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Peter Brown, Assistant Director, Quinnipiac University Polling Institute (203) 535-6203 Rubenstein Associates, Inc.

Public Relations Contact: Pat Smith (212) 843-8026


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has a huge lead over other potential 2016 candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination, and if she doesnt run Vice President Joseph Biden has almost as large a lead on the rest of the field, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today. Ms. Clinton would get 65 percent of Democratic votes compared to 13 percent for Vice President Joe Biden, 4 percent for New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and 1 percent or less for Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, Maryland Gov. Martin OMalley and Virginia Sen. Mark Warner, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll finds. If Clinton is not in the race, Biden would get 45 percent, with 15 percent for Gov. Cuomo, 6 percent for, Gov. Patrick, 3 percent OMalley and 2 percent for Warner. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has a rock-solid hold on the hearts of Democratic voters at this point, said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute. If she decides not to run, Vice President Joseph Biden does almost as well as she does against the rest of the field. There is a long way to go until 2016, but none of the other younger potential candidates for the Democratic nomination currently has anything approaching widespread support from party voters. American voters are more likely to support the death penalty for terrorists than they are for ordinary murderers. Asked whether they favored the death penalty or life in prison without parole for people convicted of murder, voters choose the death penalty 48 43 percent. These same voters favor the death penalty 63 32 percent for someone convicted of murder during an act of terrorism. Asked specifically about the alleged Boston Marathon bomber, voters favor the death penalty 59 36 percent if he is convicted. -more-

Quinnipiac University Poll/May 2, 2013 page 2 Voters favor putting alleged terrorists on trial by a military court rather than a civilian court by 58 30 percent. Only 35 percent of voters say the American criminal justice system is capable of dealing with terrorism, while 53 percent say the system allows terrorist suspects too many rights. But 76 percent of voters dont know whether civilian courts or military courts have achieved more convictions of terrorists. Immigration Reform There is a drop in support for allowing illegal immigrants a path to citizenship: 52 percent today, compared to 59 percent in an April 4 Quinnipiac University poll and the lowest level of support so far. Illegal immigrants should be required to leave, 30 percent of voters say, up from 25 percent four weeks ago. Creating a path to citizenship for illegal aliens would increase the likelihood of terrorism, 22 percent of voters say, while 66 percent say it will not make a difference. And 23 percent of voters say that the Boston bombing has changed their mind on whether there should be a path to citizenship for such immigrants. Internet Sales Tax Voters oppose 56 37 percent levying state sales taxes on internet purchases. Voters over 65 years old favor taxing internet sales 49 37 percent and Democrats are divided 46 45 percent. Every other group is opposed. A total of 71 percent of American voters say they are either dissatisfied or angry over the U.S. Senate rejection of expanded background checks for gun buyers. While 17 percent want President Barack Obama to continue pushing for background checks, 30 percent want him to move on to other issues and 51 percent, want him to do both. From April 25 29, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,471 registered voters with a margin of error of +/- 2.6 percentage points. Live interviewers call land lines and cell phones. The survey includes 650 Democrats with a margin of error of +/- 3.8 percent. The Quinnipiac University Poll, directed by Douglas Schwartz, Ph.D., conducts public opinion surveys in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, Ohio, Virginia and the nation as a public service and for research. For more information, visit, call (203) 582-5201, or follow us on Twitter.

2. (If Democrat or Democratic Leaner) If the Democratic primary for President were being held today, and the candidates were: Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Andrew Cuomo, Deval Patrick, Mark Warner and Martin O'Malley, for whom would you vote? DEMOCRATS/DEMOCRATIC LEANERS Tot Clinton Biden Cuomo Patrick Warner O'Malley SMONE ELSE(VOL) WLDN'T VOTE(VOL) DK/NA 65% 13 4 1 1 1 1 14 Men 66% 14 6 1 1 1 1 9 Wom 65% 12 2 1 1 1 18

