Alumni Induction Ceremony Scripts: This Packet Contains Three Scripts For The Intended Uses Shown

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This packet contains three scripts for the intended uses shown. Alumni only Undergraduate only Undergraduate and Alumni


For use with Alumni-only Inductions

Brothers and friends of Phi Kappa Psi, we come together for a time of celebration and remembrance, to recall to mind for each of us the importance of Phi Kappa Psi in our lives. When you first arrived at college as a student, you may have known little about fraternities and even less about Phi Kappa Psi. Yet, there was something in (each of) you that marked you as one we should seek -- a man of ability and character -- to strengthen and enliven our Chapter and to replenish and renew our Brotherhood. In Phi Kappa Psi, you found friends whom you now know as Brothers. If our principles have served you well, Phi Kappa Psi has helped to make steadfast the foundation of your character: ...integrity ...honor ...humaneness ...responsibility ...and self-respect Through our fellowship, we hope you enjoyed your college years to the fullest, made the best of your advantages for a sound education, and gained loyal friends for all the years to come. We trust that during your years with us, you became in all good and true ways gentlemen (or a gentleman)...and our Brother(s). We acknowledge with lasting gratitude the contributions of those loved ones who nurtured you long before you came to your college

(or university) and to Phi Kappa Psi, and who supported you in countless ways while you were in school. We also recognize the contributions of the younger Brothers you left behind to sustain and advance your Chapter, and who now may be alumni themselves.

We thank you for the help and encouragement you have generously given your undergraduate Brothers. You have set an example for us to follow as you contributed to the heritage of Phi Kappa Psi. Those of us who continue as undergraduates affirm your hopes for the future of your Chapter and your Fraternity. We promise to maintain its standards and foster its aims. We invite you to visit our Chapter whenever you can, for in Phi Kappa Psi we have been taught, and now believe, that each Brother is ever welcome to enjoy our fellowship. We are grateful for what you have given the Fraternity, and we shall keep that in our memories.

It is now my pleasure, on behalf of Phi Kappa Psi, to honor your achievement in graduating from the collegiate institution you chose, and your new standing as a formally-inducted alumnus of your Chapter and of Phi Kappa Psi. We now wish to present to you the alumni recognition button of Phi Kappa Psi. Thus, you will join the tens of thousands of Brothers who, since our founding in 1852, have left their own Chapters to become alumni

members of the general Fraternity. By accepting this button, you declare yourself an alumnus of your Chapter and signify your continuing loyalty to it, all other Chapters of the Fraternity, and to the Fraternity itself.
(The Symposiarch now calls the name of the first Brother to be inducted, asking him to stand as his name is called, and should say something about the individual unless the honoree has chosen another to introduce him (The Symposiarch should invite the inductee, after being introduced, to respond with comments of his choosing to those present. (The inductee then should be given his alumnus recognition button and advised either to remain standing or to be seated while the other inductees are honored one by one.)

Alumni Brother(s), we applaud you (one and all).

(Lead applause)

As you have learned by now, life itself is a series of welcomes and farewells, arrivals and departures. While you now may be recalling the joy of your own graduation, we hope that you also felt at that graduation time a reluctance to leave behind your younger Brothers in the Chapter. Please know that was as it should be. And that is why I am pleased to tell you that as we say goodbye, it need not be farewell to them, or to us, or to the Fraternity. You should recall from the days of your Fraternity education, from Founders Days, and other events, that Phi Kappa Psi is, indeed, an enduring Brotherhood for all of the days of our lives. Ours is a Fraternity that connects one generation of Brothers with another, making a place within our fellowship for every loyal and willing Brother at each stage of his life. This means not just in a formal sense that you are members for life, but that there will be many opportunities for you to continue to take

part in the life and work of Phi Kappa Psi, and to enjoy untold benefits from your participation. In a larger sense, you as alumni are members of all of the Chapters of the Fraternity, and you should concern yourselves with their advancement, as you do with the continuing strength of your own.

