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2 Service Pack 1 Changes

\Hypack ChannelEditor.exe: Channel Design
Search distance is multiplied by 50 when the program searches for begin and centerline node. Required for changes in CrossSections.exe Fixed bug affecting Channel Condition Reporter: caused bad names in tree view and corruption of .rpt file. Fixed a DXF bug on INSERT objects where ATTRIB objects stored within the INSERTs were being ignored. Modified DGN reader to zoom extents in way consistent with Microstation viewer. Streamlined Sounding display routines - moderate speed increase. Prevent exception for 0 length Matrices. Modify Sounding display routines. Loads project scheme file on behalf of process. Some programs, for example Hyplot, were not taking this step, resulting in strange display colors. Matrix Folder display option 'Survey -Dredge Depth' changed to show Dredge Depth Survey Depth. Re-enabled the critical bit of code to display DXF line attributes. Raw files display labels. Files with OUT extension are write-only. Changed communication protocol to avoid firewall exception prompt This update requires updated lngSrv.exe ( Support for changes in EncEdit ( and Hyplot ( Support for Internal Projects: ExportToCad and ExportTo3OD Support for encEdit improvements (see encEdit for notes) Minor patch to S57 Reader - can succeed on some files with corrupt Attribute records Schemeserver had a few issues with storage of pixels vs. logical units. SchemeServer stores all it's data in pixels. Some old schemes may still be storing logical units but those have tests to make sure the sizes are represented correctly. Secondary objects (ex. BoatColor2, LRIndicator2, etc.) are saved properly. Labels restored to View Graph. Overdepth material now computed for AEA No Segments method. Fixed V3 fill display for AEA3. Reinstated Demo mode data. Requires CoAll.dll ver.\ There is now a check-box in the Graph Options Volumes tab in the PHILADELPHIA

coAll.dll: Supports all programs reading/writing All Format

coD32.dll: Used to draw Map Windows

commdrv.dll: Communication Interface coRTL.dll: Supports all programs

coS57.dll: Drawing engine for S57 charts

coSchemeServer.dll: Facilitates communication between Survey and

CrossSections.exeCross Sections and Volumes program

POSTDREDGE that tells the program to ignore the materials found/lost outside the described area.

EchoDisplay.exe: Shared Memory - Echosounder Display

Fixes memory leak

EncEdit.exe: ENC Editor program

In create new feature off shared memory dialog, the new feature selection dialog could has correct geometry. Auto close the shared memory feature search dialog if user clicks create new feature and completes task (does not press cancel in successive dialog). Double clicking feature attribute opens the attribute editor. Needed to press edit button exclusively before this option added .Added boat tracking option on shared memory dialog and implemented tripping interior rectangle for automatic re-centering as boat approaches the edge of the screen. Added 'Heads Up' option for boat tracking to keep boat generally pointing towards top of screen. Multiple Feature Selection in Browser: o Attributes list has common attributes among selections (intersection). o Attribute editor applies changes to all selections. Fix initial color bug, selects bright day scheme. Added test in TIN Import - checks chain has both beg/end nodes when during geometry search. Fixed saving bug where log not updating to new filename. Normalized the Minimize/Maximize/Restore functions (using method developed in HYPACK) Feature Attribute editing - maintains selection and scroll position after edit. With multiple targets selected in sharedmemdlg, pressing red button will allow 1:1 creation (same functionality as import dialog). Save Dialog populates with loaded file name - previously used name from chart information dialog. Remove memory leak which appeared during DGN import. Added Change Feature Button on Features Tab - Only changes if new feature is of the same geometry class (ie PT/PT, LN/LN),- adjust attributes automatically preserving as much data as possible. On DGN Import , layer names show up in tree view or layers dialog. Added Notes column to Feature Attributes in S57 Schema Dialog - Attribute may be Mandatory/One of. Example: Feature:CTNARE has Attribute:TXTDSC and Attribute:INFORM with 'One of' flag, meaning at least one of these two are required for a valid feature. In the Object Manager - Features Tab - Attributes Tab: o -1. (M) proceeding attribute name = mandatory o -2. (m) proceeding attribute name = one of Uses the "Invert DXF/DGN" checkbox value. Fixed the hardlock checking Set the Invert Z and Negative Sounding logic to be exactly like it was in version 4.3. User defined export formats the DOL and DBL as real number values. Removed the scaling option for different DPI settings. When using 120 DPI as the resolution, the "Convert" button could not be seen. Feature Upgrade: added the ability to export polyline points from DXF files to XYZ files. The program already did text and point objects. A customer wanted the ability to have the