REGION................... NEast MWest South West Clinton Biden Cuomo Patrick Warner O'Malley SMONE ELSE(VOL) WLDN'T VOTE(VOL) DK/NA 70% 11 7 1 11 59% 20 3 3 1 2 13 68% 12 2 1 2 1 15 62% 11 4 1 4 17

2a. (If voting for Clinton q2) Who is your second choice? (* q2 Recalculated primary vote without Clinton using second choice question) DEMOCRATS/DEMOCRATIC LEANERS WITHOUT CLINTON Tot Men Wom Biden Cuomo Patrick Warner O'Malley SMONE ELSE(VOL) WLDN'T VOTE(VOL) DK/NA 45% 15 6 2 3 1 2 26 50% 18 5 1 4 1 1 19 41% 14 7 2 2 1 2 31

REGION................... NEast MWest South West Biden Cuomo Patrick Warner O'Malley SMONE ELSE(VOL) WLDN'T VOTE(VOL) DK/NA 34% 29 10 2 1 2 21 52% 11 4 1 2 28 53% 9 5 4 4 1 2 23 37% 16 5 2 4 3 32

7. What do you think is the most important problem facing the country today? Tot Economy Total 36% Unemployment/Jobs 18 Economy general 15 Cost of living 1 Business leaving/Outsourcng 1 Economy other 1 Budget Total Budget deficits Gov too big/Gov spending Budget general Budget priorities Budget/Service cuts Budget other 13% 6 3 2 1 1 Men 36% 19 15 1 1 17% 8 4 3 1 1 12% 3 2 1 1 5 3% 2 1 3% 2 1 3% 3% 2% 1 1 1 1% 1 2% 1 1 2% Wom 36% 17 16 1 1 1 9% 4 1 1 1 1 1 9% 3 2 1 3 7% 6 1 3% 2 1 3% 3% 3% 1 1 1 3% 3% 2 1 1% 1 1 1%

Politicians/Campaigns Total 10% Bipartisan/Compromise 3 Politicians/Campaigns genrl 2 Obama administration 1 Political corruption 1 Politicians/Campaigns other 3 Healthcare Total Healthcare/Costs/Ins/HMO's Healthcare other Terrorism Total Terrorism general Security/Safety Immigration Gun control Foreign Affairs/Policy Total Foreign affairs/Policy gen Military issues Priorities home, not abroad Crime/Violence general Education Total Education general Funding education War total War general War other Lack of ethics/Morality 5% 4 1 3% 2 1 3% 3% 3% 1 1 1 2% 3% 2 1 2% 1 1 2%


7. (contd) What do you think is the most important problem facing the country today? Taxes general Lack of religion Class inequality Family breakdown/Family value Poverty/Homeless Environment/Pollution Senior issues Energy crisis/Gas prices Welfare Other DK/NA 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 5% 3% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 6% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 4% 5%

24. Would you describe the state of the nation's economy these days as excellent, good, not so good, or poor? (* Hispanic subgroup size less than 75, additional caution should be taken when interpreting findings of this group because of the large margin of error) Tot Excellent Good Not so good Poor DK/NA 17 45 36 1 Rep 9 38 53 Dem 1% 30 51 17 2 Ind 13 47 40 1 Men 18 44 37 1 Wom 17 47 35 1 Wht 16 44 39 1 Blk 1% 22 52 19 6 Hsp* 2% 18 48 31 1 Mltry HsHld 13 42 44 1

WHITE.............................................. COLLEGE DEG BornAgnEv Yes No Prot Cath Men Wom Yes No Excellent Good Not so good Poor DK/NA 20 48 31 1 15 42 43 13 41 45 1 17 45 38 18 44 38 1 15 44 40 1 13 36 50 14 45 40 -

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Excellent Good Not so good Poor DK/NA 20 47 31 1 1% 16 44 38 1

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 1% 17 42 39 1 14 54 30 1 22 45 32 1

