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Functional Training Plan - A

Fitness Advisory and Disclaimer

The published workouts contained in this training plan are arduous and recommended for individuals who are able bodied and physically healthy. In any sport or fitness program there is the inherent risk of injury both foreseeable and unforeseeable, the user acknowledges these risks by attempting the workouts contained in this program and releases ANIMALISTIC FITNESS and any of its members of liability from injuries sustained while participating in the aforementioned workouts. Perform these workouts at your own risk. ANIMALISTIC FITNESS assumes no responsibility for any injuries that may occur while performing any portion of this training package. Consult a physician before undergoing any new physical fitness regimen.

Copyright ANIMALISTIC FITNESS 2009-2013. Text and images may not be copied or used without the expressed written consent of the owner. All rights reserved. Additional training resources available at: Page 2

Functional Training Plan - A

How The ANIMALISTIC FITNESS Program works: 8-week program consisting of 22 cardiovascular training workouts and 25 total body, functional strength and conditioning workouts each programmed using proven strategies and techniques necessary in developing the entire body 8-week program separated into four 2-week training stages or Functional Training Plans A, B, C, and D. Follow the 2-week schedule below (also included in each subsequent training plan). The schedule will tell you what the workout is for the day. For example, Day 1 of Week 1 calls for the Performance Evaluation, Day 2 of Week 1 calls for a cardio workout, which is explained in detail on the schedule, etc. for all four Functional Training Plans (8 weeks) of the program. The only workouts explained in detail on the schedule are the cardio workouts. The total body functional strength and conditioning workouts are explained in detail further into the program each week. These workouts were programmed to gradually increase in difficulty and volume from week to week. The schedule may call for two workouts to be performed in a given day. These workouts are separated by a + sign on the schedule. It is recommended that you perform the two workouts at separate times throughout the day (i.e. one in the A.M and the other in the P.M.) but ultimately it is up to you. Perform a warm-up routine before you begin the strength and conditioning workout for the day (the cardio workouts have a warm-up programmed into them).

Copyright ANIMALISTIC FITNESS 2009-2013. Text and images may not be copied or used without the expressed written consent of the owner. All rights reserved. Additional training resources available at: Page 3

Functional Training Plan - A

The purpose of a good warm-up is to raise your bodys core temperature and to prepare the muscles in your body and your mind for the workout ahead. You can accomplish this by running, jumping rope, performing Jumping Jacks, High Knees, biking, Squat Thrusts, Body Builders, or a combination of the previous etc. for a brief 5-10 minute time period. The goal of your warm-up is to break a light sweat. The cardio training workouts in this fitness plan already include a proper warm-up, however, be sure to perform a proper warm-up prior to your scheduled functional strength and conditioning workout for the day as well. It is not necessary or recommended to perform static stretches before a workout unless you are stretching tight and over active muscles. In this case, hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds.

Copyright ANIMALISTIC FITNESS 2009-2013. Text and images may not be copied or used without the expressed written consent of the owner. All rights reserved. Additional training resources available at: Page 4

Functional Training Plan - A

Cardio Training
The preferred method of cardio training for all ANIMALISTIC FITNESS programs is running. Running not only burns more calories than most other forms of cardio training, but it is also a method of functional fitness that can be performed anywhere at anytime. Running also strengthens the bones of your lower extremities and develops cardiovascular power and endurance that transfers over to most areas of everyday life. There are a few negative aspects to running that should be considered. Running is not necessarily the preferred method of cardio training for beginners. Most beginners may not be able to begin their cardio training with running due to being overweight or injured. Running places a lot of stress on your bones, particularly your legs, hips, knees, and the bones of your feet because it is a high impact activity. The heavier you are, the more stress that will be placed on your lower body. Even if you choose not to run, DO NOT neglect the importance of performing cardiovascular training on a consistent basis. The heart is the most important muscle in your body and therefor should be trained accordingly.