Export.exe: Export program

polyline vertices export also. The KTD to XYZ exports on the correct axis. Prevent User-defined export from creating empty files. The logic in the High - Low flags was incorrect causing the program to always skip the current record. Sorts columns in "Add Device" dialog box. Increase size for ini settings from 80 to 256. Allows baud rates less than 1200. Only one instance of the program allowed to run. Fix minimize/restore bug. Calculates and displays correct number of cells. VPF files display in proper draw order. Archives divider no longer gets stuck at the bottom of the list area. Attempt to prevent intermittent minimizing of HYPACK window. Requires vcl60.bpl and rt160.bpl. Updated Dxf2Lnw routine to accept polylines on the planned line layer. Single Segment lines sort in order, multisegment lines sort consecutively for the purposes of chainage and line naming. This resolves the problem where a multisegment line could cross the center line in multiple places creating multiple chainages. Prevent losing long file paths in project.ini. Prevent crash behavior saving long file paths in Plotting Sheet Editor. Extraneous spaces removed from Angle field in Target Editor. Correctly displays plotted compass rose in either direct or via dib modes. New, all vector drawing code, provides sharp detail at any zoom or device resolution. Can add fractional value for magnetic compass. Attributes saved to plt ini file. When in 'Plot via DIB' mode (if you have a background TIF), soundings and some text would be scaled too small.--Modified DIB routines to place resolution of target device in DIB structure. This forces GDI to correctly scale and draw text on, for example, a high resolution printer. Change "Rust" sidescan palette to Marine Sonics brown-yellow scheme. Add "Intensity" sidescan palette (Mesotech-Imagenex colors). Attach "_SS" suffix to edited HS2 and LOG files. Prevents overwrite of edited multibeam files derived from the same raw data. Limit range in mosaic to that selected in Sidescan Controls. Mosaic only port or starboard head depending on user selection. Larger graph in Color Preview, making it easier to set saturation sliders where you want them. Resolved issue with Index File Read Error when loading a second set of files. Correct geo-referencing of TIFF files saved in the target view. Fixed hardlock checking Includes Taiwan Chinese translation. Changed communication protocol to avoid firewall exception prompt This update

Hardware.exe: HYPACK Hardware


Hyplot.exe: Hyplot program

Hyscan.exe: Side Scan Mosaic program

lngEdit.db: Language Database Lngsrv.exe: Language

requires updated coRtl.dll. Requires CoRTL.dll

Memoryoutput.exe: Shared Memory Output

Fixed timer interval bug

MBMax.exe: Multibeam Editor

Processing of F180 delayed heave files. Read Parameters, Advanced Option: Adjust SV profile each ping for SV at sonar head. Increase maximum number of points per cell from 2,000 to 5,000. Per Toyo request. Hope this doesnt screw anything up; 5,000 points per cell seems excessive and program stack had to be increased by a factor of 4. The target file name with a space caused parsing errors. Retains correct RAW, SORT, EDIT folders. The attempt in the previous version did not correct the problem Acknowledges Raw, Edit, Sort folders. Removed the first and last points from the template as instructed. Changed the logic to ignore writing the data file if no data was available.

ProjectConv.exe: Project Conversion

remap.exe: Remap rtl60.bpl and vcl60.bpl: Support Files sbmax.exe: Single Beam Editor
Fixed errors with RTK tides in elevation mode. Invert draft and heave when working in elevation mode so that corrected elevations come out right. The Heave graph now shows heave correction instead of raw heave. More useful and less confusing than raw heave, which must be sign inverted for depths but not for elevations. Heave correction always has the right sign. Data file name in the Echogram window per Odom request. Fix RTK tide calculations when pitch and roll are used and the antenna is separated from boat origin. Yellowfin sidescan driver Change Rust sidescan palette to Marine Sonics brown-yellow scheme. Add Intensity sidescan palette (Mesotech-Imagenex colors Change to CMAX CM2-USB driver; Force altitude up and down commands. Per request of CMAX and EPSHOM. Updated SeabedMapper to work with SIX files using polygon ranges.

scanware_ss.exe: Sidescan Hardware and Survey

SeabedMapper.exe: Seabed Mapper

SeabedStats.exe: Seabed Statistics

The edit box for specifying Max E1 on the manual Seadbed ID Square dialog is recording the correct values. Fixed a zooming annoyance. Removed the option to save to RXW files since that format cannot handle polygon ranges. Added an option to export the legend of of a Seabed Square file to a bitmap image. This was a request to be able to identify the surfaces in HYPLOT.

