Naruto Shippuuden Summaries Volume 47

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Chapter 423: "Deva Realm's Ability!!

" - Both Pain and Chouza compliment Kakashi's

tactical skills. Kakashi states he may have figured out Pain's ability. Pain
charges and the gathered ninja launch attacks in response. Kakashi throws an
exploding charge for retreat. He determines all the attacks were blocked through
some form of attraction and repulsion force, and that it appears to take a short
interval to recharge. They can use that interval to plan their attack. A short
time later Kakashi bursts from the ground below Pain. He's blown back and Pain
comes to strike. Kakashi gives the signal and Akimichi roll in from either side.
They're blown back but use the force to pull up a chain from the ground which
binds Pain in place. Kakashi launches towards Pain's head with Raikiri but is
suddenly blocked by a damaged Asura. Kakashi tears through Asura and watches on
with Sharingan. At Myouboku, Fukasaku asks Naruto if he's ready to practice
fusing. Naruto wonders if Konoha's okay with the threat of Akatsuki. Fukasaku
dismisses it, saying the village has excellent ninja and that a frog would alert
them if needed. In Konoha, a bloodied Kakashi is pinned in rubble while Pain
stands triumphant. Pain offers that this Kakashi is no clone and that he must end
things quickly. He picks up a nail and states Kakashi must know pain... Kakashi
offers that he can't dodge and the nail is launched into Kakashi's head...

Chapter 424: "Determination!!" - Katsuyu's slugs begin healing the wounded, while
an ANBU flanked Tsunade focuses herself to disperse her chakra. Underground,
Danzou offers to his gathered Root that the commotion will allow him to act
undetected. One of Root asks if they should help, Danzou says no. Some of the
village will be saved, but the other's sacrifice will be necessary for him to
become Hokage. At the interrogation headquarters, Inoichi and the rest of the team
probe the Rain ninja Yuudachi’s mind, pulling out memories. Inoichi finally finds
one of Yuudachi helping his partner Ryuusui deliver a corpse. Yuudachi figures
it's a girl and wonders about the tower they take the bodies to, thinking it’s a
shrine to the dead. Ryuusui offers that he heard a rumor Pain was inside. Yuudachi
offers that there's no way that's true. Ryuusui unzips the body bag, revealing the
unpierced form of Pain's most recent Animal Realm body. Konan thanks the men, and
Ryuusui turns to greet "Angel". She tells them to bring the next one and we cut to
the present. A weak Chouji calls out for his dad and Kakashi. At the
interrogation, Tonbo offers that Inoichi is awesome at pulling out info. Mozoku
tells him to cut the chatter and Shizune suddenly arrives, asking for all their
data on Pain. Outside the Animal and Human Realm bodies arrive. Elsewhere Chouji
looks over the fallen body of his father. He cries and Kakashi says there is time
for tears later; Chouji has to tell Tsunade of Pain's powers. Don't let his
father's sacrifice be in vain. A broken Asura offers that they're persistent and
fires one remaining missile towards Chouji. Chouji thanks his dad and takes off in
a run. Kakashi considers that if he uses it again his chakra will be zero and
he'll die. Entrusting everything to Chouji and for the well being of Konoha, he
forms Mangekyou and sends the missile away. Asura contemplates that Kakashi used
that jutsu on the nail as well. A panting Kakashi considers that for him it's now
over Obito and Rin...

