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Zaugg 1 Brett Zaugg Megan Keaton English 112 02 May 2013 Devastation in Plain Site Americas cuts in funding

education have grown to a dangerous and destructive level. The never ending yearly cuts are affecting the majority of Americas population and will clearly mutilate the chances of the underprivileged from obtaining an education degree for advancement in the workforce. Funding Americas education is also important for the countrys economy and all aspects of becoming a stronger nation. Americas global competitiveness is being downgraded yearly. In a recent survey of 34 advanced nations by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, our kids came in 25th in math, 17th in science and 14th in reading (Reich). Lets face we all can agree that the education of Americas next generation affects everyone. A smarter generation could very well boost the economy which would create more jobs which in turn could very easily drop the unemployment rate. Creating a smarter generation would lead to potentially solving some of the most problematic situations that threaten our planet as a whole, such as pollution. A common grade-school education would create a literate and independent citizenry as well as a nesting ground for future leaders (Hirsch). Federal education funding should be the leading part in an Americans education because a smarter and stronger workforce will improve the nations economy along with increase Americas rank in global competitiveness. Yet by further widening the federal budget deficit, it invites even more federal budget cuts in public education. Pell Grants that allow young people from poor families to attend college

Zaugg 2 are already squeezed (Reich). Currently this is the only seems to be the only option for poverty stricken Americans. If the federal government keeps cutting education funding this will seriously limit Americas capability to grow as a nation. I myself had particular situations that lead me to completely relocate over 700 miles away from a place I called home. I worked as a practice administrator for a well-known medical practice, who fells on hard times and deciding to dissolve in 2008. Of course I started a mad dash of sending countless resumes through emails and faxes with very little response. In all of the interviews I attended the results was always the same, we will be in touch. I found out after many follow up phone calls that a lot of employers viewed me as over qualified and they were simply afraid I would leave the position I applied for, as soon as something better came along. A few others responses indicated I needed a degree to hold the previous position I once did because experience was just not enough. So there I was being sent to visit the New York State Unemployment line in Patchogue New York a few weeks later. Education at this time was just a fantasy or a dream that I could not afford, but the idea was always there hanging over my head like a dark cloud reminding me that the only way for the sun to break through and evaporate the cloud was to go back to school. I did look into registering at a local community college, but according the federal government I made to much money to receive help to pay for college, too much money! I was on unemployment had no health care and could barely afford to keep my lights on. After being unemployed for almost two years I finally found a job in 2010 installing irrigation systems which has absolutely nothing to do with being a practice administrator, which was my previous position. This job installing irrigation systems was the most physical demanding job of my entire work career, 16 hours days in 105 degree weather. I had to keep the job, money wasnt great but better than being on unemployment and I had a family to support,

Zaugg 3 every morning I would get for work and immediately think I need to quit this job. There was no way I could quit unless I had another job lined up which there was not a single one in site, so again this dark cloud is peering out above my head. Finally almost three years later I have had enough, I decided to move out of state and go back to school. New York is very expensive to live but to go to school and work it nearly impossible. Working part time is possible but, you wouldnt have enough money to support one person let alone a family. So now I reside in North Carolina where the idea of going to school and working part time is attainable due to the lower cost of living and help from family members already here. I feel if the federal government should have aided me, an American citizen in pursuit of an education to contribute to the economy and workforce. Instead of getting paid from unemployment and just barely feeding me, why not teach me to feed myself by giving me access to federal funding to receive an education. As Stuart Kent implies The costs of a college education in this country should not be, by any means, a responsibility of the federal government (Kent). Should the cost of education be an issue at the state level? The cost of a students education should be the responsibility of the student themselves and their parent, the student is the one that receives a degree. Stuart Kent comments In fact I believe that the absence of government aid would very likely reign in the cost of an education and make it more affordable for all (Kent). Are American college institutions giving a valuable education to the future generations? Colleges may be accepting students they would have normally disdained, simply because the education institution receives federal aid from the government for the student attending their education institution. Higher education is really a privilege and the governments role in funding it should be minimal at best (Kent).