AGE IN YRS.............. 18-29 30-44 45-64 65+ 22 53 25 15 48 36 2 1% 18 42 39 1% 15 42 40 2

TREND: Would you describe the state of the nation's economy these days as excellent, good, not so good, or poor? EXLNT+GOOD.... High Low Dec 10 Mar 04 2003 2009 3 37 42 16 1 3 28 68 -

May 02 2013 Excellent Good Not so good Poor DK/NA 17 45 36 1

Feb 11 2013 1 19 41 38 -

Jul 12 2012 1 13 45 41 1

Feb 23 2012 1 13 43 43 1

Oct 06 2011 6 38 55 -

25. Do you think the nation's economy is getting better, getting worse, or staying about the same? Tot Better Worse The same DK/NA 32% 24 43 1 Rep 12% 35 51 1 Dem 54% 11 34 1 Ind 29% 27 44 1 Men 33% 22 43 1 Wom 32% 26 42 1 Wht 30% 26 43 Blk 41% 17 39 3 Hsp* 35% 20 42 4 Mltry HsHld 27% 29 43 1

WHITE.............................................. COLLEGE DEG BornAgnEv Yes No Prot Cath Men Wom Yes No Better Worse The same DK/NA 38% 21 40 1 26% 28 45 24% 31 45 31% 23 45 1 32% 22 45 1 29% 29 42 15% 35 50 31% 26 42 -

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Better Worse The same DK/NA 39% 20 41 1 29% 26 44 1

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 30% 27 43 1 35% 21 43 1 39% 17 44 -

AGE IN YRS.............. 18-29 30-44 45-64 65+ 34% 19 46 2 33% 25 41 1 32% 24 44 31% 26 41 2

TREND: Do you think the nation's economy is getting better, getting worse, or staying about the same? (* Low also 11% Sep 2011) BETTER........ High Low Jan 18 Oct 06 2011 2011* 36 20 43 2 11 44 44 1

May 02 2013 Better Worse The same DK/NA 32 24 43 1

Feb 11 2013 34 28 37 1

Feb 23 2012 35 26 38 1

Oct 06 2011 11 44 44 1

Sep 01 2011 11 49 39 1

26. Would you say that you are better off or worse off financially than you were a year ago? Tot Better off Worse off SAME(VOL) DK/NA 36% 41 22 1 Rep 19% 56 24 1 Dem 53% 24 22 1 Ind 35% 44 20 1 Men 38% 41 19 2 Wom 34% 41 24 1 Wht 31% 45 23 1 Blk 58% 26 16 1 Hsp* 47% 33 17 3 Mltry HsHld 29% 46 23 2

WHITE.............................................. COLLEGE DEG BornAgnEv Yes No Prot Cath Men Wom Yes No Better off Worse off SAME(VOL) DK/NA 38% 40 21 1 28% 47 24 1 28% 46 25 1 33% 46 20 1 34% 43 22 1 30% 46 24 1 22% 51 26 1 33% 45 21 1

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Better off Worse off SAME(VOL) DK/NA 41% 38 21 1 34% 43 22 1

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 33% 45 21 1 38% 38 22 2 49% 29 22 -

AGE IN YRS.............. 18-29 30-44 45-64 65+ 52% 32 14 2 42% 45 12 1 32% 43 24 1 22% 39 38 1

TREND: Would you say that you are better off or worse off financially than you were a year ago? May 02 2013 Better off Worse off SAME(VOL) DK/NA 36 41 22 1 Nov 13 2008 27 50 22 1 May 05 2004 43 34 22 1 Dec 10 2003 43 36 20 1 Feb 04 2003 36 38 25 1 Nov 13 2002 38 39 22 1

27. Do you think items and services purchased on the internet should be subject to state sales taxes or not? Tot Yes No DK/NA 37% 56 8 Rep 33% 61 6 Dem 46% 45 9 Ind 33% 60 7 Men 38% 55 7 Wom 36% 56 9 Wht 37% 56 7 Blk 37% 52 11 Hsp* 45% 48 7 Mltry HsHld 38% 56 7

