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congregation bais torah

Sunday, April 21, 2013

38th Annual Dinner

Rabbi Yisroel & Amy Gottlieb Michael Kronenberg Sandy Lieder Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz

Special Recognition To
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Shapiro Mrs. Libby Mendlowitz

Rabbi Yisroel & Amy Gottlieb, Guests of Honor Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb is an
alumnus of Yeshivat Shaalvim and a graduate of Yeshiva College. He studied at Yeshivas Ohr Reuven in Monsey, New York where he obtained his smicha from Rav Bezalel Rudinsky. He attended Law School at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law. Rabbi Gottlieb is the Rav of Congregation Bais Torah in Suffern NY and is also a Rebbe in Yeshivas Ohr Reuven and the General Studies Principal at Yeshiva Darchei Noam, both in Suffern NY. Amy is a graduate of SUNY New Paltz and holds a Masters degree in education from City College. She has taught sixth grade girls for twenty years. They live in Suffern and are the proud parents of six beautiful children.

Michael Kronenberg, Presidential Award Michael was raised in Long Beach,

Long Island, by his parents Rabbi Mordechai and Pearl Kronenberg. Michael began his academic career in 1954, as one of the first six students of the Hebrew Academy of Long Beach (HALB) and then attended HILI High School in Far Rockaway. He received his BA degree from Yeshiva University in 1972, and his MBA in Finance from the NYU Graduate School of Business in 1974. Michael attributes his dedication to Jewish communal life to the influence and example of his parents and in-laws who distinguished themselves in their devotion and selflessness to Jewish life. Married to Sharon in 1972, they moved to the Monsey-Suffern community in 1980, and almost immediately became vibrant and active members of the Bais Torah family. Michael has just completed his 3rd tenure as President and has also served as Vice President and Treasurer in other administrations. Michael has spent most of his business career in the watch industry as COO of Fada Industries (now Geneva Watch Group) and currently as Managing Director / EVP of Haskell Timepieces in NYC. Sharon and Michael feel blessed and are extremely proud of their children and their spouses and derive great pleasure and nachas from watching them raise their own families, both here and in Israel.

Sandy Lieder, Aishes Chayil Award Sandy was born and raised in Washington
Heights where she attended Breuers yeshiva through seminary. She married Jossi in 1975 and moved to Monsey completing a bachelors degree from Hunter College. She furthered her education at St. Thomas Aquinas with an accounting degree in 1978 and received her CPA certification in 1987. Sandys devotion to working for the Klall was lovingly spearheaded and modeled by her beloved parents Harry and Marguerite Levi zl more fondly known as Mr. and Mrs. Yeshiva. Their dedication to the Breuers community was shared by the participation of the entire family. In 1977 when Jossi, Sandy and Rephoel moved to the Monsey community, Sandy stepped right up again to volunteer her services to the Bais Torah Sisterhood. She currently heads the shiva meals program and bikkur cholim committees while participating in many behind the scenes projects. Sandy worked as a C.P.A. for 18 years and now works beside Jossi in his optometry practice. Her greatest joy is being a hands on savta to her grandchildren in Monsey, Queens, Lakewood and Baltimore.

Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz, Gabbai of the Year Award Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz is
a musmach of REITS and holds advanced degrees in education and engineering. For the past dozen years he has taught special education for the high school division of The Sinai Schools in New Jersey. Prior to his career in education, Rabbi Horowitz served as the Rav of congregations in Kingston, Ontario, Allentown, Pennsylvania and Manhattan Beach in Brooklyn, for a total of twenty five years. Rabbi Shlomo and his aishes chayil Shifra have five children and eleven grandchildren.

congregation bais torah

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Congrega on Bais Torah's 38th annual dinner, and to thank you for joining us on this momentous occasion. In a concurring opinion to a 1964 Supreme Court ruling, Jus ce Po er Stewart entered a new phrase into the American cultural lexicon. His I know it when I see it standard became the paradigm for all areas of life where quan ca on is beyond the boundary of 1,000 words, but where the idea can s ll be captured in the picture that is worth so much more. Jus ce Stewart's elegant phrase is, perhaps, the perfect expression of the exhorta on to holiness that opens the second of yesterday's two parshiyos. Holiness is intangible, it is largely undenable and certainly not quan able, yet it is there for us to nd, and we somehow know it when we see it. The central hub of holiness and sanc ty in our lives is the sanctuary, our shul, which raises and li s us from the mundane to the exalted. It is there that we commune with G-d; it is there that we connect with one another, and it is there where the quintessence of holiness is on display for us to see, to recognize and to emulate. That holiness is manifest in the individuals who answer the call to serve G-d and His people in their house of me ng. Tonight, my wife and I have the privilege of standing alongside, and being humbled in the presence of a group of individuals who have dis nguished themselves in their service to not just our shul, but to the Jewish people at large. Our immediate past president, Michael Kronenberg, and his wife Sharon are both scions of families whose legacies are centered around their dissemina on of Torah and support and succor of the Jewish people. Michael and Sharon have traveled their lives along the path set by their fore-bearers and have become standard-bearers in our shul for Torah, chessed, and service. Michael's return to the presidency of the shul, with its a endant pressures and tribula ons, was born of that deeply rooted sense of responsibility to use one's talents and abili es in the service of a higher calling. Michael led the shul in his term with great for tude, vision, caring, concern and with a deep apprecia on for the greatness of Bais Torah. It is our hope and prayer that Michael and Sharon's model will serve to inspire all of us and will bring their children and grandchildren to carry on their outstanding family legacy for genera ons to come. Our outgoing Gabbai of the Year, Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz, and his wife Shifra have spent their lives in Jewish public service. As a Rav, an educator, and a leader, Rabbi Horowitz has molded communi es and genera ons in the ways and paths of the Torah, and has brought meaning into their Judaism with his depth and insight. In the shul, we have been the consistent beneciaries of Rabbi Horowitz's broad array of talents as a baal koreh, baal telah, speaker and repository of wisdom. In his three-year tenure in the gabbinate Rabbi Horowitz has de ly applied his talents and his capabili es to bear on the davening, leining and all aspects of the service. His a en on to every detail, combined with his sensi vity to every individual and that individual's needs have elevated the oce of gabbai to even greater heights and will serve as the standard by which future gabbaim will be measured. One of the ironies of the very public conferring of awards on those who epitomize Jewish values, is that one of the core values of Judaism is modesty. We try to ins ll in our children and ourselves the merit of keeping our greatest achievements out of the spotlight. Yet, if those accomplishments are never allowed to see the light of day, how are those around us to learn the proper path to follow. The paradigm of this conict is the Jewish woman, the Woman of Valor, who balances the values of modesty, kol k'vudah bas melech pnimah, along with the awesome responsibility of raising and guiding the next genera on along the path to greatness.

38th Annual Dinner

89 West Carlton Road Suffern, NY 10901 (845) 352 - 1343

congregation bais torah

Tonight's Eishes Chayil awardee, Mrs. Sandy Lieder, along with her husband Yossi, is the prototype of that balance. Sandy has served the shul in a mul tude of capaci es throughout the years. She is a stalwart a endee of all the shiurum and special programs and a bedrock for much of the chessed that is the hallmark of our shul. She and her family have done so without calling a en on to themselves or their ac ons, but instead have embraced the values of humility and quiet modesty that we hold so dear. It is our hope that their reluctant agreement to allow us to shine the spotlight on the quiet greatness of the Lieder family shall serve to inspire us all to follow their lead. Yet another aspect that makes Bais Torah so unique and so special is how it is one of the few places le in the Jewish world where the coming genera on of Jewish children can and do come together under one roof with the older genera on who carved the path for us all. The next two acknowledgments this evening honor and pay tribute to that quality. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shapiro are far more than just beloved members of our shul; they are living legends, legacies of a world that was, but is no more. Mr. Shapiro, in his youth, studied in Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin under the tutelage of the venerated Rosh HaYeshiva Rav Meir Shapiro ztl, known as the father of the daf yomi. There, Mr. Shapiro excelled and ourished, un l the darkness that engulfed Europe forced him and his fellows to ee eastward. As one of the last remaining talmidim of Lublin, Mr. Shapiro was prominently proled in Jewish publica ons around last year's siyum haShas. It is ng and proper that we recognize and honor this venerable couple. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shapiro, with the Kesser Shem Tov award. Lastly, for genera ons to prosper and grow, for Jewish educa on to con nue and thrive, and for shuls to remain vital and vibrant centers of Jewish con nuity, individuals o en must reach into themselves and nd the greatness and for tude to bring all of the disparate elements together. We, as a shul, do not exist in a vacuum, nor do we wish to. Rather, we func on as part and parcel of a broader Jewish community who all work in tandem for the be erment of the Jewish people. For far too long, our broader community has lacked the programming necessary to serve the children of the surrounding area. Mrs. Libby Mendlowitz, who, alongside her husband Eli, is a mother to some of those children, took it upon herself to organize and arrange a ernoon pirchei and b'nos groups for the boys and girls in our community. Now, each Shabbos a ernoon, our shul is once again a hub of excitement and learning as dozens of children come to take part in these groups. Tonight, we pay tribute to Mrs. Libby Mendlowitz for her service to the community, and we thank her for partnering with us in this endeavor. Tonight, we recognize the quiet greatness that has been that standard that has carried the Jewish people throughout the centuries. May we all live up to the example set by these very special individuals.

