Evans Crin590 2for10 Strategy and Reflection

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Crin 590 2 for 10 Strategy and Reflection

Victoria Evans
Lafayette High School 4/10/2013

Evans 2 Victoria Evans 4/10/13 Two-for-t en Strategy

Date 3/4/13

Comments I spoke to C for about a minute and half before class ended. I asked how she was doing, and what she did over the weekend. Most of her comments were brief, but she was open to the conversation. I spoke to C about for about 2 minutes before class, and we discussed how she was doing. She always wears very unique blouses and I complemented her on that and she said thank you. I asked about how her classes were going and she said they were going well. We spoke for about a minute and a half during class. I noticed that she seemed kind of down, so I asked if she was okay, but she was just tired. We had just went over a new grammar concept, and I asked if she felt comfortable with it, and she didnt, so we worked together on some of the assignment which helped her. We spoke again during class for about 2 minutes. This time she seemed more open, and was willing to joke around with me. I asked if she had any plans for the weekend, and she said that she was going to probably hangout with friends. We spoke during class again, and we talked about her recent progress in class. Her grades have improved, and she seems more confident; I





Evans 3 complemented her on her grade. 3/11/13 During class we spoke, primarily about some of her interests outside of school which she seemed very interested in. We spoke to each other near the end of class, it was in relation to an assignment that we were doing in class, but it branched off to her talking about her favorite musicians. We spoke near the end of class about plans for the weekend with another classmate. She wasnt as reserved as usual. We spoke during class for about a minute and a half, and I complemented her on her grade and recent progress in the class, as I noticed that she wasnt on task, she quickly went back to doing her work. We briefly spoke for about a minute during class and I asked about how she was doing and how everything went with her classmate during the weekend.






For this activity, I chose C because I had observed that she seemed withdrawn at times and was frequently off-task when she associated with certain other classmates. Also, unlike the majority of the students, I hadnt met her during the Fall semester, so I thought it would be a great way to get to know her. Further, I believed that if I used this strategy with C, that it would increase her time-on-task and decrease some of the behavior problems in class by breaking up one of my most talkative groups in the class. When I first implemented this strategy, she seemed taken aback by having me talk with her, so I kept the conversation very general, as I would usually ask her about how she was doing and her other classes. As time went on, I decided to talk to her more during class, trying to see if she understood what we were doing, and depending on the topic, we would talk about how it related to what she was doing in her life. For instance, we were talking

Evans 4

about preferences and using comparison statements; through, this I found out about her love of hip hop and comedy. In addition, I noticed that she was more willing to express her need for assistance if she didnt understand something, which I think is the primary reason why she started to do better in the class. It did also help with the disruptive behavior I was dealing with because I feel like I gained some credibility among the group, that I really did care about them, and that I wasnt just interested in punishing them. I do think this strategy was very effective in that it conveyed to the student that she wasnt forgotten in a class of 32. I think to continue to support the student, I will continue to have conversations with this student and praising the student on their progress, since I think the student might not always feel capable of doing well in Spanish. This assignment showed me the importance of building meaningful relationships with students as I have seen that it can decrease behavior problems, improve student confidence, and improve student performance in the class.

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