WHITE.............................................. COLLEGE DEG BornAgnEv Yes No Prot Cath Men Wom Yes No Yes No DK/NA 40% 52 8 35% 58 7 35% 57 8 37% 55 8 37% 57 6 36% 55 9 34% 57 9 36% 57 7

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Yes No DK/NA 38% 55 7 36% 56 8

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 38% 54 8 33% 62 5 40% 55 5

AGE IN YRS.............. 18-29 30-44 45-64 65+ 29% 68 3 30% 64 6 39% 55 7 49% 37 15

28. Which punishment do you prefer for people convicted of murder; the death penalty or life in prison with no chance of parole? Tot Death penalty Life/no parole DK/NA 48% 43 9 Rep 65% 27 8 Dem 35% 60 5 Ind 47% 42 11 Men 53% 38 9 Wom 43% 49 9 Wht 51% 40 9 Blk 32% 61 7 Hsp* 39% 55 6 Mltry HsHld 61% 31 9

WHITE.............................................. COLLEGE DEG BornAgnEv Yes No Prot Cath Men Wom Yes No Death penalty Life/no parole DK/NA 41% 49 10 56% 35 8 56% 36 8 54% 33 12 56% 36 8 48% 43 10 59% 33 8 52% 38 10

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Death penalty Life/no parole DK/NA 42% 48 10 50% 41 8

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 45% 47 8 54% 38 8 50% 41 9

AGE IN YRS.............. 18-29 30-44 45-64 65+ 38% 54 9 51% 42 8 52% 40 8 46% 44 10

TREND: Which punishment do you prefer for people convicted of murder; the death penalty or life in prison with no chance of parole? May 02 2013 Death penalty Life/no parole DK/NA 48 43 9 Jul 17 2008 47 44 9 Dec 15 2004 42 46 12

29. Would you support or oppose a law requiring background checks on people buying guns at gun shows or online? Do you feel that way strongly or somewhat? Tot Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly DK/NA support support oppose oppose 69% 14 4 9 3 Rep 52% 22 9 13 5 Dem 87% 6 1 4 2 Ind 69% 16 3 9 3 Men 59% 15 7 15 4 Wom 78% 13 2 4 3 Wht 68% 15 4 9 4 Blk 80% 6 3 8 3 Hsp* 73% 13 5 7 2

REGION................... NEast MWest South West Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly DK/NA support support oppose oppose 78% 12 3 4 4 68% 12 3 12 4 68% 14 7 10 2 64% 17 4 10 5

DENSITY............ HvKids Gun Urban Suburb Rural <18 HsHld 73% 12 3 9 3 70% 15 5 7 2 62% 16 5 12 5 70% 14 4 8 3 62% 16 6 12 4

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly DK/NA support support oppose oppose 73% 14 4 8 1 68% 14 5 10 4

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 72% 12 3 8 3 65% 16 6 11 2 73% 15 4 6 2

AGE IN YRS.............. 18-29 30-44 45-64 65+ 69% 13 3 10 5 71% 13 5 9 2 71% 14 3 8 4 66% 14 7 9 4

30. As you may know, the Senate rejected a proposal to require background checks on people buying guns at gun shows or online. Which of the following best describes how you feel about the Senate rejecting this proposal; enthusiastic, satisfied, dissatisfied or angry? Tot Enthusiastic Satisfied Dissatisfied Angry DK/NA 5% 21 38 33 3 Rep 10% 37 35 16 2 Dem 1% 6 38 52 3 Ind 6% 21 41 30 2 Men 8% 27 36 26 3 Wom 3% 16 40 39 2 Wht 6% 23 37 32 3 Blk 11 46 39 3 Hsp* 3% 16 43 36 2

REGION................... NEast MWest South West Enthusiastic Satisfied Dissatisfied Angry DK/NA 2% 19 33 43 4 8% 19 41 30 3 4% 23 41 29 2 7% 23 34 33 2