38th Annual Dinner

89 West Carlton Road Suffern, NY 10901 (845) 352 - 1343

congregation bais torah

Message from the President This years dinner arrives on the coa ails of the fes val of Passover as we recharge ourselves with the determina on to reinforce the walls of our beloved Beit Knesset. Our task is to keep the walls of our Shul rm, durable and to convert our halls into halls of enlightenment, warmth and protec on in these turbulent mes. On this special evening we are grateful to those honorees that provide the leadership and inspira on that makes our Beit Knesset unique. We have selected an extraordinary couple, Rabbi Go lieb and Amy, as guests of honor. For almost ten years they have inspired us as a kehilla to safeguard the values of Torah, and Gemillas Chesed. The model that the Rabbi and Amy provide us on a daily basis is an impressive example of a legacy that builds Jewish essence and con nuity. Watch the Rabbi and Amy closely, see how they treat each and every person with respect and dignity. Witness the love and shalom bayis they display towards their family and the remarkable way they are raising their children. I have been fortunate to consider Rabbi Go lieb as my Rav and friend. The Torah informs us that Avrohom was chosen to lead because of his ability to inspire and mo vate. Michael Kronenberg, the recipient of the Presiden al award has been the catalyst in direc ng us in all facets of Shul ac vi es. Michaels remarkable orchestra on of the myriad of Shul programs dees descrip on. Despite all the pressures of being Shul president, he has always maintained a keen insight, composure and sense of priori es. Michael and his aishes chayil Sharon embody all that is great in Bais Torah. On a personal note, I wish to thank him for his con nued eorts on behalf of Bais Torah, and for being my mentor. Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz , Gabbai of the Year, personies the type of sensi vity and dedica on necessary to be a successful gabbai. His a en on to detail, and me culousness in dealing with the interpersonal needs of our members has been exemplary. Sandy Lieder, the aishes chayil awadree, is the quintessence of sincere devo on, humility and compassion. She together with her husband Yussie, always give to the Shul and do so quietly, preferring to draw a en on to the beauty of Bais Torah rather than to themselves. They, too, are shining examples of the sanc ty that is our shared goal in life. Our Kesser Shem Tov award is bestowed to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shapiro. They are the quiet heroes of our Shul. They represent all that is truly great about our Kehilla. Tonight we gather to pay homage to them and rededicate ourselves to follow their example. We salute Mrs. Libby Mendlowitz on her ini a ve in star ng the Bnos and Pirchei programs. Watching our Shul be vibrant with young children from the neighborhood has been a source of nachas to all of us. This past year has been a remarkable year, challenging yet fullling. Working with the Rabbi side by side in developing new programs, ideas and ways of reaching the community at large has been a labor of love. It is you, the members of our great Shul, who inspire me each and every day with your selessness, random acts of kindness and friendship. Finally, I want to pay tribute to my beau ful wife, Jackie, who is at my side each and everyday. Her encouragement and willingness to act as my sounding board has helped me orchestrate all the responsibili es as president. Whatever merit one has for doing Tzarchei Tzibur, I share with you. May we all be blessed with good health, parnasa and nachas from our families and ourselves. May our Shul con nue to be a shining light to our Monsey community and to Klall Yisrael. Steve Fessel

38th Annual Dinner

89 West Carlton Road Suffern, NY 10901 (845) 352 - 1343

MAZAL TOV & Warmest Congratulations to our dear friend Michael Kronenberg Presidential Awardee We cherish your friendship and have long shared your enthusiasm for Torah and all charitable causes. May Hashem grant you and Sharon the strength and good health to continue your noble work on behalf of Bais Torah and the greater Jewish community. In the merit of all the efforts that you put in on behalf of the Jewish community, may Hashem reward you with much nachas from your entire family. Joe, Shragie & Dov & Families



Mazal Tov on being honored by Bais Torah You are two caring people whose love and dedication to our shul knows no bounds

Rabbi Gottleib and Amy

Mazal Tov For being an incredible mentor and friend



Mazal Tov Your commitment and compassion made you the perfect Gabbai

Rabbi Horowitz
Mazal Tov

For your selfless dedication and unassuming nature You are a true role model


With sincere admiration to

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shapiro Mrs. Libby Mendlowitz

You personify our beloved shul

With deepest appreciation to the officers and board members for their devotion and hard work

Jackie and Steve Fessel PLATINUM PAGE



Guests of Honor Whose knowledge, wisdom, humility, sharpness, and sense of humor Never cease to amaze us ---------------------------------------------------

Our Dear Friend & Mechutan

Presidential Award Who continues to selflessly dedicate himself to Bais Torah May you and Sharon be blessed with good health and strength So that you may continue your work On behalf of Bais Torah & klal yisroel! ------------------------------Aishes Chayil Award Who expertly juggles family, chesed, and work Sandy We think you should give juggling classes in your spare time Seriously Sandys acts of Chesed are beyond what anyone can imagine both in quantity and quality ----------------------------------

Michael Kronenberg

Sandy Lieder

Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz

Gabbai of The Year Award You treat people with respect You always have a smile on your face And, to your credit, you are a respected & well-liked Gabbai

Mrs. Libby Mendlowitz

Special Recognition Its a pleasure to see Bais Torah host the Bnos & Pirchei groups And all thanks to your enthusiasm and your determination

And last but certainly not least, we are so privileged to have

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shapiro

As part of our shul You are both an inspiration to all

Emily & Barry Lifschitz PLATINUM PAGE

The Early Morning Daf Yomi Shiur expresses Hakoras HaTov to

Avromy Fein
We greatly appreciate the hours he spends on preparation, making sacrifices and Taking time from his personal life so that we may begin our day enriched and inspired

The Daf Yomi Shiur meets: Monday through Friday at 5:25am Sunday at 6:25 am Abe Fogel Yossi Goldman Ari Halpert Shaya Hollander Moishe Kranzler David Lehmann Dovid Nulman Shloimie Pollak Elliot Shapiro Al Zucker Nechemia Zyskind Alan Zamore
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MAZEL TOV To Rabbi Yisroel and Mrs. Amy Gottlieb Whose leadership, friendship and devotion to the entire Bais Torah family Is so appreciated We are so happy to be part of your Kehillah To Michael A good friend and truly a Presidents President A greatly deserved honor for decades of service to our Shul It is a so wonderful to have you in our lives To Sandy (Sora Yehudis) Your familys love of our Bais Torah is personified By your many years of dedication to and involvement in so many aspects of the Shul In addition, your acts of in our community have set a standard to be emulated To Rabbi Shlomo (Service with a Smile) Horowitz You perform a difficult task with style and distinction In the long tradition of our Shuls Gabbaim To Mr. & Mrs. Henry Shapiro What a privilege to be counted as friends of this wonderful couple And a Zechut to share membership with them in Bais Torah To Libby Thank for bringing the YOUTH back into Bais Torah in such a positive fashion Laurence and Gloria Gordon GOLD


Thank you Rebbetzin Amy and Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb Michael and Sharon Kronenberg Sandy and Jossi Lieder Rabbi Shlomo and Shifra Horowitz Everything you have done and continue to do on behalf of the Bais Torah family enhances our lives, and we are so grateful You are all exemplary leaders and set a high standard for us to emulate With great appreciation and Hakorat HaTov! Felise and Peter Katz Dovid and Daniella, Eli and Elana and Andy, and Ricki



In recognition of all the Honorees, and the immeasurable contributions they have made, and continue to make on behalf of Congregation Bais Torah. In years past, those honored at the Shuls Dinner, were unquestionably most deserving of this accolade. This year, however, each of the Honorees merit a page of their own, which even in the final analysis, would seem inadequate. Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb & Amy - Bais Torah has been blessed to have as its Rabbi, A Talmud Chochum who can relate to the Kehilah in a multitude of inclusive and nonjudgmental ways. As the Rabbi noted in his Shabbos Hagodal Drasha, with clarity of thought and brevity of wit, the key to understanding the section of the Four sons in the Haggadah is to understand that if you want to influence any individual, one has to speak the language of that individual. The respect and admiration that we all have for Rabbi Gottlieb, is not only because of his lamdus, his medos, his Weltanschauung, but most important of all his unconditional love for all Jews, and his ability to relate to each individual In their own language. Amy, an accomplished individual in her own right, is the glue that holds all the fabric together. The Rabbi, undoubtedly, could not
accomplish all that he does without her constant support, input and sagacious advice. These are ,not pro-forma attributes as juggling six children, maintaining a household, teaching, and being the Rabbis partner and sounding board is indeed a daunting task.

Michael Kronenberg - Represents the consummate Shul Member. His devotion to Bais Torah cannot be measured by the usual
yardsticks, precisely because there are no metrics, currently available, by which his attributes can be measured. Whether in his leadership capacity as President, Shul member or Consigliore, Michaels unique persona of giving 100% of himself , and arriving at fair and equitable solutions to seemingly insoluable problems speaks volumes to the individual we honor tonight.

Sandy Lieder - While we do not believe in Ghosts, there appears to be , in the Bais Torah Community, an apparition behind the
scenes, never seen, but immensely effective. There could not be a more apt description that epitomizes Sandy Lieder. The majority of Bais Torah is unaware of the "Ghost-Like" deeds of chesed , and kindness that Sandy performs virtually on a daily basis. Clearly, midos that needs much emulation.

Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz - The man with the most difficult, and Thankless job in Bais Torah- The Gabbi . Navigating the vicissitudes
of dealing with human frailty, and ease of offense, Rabbi Horowitz approaches everyone with a smile, and genuine good nature. I have yet to hear of wanton complaints by any member of Bais Torah that they were slighted by not getting an Aliyah, and more importantly by not getting the appropriate Aliyah. Rabbi Horowitzs job description requires the patience of a Saint and the sleight of hand that would make Houdini proud. On all fronts, he has been an immense success and done so selflessly, and without deprecating anyone. We are grateful that Mr. Henry Shapiro brings to Bais Torah the dignity and spirit of the Yeshivah of Chochmei Lublin, that Mrs. Anne Shapiro brings to us her singular beauty and elegance We thank Libby Mendlowitz for enhancing the childrens Shabbos schedule at Bais Torah

Leon & Rena Pachter


Your enthusiasm for life, your brilliance, your spark, and your sense of humor are an inspiration for all of us.

May Hashem grant you strength and stamina to continue to make our Shul both unique and extraordinary.

May Hashem repay you many times over with success in your personal and financial endeavors, bless you and Sharon with health and shower you with nachas from your entire family, How about a fourth term of presidency?

Your chesed knows no bounds. We all admire all the wonderful things you do for our shul and community.


Kol Hakavod for your commitment and dedication to our shul.

