclusive 142 settings and conditions for claiming 143 claiming 79, 142, 147, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156 claim modes 142 claiming common tasks 147 copying items to Claim Buffer 151 copying items to Target Project Buffer 152 documents 156 exclusing claim mode 79 fieldbus tags 142 from another project 154 from As-Built 154 from buffer 153 from command line 154 items claimed for multuple projects 156 items in buffer 152 preferences 150 prerequisites for claiming documents 155

data comparison 160, 166, 167 comparing project data with As-Built 166


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

comparison list reports for merging 160 item comparison options 167 data copying options 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 232 all module data 230 CAD drawing blocks 230 common tasks 228 flow of activities 227 overview 226 restrictions 226 revisions 232 setting wiring naming options 232 source unit selection 228 specific data 229 database 49, 87, 92, 93, 94, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 109, 115, 223, 224, 225 database setup 15, 16, 17, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30 common tasks 27 common tasks in Oracle 17 for Oracle 15 for SQL Server 25 Oracle database clean up 23 Oracle tablespaces 16 prerequisite for rerunning on Oracle 23 prerequisite for rerunning on SQL Server 30 running for SQL server 28 SQL Server 2005 password security 28 SQL Server database clean up 30 SQL Server filegroups 26 database views 44, 96 adding for initialization 44 clearing locking common tasks 224 clearing locking in all sessions 225 clearing locking on Oracle 225 clearing locking overview 223 clearing locking per user 225 clearing session records 225 defining for logging on 94 general maintenance 93 list of database connections 115 locking mode 92 maintenance on Oracle 101 maintenance on SQL Server 99 maintenance overview 93 optimizing indexes on Oracle 102 optimizing indexes on SQL Server 101 printing filegroup information 100 rebuilding 96 rebuilding catalog tables 98 rebuilding stored procedures and triggers 97 security 87 setting locking mode 93 supported character set 49 updating Oracle statistics 103 viewing Oracle tablespaces 102 datafiles 100, 102 adding filegroups 100 adding log file for SQL Server 100 adding to tablespaces 102 adding to TEMPDB for SQL Server 100 dbeng10.exe 31 DCS hardware I/O data 206 Foxboro - I/A FBMs 206 DDP Library data for PDS 207 importing 207 default 96, 200 rebuilding default views 96 title block descriptions 200 departments 69, 70 assigning users 70 creating 69 deleting 69 departments and users common tasks 69 editing 69 dialog boxes 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 299, 300, 301, 303, 304, 305, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 326, 328, 332, 333, 335, 336, 392, 393, 394, 395, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 410, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 418, 419, 420, 422, 423 Accounting 261 Activity Tracking Report Settings (Graph) 262 Activity Tracking Report Settings (Grid) 263 Add Accounting 263 Add Client 263 Add Contractor 264 Add Database Views 264 Add Datafiles (Oracle) 265 Add Datafiles (SQL Server) 264 Admin Schema Password Encryption 273 Advanced Domain Preferences 265 Advanced Filter Definition (Cables) 266