DENSITY............ HvKids Gun Urban Suburb Rural <18 HsHld 4% 18 43 33 3 5% 21 33 39 2 7% 26 38 25 4 6% 21 37 34 2 7% 30 38 23 3

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Enthusiastic Satisfied Dissatisfied Angry DK/NA 6% 20 32 40 2 5% 22 41 29 3

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 4% 19 44 31 2 7% 21 33 36 2 5% 23 32 38 2

AGE IN YRS.............. 18-29 30-44 45-64 65+ 4% 17 47 29 3 7% 23 35 33 1 5% 22 36 35 2 4% 21 38 32 4

31. Do you think President Obama should continue to pursue a law that would require background checks on people buying guns at gun shows or online, or should he move on to other issues, or should he do both? Tot Pursue law Move on Both DK/NA 17% 30 51 1 Rep 9% 52 38 1 Dem 27% 7 65 1 Ind 16% 34 50 1 Men 17% 41 41 1 Wom 18% 21 60 1 Wht 15% 34 50 1 Blk 22% 9 69 Hsp* 23% 21 55 1

REGION................... NEast MWest South West Pursue law Move on Both DK/NA 16% 25 58 1 17% 32 50 19% 30 49 2 15% 34 51 -

DENSITY............ HvKids Gun Urban Suburb Rural <18 HsHld 19% 23 56 1 19% 31 48 1 12% 39 48 1 18% 32 50 12% 43 44 1

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Pursue law Move on Both DK/NA 16% 31 52 1 18% 30 51 1

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 18% 25 55 1 14% 37 48 1 18% 33 49 -

AGE IN YRS.............. 18-29 30-44 45-64 65+ 18% 25 56 1 15% 32 53 19% 32 49 1 17% 29 51 3

32. Which comes closest to your view the United States? A) They should be eventually apply for US citizenship. United States, but not be allowed to required to leave the U.S. Tot A)Stay/Citizenship B)Stay/Not citizen C)Not stay DK/NA 52% 11 30 6 Rep 36% 15 42 7

about illegal immigrants who are currently living in allowed to stay in the United States and to B) They should be allowed to remain in the apply for U.S. citizenship. C) They should be Ind 51% 12 31 6 Men 52% 10 33 5 Wom 53% 12 28 7 Wht 50% 11 33 6 Blk 68% 6 19 7 Hsp* 70% 12 16 1 Mltry HsHld 45% 13 36 6

Dem 69% 8 18 4

WHITE.............................................. COLLEGE DEG BornAgnEv Yes No Prot Cath Men Wom Yes No A)Stay/Citizenship B)Stay/Not citizen C)Not stay DK/NA 62% 11 23 5 44% 11 38 7 47% 11 37 5 44% 13 35 8 49% 11 35 5 50% 11 32 7 42% 12 40 6 50% 10 34 6

COLLEGE DEG Yes No A)Stay/Citizenship B)Stay/Not citizen C)Not stay DK/NA 60% 13 23 4 49% 10 34 7

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 50% 10 34 6 52% 11 32 4 60% 13 22 5

AGE IN YRS.............. 18-29 30-44 45-64 65+ 60% 11 27 2 50% 12 31 7 52% 9 33 5 51% 13 27 9

Bombings Changed Immigration Opn Q42 A)Stay/Citizenship B)Stay/Not citizen C)Not stay DK/NA 38% 10 43 8 about illegal immigrants who are currently living allowed to stay in the United States and to They should be allowed to remain in the United U.S. citizenship. C) They should be required to Dec 05 2012 57 11 26 5

TREND: Which comes closest to your view in the United States? A) They should be eventually apply for US citizenship. B) States, but not be allowed to apply for leave the U.S. May 02 2013 A)Stay/Citizenship B)Stay/Not citizen C)Not stay DK/NA 52 11 30 6 Apr 04 2013 59 11 25 5

