Indian History Chronology

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Indian History Chronology

3102 BC 2700 BC 2449 BC 1435 BC 1414 BC 1375 BC 817 BC 558 BC 544 BC 527 BC 522 BC 518-517 BC 486 BC 327-326 BC 325 BC 324 BC 313 BC 305 BC 273-232 BC 206 BC 187 BC 165 BC 162 BC Epoch of the Kali Yuga Era and of the Bharata War according to one school of astronomers. Date of Indus Valley Seals found at Kish. Date of heroes of the Bharata War according to a second group of astronomers & chronologists. Aryan Kings in Western Asia. Date of the Bharata War according to certain Puranas. Worship of Aryan deities in the land of the Mitanni. Traditional date of the birth of Parsvanatha. Accession of Cyrus the Great, conqueror of Kapisi. Traditional Epoch of the Ceylonese Era of Buddhas Nirvana. Traditional Epoch of the Era of Mahaviras Nirvana. Accession of Darius I, conqueror of the Indian satrapy of the Persian Empire. Naval Expedition of Skylax and conquest of the Indian satrapy. Cantonese date of Buddhas Nirvana. Invasion of India by Alexander. Alexander leaves India. Rise of the Maurya Dynasty. Jaina date of the year of Chandraguptas accession, probably as ruler of Avanti. Indian Expedition of Seleuko Nikator. The reign of Asoka. Indian Expedition of Antiochos III, King of Syria. Rise of the Dynasty of Pushyamitra. Plato, King of Bactria. Latest possible date for the assumption of the title Great by Eukratides, King of Bactria and the Indian borderland. Elara Chola, King of Ceylon. Conflict of the kings of Parthia with Sakas in Eastern Iran.

145-101 BC 138-88 BC

126 BC 58 BC 57-38 BC 44-29 BC 30 BC 26-20 BC 2 BC 1 AD 47 AD 64 AD 77 AD 78 AD

The Chinese ambassador Chang-Kien visits the Yueh-chi in the Oxus region. Epoch of the Kirta-Malava-Vikrama Era. Squared letters appear on Parthian coins. Tamil kings in Ceylon. End of Sunga-Kanva rule in Eastern Malwa. Satavahana supremacy in the Deccan. Indian embassies to Augustus. A Chinese official instructed in Buddhism by a Yueh-chi King. Isidore of Charax. Takht-i-Bahi record of Gondophernes. The Chinese Emperor Ming-ti sends for Buddhist texts. Plinys Natural History. Epoch of the Saka Era. Decline of the Parthian and the consolidation of the Kushan power in the Indus Valley. Kushan King repulsed by the Chinese General Pan Chao. Indian embassy to the Roman Emperor Trajan. Nahapana. His power overthrown by Gautamiputra Satakarni. Rudradaman I, contemporary of Vasishthiputra Sri Satakarni. An-Shih-Kao translates a work by Kanishkas chaplain. China loses Khotan. Palmyra created a Roman colony. The Yueh chi King Po-tiao (Vasudeva?) sends an embassy to China. Epoch of the Traikutaka-Kalachuri Era. Sassanian conquest of parts of NorthWest. (Feb. 26) Gupta Era begins. Ceylonese Embassy to Samudra Gupta. Accession of Chandra Gupta II. Latest known date of the Sakas of Western India.

89-105 AD 100 AD 119-124 AD 130-150 AD 148-170 AD 152 AD 200 AD 230 AD 248 AD 276-293 AD 320 AD 360 AD 380 AD 388 AD

405-411 AD 415 AD 436 AD 448 AD 455 AD 458 AD 467 AD 473 AD 476 AD 477-495 AD 507-508 AD 510-511AD 533 AD 543-544 AD 547 AD 554 AD 566-567 AD 606 AD 609 AD 619-620 AD 622 AD 634 AD 637 AD 639 AD 641 AD 642 AD 642-668 AD

Travels of Fa-Hien in the Gupta Empire. Accession of Kumara Gupta I. Simhavarman, the Pallava King of Kanchi, mentioned in the Lokavibhaga. Huns in the Oxus valley. Accession of Skanda Gupta. Date of the Lokavibhaga. Last known date of Skanda Gupta. Kumara Gupta II. Birth of the astronomer Aryabhata. Reign of Budha Gupta. Vainya Gupta. Gopachandra, a contemporary of Vainya Gupta. Bhanu Gupta. Yasodharman, conqueror of Mihirakula the Hun King. Continuance of Gupta rule in North Bengal. Rise of the Chalukyas of Vatapi. Kosmas Indikopleustes. Isanavarman Maukhari. Accession of Kirtivarman I, Chalukya. Accession of Harshavardhana. Coronation of Pulakesin II, Chalukya. Supremacy of Sasanka in Eastern India. Era of the Hijra. Reference to the fame of Kalidasa and Bharavi in the Aihole inscription. Arab raid against Thana. Foundation of Lhasa by Srong-tsan-Gampo. Harshas embassy to China. Death of Pulakesin II. Probable date of the death of Amsuvarman of Nepal. Narasimhavarman I, the Great Pallava.