Running Intensity Scale

Level 1 Standing Level 2 Walking at a leisurely effort Level 3 Walking at a comfortable effort Level 4 Walking at a brisk pace Level 5 Running at an easy effort or pace that is sustainable for long durations Level 6 Running at a comfortable effort or pace for the prescribed distance or time period Level 7 Running at a challenging effort or pace for the prescribed distance or time period Level 8 Running at a hard effort or pace for the prescribed distance or time period Level 9 Running at an effort or pace that is barely sustainable for the prescribed distance or time period Level 10 Running at an all out 100% sprint effort that cannot be maintained for long distances or time period

Important Note For Cardio Training

All of the Cardio Training Workouts in this program are structured in such a way as to allow for any mode of cardiovascular exercise. We strongly recommend running, but you may choose to substitute biking, cycling, rowing, using an elliptical machine, a versa climber machine, etc. in place of running as you see fit. The important thing is that you DO perform the Cardio Training Workouts in this program for maximum results. Copyright ANIMALISTIC FITNESS 2009-2013. Text and images may not be copied or used without the expressed written consent of the owner. All rights reserved. Additional training resources available at: Page 5

Functional Training Plan - A

Cardio Intensity Scale

Level 1 N/A Level 2 N/A Level 3 N/A Level 4 Leisurely effort Level 5 Easy effort that is sustainable for long durations Level 6 Comfortable effort for the prescribed time period Level 7 Challenging effort for the prescribed time period Level 8 Hard effort for the prescribed time period Level 9 Effort that is barely sustainable for the prescribed time period Level 10 All out 100% sprint effort that cannot be maintained for long time period

Copyright ANIMALISTIC FITNESS 2009-2013. Text and images may not be copied or used without the expressed written consent of the owner. All rights reserved. Additional training resources available at: Page 6

Functional Training Plan - A

Day 1 Performance Evaluation

Day 2 Cardio Workout

Day 3 Total Body Workout 1

Workout description detailed below

Warm-up / Cool down: 5:00 @ a LEVEL 5 effort Interval Workout: 1:00 @ a LEVEL 8 effort + 4:00 @ a LEVEL 5 effort Repeat for 20:00 (4 repeats)

Workout description detailed below


Day 4 Cardio Workout

Day 5 Total Body Workout 2 SPECIAL NOTES

Warm-up / Cool down: 5:00 @ an LEVEL 5 effort Workout: 20:00 for distance, calories, elevation, etc.* * Keep track to gauge your progress.

Workout description detailed below

1) Hydrate and eat well (drink plenty of water and eat nutrient dense foods) 2) Use Foam roller for muscular rejuvenation + focus on tight and overactive muscle groups 3) Stretch muscles throughout body (hold each stretch for minimum 30 seconds). 4) Stretch tight muscle groups multiple times throughout the day 5) Get a good nights rest. Sleep 7-9 hours if possible.

Copyright ANIMALISTIC FITNESS 2009-2013. Text and images may not be copied or used without the expressed written consent of the owner. All rights reserved. Additional training resources available at: Page 7

Functional Training Plan - A

To give you an opportunity to see your progress and the development of your athletic fitness, take this fitness evaluation and record your scores, then do so again at a later date to compare your results.

Perform as many reps as possible in 1:00 of: Tricep Push-ups
Rest 1:00

Pre-Training Score

Post-Training Score

Perform as many reps as possible in 1:00 of: V-ups

Rest 1:00

Perform as many reps as possible in one set of: Pull-ups

Rest 1:00

Perform as many reps as possible in 1:00 of: Squat Jumps

Rest 1:00

Hold as long as possible (up to 3:00) Front Plank Position

Rest 30 seconds

Hold as long as possible (up to 3:00) Side Plank (right) Position

Rest 30 seconds

Hold as long as possible (up to 3:00) Side Plank (left) Position

Rest 30 seconds

Hold as long as possible (up to 3:00) Reverse Plank Position

Rest 2:00

Perform as many reps as possible in 2:00 of: Burpees

Copyright ANIMALISTIC FITNESS 2009-2013. Text and images may not be copied or used without the expressed written consent of the owner. All rights reserved. Additional training resources available at: Page 8

Functional Training Plan - A


1) SUPERSET x 7 Tricep Push-ups-15 V-ups-15 Rest up to 1:00 2) SUPERSET x 7 Pull-ups-7 Squat Jumps-15 Rest up to 1:00 NOTE: Perform all of the reps for each exercise before moving onto the next exercise. Rest up to 1:00 after each superset means that you do not have to rest the full 1-minute, just do not rest any longer than 1 minute.