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


Advanced Filter Definition (Loops) 267 Advanced Project Preferences 268 Area Properties 269 Assign Groups to Project 270 Assign Users to Groups 270 Back Up Domain 271, 300 Backup Repository 272 Change Password 274 Clear Activity Tracking Data 275 Clear Locking in Selected Sessions 275 Client 276 Colors 276 Comparison List 277 Comparison List Filter 278 Comparison List Report 279 Connected Users 261 Contractor 279 Copy Access Rights 283 Copy Data from Source 279 Copy Data from Source (Left Section) 280 Copy Data from Source (Lower-Right Section) 282 Copy Data from Source (Upper-Right Section) 280 Copy From 284 Copy from Project 284 Copy Naming Conventions 285 Copy Naming Conventions From 285 Copy to Projects 285 Custom Fields 286 Custom Tables 287 Customize Toolbar 287 Data Files to Delete Manually 288 Delete Invalid Domain 288 Delete Projects 289 Department 289 Domain Data and Indexes 290 Domain Tablespace Definition 299 Export Macros 300 Field Personnel Profile 301 Filegroup List 301 Filter Definition 301 Find Item 303 Generate Access Rights Report 303 Global Access Rights 304 Group 305 Import Browser Views 306 Import DCS Hardware I/O Library 308 Import DDP Library Data for PDS 308 Import Hook-Up Library 308 Import Interface Language 309 Import Macros 309 Import System Interfaces 309 Initialize (Oracle) 310 Initialize (SQL Server) 311 Initialize (Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere) 313 Items and Activities for Access Rights 314 List of Duplicate Items 315 Load Audit Trail Data 315 Log File 316 Microsoft SQL Server Connection 316 Naming Conventions 317 Open Administration Module 320 Optimize Indexes (Oracle) 320 Optimize Indexes (SQL Server) 320 Oracle Server Connection 321 Owner 322 Page Setup 322 Panel Location Levels 323 Plant Hierarchy 324 Plant Properties 326 Preferences for Scoping and Merging Data 328 Preferences Management 332 Preferences Management (General) 333 Print Options 335 Print Preview 335 Project Activities 336 Rebuild Catalog Tables 392 Rebuild Default Views in Domains 393 Rebuild Projects in Domain 393 Remove Deleted Windows Users 394 Report Management 395 Required Wiring Equipment Report 397 Reserve Project Loop Numbers 399 Reserve Project Tag Numbers 399 Reserve Tags and Loops for As-Built 398 Reserve Tags and Loops for Project 398 Scope Definition 400 Search 401 Security Options 402 Select 404, 405 Select Columns for Sorting 403 Select Columns for Viewing 403 Select Item Types for Comparison 403 Select Item Types for Reports 404 Select Logo 404 Select Source Database 405 Select Source for Claiming 406 Set Color 407


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

Source Data Connection 407 Tablespace List 410 Target Database Parameters (Oracle) 410 Target Database Parameters (SQL Server) 412 Target Unit Revisions 413 Telecom Device Panel Icons 414 To Do List 415 Trim Audit Trail Data 415 Unit Properties 416 Update Statistics 418 User (Domain Administration) 418 User (System Administration) 419 User-Definied Database Views 418 Wire End Naming Convention Properties 420 Wire End Naming Conventions 420 Wiring Item Naming Options 422 Zoom 423 disconnecting users 225 documents 155, 156, 161, 174, 177 claiming cable block diagrams 156 default document numbers 177 document number naming conventions 177 prerequisites for claiming 155 reports of changed documents 161 spaces in file names 174 Domain Administration access rights 182 access rights common tasks 72, 183 accessing Administration module 67 activities 117 add-ins overview 204 assigning a Domain Administrator 71 audit trail data common tasks 219 audit trail data overview 219 common tasks 117 copying data common tasks 228 copying data overview 226 logging on 68 managing preferences common tasks 196 managing reports common tasks 199 miscellaneous common tasks 209 naming conventions - common tasks 173 overview 117 plant design 119 preferences management overview 196 report management overview 199 selecting logo 217 switching from system administration 68 switching to system administration 68 wire end naming conventions 179 wire end naming conventions - common tasks 180 domain deletion 59, 60, 61 common tasks 59 deleting invalid domain on Oracle 61 deleting invalid domain on SQL Server 61 on Oracle 60 on SQL Server 60 on Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 60 domains 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 46, 47, 49, 51, 53, 56, 60, 63, 65, 66, 71, 78, 80, 82, 84, 96, 97, 98, 101, 197, 198, 199 activity tracking common tasks 84 assigning a Domain Administrator 71 backup 37, 38, 40 backup common tasks 32 backup from the command line 33 backup procedure 32 backup via Citrix 34 defining 80 defining domain common tasks 78 deleting 60 domain backup overview 31, 37, 38, 39 empty domain initialization in a .db file 44 empty domain initialization in Oracle 47 empty domain initialization in SQL Server 51 enabling workflow 82 exporting preferences 198 importing preferences 199 initialization common tasks 43 initialization from the command line 56 initialization in a .db file from a source 46 initialization in Oracle from a source 49 initialization in SQL Server from a source 53 initialization log files 56 initialization overview 40 initialization prerequisites 41 numeric character settings for Oracle 65 optimizing indexes on SQL Server 101 rebuilding catalog tables 98 rebuilding default views 96 rebuilding stored procedures and triggers 97

