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ELECTRIC CIRCUITS AND ELECTRON DEVICES UNIT I CIRCUIT ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES PART-A 1. Write the voltage division rule, for the two different resistors connected in series to a voltage source. 2. State maximum power transfer theorem. 3. For the circuit shown below, find the voltage across and current through 6 resistor. The battery voltage is 20V.

b) Calculate the effective resistance between points A and B in the circuit shown below Fig

4. In the circuit shown below, what is the maximum power transferred to the load?

2.a) Find the value of R1. For transfer of maximum power from source to load, for the circuit shown below Fig. Q 11 (a) (i). find also corresponding maximum power.

5. What is the equivalent capacitance when several capacitances C1, C2, are connected (a) in series and (b) in parallel? 6. State thevenins theorem. 7. Two inductors are L and L. Find the equivalent inductance when they are connected in series and parallel. 8. State Superposition theorem. 9.Write Kirchoffs law. 10.State star to delta equation. PART-B 1.a) For the circuit shown below (i), calculate the current through the G resistor, using loop analysis.

b) For the resistive network shown below, find the current in each resistor using the superposition principle.

3.a) Find the power in 4 ohms resistor of the circuit, shown below, by nodal analysis

b) Obtain the Nortons equivalent circuit for the network shown below and find the current through AB.

b) Solve for I1, I2 and I3, in the circuit shown below, by mesh current

5.a) Write the mesh equations for the circuit shown below

4.a) Using Thevenins theorem find the current passing through 10 resistor in the circuit shown below.

b) Determine the output voltage V out in the circuit shown below.

7.a) State and prove kirchoffs laws b) In the circuit given in figure (1), find (a) current I, and (b) the voltage across each resistor

6.a) What are called dual Networks? Obtain the Dual Network of the following circuit.

8.a) Use Thevenins theorem to find the current in 3 resistor in figure

b) Obtain Thevenins equivalent of network shown below

b) Determine the maximum power delivered to the load in the circuit shown in figure

PART-B 1. In the RL, circuit shown below Fig. Q. 12 (a), the output is taken across the inductor. A pulse input voltage with a pulse width of tp is applied. Derive the response of the circuit and sketch the output curve.
UNIT II PART-A 1. A 2k resistor in series with a 0.1 F capacitor is given an input TRANSIENT RESONANCE IN RLC CIRCUITS

of 10 V rms sine wave signal at 500 Hz. Determine the total impedance. 2. Write the expression for the resonant frequency of a RLC series circuit 3. Draw the phasor diagram for a series RL circuit. 4. Draw the frequency response of a single tuned circuit. 5. Find the time constant of a RL Circuit having R = 10 ohms and L = 1 milli Henry. 6. What are tuned circuits? Give an application. 7. What is transient response? 8. What is resonance frequency?
9.What is quality factor? 10. Find the resonant frequency in the ideal parallel LC circuit shown in Fig

2. Drive expressions for impedance, phase angle, voltages and

current in a series RLC resonant circuit. Show their variations graphically with respect to frequency. State how will you find the maximum voltages across L and across C. 3. Derive an expression for the current response of RLC series circuit with sinusoidal excitation. From the results, discuss the nature of transient and steady state responses. Comment on the phase angle involved. 4.a) Explain the concept of half power frequencies of a series RLC circuit. b) A series RLC resonance circuit has R = 100 , L = 0.5 H, C = 0.4 F. Find the resonant frequency, the half power frequencies and the bandwidth. c) Derive the quality factor of a parallel RLC circuit at resonance.

5. A resistance R, a capacitance C and an inductance L of 0.5 H are

connected in series. When a voltage of V = 350 cos 3000t 20 volts is applied to this circuit, the current flowing is 15 cos 3000t 60 ampere. Find the values of R and C. 6.a) The Signal voltage in the circuit shown below is e t = 0.01sin 2 x 455 x 10 t) V

b) Consider the single tuned circuit shown in figure (5) and determine. (i) the resonant frequency (ii) the output voltage at resonance and (iii) the maximum output voltage. Assume R >> W L and K = 0.9.

What should be the value of C in order that the circuit would resonate at this signal frequency? At this condition, find the values of I, Vc, Q, and bandwidth of the circuit. b) (RL + j20 and 20 j10 are connected in parallel. Determine the value of RL for resonance. 7. In the circuit shown in figure (4), determine the complete solution for the current, when switch S is closed at t = 0. Applied voltage is v t = 50 cos 100t+/4 . Resistance R = 10 and capacitance c = 1F.


8.a) A series RLC circuit having a quality factor of 5 at 50 rad/sec. The current flowing through the circuit at resonance is 10 A and the supply voltage is 100V. The total impedance of then circuit is 20. Find the circuit constants.