Mazel Tov to MR. & MRS. HENRY SHAPIRO MRS. LIBBY MENDLOWITZ Marilyn and Jeffrey Sapir

To Rabbi Yisroel and Amy Gottlieb We and Bais Torah are enriched by your dedication, devotion and leadership To Sandy Your communal involvement creates a whirlwind and leaves behind a lasting impact Your name will go down in history!!! To Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz In appreciation of your dedication to Bais Torah

Sandy and Max



Yasher Koach To All of Our Esteemed Honorees. You are truly a source of inspiration for our Mishpacha. We would like to express our gratitude and Hakaros Hatov to Rabbi Yisroel and Amy Gottlieb For their leadership and guidance to our entire family, and for their selfless devotion to Our shul and community. May Hashem bless you both with good health and Yiddishe Nachas from your magnificent family. Michael Kronenberg Both friend and family (we share children and grandchildren) Your accomplishments are an inspiration to all of us May Hakadosh Boruch Hu bless you With the ability and strength to continue your Avodas Hakodesh And may you be zoche, along with Sharon, your dynamic partner To see much Yiddishe Nachas from your family. Sandy Lieder for being a good friend and role model for all of us in the community She works tirelessly, both behind and in front of the scenes Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz In recognition to our good friend in making Congregation Bais Torah run properly and smoothly With much admiration Jennifer and Ronnie Herrmann and Family



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Mazal Tov
To all our most deserving honorees. May Hashem bless you all with the ability to continue your wonderful work on behalf of our Kehilla. Seymour & Raizie Lutwak
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Mazel Tov Rabbi Yisrael & Amy Gottlieb Your knowledge and eagerness of always avail yourself To constantly giving more and more Is truly remarkable May you be blessed with good health and nachas from you wonderful family. MICHAEL & SHARON Our community has certainly been blessed by your decision To live here as opposed to another community. Your devotion, effort and leadership is a measure of true excellence And we collectively and indiviually never took for granted. We however have been additionally blessed by first enjoying our friendship then as machatunim. May you be blessed with good health and much nachas as we watch our children develop Thier own wonderful families and leadership in their own communities. Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz A sign of a true professional when all runs flawlessly We know that it takes a great deal of effort to make it look good You have continued in the rich tradition of our wonderful Shul OUR AISHES CHAYIL SANDY In Pirkei Ovos we are taught "find yourself a "Friend" To say we have found one in you is an understatment We've been friends from the moment we came into the Bais Torah "Family" 28 years ago We have shared tears and laugter And that makes the difference of a real "Friend" and a True Aishes Chayil We wish you and Yossi good health and a great deal of nachas MAZEL TOV TO ALL THE HONOREES LOVINGLY SARA AND CARL MARKOWITZ SILVER PAGE

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This year's honorees have done a tremendous job In creating a unique and intimate religious and social experience within Bais Torah which we collectively benefit from everyday. The Romer family Stands up and applauds your enormous efforts, generosity, altruism and stamina Which have created synergistic results In terms of quality of life, learning and spirituality Our deepest and sincere wish for

Rabbi and Amy Gottlieb, Michael Kronenberg, Sandy Lieder, and Rabbi Horowitz
Is that all of your dreams will come true, That you and your families will know only good health and happiness And may we all share a very long life of simchas, prosperity and generosity Towards Klal Israel and mankind!
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Message from Rabbi Berel Wein Bais Torah is indeed fortunate to have Rabbi and Rebitzen Gottlieb as its Rav and Rebitzen. Their efforts and devotion on behalf of the congregation and its families has been of inestimable value in strengthening the congregation and its holy community influence. The Gottliebs represent the highest ideals of rabbinic leadership with extraordinary scholarship in Torah, talent and communication skills, friendship to others and compassion to all. May the congregation and the Gottlieb family continue to go from strength to strength with good health, nachat and great accomplishments. . I also wish to bless my friends Michael and Sharon Kronenberg and express my appreciation to them for their tireless work over the past decades on behalf of Bais Torah. Thank you for everything you have done and achieved. With affection to everyone associated with Bais Torah, I remain, Rabbi Berel Wein

In Honor of our dear parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gottlieb Mr. and Mrs. Marty Ginsberg How do you find the words To thank those who gave you life Whose self-sacrifice and devotion Are the everything of what you are Who have always supported and stood by you In all areas of life?

We don't know either.

Thank You Yisroel and Amy

To My Wife My Life-Partner The Mother of My Children and The True Wind Beneath My Wings

Thank You Yisroel

In Honor of All of the Members of Congregation Bais Torah Who are the true life-blood And the real Greatness of our shul A shul is only as great as The people who are a part of it We are the greatest shul in the world Because we have the greatest people in the world

Thank you for allowing us The privilege to serve you

Rabbi Yisroel and Amy Gottlieb

In Honor of Michael and Sharon Kronenberg A First Couple without peer


In Appreciation for Rabbi Shlomo and Shifra Horowitz For sharing his myriad talents with us all

In Recognition of Sandy and Yossi Lieder An Eishes Chayil in the truest sense And the man who stands behind her

In Tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shapiro whose good name flows better thanthe finest oil Mrs. Libby and Eli Mendlowitz whose selfless service has breathed new life into the community

Rabbi Yisroel and Amy Gottlieb

In Honor of Steve and Jackie Fessel

and the

Board of Directors

Congregation Bais Torah

Your meticulous attention to detail Your self-sacrifice And your dedication to the values and ideals of our shul Have brought Bais Torah and its myriad programs To ever greater heights

Rabbi Yisroel and Amy Gottlieb

In Honor of Moe and Bayla Tilson Peter and Felise Katz Allen and Miriam Nussbaum Michael and Sharon Kronenberg Steve and Jackie Fessel And the boards of directors Who have served with you Your service as presidents of our shul During our time here Has made it not just an honor, But a privilege and a pleasure To serve as the rabbi Of this very special shul May you merit to see All of the blessings reserved For those who faithfully Endeavor in the needs Of the Jewish people Yisroel and Amy Gottlieb

Lchvod Harav Yisroel Gottlieb shlita

You were an exemplary and brilliant Talmid You became a devoted and loving Rebbe And now use your many talents to guide and inspire excellence in our Teachers and lead them with wisdom and caring. May you and your Aishes Chayil Amy Who has been a true partner and a constant source of strength to you, Have continued nachas from your children Talmidim and Congregants. And much success in all of your endeavors

Yeshivas Ohr Reuven

Rabbi & Mrs. Bezalel Rudinsky, Rosh Hayeshiva Rabbi & Mrs. Benzion Brodie, Sgan Rosh Hayeshiva Rabbi & Mrs. Ari Medetsky, Menahel Rabbi & Mrs. Y. Benzion Bamberger, Mashgiach Rabbi & Mrs. Raphael Vilinsky, Sgan Menahel Mr. & Mrs. Boruch Rudinsky, Principal Rabbi & Mrs. Menachem Apter Rabbi & Mrs. Dovid Apter Rabbi Yitzchak Aschkenazi Mr. & Mrs. DJ Berman Mr. & Mrs. Steve Bobea Rabbi & Mrs. Daniel Coren Rabbi & Mrs. A. Flam Mr. &Mrs. Reuven Frankel Rabbi & Mrs. Zev Fuchs Mr. Dovid Klaver Rabbi & Mrs. Dovid Kram Rabbi Noam Peikes Rabbi & Mrs. E. Perero Rabbi &Mrs. S. Perry Rabbi & Mrs. Y. Saperstein Rabbi & Mrs.Yaakov Y.Scheinberg Mr. & Mrs. Eli Shulman Rabbi Dovid Stefansky Mr. & Mrs. A. Zelcer

Mazel Tov to RABBI & MRS. YISROEL GOTTLIEB on this well-deserved honor. The faculty and staff of Yeshiva Darchei Noam are fortunate to benefit from Rabbi Gottliebs role as our General Studies Principal. His demeanor and leadership style exude calm, wisdom, understanding and educational integrity all with a vision for continued growth. With great respect and Rabbi Bezalel Rudinsky, Rosh HaYeshiva Rabbi Benzion Brodie, Sgan Rosh HaYeshiva Rabbi Yakov Horowitz, Dean Rabbi Ari Medetsky, Principal, Limudei Kodesh, Middle School Rabbi Yosef B. Rawicki, Principal, Limudei Kodesh, Elementary Division Mr. David Berman Rabbi Noam Peikes Mr. Evan Giordano Rabbi Yakov Kahana Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Lowy Rabbi Shai Perry Rabbi Yehuda Schuster Rabbi Aaron Spivak Mr. Abe Zelcer

To Our Dear Rav and Rebbitzen, We look up to you and revere you; You are our role models. Your answers and advice are full of compassion Wit, wisdom and common sense; We trust you and honor you. Above all, we are blessed to have you as our children And we live with your abundant love

Mom(my) and Dad(dy)


Grandma Rena !
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In Honor Of Rabbi Yisroel & Amy Gottlieb Two incredible people who have dedicated themselves To Torah, to their family and to their community With kindness, love and generosity of spirit. We are so proud of the incredible role models and leaders that they have become And we look forward to watching the fruit of their labor Continue to flourish and blossom. Much love, Steven & Deena Lawrence & Laura Tully & Hindy Adam & Hudi And All The Nieces and Nephews

Mazel Tov

Rabbi Yisroel & Amy Gottlieb On a well-deserved honor With Personal Appreciation Cynthia Hyman

With high regard and gratitude We congratulate our RABBI AND MRS. GOTTLIEB And our friends, the honorees Who deserve this reception and applause Judi and Yehuda Eliezri
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In Appreciation Of Rav Yisroel Gottlieb ''

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Hellmann!

Wishing All the Honorees Hatzlacha and Bracha Special Hakaras Ha-Tov To our Dearest Neighbors Rabbi Yisroel & Amy Gottlieb We Appreciate All You Do For Klal Yisrael,

Yosef & Talia Hendler

In appreciation of Rabbi Yisroel & Amy Gottlieb For their exemplary dedication to the Klal. Thank you for your caring, guidance and time And for making us feel part of your family. Nothing we say or do can equal All that you do for us. May Hashem grant you continuing health, hatzlacha, and Yiddishe Nachas From you family, your students and congregants. And may we all merit seeing Moshiach''

Yanky and Adina Deutsch Shuey and Orah Monczyk Yosef and Shevy Hass Golly Schneinrman !