Feb 07 2013 56 10 30 4


33. In general, do you support or oppose same-sex marriage? Tot Support Oppose DK/NA 45% 47 8 Rep 20% 73 7 Dem 65% 29 6 Ind 48% 44 8 Men 40% 51 9 Wom 49% 44 7 Wht 46% 48 7 Blk 33% 58 9 Hsp* 55% 29 16 Mltry HsHld 37% 55 8

WHITE.............................................. COLLEGE DEG BornAgnEv Yes No Prot Cath Men Wom Yes No Support Oppose DK/NA 58% 36 6 40% 53 7 33% 61 6 47% 46 7 42% 51 7 49% 45 6 17% 79 4 48% 45 7

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Support Oppose DK/NA 57% 37 6 39% 52 9

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 41% 50 9 50% 44 6 56% 40 4

AGE IN YRS.............. 18-29 30-44 45-64 65+ 62% 30 8 53% 42 6 43% 50 6 25% 63 12

TREND: In general, do you support or oppose same-sex marriage? May 02 2013 Support Oppose DK/NA 45 47 8 Apr 04 2013 50 41 9 Mar 08 2013 47 43 10 Dec 05 2012 48 46 7 Jul 17 2008 36 55 9

34. Do you think each state should make its own law on whether same-sex marriage is legal or illegal there, or do you think this should be decided for all states on the basis of the U.S. Constitution? Tot States laws Constitution DK/NA 36% 57 7 Rep 48% 48 4 Dem 23% 69 8 Ind 39% 54 8 Men 43% 51 6 Wom 31% 61 8 Wht 39% 56 5 Blk 26% 62 12 Hsp* 26% 65 9 Mltry HsHld 35% 58 6

WHITE.............................................. COLLEGE DEG BornAgnEv Yes No Prot Cath Men Wom Yes No States laws Constitution DK/NA 42% 53 5 37% 57 6 42% 51 7 37% 59 4 48% 48 4 32% 62 7 42% 51 7 40% 55 5

COLLEGE DEG Yes No States laws Constitution DK/NA 38% 56 6 36% 57 7

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 34% 58 9 39% 56 4 35% 62 3

AGE IN YRS.............. 18-29 30-44 45-64 65+ 38% 57 5 41% 54 5 35% 59 6 32% 57 11


TREND: Do you think each state should make its own law on whether same-sex marriage is legal or illegal there, or do you think this should be decided for all states on the basis of the U.S. Constitution? May 02 2013 States laws Constitution DK/NA 36 57 7 Apr 04 2013 36 56 7

35. In general, do you think terrorist suspects should be tried in civilian courts or military courts? Tot Civilian courts Military courts DK/NA 30% 58 12 Rep 17% 73 10 Dem 37% 48 15 Ind 35% 55 10 Men 28% 63 10 Wom 32% 53 15 Wht 31% 58 11 Blk 22% 60 18 Hsp* 30% 57 13 Mltry HsHld 30% 60 10

WHITE.............................................. COLLEGE DEG BornAgnEv Yes No Prot Cath Men Wom Yes No Civilian courts Military courts DK/NA 39% 47 13 27% 62 11 28% 62 11 26% 61 13 30% 61 9 32% 55 13 23% 64 12 30% 59 11

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Civilian courts Military courts DK/NA 39% 47 14 26% 63 11

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 30% 58 12 32% 57 12 33% 56 11

AGE IN YRS.............. 18-29 30-44 45-64 65+ 32% 60 8 27% 59 14 30% 59 11 34% 51 15

36. Do you happen to know whether civilian courts or military courts have achieved more convictions of terrorists? Tot Civilian courts Military courts Don't know REFUSED 12% 11 76 1 Rep 11% 12 76 1 Dem 14% 8 78 Ind 11% 12 76 1 Men 14% 13 72 Wom 11% 8 80 1 Wht 12% 10 77 Blk 9% 12 79 Hsp* 8% 16 76 Mltry HsHld 16% 14 70 -

WHITE.............................................. COLLEGE DEG BornAgnEv Yes No Prot Cath Men Wom Yes No Civilian courts Military courts Don't know REFUSED 20% 8 72 9% 11 80 1 12% 13 75 14% 8 77 1 16% 12 71 10% 8 82 1 11% 16 73 13% 8 79 1