643 AD 646 AD 646-647 AD 647-648 AD 657 AD 661 AD 667 AD 672-673 AD 674 AD 675-685 AD 711 AD 712 AD 713 AD 720 AD 724-743 AD 731 AD 733 AD 742 AD 743-789 AD 753 AD 783 AD 793-815AD 815 AD 815-877 AD 829 AD 836 AD 850 AD

Harshas meeting with Hiuen-Tsang. First mission of Wang-Hiuen-Tse. Second mission of Wang-Hiuen-Tse. Siladitya (of Mewar?) Death of Harsha. Bhaskaravarman or Kumararaja, King of Kamarupa, helped Wang-Hiuen-Tse. Third mission of Wang-Hiuen-Tse. Guhila Aparajita. Five Indies send ambassadors to China. Adityasena. Vikramaditya I, Chalukya. Paramesvaravarman I, Pallava. Itsing at Nalanda. Invasion of Sind by Muhammad b. Qasim. Arab conquest of Nirun and Aror. Defeat and death of Dahir. Capture of Multan by the Muslims. Sri Narasimha Potavarmans diplomatic relations with China. Khalif Hisham. Junaid, Governor of Sind. Yasovarmans embassy to China. Lalitaditya Muktapida receives investiture as king from the Emperor of China. Dantidurga a feudatory of the Chalukyas. Santarakshita and Padmasambhava invited to Tibet. Rise of Lamaism. Rise of the Rashtrakuta Empire. Indrayudha (Kanauj). Vatsaraja (Pratihara). Govinda III, Rashtrakuta. Nagabhata (Pratihara). Amoghavarsha I, Rashtrakuta. Harjara, King of Kamarupa. Accession of Bhoja I, King of Kanauj. Lalliya Shahi.

855 AD 871-907 AD 879 AD 892 AD 893 AD 907 AD 914 AD 939 AD 942-943 AD 945 AD 950-1003 AD 954-1002 AD 962 AD 973 AD 974-995 AD 977 AD 985 AD 986-987 AD 995 AD 997 AD 998 AD 1001 AD 1008 AD 1012-1044 AD 1013 AD 1018 AD 1018-1055 AD

Accession of Avantivarman of Kashmir. Aditya I, Chola. New Nepalese Era. Coronation of Bhima I, Eastern Chalukya. Mahendrapala I (Pratihara). Accession of Parantaka I, Chola. Mahipala I (Pratihara). Continuance of Pratihara rule in Surashtra. Yasaskara, King of Kashmir. Guhila Bhatripatta II. Coronation of Amma II (Vijayaditya VI), Eastern Chalukya. Queen Didda of Kashmir. Dhanga Chandella Foundation of the Kingdom of Ghazni. Foundation of the later Chalukya Empire (of Kalyana). Munja. Accession of Sabuktigin. Accession of Rajaraja the Great, Chola. First invasion of Sabuktigin. Accession of Sindhuraja Navasahasanka. Death of Sabuktigin. Accession of Sultan Mahmud. Great defeat of Jaipal by Sultan Mahmud. Battle near Und. Rajendra Chola I. Mahmud captures Nandana. Rajyapala (Pratihara). Kanauj seized by Mahmud of Ghazni. Bhoja of Dhara.

1026 AD

Sarnath inscription of the time of Mahipala I of Bengal. Fall of Nidar Bhim (Shahi). Sack of Somnath (during the reign of Bhimdeva I). Death of Sultan Mahmud. Vimala Sha. Death of Gangeyadeva Kalachuri. Coronation of Laksmi-karna of the Kalachuri Dynasty. Red Fort at Delhi. Rajendra Chola, Kulottunga I. Vikramaditya VI of Kalyana. Anantavarman Choda Ganga. Harsha of Kashmir. Rise of the Gahadavalas. Kirtivarman Chandella. Vishnuvardhana Hoysala. Foundation of an Era by Siddharaja Jayasimha of Gujarat. Govinda Chandra, the Great Gahadavala King. Epoch of the Lakshmana Sena Era. Kumarapala of Gujarat. Vigraharaja IV (Visaladeva). Ballala Sena. Paramardi Chandella. Jayachchandra. Muhammad bin Sam invades India and captures Multan. Muhammad defeated in Gujarat. Bhimdev II of Gujarat. Lakshmana Sena of Bengal. Fall of the Yamini Dynasty.

1030 AD 1032 AD 1039 AD 1040 AD 1052 AD 1070-1122 AD 1076-1127 AD 1076-1148 AD 1089-1101 AD 1090 AD 1098 AD 1106-1141 AD 1113-1114 AD 1114-1154 AD 1119 AD 1143-1172 AD 1153-1164 AD 1158 AD 1167-1202 AD 1170-1194 AD 1175 AD 1178 AD 1179-1242 AD 1185-1205 AD 1186 AD

1191 AD 1192 AD 1192-1193 AD 1194 AD 1197-1247 AD 1200 AD 1206 AD 1210 AD 1210-1211 AD 1221 AD 1228 AD 1231 AD 1231-1232 AD 1236 AD 1240 AD 1241 AD 1244-1262 AD 1246 AD 1251-1270 AD 1260-1291 AD 1266 AD 1279 AD 1280 AD 1287 AD 1288 AD 1290 AD 1292 AD