In Honor of Rabbi Yisroel and Amy Gottlieb Your love for Torah and the way you conduct your life is an inspiration to all. Your dedication to the Klal, to your students and friends is unparalleled. Our sons are fortunate to benefit from both the superior education And the warmth & guidance that they receive with you as their principal. We value your friendship And are grateful for your support and sage advice throughout our lives. Your sense of humor (well sometimes...) Recipes (those grill lines...)and caring (and of course all those great Purim theme costumes) And all the great vacation ideas Have added so much joy and a special dimension to our lives


Thank you. Shuey and Orah Monczyk and Family

In honor of Amy Gottlieb Fortunate are your students who benefit from your devotion, caring, insight, and love. You actually make learning fun. Fortunate are we, your fellow teachers Who benefit from your loyal friendship and Hashem should continue to give you great From your students and from your family

Your friends and colleagues at Yeshiva of Spring Valley !

Hail to MY Chief MICHAEL For your sensitivity, insightfulness, creativity, wisdom, vision, loyalty, tenacity, devotion and energy That you bring to everything that you do in all areas of your life These attributes were evident in the success of your presidency For which you are being honored tonight As well as in your two previous presidential terms How you manage your professional life across the globe And your never ending work for Klal Yisrael both here and in Eretz Yisrael While never compromising your familys needs never ceases to amaze me May Hashem give you the health, years and ability With me by your side To continue doing what you do so well You are respected by your professional colleagues Sought after by Jewish organizations Admired by the Bais Torah community And loved dearly by your family And especially by me Sharon!

Special Wishes for the Presidential Awardee

Michael Kronenberg
Dear Michael, It is with pride and love that I wish you mazel tov on receiving this award for your dedication and devotion to your shul, community and Klal Yisroel . May Hashem bless you with much nachas and good health, together with Sharon and the family, to continue your good and noble work. Best wishes with love, affection and prayers for much blessing, in which Ed joins me. Much Love, MOM!


Rav Yitzchok Dovid Grossman Founder and Dean Evan Bernstein

In Honor of Our Very Dedicated Abba and Saba Michael Kronenberg Not only have you taught us the true meaning of being osek bztarchei tzibur bemunah, youve taught us what it means to be truly devoted to family as well. May Hashem grant you and Mommy (Bubby) the strength to continue your devotion to both family and community for many years to come. With love and admiration, Rena and Nissan Shaul, Eliezer, Azriel, Yisrael Meir and Chaim Noach

To Our Dearest Abba

Michael Kronenberg
You are a role model and example of What it means to be As well as the ultimate father, grandfather, husband and friend. This honor is more than deserved.

Love, Mordechai, Elisheva and Dovid!

Mazel Tov Abba on Your Presidential Honor You have always been a true role model both on personal and communal levels And you have shown us what it means to be there for your family While being an integral part of your community May you continue to be able to give of yourself To both your family and to the klal For many years to come Together with Mom In good health!

Love, "Do &Yo"!

In recognition of our Dear Abba and Saba MICHAEL KRONENBERG (Saba Moshe)" Who has been and is a true role model for us We have learned from your example how one should conduct themselves in family life, the business world, and the Jewish community. Most importantly, we have learned the importance of being a mentsch. May "grant you many years of health and enable you to continue working on behalf of the Klal. We hope that you and Ima/Bubbie will join us soon in Love, Tova, Noam, Dena, Rivka, Shlomo, Michal, Tamar and Yael!

Mazel Tov to our dear Abba and Saba MICHAEL KRONENBERG On your well deserved honor tonight. Your tireless acts of chesed and endless commitment to the Bais Torah Community and Klal Yisroel, have inspired us, as well as all of your children and grandchildren to be active members in our own communities. May Hashem continue to give you, along with your extraordinary Eishes Chayil, our loving Mother and Bubbie, Sharon, the strength, energy, and ability, to be able to continue all of your endeavors for many years together in good health. We hope to only continue to bring you much nachas (muchos nachos) and be able to continue to follow the path that you have guided us on. With all of our Love, David, Aviva, Zev, Azriel, Ilana, Talya, and Shana Markowitz

Congrats to Our Dear Abba and Saba

Michael Kronenberg
Who is always there for us even from afar. Thank you for being a great role model for us and our children.

Love from your favorite Caravan Family, Elisheva, Aron, Nachshon, David, and Avigayil. (aka: EYW, AYW, NUW, DYW, ABW)!

In Honor of our SABA, " MICHAEL KRONENBERG Who plays many roles in our lives Saba, Teacher, Fielder, Pitcher, Coach, Chavruta, Mentor, Psychologist, Frequent Flyer, Baal Korei, Baal Tefilla, Zoologist, Gardener We each hope to emulate what you have tried to instill in us

Love, The Kiddies Dena, Zev, Azriel, Rivka, Shaul, Ilana, Talya, Eliezer, Shlomo, Azriel, Meira, Michal, Shana, Yisrael Meir, Mordechai, Tamar, Ayelet, Chaim Noach, Nachshon, Menachem, Yardena, David, Yael, Dovid and Avigayil! !

In Honor of Our Dear Machatunim Michael and Sharon Kronenberg We feel fortunate to count you among our Mishpacha. May the Ribono Shel Olam grant you Many more years of good health and happiness To continue with your Avodas Hakodesh Jerry and Dawn Lax and Family!

Dear Michael Mazal tov on receiving this well-deserved honor You have gone above and beyond for your shul and community You have given of yourself graciously and humbly May Hashem grant you the strength to continue serving your community and shul A special shout out to Sharon For enabling you to work so hard on behalf of the shul and community Love, Yaffa and Larry Sheri, Mitchell and Jonathan!

To Michael Neighbor, Friend and Relative. Source of historical and sport trivia, and divrei Torah We are blessed to have you (and Sharon) in our lives in so many ways We look forward to participating in countless good deeds with you Regardless of the outcome!!

Shlomit and Mordechai

! Congratulations to Our Good Friend Michael Kronenberg Who during the course of many years has developed many special and solid relationships within our industry and the greater Hong Kong community. With Warm Regards, Your Friends at Top Dynamic - HK Gary Chan , Managing Director ! !

Honoring Our Good Friend and Presidential Awardee

Michael Kronenberg
and the Praiseworthy Congregation of Bais Torah It is a great pleasure and honor to have the opportunity to say a few words about an outstanding person. Many times in our professional lives our paths cross special people and we are lucky to call them friends as well as colleagues or business partners. We first started to do business with Michael two decades ago at Fada Industries where we were soon to learn that Michael was a tough but fair negotiator. Over the years we became friends and I always felt he was someone I could reach out to for guidance and advice on personal as well as business matters. He was particularly supportive during a health crisis which my family endured. As with most good relationships, ours is built on mutual respect and trust. When Michael calls to ask a business favor which may be out of the ordinary, I always know that I can feel 100% secure in what he is telling me. He has never let me down. I have seen how he treats his staff and coworkers and I can see why he commands so much respect and support. A business dinner with Michael is like two friends catching up with genuine interest in their families, careers and well-being. In the competitive, cut throat environment in which we live there are few people that rise above the rest that somehow combine business results with integrity and friendship. How fortunate am I that my path crossed with that of Michael Kronenberg. Congratulations and I hope you enjoy your special evening.

Myles O'Brien President & CEO Toll Global Forwarding!

In Honor of Our Dear Mother Mrs. Sandy Lieder Whose sense of responsibility toward the tzibbur, Learned in her parents home, Has benefited not only Congregation Bais Torah But also numerous other institutions and individuals. Your selfless devotion to your family And the extended family of Klal Yisroel Never ceases to amaze us And inspires us to follow in your footsteps Through our involvement with our own communities. May Hakadosh Baruch Hu give you and Abba Good health and strength To continue using your talents and resources To help those around you! Rephoel and Tzipora Lieder Yaakov and Yocheved Lieder Deena and Aaron Bodenheim Brocha and Noam Peikes Basya and Menachem Brickman Chana and Betzalel Sochaczewski Nechama and Yitzy Tendler

Best Wishes To All the wonderful honorees Who so aptly represent everything our shul stands for.

Very special love and warm wishes to OUR SISTER SANDY Who has taken everything she has learned at home And expanded it in every aspect of her life.

Edwin and Ruth Levi


Kol Hakovod! Sam (YFB) & Leah

! ! !

The grandchildren speak for themselves and tell what they know about

What Savta Does For Others And For Us Savta polishes the silver for the shul, cleans the , the and the bars She drives the ladies and parks her car in the garage, (after coming home from a run) She is a good cook and makes suppers for a small and others Call Sa-ta (* Savta makes tons of phone calls to arrange meals for homes and when someone has a baby). Sa-ta - house (where she always has a lot of guests) She makes a lot of and parties in her house for so many people She comes to help us when we have a baby, and is always looking to find ways to help others Savta buys me presents lets us take what we want without asking And brings us big huge packages of colored paper (all examples of her generosity and giving nature which she shares with her family, friends, and ) She makes a birthday cake for me every year goes out to buy party when we come for And is always looking out to make sure that each person is happy She always says hello to people And brings smiles to so many faces. Da-ba-da (* Savta does so much for everyone else) I dont know where to begin to describe all that Savta does And for those who are too small to answer the question: What does Savta do for others? We can sum it all up with a lot of stuff WE ASPIRE TO BE LIKE YOU!

We love you Savta!

Love, All your Lieder Grandchildren

MAZAL TOV To all the Honorees It is OUR mazal to be zoche to live in a neighborhood where we can be a part of a Shul that produces a slate of honorees this inspiring.

To our Dear Aunt SANDY You know how we feel!

Nachum and Miriam Rosenberg!