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Civilian courts Military courts Don't know REFUSED 20% 9 70 9% 11 79 1

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 9% 13 78 13% 11 75 1 21% 6 73 -

AGE IN YRS.............. 18-29 30-44 45-64 65+ 8% 4 87 12% 16 71 14% 11 74 1 13% 9 77 1


37. Do you think the American criminal justice system is capable of dealing with terrorism or do you believe it allows terrorist suspects too many rights? Tot System capable Allows too many rights DK/NA 35% 53 13 Rep 19% 72 9 Dem 50% 37 13 Ind 34% 52 14 Men 35% 54 11 Wom 34% 52 14 Wht 34% 55 11 Blk 35% 40 25 Hsp* 39% 54 8 Mltry HsHld 25% 65 10

WHITE.............................................. COLLEGE DEG BornAgnEv Yes No Prot Cath Men Wom Yes No System capable Allows too many rights DK/NA 47% 44 10 28% 60 12 27% 62 11 25% 65 11 34% 57 9 34% 53 12 29% 63 8 28% 61 11

COLLEGE DEG Yes No System capable Allows too many rights DK/NA 47% 44 9 29% 57 14

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 34% 51 15 34% 59 7 40% 49 11

AGE IN YRS.............. 18-29 30-44 45-64 65+ 44% 41 14 41% 49 10 29% 59 13 32% 56 12

38. In general, do you think people convicted of murder during an act of terrorism should receive the death penalty or life in prison with no chance of parole? Tot Death penalty Life/no parole DK/NA 63% 32 5 Rep 81% 15 3 Dem 49% 46 5 Ind 63% 32 5 Men 68% 28 4 Wom 59% 35 6 Wht 66% 29 4 Blk 46% 46 8 Hsp* 58% 41 1 Mltry HsHld 73% 24 3

WHITE.............................................. COLLEGE DEG BornAgnEv Yes No Prot Cath Men Wom Yes No Death penalty Life/no parole DK/NA 58% 36 6 71% 26 4 73% 22 5 69% 25 6 70% 27 3 64% 31 6 76% 20 4 69% 26 6

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Death penalty Life/no parole DK/NA 56% 37 6 66% 30 4

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 61% 35 4 67% 29 4 63% 31 5

AGE IN YRS.............. 18-29 30-44 45-64 65+ 52% 45 4 66% 28 5 68% 28 4 60% 34 6


39. If the alleged Boston marathon bomber is convicted of murder, do you think he should receive the death penalty or life in prison with no chance of parole? Tot Death penalty Life/no parole DK/NA 59% 36 5 Rep 78% 18 4 Dem 44% 52 4 Ind 61% 33 6 Men 65% 31 4 Wom 54% 40 6 Wht 63% 32 5 Blk 41% 50 9 Hsp* 51% 49 Mltry HsHld 68% 28 3

WHITE.............................................. COLLEGE DEG BornAgnEv Yes No Prot Cath Men Wom Yes No Death penalty Life/no parole DK/NA 55% 38 6 67% 29 4 69% 26 5 69% 27 4 68% 28 4 60% 35 5 71% 25 5 66% 29 5

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Death penalty Life/no parole DK/NA 55% 39 6 62% 34 4

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 56% 40 4 63% 33 4 62% 32 7

AGE IN YRS.............. 18-29 30-44 45-64 65+ 47% 49 4 61% 32 7 65% 30 4 58% 38 5

40. Some people say that since many alleged terrorists seek martyrdom, a sentence of life in prison with no chance of parole is a better punishment for them than the death penalty. Do you agree or disagree? Tot Agree Disagree DK/NA 37% 56 6 Rep 22% 74 4 Dem 49% 42 9 Ind 39% 56 5 Men 32% 62 6 Wom 42% 51 7 Wht 35% 59 6 Blk 49% 40 11 Hsp* 51% 49 Mltry HsHld 33% 62 5

