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Project Set Date: Week commencing: 15th April 2013 Deadline: 7th June 2013 Assessment Dates: w/c 10th June 2013 This project covers the units you need to gain a Level 2 Diploma in Art and Design, potentially providing evidence for the following units: Unit 1: Contextual References in Art and Design Unit 2: 2D Visual Communication Unit 3: 3D Visual Communication Unit 4: Using Ideas to Explore, develop and Produce Art and Design Unit 5: Building Art and Design Portfolios (In Part) Unit 7: Working with Graphic Design Briefs Unit 13: Working with Visual Arts Briefs GRADING: EACH UNIT WILL BE GRADED AS A PASS, MERIT OR DISTINCTION FOR A BREAKDOWN OF THE GRADING CRITERIA SEE ATTACHED SHEETS.

MC Escher Life By The Sea


The purpose of this project is to give YOU the freedom to develop and produce a piece of work within YOUR choice of specialism.
You have been given a theme of your choice between Metamorphosis, Boundaries and Art & Words to develop a piece of work in your own chosen media. Use the workshops you have experienced so far this year and your gained skills to choose an area of art that interests you. You are to develop ideas, produce research, experiment with media and produce outcome(s) that meet your chosen theme. The outcomes you produce will be displayed in the exhibition in the summer, which the public will be invited to see. All evidence is to be logged in a sketchbook. Remember to think about your presentation. The idea of this project is to improve your grade, and in order to get the higher grades at this level, you are required to work more independently. Independence is also a skill which you will need when working in the art and design industry.


THIS PROJECT IS AVAILABLE IN LARGER FONT SIZES, ON COLOURED PAPER AND VIA THE LEVEL 2 POSTEROUS SITE: Resources: Artists work: Felix Gonzalez-Torres; Gaudi; Hundertwasser; Alighiero Boetti; Eva Hesse; Damien Hirst; Peter Doig; Michael Raedecker; Richard Long; Bill Drummond; Pablo Picasso; Banksy; Blek Le Rat; Rachel Whiteread; Marc Quinn; Grayson Perry; Sarah Lucas; Vivienne Westwood; William Morris; Yayoi Kusama; Do Ho Suh; Roy Lichtenstein; Jose Luis Corella Garcia; Bridget Riley; MC Escher; Salvador Dali; Magritte; Degas; Andy Warhol; Robert Rauschenberg; Edvard Munch; El Lissitsky; Shepard Fairey; Rodchenko Tutors art books Art materials and equipment available in DE116/DE118

Materials and resources you will need to supply Art Box Sketchbook Assessment evidence: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Visual research and artists research. Initial ideas. Artist statement. Experimental work. Developmental work Final Outcome

Glossary of terms:
conversion, transformation (alteration, change, changeover, evolution,mutation, rebirth, transfigurat ion, transfigurement,translation, transmogrification, transmutation,trans ubstantiation) outer limit (barrier, beginning, border,borderland, borderline, bounds, brink, circumference, compass, confines, edge, end,extent, extremity, frame, fr inge, frontier,hem, horizon, limits, line, margin, mark,outline, outpost, rim, side, skirt, terminal, verge)


What to do: TASK 1

Mind-Map ideas for what you could use as subject matter, what area of art interests you most and what skills and processes you have developed and learnt this year. (UNIT 4: P1 UNIT 7: P3 UNIT 13: P1) Gather visual research based on your chosen theme. (UNIT 4: P1 UNIT 7: P3 UNIT

13: P1)

Gather artist research, looking at up to four artists whose work and style most interests you. (Unit 1, P1, P2, P3)

To gain a merit: You will look at AT LEAST 3 RELEVANT artists. (Unit 4 M1, Unit 1 M1) Your artists research will show understanding of the work. (Unit 1 M2, M3) You will look at a variety of different work from artists of different times and genres. (Unit 1 M1) You will include your own opinions on your artist research. (Unit 1 M2) Your research will be relevant and from a variety of different sources. (Unit 4 M1, Unit 7 M3, Unit 13

Your presentation will be clear. (Unit 1 M3)

To gain a distinction: You will look at AT LEAST 4 RELEVANT and DIVERSE artists(Unit 4 D1, Unit 1 D1) Compare and contrast the artists work you have looked at. . (Unit 1 D2, D3) Explain any influences between the artists work. (Unit 1 D1, D2) Your artist research will support the ideas you have and link to what you choose to do. (Unit 1 D2

Unit 4 D1, Unit 7 D3, Unit 13 D1)

Your opinions will be based on the detailed research you have produced. (Unit 1) Your presentation will be imaginative.


Gather drawings, sketches and photographs based on your chosen area.

2 P1, P2)


Annotate answering the following questions about your work:

How do the drawings show the formal elements? Does it look good? Are there any formal elements you have not thought about? Would you use any more to improve your work?
(Unit 2 P3)

To gain a merit: Your drawings will show some skill and control throughout from primary and secondary sources.