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


setting domain preferences 197 workaround for backing up in Vista 36 workaround for Grant to view Creation Error 66 workaround for initialization in Vista 63 files 174 removing spaces 174 filtering 139, 141 filtering items 138 cables 139 cross cables 139 loops according to blocks 141 Foxboro - I/A FBMs 206

encryption 90, 92 Admin schema logon password 90 all user passwords 92 examples 110, 177, 433, 434, 435 cable hierarchy 433 document number naming conventions 177 loop KKS naming convention 110 panels by category 434 panels by location 435 exclusive claim mode 79 disabling 79 enabling 79 explorer windows 135, 136, 137, 138, 142, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 432, 433 As-Built Explorer 425 Claim Buffer 426 Claimed Items 427 common tasks 136 descriptions 135 filtering items 138 finding a specific item 138 finding multiple items 137 item status indication icons 433 Merge Buffer 428 overview 135 Project Explorer 429 Source Project Explorer 430 Target Project Buffer 432 using in owner operator domain 135 using My List 142 exporting 198 exporting project data preferences 198

global path 83 specifying 83 glossary 437 Administration module 437 Grant to view Creation Error 66 groups 71, 73, 74, 75 assigning users 73 creating 73 deleting 73 editing 73 for Windows authentication 75 overview 71 removing deleted Windows users 75 removing users 74 SmartPlant Instrumentation groups 74 Windows global groups 74

hierarchy 119 hierarchy levels 120, 123 creating 120 deleting 120 deleting items 123 designing plant hierarchy 119 history 219 hook-up libraries 204 importing 204

icons 211, 433 assigning to telecom device types 211 descriptions of item indicators 433 in explorer windows 433 IDEAL user 70 importing 199, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 254 browser views 206 DCS hardware I/O library data 206 DDP Library data for PDS 207 Foxboro - I/A FBMs 206 hook-up libraries 204

field personnel 218 defining 218 fieldbus tags 142, 157 claiming 142 merging with As-Built 157 filegroups 26, 100 adding 100 filegroup descriptions 26 printing filegroup information 100


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

interface language 254 macros 208 preferences 199 system interfaces 205 indicators of items 433 initialization 40, 43, 44, 46, 47, 49, 51, 53, 56, 63 initialization prerequisites 41 for Oracle 41 for SQL Server 41 for Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 41 for Windows Vista 41 language environments 41 NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS 41 supported character set 41 initialization troubleshooting 62, 63, 65, 66 common tasks 43, 62 empty domain initialization in a .db file 44 empty domain initialization in Oracle 47 empty domain initialization in SQL Server 51 from the command line 56 Grant to view Creation Error 66 handling an initialization failure 63 in .db file from a source 46 in Oracle from a source 49 in SQL Server from a source 53 log files 56 ORA-01722 error 65 overview 40 restarting 63 restarting initialization 63 resuming 63 resuming initialization 63 user-defined database views 44 Windows Vista 63 InitLog.txt 56 integration 133, 134, 157, 235, 236, 237, 239, 240, 241, 243 common tasks 236 configuring 237 configuring SmartPlant Instrumentation 236 define IDEAL user 240 deleting projects 134 forbidden actions for projects 157 item registry overview 239 overview 235 project deletion common tasks 134 registering plants 241 requirements 243 setting project status 133 settings definitions 243 interface language 253, 254, 255, 256, 257 common tasks 254 importing 254 overview 253 prefixes and suffixes 257 replacing from database 255 replacing from file 255 translating interface text phrases 256 intools.ini file 94 [DATABASE] section 94 [PROFILES] section 94 DBMS parameter requirement 94 defining databases 94 INtools_Backup.db 31, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41 backing up a domain 31 connection problem in Windows Vista 36 prerequisites for working in backed up domain 41 INTOOLS_ENGINEER role 15, 25, 40 database setup for Oracle 15 database setup for SQL Server 25 domain initialization 40 INtoolStorage 222, 223 Oracle 222 SQL Server 222 Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 223 item display colors 129 item registry 83, 239, 240 cleaning up 240 enabling 83 overview 239 registration procedure 240 items 129, 130, 138, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 158, 160, 162, 163, 164, 166, 167, 168, 169, 184, 195, 433 access rights descriptions 184 comparison list reports for merging 160 comparison options 167 copying all as Merge Now 162 copying all as Release Claim 163 copying as Merge Now 163 copying as Release Claim 163 copying display format 130 copying for merging common tasks 162 copying to Claim Buffer 151 copying to Target Project Buffer 152 displaying As-Built items 149 displaying categories 129 displaying for merging 158

