Visual Analysis Yiding Wang

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Yiding Wang ENG 112 Megan Keaton 5/1/2013

The first picture, DREAM is composed of many words. The whole word of this picture is dream. This dream is built up by many small words, like education, equal rights, liberty, no more deportation, solidarity, family, hope, dignity, justice, respect, action, comunidad and community. Some words are big and some words are small, like word education and respect are big than other words. Every letter has same distance between other same size letters. It means that large word has large space during the letters, the small word has small space during the letters; it makes every word clear. This picture has a white background to highlight the words. These words have different font and size. The picture dream was found on an immigrant website. This picture toward ethos because it is directly shows the important thing that an immigrant needs to have. The word dream has many definitions; in here it means ambition or ideal, especially when it is unrealistic. For the most immigrants, they come to American because they want to pursue their dreams. How do they make the dreams come true? They need education, equal rights, liberty, solidarity, family, hope, dignity, justice, respect, action, comunidad and community. That is the main idea about this picture dream is making up

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by these words. The different size words mean the different degree of these words, like education and respect are all the primary part that the immigrants want to have. This picture have a direct relation to immigration because only immigrant will meet all problem of these word.

Education is the process by which a person's mind and character are developed through teaching, especially through formal instruction at a school or college. The education with immigrants is also my topic; the immigrant students always come with their parents, they need continues and finish school. Respect is the feeling that one admires somebody or something very much and that they or it should be treated well and honorably. Immigrant in new place always feels inferior, so win respect is important. Equal rights are the equal in the law. Dignity means calmness, formality, and seriousness of manner or style. Justice is the quality of being just. Respect and equal rights is important for immigrants, I have to say someone still discrimination the immigrants on public place. Equal right and Justice apply to everyone, but there are some difficult in the immigrant. Immigrants do not know the new law block them use law protect them. Dignity means calmness, formality, and seriousness of manner or style. The equal rights and the justice can give immigrants their dignity and respect. Liberty is the freedom from captivity, slavery, or oppressive control. Immigrant feels not freedom because the language problem. Hope is the expectation of something happening as one wish. Some immigrants think they are not freedom because they are lack of understanding the new environment, so they have to stay in a limit place. They want live like local people but they cannot. Comunidad and community are comunidad is a Spanish word, it is mean community; a group of people living together or united by shared interests, religion and

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nationality. The community and family make immigrants stable, on the other side; they limit immigrants and stopped them communication with local people.

The second picture shows a boy writing at a desk. This boy has a black hair and he has glasses. He is looking at the sky and looks worried. He is writing something on the desk. The desk is on a small land, and this land on the strange area. There are two bags near the desk, on the left side is a suitcase and on the right side is a schoolbag. The suitcases handle is open and there are a lot of books in the schoolbag. There is a roll of paper in the schoolbag too. On the top of the picture, there is a black cloud on the left side and a plane on the right side. This plane just takes off because the head of the plane was out of the picture. There is a big tag on the plane. On the back of the boy, a lot building stand there, these building seems far away from the boy. On the left side of the picture, between the boy and the buildings, there is a gate, the gate is closed. The buildings on the left side have different styles. At the back of the building, there are some unclear buildings and black or gray shadow.

This boy is a student because he has a schoolbag and writing something. The suitcase and the open suitcase handle means this boy is ready to travel to another place.

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The plane also shows he wants to move far away. This boy sitting on the land and this land is on a strange area; this area should be water because it has water ripples. The boy drifts on the water; thats why he looks worried to go somewhere new. The water is black; it means it is very deep. The wave show this boy is floating on the water, he doesnt know what happen in the future. We can think he is worried to go somewhere new. The boy is looking at the sky or the plane; it is show the boy worried about the future of himself. The building behind the boy have different styles, it mean different country or different culture. The gate on the left side represents the school. The gate is closed which means it is difficult to adapt to the new environment. This picture shows a normal immigrant student who has to change to a new environment, with different education style and different culture. Everything is different in his new school. This boy tries to keep learning and wants go to school, but many problems represented by the gate stopped him. So this boy is worried, and confused. Like this boy, the immigrant students also have their worried and confused. They dont know the future and just like floating on the water. They will meet a lot difficult and need help.

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