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Rob Charlesworth Rodger Williams Discipline within the Uniformed public services

Over the past few weeks we have been learning about self discipline within the uniformed public services and the importance it holds within the structure and the training of the recruits. Below I am going to describe the importance of self discipline in the Royal Navy and why the qualities are necessary.

Royal Navy
In the Royal Navy which ever section you join whether it is the Royal Navy its self or the Royal marines your self discipline must be at a high standard because you are part of the armed forces and mainly serve to protect your country. Below I am going to explain some of the self discipline qualities you will have to have in this service and why they will need to be high standard. 1. Personal appearance your personal appearance must be at a high standard because if you turn up looking all scruffy (not shaving) then it will make your section look bad and may mean you all will get punished. Another important reason for this is that people have an instant impression of you because of the way you look, if you do not take pride in your appearance then no one will take you seriously and this may let down your section or armed forces (Royal Navy). 2. Time Management Time management must also be at a high standard because of the high workload you may receive, the workload may be high or it may just be tough e.g. paper work. If you can get your time management to a high standard then everything else should follow because you will be organised. 3. Punctuality Punctuality must be at a high standard because working in the royal navy you must stick to your tight schedule. Another reason it is important is because in the Royal Navy you must say where you are, who you are with and how many people you are with at any time whether it be on the ship or in the royal marines on foot patrol in Iraq. And finally it is important to be punctual in the Royal Navy because if you show up late for a briefing and the briefing is important e.g. vessel ahead is not responding in the right manner then you are preventing your team from working at their best standard. 4. Reliability the quality of reliability must also be at a high standard because in the Royal Navy people are depending on you within your team or ship/submarine e.g. if you are a technician on a submarine and the engines have failed you have to be reliable because all of the ships crewman are depending on you saving their lives. All the qualities that I have mentioned above will be monitored throughout your armed forces career and if its not up to standard you will/may be punished in a physical manner e.g. 1.5 mile run, 20 push ups etc. And the qualities below will mainly be appraised but must be at an acceptable standard so that the service you are in can perform to the highest standard possible. 1. Composure composure is an important part of self discipline within the Royal Navy because if you are in the Royal marines and you are out on foot patrol and you get ambushed by the enemy each member of the patrol must keep their cool and not let the other members of their team down because it may result in people getting injured or worse, killed.

Rob Charlesworth Rodger Williams Discipline within the Uniformed public services

2. Attitude - Attitude within the Royal Navy needs to be in tip top shape, each crew member needs to be in a positive attitude when completing an assigned job. There cannot be any negative feeling/ attitude within the ranks during a job because this will spread like wildfire to other crew members and possibly mean the section will not work to the best of their ability. 3. Performance- In the Royal Navy Performance each member will need to work at their best to achieve the best possible result for their section. Although members may be satisfied by just doing enough it will boost morale if a team exceeds expectations. 4. Personality Personality within the Royal Navy is also important because if you cannot get on with other team members within you ship baring in mind you are at sea for possibly 3 months at a time (depending on hat ship you are on) then that 3 months will seem longer than it actually is and may mean you cannot achieve your main goals and may upset the balance of things on the ship.

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