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


displaying source project items 150 filtering in explorer windows 138 merge actions 168 modifying display format 129 preferences for claiming 150 preferences for merging 166 removing from buffer 153 removing from Merge Buffer 164 selecting sub-items for merging 158 setting merge actions 169 status indication icons 433 viewing access rights levels 195 as Domain Administrator 68 as System Administrator 67 defining databases 94 groups for Windows authentication 75 ODBC profile for SQL Server 94 switching to dirrerent logon method 76 Windows authentication 74 logos 128, 217 selecting for a domain 217 selecting for projects 128 loop numbers 130, 131, 141 filtering according to blocks 141 reserved loops report 131 reserving for As-Built 130 reserving for projects 130

KKS 105, 109, 110 naming conventions 110 overview 105 requirements 109

macros 207, 208 exporting 207 importing 208 maintenance 92, 93, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103 catalog tables 98 database locking mode 92 database maintenance on Oracle 101 database maintenance on SQL Server 99 database maintenance overview 93 general database maintenance 93 optimizing indexes on Oracle 102 optimizing indexes on SQL Server 101 printing filegroup information 100 updating Oracle statistics 103 viewing Oracle tablespaces 102 merge actions 168 Merge Later 168 merge mode for Merge Now 168 Merge Now 168 Release Claim 168 merge modes 157 merging 158 merging with As-Built 79, 157, 159, 160, 161, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171 comparing project data with As-Built 166 comparison list report generation 160 data copying common tasks 162 fieldbus tags 157 from command line 171 from Merge Buffer 170 from Project Explorer 170 item and sub-item selection 158 items in Merge Buffer 161

language 253, 254, 255, 256, 257 importing interface language 254 interface language common tasks 254 interface language overview 253 prefixes and suffixes 257 replacing from database 255 replacing from file 255 translating interface text phrases 256 length 87, 172, 179, 212 custom field characters 212 naming conventions 172 passwords 87 wire end naming convention 179 locations 210 location level separators 210 location levels for panels 210 locking 92, 93, 115, 223, 224, 225 clearing - common tasks 224 clearing - overview 223 clearing in all sessions 225 clearing on Oracle 225 clearing per user 225 clearing session records 225 database connections 115 database locking mode 92 setting database locking mode 93 log files 56, 153, 170 domain backup 56 domain initialization 56 items claimed from buffer 153 merged items 170 logging on 67, 68, 74, 75, 76, 94


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

merge action descriptions 168 merge modes 157 merging data common tasks 164 overview 157 preferences 166 reports common tasks 159 reports of changed documents 161 reports of changed items 161 setting merge actions 169 without deleting from project 79 My List 142 database connections 115 database maintenance 101 datafiles 102 deleting an invalid domain 61 domain initialization from a source 49 empty domain initialization 47 modifying on Oracle 9.2 222 national character set 49 optimizing indexes 102 paths for trimming audit trail data 222 tablespaces 102 updating Oracle statistics 103 viewing tablespaces 102 owner operator domain 79, 123, 125, 126, 128, 133, 134, 135, 147, 149, 158, 164, 168 actions for merging items 168 As-Built 123 claiming common tasks 147 common tasks 125 creating 79 creating a project 126 deleting project data 135 deleting projects 134 displaying As-Built items 149 displaying project items 158 making As-Built definitions 128 merging data common tasks 164 overview 123 project deletion common tasks 134 projects 123 rebuilding projects 133 selecting a project logo 128 owners 120 defining a plant owner 120 deleting 120 editing 120

naming conventions 105, 110, 130, 172, 173, 174, 176, 177, 179, 180, 181, 182 common tasks 173 copying from another unit 177 copying to existing units 176 copying to new units 176 defining 110, 174 defining wire end naming conventions 180 deleting wire end naming conventions 182 document numbers 177 duplicating wire end naming conventions 181 enabling wire end conventions 180 examples 110 generating reports 179 item types supporting KKS 105 maximum length 172 modifying wire end naming conventions 182 overview 172 separators 110 spaces in file names 174 tag and loop reservation 130 trailing spaces 174 wire end common tasks 180 wire end naming conventions overview 179 wiring items 174 notes 218 modifying 218

panel locations 174, 210 defining levels 210 naming conventions 174 separators 210 passwords 87, 89, 90, 92 Admin schema logon password encryption 90 changing System Administrator password 89 encrypting all user passwords 92 length 87 paths 222 audit trail data in Oracle 222 audit trail data in SQL Server 222

