Koo Wei Wen 5S3

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A very popular social networking website taking on the community of people globally.

Facebook is now a days very popular among the people due to its features which help then connect to their know one's. Its not only the matter of know one's people on facebook are trying to explore the world by meeting new people. As the facebook has gained much popularity it is also been used as an publicity system as it allows its user to make ad campaigns and make their own communities. Thus, summing up the whole we can tabulate following advantages and disadvantages of Facebook Facebook is free and it's one of the best medium for communication. With the help of Facebook,you can connect to different people from anywhere in the world because almost every people around the world use Facebook . This gives us the opportunity to know more about their custom and tradition,culture, religion etc. Facebook is best for finding Old friends. When a friend goes away to any other place, we often don't get the chance to communicate with him or her. But now Facebook gives us the opportunity to communicate with our Old friend very easily without any cost. Talking about Facebook advantages for business, its one of the largest site in the world where we are allowed to connect to everyone. Anyone, can take advantage of Facebook to maintain a good relationship with others, who identify with certain tastes or products. This is very important, because later you can sell a product or promote products or services, thus increasing the possibilities of making money on the Internet. Facebook allows the establishment of partnerships between various projects. Moreover, using a Facebook fan page, you can increase your brand value and social media presence for your business. Facebook, helps you to find new leads and client, if you use it properly. One of the major concern and disadvantage of the Facebook is to do with Facebook privacy. In the past, it has created many buzz due to sudden changes in Fb privacy settings but now Facebook has simplified its privacy setting. Due to ignorance and lack of understanding of Facebook privacy feature, people make many mistakes. Another situation to consider has to do with the availability of information too personal, whether in video, pictures or text. Never give out too much personal information. As throughout the Internet, we should bear in mind the privacy of your personal data, because after they are placed online lose your control. Facebook is full of fake profiles of girls and guys. You will find tons of fake Facebook profile with beautiful profile picture of a girl. There is no limit to such profile, and most of them are created by stalkers or by marketers to gain more

friends and use it for their marketing purposes. There are many ways by which you can find a Fake Facebook profile, which we will cover in upcoming article. So from the above statement it is clear that Facebook has many disadvantages and could be dangerous as well. Every Facebook users should use Facebook carefully to minimize the effect of these disadvantages.

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