WHITE.............................................. COLLEGE DEG BornAgnEv Yes No Prot Cath Men Wom Yes No Agree Disagree DK/NA 34% 57 8 35% 60 5 32% 61 7 31% 62 7 31% 63 6 37% 56 7 30% 66 4 34% 59 7

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Agree Disagree DK/NA 36% 56 7 38% 56 6

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 43% 51 6 33% 63 4 32% 62 6

AGE IN YRS.............. 18-29 30-44 45-64 65+ 50% 44 6 35% 62 3 34% 61 5 36% 51 13


41. Do you think there is more the government can do to prevent attacks like the one in Boston, or is there not much more the government can do to prevent this type of attack? Tot More gov can do Not much more DK/NA 54% 39 7 Rep 61% 34 5 Dem 49% 42 9 Ind 55% 39 6 Men 51% 44 5 Wom 57% 34 9 Wht 55% 38 7 Blk 57% 32 10 Hsp* 52% 42 6 Mltry HsHld 53% 42 5

WHITE.............................................. COLLEGE DEG BornAgnEv Yes No Prot Cath Men Wom Yes No More gov can do Not much more DK/NA 52% 43 5 56% 36 8 60% 33 7 56% 39 5 52% 45 3 58% 33 9 58% 36 6 59% 35 6

COLLEGE DEG Yes No More gov can do Not much more DK/NA 51% 44 6 56% 36 8

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 57% 35 7 47% 46 7 54% 41 5

AGE IN YRS.............. 18-29 30-44 45-64 65+ 55% 40 4 56% 37 7 53% 41 6 53% 36 11

42. Have the Boston marathon bombings changed your opinion regarding whether there should be a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants currently living in the United States? Tot Yes/Changed opinion No DK/NA 23% 70 6 Rep 24% 71 5 Dem 24% 70 7 Ind 21% 72 7 Men 19% 75 6 Wom 27% 66 7 Wht 23% 71 7 Blk 37% 57 6 Hsp* 14% 82 5 Mltry HsHld 23% 70 7

WHITE.............................................. COLLEGE DEG BornAgnEv Yes No Prot Cath Men Wom Yes No Yes/Changed opinion No DK/NA 12% 86 2 28% 63 9 26% 67 7 23% 69 8 16% 79 5 27% 65 8 28% 66 6 23% 70 7

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Yes/Changed opinion No DK/NA 14% 83 3 28% 64 8

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 31% 63 6 18% 76 6 12% 85 3

AGE IN YRS.............. 18-29 30-44 45-64 65+ 21% 73 6 20% 77 4 23% 71 6 30% 58 11


43. Do you think allowing more illegal immigrants who are living in the U.S. a path to citizenship would increase the likelihood of terrorism, decrease the likelihood of terrorism, or wouldn't it make a difference? Tot Increase likelihood Decrease likelihood No difference DK/NA 22% 7 66 6 Rep 30% 5 61 4 Dem 16% 8 71 5 Ind 20% 9 65 7 Men 21% 6 69 5 Wom 22% 8 63 6 Wht 24% 7 64 5 Blk 18% 5 67 10 Hsp* 13% 12 76 Mltry HsHld 24% 8 62 5

WHITE.............................................. COLLEGE DEG BornAgnEv Yes No Prot Cath Men Wom Yes No Increase likelihood Decrease likelihood No difference DK/NA 14% 7 75 5 29% 7 59 6 29% 8 56 6 22% 4 67 7 22% 4 69 4 25% 9 60 6 35% 7 53 5 22% 7 65 6

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Increase likelihood Decrease likelihood No difference DK/NA 14% 6 76 4 25% 7 61 6

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 25% 9 60 6 19% 5 73 2 16% 5 76 3

AGE IN YRS.............. 18-29 30-44 45-64 65+ 15% 12 69 5 19% 6 72 3 25% 6 64 5 23% 6 61 11


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