ORA-01722 error 65 Oracle 47, 49, 61, 101, 102, 103, 115, 225 Oracle Instance Configuration File 222 clearing blocked sessions 225 database character set 49

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


plant design overview 119 plant hierarchy 119 plant hierarchy 80, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 212, 226, 242 copying data overview 226 creating levels 120 deleting items 123 deleting levels 120 designing 119 highest level items 121 intermediate level items 121 lowest level items 122 modifying custom field definitions% 212 retrieving from SmartPlant Foundation 242 separator 80 plants defining an owner 120 modernization overview 123 PowerBuilder units 200 preferences 150, 166 preferences management 196, 197, 198, 199 common tasks 196 copying project preferences 198 exporting preferences 198 for merging items with As-Built 166 for project scope 150 importing preferences 199 overview 196 setting domain preferences 197 setting project preferences 197 printer settings 218 project administrator 124 access rights 124 assigning to project 124 defining 124 project deletion 134, 135 common tasks 134 deleting empty project 134 deleting project data 135 deleting project data and schema 135 prerequisites 134 project statuses 134, 336 for project deletion 134 status descriptions 336 projects 79, 125, 126, 127, 128, 130, 131, 133, 135, 142, 143, 149, 150, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 161, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 197, 198 actions for merging items 168 assigning user groups 127 claim modes 142 claiming documents 156 claiming from buffer 153 claiming from command line 154 claiming items from another project 154 claiming items from As-Built 154 comparing data for merging 166 copying project preferences 198 creating 126 deleting project data 135 displaying As-Built items 149 displaying items for merging 158 displaying source project items 150 item comparison options 167 items claimed for multuple projects 156 items in Merge Buffer 161 making As-Built definitions 128 merging data overview 157 merging items from command line 171 merging items from Merge Buffer 170 merging items from Project Explorer 170 owner operator domain 79 owner operator domain common tasks 125 preferences for claiming 150 preferences for merging 166 prerequisites for claiming documents 155 Project schema creation 126 rebuilding 133 reports of changed documents 161 reports of changed items 161 reserving tags and loops 130 restoring 131 scoping data overview 142 selecting a logo 128 setting merge actions 169 setting project preferences 197 setting status for integration 133 settings and conditions for claiming 143 showing claimed items 156

registering 241 plant 241 reports 85, 86, 115, 131, 152, 159, 160, 161, 179, 195, 199, 200, 202, 203, 216 access rights 195, 216 archiving options 202 associating a new title block 200 changed documents 161 changed items 161


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

common tasks 199 comparison list for merging 160 domain statistics 216 generating system admin reports 115 graph-style activity report 86 grid-style activity report 85 items copied to Claim Buffer 152 items copied to Merge Buffer 161 items copied to Target Project Buffer 152 list-type reports 203 naming conventions 179 non-list-type reports 203 report management overview 199 reports for merging data common tasks 159 reserved items 131 revision management overview 199 revision management per document 203 revision management per item 203 settings for claiming documents 203 users list 216 users list per group 216 requirements 109, 243 Domain Administration 109 integrated environment 243 source database 109 System Administration 109 reservation of items 130, 131 for As-Built 130 for project 130 reserved items report 131 Reserve Project Loop Numbers Dialog Box 399 Reserve Project Tag Numbers Dialog Box 399 restoring projects 131 importing data 131 revamps 123 revisions 199, 203, 232 copying 232 per document 203 per item 203 report management overview 199 settings for claiming documents 203 claim modes 142 copying items to Claim Buffer 151 copying items to Target Project Buffer 152 exclusive claim mode 79 preferences for claiming 150 removing items from buffer 153 scoping data common tasks 147 scoping data overview 142 searching for items 137, 138 multiple items for claiming 137 multiple items for merging 137 specific item for claiming 138 specific item for merging 138 security 87, 89, 92, 93, 173, 180 changing System Administrator password 89 database locking mode 92 database security 87 encrypting all user passwords 92 setting database locking mode 93 setting security options 92 separators 80, 110, 174, 180, 210 control system tag names 174 device cable names 174 in panel location levels 210 plant hierarchy 80 wire end naming conventions 180 sessions 115, 223, 224, 225 clearing in all sessions 225 clearing locking common tasks 224 clearing locking overview 223 clearing on Oracle 225 clearing per user 225 clearing records 225 database connections 115 SmartPlant Foundation 242 SmartPlant Foundation Web Client 241 retrieving plant hierarchy 242 SmartPlant Instrumentation Server 240 define IDEAL user 240 SmartPlant integration 133, 236 configuring for 236 setting project status 133 special characters in custom fields 214 specification title blocks 80 SQL Server 39, 51, 53, 61, 66, 94, 99, 100, 115 adding datafiles to filegroups 100 adding datafiles to TEMPDB 100 audit trail data backup 39 database connections 115 database maintenance 99

