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Exclusive today read all about Carol Mates the Award-Winning Novelist for Young People and her Best-Selling childrens novel Daniels Story. EXCLUSIVE NEWS TODAY



Special Edition: Daniels Story

What you will find in this paper:

1. Dear Abby article 2. Book Review

We must never simply accept the voice of authority. We must think for ourselves.-Carol Matas Daniels story is a hear warming story and suspense filled story, Of daring trials and test that will have you on the edge of yours eats begging for more. Daniel's story is a wonderful book. I know that many teens may think it's boring. But even those who don't like to read would enjoy this book.- Customer Review

3. Crossword Puzzle 4. Advertisement

Carol has a new story coming out soon When I Die- A meditation on the circle of life. Her new story for 2013 is Pieces of the Past: The Holocaust Diary of Rose Rabinowitz a tale of a young Jewish girl who recounts her terrifying experiences of the Holocaust. When I Die is a meditation on death which is sure to resonate with all age groups and all types of people. "The entire manuscript came to me all at once while I was meditating.- Carol Mates



Dear Abby
Dear BadJokeTeller, You should defiantly tell your best friend right away and if she doesnt believe you than she truly isnt a friend. But you shouldnt put yourself through all of this and walk around feeling guilty! So if its making you feel bad then you should totally get it of your chest and tell her. And if she doesnt believe so what at least you told her and she could never say that you didnt warn her beforehand.

Daniels Story Review

Pictures of Lodz
During, this part of the story readers see how the switch from Frankfurt life to life in Lodz to a toll on Daniel and his family. Readers also learn of Rosa Daniels love interest who is also the leader of the Lodz youth resistance group. Lots of Daniels family members are murdered or taken away during this part of the story. This story has received many awards and is given lots of 5 star ratings by many readers.

Dear Abby, So the other day I saw one of my friends steal something from my best friend and Im torn between telling her or not because she probably would never believe me! Help what should I do!!! BadJokeTeller

Daniels story is about a young boy who shares with the world what life was like for him and his family during the Holocaust. From beginning to end readers get a glimpse of how life changed for Jews during this time In history and how the change affected then.

Daniels Story Crossword Puzzle

Across 2. Daniel's Home 5. Uncle sent away for Parking Tickets 6. Ghetto where Daniels family lived 7. Third Reich Down 1. Second work camp 3. First work camp 4. Daniel's Boss at the photography shop Answer Key: 1.Buchenwald, 2.Frankfurt, 3.Auschwitz, 4.Karl, 5.Peter, 6.Lodz, 7.Nazi

Willy Brandt kneels Ad for Real Jewish Ad for Nazi in respect for Propaganda Rye Warsaw Ghetto uprising

Ad against Dwight D. Eisenhower and his stand point on WWII

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