Wherever you go to live, make yourself known to the nearest alumni association or the nearest Chapter, and become involved in its activities. If there is no association nearby, consider helping to organize one. Recommend young men worthy of Phi Kappa Psi to the Chapters where they are going to college. Volunteer to serve as a Chapter Advisor, or corporation board member, or alumni association officer, or as a mentor to an undergraduate. Attend Founders Days and Grand Arch Councils. Throughout life, do all you can to help Phi Kappa Psi and prove yourself loyal to its principles. By that, you will help those who follow you into membership. I now ask the inductees to please stand, raise your right hand, and repeat after me. I... (state your name).... ...on my honor as a Brother... ...reaffirm the principles... ...standards...

...and ideals... ...of the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity that I have sworn to uphold. ...I promise to fulfill my obligations to my Brothers... ...and to support faithfully... Chapter... college... ...and the Fraternity at large. Please be seated.

Just as each of these men (or this man) have reaffirmed their (his) commitment to Phi Kappa Psi, let each of us here today reaffirm our commitment as we hear again the Creed of Phi Kappa Psi.
(Note: The reading of the Creed may be by 1-11 Brothers, depending on the number in attendance, and may be all undergraduates, or a mix of undergraduates and alumni. Each may recite his part from where he is seated or standing. ALL ALSO READ THE FINAL LINE TOGETHER)

I believe that Phi Kappa Psi is a brotherhood of honorable men, courteous and cultured, who pledge throughout their lives to be generous, compassionate, and loyal comrades... I believe that I am honor bound to strive manfully for intellectual, moral, and spiritual excellence... To help and forgive my Brothers... To discharge promptly all just debts...

To give aid and sympathy to all who are less fortunate... I believe that I am honor bound to strengthen my character and deepen my integrity... To counsel and guide my Brothers who stray from their obligations... To respect and emulate my Brothers who practice moderation in their manners and morals... To be ever-mindful that loyalty to my Fraternity should not weaken loyalty to my college, but rather increase devotion to it, to my country, and to my God... I believe that to all I meet, wherever I go, I represent not only Phi Kappa Psi, but indeed the spirit of all fraternities... Thus, I must ever conduct myself so as to bring respect and honor not to myself alone, but also to my Fraternity. (Note: all read together IF the above reading has been shared.) TO THE FULFILLMENT OF THESE BELIEFS, OF THESE IDEALS, IN THE NOBLE PERFECTION OF PHI KAPPA PSI, I PLEDGE MY LIFE AND MY SACRED HONOR.

As we leave here today, strengthened by the bonds of Phi Kappa Psi, may we be ever mindful of the call to service for the sake of our Brothers and of all humankind. May we keep the great commandment to love our Creator and to love one another with the whole of our humanity, as the highest endeavor of our lives.

Let us give thanks for the many gifts of

...fellowship... ...friendship... ...and brotherhood... that have come to us in abundance through Phi Kappa Psi.
SYMPOSIARCH or PRESIDING OFFICER: (If an induction register and alumnus covenant documents are available)

We ask each of the newly-inducted alumni to sign the alumni induction register before departing. Each newly-inducted alumni also should sign, and keep, the individual alumnus covenant we have prepared, as a reminder to you of the benefits and rewards of Phi Kappa Psi membership and of this ceremony today. As we conclude this gathering of our Noble Fraternity, we offer you, our newest inducted alumni, our cordial congratulations and our highest hopes for personal fulfillment. As we depart this place, we can not know what your destinies shall be, but this we do know -- that those of you who choose to govern your conduct according to the principle of Brotherly love will surely come to know great joy -- that joy which only comes from serving others. By that joy, you also shall be known. And now, we bid you farewell, ever privileged to call you by the simple, loving name, Brother.
(Invite everyone at the ceremony to form a circle, whether or not an initiated member. When the circle is formed, sing Amici to close the ceremony.)