Schema Component 237 schema mapping 250 naming conventions 250 scope of a project 79, 142, 147, 150, 151, 152, 153

SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide


deleting an invalid domain 61 domain initialization from a source 53 empty domain initialization 51 Grant to view Creation Error 66 ODBC profiles 94 prerequisites for defining databases 94 printing filegroup information 100 stored procedures 97 rebuilding 97 sub-items for claiming 151, 152, 153, 164 copying to Claim Buffer 151 copying to Target Project Buffer 152 removing from buffer 153 removing from Merge Buffer 164 sub-items for merging 158 automatic selection 158 manual selection 158 Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 44, 46 domain initialization from a source 46 empty domain initialization 44 System Administration 67, 68, 69, 71, 77, 78, 82, 84, 87, 89, 92, 112, 115 accessing Administration module 67 accounting/clients/contractors common tasks 112 activities 77 activity tracking common tasks 84 assigning a Domain Administrator 71 changing password 89 common tasks 77 database locking mode 92 database security 87 defining domain common tasks 78 enabling workflow 82 generating system admin reports 115 logging on 67 overview 77 switching from domain administration 68 switching to domain administration 68 users and departments common tasks 69 system interfaces 205 importing 205 reserving for projects 130 telecom device types 211 assigning icons 211 TEMPDB 100 thin client 34 domain backup 34 title blocks 80, 200 associating a new title block 200 default 200 defining for specs 80 descriptions 200 plant hierarchy name truncation 200 suitable for specs 200 toolbars 260, 295, 299 Access Rights 260 Domain Definition (System Administration) 299 Domain Definition Window (Domain Administration) 295 trailing spaces 174, 180 control system tags 174 document numbers 174 wire end names 180 wiring item names 174 triggers 97 rebuilding 97 troubleshooting initialization 62, 63, 65, 66 common tasks 62 Grant to view Creation Error 66 ORA-01722 error 65 restarting initialization 63 resuming initialization 63 Windows Vista 63

user groups 71, 124, 126, 127, 195 access rights report 195 assigning to project 127 copying from As-Built 126 overview 71 project administrators 124 user-defined database views 44 adding for initialization 44 users 69, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 115 assigning to departments 70 assigning to groups 73 creating 70 creating a group 73 database connections 115 deleting 70 editing 70 IDEAL user 70 logon options 74

tablespaces 16, 102 adding datafiles 102 tablespace descriptions 16 viewing 102 tag numbers 130, 131 reserved tags report 131 reserving for As-Built 130


SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User's Guide

removing deleted Windows users 75 removing from groups 74 switching to dirrerent logon method 76 users and departments common tasks 69 Windows authentication 74 Windows groups 75

views 44, 96 adding for initialization 44 rebuilding default views 96

windows 260, 265, 291, 295, 325, 409 Windows authentication logon method 74, 75 Access Rights 260 Administration 265 creating groups 75 Domain Administration 291 Domain Definition (Domain Administration) 291 Domain Definition (System Administration) 295 overview 74 Plant Hierarchy Explorer 325 removing deleted Windows users 75 System Administration 409 wire end naming conventions 179, 180, 181, 182 common tasks 180 defining 180 deleting 182 duplicating 181 enabling 180 modifying 182 overview 179 trailing spaces 180 wiring items 174, 210 naming convention examples 174 panel location levels 210 workflow 82, 194 access rights 194

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