Leadership Objs English

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Cummins Leadership Objective Coach and Develop Demonstrate my impact as a Leader through coaching and developing others.

Below are examples to consider when creating your own individualized objective with specific actions and measures to support this Cummins Leadership Objective.

Specific Objective
Identify an on-the-job development action for each direct report that is outside of their daily work.

Measures and Timing

Delegate project leadership, project team participation or task to each direct report that provides development outside their daily work. Identify the specific development goal of the assignment and monitor progress regularly during one-on-one meetings.

With each direct report, identify and agree on a stretch goal that will enable them to develop their leadership skills. Regularly provide support and coaching throughout the assignment.

Ensure direct reports add a stretch goal to their work plan. Discuss progress in one-on-one meetings and document in mid-year and year-end assessments. Obtain specific feedback from direct reports on helpfulness of coaching provided. Ensure coaching and development are discussed first in each one-on-one meeting. Periodically review my coaching actions with a manager or peer who can provide feedback on the appropriateness of my coaching. Obtain specific feedback on how helpful the coaching was to the persons being coached.

Schedule monthly structured one-on-one meetings with direct reports and allocate 15-30 minutes at the beginning of each meeting for coaching and development.

Select someone outside my immediate organization to mentor. Define 1-2 specific goals for longer-term development of that person. Meet regularly to discuss development opportunities, provide coaching, and review progress on the specific goals set. Include Coach and Develop as a regular item on staff meeting agendas to emphasize its importance. Frame a discussion question for each meeting. Hold team members who have direct reports accountable for coaching and developing their team members and documenting what they are doing. Discuss and agree on 1-2 areas in which to coach and develop each of my direct reports. Define and discuss effective behaviors for each area.

Have at least one mentoring discussion per quarter to assess progress on the goals set. See significant progress in the area in which I am mentoring the individual within 12 months.

At each staff meeting, allocate time for team to share how they are coaching and developing their direct reports, and offer each other feedback and suggestions. As part of my ongoing conversations with each team member, ask them to report on their progress in coaching and developing their team members and provide specific examples. Ensure objectives are added to direct reports work plans/IDPs to address each area. Conduct monthly updates to check progress. See significant improvement in at least one area for each direct report within 12 months.

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