1. What is meant by PIV (Peak Inverse Voltage) of a Pn Junction diode? 2. What is meant by zener effect? 3. Define barrier potential in a PN junction diode 4. What is avalanche breakdown? 5. Why n type impurities are called as Donor impurities? 6. What do you mean by barrier potential? 7. State the effect of temperature of PN junction diode. 8. What is diffusion capacitance? 9. Give the expression for transition capacitance and diffusion capacitance of a PN diode 10.What is clipper?Tell the types. PART-B 1.a)(i) With the help of energy band diagram of PN junction diode, drive the expression for the contact difference of potential (ii) Consider a germanium N junction at 300 K with doping concentration NA = 1.5 x 10 cm and ND = 2 x 10 cm in the p and n sides of the junction respectively. Assuming the intrinsic carrier

concentration of germanium n = 2.5 x 10 cm at 300 K, determine the contact potential across the junction. (iii) The resistivities of the two sides of an abrupt germanium diode are 2 cm p side and 1 cm (n side) at 300K. The mobility of electrons and holes in germanium are n = 3800 cm / V sec and p = 1800cm/V sec respectively. Calculate the height E0 of the potential energy barrier. 2. What is meant by diffusion Capacitance of a PN junction diode? Derive an expression for the Diffusion Capacitance in terms of the current and the mean life time for holes. 3.a) Discuss about the energy band diagram of conductor, insulator and semi conductor. b) Write short notes on space charge capacitance and diffusion capacitance. c) What is the effect of temperature on VI characteristics of PN junction diode? Discuss. 4.a) What are the various types of Breakdown? Explain. b) Draw the VI characteristics and explain the operation of zener diode under forward biased and reverse biased conditions 4. Derive the PN diode current equation from the quantitative theory of diode currents. 6.a) Sketch and explain the V-I characteristics of zener diodes. b) Explain briefly the following: (i)Avalaunche Breakdown (ii)Zener Breakdown 7.a) What neat sketches, describe the construction and working of PN junction semiconductor. What is depletion layer? Explain the motion of electrons or holes of PN junction in forward and reverse biased mode. Also explain the V-I characteristics for these bias conditions. b) Differentiate between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors 8.a) Explain what are meant by transition capacitance and diffusion capacitance in diode.

b) What is the speciality of Zener diode? c) Discuss the V-1 characteristics of Zener diode with a suitable diagram.

1. Define and explain the term early effect. 2. Differentiate between enhancement type and depletion type MOSFETs. 3. Compare BJT and FET. 4. When a FET acts as a voltage variable resistor? 5. Why collector region of a transistor is larger in area than emitter region? 6. What is pinch off voltage of a JFET? 7. List the various configurations of transistor. Mention the input and output terminals in each configuration. 8. What is amplification factor in JFET? 9. Distinguish clearly the difference between N with P channel FETs. 10. What is Early effect in CB configuration and give its consequences? PART-B 1.a) What is meant by Transistor? Explain the terms Emitter Collector and Base. b) Explain the working of (1) NPN transistor (2) PNP transistor c) Sketch the symbols of transistor and mark the current directions. 2.a) Sketch and explain the construction of P channel JFET. Give also its symbol b) Make a comparison of N channel JFET and P Channel JFET. Sketch the basic circuits for both c) Sketch and explain the drain characteristics and transfer characteristics of P channel JFET 3.a) Draw the circuit for the CE configuration of a NPN transistor and explain in brief its input and output characteristics. b) Compare the performance of a transistor in the CE, CB and CC configurations

4.a) Sketch and explain the construction of N-channel JFET. Give also its symbol. b) Explain the operation of N-channel JFET. Sketch and explain the drain characteristics c) Define the following parameters of JFET. (1) Transconductance. (2) Drain resistance. (3) Amplification factor. (4) Power dissipation 5.a) With neat diagram, explain. The principle of operation of transistor in CE configuration. Also explain its input and output characteristics. b) Compare BJT and FET. 6.Discuss in detail the depletion type and enhancement type of MOSFET with neat diagram. Also draw its drain and transfer characteristics. 7.a) Draw the circuits for the CE, CB and CC Configurations of a bipolar junction transistor. b) For the common emitter configuration, draw the circuit and explain the input and output characteristics. 8.a) Sketch and explain the construction of N Channel Enhancement type MOSFET. Give also its symbol. b) Describe, with suitable sketches, the operation and characteristics (transfer, drain) of then N Channel enhancement type MOSFET. c) Explain briefly the effect of temperature on MOSFET.

1. Mention the applications of UJT. 2. What is photo diode? 3. What is tunneling phenomenon? 4. Name two applications of photoconductive cells.

5. Name two applications of photoconductive cells. 6. What are the materials used in LEDs? 7.Give some applications of tunnel diode. 8.What is meant by photovoltaic cell? 9.Draw equivalent circuit of tunnel diode. 10.What is intrinsic stand off ratio. PART-B 1.a) With neat sketch, explain the VI characteristics and of Tunnel diode. Mention its applications. b) List the advantages and applications of LCD. 2.a) Explain the construction, operation and characteristics of UJT. b) Sketch the symbol of DIAC and explain its operation and characteristics 3.a) Explain the construction, symbol and characteristics of (i)Dynamic Scattering LCD. (ii)Field effect of LCD b) What is the basic property of a Photoconductive cell? With the help of sketches, explain its construction, symbol and operation. 4.a) Explain the construction, operation and characteristics of UJT. b) Sketch the symbol of DIAC and explain its operation and characteristics. 5.a) What is the basic principle behind an LED? Describe the operation and construction of LEDs. b) What is the basic property of a Photoconductive cell? With the help of sketches, explain its construction, symbol and operation. 6.a) Describe the construction, the symbol, V I characteristics and applications of Tunnel diode. b) With the help of two transistor equivalent model, explain the working of SCR. Also explain the regenerative action that takes place in SCR. 7. Explain the construction, symbol and characteristics of (i) photovoltaic cell. (ii) phototransistor.

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