To Our Favorite Aunt Sandy As you continue to lead by example We are continuously inspired by both you, and Uncle Jossi May Hashem grant you many more opportunities to be there for others With Love, Shimon and Yehudis Levi Shiffy and Sandy Nissel Adele and Naftoly Katzenstein Elyu and Deena Levi Danny and Miriam Levi Debbie and Eli Mayerfeld Naomi Levi Adina and Ezra Weiner Miriam and Nachum Rosenberg Meira and Ari Perl Yosef and Sari Levi !

In honor of our wonderful Mechatayniste, Truly worthy recipient of the Eishes Chayil Award SANDY LIEDER (and our Mechutan, the Ish Chayil? Jossi!) Who is always first to volunteer Whether it be her energy, home, or other resources For every worthy cause Who makes our families hers And is always delighted to participate wholeheartedly in our simchas MAZAL TOV! May you and Jossi have arichus yamim together in good health And may we all be zoche to see only joy and nachas From all our offspring together! Your admiring Mechutanim, David and Aliza Simons Yosey and Sima Goldstein Allen and Chavie Bodenheim Meyer and ShlomisPeikes Alan and Leah Brickman Yehoshua and RochelSochaczewski Hillel and Mashie Tendler

! Mazel Tov SANDY You earned it! Ray & Judy and Family !

In honor of Sandy Lieder Your dedication to your shul is outdone by your dedication to your family, friends and all individuals in need As part of the "friends" group, we have greatly benefitted from yours and Jossi's warmth and concern We also thank you for having been a catalyst for over 30 years of learning Torah B'Chavrusa.

We join the Monsey community in honoring

Rabbi Yisroel and Amy Gottlieb, Michael Kronenberg and Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz

Moshe and Susan Gartenberg

! !

In Honor of

You stand as a shining example of what it means to be a true . Your enthusiasm for chessed and mitzvos is something we all seek to emulate. You are amazing not only for all you do, but the manner in which you do it. We are very grateful to be members of the extended Lieder family - and the lifetime supply of Sandy's simcha tea rings which that entitles us to. May you and Jossi see much continued from your wonderful children and grandchildren and may grant you the to continue in your . We also salute all of this year's deserving Honorees. Teddy and Malkie and Family
! ! ! ! ! ! !

In Honor Of

A true Eishes Chayil Loketch & Partners, LLP Certified Public Accountants 12 College Road, Suite 101 Monsey, NY 10952 (212) 869-2316
! ! ! !

Whose talents, friendship, leadership and devotion are unparalleled

Our beloved Rabbi Gottlieb and Rebbetzin Amy,

In tribute to

You have enhanced our lives and that of the entire Bais Torah community with your talents and overwhelming ahavas yisroel. We are so fortunate and honored to be counted in amongst your friends.

Michael and (his Eishes Chayil), Sharon .

In appreciation of and admiration for

In honor of
Rabbi ShlomoHorowitz who personifies the ideals of experience and wisdom. May you together with your Eishes Chayil Shifra, continue to see much nachas from your family. values with his kind approach,

Jossi and Sandy

Congratulations to the "Gabai of the Year" Award Recipient Our Dear Father & Saba Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz Your hard work and dedication as Gabbai is an inspiration to all of us.

Yossi, Nechama & Amitai Horowitz Avi, Dina, Shayna, Chanina, Kayla, Elisheva & Chaim Horowitz Akiva, Natalie, Eitan, Eli & Atara Horowitz Yoni, Rena, Meir & Tzvi Merl Shoshana Rachel Horowitz !

In Honor of My Son and Our Brother SHLOMO Mazel Tov on a most deserving tribute For your dedication and tireless efforts On behalf of Congregation Bais Torah May Hashem grant you and Shifra Many years of good health, happiness and much nachas From your children and grandchildren

With love and pride, Ezriel Horowitz Irene and Sam Russo and Family
! ! ! !

With deep appreciation to the Officers and Board of Directors Barry Lifschitz, Vice President Ronnie Herrmann, Vice President Jay Kimmel, Treasurer Sandy Lieder, Comptroller Marilyn Sapir, Recording secretary Sandy Thurm, Corresponding secretary Yisroel Helprin Abe Frankel Carl Markowitz Felise Katz Irving Rohinsky Gloria Gordon Jack Gross Miriam Rosenberg Sharon Kronenberg Steve

With Deep Appreciation To


I am so grateful to each and every one of you for your tireless efforts in putting together this beautiful evening. Your hard work and dedication to our shul is what made this night the huge success that it is. Lawrence Gordon Gloria Gordon Felise Katz Emily Lifschitz Barry Lifschitz Raizie Lutwak Sandy Lieder Sharon Kronenberg Marilyn Sapir Sandy Thurm Jackie Fessel Ruthie Lehmann David Lehmann Aviva Schmutter


With Hakaras Hatov To THE ADULT EDUCATION COMMITTEE Thank you for your efforts In enhancing our Bais Torah experience With stimulating programs David Lehmann Fayge Deutsch Marilyn Sapir Doris Newman Miriam Nussbaum Snady Thurm Moshe Kranzler


In honor of my dear friend

Jack Gross
For his tireless efforts on behalf of Bais Torah In making Shalosh Seudot a meaningful experience. Thank you for your enthusiasm and inspiring approach to Daf Yomi You are truly a ben torah.



Yisroel Helprin With deep appreciation to my dear friend For all his hard work on behalf of our Shul Each and every day Steve

To the worlds finest gabbaim Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz Yussie Stern Abe Frankel With great admiration for your patience, sensitivity, and capabilities

You made my job as president easy.

Thank you Steve


With great thanks to Allen Nussbaum For his advice, involvement and love of our Shul

Steve !

To#My#dear#friend# Michael Rossman# # Words#cannot#adequately#express#my#thanks#and#admiration# For#your#tireless#and#thankless#efforts#on#behalf#of#Bais#Torah# # May#Hashem#grant#you#&#your#family#and#your#father# Good#health#and#much#happiness# # Steve! #

# # # # # # # #

As we celebrate this Shul dinner Our hearts reflect on the passing of Chaim Feigenbaum ah Who was niftar almost one year ago In his short life he managed to inspire a deep sense of emunah in Hashem and taught us to appreciate every day of our lives Yehai Zichro Boruch Jackie and Steve Fessel
! ! !

In honor of

President Steve and Treasurer Jay

Steve your ongoing commitment to Bais Torah's well-being is truly admirable. Your love for the shul is evident in every effort you expend on behalf of its welfare. It is an honor to serve on your board. Jay your dedication to the financial well-being of the shul is truly an inspiration to me. May Hashem grant the two of you Together with all the members of the board and sisterhood To continue to have hatzlocha in all your endeavors On behalf of Bais Torah your humble comptroller
! ! !

With Great Admiration and Respect

To Our Rav, Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb, to Amy and to the entire wonderful extended Gottlieb familyThe Bais Torah community has truly been enriched in so many areas by the Torah and the Chessed that you have provided in the spirit of the legacy and mesorah of our wonderful kehilla. To Mrs. Sandy Lieder, who together with Dr Jossi , has BH, bridged the greatness of your parents previous generation with the flowering generations of your children and grandchildren a magnificent accomplishment. It has been more than a privilege for us and our family to partner with you in many of your unceasing initiatives of chessed and maasim tovim and to be part of your mutual admiration society. To my dear friend Reb Shlomo who, with great humility, has given of his many extraordinary talents, skills and experience to navigate and steer our shul as Gabbai extraordinaire, always with great dignity and poise. To my special Consigliore, Dr. H. Leon Pachter (Reb Hirsch Leib), who shuns the spotlight but has never refused an accommodation. Thank you for always being there for us, for our family and for our entire Kehilla . May Hashem shower you, Rena and your entire family with Shefa Brachos and much Nachas.

Michael and Sharon Kronenberg

With Sincerest Thoughts of Hakoras Hatov To the multi-talented Bais Torah Officers, Committee Chiefs and Ministers who helped steer, support and guide our Kehilla during my recent tenure as President. A term is only as good as its team leaders. Thank you and Kol Hakavod to my truly devoted, wise and dedicated officers; Barry Lifschitz, Ronnie Herrmann, Jay Kimmel, Sandy- SY Lieder, Ruthie Lehmann and Marilyn Sapir . My sincerest appreciation to our extraordinary Minister of Culinary Affairs, Michael Rossman and family and to Chief of Facilities, Yis Helprin who have given and continue to give of themselves every day BLev Shalem. For the continuous devotion to Torah, Avodah and Gemilus Chassdim; My expressions of shevach and gratitude to the magnificent efforts of Rabbi Yussie Fischer, Rabbi Avromy Fein, Dr. Debora Raice-Fox, Reb Yankel Hillel Gross , Miriam Rosenberg, Irwin Goldress, David Abramczik, Jonathan Rosenstock, Allen Nussbaum, Peter Katz, Hinda Kimmel, Betty Schloss and the fabulous and selfless Gabbaim who served with me; Steve Fessel, Simcha Friedman, Rabbi S.S. Horowitz, Yossie Stern, Abe Frankel, Carl Markowitz and Moishe Kranzler . To David, Moishe, Shlomit, Marilyn, Fayge, Doris and Allen ; Thanks so much for your innovative, thoughtful and stimulating programming and events planning . Merci Beaucoup to Felise, Steve, Jackie, Laurence, Gloria and their fabulous dinner committee members Raizie, Sandys L, Marilyn, Barry , Emily, Sharon and Aviva Many thanks to President Shimshon Ezra ( Steve ) Fessel who made this award possible by accepting this wonderful and glorious position. And to our amazing Mora DAsra, Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb, our own Maayan Hamisgaber, with an overflowing and abundance of Torah , Torah perspectives and Halacha which he imparts to us daily with passion and enthusiasm which permeates our shul and community ; It has been a privilege to serve in the Ohel of your Rabbanus. Michael Kronenberg

Mazal Tov to Rabbi Yisroel and Amy Gottlieb Your presence at the helm of our shul Is a continuous source of inspiration for all of us. Each of your shiurim places another jewel in the crown That is Congregation Bais Torah. Michael, Sandy, and R Shlomo Are truly deserving of the honor bestowed upon them this evening. Each a paragon in asikut btzorchei tzibur, they raise the bar, encouraging the rest of us to aspire to higher standards of Chessed and community involvement. Do we have great friends, or what!