For use with Undergraduate-only Inductions.

Brothers and friends of Phi Kappa Psi, we come together for a time of celebration and remembrance, to recall to mind for each of us the importance of Phi Kappa Psi in our lives. When you first arrived at this college (or university) as a student, you may have known little about fraternities and even less about Phi Kappa Psi. Yet, there was something in (each of) you that marked you as one we should seek -- a man of ability and character -- to strengthen and enliven our Chapter and to replenish and renew our Brotherhood. In Phi Kappa Psi, you found friends whom you now know as Brothers. If our principles have served you well, Phi Kappa Psi has helped to make steadfast the foundation of your character: ...integrity ...honor ...humaneness ...responsibility ...and self-respect Through our fellowship, we hope you have enjoyed your college years to the fullest, made the best of your advantages for a sound education, and gained loyal friends for all the years to come. We trust that during your years with us, you have become in all good and true ways gentlemen (or a gentleman)...and our Brother(s). We acknowledge with lasting gratitude the contributions of those loved ones who nurtured you long before you came to this college (or

university) and to Phi Kappa Psi, and who supported you in countless ways while you were in school. We also recognize the contributions of the younger Brothers you leave behind to sustain and advance your Chapter.

We thank you for the help and encouragement you have generously given us, and other Brothers. You have set an example for us to follow as you contributed to the heritage of Phi Kappa Psi. Those of us who continue as undergraduates affirm your hopes for the future of your Chapter and your Fraternity. We promise to maintain its standards and foster its aims. We invite you to visit our Chapter whenever you can, for in Phi Kappa Psi we have been taught, and now believe, that each Brother is ever welcome to enjoy our fellowship. We are grateful for what you have given the Fraternity, and we shall keep that in our memories.

It is now my pleasure, on behalf of Phi Kappa Psi, to honor your achievement in graduating from this institution, and your new standing as an alumnus of this Chapter and in Phi Kappa Psi. We now wish to present to you the alumni recognition button of Phi Kappa Psi. Thus, you will join the tens of thousands of Brothers who, since our founding in 1852, have left their own Chapters to become alumni members of the general Fraternity. By accepting this button, you

declare yourself an alumnus of your Chapter and signify your continuing loyalty to it, all other Chapters of the Fraternity, and to the Fraternity itself.
(The GP or Chapter Advisor now calls the name of the first Brother to be inducted, asking him to stand as his name is called, and should say something about the individual unless the honoree has chosen another to introduce him (The GP or Chapter Advisor should invite the inductee, after being introduced, to respond with comments of his choosing to those present. (The inductee then should be given his alumnus recognition button and advised either to remain standing or to be seated while the other inductees are honored one by one.)

Alumni Brother(s), we applaud you (one and all).

(Lead applause)

As you have learned by now, life itself is a series of welcomes and farewells, arrivals and departures. While you may feel the joy of graduation, we hope that you also feel reluctant to leave behind your younger Brothers in the Chapter. Please know that is as it should be. And that is why I am pleased to tell you that as we say goodbye, it need not be farewell to them, or to us, or to the Fraternity. You should recall from the days of your Fraternity education, from Founders Days, and other events that Phi Kappa Psi is, indeed, an enduring Brotherhood for all of the days of our lives. Ours is a Fraternity that connects one generation of Brothers with another, making a place within our fellowship for every loyal and willing Brother at each stage of his life. This means not just in a formal sense that you are members for life, but that there will be many opportunities for you to continue to take part in the life and work of Phi Kappa Psi, and to enjoy untold benefits from your participation.

In a larger sense, you as alumni are becoming members of all of the Chapters of the Fraternity, and you should now concern yourselves with their advancement, as you do with the continuing strength of your own.

