Economics of Pakistan (bc-407) Part 2 Importanr Question 2013 Annual

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Global Commerce Academy

Al-najf Colony, Ghosia Bazaar, Dhudiwala, Faisalabad Prof. Muhammad Nawaz (M.A Economics) Sir Khuram Shehzad (MBA, ACMA) 0300-7947703 0300-76311883

Economics of Pakistan


1. What are the various Characteristics of underdeveloped countries? 2. What is the difference b/w economics growth and economic development? 3. How Economics Development can be measured? Discuss briefly the problems being Faced in this regard in under developed countries like PAKISTAN . 4. What are the Economic, social and political obstacles in the Economic Development of Pakistan? 5. What are the Pre-requisites of Economic Development? How far do they exist in Pakistan? 6. Technology plays a vital role in economic development of a country. Discuss with reference of PAKISTAN. 7. Discuss the importance of power resource in development of a country. Briefly explain the main power resources of Pakistan. 8. Discuss in detail the role of capital formation in the economic development of Pakistan. 9. Pakistan is an Agrarian Economy, still its yield per acr is low. Do you agree with the statement? Elaburate it. 10. What is meant by Mechanization of Agricultural? Give sound arguments for and against the mechanization of agriculture in Pakistan. 11. What are the problems of agricultural finance? Suggest remedies to solve the problem of agricultural finance? 12. What is Agriculture marketing? Discuss its problems and measure to imporve its funtions in Pakistan. 13. What are the causes of Industrial backwardness in Pakistan? How can the Government of Pakistan faster the industrial development? 14. What is the importance of small scale and cottage industries in Pakistan? Discuss their problems and the remedies. 15. What is meant by human capital? What are the problemsof human capital formation in an UDCs like Pakistan? 16. What steps have been taken by Government of Pakistan to promote exports? 17. What are cause of adverse balance of trade in Pakistan? Suggest possible measure to imporve the balanve of trade of Pakistan. 18. Describe the role of transportation and communication in the economic development of Pakistan. 19. What are the problems of railways? Can these problems be solved by the privatization of railways? Give your arguments for and against the privatization of railways? 20. Critically examin the importance of motorway project in economy of Pakistan.

Ahmad Nawaz

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