First battle of Tarain. Second battle of Tarain. Fall of Prithviraja III Chahamana (Chauhan). Qutb-ud-din Aibak takes Delhi. Battle of Chandwar. Fall of the Gahadavalas. Singhana the Great, Yadava King. Ikhtiyar-ud-din conquers parts of Eastern India. Death of Muhammad bin Sam and accession of Qutb-ud-din in India. Death of Qutb-ud din. Accession of Aram Shah. Accession of Iltutmish. Invasion of the Mongols under Chengiz Khan. Ahoms in Assam. Tejahpala. Foundation of the Qutb Minar. Death of Iltutmish. Accession and deposition of Firuz. Accession of Raziyya. Deposition and murder of Raziyya. Accession of Muiz -ud-din Bahram. Capture of Lahore by the Mongols. Visaladeva, King of Gujarat. Deposition and death of Masud. Accession of Nasir -ud-din Mahmud. Jatavarman Sundara Pandya I. Rudramma, the Great Kakatyia Queen. Death of Nasir-ud-din Mahmud. Accession of Ghiyas-ud-din Balban. Latest known date of Rajendra IV Chola. Rebellion of Tughril in Bengal. Bughra Khan appointed to the Government of Bengal. Death of Balban. Accession of Muiz-ud-din Kaiqubad. Mongol invasion repelled. Marco Polo at Kayal. Death of Kaiqubad. Accession of Jalal-ud-din Firuz Khalji. Ala-ud-din Khalji captures Bhilsa. Mongol invasion.

1294 AD 1296 AD 1297 AD 1301 AD 1302-1303 AD 1305 AD 1306-1307 AD 1308 AD 1310 AD 1316 AD

Devagiri pillaged by Ala-ud-din Khalji. Accession of Ala-ud-din Khalji. Conquest of Gujarat (from Karnadeva II). Capture of Ranthambhor by Ala -ud-din Khalji. Capture of Chitor. Mongol invasion. Conquest of Malwa, Ujjain, Mandu, Dhar and Chanderi by the Khaljis. Kafurs expedition to Devagiri. Expedition to Warangal. Malik Naibs expedition into the South Indian Peninsula. Death of Ala-ud-din. Accession of Shihab -ud-din Umar. Death of Malik Naib. Deposition of Umar and accession of Qutb-ud-din Mubarak. Extinction of the Yadava Dynasty. Usurpation of Nasir-ud-din Khusrav. His overthrow by Ghiyas-ud-din Tughluq. Expedition to Warangal under Muhammad Jauna (Ulugh Khan). Rebellion of Muhammad. Second expedition to Warangal under Muhammad. Mongol invasion. Accession of Muhammad bin Tughluq. Rebellion of Gurshasp. Destruction of Kampili. Transference of the capital from Delhi to Daulatabad. The Mongols invade India. Qarachil expedition. Issue of forced currency of brass and copper for silver. Arrival of Ibn Batutah. Rebellion in Madura. Capture of Anegundi by Muhammad bin Tughluq. Traditional date of the foundation of Vijayanagar. Expedition to Nagarkot. Independent Sultanate in Bengal. Shah Mir, King of Kashmir. Ibn Batutah leaves Delhi on his mission to China.

1317-1318 AD 1320 AD 1321 AD 1323 AD 1325 AD 1326-1327 AD 1327 AD 1328 AD 1329 AD 1333-1334 AD 1334 AD 1336 AD 1337-1338 AD 1338-1339 AD 1339 AD 1342 AD

1345 AD 1347 AD 1351 AD 1353 AD 1359 AD 1360 AD 1361 AD 1363 AD 1374 AD 1377 AD 1382 AD 1388 AD 1389 AD 1392 AD 1393 AD 1398 AD 1414 AD 1417-1418 AD 1420 AD 1424 AD 1429 AD 1430-1469 AD 1434-1435 AD 1443 AD 1451 AD 1458-1511 AD 1459 A. D

Accession of Shams-ud-din Iliyas in Bengal. Ala-ud-din Bahman Shah proclaimed King of the Deccan. Death of Muhammad bin Tughluq. Accession of Firuz, son of Rajab. Firuzs first expedition to Bengal. Firuzs second expedition to Bengal. Firuzs expedition to Orissa. Capture of Nagarkot or Kangra by Firuz. Firuzs first expedition to Sind. Bukka sends an embassy to the Emperor of China. Extinction of the Sultanate of Madura. Rebellion of Raja Ahmad or Malik Raja in Khandesh. Death of Firuz, son of Rajab. Accession of Ghiyas-ud-din Tughluq II. Death of Tughluq II. Dilawar Khan, Governor of Malwa. Independent Sultanate of Jaunpur. Invasion of Timur. Khizr khan occupied Delhi. Raja Ganesh in Bengal. Coins of Danujamardana. Nicolo Conti visits Vijayanagar. Capture of Warangal by Ahmad Shah Bahmani. Transfer of the Bahmani capital from Gulbarga to Bidar. Rana Kumbha. Kapilendra, King of Orissa. Abdur Razzak comes to India. Bahlul Lodi ascends the throne of Delhi. Mahmud Begarha. Foundation of Jodhpur.