Wherever you go to live, make yourself known to the nearest alumni association or the nearest Chapter, and become involved in its activities. If there is no association nearby, consider helping to organize one. Recommend young men worthy of Phi Kappa Psi to the Chapters where they are going to college. Volunteer to serve as a Chapter Advisor, or corporation board member, or alumni association officer, or as a mentor to an undergraduate. Attend Founders Days and Grand Arch Councils. Throughout life, do all you can to help Phi Kappa Psi and prove yourself loyal to its principles. By that, you will help those who follow you into membership. I now ask the inductees to please stand, raise your right hand, and repeat after me. I... (state your name).... ...on my honor as a Brother... ...reaffirm the principles... ...standards... ...and ideals...

...of the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity that I have sworn to uphold. ...I promise to fulfill my obligations to my Brothers... ...and to support faithfully... Chapter... college... ...and the Fraternity at large. Please be seated.

Just as each of these men (or this man) have reaffirmed their (his) commitment to Phi Kappa Psi, let each of us here today reaffirm our commitment as we hear again the Creed of Phi Kappa Psi.
(Note: The reading of the Creed may be by 1-11 Brothers, depending on the number in attendance, and may be all undergraduates, or a mix of undergraduates and alumni. Each may recite his part from where he is seated or standing. ALL ALSO READ THE FINAL LINE TOGETHER)

I believe that Phi Kappa Psi is a brotherhood of honorable men, courteous and cultured, who pledge throughout their lives to be generous, compassionate, and loyal comrades... I believe that I am honor bound to strive manfully for intellectual, moral, and spiritual excellence... To help and forgive my Brothers... To discharge promptly all just debts... To give aid and sympathy to all who are less fortunate...

I believe that I am honor bound to strengthen my character and deepen my integrity... To counsel and guide my Brothers who stray from their obligations... To respect and emulate my Brothers who practice moderation in their manners and morals... To be ever-mindful that loyalty to my Fraternity should not weaken loyalty to my college, but rather increase devotion to it, to my country, and to my God... I believe that to all I meet, wherever I go, I represent not only Phi Kappa Psi, but indeed the spirit of all fraternities... Thus, I must ever conduct myself so as to bring respect and honor not to myself alone, but also to my Fraternity. (Note: all read together IF the above reading has been shared.) TO THE FULFILLMENT OF THESE BELIEFS, OF THESE IDEALS, IN THE NOBLE PERFECTION OF PHI KAPPA PSI, I PLEDGE MY LIFE AND MY SACRED HONOR.

As we leave here today, strengthened by the bonds of Phi Kappa Psi, may we be ever mindful of the call to service for the sake of our Brothers and of all humankind. May we keep the great commandment to love our Creator and to love one another with the whole of our humanity, as the highest endeavor of our lives. Let us give thanks for the many gifts of ...fellowship...

...friendship... ...and brotherhood... that have come to us in abundance through Phi Kappa Psi.
SYMPOSIARCH or PRESIDING OFFICER: (If an induction register and alumnus covenant documents are available)

We ask each of the newly-inducted alumni to sign the alumni induction register before departing. Each newly-inducted alumni also should sign, and keep, the individual alumnus covenant we have prepared, as a reminder to you of the benefits and rewards of Phi Kappa Psi membership and of this ceremony today. As we conclude this gathering of our Noble Fraternity, we offer you, our newest inducted alumni, our cordial congratulations and our highest hopes for personal fulfillment. As we depart this place, we can not know what your destinies shall be, but this we do know -- that those of you who choose to govern your conduct according to the principle of Brotherly love will surely come to know great joy -- that joy which only comes from serving others. By that joy, you also shall be known. And now, we bid you farewell, ever privileged to call you by the simple, loving name, Brother.
(Invite everyone at the ceremony to form a circle, whether or not an initiated member. When the circle is formed, sing Amici to close the ceremony.)