Sort.exe: Sort program

Fixed a bug where Pass1's Points Saved was different than Pass2's Points Read. Added "Convert to final elevation" option.

survey.exe: HYPACK Survey

Corrects "Clear Matrix" behavior. Made better communication between the Survey and SchemeServer. The fonts specified in Schemebuilder were not coming out the same size in Survey. This was a pixels vs. logical height issue when using a LOGFONT structure and the CreatefontIndirect function. Schemebuilder specifies a point size (pixels) and LOGFONT uses logical units. A conversion had to be made everywhere Survey grabbed a LOGFONT from SchemeServer. Requires coSchemeServer.dll ver.6.2.1. New Dsiplay Item: Chart Datum Level (general section). 360 degree loop does not stop distance event Line started in wrong direction does not generate distance events

SurveyViewer.exe: Survey Viewer - requires coMem.dll, XceedZip.dll,

SurveyViewer 5.6 and the required support files. Place all of these files in the same folder on the viewing computer. Modified to read TIN files from Version 6.2 TIN MODEL program. Corrected the reading of the 5.6 version .TIN files that was making the TidalZoner not recognize points within the model. Corrected reading XY from Raw format file. Text shows in BMP/TIF output. Corrects delete triangle error in TIN Edit. Corrected error with first and last depth color in solid fill dxf export. Fixed Philadelphia volume bug and clip two TINs bug. Improved speed for: TIN merge (TIN vs TIN), export tin to xyz and export TIN to MTX. Volume dialog initialization bug ( enabling disabled edit boxes ) Loading tin file with two tins bug ( perpendicular vectors for the second tin are not allocated ) Two formulas for total volume calculations are changed to take into account infill material. o Total dredge volume = volume survey above dredge line (dredge material) volume dredge above survey line (infill material ) o And similarly for total overdredge.

TidalZoner.exe: Tidal Zoner program

tin56.exe: TIN Model program

XYZManager.exe: XYZ Manager

Fixed "Divide by Zero" error when including an XYZ file with less than 100 pts..

Xyztomtx.exe: XYZ to MTX program

Added check box that allows you to select to read matrix origin, cell size, orientation and dimensions from the file.


coS57.dat: Draws S57 Charts

Mandatory attributes added to feature metaclasses - ongoing work Fixed numerous bugs in valid feature attribute lists Removed S57 Version 2 baggage from data file - no more *deleted* features

tables1.bin and tables2.bin: Tin Model DXF Export support files scheme_objects_db.xml: Schembuilder Support File \Hypack\Datum g2003u07.geo: Sector 7 geoid
Geoid updated for post-2005 hurricane season.

gpdb.db: Geodesy Database

Added New Brunswick and PEI NAD83 grids. Incompatible with HYPACK 4.3. Corrected parameters for Colorado Central in both NAD27 and NAD83.

\Hypack\Devices Bar_lecaux.dll:
Custom driver

Barge.dll: Barge Management Driver

New driver

DraftTable.dll: HYPACK Draft Table with Spline

Added the spline and linear interpolation feature with graphical representation. Driver no longer requires separate executable to enter the speed and draft values. Instead, user can enter them in the setup window. Updated setup dialog. New Driver : Allows user-defined annotation strings.

GenEcho.dll: Generic Echosounder driver

GenEvent.dll: Generic Event driver GenSow.dll: Generic Speed Over Water driver
Added a string filter to allow you to specify a set of characters to search for in order to make it a valid string before processing. Corrected the code for the alarm option.

gentide.dll: Generic Tide driver

gps.dll: GPS driver

Implemented same changes made for ZDA message in the kinematic driver. Frequency error changed to filter error in the sync graph. Updated with the same sync clock changes as in the kinematic driver.

Status Codes enabled when Custom option is selected. Implemented same changes made for ZDA message in the kinematic driver. Frequency error changed to filter error in the sync graph. Updated with the same sync clock changes as in the kinematic driver. Status Codes enabled when Custom option is selected.


Kelnetwork.dll: Knudsen Network driver

New driver (Maintained and supported by Knudsen)

Kinematic.dll: GPS driver

Reports error correctly after VERITIME failure. Solves problem with a Trimble 4400 receiver and the PPS box. The unit is sending the time in the ZDA message with decimals and the decimals are changing. This version drops any decimals on the ZDA string if used with a PPS box. Recompiled with Builder 6.0. It will be merged with opcgenoffset. This is a special dll designed to work with Vulcan OPC server. Sidescan export to binary file is truncated 12 bits. Genoffset driver read offset from Vulcan OPC Server. It will be merged with opcgenoffset. This is a special dll designed to work with Vulcan OPC server Eliminated eeface error by changing driver instance

newopcdpt.dll: OPC Depth

OdomCV_3.dll: Odom CV3 driver

opcgenoffset.dll: OPC GenOffset SonarMite.dll: Sonarmite driver

SonarLite.dll: SonarLite echosounder

Eliminated eeface error by changing driver instance

ThreeA2TS.dll: ThreeA2TS driver

Error message in Calibrate if twoat2s is selected new driver: 3A2TS driver

towcable.dll: HYPACK cablecount driver

Updated it to include again pulley and Redlion options that were lost from the code. Added time tag for CMAX pulley option. Dynapar parsing

tss320.dll: TSS
Removed Event Function not supported by device.

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