1469 AD 1470 AD 1472 AD 1481 AD 1484 AD 1486 AD 1486-1487 AD 1489 AD 1489-1490 AD 1490 AD 1493 AD 1494 AD 1497-1498 AD 1504 AD 1505 AD 1509 AD 1509-1527 AD 1510 AD 1511 AD 1512-1518 AD 1513 AD 1517 AD 1526 AD 1527 AD 1529 AD 1529-1530 AD 1530 AD

Birth of Guru Nanak. Death of Zain-ul-Abidin. Birth of Farid (Sher Khan). Murder of Mahmud Gawan. Independence of Berar. Abyssinian rule in Bengal. Fall of the Sangama Dynasty of Vijayanagar. Beginning of the rule of the Saluva Dynasty. Accession of Sikandar Lodi. Foundation of the Adil Shahi Dynasty of Bijapur. Establishment of the independent Nizam Shahi Dynasty of Ahmadnagar. Husain Shah elected King of Bengal. Accession of Babur in Farghana. First voyage of Vasco da Gama. Babur occupies Kabul. Beginning of the rule of the Tuluva Dynasty in Vijayanagar. Albuquerque, Portuguese Governor of India. Accession of Krishnadeva Raya. Rana Sanga. The Portuguese capture Goa. Babar captures Samarqand again. Independence of the Kutb Shahi Dynasty of Golkunda. Death of Albuquerque. Death of Sikandar Lodi. Accession of Ibrahim Lodi. First battle of Panipat. Battle of Khanua. Battle of Gogra. Death of Krishnadeva Raya. Death of Babur and accession of Humayun.

1533 AD 1534 AD 1535 AD 1537 AD 1538 AD 1539 AD 1540 AD 1542 AD 1544 AD 1545 AD 1552 AD 1554 AD 1555 AD 1556 AD 1558 AD 1560 AD 1561 AD 1562 AD 1564 AD 1565 AD 1568 AD 1569 AD 1571 AD 1572 AD 1573 AD 1574 AD 1575 AD

Bahadur of Gujarat captures Chitor. Humayun marches to Malwa. Defeat of Bahadur Shah of Gujarat and his flight to Mandu. Death of Bahadur Shah of Gujarat. Sher Khan defeats Mahmud Shah of Bengal. Humayun enters Gaur. Death of Guru Nanak. Sher Khan defeats Humayun at Chaunsa and assumes sovereignty. Humayuns defeat near Kanauj. Birth of Akbar. Humayun arrives in Persia. Death of Sher ShahAccession of Islam Shah. Death of Guru Angad. Death of Islam Shah. Accession of Muhammad Adil Shah. Sikandar Sur in the Punjab. Humayun recovers the throne of Delhi. Death of Humayun and accession of Akbar. Second Battle of Panipat. Death of Ibrahim Sur. End of the Sur Dynasty. Fall of Bairam Khan. Mughul invasion of Malwa. Akbar marries a princess of Amber. End of Petticoat Government. Abolition of the Jizya. Death of Rani Durgavati and annexation of the Gond kingdom. Battle of Talikota. Kararanis conquest of Orissa. Fall of Chitor. Capture of Ranthambhor and Kalinjar. Birth of Salim. Foundation of Fathpur Sikri. Akbar annexes Gujarat. Surat surrenders to Akbar. Understanding with the Portuguese. Death of Guru Amardas. Battle of Tukaroi.

1576 AD 1577 AD 1579 AD 1580 AD 1581 AD 1582 AD 1585 AD 1586 AD 1589 AD 1591 AD 1592 AD 1595 AD 1597 AD 1600 AD 1601 AD 1602 AD 1605 AD 1606 AD 1607 AD 1608 AD 1609 AD 1611 AD 1612 AD

Subjugation of Bengal. Death of Daud near Rajmahal. The battle of Gogunda or Haldighat. Akbars troops invade Khandesh. Infallibility Decree promulgated. Accession of Ibrahim Adil Shah II in Bijapur. First Jesuit mission at Agra. Rebellion in Bihar and Bengal. Akbars march against Muhammad Hakim and reconciliation with him. Death of Guru Ramdas. Divine Faith promulgated. Fitch at Agra. Annexation of Kashmir. Death of Todar Mal and Bhagwan Das. Mughul conquest of Sind. Annexation of Orissa. Siege of Ahmadnagar. Acquisition of Quandahar. Annexation of Baluchistan. Death of Faizi. Death of Rana Pratap. Charter to the London East India Company. Ahmadnagar stormed. Capture of Asirgarh. Death of Abul Fazl. Formation of the United East India Company of the Netherlands. Death of Akbar and accession of Jahangir. Rebellion of Khusrav. Qandahar invested by the Persians. Execution of the Fifth Guru, Arjan. Qandahar relieved by the Mughuls. Sher Afgan, first husband of Nur Jahan, killed. Second revolt of Khusrav. Malik Ambar takes Ahmadnagar. Hawkins arrives at Agra. The Dutch open a factory at Pulicat. Jahangir marries Nur Jahan. Hawkins leaves Agra. The English establish a factory at Masulipatam. Khurram marries Mumtaz Mahal. First English factory at Surat. The Mughul Governor of Bengal defeats the rebellious Afgans. Mughuls annex Kuch Hajo. Jahangirs firman to the English Company. Submission of Mewar to the Mughuls. Arrival of Sir Thomas Roe in India. Roe received by Jahangir. The Dutch establish a factory at Surat.