Zaugg 4 I happen to disagree with Stuart Kent, I know the person going to college and receiving their chosen degree benefits the most, but so does the nations economy. This new graduate now will pay taxes to the government from his new job, spend more money which will bring costs down all over the country, seems like win win situation to me. Stuart Kent goes on to comment If Stuart Kent feels this way about government funding, then I wonder what he might say about The National Defense Act, where the government offered incentives for young men and women to train in certain fields in order to advance Americas position in outer space. In 1958 the launch of Sputnik by the Soviets which caused Congress to justify a regulated form of student assistance in the name of national security called The National Defense Education Act. This included Congress to provide a low-interest loan for college students also included to take care of their debt for those who became teachers after they graduated. That resulted in the National Defense Education Act, which trained a whole generation of math and science teachers (Reich). This appears to indicate that the government is currently providing financial aid for less qualified individuals who are less likely to earn a degree (Kent). So I guess Stuart Kent may feel its ok to provide federal funding to college students only when the government is the major benefactor? Without federal funding, most Americas will never be given the chance to further their education. Most Americans believe that receiving an education leads to an Americans pursuit of happiness in the land of the free. Kevin Welner comments Is there danger that those with greater [funds] will drown out the voice of those whose are less wealthy? (Qtd. in Abby Rapoport). I feel the answer to that question would be yes. If I was wealthy, paying for school would not be an issue or even having a job for that matter. Not everyone feels the same way as I do, but I would have to say most do considering the massive unemployment in America today. I would have to agree with Tom

Zaugg 5 Harkin who comments Students, families, states, and the federal government all take part in funding a college education ( Eric Kelderman). When I think about that the previous statement made by Tom Harkin I feel that all parties should be involved in contributing to a Americas education, in the end each individual contributor benefits. Reich comments Im not suggesting that the stealth attack on American education is intentional. Its happening because public budgets are tight. But when big corporations and the wealthy demand tax cuts, and dont particularly care about public education, the inevitable results is that most of American kids are vulnerable (Reich). This is exactly what happens too many Americans including me. I can understand what the logic may be for wealthy Americas not seeing funding for education as important as me, simply because paying high costs for college or private school is just a wave of a pen with a checkbook without giving it a second thought. For an average American there is no second thought only a first which is I cannot afford it. Mainly because all the other expenses involved in living in America today are very costly for the typical American. I believe the steps to fund an Americans education should be a group effort to help the nation as a whole and all the American people. I believe that it is going to take a massive force of Americans who are tired of all the education budgets cuts in American to stand together and take action. We the people should expect more from our country to educate the future generations, considering they will be governing this country in the years to come. We the people shall initiate a new proposal for Americas responsibility of funding its future rulers. Call your local and state senators and congressmen, letting them know just how important the future of our countrys education is to the American people. We the people shall gather hundreds of thousands if not millions of petition signatures demanding we will not stand for the annihilation of education for our future American children. To display to the Americans government just how

Zaugg 6 vital this issue has become for the American people, we will coordinate to gather in Washington D.C. to perform a demonstration of strength by this countrys citizens have to tell their government officials know just how we feel. Its becoming apparent that the people in Washington are in no mood to help (Reich). We the American people would like the federal government to compose a federal education funding bill that would create the opportunity for future generations to be able to seize the opportunity to advance their education without the certainty of becoming poverty stricken. So unless the American people stand up for the future generations of this country and speak out on behalf of all the potential world leaders, that federal funding for education need not keep decreasing but in fact increase in order to save this nation from devastation.

Zaugg 7 Work Cited

Hirsch, Jr. E.D. THE SCHOOLS WE NEED & Why We Dont Have Them. New York: Doubleday, 1996. Print. Kelderman, Eric. Senators Are Urged to Help Protect State Money for Higher Education The Chronicle (September 2012) Kent, Stuart. Should students expect the government to help pay for college expenses? The Helium (February 2008) Rapoport, Abby. No Funds Left Behind The American Prospect (March 2012) Reich, Robert. America ignores education funding at our own peril SFGate (January 2011)

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