Unit 5 Understanding Discipline Within The Uniformed Public Services

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Rob Charlesworth Rodger Williams Discipline in the uniformed public services

Unit 5 understanding discipline within the uniformed public services

In the uniformed public services its important that discipline is implemented in the right way and kept up to a standard needed for that specific service e.g. paramedics have less strict discipline than people in the royal marines, this is because of the specific nature of the job. During basic training in any uniformed public service department there is a basic level of discipline involved e.g. self discipline because a recruit will have to do as their told and obey given orders.

The role of discipline

Discipline is needed in a variety of public services below I am going to describe why it is important for the prison service and also the fire and rescue service need discipline

Self Discipline
Self discipline can be considered a type of training during basic training this can teach a recruit several things including how to keep their section of their room tidy, fold and put clothes away correctly and most importantly be ready on time for any exercise. This form a discipline is also a goof way of creating and improving yours and others goals this can be task oriented or even selected. The main positive effect of someone using self discipline is for personal improvement. Self discipline is also used in life as one of many personal development tools which are available to you 24/7, it is just a matter of whether you want to discipline yourself and get something positive out of it. Although the positives are great the negatives are that someone who isnt positive minded may struggle with keeping themselves motivated. The main features of self discipline are as follows; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Self Pride Uniformity Versatile personality Looks Professional Reliability Attendance

Rob Charlesworth Rodger Williams Discipline in the uniformed public services

7. Attitude 8. Time management

Fire and rescue service

Discipline is needed in the fire and rescue service for a variety of reasons; firstly each member of the fire crew needs to be ready whenever needed whilst on shit. This means that he/she cannot disobey orders/ rules and decide to go off site whenever they please to. In September 2002 there was a report published and brought into effect called the Bain report by Sir George Bain, this report compiled of changes within the fire and rescue service, these changes are also known as the IPDS (Integrated personal development system). The IPDS means that throughout training military style discipline was taught, if you werent a white male then it was harder for you to get into the fire and rescue service the final main point of IPDS was that it was harder for you to get promoted. The need for discipline in this public service is very strong because when the fire service is called out in every case there are lives at risk whether it is the fire mans life or civilians life at risk so discipline is very important within this service. If there is a breakdown of discipline there could be deadly consequences for the team and other people involved in an operation. Fire Brigade manager

Prison service

Discipline is an important aspect of the prison service because Area Manager of a variety of reasons because when prison guards are on shift and a fight breaks out between 2 or more prisoners the Group manager guards are supposed to go straight to the situation and break Station Manager it up before it escalates even further. However if the guards ignore this type of situation then there lack of discipline and Watch Manger punctuality may lead to 1 of the prisoners dying. During Crew Manager training discipline is an important aspect because if the guards are kept inline during training then they will want to keep the Fire fighter prisoners in line throughout their sentence in prison. The prison service also needs discipline during training because the prison guard needs to learn to control their enthusiasm e.g. if a fight kicks off in prison the guard must stay cool and must remember they are to set an example to their fellow and possibly some prisoners. During

Rob Charlesworth Rodger Williams Discipline in the uniformed public services

training they are taught discipline by transactional (reward and punishment) because if the recruits have done something wrong the punishing them will make sure they do not do the same thing again.

Hm prison service
Chief officer grade 1 Chief officer grade 2 Assistant chief officer Principal prison service Senior prison officer Prison officer

However the training between the Fire and Rescue service and the Prison service is quite different because although they are both strict the fire and rescue service work as part of a crew consisting of 5 or more members and because they are working in hot temperatures and situations can change lives will be at risk, this is the main reason why the Fire and rescue service is more disciplined than the prison service.

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