The Holocaust News

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The Time News presents:

The Holocaust News

The news of today, only for 50 cents Palestine December 13, 1945

The Allies Have Come.

But Is It Really Over Though? The Suffering and Pain of the Afflicted has come to a Stop.
With the Allies forces drawing nearer and nearer, the German are fleeing from their camps. But they will not go down without a fight, thats for sure. They are relentless when trying to execute their mass murder but if youre reading this just know it will be better soon. Though it may not seem like it, the Allies have come and are fixing it a fast pace. Though many concentration camps are closed and many Nazis on trial, not everyone is safe from the Nazi terror. So is it really over? Or is most of it over?

Do you remember this, this nightmare? But know, this will not happen again. The Nazis and SS soldiers are unloading you Jews from your train like prisons, forced into striped pajamas and into some of the many, many concentration camps. Sorry for the scar but the world must know what your pain is.

Today, youll read about the survivors found, their experiences in interviews, a news article, an advertisement of the book, Daniels Story, an editorial, and a review of the story of the book.

Want an inside of the concentration camp? Read Get Daniels Story from your local book store. For less than $6.00 you get this historical this nightmare and show sympathy towards the survivors you know.


The Holocaust News

The Holocaust News Article
Presented by Author, Biobele Davies

Daniels whole experiences

Young 18-year old, Daniel is a survivor of the killing of Jews also known as the Holocaust. When the age of 11, Daniels fathers store was vandalized and thrashed and later, his fathers store was forced over to an Aryan storekeeper. And recalling his photos, Daniel shows his experiences as he was traveling to Lodz, Auschwitz, and Birkenau. Like at the age of 14, Daniel was deported to Lodz, Poland where he had to witness most of his cousins, aunt, and grandparents either be deported or die on the spot. But though his pain and terrible experience one good did come from all of this. In Lodz, Daniel met the love of his life, Rosa and soon they went on to be dating. And to this day, Rosa and Daniel are planning their official engagement so they can be married. They are currently trying to continue their family and recover the lifes lost in their family tree. Daniel continued on be an author and published his experiences in the book Daniels Story. You might wonder why and when Daniel experienced these tragedies involved during the Holocaust. Not even including how he lost his mother, sister, and his Uncle Peter during or before the tragedies. Well this happened to Daniel in a 5-year period from 1941 to 1945 and experienced this because his race and because the hatred of his race. You might also wonder how the Holocaust even happened. But it happened after the Nazis became the political leaders and Hilter virtually became a dictator and spread his beloved hatred on Jews. Where did this happen, you ask? This happened in many European countries including Poland and Germany. And who is Daniel and the Holocaust? Daniel is the author of the first-person book, Daniels Story. And the Holocaust isnt a person but the systematic killing of 11 million people, 6 million of them being Jews.

Want an inside the concentration camps? Want an inside ofof the concentration camp? Read this Want an Get Daniels Story from your local book store. Read For less this than $6.00 you get this historical Read this inside of the concentration camp?
nightmare and show sympathy towards the survivors you know.

The Holocaust News


The Holocaust News Editorial

Presented by Author, Biobele Davies

The Night of Broken Glass

The Kristallnacht, night of broken glass was a real event. It even happened to my dear friend Daniel and in his community. According to his book, the Kristallnacht took place on november 9, 1938. During that night, all you could hear was the breaking of glass. Whether the glass from Jewish schools, homes, stores, or synagogues, you could hear glass breaking. Also according to Daniels father, this first started because what happened of Paris. After a Polish Jew shot a German offical out of venegence, the SS men sent troops into German cities to teach Jews a lesson. Daniel himself took a picture the next day, November 10, 1938 of his fathers store being looted by his fathers good customers.

In societys viewpoint, the whole Kristallnacht was a waste of effort and was pointless. For a dictator to establish fear and pain onto a certain group isnt right at all. This just seemed likE a way to put fear in peoples heart and show how they werent wanted. But the Jews couldnt leave because of the quotas set in the countries they wanted to travel to. This was also unfair to the Jews in Germany because the shooting happened in Paris, France. And why exactly is a German offical in Paris anyway. Why should people in an another country be punished for a crime that happened elsewhere? And if the Nazis are Christians, why would they mass murder off of a specific hatred ? Does domain, power, and fear really make a great country?

Get Daniels Read thisStory from your local book store. For less than $6.00 you get this historical nightmare and show sympathy towards the survivors you know.

Want an inside of the concentration camps?


The Holocaust News

The Holocaust Feature Article
Presented by Author, Biobele Davies

Germany and Poland: Two countries, with two types of people

The people of Germany and Poland are two types of people. The two types of people are perfect Aryans or a impure Jews. The perfect Aryans are people who are the people of Poland and Germany who actually belong there. They are also the top of the ranks when compared to others. These people are like the Nazis, theyd bully the Jews, making them think less of themselves, as if they were trash. A good example of this is Daniels 5th grade teacher, Mr.Schneider. He was a so called perfect Aryan who bullied Daniel before the Holocaust by calling him things like inferior and making mean remarks, leading to Daniels departure from that school. Another example of this was when Dainel and his friends beat up the Aryan kids after those Aryan kids challenged Daniel and his friends. And another example was when Daniel was wearing the Aryan clothing and witnessed Jews getting beat up because they were Jews. And there are Jews like Daniel who where the victims of the Holocaust. They were killed, thrased, abused, and treated unfairly. Few survived the thrasing like my good friend Daniel but many were killed just like they were intended to. These people who did nothing much but are punished for almost everything. And even after the Holocaust ended, my friend Daniel was beaten up by some Polish people because they were Jews.

The Holocaust News



The Holocaust Book Advertisement

Presented by Biobele Davies
Wan A 4.5 OUT 5.0 -The Time News iThis really brought out my awareness of the Holocaust. -Carmelo Anthony A historical and precious book with action and adventure. -The Yankees iThis really interested me and my team about the Holocaust. -Eli Manning A really great plot and description of the Holocaust -Michelle Obama

Just amazing and 5 out of 5 -Nickelodeon

Want an inside of the concentration camps? Get Daniels Story from your local book store. For less than $6.00 you get this historical Read this
nightmare and show sympathy towards the survivors you know.


The Holocaust News

The Holocaust Book Review

Presented by Biobele Davies

The book, Daniels Story based on historical account would be a very great book. The book itself has some of the events that were before the Holocaust even started, like the Night of the Broken Glass. And because this is a first-hand account, the history is valid and is sourced. This book would be a 4 out of 5 if it was rated on historical context because it doesnt contain all of the history before or during the Holocaust. Though few, there are down sides of the book, Daniels Story. Daniel for example is a little violent in the eyes of a kid. He isnt the best example because of his temper and fuse. Though he stands up for himself and risks his own life, Daniels actions are a little unruly. Also the fact that the book can be rather descriptive can be a up and down side. But as it said many times, dont jugde and book by its cover. Go ahead and actually read the book and see. Dont let my jugdements stop you from actually reading book. For the book is actually interesting and amazing, so suprise yourselve and go and get your own book. Take my word for it and tell the people you know me. There will be a 0% discount added if you do.

Want an inside of the concentration camps? Read this Get Daniels Story from your local book store. For less than $6.00 you get this historical
nightmare and show sympathy towards the survivors you know.

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