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What does Chakrapani need to know from me before our session? Basically, all Chakrapani needs is your birth information. 2. How important is having my exact birth time for the reading? An accurate birth time is important in order that you may have a correct interpretation of your horoscope. If you are uneasy regarding the accuracy of your birth time, but you are fairly certain that it is within four to six hours of the correct time, then Chakrapani can perform what is known as a birth rectification procedure for determining the exact time of birth. The birth rectification is a separate procedure from the reading itself and requires an additional fee. If you do not know your birth time within six hours or so, then you will require a more lengthy procedure called birth determination to assign a birth time. 3. Which reading should I do first? Chakrapani recommends that you have a Natal Reading done first, even if you have had one or several Natal Readings done in the past with other astrologers. A Natal Reading provides you with a foundation to better understand other kinds of readings or Progressions you may want to consider later. If you have a particular area of interest, or compelling question which you would like him to entertain at the time of your initial Natal Reading, you may want to make that known in advance. In that case Chakrapani can structure your session to make time to address your specific request, giving relatively less time to the Natal Reading. To ensure that Chakrapani reviews your questions before your session, you must send them at least 24 hours prior to your appointment time. 4. Is there a difference between a phone reading and a reading in person? The difference is what one experiences in anothers presence verses talking with them over the telephone. The fact is that Chakrapani is consulted by people from all over the 1

world and has not personally met the majority of his clients. Nonetheless, if seeing Chakrapani in person is an option, most people find meeting with him to be an enjoyable and uplifting experience. Chakrapanis readings are based on the horoscope. Over the years, he has developed what many would call a remarkable attunement to the subtleties of the planetary energies which allows him to give sensitive and insightful readings. Regardless of whether the person is in front of him or on the telephone, he does not perceive them in the conventional sense, neither through their voice nor in observing their presence. Rather, he has said that in studying the chart, an image of a person comes to him, and that image forms the basis of his reading. 5. May I have reading made on tape and sent to me without my being present or without being on the telephone with Chakrapani? Chakrapani will record a session for you without your participation, and there are clients who request their sessions be done in this manner for one reason or another. However, Chakrapani prefers to be able to interact with the person for whom he is conducting the reading whenever possible. 6. How long after the Natal Reading is it appropriate to have the Progression Reading? What is the earliest? It depends on the needs of the person, but it is good to have some time to digest the material presented in the Natal Reading before having a Progression unless there is some pressing need. 7. How accurate is Chakrapani? Chakrapanis repeat clientele reflects well on his accuracy, but he is not infallible. One should never abandon their own common sense in evaluating the validity of what someone else has to say, even if they are an expert in their subject. Conversely, there have been times that Chakrapani has said things to clients that they later tell him they could not accept at the time, but came to agree, or later recognized his point differently than how they understood him initially. The process of digesting a reading can take some time; sometimes that period of time is years! Chakrapani often approaches a subject from a different angle than how you typically think about it, which may require that you re-orient your logic to another perspective in order to appreciate what he has to say. Also, sometimes one needs time to reflect and consider any new information that goes to the core of long held attitudes and beliefs. Chakrapani feels that we all have the right, and ultimately, the obligation to our own point of view, and he is not seeking to replace your own inner knowing with his. Rather, as an expert in his field, which is reading horoscopes, clients engage him to obtain his interpretation of their chart. His professional opinion has been honed by over 45 2

year&acutes experience, and over the years he has earned a reputation of being a dedicated astrologer with a desire to be of service to others. However, despite his qualifications and good intentions, it is up to each individual to utilize the information that they receive from Chakrapani in a manner that renders it a useful tool for their own greater growth and understanding of self. This is perhaps another way of saying that the client is not just a passive participant in this exchange, but rather, for maximum benefit they must exercise some judgment and discrimination in the process of assimilating the information from their reading. 8. When can I expect to receive the tape recording of my reading? Usually you will receive the tape within 10 days. If you would like to request a CD recording, we ask for an additional 7 days. 9. May I have a session with Chakrapani to read someone elses chart? In order to do a reading for someone other than yourself, Chakrapani requires that you secure the permission of the person for whom you will be having the reading. However, you can have Chakrapani look at anyones chart as it relates to your chart. Also, as a parent, you have the option of getting a reading for your children. 10. When might I need an auspicious date? Selecting an auspicious date relates to the best time to begin new projects, investment ventures, marriage, celebrations, new business, undertaking construction, surgery, health treatments, and so on. Chakrapani needs only to know what the occasion is and he will then select a date or dates for a new undertaking or important event. It can make a tremendous difference on the outcome of that venture. (Chakrapani references the individuals chart in selecting auspicious dates.) 11. Does Chakrapani conduct readings for individuals in other countries? Absolutely. If you are outside the U.S., it is just as easy to schedule an appointment as it is for local clients. Our office will direct you as to how to adjust for the difference in time zones, because your appointment will be in Pacific Standard Time.(P.S.T) You need only to fill out the Natal Request Form. 12. May I bring someone into the reading? Or may I have someone be on the phone with me during the reading? You are welcome to bring whomever you wish, or to have anyone on the phone with you that you choose. But please bear in mind that your consultation with Chakrapani is intended to be a safe space in which to consider serious issues in your life. If there is someone with whom you would like to share a session of this nature, then, of course, they are welcome. Ideally, you would not bring someone that would inhibit you or 3

Chakrapani from speaking freely. There are, however, a myriad of circumstances that bring people together in a reading. Chakrapani addresses the issues of the individual or individuals according to what appears appropriate given the context of the meeting, and he is quite skilled in the diplomacy of relationships. As a reminder, he does not look at the issues in relationships like a therapist who responds to the person or persons in the session with him. Rather, Chakrapani forms an impression of the individuals and how they may interact with one another from the energies indicated in the horoscopes. He will relate to the questions or issues accordingly. Often clients bring their spouses, and just as often they prefer to come alone. Even if you are alone, there may be times when Chakrapani says something that he does not include on your tape, for example, because he is concerned about privacy issues which could arise around sensitive issues. 13. What steps does Chakrapani recommend if one is interested in furthering their education in Vedic Astrology? Chakrapani has suggested the book, Astrology of the Seers by David Frawley, as one good way to begin your studies. 14. Does Chakrapani accept students for the purpose of studying astrology? Yes, you may contact our office for more information. 15. How may I get Chakrapani to visit my area? You may contact our office to discuss if it is feasible for him to visit your area.

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