Chapter 425: "Hatake Kakashi" - A dying Obito says he'll be Kakashi's eye and asks
that he protect Rin. Kakashi asks for forgiveness as he wasn’t able to. He walks
in blackness and states he'll be joining them soon. He comes across a fire and
recognizes the man sitting by it. The man asks Kakashi to tell him how his life
has gone. Kakashi says it will be a long story, but his father Sakumo says that's
okay. In reality Kakashi slumps over in the debris while Asura falls apart. At
Myouboku, Fukasaku attempts to fuse with Naruto but is sent flying by the Kyuubi.
The toad explains how he was rejected, which causes an infuriated Naruto to ask
why they even bothered training. Outside the interrogation headquarters, Animal
Realm moves to summon. Inside Ino offers that the chakra transmitting sounds like
her clan's techniques. Ibiki offers than Rikudou Sennin could supposedly use any
jutsu. Suddenly the building is rocked and the gathered ANBU move to take action.
Three ANBU utilize Earth, Wind and Lightning jutsu in an attempt to contain the
giant dog summon. It bursts out and the ANBU decide to focus on the summoner
instead. A giant rhino bursts into the interrogation head quarters, shocking those
inside. Riding atop the beast, Animal sees the chakra receiver in Shizune's hand.
The building is rocked again and Katsuyu's slugs are thrown clear. From within the
slugs emerge those who were in the building. Above them stands the rhino and dog
summons. Inoichi offers that he recognizes the woman atop the beast, but she was
dead when he saw her last. Shizune considers how each Pain body can only use one
type of jutsu and that the summoning body was taken out. Shizune tells Inoichi
they should compile their information. Ibiki tells them to go, they'll handle
Pain. Elsewhere amongst the rubble of Konoha, Konohamaru emerges from the

Chapter 426: "Naruto and Konoha!!" - The Hell Realm grabs two Leaf by their
throats and demands to know Naruto's location. A spectral face enshrouded in
flames forms but the Leaf refuse to answer. Suddenly tongue-like protusions extend
from their mouths, while two hands extends from the mouth of Hell's giant spectral
head. It grabs onto the two "tongues" causing one of the men to collapse, Hell
pronounces the other man truly did not. Konohamaru watches from the shadow, he
turns to flee and runs into the wall, drawing Hell's attention. Ebisu lands
between them and hopes that Konohamaru escapes. Elsewhere Animal's giant summons
stand over the interrogation crew and Shizune. They decide to head for the code
breaking office and leave Animal for Ibiki and the ANBU. Inoichi and the others
bolt and the Human Realm moves to follow. At Myouboku, Naruto trains in an effort
to gather natural energy while moving. Fukasaku says it's impossible but Naruto
refuses to give up. Seeing the code on the toad's back, he states it was also
meant for him. Jiraiya was his master who never gave up, and he inherited his
nindo. Back in Konoha, Konohamaru debates what to do. Ebisu is held by the throat
while Hell interrogates him. Ebisu thinks back to how Konoha viewed Naruto. First
with distrust, then beginning to respect all his accomplishments as a ninja and
finally as a comrade who they would give their life for. Ebisu smiles and says he
has no intention of telling Akatsuki anything. Konohamaru hears this and thinks
back to a lesson Naruto once taught him. Ebisu hopes to himself that Konohamaru
ran away and Hell moves to kill him. Suddenly kunai plant in his arm, freeing
Ebisu. Konohamaru then yells out his intent to fight...