Fayge and Yussie Deutsch

In honor of our Esteemed Rav Yisroel Gottlieb and His Wonderful Wife Amy Michael Kronenberg Sandy Lieder Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz Mr. & Mrs. Henry Shapiro Libby Mendlowitz All are tremendous examples of individuals who put the needs of the community ahead of their own. May they continue to inspire and guide us in the years to come Arthur & Joyce Fein Avromy & Renee Fein !

We express our appreciation and gratitude to All the honorees For making our Shul A place of Torah, Chessed and Service to Hashem. To Rabbi Yisroel and Amy Gottlieb Michael Kronenberg Sandy Lieder Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz Mrs. and Mrs. Henry Shapiro THANK YOU

Josef and Barbara Fischer

! ! !

Mazal Tov RABBI YISROEL & AMY GOTTLIEB You inspire us and our entire community. You have brought Bais Torah to greater heights of Torah, Avodah and Gemilas Chasadim. MICHAEL You always do a fantastic job. Words alone are not sufficient. Thank you for all your efforts and friendship. Four more years. SANDY You accomplish so much in your own quiet way. We can surely see that you follow Shamai's dictum of "Say little and do much." SHLOMO It is a pleasure to work with you every week. Your sensitivity to the needs of our members contributes to the harmonious atmosphere in Bais Torah. MR. & MRS. HENRY SHAPIRO It is indeed a pleasure to have you as members in our shul. You give so much and never ask for anything in return. You are a model of true Torah Judaism. LIBBY Your efforts have added another dimension to our shul. ABE & PHYLLIS FRANKEL

Congratulations On well-deserved honors to Aishet Chayil

Sandy Lieder
Esteemed Gabai

Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz

Models of Derech Eretz

Anne and Henry Shapiro

Intrepid and industrious

Libby Mendlowitz
The lovely, talented, good-humored, patient, hardworking, upbeat etc., etc., etc. Rebbetzin Amy Gottlieb and With most sincere thanks and appreciation for the awesome lomdus and kindly heart of

Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb2

Ruth, Simcha & Ora Friedman



Squared because there MUST be a clone of you to do all you do!

Mazel Tov to all the Honorees May You Go from Strength to Strength Rabbi Yisroel and Amy Gottlieb
Guests of Honor
Thank you for your devotion to our shul. It is an honor to have you as our Rav and Rebbitzen.

Michael Kronenberg
Presidential Award
Your commitment and tireless work on behalf of Bais Torah is greatly appreciated.

Sandy Lieder
Aishes Chayil Award
Your dedication to the shiva meals, bikur cholim visits and the financial needs of Bais Torah show that you are truly an Aishes Chayil.

Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz

Gabbai of the Year Award
Thank you for your years of service as Gabbai.

Irwin and Leslie Goldress!


MAZEL TOV To The Honorees Michael Kronenberg

Presidential Award

Sandy Lieder
Aishes Chayil Award

Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz

Gabbai of the Year Award

Mr. & Mrs. Henry Shapiro Mrs. Libby Mendlowitz And last and very far from least Our Dear Children Yisroel and Amy For their devotion and chessed to the entire community. You both have given us so much nachas including 6 beautiful grandchildren. We couldn't be prouder or love you more. Mom & Dad Gottlieb

Rabbi and Amy Gottlieb Your caring and commitment, sense of humor and many words of wisdom Provide us with guidance and thoughts to ponder. Thank you for your leadership. Sandy You and Jossi have made us part of your wonderful family And allowed us to share in all of your simchas. We look forward to many more years of friendship. Mazel tov on a job well done. Michael As soon as we joined Bais Torah, your name was known to us as a leader in our Shul. In addition to your work, we have always appreciated your beautiful davening. Yasher koach. Shlomo Your leadership as Gabbai ensures beautiful davening every week. Thank you for all your work. Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shapiro and Mrs. Libby Mendlowitz Richard and Kay Greenblatt

In tribute to the most deserving and dedicated honorees

Rabbi Yisroel & Amy Gottlieb Michael Kronenberg Sandy Lieder Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz Mr. & Mrs. Henry Shapiro Libby Mendlowitz

Best Wishes Judy and Ken Gribetz!

! ! !

Mazel Tov to Our Wonderful Honorees Rabbi and Rebbetzin Gottlieb

Continued Hatzlocha The depth of your Halacha Shiurim are a true joy to us all.

Michael Kronenberg
To my Dear Friend Michael May Hashem give you continued mazel and nachas which you so richly deserve.

Aishas Chayal has a Picture of Yossie & Sandy

The picture is correct, since every mitzvah done by the Lieders are done together with Simcha and Humility. I am proud that you consider me your friend.

Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz

A true Rav and Gabbai, who made the 3 years fly by. Quietly, respectfully and always with a smile.

Jack & Rachel Gross!

To Rabbi & Amy Your erudition and enlightenment has brought Bais Torah to another level. Your caring and concern is very much appreciated. May you see much Nachas from your wonderful family. To Michael Finding faults with a President is easy, but we could not find one with you at our helm. Excellent job by a terrific person. To Sandy You have the unique quality of getting things done quietly and modestly. What an incredible trait for us to follow. To Shlomo The position of Gabbai is to be a good diplomat, and you have fullfilled that post divinely. To Mr. Shapiro Anyone coming in contact with you cannot help but be totally inspired. May you continue to enlighten others Ad Meah V'Esrim.

Yisroel & Bella Helprin

IN HONOR of ALL THE HONOREES You make us proud to be members of BAIS TORAH

Irwin & Eve Hollander !

Mazel Tov To All of This Evenings Honorees To our dear Rabbi and Amy, our lives have been so enriched these last ten years. Your brilliant Torah insights coupled with your sense of humor and warmth have made it a joy and pleasure to daven in Bais Torah. We have such nachas observing your beautiful family as they grow and mature. As an added benefit, we have the privilege and pleasure of having you as our neighbors and good friends. Michael, we dont know how you manage it, but you have spent so much time and energy keeping our shul going and enriching our lives because of it. We cherish our friendship with you and Sharon and love being your neighbors directly across Carlton Road (although neither of us live on that street). Sandy, you and Jossi have spiritually uplifted all of us at Bais Torah. Your chessed activities are legend. We are proud to be your business partners in two Shul activities which you manage to turn into a fun time matzo baking and bookkeeping. May Hashem grant you many years to continue your important work. Rabbi Horowitz, thank you for being a wonderful gabbai and enhancing our Shabbosim and Yom Tovim in the Shul. It is a very hard job but you perform it with much tact and dignity. Mr. and Mrs. Shapiro, you truly inspire us. May we all spend many more years together as a Bais Torah family. Jay & Hinda Kimmel

We are blessed with an outstanding Rabbi and Rebbetzin How much we appreciate your leadership!!! Mazal Tov on this well-deserved honor! Special thank you to: Michael Kronenberg Sandy Leider Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shapiro Are an inspiration to our entire community!!! We value them as neighbors and members!!!

Suzie and Gerry Kirshenbaum and Family

To Rabbi & Amy Gottlieb Michael Kronenberg Sandy Lieder Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz Mazel Tov on a well-deserved honor. Thank you for all your help and dedication to our Shul. Shirley and Arthur Landau
! !

RABBI & AMY Your erudition and gemilas chasodim impress and encourage us. (Are you still in?)

MICHAEL El Presidente for life, your true term of office will never expire. Thank you for your valued friendship and your dedication to the klal. Its always a pleasure to work with you and Sharon. (And when did we ever refuse an accommodation?)

SANDY Der apfel fllt nicht weit vom baum.

RABBI SHLOMO Thank you for your dedication. Hakadosh Baruch Hu yeshalem scharam

David & Ruth Lehmann

! !

In Honor of Rabbi Yisroel and Reb. Amy Gottlieb Who have instilled a continuous Torah vigor in BAIS TORAH

Congratulations to All the HONOREES, Gabbaim, Officers, and Office Staff for all your daily efforts David & Soshi Mayerfeld
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We thank all of tonight's honorees For their outstanding work Eli & Libby Mendlowitz !

Mazel Tov to all the honorees For their well-deserved honor. Thank you to the dinner/journal committee For your hard work and dedication.

Miriam and Allen Nussbaum

In Honor Of The Esteemed Rav Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb & His Wife Amy and Our Past President Michael Kronenberg May Hashem grant you the strength To continue all your hard work On behalf of the Klal. Dovi and Tzippy Rakower !

Blessed to be part of the Bais Torah family we join in honoring our friends and leaders Amy and Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb Michael Kronenberg Sandy Lieder and Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz

With respect and admiration, Debbie and Yosi Rosenberg and Family

To All The Honorees

From Lenny and Edie Rosenkranz

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Congratulations to the Honorees

Sandy & Joel Rosenwasser !

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We salute tonight's distinguished honorees that have devoted themselves tirelessly To Bais Torah. You are an inspiration to all! Rabbi Yisroel and Amy Gottlieb Michael Kronenberg Sandy Lieder Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz Mr. & Mrs. Henry Shapiro Mrs. Libby Mendlowitz

'' ''
You help to make Bais Torah the special place it is!

Rena and Michael Gershon, Josh, Karen & Dovie, Dov, Yonah, Tzipporah and Kurt Rossman

In honor Of Our Dear Rabbi and Rebbetzin Your leadership and guidance and love of Torah enhance our lives and is greatly appreciated. May Hashem grant you and your family the strength and wisdom to lead our Shul and Community for many years to come.

Mazel Tov to our dear neighbor Michael Kronenberg A most deserving Honoree - your dedication and devotion is an inspiration to all. May Hashem bless you and your entire family with good health and Nachas.

To all the other Honorees Mazel Tov May you continue your commitment and dedication to Bais Torah for many more years.