For use when inducting both Alumni and Undergraduates


Brothers and friends of Phi Kappa Psi, we come together for a time of celebration and remembrance, to recall to mind for each of us the importance of Phi Kappa Psi in our lives. When you first arrived at college as a student, you may have known little about fraternities and even less about Phi Kappa Psi. Yet, there was something in (each of) you that marked you as one we should seek -- a man of ability and character -- to strengthen and enliven our Chapter and to replenish and renew our Brotherhood. In Phi Kappa Psi, you found friends whom you now know as Brothers. If our principles have served you well, Phi Kappa Psi has helped to make steadfast the foundation of your character: ...integrity ...honor ...humaneness ...responsibility ...and self-respect Through our fellowship, we hope you have enjoyed your college years to the fullest, made the best of your advantages for a sound education, and gained loyal friends for all the years to come. We trust that during your years with us, you have become in all good and true ways gentlemen (or a gentleman)...and our Brother(s). We acknowledge with lasting gratitude the contributions of those loved ones who nurtured you long before you came to this college (or

university) and to Phi Kappa Psi, and who supported you in countless ways while you were in school. We also recognize the contributions of the younger Brothers you leave, or left, behind to sustain and advance your Chapter.

We thank you for the help and encouragement you have generously given us, and other Brothers. You have set an example for us to follow as you contributed to the heritage of Phi Kappa Psi. Those of us who continue as undergraduates affirm your hopes for the future of your Chapter and your Fraternity. We promise to maintain its standards and foster its aims. We invite you to visit our Chapter whenever you can, for in Phi Kappa Psi we have been taught, and now believe, that each Brother is ever welcome to enjoy our fellowship. We are grateful for what you have given the Fraternity, and we shall keep that in our memories.

It is now my pleasure, on behalf of Phi Kappa Psi, to honor your achievement in graduating from your collegiate institution, and your new standing as a formally-inducted alumnus of this Chapter and of Phi Kappa Psi. We now wish to present to you the alumni recognition button of Phi Kappa Psi. Thus, you will join the tens of thousands of Brothers who, since our founding in 1852, have left their own Chapters to become alumni members of the general Fraternity. By accepting this button, you

declare yourself an alumnus of your Chapter and signify your continuing loyalty to it, all other Chapters of the Fraternity, and to the Fraternity itself.
(The Symposiarch and/or GP/Chapter Advisor now calls the name of the first Brother to be inducted, asking him to stand as his name is called, and should say something about the individual unless the honoree has chosen another to introduce him. (If the introduction duties are shared, the Symposiarch may wish to introduce alumni and the GP/Chapter Advisor undergraduates being inducted.) (The Symposiarch/GP/Chapter Advisor should invite the inductee he introduced to respond with comments of his choosing to those present. (The inductee then should be given his alumnus recognition button and advised either to remain standing or to be seated while the other inductees are honored one by one.)

Alumni Brother(s), we applaud you (one and all).

(Lead applause)

As you have learned by now, life itself is a series of welcomes and farewells, arrivals and departures. While you may feel, or recall, the joy of graduation, we hope that you also feel, or felt, reluctant to leave behind your younger Brothers in the Chapter. Please know that is as it should be. And that is why I am pleased to tell you that as we say goodbye, it need not be farewell to them, or to us, or to the Fraternity. You should recall from the days of your Fraternity education, from Founders Days, and other events that Phi Kappa Psi is, indeed, an enduring Brotherhood for all of the days of our lives. Ours is a Fraternity that connects one generation of Brothers with another, making a place within our fellowship for every loyal and willing Brother at each stage of his life. This means not just in a formal sense that you are members for life, but that there will be many opportunities for you to continue to take part in the life and work of Phi Kappa Psi, and to enjoy untold benefits from your participation.

In a larger sense, you as alumni are becoming members of all of the Chapters of the Fraternity, and you should now concern yourselves with their advancement, as you do with the continuing strength of your own.