(Unit 2 M1, M2)

You will show a variety of formal elements in your drawings. (Unit 2 M3) Your will explain this use of formal elements in your work. (Unit 2 M3)

To gain a distinction: Your drawings will show good skill and control. (Unit 2 D1, D2) Your presentation will be imaginative (Unit 2 D1, D2) Your ideas will be imaginative (Unit 2 D2) You will work independently (Unit 2 D1, D2) You will combine media and disciplines within your drawings (Unit 2 D1, D2) You will evaluate your use of formal elements (Unit 2 D3)


Produce up to 6 ideas of the direction you could go in for this project, explaining them on a page each. Include annotation and explanations, thumbnail sketches and samples of media. (Unit 2 P1, P2, Unit 3 P1, P2, Unit 4 P2, P3,
Unit 7 P1, P2, P4, Unit 13 P2, P3)

Choose a direction and write an artist statement Include information about the influences you have had from other artists. (Unit 1 P2. Unit 2 P2, Unit 3 P2, Unit 4 P3,
Unit 13 P3)

Start experimenting with media. Log all experimentations in your book.

P1, Unit 3 P1, Unit 4 P2, Unit 13 P2)

(Unit 2

Annotate answering the following questions about your work:

What have you done? Why have you done this? How does it relate to the artists you have looked at? Has it worked well? Why do you think this is? Is it an improvement on your previous work? How might you improve it further? What have you learned in this process which might help you develop your final piece?
(Unit 1 P2. Unit 2 P3, Unit 3 P3, Unit 4 P4, Unit 7 P5, Unit 13 P4)

To gain a merit: Your ideas will link to the artists you have looked at. These links will be noted. ( Unit 1 M2) Your drawings will show some skill and control throughout and show use of different formal elements. (Unit 2 M1, M2, Unit 3 M1, M2, Unit 4 M3, Unit 7 M1, M2, M4, Unit 13 M2) Your 3D work will show some skill and appropriate use of techniques. (Unit 3 M1, M2, Unit 4 M3, Unit

7 M1, M2, M4, Unit 13 M2)

You will present a variety of ideas, and no less than 4. (Unit 4 M2, Unit 7 M1, M2, M4, Unit 13 M2) You will use a range of techniques. (Unit 4 M2, Unit 7 M1, M2, M4, Unit 13 M2) The ideas will be compared and contrasted, discussing the use of formal elements and consistently relating the work back to the brief. (Unit 2 M3, Unit 3 M3, Unit 4 M4, Unit 7 M5, Unit 13 M4)

To gain a distinction: You will be working independently and imaginatively. ( Unit 2 D1, D2, Unit 3 D1, D2, Unit 4 D2, Unit 7
D1, D2, Unit 13 D2)

Your ideas will link CLEARLY to the artists you have looked at. These links will be discussed. ( Unit
1 D2)

Your drawings will show good skill and control throughout and you will show a variety of formal elements well. ( Unit 2 D2, Unit 3 D2, Unit 7 D1, D2, Unit 13 D2) Your 3D work will show excellent skill and appropriate use of a variety of techniques, being combined appropriately. (Unit 7 D1, D2, Unit 13 D2) You will present a large range of ideas, no less than 6. ( Unit 4 D2, D3, Unit 7 D4, Unit 13 D2) You will evaluate your ideas with their strengths and weaknesses with meeting the brief. (Unit 2 D3,
Unit 3 D3, Unit 4 D4, Unit 7 D5, Unit 13 D4)


Produce up to 9 samples of experimentation, showing progression from one idea to another. (Unit 2 P1, P2, Unit 3 P1, P2, Unit 4 P2, P3, Unit 7 P1, P2, P4, Unit 13 P2, P3) Plan out your final piece of work in your book, explaining every element of this in your book. (Unit 2 P2, Unit 3 P2, Unit 4 P3, Unit 7 P4, Unit 13 P3) Annotate answering the following questions about your work:

What have you done? Why have you done this? How does it relate to the artists you have looked at? Has it worked well? Why do you think this is? Is it an improvement on your previous work? How might you improve it further? What have you learned in this process which might help you develop your final piece?
(Unit 1 P2, Unit 2 P3, Unit 3 P3, Unit 4 P4, Unit 7 P5, Unit 13 P4)

To gain a merit: You will do at least 7 samples of experimentation. (Unit 4 M2, Unit 7 M1, M2, M4, Unit 13 M2) Your ideas will link to the artists you have looked at. These links will be noted. ( Unit 1 M2) Your drawings will show some skill and control throughout and show use of different formal elements. (Unit 2 M1, M2, Unit 3 M1, M2, Unit 4 M3, Unit 7 M1, M2, M4, Unit 13 M2) Your 3D work will show some skill and appropriate use of techniques. (Unit 3 M1, M2, Unit 4 M3, Unit