Max and Beverly Rubinstein

Thank You Rabbi Yisroel and Amy Gottlieb Michael Kronenberg Sandy Lieder Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz Henry and Anne Shapiro Libby Mendlowitz For your generous time, dedication, And inspirational leadership Betty and Jack Schloss

Mazel Tov To All The Honorees Mr. & Mrs. Henry Meyer Shapiro !

Rabbi and Amy You are our teacher, a friend and a walking Sefer Torah. We honor you tonight and thank Hashem for bringing you into our lives. Michael All the families this night give you RESPECT! May Hashem bless you, Sharon and all your loved ones with good health and happiness. Sandy Rabbi Horowitz Mr. & Mrs. Shapiro Libby Mendlowitz We so appreciate all you have done and continue to do on behalf of our Shul. May Hashem continue to shine upon you and your family.

Bayla & Moe Tilson

! ! ! ! !

Mazel Tov ToThe Honorees Rabbi Yisroel & Amy Gottlieb Michael Kronenberg Sandy Lieder Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz Mr. & Mrs. Henry Shapiro Mrs. Libby Mendlowitz In recognition of their commitment and dedication to Bais Torah and the Monsey community. Yussie and Gail Tuchman
! ! ! ! !

It is indeed a privilege to have the opportunity to thank Rabbi Gottlieb, his dear wife Amy, Michael Kronenberg, Sandy Lieder and Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz for all the kindness, caring and warm friendship they all bring into our community. May Hashem bless them with good health, much joy and nachat and may we continue to have the zechut of deserving their devotion for many more years to come.

Mrs. Hilde Zauderer Carole and Yossie Stern !


would like to thank Congregation Bais Torah for graciously hosting us every Shabbos morning. We are proud to be a part of Bais Torah and wish the entire shul much continued Hatzlacha in the future.

Yosef and Talia Hendler Dovi and Tzippy Rakower Jonathan and Chavy Rosenstock Josh Rossman Yonah Rossman Shlomo and Keren Stern Alan and Malkie Zamore Anonymous

In honor of tonights Guest of Honor Our Rav and Rebbetzin


Your leadership and positive influence has inspired the lives of our families, our Kehilla, and our community. Your tireless efforts are greatly appreciated by all. May Hashem continue to bless you and your family with everlasting broche and simcha and may He grant you continued strength and wisdom to lead our shul and community for many years to come. Gilbert and Ruth Backenroth Abe and Phyllis Frankel Marty and Carol Ginsberg Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb (in honor of Amy!) Fred & Esther Gottlieb Richard and Kay Greenblatt Yossi and Sandy Lieder Allen and Miriam Nussbaum Jeremy and Keren Nussbaum Nissan and Liora Reyhanian Irving and Eudice Rohinsky Moshe Rosenbaum Jonathan and Chavy Rosenstock Boruch Binyomin Rosenstock Joel and Sandy Rosenwasser Mrs. Chayie Schachter

Behind every great ship is a great captain. I would like to congratulate my father Michael Kronenberg On this much deserved Presidential award. He should be zocheh to continue to be a community leader and worthy representative of k'lal Yisrael for many years to come Shimon Kronenberg

Honoring our Father Michael Kronenberg Mazal Tov Abba on the well-deserved Presidential Honor! Your commitment and dedication to the shul, community, and Klal Yisrael in general Has been an inspiration to us all Thank you for being such a wonderful role model for your children and grandchildren We love you! Love, Rachelle, Paul, Ayelet and Yardena!

Mazel Tov to All the incredible honorees Our esteemed Rabbi and Mrs. Yisroel Gottlieb Michael Kronenberg Sandy Lieder Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz All such special, capable and community-minded individuals We are lucky to know you and to be part of your Shul

Avraham and Leah Granick




MICHAEL & LENI LOEBENSTEIN ___________________________________________________

In honor of Uncle Jossi and Aunt Sandy We are very proud of all your accomplishments. Thank you for dedicating your lives to Torah and Chesed and uplifting the entire family with your spirit and warmth. In appreciation to Michael and Sharon Kronenberg for your many years of dedication to Bais Torah. We are very grateful for the kindness and friendship you have shared with our family. Special thanks to Rabbi Yisroel and Amy Gottlieb for their tremendous devotion to Klal Yisrael and Congregation Bais Torah. It is a kavod and z'chus for the Shul to have you as their leader. May you be zoche to many more years of bracha and hatzlacha. Heshel and Aliza Teitelbaum

To Our Special Longtime Friend Michael Kronenberg Dear Michael

We have known you for 25 years and you have been a special friend and a special mentor to us. We congratulate you on this well-deserved honor! You have given of yourself in all participations without limit! You have so many friends here in Hong Kong. Happy is the man, who finds wisdom, The man who attains understanding. Its value is better than the value of silver. Its yield greater than fine gold. Proverbs 3:13-14 May you go from strength to strength and may we all continue to be blessed by your deeds. With Love and Respect, Joe & Gardy Hong Kong

L'chvod Rabbi Gottlieb

We appreciate your scholarship in the many shiurim you give for both men and women, As well as your openness and ability in answering shailos.

In Honor of Rebbetzin Gottlieb & The Entire Gottlieb Family

Your presence at shul enhances and enlivens the shul atmosphere.

In Honor of Michael Kronenberg

Thank you for your leadership.

In Admiration of Sandy Lieder

A constant energetic presence at shul and shiurim

Chani & Yaakov Baldinger

! !

Michael(Kronenberg(!" on a well-earned honor! May you and Sharon merit all the Brochos of the Shabbos morning for those who are , Who faithfully and diligently devote their efforts and energy for the benefit of the congregation and its congregants Eliyahu and Esther Bergstein ______________________________________________________ Chung Nam Watch Co. Ltd. extends warm and best wishes to our longtime friend Michael Kronenberg In honor of his dedication and devotion to his community and synagogue Michael and his family have been counted among our closest friends and business associates for many years and we are delighted to join in this salute Congratulations! Mr. Bob Chong, Managing Director Chung Nam Watch Co. Ltd. Hong Kong

In Honor of

Rabbi and Mrs. Gottlieb

We miss you! From your former neighbors,

Shlomo & Gitty Horowitz


Rabbi Yisroel and Amy Gottlieb Guests of Honor Morah DAsra extraordinaire, Rabbi Gottlieb shares a nearly inexhaustible fund of knowledge and splendid Midos with his congregants, complemented by his talented, friendly and creative wife, Amy. Their family gives us much nachas. Michael Kronenberg Presidential Award Mazal Tov on a well-deserved honor for Michael and Sharon who have made Bais Torah such a major part of their lives and we are gratefully indebted to them for the wonderful family that Bais Torah is for us . Sandy Lieder Eishes Chayil Award Btzniut in the best sense, Sandy makes every accomplishment look simple. Sandy and Jossi have been pillars of strength and true friends. May they continue to have much nachas from their wonderful family. Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz Gabbai of the Year Award Shlomo gives the position of Gabbai gravitas with a smile. Shlomo and Shifra have given Bais Torah an extra dimension with divrei Torah, beautiful davening and a wonderful family. Rabbi & Mrs. Henry Shapiro Kesser Shem Tov Award We wish Rabbi & Mrs. Shapiro many happy and healthy years together. Rabbi Shapiro is a role model of a Talmud Chacham and a mensch and together with Mrs. Shapiro their appreciation of life is a gift from which we all can benefit . Mrs. Libby Mendlowitz Leadership Award Grateful we are for the lively sounds of children who come weekly for Bnos and Pirchai and much thanks to Mrs. Libby Mendlowitz for enhancing the Shabbos spirit in Bais Torah. With much gratitude to the whole Bais Torah family Pinchas & Miriam Frankel

Best wishes to All the officers, members, honorees And friends of Congregation Bais Torah, And to our mentor and guide Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb Larry Seligson In Honor of Rabbi & Mrs. Gottlieb Who have injected youth, vibrancy and Torah Knowledge into Bais Torah and have personified the "voice" of Klal Yisroel Sandy Lieder though "taxed" for time maintains the ability to give to community, her posse and husband Jossi Michael Kronenberg three times is a chazakah Mr. Shapiro who has allowed us a glimpse of the greatness of Chachmei Lublin Rabbi Horowitz who is able to take care of the whole megillah Charlie & Shulamis Grandovsky Philip & Phyllis Strenger

TO OUR DEAR RABBI AND REBBETZIN HA'RAV YISROEL AND AMY GOTTLIEB We Congratulate You On This Well Deserved Honor May You Both Continue To Serve With Such Warmth and Dedication

Mazel Tov on the Wonderful Tribute Bestowed Upon Sandy, Your Eishes Chayil

How Many More of These Awards Are You Going to Earn? Thank You, Thank You, Thank You We Wish You All Shalom U'Vracha Pamela and Stuart Erdfab and Family

Mazel Tov to Rabbi Yisroel and Amy Gottlieb. Mazel Tov to All the Honorees. We, the congregation, are appreciative of all your efforts. May Hashem bless you and all your families with long and healthy lives Feigi Turk Weber and Family

In honor of All The Honorees Best wisher for continued

With admiration Yanky and Penina Hauer

To Our Dear SANDY An Eishes Chayil in so many ways No one deserves this more than you. Teddy and Debby and Family

The success of any institution depends on strong leadership, the hallmark of our , Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb. An excellent speaker, his speeches are most meaningful, full of content, application, with a sprinkling of humor. A marvelous teacher, we, his members, have the wonderful opportunity to expand our knowledge and depth of learning. Above all else, he is tuned in to the needs of his congregants. The marriage of Rabbi Yisroel and Amy was a match made in heaven. Amy and our Rabbi are a perfect team. Both are warm and compassionate, charming, and the proud parents of beautiful children. Once you have found him, never let him go. These words aptly describe the relationship of Bais Torah to Michael Kronenberg, our outgoing president. As the CEO of our shul, Michael once again exhibited his ability as a leader. In his quiet and efficient manner, he set is goals and accomplished them. Kudos to our dear friend Michael. Sandy Lieder, is a petite dynamo of talent and skills, with excess energy and devotion to our community. Sandy volunteers for any job that needs to be done, be it to help an individual in need, or any other chesed. She is an inspiration to all of us. A most difficult job is being a gabbai of a shul. Indeed, Bais Torah was fortunate to be able to convince Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz to take on this responsibility, one that he handled professionally, and with sensitivity. Thank you RebShlomo for a job well done. Chaim Shapiro (Rabbi) enhances our shul by his very presence. He walks to shul early to begin his day by learning before davening, Atalmid of the Yeshiva of Voloshin, he miraculously escaped the clutches of Hitler with his miraculous trip through Russia and Siberia to join other refugees in Shanghai. May Hashem grant him and his wife many more years of good health. As longtime devoted members of the Bais Torah family, we regret that we were unable to join and celebrate with you this evening. Moshe and Eveline Kranzler

Mazel Tov and Warmest Wishes to All Honorees

Rabbi Yisroel & Amy Gottlieb Sandy Lieder Michael Kronenberg Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz
on your well-deserved honors.