Copyright ANIMALISTIC FITNESS 2009-2013. Text and images may not be copied or used without the expressed written consent of the owner. All rights reserved. Additional training resources available at: Page 9

Functional Training Plan - A


MULTI SETS 1) Walking Lunges (each leg)-2 x 20 (sets x reps) Rest up to 1:00 between sets 2) Decline Shoulder Push-ups-4 x 10 Rest up to 1:00 between sets 3) Inverted Rows (feet elevated)-5 x 8 Rest up to 1:00 between sets NOTE: Perform all of the reps in each set before moving onto the prescribed rest period. Perform all of the sets for each exercise before moving onto the next exercise. 4) CIRCUIT x 2 Tricep Push-ups-Max reps in 1:00 V-ups-Max reps in 1:00 Pull-ups-Max reps in 1:00 Squat Jumps-Max reps in 1:00 Rest 1:00 NOTE: Perform as many clean and perfect reps as possible in the prescribed time period without going to muscle failure. Use the entire time allotted to accumulate as many reps as possible for each exercise. Minimal rest between exercises and 1-minute rest after each complete circuit. 5) COMPLEX x 2 Front Plank-1:00 Side Plank (right)-1:00 Side Plank (left)-1:00 Reverse Plank-1:00

Copyright ANIMALISTIC FITNESS 2009-2013. Text and images may not be copied or used without the expressed written consent of the owner. All rights reserved. Additional training resources available at: Page 10

Functional Training Plan - A

Day 1 Cardio Workout

Day 2 Total Body Workout 3

Day 3 Cardio Workout

Warm-up / Cool down: 5:00 @ an LEVEL 5 effort Interval Workout: 1:00 @ a LEVEL 8 effort + 4:00 @ a LEVEL 5 effort Repeat for 20:00 (4 repeats)

Workout description detailed below

Active Recovery: 20:00 @ a LEVEL 5 effort

Day 4 Total Body Workout 4

Day 5 Cardio Workout SPECIAL NOTES

Workout description detailed below

Warm-up / Cool down: 5:00 @ a LEVEL 5 effort Workout: 20:00 @ a LEVEL 6-7 effort

1) Hydrate and eat well (drink plenty of water and eat nutrient dense foods) 2) Use Foam roller for muscular rejuvenation + focus on tight and overactive muscle groups 3) Stretch muscles throughout body (hold each stretch for minimum 30 seconds). 4) Stretch tight muscle groups multiple times throughout the day 5) Get a good nights rest. Sleep 7-9 hours if possible.

Copyright ANIMALISTIC FITNESS 2009-2013. Text and images may not be copied or used without the expressed written consent of the owner. All rights reserved. Additional training resources available at: Page 11

Functional Training Plan - A


1) CIRCUIT x 4 Decline Shoulder Push-ups-10 Bar Dips-15 Pull-ups-6 Inverted Rows (feet elevated)-6 Walking Lunges (each leg)-10 Goblin Squats-15 2) CIRCUIT x 2 Sit-ups-20 Reverse Crunches-20 V-ups-20 Atomic Sit-ups-20 Med Ball Mad Russian Twists (each side)-10* Lower Back Hyperextensions (side to side)-10 Hamstring Curls-10 Burpees-10, 8, 6, 4, 2 reps** NOTE: Perform all of the reps for each exercise before moving onto the next exercise. * Use a med ball or weighted object of at least 10lbs. ** Rest up to 30 seconds between sets in the ladder.

Copyright ANIMALISTIC FITNESS 2009-2013. Text and images may not be copied or used without the expressed written consent of the owner. All rights reserved. Additional training resources available at: Page 12

Functional Training Plan - A


TIMED SETS 1) Tricep Push-ups-Max reps in 2:00 Rest 2:00 2) V-ups-Max reps in 2:00 Rest 2:00 3) Pull-ups-Max reps in 2:00 Rest 2:00 4) Squat Jumps-Max reps in 2:00 NOTE: Perform as many clean and perfect reps as possible in the prescribed time period without going to muscle failure. Use the entire time allotted to accumulate as many reps as possible for each exercise. 5) SUPERSET x 10 Bar Dips-10 Atomic Sit-ups-10 LADDERS 6) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 reps of: Chin-ups Walking Lunges (each leg) NOTE: Perform all of the reps for each exercise before moving onto the next exercise.

Copyright ANIMALISTIC FITNESS 2009-2013. Text and images may not be copied or used without the expressed written consent of the owner. All rights reserved. Additional training resources available at: Page 13

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