7 M1, M2, M4, Unit 13 M2)

You will combine media and techniques together effectively. (Unit 7 M1, M2, M4, Unit 13 M2) Your final idea will be effective. (Unit 2 M2, Unit 3 M2, Unit 4 M3, Unit 7 M4, Unit 13 M3) The ideas will be compared and contrasted, discussing the use of formal elements and consistently relating the work back to the brief. (Unit 2 M3, Unit 3 M3, Unit 4 M4, Unit 7 M5, Unit 13 M4)

To gain a distinction: You will make at least 9 samples of experimentation. ( Unit 4 D2, D3, Unit 7 D4, Unit 13 D2) You will be working independently and imaginatively. ( Unit 2 D1, D2, Unit 3 D1, D2, Unit 4 D2, Unit 7

D1, D2, Unit 13 D2)

Your ideas will link CLEARLY to the artists you have looked at. These links will be discussed. ( Unit
1 D2)

Your drawings will show good skill and control throughout and you will show a variety of formal elements well. ( Unit 2 D2, Unit 3 D2, Unit 7 D1, D2, Unit 13 D2) Your 3D work will show excellent skill and appropriate use of a variety of techniques, being combined appropriately. (Unit 7 D1, D2, Unit 13 D2) You will evaluate your ideas with their strengths and weaknesses with meeting the brief. (Unit 2 D3,
Unit 3 D3, Unit 4 D4, Unit 7 D5, Unit 13 D4)


Produce your final piece of work.

P2, P3)

(Unit 2 P1, Unit 3 P1, Unit 4 P3, Unit 7 P1, P2, P4, Unit 13

Evaluate your final piece of work; relating it back to the artists you have looked at. Discuss what worked well, what could be improved, where it went well or didnt, and why you think this. (Unit 1 P2, Unit 2 P3, Unit 3 P3, Unit 4 P4, Unit 7 P5, Unit 13 P4) Photograph and mount your final piece and any other work in this project that you particularly like, for your portfolio. (Unit 5 P2) Fill in justify sheet for each piece of work chosen. (Unit 5 P3)
To gain a merit: Your final outcome will show some skill and control. (Unit 2 M1, Unit 3 M1, Unit 4 M3, Unit 7 M1, M2,

M4, Unit 13 M2, M3)

It will show appropriate use of appropriate techniques. (Unit 4 M3, Unit 7 M4, Unit 13 M3) It will relate back to the artists work you have looked at. ( Unit 1 M2) Only select work that shows particular skill for your portfolio and consistently and effectively explain your choices. (Unit 5 M2, M3)

To gain a distinction: Your final piece will show consistently strong skills. (Unit 2 D1, Unit 3 D1, Unit 4 D3, Unit 7 D1, D2, D4,
Unit 13 D2, D3)

Your final piece will be unique. (Unit 2 D1, D2, Unit 3 D1,D2, Unit 4 D3, Unit 7 D1, D2, D4, Unit 13 D2,

You will have worked independently throughout. ( Unit 2 D1, D2, Unit 3 D1, D2, Unit 4 D2, Unit 7 D1,
D2, Unit 13 D2)

Independently select exciting work for your portfolio and fluently explain why you chose it. (Unit 5
D2, D3)

20th May 2013 & 27th May 2013 Independent Work Finish your final piece of work. Ensure all work is logged in your book and each page shows development from the next. Ensure your annotation is at the standard that you want it. Plan out how you hope to display your work in the exhibition and explain why. HEALTH AND SAFETY

Health and safety: Health and safety Act 1974; Elimination of risk to self and others; thinking and working safely within a studio environment; following COSHH guidance on materials and workshop practice. Record health and safety issues and rules to be followed when working in an art and design studio. Record any hazards you may encounter when working with certain materials and tools.

Art and Design Unit 1 Assessment Grid

Unit Marksheet
Unit 1 Assessment Criteria Achieve d? Comments

P1 P2 P3

M1 M2 M3

D1 D2


Unit 2 Assessment Grid

Unit Marksheet
Unit 2 Assessment Criteria Achieve d? Comments

P1 P2 P3

M1 M2 M3

D1 D2 D3

UNIT 3 Assessment Grid

Unit Marksheet
Unit 3 Assessment Criteria Achieve d? Comments

P1 P2 P3

M1 M2 M3

D1 D2 D3

Unit 4 Assessment Grid

Unit Marksheet
Unit 4 Assessment Criteria Achieve d? Comments

P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 M3 M4 D1 D2

D3 D4

Unit 5 Assessment Grid

Unit Marksheet
Unit 5 Assessment Criteria Achieve d? Comments

P1 P2 P3

M1 M2 M3

D1 D2 D3

Unit 7 Assessment Grid

Unit Marksheet
Unit 7 Assessment Criteria Achieve d? Comments

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 D1 D2 D3 D4

D5 Unit 13 Assessment Grid

Unit Marksheet
Unit 13 Assessment Criteria Achieve d? Comments

P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 M3 M4 D1 D2 D3 D4

Additional Comments

Artists Comments

Assessor Signature Artist Signature

Date Date

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