1613 AD 1615 AD 1616 AD

1618 AD 1619 AD 1620 AD

Roe, after obtaining firmans for English trade, leaves the Imperial Court. Roe leaves India. Capture of the Kangra fort. Shahryar betrothed to Nur Jahans daughter (by Sher Afgan). Malik Ambar revolts in the Deccan. Death of Khusrav, Shah Abbas of Persia besieges and takes Qandahar. Shah Jahan ordered to recover Qandahar but rebels. Malik Ambar takes Bidar. Suppression of Shah Jahans rebellion. Dutch Factory at Chinsura. Death of Malik Ambar. Rebellion of Mahabat Khan. Death of Jahangir. Birth of Shivaji (or 1630 according to some). Shah Jahan proclaimed Emperor. Rebellion of Khan Jahan Lodi. Death of Mumtaz Mahal. Defeat and death of Khan Jahan Lodi. Mughul invasion of Bijapur. Sack of Hugli. Grant of the Golden Firman to the English Company by the Sultan of Golkunda. End of Ahmadnagar Dynasty. Firman permitting English trade in Bengal. Treaties with Bijapur and Golkunda. Shahji enters the service of Bijapur. Aurangzeb appointed Viceroy of the Deccan. Peace between the Mughuls and the Ahoms. Qandahar recovered by the Mughuls. Foundation of Fort St. George at Madras. Shivaji captures Torna. Persians recover Qandahar. English factory started at Hugli. Firman granted to the English Company by Shuja. Aurangzeb reappointed Viceroy of the Deccan. The Dutch start a factory at Chinsura. The Mughuls attack Hyderabad and Golkunda. Peace with Golkunda. Annexation of Javli by Shivaji. Death of Muhammad Adil Shah of Bijapur. Another firman granted to the English by Shuja. Shivaji raids Ahmadnagar and Junnar but is pardoned. Invasion of Bijapur by Aurangzeb. Aurangzeb captures Bidar and Kalyani. Illness of Shah Jahan. The war of succession begins. Battles of Dharmat and Samugarh. Coronation of Aurangzeb.

1622 AD

1624 AD 1625 AD 1626 AD 1627 AD 1628 AD 1629 AD 1631 AD 1632 AD

1633 AD 1634 AD 1636 AD

1638 AD 1639 AD 1646 AD 1649 AD 1651 AD 1653 AD 1656 AD

1657 AD

1658 AD

1659 AD

Battles of Khajwah and Deorai. Execution of Dara. Captivity of Murad and Shah Jahan. Second coronation of Aurangzeb. Murder of Afzal Khan. Shuja chased from Bengal to Arakan. Mir Jumla appointed Governor of Bengal. Cession of Bombay to the English. Execution of Murad. Mughul capture of Cooch Bihar. Peace with Ahoms. Death of Sulaiman Shukoh. Death of Mir Jumla. Shaista Khan appointed Governor of Bengal. Shivaji sacks Surat. Colbert, the French Minister, founds an India Company. Shivaji assumes royal title. Death of Shah Jahan. Capture of Chittagong. Shivajis visit to Agra and escape. The Yusufzais rebel. New religious ordinances. Cession of Bombay to the East India Company. First French factory started at Surat. Jat rebellion under Gokla. Second sack of Surat. Rise of Chhatrasal Bundela. Satnami outbreak. Revolt of the Afridis. Shaista Khans firman to the English Company. Francois Martin founds Pondicherry. Shivaji assumes the title of Chhatrapati. Execution of Teg Bahadur, Guru of the Sikhs. Shivajis conquests in the Carnatic. Marwar occupied by the Mughuls. Death of Jaswant Singh. Reimposition of the Jizya. Mughul attack on Marwar. Death of Shivaji. Rebellion of Prince Akbar. Aurangzebs firman to the English Company. Loss of Kamarupa by the Mughuls. Aurangzeb goes to the Deccan. English war with the Mughuls. Fall of Bijapur. Fall of Golkunda. Execution of Sambhaji. Rajaram succeeds but retries to Jinji. Peace between the Mughuls and the English. Calcutta founded. Defeat of the Jats. Aurangzeb at the zenith of his power. Grant of a firman by Ibrahim Khan to the English. Renewed Maratha activity in the Deccan.

1660 AD 1661 AD 1662 AD 1663 AD 1664 AD 1666 AD 1667 AD 1668 AD

1669 AD 1670 AD 1671 AD 1672 AD 1674 AD 1675 AD 1677 AD 1678 AD 1679 AD 1680 AD 1681 AD 1686 AD 1687 AD 1689 AD 1690 AD 1691 AD 1692 AD