Chapter 427: "Reunion" - Ebisu demands to know why Konohamaru didn't run. The
young man explains his promise to challenge Naruto for Hokage, so he can't run
from his path. Hell Realm charges and Konohamaru forms a hand seal. At Myouboku
Naruto turns toad-like and is hit by Fukasaku. The toad says he can't keep up,
what Naruto's trying doesn't even make sense, it's like looking left and right at
the same time. Suddenly Naruto has a revelation. In Konoha, Tsunade senses the
status of the fallen, including Kakashi. She punches down a stone protrusion in
frustration. Chouji arrives and explains Deva's powers. She orders the ANBU to
have Katsuyu spread the word and tells Chouji to rush Chouza to the hospital, as
he still might live. Chouji cries and then asks about Kakashi. Tsunade remains
silent and tells him to hurry. At the morgue, Hungry Ghost removes the chakra
piercings from the former Animal body. A Gatsuuga attack bursts into the room. As
the dust clears, the Animal body falls from the wall, having been used as
protection. Kiba then points out Pain's location on the ceiling to his mother.
Elsewhere bugs eat through Konan's paper. Before her stand the Aburame, Shibi
tells his son Shino to give it his all. Elsewhere in the Fire Country, Team Gai
stops to rest. Gai points out the ill omen of birds flying away from Konoha and
they leave to rush home. In Konoha, Tsunade continues dispersing her healing
chakra to the fallen. The ANBU come to attention as Deva jumps to the roof.
Tsunade recognizes the man, who offers a greeting to her as the last of the
Chapter 428: "Conversation!!" - Konohamaru moves to retreat but is pinned to the
wall by Hell. Ebisu jumps to help but is kicked away. Hell asks Naruto's location
but the Genin says he doesn't know. Konohamaru then sees the arms which extend
from the spectral face mouth grab his spirit. He remembers back to Naruto training
him about rotation and power and misinterpreting it as an expansion of the Sexy
Jutsu. In the present, the Genin poofs away, causing Hell to turn in surprise to
receive a Rasengan to the chest from the original Konohamaru. He's sent flying
into the wall and Ebisu wonders when Konohamaru learned the jutsu. The young man
yells confidently that he's a proud member of the Sarutobi clan and named after
the village, so Pain shouldn't forget it. On the Hokage building roof, Tsunade
recognizes Deva as Yahiko. He asks Naruto's location and warns that war and strife
are on the horizon. Tsunade says they're trying to destabilize the world. Deva
warns her to stop being high and mighty, that as god he demands to know. Tsunade
offers that he's wrong about one thing; he'll never get what he wants. Deva
retorts that Konoha can't protect Naruto forever, but Tsunade replies he doesn't
understand, Naruto is no pushover. Elsewhere Shizune, Inoichi and Ino determine
that the piercings act as chakra receivers, giving life to corpses. And to
transmit the chakra, the real Pain must not be that far away. Suddenly Human lands
among the group and a bomb drops, causing everyone to scatter. As the dust clears
Human holds Shizune by the head. He warns them not to move or he'll kill her. As
he probes her mind he finds his target, stating Myouboku. On the Hokage roof Deva
closes his eyes and then announces the same revelation, stunning Tsunade...

Chapter 429: "Know Pain" - Pain offers he has no reason to stay. The ANBU suggest
they let him go so they can regroup and help the village. Pain turns and
identifies the chakra at his opponent's feet, saying they know his power, but it's
still meaningless, war brings death to everyone. He states once they know true
pain, then they can understand peace. He then launches himself into the air.
Elsewhere Human holds Shizune's spirit and Sakura heals the wounded. At Myouboku
the toads notice that the name of Kousuke, the toad Danzou killed, disappeared
from their scrolls. Fukasaku wonders if Konoha is under attack. In Konoha, Animal
terminates her summons and flees the village. High above Konoha, Deva raises his
arms. Outside the village, Animal summons the others. Konan asks what's happening
and Pain explains that he is going to use his jutsu. At Myouboku, Fukasaku wishes
luck to a toad travelling to Konoha to find Shima. The ninja in the village begin
to regroup and the toad arrives through a water basin portal. Fukasaku says that
Shima is near Konoha and that they along with Naruto will summon something
powerful. The toad finds Shima and moves to summon while she offers that she
understands her part. Konan tells Nagato not to do it, as it will shorten his
life. The Pain bodies collapse leaving Deva alone above the village. Shima jumps
to summon while Tsunade and the ANBU rush onwards. Suddenly a massive gravity wave
is unleashed at the center of Konoha, sending rubble and debris up as it expands
outwards to Hokage Mountain and the outer wall. From within the rubble emerges a
slug, which expels Sakura. She looks at the destruction in shock and yells for
Naruto to quickly return. As the dust clears, a scroll and cloth can be seen. High
above, Deva looks to the barren waste below at a puff of smoke at the center of