Bernie & Doris Kushner

In Tribute to Rabbi and Mrs. Yisroel Gottlieb We are fortunate to benefit from your Hadracha & Harbotzas Ha-Torah In Honor of Michael Kronenberg A shining example of Mesiras Nefesh for the Klal Brocha V'Hatzlocha to Rabbi & Mrs. Henry Shapiro We are inspired by your legacy-A glimpse of the previous generation In Honor of Mrs. Sandy Lieder and Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz Kudos to Steve Fessel & Laurence Gordon for a job well done May you continue your Avodas HaKodesh Irving & Jacob Safrin, Adam Fine & Adam Pollack SAFRIN ASSOCIATES Insurance and Financial Services 1507 Route 202 Pomona, NY 10970 Proud Supporters of Bais Torah

In Honor of Sandy Lieder Eishes Chayil Awardee Sandy deserves this honor every year. Sandy epitomizes the ultimate volunteer for her shul, schools and Monsey community.Besides working as a CPA, she raised a beautiful family and constantly makes smachot in her home for family and for friends. For me personally, Sandy deserves the title of Best Friend. May Sandy & Jossi continue their chessed work side by side ad meah v'esrim. Love, Joclyn & David Stern Schechter, Schreiber, Stern & Statman Families

SANDY You are a true in every sense of the word. Thanks for being you. Dovid and Leah Goldstein

With much gratitude to all the honorees For their efforts on behalf of the Klal. Chatz & Libby Lazarus
" " " " "

A Hearty Mazel Tov To All The Honorees And To All Those Responsible For The Success Of Bais Torah Sheila, Ralph, Ron, Evan & Esti Hirschhorn

Mazel Tov Rabbi & Amy Gottlieb And to All the Honorees Thank you for all your hard work Fran and Ben Horwitz



' " CHANA MAYERFELD Our family's and Our esteemed wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother who was to raise of and . May she be a for all of us. In recognition of Rabbi Yisroel and Amy Gottlieb who are always available to help everyone in the community. And to all of the other Honorees whose tireless efforts make the Shul such a success. Special to Sandy Lieder whose knows no bounds. Manfred Mayerfeld and Family

A heartfelt mazel tov and best wishes to Our dear friends and family Michael and Sharon Kronenberg On this well-deserved honor. May you always be able to continue All the wonderful chesed you do Publicly and privately On behalf of your shul and klal yisroel. Fred and Sharon Lisker

Warmest(Wishes(( To(Guests(of(Honor(

Our(Favorite(Shadchanim( ( Congratulations(To(

For the Presidential Award Chanie & Howie Bryks Rahel & Richie Finkel(
____________________________________________________ (

In Honor Of RABBI YISROEL AND AMY GOTTLIEB Your Divrei Torah and classes are an inspiration to all. May Hashem continue to bestow all His manifold blessings on you and your family. Mazel Tov to all the Honorees for their devotion and service to our Bais Torah Community.

Doris Newman

Do good people make a wonderful synagogue an even better place or does a wonderful synagogue make good people even better? Or is it Michael Rossmans weekly kiddush? Whatever the IT is, Bais Torah is a welcoming community filled with kindnesses, quiet chesed, dedication to Torah, to scholarship and Dvaikus. Each honoree contributes generously to the harmony of the whole and we thank you all for making the synagogue and the community one which draws us back time after time. We must say a special thank you to Michael Kronenberg for his many years of friendship and life cycle events enhanced or made easier for having been shared. Rabbi and Mrs Gottlieb, your leadership and community participation, your humor and gentle manner is always pitch perfect and always appreciated and admired.

Yeyasher Kochachem Leslie & Charlie Ackerman


Special thanks to Rabbi Gottlieb For his daily Daf Shiur and advice

Mazel Tov to our good friends Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shapiro Yehuda and Suzette Munk
! ! !

Mazal Tov to All the Very Deserving Honorees Mr. & Mrs. Shapiro You hold a very special place in our hearts. You are an inspiration to us.

Faye & Richard Levy


! Todah Rabba to


And all the worthy honorees

Ozzie and Ruth Willner!

Rabbi Yisroel and Amy Gottlieb Michael Kronenberg Sandy Lieder Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz

Leo Thurm

In Honor of The EYES GUYS Aunt Sandy & Uncle Jossi From the wise guys Yocheved & Levi Yitzchok Shulamis & Uri Tzipporah & Avrohom Yehuda Chaya & Baruch Hadassah & Shmuel Baruch Soroh

Congratulations to Our Cousin

Mazel Tov SANDY on your well-deserved honor. You are a true Aishes Chayil. We appreciate your warmth and caring, and we feel privileged to be part of your family.

On this well deserved honor. She is a true Aishes Chayil!

Mazel Tov
Stanley & Minna Greenbaum

Rochel and Shiya Sochaczewski


Mazel Tov To Everyone's Favorite Tanta AUNT SANDY

Best wishes to "ALL THE HONOREES" and to BAIS TORAH

Yossi & Yitti Naftali & Nechama Gila Moshe & Ady

Eli and Bea Hirsch

to Rabbi Yisrael and Amy Gottlieb Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz Michael Kronenberg Sandy Lieder

Sandra Lieder Our supreme Not only is But her kindness is often unspoken And is felt by many in action.

for all their efforts and noble work on behalf of Bais Torah Morty and Barbara Minchenberg Shmuel and Marion Morell

Judi and Yehuda Eliezri

Our gratitude and recognition To our friend Michel Kronenberg For his warmth and leadership

Judi and Yehuda Eliezri

Mazel Tov To Rabbi and Mrs. Gottlieb And to all the very deserving honorees. Betty & Mel Sinowitz

In Honor of Rabbi Yisrael and Amy Gottlieb Kate Tannenbaum



In honor of Rabbi Yisrael and Amy Gottlieb You are an inspiration to us. May you continue to devote yourselves to Jewish causes and learning for many more years to come. Mazel Tov to Michael Kronenberg, Sandy Lieder, and Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz Upon their well-deserved honors Irving and Ruth Malinowitz

Mazel Tov

To a truly deserving couple and dear friends . Perfect example of a Congregational Rabbi . Many more years of health and happiness.
Eddie and Ellen Tager

Exemplary Rabbi

Congratulations to Rabbi Yisroel & Amy Gottlieb On this well-deserved honor. Heshy & Avigael Friedman

Rabbi Gottlieb
Wonderful President Emeritus

Michael Kronenberg
Special Aisshes Chayil

Sandy Lieder
Wonderful Gabbai

Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz Diane Schmeltz


In Honor of Our Dear Friends Rabbi Yisroel & Amy Gottlieb and Sandy Lieder May you all have much nachas from All of your children Micky & Tova Krull


In honor of Dr. & Mrs. Jossi Lieder May you both continue in your In good health with much success Throughout the future. Fondly, Chavy Bernstein

Mazel Tov to Michael Kronenberg on this honor Your hard work and commitment to your shul Is an inspiration to your family, friends And community. Joyce and Azriel Haimowitz


Mazel Tov and Best Wishes To Our Very Dear Friends Rabbi Shlomo Horowitz & His Eishes Chayil Shifra On this well-deserved honor Claire and Dov Zakheim To our dear friends and true Torah role models. On a personal note, just because Eilat closed doesn't mean you can't visit us in Boca

Malkie and Dovid Kosowsky and family To our dear friends Rabbi and Amy Gottlieb Michael & Sharon Kronenberg Sandy Lieder and all the honorees It is our great pleasure to participate in your being so justly honored. Renie & Henry Hirsch
________________________________________________________ !

Ben and Rebecca Sugerman

In Honor of Sandy Lieder Who gives so much of herself To the community. Debbie and Jack Hiller In tribute to a colleague par excellence Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb, who personifies simulateously

Honoring the Honorees Anonymous


For R' Gottlieb In appreciation for all that I've gained from your stimulating Shiurim.
! ! ! !

Yonah G. Lazar

Leah Tomor

In honor of Rabbi Yisroel and Amy Gottlieb Shelley and Yossie Goldman

Mazel Tov to All The Honorees Nissan Reyhanian

To The Adult Ed Committee I love the time spent with you And I am inspired by your boundless dedication and enthusiasm. Sandy Mazal Tov Rabbi Yisroel and Amy Gottlieb Your weekly shiurim Have enriched my life so much Shirley & Robert Bersson Best Wishes to Mr. & Mrs. Henry Shapiro From Mr. & Mrs. Morris Levy On this will-deserved honor Judy & Mel Hammelburger, Moshe &Miriam Hammelburger, Hadassah Hammelburger, Malki & Moishe Wieder Mazel Tov

To The Best Friend, Optometrist, and Dance Student Extraordinaire A True Pride To Us All. A Reward Richly Deserved. Bencion and Chaykee Davidowitz and Family
________________________________________________________ !

To Sandy Lieder

Mazel Tov toThe Esteemed Honorees for a most deserved honor. From Bob & Rita Landa !

to Our
Uncle Jossi and Groysa Tante Sandy From Ephraim, Naomi and Family

Sandy Lieder For her devotion to the klal Best wishes to all the honorees Menachem & Chavie Epstein Bumi & Shirley Walfish

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