1698 AD

The new English Company Trading to the East Indies. The English obtain zamindari of Sutanati, Calcutta and Govindapur. First Maratha raid on Malwa. Death of Rajaram and regency of his widow Tara Bai. Amalgamation of the English and the London East India Companies. The Marathas enter Berar. The Marathas raid Gujarat and sack Baroda. Death of Aurangzeb. Battle of Jajau. Accession of Bahadur Shah. Shahu, King of the Marathas. Death of Guru Govind Singh. Death of Bahadur Shah. Accession of Jahandar Shah. Farrukhsiyar becomes Emperor. Jahandar Shah murdered. Balaji Viswanath Peshwa. Husain Ali appointed Viceroy of the Deccan. The treaty of the Marathas with Husain Ali. Execution of Banda, the Sikh leader. The Surman Embassy. Farrukhsiyars firman to the English company. Reimposition of Jizya. Husain Ali returns to Delhi with the Marathas. Farrukhsiyar put to death. Death of Rafi-ud-Darajat. Accession of Muhammad Shah. Accession of Baji Rao Peshwa. Fall of the Sayyid brothers. Saadat Khan appointed Governor of Oudh. Nizam virtually independent in the Deccan. Qamar -ud din becomes wazir. Shuja-ud-din, Governor of Bengal. Baji Rao recognized by the Imperial Government as ruler of Malwa. Nadir Shah takes Delhi. Death of Shuja-ud-din and accession of Sarfaraz in Bengal. The Marathas capture Salsette and Bassein. Alivardi Khan becomes Governor of Bengal. Accession of Balaji Rao Peshwa. The Marathas invade Arcot. Dost Ali killed. Maratha invasion of Bengal. Dupleix Governor of Pondicherry. Murder of Safdar Ali, Nawab of the Carnatic. First Anglo-French War. Rise of the Rohillas. La Bourdonnais takes Madras.

1699 AD 1700 AD 1702 AD 1703 AD 1706 AD 1707 AD 1708 AD 1712 AD 1713 AD 1714 AD

1716 AD 1717 AD 1719 AD

1720 AD 1724 AD

1725-1739 AD 1735 AD 1739 AD

1740 AD

1742 AD

1744-1748 AD 1745 AD 1746 AD

1747 AD 1748 AD 1749 AD 1750 AD 1750-1754 AD 1751 AD

Invasion of Ahmad Shah Abdali. Death of Nizam-ul-mulk. Death of Muhammad Shah of Delhi and accession of Ahmad Shah. Death of Shahu. Madras restored to the British. Defeat and death of Nasir Jang. War of the Deccan and Carnatic succession. Clives defence of Arcot. Death of Muzaffar Jang and accession of Salabat Jang. Treaty of Alivardi with the Marathas. Recall of Dupleix. Godeheus treaty with the English. Accession of Alamgir II. Death of Alivardi Khan. Accession of Siraj -ud-daulah. Siraj-ud-daulah captures Calcutta. Seven Years War. Sack of Delhi and Mathura by Ahmad Shah Abdali. The English capture Chandernagore. Battle of Plassey. Mir Jafar made Nawab of Bengal. Lally in India. The Marathas in PunjaBCapture of Masulipatnam by Forde. Forde defeats the Dutch at Bedara. Ali Gauhar invades Bihar. Murder of Alamgir II by Ghazi -ud-din. Battle of Wandiwash. Battle of Udgir. Mir Qasim, Nawab of Bengal. Vansittart, Companys Governor in Bengal. Third battle of Panipat. Fall of Pondicherry. Shah Alam II becomes Emperor. Shuja-ud-daulah becomes wazir. Accession of Madhava Rao Peshwa. Rise of Hyder Ali. Expulsion of Mir Kasim. Battle of Buxar. Death of Mir Jafar. Grant of the Diwani of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa to the British. Treaty of Allahabad. Clive, Companys Governor in Bengal. Grant of the Northern Sarkars to the English. Departure of Clive. Verelst, Companys Governor in Bengal. The First Mysore War. The Great Bengal Famine. Warren Hastings appointed as Governor. Death of Madhava Rao Peshwa. The Regulating Act. The Rohilla (Ruhela) War. Warren Hastings becomes Governor-General. Establishment of Supreme Court, Calcutta.

1754 AD 1756 AD 1756-1763 AD 1757 AD

1758 AD 1759 AD 1760 AD

1761 AD

1763 AD 1764 AD 1765 AD

1766 AD 1767 AD 1767-1769 AD 1770 AD 1772 AD 1773 AD 1774 AD

1775 AD 1775-1782 AD 1776 AD 1779 AD 1780 AD 1780-1784 AD 1781 AD 1782 AD 1783 AD 1784 AD 1785 AD 1786 AD 1790-1792 AD 1792 AD 1793 AD 1794 AD 1795 AD 1797 AD 1798 AD

Trial and execution of Nanda Kumar. The First Anglo-Maratha War. The Treaty of Purandhar. Convention of Wadgaon. Pophams capture of Gwalior. Second Mysore War. Deposition of Chait Singh. Act passed to amend the Regulating Act. Affair of the Begams of Oudh. The Treaty of Salbai. Death of Hyder Ali. Death of Coote. Foxs India Bills. Treaty of Mangalore. Pitts India Act. Resignation of Warren Hastings. Lord Cornwallis becomes Governor-General. Third Mysore War. Treaty of Seringapatam. Ranjit Singh succeeds his father as leader of a Sikh Misl. The Permanent Settlement of Bengal. Renewal of the Companys Charter. Death of Mahadaji Sindhia. The Battle of Kharda. Death of Ahalya Bai. Zaman Shah at Lahore. Death of Asaf-ud-daulah of Oudh. Wazir Ali deposed and succeeded by Saadat Ali. Lord Mornington (Wellesley) becomes Governor General. Subsidiary Treaty with the Nizam. Fourth Mysore War. Death of Tipu. Partition of Mysore. Ranjit Singhs appointment to the Governorship of Lahore. Malcolms mission to Persia. William Carey opens Baptist Mission at Serampore. Death of Nana Fadnavis. Establishment of the College of Fort William. Annexation of the Carnatic. Treaty of Bassein. The Second Anglo-Maratha War. Siege of Bharatpur fails. Recall of Wellesley. Vellore Mutiny.