Chapter 430: "Naruto Returns!!" - As the dust clears, Naruto stands atop Gamakichi
who is atop his father. A Sennin mode Naruto wears a red jacket with black flames
and the toad contract scroll. Flanking Gamabunta are Gamaken and the stand
destroyer toad. Pain plummets to land on the ground. Naruto asks where they are
and Shima arrives, revealing they're in Konoha. The others can't believe it until
they see Hokage Mountain. She explains that she feels the same presence as when
she fought with Jiraiya. A shocked Naruto focuses his mind in determination. In
the rubble, Katsuyu clones emit more ninja, including Iruka, Shiho, Shikamaru and
Shikaku. Elsewhere Chouji, Chouza and Kakashi emerge. A Hyuuga asks Hinata if
she's okay and states he can't let anything happen to her while Hiashi and Hanabi
are away. Tsume tends to Kiba and Tsunade also emerges from the rubble. She sees
the destruction and promises Pain will pay. A nearby ANBU notices Tsunade's Souzou
Saisei mark missing, having been used to disperse her remaining chakra to the
fallen. Pain sees Naruto and offers that the young man just saved him a trip.
Sakura watches from a distance and a nearby Hyuuga reveals the figure beyond is
Naruto. Outside Konoha, Hell Realm calls upon his spectral head, which consumes
the destroyed Asura Realm body. Its mouth opens to emit a revived Asura. Konan
asks why Pain is taking such foolhardy steps. Animal answers that it's his justice
and is then flung back into Konoha by Asura. Konan ponders that focusing his
chakra to Deva increased the jutsu's power, but now the others revived slower than
before. She says she's returning to check on him and disperses. Animal arrives and
summons the other Realms to stand with Deva. Tsunade yells out that Pain trampled
on their ancestors treasure and dreams, and he'll pay for this. He retorts that
she somewhat understands pain now but she is no longer needed. Asura quickly moves
to strike her down but it is sent crashing into the earth in pieces by a Rasengan
wielding Naruto. Tsunade sees Minato and Jiraiya in Naruto and the young man
offers that she can rest, no need to sully her hands with this ilk. Sakura asks
what happened and the Hyuuga reveals Naruto took out a Realm with a single blow,
which surprises her. Gamabunta asks Fukasaku if he saw those familiar forms and
the elder toad says he did, Naruto has surpassed the previous generation. Naruto
grits his teeth and yells that he will wipe out Pain once and for all...

Chapter 431: "Naruto's Great Eruption!!" - Pain considers how Deva will take
awhile to regain power, so he moves three Realms to the front and one to his rear.
Naruto calls for Gamakichi to take Tsunade to safety. Naruto asks for no
interference and she gives Naruto a Katsuyu slug to relay information. The toad
elders jump to land on Naruto's scroll and the young man asks Tsunade about
Kakashi's whereabouts, as he can't sense him through natural energy. Tsunade
remains silent and Naruto understands. Animal summons her giant rhino which
charges at a determined Naruto. Gamakichi brings Tsunade to Sakura, and the young
woman lets her master know she's done well. As the dust of the rhino impact
clears, Naruto remains in place holding its horn, unfazed by the beast's power. He
hurls the beast over his shoulder into the air. Animal summons her bull and dog
beasts which also charge. The toad elders jump and unleash a paralyzing song
blast. Naruto forms two clones and two gigantic Rasengan's in their palms. Each
impacts a beast and sends it flying. Fukasaku calls to the toad giants and they
hurl into the air to cut and beat down Pain's summons. Naruto charges Hungry Ghost
and Katsuyu states he absorbs jutsu. Hungry Ghost moves to impale Naruto as the
young man in turn moves to strike him. They both dodge but Naruto's natural energy
extends from his body to send the Realm flying. The three giant toads finish off
the summons and Hungry Ghost flies into the ground unconscious. Deva watches on in
confusion, as he thought Hungry Ghost had avoided the attack. Fukasaku watches on
in appraisal, as Naruto is using natural energy to extend his reach and power.
Naruto stands and draw in energy, forming a hand seal he states he'll end it with
his next move...

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