Wherever you go to live, make yourself known to the nearest alumni association or the nearest Chapter, and become involved in its activities. If there is no association nearby, consider helping to organize one. Recommend young men worthy of Phi Kappa Psi to the Chapters where they are going to college. Volunteer to serve as a Chapter Advisor, or corporation board member, or alumni association officer, or as a mentor to an undergraduate. Attend Founders Days and Grand Arch Councils. Throughout life, do all you can to help Phi Kappa Psi and prove yourself loyal to its principles. By that, you will help those who follow you into membership. I now ask the inductees to please stand, raise your right hand, and repeat after me. I... (state your name).... ...on my honor as a Brother... ...reaffirm the principles... ...standards...

...and ideals... ...of the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity that I have sworn to uphold. ...I promise to fulfill my obligations to my Brothers... ...and to support faithfully... Chapter... college... ...and the Fraternity at large. Please be seated.

Just as each of these men (or this man) have reaffirmed their (his) commitment to Phi Kappa Psi, let each of us here today reaffirm our commitment as we hear again the Creed of Phi Kappa Psi.
(Note: The reading of the Creed may be by 1-11 Brothers, depending on the number in attendance, and may be all undergraduates, or a mix of undergraduates and alumni. Each may recite his part from where he is seated or standing. ALL ALSO READ THE FINAL LINE TOGETHER)

I believe that Phi Kappa Psi is a brotherhood of honorable men, courteous and cultured, who pledge throughout their lives to be generous, compassionate, and loyal comrades... I believe that I am honor bound to strive manfully for intellectual, moral, and spiritual excellence... To help and forgive my Brothers... To discharge promptly all just debts... To give aid and sympathy to all who are less fortunate...

I believe that I am honor bound to strengthen my character and deepen my integrity... To counsel and guide my Brothers who stray from their obligations... To respect and emulate my Brothers who practice moderation in their manners and morals... To be ever-mindful that loyalty to my Fraternity should not weaken loyalty to my college, but rather increase devotion to it, to my country, and to my God... I believe that to all I meet, wherever I go, I represent not only Phi Kappa Psi, but indeed the spirit of all fraternities... Thus, I must ever conduct myself so as to bring respect and honor not to myself alone, but also to my Fraternity. (Note: all read together IF the above reading has been shared.) TO THE FULFILLMENT OF THESE BELIEFS, OF THESE IDEALS, IN THE NOBLE PERFECTION OF PHI KAPPA PSI, I PLEDGE MY LIFE AND MY SACRED HONOR.

As we leave here today, strengthened by the bonds of Phi Kappa Psi, may we be ever mindful of the call to service for the sake of our Brothers and of all humankind. May we keep the great commandment to love our Creator and to love one another with the whole of our humanity, as the highest endeavor of our lives. Let us give thanks for the many gifts of ...fellowship... ...friendship...

...and brotherhood... that have come to us in abundance through Phi Kappa Psi.
SYMPOSIARCH or PRESIDING OFFICER: (If an induction register and alumnus covenant documents are available)

We ask each of the newly-inducted alumni to sign the alumni induction register before departing. Each newly-inducted alumni also should sign, and keep, the individual alumnus covenant we have prepared, as a reminder to you of the benefits and rewards of Phi Kappa Psi membership and of this ceremony today. As we conclude this gathering of our Noble Fraternity, we offer you, our newest inducted alumni, our cordial congratulations and our highest hopes for personal fulfillment. As we depart this place, we can not know what your destinies shall be, but this we do know -- that those of you who choose to govern your conduct according to the principle of Brotherly love will surely come to know great joy -- that joy which only comes from serving others. By that joy, you also shall be known. And now, we bid you farewell, ever privileged to call you by the simple, loving name, Brother.
(Invite everyone at the ceremony to form a circle, whether or not an initiated member. (If only undergraduates are being inducted, consider forming an inner and outer circle, with the undergraduates in the inner circle and all others in the outer circle. (When the circle(s) is/are formed, sing Amici to close the ceremony. If two circles are formed, sing Amici twice, with those in the inner circle asked to join those in the outer circle during the second singing.)

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