1799 AD

1800 AD 1801 AD 1802 AD 1803-1805 AD 1805 AD 1806 AD

1808 AD 1809 AD 1813 AD 1814-1816 AD 1817-1818 AD 1817-1819 AD 1819 AD 1820 AD 1824-1826 AD 1826 AD 1827 AD 1828 AD 1829 AD 1829-1837 AD 1830 AD 1831 AD

Mission of Malcolm to Persia and of Elphinstone to Kabul. Treaty of Amritsar. Renewal of the Companys Charter. The Anglo-Gurkha War. The Pindari War. The Last Anglo-Maratha war. Elphinstone, Governor of Bombay. Munro, Governor of Madras. The Samachar Darpan started. The First Burmese War. Fall of Bharatpur. Death of Sir Thomas Munro. Malcolm, Governor of Bombay. Lord William Bentinck becomes Governor-General. Prohibition of Sati. Suppression of Thuggee. Rammohan Roy visits England. Raja of Mysore deposed and its administration taken over by the Company. Burnes journey up the Indus. Meeting of Ranjit and the Governor-General at Rupar. Annexation of Jaintia. Renewal of the Companys Charter. Abolition of the Companys trading rights. Legislative power centralized. Annexation of Coorg. Macaulay Law Member. Formation of the Agra Province. Education Resolution. Metcalfe and abolition of Press restrictions. Tripartite Treaty between Shah Shuja, Ranjit Singh and the English. Death of Ranjit Singh. New treaty forced on the Amirs of Sind. The First Afghan War. Conquest of Sind. Gwalior War. Suppression of slavery. The First Anglo-Sikh War. Lord Dalhousie becomes Governor-General.

1832 AD 1833 AD

1834 AD 1835 AD 1838 AD 1839 AD 1839-1842 AD 1843 AD 1845-1846 AD 1848 AD

1848-1849 AD 1849 AD 1852 AD 1853 AD

The Second Anglo-Sikh War. Opening of a Hindu girls school in Calcutta by Drinkwater Bethune. The Second Anglo-Burmese War. Railway opened from Bombay to Thana. Telegraph line from Calcutta to Agra. Annexation of Nagpur. Cession of Berar. Renewal of the Companys charter. Sir Charles Woods Education Despatch. The Santal insurrection. Annexation of Oudh. University Act. The Sepoy Mutiny. British India placed under the direct government of the Crown. Queen Victorias Proclamation. Indigo disputes in Bengal. Indian Councils Act. The Indian High Courts Act. Introduction of the Penal Code. Amalgamation of the Supreme and Sadar courts into High Courts. Death of Dost Muhammad. Ambala Campaign. Bhutan War. The Orissa Famine. Opening of telegraphic communication with Europe. Punjab Tenancy Act. Railway opened from Ambala to DelhiSher Ali, Amir of Afghanistan, receives an annual grant of six lacs of rupees. Ambala Conference with Sher Ali. Yakubs rebellion in Afghanistan. Mayos Provincial Settlement. Seistan Boundary Report. Russians reduce Khiva. The Simla Conference. The Bihar Famine. Disraeli becomes Prime Minister in England. Gaikwar of Barodas case. Visit of the Prince of Wales. The Royal Titles Act. Delhi Durbar. The Queen of England proclaimed Empress of India. Outbreak of the Second Anglo-Afghan War. Vernacular Press Act. Abdur Rahman recognized as Amir of Afghanistan. Famine Commission.

1854 AD 1855 AD 1856 AD 1857-1858 AD 1858 AD 1859 AD 1861 AD 1862 AD 1863 AD 1864 AD 1865 AD 1868 AD

1869 AD 1870 AD 1872 AD 1873 AD 1874 AD 1875 AD 1876 AD 1876-1877 AD 1878 AD 1880 AD

1881 AD 1882 AD 1883 AD 1885 AD

Factory Act. Rendition of Mysore. Hunter Commission. The Ilbert Bill. First Meeting of the Indian National Congress. Bengal Tenancy Act. Bengal Local Self-Government Act. Third Anglo-Burmese War. Annexation of Upper Burma. Delimitation of Afghan northern boundary. Abdication of Maharaja of Kashmir. Second visit of Prince of Wales. Factory Act. Age of Consent Act. Manipur Rebellion. Indian Councils Act. Durands mission to Kabul. The Chitral Expedition. Frontier risings. Plague at Bombay. Famine Commission. Lord Curzon becomes Governor-General. Famine Commission. British Expedition to Tibet. Universities Act. Co-operative Societies Act. The First Partition of Bengal. Lord Minto becomes Governor-General. Morley Secretary of State for India. Foundation of the Muslim League. Congress declaration regarding Swaraj. The Anglo-Russian Convention. The Newspapers Act. The Morley-Minto Reforms. Appointment of S. P. Sinha to the Governor-Generals Council. Lord Crewe Secretary of State for India. The Delhi Durbar. Partition of Bengal modified. Census of India. Removal of the Imperial capital to Delhi. Educational Resolution of the Government of India. The First World War. Defence of India Act. Sadler Commission. The Lucknow Pact of the Indian National Congress and the All-India Muslim League. The Home Rule League founded. Foundation of the Womens University at Poona.

1886 AD 1889 AD 1891 AD 1892 AD 1893 AD 1895 AD 1897 AD 1899 AD 1900 AD 1904 AD 1905 AD 1906 AD 1907 AD 1908 AD 1909 AD 1910 AD 1911 AD 1912 AD 1913 AD 1914-1918 AD 1915 AD 1916 AD

1917 AD 1917-1918 AD

Mr. Montagus declaration in the House of Commons. His visit to India. Indians made eligible for the Kings Commission. The Indian National Liberal Federation. Report of the Industrial Commission. The Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms. Punjab Disturbances. Royal Proclamation. The Khilafat Movement. The Non-Co-operation Movement. Lord Sinha, Governor of Bihar and Orissa. Mahatma Gandhi leads the Congress. Chamber of Princes. Moplah Rebellion. The Prince of Wales visits India. Census of India. Resignation of Mr. Montagu. Swarajists in Indian Councils. Certification of Salt tax. Question of Indianizing the command of certain regiments-the eight unit plan. All-India Depressed Class Association. Reforms Enquiry Committee Report. Death of C. R. Das. Formation of Inter-University Board. Report of the Skeen Committee. Lord Readings letter to the Nizam. Royal Commission on Agriculture. Factories Act. Indian Navy Act. Appointment of the Simon Commission. Capetown Agreement. Deposition of Amanullah, King of Afghanistan. All-Parties Conference. The Nehru Report. Report of the Royal Commission on Agriculture. Nadir Shah, King of Afghanistan. Lord Irwins Announcement of 31st October. Trade Union Split. Establishment of the Imperial Council of Agricultural Research. Lahore Congress. Appointment of the Royal Commission on Indian Labour. Civil Disobedience Movement. Report of the Statutory Commission. Rebellion in Burma. Round Table Conference (First Session). Irwin-Gandhi Pact. Census of India. Round Table Conference (Second Session). Publication of the Royal Labour Commissions Report. Suppression of the Congress. Round Table Conference (Third Session). The Communal Award. The Poona Pact. The Indian Military Academy, Dehra Dun. Publication of the White Paper. Civil Disobedience Movement called off. The Indian Factories Act, 1934. The Bihar Earthquake. Joint Committee on Indian Constitutional Reform. New Government of India Act. Death of King-Emperor George V (21st January). Accession and abdication of Edward VIII. Accession of George VI. 1st April-Inauguration of Provincial Autonomy. Congress Ministries in the majority of Provinces.

1919 AD 1920 AD

1921 AD 1922 AD 1923 AD

1925 AD

1926 AD

1927 AD 1928 AD

1928-1933 AD 1929 AD

1930 AD

1931 AD

1932 AD

1933 AD 1934 AD

1935 AD 1936 AD

1937 AD

1939 AD

Second World War begins (3rd September). Resignation of Congress Ministries and the beginning of political deadlock in India. Japan enters the war (7th December). Pearl Harbour incident. Fall of Singapore (15th February). Evacuation of Rangoon (7th March). Cripps Mission (22nd March12th April). Evacuation of Burma (29th April). August Revolution and arrest of Indian Leaders. Lord Wavell Governor-General. Lord Mountbatten Supreme Commander of SouthEast Asia. Gandhi-Jinnah talks opened in Bombay on Sri Rajagopalacharis proposals for solution of constitutional deadlock (9th September). Talks break down on Pakistan issue (27 th September). Lord Wavells broadcast announcing British Governments determination to go ahead with the task of fitti ng India for self-government (19th September). First trial of Indian National Army men opened (5 th November). Mutiny in Royal Indian Navy (18th February). Announcement of special mission of Cabinet Ministers to India (19th February). Cabinet Missions plan announced (16th May). British Cabinets plan for Interim Government announced (16th June). Muslim League decides to participate in the Interim Government; Congress announces acceptance of the long-term part of 16th May plan, but refuses invitation to participate in Interim Government (25th June). Muslim League withdraws its acceptance and decides on a policy of direct action (29th July). This leads to outbreak of mob violence in Calcutta (16 th August). Interim Government formed (2nd September). Muslim League members sworn in (26th October). Constituent Assemblys first meeting (9th December). British Governments historic announcement of transfer of power to responsible Indian hands not later than June, 1948. Lord Mountbattens appointment as viceroy of India in succession to Lord Wavell (20th February). Announcement of Lord Mountbattens plan for Partition of India (3 rd June). Indian Independence Act (15th August).

1941 AD 1942 AD

1943 AD 1944 AD

1945 AD

1946 AD

1947 AD

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